Seven Journeys: 10 Mysteries, 9 Streams

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Seven Journeys: 10 Mysteries, 9 Streams

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Seven Journeys

Triune God – Throne < Status, Authority, Transcends Time and Space, 237

If you don’t align yourself with this, you can be great, but you can’t be a great evangelist.  Because the three organizations are rapidly spreading all the spiritual darkness and problems, transcending time and space, beating everything up, so if you want to save them, you have to go into this.

Jesus Christ < Sin, Satan, Hell X

You are only able to enjoy the status and authority that comes through the throne through Jesus Christ, because only through Jesus Christ are you liberated from Sin, Satan, and hell, and your background is changed into the kingdom of Heaven.  In the past in my sin, Satan and hell were my background, but now my background is entirely changed and the throne of heaven is my background. You have to think of this very well.  There is nothing that happens unless the throne of heaven permits it. 

Your will won’t be fulfilled just because you win someone’s favor. Remnants think like this and are always enslaved by people; you have to enjoy the status given to you by the background of the throne of heaven and you have to finish everything here. I’m weak, but the throne is strong. My parents are weak but the throne is strong, enjoy this status as your own.  If you don’t enjoy this, you have to play around, wondering who’s better, this or that person. This is the first blessing you have to enjoy.

God the Father, God the Son

God the Father sits on the throne and God the Son sits at the right hand, and everything is controlled by the throne.  Countless angels are praising the throne, as it says in Revelation. Where are they? We don’t know, it’s invisible, but God opened John’s eyes so he was able to see and write this.

Holy Spirit – Me

This Triune God is with me through the Holy Spirit, and this is how I enter into God’s reign, how? I’m reigned by God’s Word.  Therefore, if I don’t have the Word of God, you’re not being reigned by God, but you’re living on your own. 

Word – 237

When you hold onto the Word of God, God sends His heavenly angels ahead of you, transcending time and space. Losing hold of this, no matter how diligently you work, you will fall behind unbelievers.  All I did was hold onto the Word and follow in prayer, but God sends His heavenly armies of angels in advance.


I enjoy the Word through prayer, then without a doubt, the answers will come through prayer, and it’s in the direction of saving the 237 nations because that’s what the Word says, go to all nations.  The Word says to go to all nations, but instead of going out, you’re thinking “me,” so it won’t be fulfilled.  You have this background, but what more do you want? It’s not just about your kids, but you’re focused on your kids, but God has given us this blessing of saving the 237 nations, and God has given us His Word for this, keeping the angels busy.

There are some angels who are protesting because of lack of work, “Give us work!” They keep protesting to God. The humans make their own plans so angels don’t have work; they use humanism to do everything on their own. That’s a nonbeliever, a religious person. This is very important. This is my background, status, and authority.

Holy Spirit

At that time, the working of the Holy Spirit and the work of saving the 237 nations takes place through me, through God’s authority.  My mental strength is my own strength, but the power and authority is something God gives from heaven.  There’s something everyone has given whether they’re a believer or nonbeliever, but that’s not enough.  In order to save the 237 nations, without a doubt, you must be filled with power and authority from above. That’s what prayer is; when you concentrate on God, you will be filled with this power, and now we live in the Word, prayer, and evangelism for missions.

Healing, Summit, 237

There was a multiethnic young adult who came to our church some time ago, and this person was trying to save their country, but they came to the church and saw us fighting over pizza.  The young adult came to his church with his eyes open, but saw the members of the church fighting over pizza, and he thought, “This is not it.” Because he saw how similar his church was to this, he thought, “This is not the place.” So what about the pizza? Don’t eat it, then. Go eat something else.  That conflict didn’t happen out of nowhere, but people thought, “If I eat this pizza, I don’t have to worry about my own food,” so they’re fighting as slaves. 

This young adult had to come to the church himself and thought the church had no answer, but I’m sure it was because he wasn’t prepared. But if you’re able to see that this is the state of their church as well, you can imagine how deeply he was rooted in religion and legalism. He had no strength to overcome the conflict he saw, then imagine how many conflicts he’ll have in the world as well.  I understand he went to church for a long time in his country, but he only knew the law and it was so deeply rooted within him. So he saw this wasn’t right, but they don’t have the gospel.  So even though he was sent here, he was caught up in that. I continuously pray for this young adult; we don’t know what’s going to happen.

But we keep giving them a stumbling block, “So just don’t eat in the church, what are you fighting about? Why do you come to church for some benefit? Some people are fasting, why come to church to fight over pizza? You look like stray dogs, fighting over pizza.” Church officers should be protectors and coworkers, but they don’t have that concept, so they fight. I don’t think it’s bad because that’s just how they’ve lived, and if they’ve gone to church for a long time, that’s how they’ve gone to church and lived their immigrant life in America for such a long time, but the question is, how can you change that?

How can you have the eyes of the gospel?  The young adult had the eyes of religion, so everyone needs to change. I can understand the perspectives of the church officers and the young adults, but when they go into the world, they will suffer because everything is according to their point of view.  They should be able to overcome everything with the gospel, but because they have legalism, they are overcome with everything.

Healing.  The more you go to church like this, the more severe your case is.  If someone is legalistic, they might not have the words to fight, but they are ready to fight to strike people down. They always endure, but on the inside, they’re judging, and that’s not the gospel.  You’re just misunderstanding that to be the gospel.  You cannot save anyone with legalism.  You cannot save anyone by saying, “You’ve done something against the law.”  They have to go into the gospel, into the conquering and ruling grace of God.

Healing. That’s how you become the summit, someone who has gone into the covenant of God.  If you haven’t gone into world evangelization, you cannot be the summit.  If you’re holding onto “my things,” you cannot be the summit. Your posture is already the posture of a slave because you think, “I have to do something for myself,” that’s a slave.  Summit, that’s how 237.  That’s how you enjoy the status and authority that come from the Throne of Heaven.

10 Mysteries

1. Independence

You’re okay even if you’re alone, I’m a witness of that, it’s okay even if nobody helps me because God is my background and it doesn’t matter who says what. It’s not my pride, but God is my background.  Joseph was a slave, but he had the background of the Throne of Heaven. 

2. Spiritual Facts

If you see this, you won’t judge anyone, but you have no choice but to pray for them because this isn’t something you can solve; this is a result of how they’ve lived their lives, and when they go home, they fight.  A husband and wife will fight over money problems, but this doesn’t come from nowhere, but it’s been like this for a long time.  You have to properly see the spiritual facts.  If you’re not able to see this, you have to kill everybody else.  That person will live by themselves.  Even when they live by themselves, they’ll be stressed out, “Why is the sun so strong?” that means the person will explode and kill themselves.  It’s the spiritual facts. 

3. Opposite Side

The answers and working of God are on the opposite side.  I did this for all my life, but the answers came from the opposite place.  I was doing this, but God gives the answers in the place where I wasn’t doing anything.  During first service, there was a young adult from Torrance who came with her aunt, and I think she’s receiving a lot of grace lately. I never told her to come to church, I just gave her the word, relayed through Tiffany. I wondered if this would work out, but elites have continuation.  If you don’t have continuation, you’re not an elite because if you want to study properly, you’ll have continuation.

Starting and stopping, you have no continuation so you’re useless.  I thought she gave up, but she continued and I was moved by that.  Most kids will give up on that, “Pastor, I can’t do this.”  But every time I ask her, she is thankful and keep receiving grace through Tiffany. That’s shocking, I look at her as a person, but when she says she has continuation, I’m amazed by that.  I don’t come up here because I have skill, but God gives His grace because the message must go to the church members.  Answers come from this opposite place. I think it’s fascinating that nonbelievers and new believers receive grace. I can tell where I’m sitting, because God has given me the grace to serve, whether you have grace or not, but I can tell when they’re receiving grace.

4. Synergy

You have to save others, too. This is hard for Koreans.  They say, “me, me, me,” and then they die, but we have go to together, and that’s synergy.  These are the answers that come into my life naturally as I enjoy the blessings of the Throne of Heaven.  If you live your professional life for a long time but you can’t do this, it means you haven’t enjoyed your status and authority. Because you enjoy yourself, your relationships break because you have to survive. My words have to overcome this person, so you’re not living together but you’re breaking people apart.

The longer you work in the professional field, this is a characteristic of success.  As evidence, people come to life. As you enjoy the Throne of Heaven, people can feel it.  The happiness virus will be relayed, but if you’re angry, even if you don’t say anything people will be mad.  You can tell if your boss is in a bad mood because spiritual things are relayed. Think, if there was an invisible gas leak, just because you don’t see it, is there a reaction? Breathing becomes difficult. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Let this be relayed to save others, synergy, that Potiphar’s household, my family, and my company may be saved.  Why? This is what happens when I enjoy the blessing of the Throne of Heaven.

5. Crisis – Opportunity

You will face crises, but it’s an opportunity for you. If there’s no crisis, nothing bad is happening, that’s an everyday event, but the crisis is your opportunity.

6. No Competition

When you go into your company, you have to compete with other groups to be promoted, so everybody is wasting their lives uselessly.  If you’re enjoying the Throne of Heaven and you’re aligned with God’s direction, you’ll have answers you don’t have to fight for. David never competed; was he ever competing?  Was Daniel or Joseph competing for their government positions? 

Do you think I had to compete to become a pastor? I was actually pushed into it, even though I didn’t want to.  I came here to study even though they didn’t want me to study.  “I want to study here,” “No, go back and do your pastoral ministry,” but I was sent here with no competition to become a pastor, and I did my ministry and there’s no competition. Why not? I follow my God-given mission, so I don’t have to compete.

For David, what about Absalom and King Saul?  When King Saul was king, David was chased around, but that’s not competition.  What is it, then?  David was never competing with King Saul to become the king.  Absalom staged a coup d’état and didn’t flee. It’s not a competition.  You must know what God has given you so you won’t compete, but without this, even social life will be difficult. I’ve lived like this, in fierce competition. You’ll go crazy there, and you can’t escape from that.  If you don’t win, you die, so you go crazy. 

If you do menial labor, there’s less competition because you’re just making money, but when the economy gets difficult, there’s competition. But if God gives me something only I can do, there’s no competition. “You will be king in the future,” so you don’t have to do anything, just be still.  But if you don’t have that mission from God, you go to the places where everyone is fighting.

7. Re-Creation

Only, uniqueness, re-creation. Lois is in a very competitive field, there are many good schools, then how would you win? If you don’t have something very certain that God has given you, then you’re oppressed, others are better than you, so you have false joy. It doesn’t matter at all, God has given you everything, and that’s how I go into the only, uniqueness, and recreation that God has given me.

8. Summit

You have to start from the bottom, even in your studies, and you shouldn’t stay there but aim for the highest place. Before you aim for that highest place, you have to be the spiritual summit.

9. Wilderness

Then you go into the undeveloped places and challenge towards it. That’s a person who enjoys the background of the kingdom of heaven.

10. Absolute Plan

There, you always ask, “God, what is your plan?” These are the ten mysteries.

10 Platforms

5 Assurances

9 Streams

1. Depth, Height, Width

I want to look at the 9 streams again.  When we receive information or data, we must start from the bottom, meaning we have to go deep and then go high and wide. That must become your habit, that’s what you must do to change the flow.  If you just heard one rumor about someone, people will look down on you.  This must also be true for your studies.

What you study at school isn’t just your studies, you have to study people. If you don’t study, how will you know them? You start from the bottom to the highest point.  You have to widen your knowledge with everything.  If you’re doing a job, you have to research what everyone else doing your job is doing.  You take this knowledge to the highest point, and that’s how you use this knowledge to change the stream.

If you give out incorrect information, you’ll be caught up in it instead of changing it.  Whether you’re studying or looking for a profession, it’s the same: do it with “with.”  It’s not just about the school, but it’s about how you’re studying. 

2. Above, Beside, Below.

Last week, we talked about people above, below, and beside me.  But this week, above me is God, beside me are people, and money is below me.  You must have this to change the stream through which God works, so you can change other streams. If you put people below you at your company, you’ll be twisted up. People are next to you. For people above you, there are people you respect, but there are still people like you, it’s not about getting to an extra level.

God is above you, the Throne of Heaven, the Word of God is above you.  It is from this that everything I do, the studies and work I do, are below me at my feet.  This must take place for you to change the stream of the field. What is the stream of your field? People are like God, so even with a little success, they trample over others like dogs. They don’t think of money below them, but money is above them as their god.

How can you change this? You can’t change it with your words but the flow must change. Respect people as they are precious, but you look down on them as if they’re no help to you, and that’s not right. That’s the flow of the world, not of believers, but what happens when that stream comes into the church?  Always remember this. 

3. People, Incidents, Past, Present, Future

Whenever you look at a person or incident, see the past, present, and future together. If you have seen this person, what is their past like?  When you go into your company, they ask for a resume, do you know why?  Because they want to see the person’s past to judge their present.  Then they can predict how this person will be used by the company in the future. The head of the minority party in Korea is about 30 years old, and he’s a Harvard graduate, but how did he write his essay to get in? 

He was going to a Seoul science school and attended an exposition where Samsung was giving out computers.  So, they used the Samsung computers and he said, “You’ll use these computers once and throw them away, but please give them to my school because my school has worn out their computers,” so Samsung donated those computers.  He wrote this in his essay.

What was the second essay he wrote?  There was a top school, the equivalent of MIT in Korea, but the person saw, even if they study science, they can become politicians, and he wrote an essay like that.  Harvard accepts those whom Harvard desires.  As Harvard is choosing foreign exchange students, they look for those who will use what they learned from Harvard to change their country.  He didn’t have the best grades, but the essay demonstrated he could truly grow.

A student from Afghanistan was really bad at studying, and people wonder why Harvard admitted this person.  Even from my perspective, he was terrible at studying, but starting in his second year, his studies were soaring. Harvard has the eyes to pick out such people. What would happen to him when he goes back to Afghanistan?  People are shocked, “His grades are terrible but he’s doing well now?” Harvard doesn’t just make this decision from out of nowhere, but they predict their future based on the essay.

When you look at someone, you must see their past and spiritual background. Seeing this, you can understand their spiritual past. Does the person have a family background of idolatry? Does this person have a background of Confucian ideology? Do they believe in Christ now?  You must see the background.  The background of darkness isn’t simple, but now they believe in Christ so you can see their future, how to give the message of Christ.

Let’s say this person has a shaman background, so even if they’re a Christian now, you can give a message appropriate for them.  But if not, you see the present reality isn’t working out, so it’s the same when you look at people.  The young adult from another country hasn’t gone into a church with the gospel means they are entrenched in legalism and religion, but they listened to the gospel and came, then you shouldn’t look at them lightly.  You have to be liberated from the longstanding legalism in which they are entrenched.

Then what will happen in the future?  You will see liberation.  See the background for nonbelievers.  Even when you get married, you both research the relatives to see their background, and the reason your parents keep emphasizing the person’s family line is because they can see, for a long time, this is what will happen to this person’s future. 

So, even when you date, looking at a person in the present, it’s incorrect. You must also see their past, meaning you also see their parents. Then there’s no need to go to a fortune teller. If you see their past, you can see their future.  If you look at what’s going on with their family, then even if they’re not smiling from the outside, you have to liberate them, then that person will save others like them.

It’s the same when you see an incident, see the past, present, and future all the time.  This incident did not arise from out of nowhere. There was something that was rightfully imprinted in this place, so it was rightful for this to happen. The plan is to change things with God’s plan, so you must know God’s plan. The reason I keep mentioning Lois is because I see her past and family background, I see her present reality, so I tell her what will happen in her future. This is the same for every person, you must be able to see this. If you see this, you will know what will happen, when.

Some people are given the Word in the present and don’t follow because they’re stuck in the past, so what will happen in the future? You let them be, but when things take place, you give them God’s Word.  The more they force themselves, the more it won’t work, because their past consumes their present.  It doesn’t matter how much someone shakes their head, “That’s not true,” but you can’t change their life that way.

In a larger sense, the past is your parents, the present is you, and the future are your kids.  These are the nine flows, the principles through which God works. This must become a natural habit, otherwise you cannot interpret people. You have to see a person’s disease to give them the right medication. How? You see the person’s past and present, so you know the word the person needs and you can see what happens to their future.  They will come out of their past so I can wait for them.

When I look at my kid and family, I wonder, “How could you be so much like me? You’ll suffer in the future,” but my wife doesn’t recognize it because she’s not like my wife, so I said, “Fanny is reacting exactly the same way I used to react,” but my wife didn’t know, because my DNA was relayed to her.  I was like that in the past so I see it so clearly, otherwise, I would completely destroy her but she didn’t know why it’s like that. 

“I know exactly why you’re acting this way, so I can tell you and explain.”  What happens if I didn’t know this?  If she has a kid, she’ll have the exact same kind of kid. It’s just an angry family.  You don’t even say anything and they’re just like that.  In the past, I would just wake up angry even without anyone saying anything. That’s a disease passed down from the family line. My wife wasn’t like that. 

You have to see the spiritual problems of both parents to see the problems in your kids, that’s why you need both parents. Even if both parents aren’t living together, you have to explain the spiritual problems of the father to the kid.  I said, “This is a red light, it’s so difficult, this is a crisis and red flag.” My wife didn’t know, so I said, “Do you know how serious this is?  If she goes into a professional environment like this, she’ll be overly sensitive and she’ll go crazy.”

Why do I say this in such detail? Young adults, listen carefully: you have the spiritual state of your parents, so I keep saying, “Keep your time well,” meaning be punctual, but you can’t control this. This isn’t legalism. If you’re not punctual you will be fired. This is the spiritual flow. Laziness, powerlessness, lack of motivation are part of your family line, so I keep telling you to challenge towards this because you must escape from this.

Stop being legalistic. Your entire family is legalistic, because living your walk of faith is legalism without the gospel.  She went as far as being a district attorney, so she has a sword and she’s cutting off everybody, but she has to endure this. Later on, she’s rotting from within, and she’s just someone who will collapse by herself. She’s someone who says things outwardly.  They have a little bit of a different personality but it’s all the same.

I keep telling them, you have to have the ability to obey God and obey your parents, but their DNA is disobedient.  I’ve seen them for three generations, I see this family background and see them, they’re a family that only exerts their own thoughts, so I keep telling them.  I’m not saying this for no reason, but that’s why it’s such a blessing that they’re in the church because I know exactly what to say to them, so I continuously give them messages.

Now she’s obedient in front of me, but when she turns around, she says something else.  At some point, I stopped answering their questions.  Listen to the Word of God, receive an answer from God directly because if you try to understand with your knowledge, it’s good to begin with, but you keep trying to get knowledge from the pastor.  Crush that Satan, but it comes out very brash, “So what?” They’re taken aback by it, because in American culture, you have to have a dialogue.

But the kids keep saying they have answers from the Word, so I say, “So what?” Other remnants will say to our remnants, “I’m really jealous of your pastor because he talks to the remnants so much,” because other pastors don’t talk to the remnants, so I’m someone who talks to the kids a lot, someone who jokes around, but not to you guys, because if I keep answering your questions, you’ll go down the wrong path. Find the answer from the Word of God through prayer. That’s the answer.  It’s a very good method.

The more elite someone is, the more they try to understand with their brain. Are you trying to fit God into your brain, to understand with your head? That’s why it’s wrong, you have to understand the spiritual world with faith. Are you able to understand the angels in heaven praise God on His Throne and mobilizes angels?  You personally experience the Word of God and prayer.

Prayer cannot be taught, and I was going to explain it, but there’s not enough time. I have a pride that our young adults are the best, even at their low points, so other pastors are jealous of me.  They keep saying, “I have to raise up disciples but they just go back and forth from church.” The fact that they are sitting here and listening, they devote to the church, and that’s a disciple.  Young adults follow this environment.


God we thank You.  We desire to experience and be within the stream of the fulfillment of the seven journeys and ten mysteries.  In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


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