Seek the Things Above to Correctly Understand God as an Evangelist (Colossians 3:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Seek the Things Above to Correctly Understand God as an Evangelist (Colossians 3:1-6)

It is very important where I am. Before it is about what I do, it is about where I am. There are some people who are constantly seeking for other people’s help. It’s because that is where that person is, there are other people who are constantly helping others, it is because they are in a place where they are helping others. In other word, where are your thoughts and your heart, are you a slave or a conqueror. That is my current address, and that will determine the rest of my life. 

For example in today’s verse it says, “You have been raised with Christ.” In the past it means that we are dead, “Our physical bodies are alive, why are we dead?” Even though you are alive, you are in the midst of death which is sin, why is that? It’s because you’re living in a state separated from God, seized my sin, and Satan. I thought I was successful but I didn’t know I was in this state. So without even realizing, I was dragged around. Colossians 3:5, we were dragged by physical greed, and in Colossians 3:6 we faced the wrath of God. We followed  our own greed, that means we were in a place where we had no choice but to follow our greed. If we are placed in a place where we do world evangelism, we are not dragged around by our own greed. 

If you’re doing world evangelization, it means you’re a person who has transcended this.  If you’re fighting for your greed, it means you’re already a slave.  I’m talking about me being in a place where I’ve far transcended that, why? Because I’ve been raised to life with Christ, and now my life is being determined with Christ. That is the seat where we must remain.  However, if we take this out, then we have no choice but to revert back to a seat where we are centered on ourselves, living for our greed.

This is the fact, but there is also a spiritual fact unseen to our eyes. Who am I? I am the one who has been brought to life through Christ. It means that my life is being determined in a way that’s being led by Christ, and a person like this must seek things above. Do not set your heart on worldly things but seek the things above

If you want to seek the things above, you must first know who you are.  The new “you” is in Colossians 3:3, where your life is within God, therefore, our new life is with Christ.  Therefore I’m no longer myself, my life is with Christ, within Christ.  That is the very first thing you must confirm about your identity.  Every time you face a problem, you must confirm this first. You must remain within this.  You must be in the position where you’re always confirming that your life is with Christ, in Christ, then nothing is a problem; I am in Christ, within Christ.  If I were outside of Christ, this would be a problem because the problem turns into a curse for me. However, if you’re within Christ, then even problems turn into blessings because there’s no problem within Christ.  God uses things that look like problems to guide you into blessings.  This is the seat I must occupy to go into this.

Seek the things above, that is, the Throne of God, because God is working upon us, seated on the Throne of Heaven. Now, we must look for God’s Word. Stop trying to listen to the words of people but look for the Words of God; stop trying to speak your own words but listen to the Words of God. It doesn’t matter how much you talk, it’s all useless and it doesn’t matter how well or eloquently you speak; it’s all useless because such people don’t look for the Word of God. Seek the things above, meaning, seek the Word of God.

The Israelites that were wandering in the wilderness did not seek the things above, and the reason was because they didn’t know who they were.  They thought they were the same people who lived in Egypt. They appeared to be the same people, but they occupied a different seat.  Now, we are the ones who must live our lives following the word of God’s life.  Even now, God is working with His Word, then if you don’t have the Word of God, what will happen? You’re not looking for God.  In every single incident and situation, God gives you His Word.  Before you sit on this seat, what Word must you relay? God is alive working with his word so He is giving you His Word.

If you don’t ask God and instead you research on your own, anyone can study but that’s not what is needed right now; there is a Word God wants to give you right now, because He is alive right now, and the one who has that Word firmly will come to life, and the one who follows after the stream of the Word will undoubtedly save the multiethnic people and the future generations, because it’s not something I do, but it’s something God does through me. The one who follows the word of God, will without a doubt gain the blessing of Temple Construction, but if you’re not within the Word of God and you’re a poor person, “Oh I’m a poor person.” Does it mean you’re going to do this if you have a lot of money? All of the money you sue will be stolen away from state as you chase your greed.

Do you understand this?  I would like it if there were a member of the church to understand this, that you really get everything stolen away.  But I don’t think you understand, you will have everything stolen away, I’m saving it up thinking it’s mine, but later on, it will all be stolen away. If you knew this, you wouldn’t do unnecessary things.  The reason you do unnecessary things is because you’re motivated by your greed. If it is God’s, you must give it to God, if you have a skill you must use it for God.  But instead, you have your greed and do things for yourself.  

If you have health, you use it for God, isn’t that right? But some people throw a temper tantrum when they get a little bit sick saying they’ll die, it might be correct but it’s wrong. Is God dead? When he does this there’s without a doubt there is a reason and you must find the Word of God in that.  Your physical body may be sick, but their spirit is alive and they will go along the line of world evangelization. 

But the characteristic of people who will never work out is they look at their reality and collapse because of it.  It doesn’t matter whether you have skill or money or not; ultimately they cannot escape from themselves, “I am sick,” and they think everything is finished.  However, we are with the Lord in life because of Christ, and it’s through this that God’s plan will be fulfilled, so you shouldn’t surrender to your disease.

I’m not telling you to live your life with mental strength, but I’m saying God is working within this, so hold onto that Why do you instead surrender to material possessions? Why are you so caught up in the words of passersby that you fall over?  Is that how small our lives are, that we just fall over by the words of other people?  We are the ones who hold onto the Word of God and have victory. We are called as incredible individuals, but we fall over because of our greed.

If a dog barks on the side, you just walk by; it’s irrelevant to our lives. In the past, we would fail because we listen to the bar kings so detailed; that’s not following the word of God. Of course, we hear the voice of God through people, but that is why we must look for the Word of God.  You must not look at your present circumstances and fall into that, because that’s what we did to fall into failure but just because you fail doesn’t mean you fail. God will give you endurance through tribulations.  God makes it so that no matter what crisis or problem we’re in, it doesn’t matter.

Seek the things above, seek God’s Word, there’s no doubt about it.  Then it doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re going through because God is going to work through His Word.  In that time, in that place, in that position, in that problem, there’s a word of God that accurately comes, and that is the seat of blessing God has created for us; we just have to remain within that seat.

Seek the strength from above. We must have that strength. If you go into the world, even if you’re a child of God, if you don’t have strength, you’ll fall over. You must receive spiritual strength in other words, receive the filling of the holy spirit because you have your field, we need to seek the things above, asking for the filling of the holy spirit, looking at our field, then we will overcome the field and stand at the seat of a witness.

God is working perfectly, even if you receive welfare from America, if you receive the spiritual strength of God, you will stand as a witness.  What happens if you don’t have the strength? You will be enslaved by America.  You will look at your present reality and not be able to overcome it, and you cannot overcome the work of Satan behind the scenes, so that is why we must seek the filling of the holy spirit. That’s the blessing we have been given. 

It is the same for our remnants, do you have any idea how many people fail even after studying so well because they were not able to receive spiritual strength?  They will not be able to overcome the world. It doesn’t matter how much you’re good at studying and how skillful you are, you cannot overcome the world, that is why you must seek the filling of the holy spirit of God.  Honestly speaking, if you think you can do anything, you’re already a child, and that’s what you say when you’re immature.  You’re only saying that because you don’t know the world.  The devil is completely seizing and controlling the entire world; you’re saying that because you don’t know the world.

“We can do this, we just need to think positive thoughts. Fake it until you make it.” That’s foolish; the devil is waiting for you to do it.  Receive the filling of the holy spirit; God is giving you the perfect answer. Why is God with you as the Triune God?  Because we can only find the proper path if God works upon us with His Word; otherwise we’ll follow our thoughts and learned experiences and we’ll never receive answers that way.

If you have cancer, then u hope you’ll go 24 hours into the word of God. If you!re so greedy to fix that disease, you’ll be seized by Satan within that.  God’s Word must revive me because first and foremost, I must be revived to do anything with the cancer.  If there are any of you who are surrounded by cancer patients or people with cancer, make them concentrate on the Word for 24 hours, but there aren’t many people who understand this. Do you know why? Because they think “we have to fix this quickly!” Who’s going to fix diseases, not even doctors can do that, and they die, and that’s why everyone’s in despair.

What is God’s plan? It is to save this person. Do not let them be seized by Satan, but save them. The spirit saves; the flesh counts for nothing. Save them with the Word of God, then would you be next to them 24 hours?  No, you help them so that they only listen to the Word of God for 24 hours, then after that, whatever the doctor does can help.  If your spirit is diseased and you think your life is over, it doesn’t matter how many people try to help; your life is already over, so it is very important who is next to that person.

What about people who have mental problems, if you have mental problems it means you’re seized by something.  The devil seizes people with their scars so that rather cannot escape. If you’re seized by a scar, you look at everything through that scar and all of your point of view is on that scar and that is why the scar continues to get worse.  The older you get, the more people you meet, and everyone becomes a scar.  Did someone say something to you? You’re doing this to yourself; how do you escape from this? You go into the Word of God.

While you’re in worship, the Word of God and the Holy Spirit are working within you, and as you’re imprinted over and over again, you are healed and liberated.  When the Holy Spirit works upon the Word of God, then in that moment, you’re liberated. You can never escape through anything else. Make it so that you can do this constantly.  If possible, for people with mental problems, because it is a problem with their brain, help them breathe very deeply.

If we have very short, shallow breaths, we have no power in our brain because the mental problem comes from our brain. Why is transcendental meditation so famous? It heals people because it strengthens the brain, but what happens if they go to church?  If they don’t teach the right thing, it only gets worse and worse.  This person is trapped in anxiety attacks and always seized by their fear. You can’t control it, so what do you do? You help them beside them, to help them constantly go to the Word of God, and to receive strength in their brain through deep breathing.

I’m not just telling you to listen to this, but teach this to others.  What happens if you listen to this and don’t teach other people?  What do you think God will do? God will lead you to teach others; God will lead you in the opposite path that you’re taking. We have received this blessing. 

There are a lot of mental problems in America, but now, if people aren’t dying, they’re getting older and older. What happens if you get sick on top of that? It becomes a problem. If we died in our 60s like we did in the past, it wouldn’t be a problem, but we’re living until 100 now. So what are they doing until they’re 100 years old? If you just wander around with nothing to do until you’re 100 years old, even that is exhausting, and because your scars aren’t being healed, you can’t even have proper relationships with people.  Then, if you receive a physical disease on top of that, then nothing can help you.

Living a long time is not a problem; it’s about how you live. Who cares if you live for a very long time if you torture all the people around you and torment your children? If your kids have to take care of you, you’re going to make them and their spouses suffer.  Of course, there’s a plan of God within that, but you’re physically tormenting them. 

Seek the things above. Instead of just going to church, seek the things above. Instead of just worshiping, worship seeking the things above.  Don’t just work at your job but may it be a job that seeks things above. You must remain within that seat to save others, but what happens if you’re at the level of the earth? You’ll have a bubbling greed, a thirst for your success. Aren’t you already a loser then?  Those are the things of the world, then Satan’s just waiting for you to do that.  Why are you living like this?  

I hope you will reach a conclusion regarding money today, especially for people who are working right now or in the future, if you don’t reach a resolution regarding money right now, your life will suffer a lot, especially because the messages have been talking about economy of light, if you don’t reach a resolution with money right now, you’re going to be chasing the term economy of light with your greed bubbling up. Already you’re in the incorrect seat.

If you don’t resolve in your judgement regarding money, you cannot receive economic blessings.  You must have a sense that it’s God’s money, God’s possessions, but you cannot understand God’s Word because you think that the money belongs to you and it’s a thing of the earth.  1 Timothy 6:9 gives us the Word of God so accurately, you guys want to have material success, don’t you?  You want to make a lot of money, right?  Why is that a bad thing? It says it’s bad, shall we read it together?

But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and fall into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction. He’s telling you not to live to be rich, then does it mean you shouldn’t make money?  You shouldn’t try to be rich; you should just become rich, that means you should actually be seeking something else, and this just happens on the side.  But if you’re trying to be rich and successful, you’ll fall into a trap and die of destruction.

1 Timothy 6:10 says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, and some people craving money have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.  Success should naturally take place.  What is a motive?  It means you’re using the exact same words but you have an incorrect, different motive.  There are two people, one who tries to become rich, and another who naturally becomes rich because what you seek is different.

If someone tries to be rich, it means they have a motive and source that comes from themselves, so Satan ensnares that person, so even after they’re successful, they collapse.  There are some people who, once they reach success and their success collapses, or there are those who remain successful and their inner self collapses. If you’re destroyed on the inside, what use is your money? If you’re destroyed inside, why do you need property and real estate? 

If you’re facing death because of mental problems and affliction, your money cannot solve that.  If you’re going to die from your spiritual and mental suffering, what good is your real estate property going to do?  Even if the person becomes the President of the United States, that might have some meaning in that, but what good is that for this person’s inner suffering?  Therefore, it tells you to not seek the things of the earth.

What are the things of the earth? Ultimately they come from ourselves, our greed. In the past, you lived for those things, but they have been crucified on the cross.  Why is this “you” who has been crucified on the cross trying to live again with your greed? All the things you see in Colossians 3:5 are fixated on your greed.  God gave us sex, but lust and sexual immorality are our greed.  Impurity, lust, evil desires, and greed are our own greed, why?  We have no choice but to revert to these things because we are not in Christ, within Christ.

The things above, seek the things of the Triune God, in other words, seek the Word of God because the Word of God heals me and becomes my light and the Word of God saves people. The power of the Holy Spirit that comes from above gives me the power to be a witness until the ends of the earth.  The one who has the spiritual summit will have the skill summit follow them.  

There are so many people with skills; the world isn’t collapsing for lack of skill. The only difference is scientific advancement, people are the same.  People who are living in the Amazonian rainforest and the people who are living in the cities, the only difference is scientific advancement; we ourselves are the same.  If anything, in comparison, living here is more suffering. We followed after this situation thinking that the more we have, the better off we’ll be, but it’s not, so relatively, we’re worse off.

Christ is doing the role of taking us out of the three fundamental problems even now. What are the three problems? Sin, the problem of Satan even now, and the state of being separated from God even now, there’s no solution to that other than Christ, and when you look at others, you must see them with these eyes. You must look at the three problems within the person; in other words, their spiritual problems, and that’s why they need Christ. That is the work the Lord is doing. 

When you look at unbelievers, you must see them through these eyes because even now, Christ is doing the work of liberating them from those problems.  As you look at the people in the church, you must see them with these eyes. If you don’t see them with these eyes, you’ll end up fighting.

The only thing the Israelites did was fight because they all boasted of their righteousness, but if these eyes are not open for you, you look at the physical things like their actions and behaviors; never evangelism, because you see them differently. It doesn’t matter how much you try to evangelize; you cannot because you see things differently. You look at everything with your greed for money, “How can I make money from these people?”  It’s impossible for you to understand the words these people speak, because they speak from their scars and you can’t have relationships with them; you can’t give them the gospel because you’re so disgusted by them. You are in a state where you can’t give them the gospel, but this is how the Triune God is working even now.

If you know God, who is God?  God is the Word and He is working with the Word even now. Who is the Holy Spirit?  He is giving us power even now; and that’s how you overcome the field; that’s how you overcome the world you live in. Not only will you overcome but you will stand as a witness with the evidence God gives you.

Acts 1:8 says, but when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power to become witnesses to the ends of the earth, and even now, Christ is doing the work of liberating from the three problems.  Don’t just know the gospel; apply the gospel, apply the gospel to those who are near you. Don’t explain the gospel; apply the gospel.  Do not explain the prophet, priest, and king, but realistically apply these three roles and the three spiritual problems in your field because that is the work God is doing even now.  That is the life where you’re living with Christ, in the life of God. 

When you hold onto the Word of Christ and pray, God sends His heavenly armies of angels ahead of you, but you don’t know this.  I hear some people’s forums saying, “My prayers are so lacking,” prayers are not lacking; I give the message but you don’t understand. It’s so funny, some people say, “I’ll try really hard to be a child of God,” it’s just that the Word hasn’t gone into them yet.  

That’s what the new believers are like, there’s a very big difference from the thoughts that they have and the thoughts that you have, because they came from religion, because religion is trying to accomplish something by begging for it with your effort.  The characteristic of a non-believer is they are trying to earn something with their own diligence, so they say, “I’ll try to become a child of God through my diligence,” they talk about trying. It’s not something you can try to do. 

The moment you believed in Jesus Christ, you became a child of God, so if a new believer is filled with religion instead of the gospel, it’s hard for them to grow.  There’s another person who gave forum, “Prayers are lacking and I have to pray some more.” Your prayers are lacking? I don’t think those words are correct, but they’re incorrect.  “I need to pray more for the salvation of other people’s souls,” that’s great, but “oh because I don’t pray enough God is not answering me” that’s not right. This is how people are misunderstanding God.  

It doesn’t matter how long you’ve gone to church; if you misunderstand God, you have to live with your own strength.  What does that mean? With your skill, you have to hone your skills and kill your opponents and gather more for yourself.  Ultimately, you’re going to be ensnared by enslaved snare and be enslaved by Satan. You must seek the things above.  What is “above?” What is there on this earth? What is above and what is on the earth?  God and the things of God, that’s what we must seek.

What are the things we must not seek?  Anything that is not from God, that is centered on myself, the greed and money of the earth. The things of the earth take place from the things in heaven.  Everything on earth will come to you depending on the plan of God. All the things of your past will be used by the plan of God above.  The blessings of the economy will attach themselves to you according to God’s time schedule, so seek the things above. In order for you to seek the things above, this is the location where you must remain.

If you’re always worried, deep in thought, being deep in thought might sound good but it leads to mental illness.  You must think deeply within the word of God, you must think deeply to discover things. You must go 24 hours into your thoughts, holding onto the Word of God.  Seek the things above. Where are you? Am I in the earthly greed of myself or am I in the things of heaven?  Because we have been seated at the right hand of God in heaven because of Christ, and that’s the life we must now live.

Is this a very elevated thought?  Do these words sound so vague and abstract? The things of heaven? What is the seat you’re in? I pray this will be the seat you are in. Even coming to the seat of worship, we lose hold of this.  So, the most important thing is that you must remain in a seat that is seeking the things of heaven.  God gives us His Word even now; worship is their chance. There isn’t a single person who is victorious in the world without worship, because when we follow the word of God, God works according to His time schedule.  

If you have greed, you’ll be trapped in this snare.  God is wonderful, our God is a wonderful God. As we meditate on and seek that, a person will come to life, and then you will begin to pray for all the people connected to you. You must remain in the seat of saving people.  What happens if you’re always in the seat of trying to get handouts? That’s a slave; we must remain in the seat that saves others. In order to save other people, we must remain in a seat where we save them spiritually and physically.

But what happens if you’re trying to deceive people and steal from them? That’s how you live your life. We must be in the seat of saving.  We must be in a seat where we’re praying and saving all the people in our lives.  That’s our God-given blessing. If this doesn’t take place, your head will always hurt, thinking of ways to make money or to study.  It seems like it’s the same but it’s different.

You must save.  The business that saves; the studies that save, the work that saves lives through prayer, and that’s why you must be in a place of prayer.  If you have never prayed for your coworkers, you are a person of the earth. It means that person is already in the middle of being dragged.  They’re in the middle of being dragged by their greed and Satan.

If you come to life by the things of heaven, then you will have the prayer that saves others, naturally.  Without a doubt, you have been called and chosen as a royal priesthood to declare the wonderful light of Him and you must remain within that place, then world evangelization will take place according to God’s time schedule, and the “me” that has been dragged around by my greed has been crucified on the cross.

Instead, you shouldn’t be lying. Who is lying? Satan lies, and we’re only dragged around by Satan’s lies because we are caught in his lies. But I am the one living within Christ. Seek the things above. When I face a problem or crisis, I seek God’s Word, and even now, I seek the filling of the holy spirit to save and overcome my field.  Even now, I’m seeking Christ who solves the three problems, and that’s how the righteousness of God is revealed. 

If you use your own judgment, your own righteousness is revealed because it’s your judgement so when you judge others, you must be careful.  She’s a lawyer so she tries to save based on righteousness but she kills the public defenders, so the better you are at your job, you turn into a person whom Satan loves.  However, if you’re really good at your job but you do it with the covenant, then you save the church, and your field. 

She came to church after an entire day of judging and suing others, and if she doesn’t seek the things above, she’ll look at all of you guys and you guys will die.  She’s so young so she doesn’t say anything out loud, but on the inside, she’s killing you with a sword. It’s natural because that’s her job, so therefore, if she doesn’t do everything in prayer, she’ll be very fascinating.

You have to think about your job very well and do everything in prayer. Teachers are always trying to teach, they’re even trying to teach the pastor.  The tone they’re speaking in, they say it naturally but it feels so bad because it feels like they are trying to teach me and correct me.  Especially teachers of elementary students will talk to me like an elementary kid; they even try to teach their in-laws, it doesn’t matter if they are an elder they speak in an educational tone.  It’s a very strange person they’ve become; even here, they think they’re a teacher, and they always think they have to teach, there’s no learning for them.  That’s what your job will do to a person.

That’s why we must seek the things above to save others. What a blessing is that?  He told us specifically not to think of the things of the earth, do not think of the things that will benefit you.  Christ is in you and you are in Christ; what is there of yourself? Christ has already done everything already. Why do you have to seek for yourself? Now, you are living with Christ, everything with Christ, for Christ, for the work of saving others, and if the church has this, it becomes a church with strength. 

Having a lot of money doesn’t make us a good church. If you don’t have strength they are going to fight because of the money, because they think money is strength. They think skill is power, so they will oppress people, fighting for skill and power.  We must be a church that thinks of and seeks the things above.  That was the Early Church. Physically speaking, they did not have much; however, they were a church that did world evangelization. 

In Colossians 3:4, “When Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory” Christ who is our life it says. Before that point I was outside of Christ in a state of death.  We were living in a state of curses, centered and chasing after me, my benefit, my money and success,  and my greed, but now we are with Christ.  We are living with Christ, within the Triune God, where he works upon me with his word and the Holy Spirit and with the works that free us from the three curses.  Even now, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God mobilizes his heavenly angels from the throne of heaven to work.

Why do I keep telling you this?  Because if you don’t believe this, you’ll become religious and think you have to pray with a lot of words. You don’t understand prayer. If you pray, God works, God doesn’t work directly, but He sends His heavenly angels who are your helpers, and God answers your prayers through the heavenly angels who do His will.  What else would the angels do? They sing in heaven but they are also messengers and run errands.  When you pray, God is fulfilling His word, transcending time and space. When you pray for Africa, then God transcends time and space and works in Africa at this moment.  You have to know this when you pray for your prayer to have true meaning.

What do you think happens when you pray together in worship?  When you go into the army and there’s a special platoon that shoots missiles, they use a term, “TOT,” 

and it’s an acronym. I don’t know what it actually stands for, but essentially, they choose one target and they all shoot together at that target and call it “TOT.”  Because if you just choose the weapon you have and choose the target you want, everyone will be divided, but when the entire church gathers together and we shoot all our prayers and missiles at one target, then what do you think will happen?  The forces of Satan will break down much faster.

There’s a big difference between you praying individually by yourself and the church gathering and praying together for one target, in one go, and therefore, this is a mighty fortress against the Kingdom of Satan.  The fortress of Satan must be broken down. In your business field, Satan’s fortified fortress must be broken down, and unless that strong fortress in your family line is broken down, everyone is going to stay the same. And the way we break it down is by blowing it up together. 

You have to fight a very good war. We don’t fight, but we battle. We have to know how to fight, knowing our enemy. That’s a fight that saves, that’s a battle that liberates people through captivity. That must be my life.  Then, even if you’re not successful, you’ll be in the seat of success.  Joseph never did 24 hour prayer, fasting prayer, and overnight prayer to become the Prime Minister, but God raised him to that seat. Because that is how he would do world evangelization.  

If you’re always scraping together money, how are you going to evangelize? If you’re always inconveniencing others, how are you going to evangelize? God will raise you up to the seat of the spiritual and physical summit, when you seek the things above.  It was the same for David, from shepherd boy to king.  We may not all become prime ministers or kings, but God will lead you to the most important position in the specialty you’re in, so that the culture of the forces of darkness will change.  Wherever you go, the authority of darkness will be broken. When the heavenly host and armies move, that is the heavenly battle taking place, to break down the forces of darkness.  That’s what you have when you seek the things of heaven above.

You must fight this battle well. You shouldn’t fight a fight that kills; if you criticize and curse others behind their back, that is a weak and seized person.  When you see other people do that, you have to realize that they do that because they are seized by their spiritual problems, and that’s a person who needs Christ.  Therefore, they need your prayers and they need the gospel.  I believe the Triune God is working upon us and upon all of you.  If you remain within this, you will survive no matter where you go, not only will you survive, but you will be one who saves.  That person has no excuses or resentment because wherever they go, the Triune God is with them. No matter where they’re sent, they have no excuses, because God can do whatever He needs to do there.

You must have this elite mindset. What else would an elite be? You have to be a spiritual elite.  You need to have the mindset to save other people with the things of God. It’s the same for your school. What else is an elite? There are so many people who are so smart but destroy the country. Those people are not elites; they use their education to deceive the country. Our knowledge should be used to save the country, but if someone uses their education level to oppress and kill others, that’s a person who is seized.

You must save others. That’s an elite. Save at your job; save your company. Everybody talks about it, but that’s not the elite. You must save, because the Triune God can do that.  The mindset must be imprinted in you.  If that doesn’t take place, then no matter what, you’ll run away. You’ll be such a coward, full of complaints and resentment.  Especially the remnants, you need to know this properly because if you don’t know this, everything you have seen and heard will be your standard and you’re going to do the same thing. You must save the church. 

If you’re not able to save the church, you cannot save the world, either; you cannot save your family. How would you save them, you have to remain in the seat of saving, therefore, seek the things above, and this is the blessing we have.  


May you enjoy this blessing today and be in the seat of saving others.  Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us.  Seek the things above, allow us to be in the seat of saving the world. Let us pray.

Let us pray together for this region because Satan is working invisibly to our eyes through religion, and idols.  Satan is holding onto every individual so they chase after and live according to their greed.  Without a doubt, he is making it so they cannot escape from their snares, so they are spiritually, mentally, and physically afflicted. Let us pray so that through our prayers, the spirit of God, and the heavenly angels of God will break down the forces of Satan. Let us pray together for the region.  

Let us pray for the Sunday message.  Without a doubt, God will give you the Word that you need, in the region you are living in, and in your family line, and in the places you are working. God give us the Word we need on Sunday; give us the Word that will be fulfilled directly in our field.  Let us pray together.

Let us pray for Temple Construction. It is not just a building, but it is a building that contains the spiritual things.  A Temple Construction that will be the spiritual summit of healing, summit, and 237. Let it be the Temple Construction for this, it is not just the facility but the covenant within, and may we have the facility to fulfill that covenant.  

When you guys go to work, when you go in holding onto this convent then God will give you strength.  The covenant of Temple Construction. If you hold onto your greed of trying to receive more blessings, you will fall; you must hold onto the covenant because without a doubt, God will work according to his covenant that’s the economy of light, it is the economy that saves, it is the economy that breaks down the darkness and that is the blessing that comes to our church. Whether you hold onto this or not, that’s up to you, but those who understand the word of God will hold onto it, and that person will receive answers without a doubt.  These blessings are already upon us.

Let us pray for all those who are weak within our church, Missionary Chang, the darkness must be broken, why? Because the sadness of losing a daughter is an undeniable fact, but you must no be seized by the fact, she’s already in heaven; however, Satan seizes you with the thought of “my daughter,” so the darkness must be broken, and when we tell you guys to come early in the morning to pray, it’s to do concentration prayer, and that’s the position you must be in. It is the position of saving others.

Deaconess Han received a surgery today and got some transfusion so let us pray for the Kingdom of God to be established, and for Assistant Pastor Bae. I’m telling you again, if you’ve been called as an assistant pastor, it means to stake your life for evangelism and missions. It may seem like a very severe expression for a pastor, but it is no doubt. Even if you die, you must live the rest of your life, until your dying breath, evangelizing.  Let us pray again for these blessings to be upon them. I’m not saying they should come to church or not; “I will go to heaven after living my life yo save lives,” then the one who has power? Why would we avoid you with power?

Christine Oh has cancer, but everyone dies once, but we all need to die filled with the Holy Spirit praising God, and if He saves us, we use our lives for world evangelization, so we must not be seized by cancer. Why must I live such a sad life? That’s why we pray from behind them.  Alex in Seattle.  Let us pray for these people and the people beyond them as well.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to seek the things of above to be in the seat of saving others, be upon all the multiethnic people and the remnants, be upon all the people of the church who are suffering spiritually, mentallly and physically, be upon all the places of our occupations that they may be used for the temple construction to save the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups, be with us from now until forevermore, always, amen.

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