Spiritual Blessings from the Heavenly Realms (Eph. 1:3-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Spiritual Blessings from the Heavenly Realms (Eph. 1:3-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

It hasn’t been long since Jacob started attending our church and I know how he was ever since the beginning. He probably heard the gospel message the least but I can tell he has received this grace.  No matter how much someone articulates this, it doesn’t quite come out, but when Jacob says it, it is good.

Deaconess Shin made this new bulletin for us, and when you go to school or ride in your car, read it.  Even though you might not see the answers right now, you will be able to see the answers 10-20 years from now.  So it’s not about right now, but how will these children change 10-20 years from now?  They may be like this, but how will they be in 10-20 years?  It will be so great, because the Word that has gone into them will be revealed. 

Whenever you have time at school, read over the bulletin, there is the English, Spanish, and Korean version, and you will see your spiritual state change because this message has important blessings within it.  It’s not work; you’re just confirming the blessings you’ve already been given.

Ephesians 1:3-14

In Eph. 1:3, it says to praise be to God who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  People of the world want physical blessings, but you cannot be complete with physical blessings. You need spiritual blessings to be complete. The seven remnants enjoyed the spiritual blessings within Christ very well. 

Ephesians 1:4

He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.  God promised to send Jesus Christ before creation.  God promised to save us before creation.  We think, “How could God predestine this for us even before we were born?” God has no past or future; He exists in the present and that’s eternal.  Because we don’t live an eternal life, we have a past, present, and future to understand it.  But even before creation, God promised to send Jesus Christ to save us.

Why is that? In order to give us the spiritual blessing, what is that? It is being with God.  But because we understand this incorrectly, we cannot accept this word.  The One Who created the entire universe is with me? Then it is finished.  When you understand this is a blessing, that’s when you change.  You no longer live for the physical things.  With the spiritual blessings, you can overcome and rule over the world.  The physical blessings follow.  When you’re within the blessing of world evangelization and spiritual blessings, the physical blessings will follow.   

People are not with God so they use their efforts to gain blessings, but eventually they will face limitations and fall.  Why is that? We humans were created as spiritual beings, to be with God.  That is why the studies you’re doing right now will be used to save the world.  That’s why you must think, “How can I use my skills to reach all nations and the entire world.”  It is because God has given us spiritual blessings already, and our physical blessings and skills will follow. 

Although you may not understand right now, one day, there will be a time when this Word is fulfilled in your life because God will continue to give you the grace of His Word.  The blessing of being with God will be restored, and I hope you will confirm this with your life, especially when you’re facing a problem. When there’s a problem, how is God with you, within this problem?  What does it mean for God to be in the problem?  How will God guide me through the problem?

God will guide you through it, but people lose hold of this blessing, so even though they are not unbelievers, they live like unbelievers.  That’s when they look for idols. Other people become idols, my skill becomes an idol, then as time goes on, people have no choice but to face mental suffering. This happens when you have lost hold of your spiritual blessings.

We have received these blessings in Christ and we must utilize them well.  We have the blessing of answered prayers, and when we pray, God will answer.   When you pray for God’s will to be done, it will be so. No need to be stubborn with your will; God’s will shall be fulfilled.  I let people be stubborn because in the background, I pray, “May God’s will be done.”  You need to enjoy the spiritual blessings you already have, but we enjoy the curses of the unbeliever.

Angels help us.  Transcending time and space, angels are sent to help us.  That’s everything, Psalm 103:20, the angels who do God’s Word.  I am enjoying this blessing.  I started to believe that whenever I pray, God sends His angels to work upon that field.  In the Word, it says God will fulfill the Word in its time, and God uses angels to fulfill it.  I didn’t think much of this at first, but when I face the field, I was able to believe the Word God had given to me. 

You receive the Word in the beginning of the week, and God will surely fulfill that Word, how?  God sends His angels ahead of you to the Throne of Heaven to do His works upon that field and region, so there’s nothing we need to do. When you receive the Word correctly, God’s Word is fulfilled.  But we don’t believe it, “How can I fulfill that Word?” God will send His angels ahead of you to fulfill the Word. 

That’s why starting from El Salvador, God sends His angels to fulfill the Word in advance.  Even in the Karen camp, we pray for angels to work upon the field because God promised to give these spiritual blessings.  But we lose hold of the spiritual blessings and have no choice but to live in this other state, and Jacob said, this is the flesh.  No matter how much you try to do something with the flesh, you cannot. If you really want to heal physical things, you must restore physical things first.  You cannot solve the earthly things with other earthly things; you can only solve it with heavenly things. No matter how much you study, you’re within this state.  No matter how diligently you work, you cannot come out of this state.  But when you enjoy this spiritual state, you can conquer your studies.  These blessings are prepared for you.

We have the authority to overcome evil spirits, when we pray, Satan is bound.  In Psalm 103:20-21, the heavenly hosts who do His will.  At first we just receive it as a theory, but when we face the field, these words come to life. The Word without the field cannot be fulfilled.  You may do this upon yourself in the beginning but you must pray for the region, holding onto this.  El Salvador has many gangs and it’s the worst in South and Central America.  Since 2019, the president declared war against the gangs, so the police have been killing gang members.  Many young children are dying, because they are affiliated with gangs and know all the gang’s secrets, so they’re killed.  On the news, the police were ruthless against the gangs, the gangs decided to fight civilians as well.

Elisha was at Dothan, surrounded by his enemies, and God told Elisha at that time, “Those who are for us are more than those who are against us,” because God’s will was to raise the disciples in Dothan to spread the Word. The words come to life.  If you don’t have a field, these words are just theory, but when you encounter the field, these words come to life and you can believe.  God said He will bind the evil spirits in your field.

We may recite this in theory but there will be a time when this theory is fulfilled in our lives. It doesn’t matter, when we encounter things in the field, these words come to life.  We may say it is 1, 2, 3, but God gave us this blessing for world evangelization, and everything comes upon us from the Throne of Heaven.  We don’t need to rely on people; people cannot solve the problem of El Salvador.  No one can solve the problems; we enjoy world evangelization with the authority and identity as children of God.

Once you’re invested in evangelism, everything comes to life.  At first, memorize it, and that’s okay, but once you face this field, you will see the spiritual blessings come to life.  If you don’t know this, you’ll work according to your strength, to calculate with your brain to move up.  If you don’t have answers to prayers, you must make the connections possible.  But the 3 Organizations move the world through transcendental meditation and a transcendent power. They overtake the world with evil spirits but cannot come out of this; they take control of the entire world through transcendental meditation and power. 

When you’re within the blessing of Christ, God said He will reveal this to you according to the time schedule. You may not believe this at first because if you did, then great works would have arisen, and even if you believe, there’s no field to apply it to.  As time passes on, when you believe, works arise. 


We need to do world evangelization within your field.  Your skill must influence the world for you to do world evangelization.  Those who enjoy this blessing will be blessed with skills.  It doesn’t matter if you go to a great school or have a great skill; it’s useless.  Michael Jackson did this with his skills, but ultimately he used spiritual power.  He needed to influence the world with his music, it’s the same.  With spiritual blessing, Joseph went to meet with political leaders.  God guided. 

David resolved from the beginning.  When you wake up, pray with the Holy Spirit and from when you’re God works according to His power God gave this to him.  Enjoy these blessings every day, and one day, you will be in a state where you do world evangelization.  It’s not your power.  Enjoy these blessings every day.

Can you compare this power? You will ultimately receive these blessings continuously, may you be proud of this and boast of it. No need to force yourself, if you don’t believe, then you don’t.  If you do, you have blessings. Father God, we thank You. Bless the remnants. May You filling of the Holy Spirit so we’re used to do your work in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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