See the Spiritual Things Accurately with the Word of God and Save My Field (1 Cor. 10:20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

See the Spiritual Things Accurately with the Word of God and Save My Field (1 Cor. 10:20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today Bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:20 talks about the state of the sacrifices and worship of the pagans. In verse 14, it says, flee from idolatry. If someone worships idols, they believe that they can get something that they want or some worldly power. Or honestly they’re begging to avoid any great disasters. Otherwise, there’s not really a need for us to worship or have some kind of religion. But in today’s verse, it says, how can you guys, the believers of Jesus Christ, participate in idol worships. Jesus’ blood and his body, in other words, the wine and the bread, you have to serve only one master, how can you serve both? Will that really please God? 

And then he elaborates to say that the worship and sacrifices of pagans are given to demons. We must only worship to Jesus Christ who is God. So do not do the things the pagan do. The pagans are like in John 8:44, they’re children of the devil, and they have no choice but to worship the devil because that’s the father of their spirit. And then it goes on, I do not want you to be participants with demons. If you worship idols does it end with just that? It does not. You’re going. Into the works of the devil, in other words, there is going to be a reality where you are possessed by demons. If a kid has low faith and they go to a fortune teller house, they come back without really knowing their senses. 

And there are some people who go to a medium in order to communicate with someone who passed away, and they come back demon possessed. Especially in places like Korea, when someone passes away, then you have a picture of their faces, and some food and incense laid out before them. So it’s not just going to a medium like in America, they bow down before this image. And they don’t take that lightly. And when they do these rituals, they’re really serious about it, they dress really well, and they’re just making themselves very quiet and stirred. That means they are putting their thoughts and heart into the ritual. Simply speaking, they’re emptying their thoughts and minds at that point. That’s how they come back demon possessed. 

I took some kids to a shaman house, and there were some kids who came back with migrants. These kids were oppressed in the building. Is that possible for a saved child of God? The devil’s authority can never take your salvation always, but they can oppress you. If someone moves out of the region they lived in, for a few months they’re going to be struggling. They say that it’s because their environment is different, but it’s because they’re not able to overcome the spiritual atmosphere. Why is it that in the past I didn’t live this way, but now that I moved, it’s different. It is because the demons work differently in different regions. And you’re getting used to these demons. And if you live in the same house for a very long time then the demons of the family line will seize the region and you’ll live in it. 

There are some people who say, where are these demons? If you want to know properly about demons, you have to realize that they’re fallen and corrupted angels. A lot of Koreans have ideology mixed with Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, from that age, and they think that demons are spirits of diseased people. And then they received Christianity and so they see that the Bible talks about demons and they’re simply matching their ideologies they had about demons precocious to what they see in the Bible today. 

So they said there’s not male ghosts, there’s only female ghosts, that’s not accurate. And in Europe they think about demonic activities associated with witches because that’s the culture Europeans lived in before they received Christianity. In Africa they have their own ideologies of what a demon is before they received Christianity, and once they realized Christianity, they think that whatever a demon is it is the same ideologies before. 

Because you know demons incorrectly, you can’t hit the demon. And that devil will work appropriately for this person. Demons are corrupted angels. Demons are invisible to the eyes. Then why in the world would a demon look like a girl with long black hair and white dress with blood on their lips, it’s simply that they have a long standing ideology of culture, what a demon is according to Spirits, and that’s what they put into Christianity. 

And they say things like, “Oh demons are scary, don’t talk about them.” That itself is the work of the demons. A demon is an angel God created that revolved against God and corrupted. And they’re also beings that can work transcoding time and space, they’re invisible to the eyes. They also come into our thoughts. How can they come into the thoughts of someone who received salvation? Because even if you’re saved you still think like a nonbeliever so the demons come into your thoughts. 

Through Jesus Christ you have been saved as a child of God, your thoughts and your heart are still full of disbelief. So demons come into your thoughts and your heart. And because you think demons are ghost with long black hair and a white dress, you don’t understand how demons really work. Do you think demons are something that you can see and something that scary? 

Do you think that demons are images that you can see when you can sleep? Satan blocks you from knowing how demons really work. You yourself are possessed by demons but you don’t acknowledge that because you think that demons have only long black hair and white dresses. That’s why if a non-believer goes into a shaman house, they will be possessed and they don’t know this reality. 

Because I think that demons only have long black hair and white dresses with a bloody face they don’t realize this is the real demon. You have to know the spiritual entities accurately through the word of God in order to hear other people and not be deceived yourself. Any worship or prayer that you are not doing in the name of Jesus Christ by the blood of Jesus Christ it’s not been given to God it’s being given to demons. If you don’t have a biblical knowledge or spiritual understanding you will look at the transcendental meditation and say, “why is a big deal and why is it relevant to me”

You think that demons have bloody faces and long black hair, so you think that what’s so bad about listening to secular music of the world? The demon is a corrupted fallen angel. And he is controlling our thoughts and minds, invisible to the eyes transcoding time and space. And a lot of you guys have incorrect ideology of demons such as a witch riding on a broomstick with long nose. And Mongolians have a culture of shamanism and sorcery, so that’s how they understand the  evil spirit. And all of this have to change after they realize the gospel. You have to know God’s word accurately and biblically in order for you to understand what’s happening spiritually as you look at other religions. 

Whenever they’re praying and gathering together to worship, they’re participating with demons, and the works of the demon takes place. You have to see the field biblically and accurately. In order for you to understand what happens spiritually and biblically whenever you pray in that field. The religious leaders are really advanced and experts in participating with demons, so they’re really filled with the works of demons. Because they’re filled with demons, this fallen angel shows his power. Then people look at this power and follow him. You have to be able to distinguish. What happens to us when we worship, what happens when we pray? 

If you don’t know when we worship and pray, you are completely blind of what happens when pagans pray and worship. If you know what happens when you worship in the family, you’ll know why’d reason why the darkness is breaking. But if you worship without knowing any of this spiritual stuff, then it’s just  form. And the reason we chose this scripture passage is because we have to share the spiritual  things with you. 

Many different religions are in America. If anything, Christianity is also changing into a religion. Instead of worshiping with the body and the blood of Jesus a Christ and his will, it’s another religion where  you just beg for what you want. That’s why the temple is set on fire and all the churches today is disappearing, and the Israelites are completely colonized. And the exact same thing will happen today if church members are not able to restore proper worship. Then you won’t be able to see works that take place when pagans and the other religion worships. You have to open your spiritual eyes and look at your region. 

If you don’t see this in the evangelism movement it’s impossible. Even if you started you cannot go for a long time because the devil already knows whether you will be somebody who does missions and evangelism or not. So one day you’ll get beaten up and not be able to continue. If you know this and you are vigilant the devil will know that you know him. So right now whether you are evangelizing or not it’s not the issue you have to do it biblically. If we are talking biblically we are not just abstractly speaking. Is it some kind of strategy for business? Are we going to draw arrows and pie charts like a business proposal? 

If you have a target of Evangelism, you have to know the background of this person but if you don’t then you can’t continue your ministry.The devil is afraid of evangelism the most because you’re stealing away his children. Anything before evangelism he loves to do, he loves you to receive answers to prayers, he lets you receive praise, and even to succeed. Because either way you are no longer his child, so he just let you do whatever and he says receive as much grace as you want you. Just receive grace by yourself and end it at that. 

You should never speak about Jesus outside and that is how the demons are working to do it. The moment you know this and resolve to go, the devil is broken down and the moment you begin to pray to evangelize and save all the idol worshipers religious people in your field. The fortress of Satan begins to fall because in order for a nonbeliever to be brought into the kingdom of God he must first be taken out of Satan‘s hand. That is why we were given authority. Jesus Christ destroyed the authority of the demons but we have been given the right to pray in Jesus‘s name to destroy the devils authority.

The problem is Satan will make you and your family fall into problems. You might receive grace, and he’ll let you receive grace, and your work might work well, and Satan will let all that happen. Because Satan’s goal is to simply block you from evangelizing, because all Satan has to do is guard his own kingdom, but let’s say one person has opened their eyes?  Whenever you make the resolution that this is the only thing you will live for, everything will be aligned.  Then the devil is most afraid of someone like that.  

The devil wants you to do more of everything else because it’s all irrelevant to him.  He doesn’t care if you go to church and pray because it’s all irrelevant to him, because even if you pray, it’s all frivolous things, “Do this for me, do this for my kids, give me a new refrigerator,” the devil lets you do that, but whenever you resolve to pray according to God’s Word to evangelize to the missions field, the devil shakes and flees and will prevent you from doing that.

The devil allows you to do everything else, but either way, he has lost you as his child. He makes it so that you can stay in church and do whatever you want.  “You want to succeed? Fine, succeed a lot,” but he will never let you evangelize so he’s telling you to talk about anything other than Jesus’ name.  “Keep the name of Jesus Christ to yourself, never let it escape out.” He’s telling you not to pray for the field in Jesus’ name.  

“Keep praying for your family and physical needs but never pray about saving souls,” and the darkness will be broken down for the people’s families who realize these are lies first.  But there are a lot of people who evangelize in ways that are different than this.  Instead of praying for the field to be evangelized and saved, many people evangelize for something else, but they can never continue because they cannot have continuation. Because the devil is not being broken down, they can’t have continuation. Because they’re moving, holding onto something else, they will give up in the end.

That’s why you have to do the biblical evangelization, what is that?  Simply put, it is evangelism that has continuation. Do the evangelism that anybody can do. “I tried this method and it worked,” but it won’t work for a long time because it’s not biblical.  You need to make the devil afraid but instead of making the devil afraid, you say, “I did this method,” and the devil is laughing at you. You have to do the evangelism that breaks down the devil, and the devil knows.

The devil knows our church, they have their own meetings, “Whom among here must we disturb?” They know how to disturb them as well. If they want to stop us from evangelizing, they know our weak spots so that’s where they’ll get disturbed.  It would be fine if they could just let go of that and pass it on, but they cannot.  The demons already know, “If I give this person financial problems, they cannot continue evangelizing.”  The devil already knows, “If this person has even a little bit of a physical ailment, they’ll stop everything.” Because the devil knows, “If this person talks about their kid, that’s their only priority,” so the demons will afflict your kids.  The devil already knows.

Then, how can you overcome? You have to overcome that, how?  You overcome it with faith.  If you overcome it with faith, then what do you think about the physical things?  The devil is only afraid of the person who holds onto the covenant and carries forward regardless of what problems may come to them: family, finances, children.  What do you guys keep getting caught up on?  I know that if Satan touches this point, it becomes my number one priority. 

You’re doing well, you’re doing well, but Satan touches one point so you can’t continue. You just have to overcome with faith because that’s the point Satan is touching. If a person has faith, they have to have sure faith in Christ.  They have to absolutely know to pray for God’s will.  That’s how they begin the spiritual battle that binds the forces of Satan.  

If that doesn’t take place, how could you continue evangelizing? “I tried this and evangelism took place,” that’s all lies. What do you mean you did something? The only method is for you to overcome all tribulations in faith, but the strategy is that, the minute you fall to the ground is the day you receive God’s Word. 2 Corinthians 4:4-5 says that Satans will blind the minds of unbelievers so they cannot receive the gospel. It’s not that this person doesn’t want to hear, but Satan blocks their minds from understanding.

But instead of saying that Satan is blocking them from realizing the gospel, you get offended and hurt, “I’ve done so much for you and you still don’t believe?” They act like salesmen.  If you do not have the spiritual things, you cannot have biblical results. The reason the person’s heart is so hardened is because the devil is holding onto their heart, making it hardened.  Then what must you do?  That’s why Christ gave you the authority to cast out demons.  But you only understand demons as those who wear long white dresses and have long black hair, so you think your best friend could not possibly be possessed by demons; you don’t even think about spiritual things.

You have to be careful about this. A lot of Korean women move according to the rumors they hear, “This person made it big!” then everyone flocks towards them. Instead of making all their standards on the accurate Word of God, they base everything on rumors about what happened, so they’re easily shaken.  “It’s because this person’s heart is so hard!” That’s true, but someone has to say that this person’s heart is only hard because Satan is holding onto it, and that’s when they can pray for that person.

“Oh, it’s because that person is too comfortable, they have to suffer a little bit to understand,” you look at everything humanistically so how can you evangelize?  Ultimately, in order for you to evangelize and relay the spiritual message, you have to understand the spiritual answers yourself. If it’s a spiritual reality you’ve experienced, that’s easy for Satan to manipulate. That’s why Colossians 2 says that demons will use our own experiences and elevate them above the gospel so we think it’s the truth, but it’s not.

Without a doubt, you have to look at everything spiritually with the basis of the Word, and that’s why the evangelism movement is synonymous with the Word movement because you are giving the answer to every problem from the Word of God. Even after receiving salvation, if you’re weak in the Word of God, you’re not able to see your circumstances accurately.  You have to be able to see everything through the accurate Word of God, especially if it’s spiritual, to see things accurately.

If you are basing things off your standard of whether your spiritual state is doing better or worse, you cannot have continuation, and the devil knows that.  You say whatever you want without realizing who the real enemy is.  Many pastors do this as well.  God worked upon this church a little bit earlier than other churches because of God’s time schedule and grace, but the pastor thought they did something better than other people, and that’s laughable.

The fact that this time schedule was earlier than other peoples’ time schedule means there were a lot of people praying for this.  The works of God arose because of God’s time schedule, but instead, they started misunderstanding, thinking they were great, and that’s why Satan broke them down so they couldn’t evangelize continuously. Satan breaks you down by making you think you did it and thinking you’re great, then he breaks you down.

They go crazy to the point where if anyone says something to them, they think the other person is just being jealous, trying to bring them down. It’s very fascinating what happens when you’re deceived by the devil. That’s why, even among my close friends, there are those who become pastors and then leave.  It’s because they’re evangelizing without realizing what evangelism is.

In other words, there are spiritual reasons for everything, but they don’t understand that, and they just try recklessly and sometimes it works.  Senior Deaconess Jo is doing ministry with a new believer and she’s been working together downtown for 10 years as we pray for her.  Let’s say we didn’t know her background at all, but we just met her and talked to her. This new believer’s aunt also said, “When you go to America, you have to go to church,” so it means the aunt was also praying for her.  

It turns out that when this woman was a young child, she went with her mother to a heretical Buddhist temple and was spiritually influenced like that, but after God attached many people to pray for her, now she can worship.  Then it means that among you, there are people who are playing the role of laying down this background of prayer to be saved three, five, and ten years later.  

When they fought to get into Canaan, God said, “I have let these people remain because their sin has not reached the full measure.”  If they extend beyond the threshold, God would smite them, meaning that for one person to be saved, the prayers of many people are involved.  God doesn’t just save people randomly, without any foresight, and you would know this if you studied in seminary, but in order for one unbeliever to be saved, God will have a long history of working and interceding to save them.

But we don’t know this at all; we only look at the acts of evangelism that take place before us instead of being worried about watering the seed and the roots.  It means that, instead of living your walk of faith, looking at the spiritual principles and the Word, you look at things physically.  

If you look at people in the church, there are some people who are the only Christian believers in their family.  If God has brought them all the way to this church, what do you think God desires? Then no matter what, we have to do intercessory prayer for this person, because their background of darkness is still moving in them. There’s not a single person in their family line who prays for them.

So, someone in the church has to do intercessory prayer to fight the spiritual background. That’s why if you don’t know the church, then you don’t know the evangelism movement because even if you have someone accept, Satan will spoil them even more.  How is it possible even though they accepted Jesus Christ and became a child of God? There’s two places in the Bible where this happens, they say their later state is even worse than their first state, so Satan doesn’t leave them alone. 

But if you don’t know the spiritual things at all and you keep trying to do something, it’s not aligned with God’s Word.  But if you understand this, instead of thinking that evangelism is going into the field and talking to people, praying to break down the forces of darkness is the beginning of evangelism. The act of evangelizing in the world is visible to your eyes, but instead, we’re told to finish everything through prayer even before we go out, and when we go out, we confirm.  

People who know the spiritual things also know how to begin their day.  The beginning of your day is always a spiritual battle and evangelism, and that’s the goal for which we live, and if you don’t understand, I’ll explain again. Who cares if your business does well or if your kids study well? What does that have to do with God?  God’s will is to save people’s spirit, but what does that have to do with God?

If today, you live with the desire to save souls, everything will be aligned with you. But if you don’t have your goal, you have your goal in something else, then you won’t be aligned with God.  So you’ll be ignorant of the spiritual things, and even if you pray, it’s going to be incorrect, and everything will be wrong; even the smiling faces will be wrong.  You’ll have an incorrect joy and sadness because you don’t know what’s truly sad or truly happy, so that’s not aligned with God. Instead, the devil will think you’re right.

God shuts down churches like this because He doesn’t need them. “That’s right, if you don’t bear fruit, I will prune the branch and throw it into the fire,” why? Because either you’re unsaved or you’re living your life completely irrelevant to God’s Word, then God will do something about it.

What are we trying to share today? You have to know the spiritual things very accurately and correctly from the Word of God.  Otherwise, you’re going to keep trying to understand your spiritual world through your emotions. “Demons are like this!’ even though you don’t know what demons are.  You have to know God through His Word, the Bible, but instead, you’re just imagining your own God, “I’m sure God is this way.”

Knowing Jesus is knowing God, so you talk about “God, God,” but Satan blocks you from talking about Jesus.  It doesn’t matter how much you say, “God, God,” your sin and the problem of Satan are never broken down.  God answers us through Jesus Christ and the words of Jesus are the words of God.

But if your walk of faith isn’t taking place accurately from the words of the Bible, you’re not aligned with God. If you’re not aligned with God, the more diligently you live, the more disconnected you’ll be.  So, the beginning is to know the fact that the Bible tells you, to know the spiritual facts: Jesus Christ and God’s Kingdom.  

Why do I not talk about the evangelism fields and spiritual fields even though I’ve experienced them so much? Because that cannot be your standard.  That was simply my personal process of confirming that the basis of the Word of God is correct as I went into the demonic temples and mental hospitals, but ultimately, through this process, the Word became more certain to me.

But if the Word of God is not the main point, but instead the acts they see in the field are the main point, they cannot have continuation.  Even when you talk about the works in the field, you have to say that it was following the Word of God and talk about that for the Kingdom of God to be established and for Satan to be broken down.  

That’s why today’s verse says that all the prayers, works, and worship of pagans and religious people are done towards demons.  But we say things like, “Are we allowed to say things like that about other people’s beliefs?” You speak from your own thoughts. Yes, you should respect other people’s beliefs, but you must  know the spiritual reality.  That’s the only way you’ll know the reason why Jesus Christ gave you the authority to cast out demons and God is fulfilling that Word.

But because you don’t know this, the demons are realistically working in the field and the people around you, but you don’t care and you just say, “Work diligently.”  Then the demons are laughing, sure you can try going to church diligently, there’s nothing great about it, because Satan has already blocked you from not knowing the spiritual reality no matter how much you know the Bible, and he lets you do that.

But if there’s a church or individual in the field who really knows the spiritual world through the Bible, then the devil knows, and all the works of demons trying to deceive you will take place.  Even so, if you keep holding to the covenant and praying, the demons will be broken down and the doors to the fields of evangelism will open.

That’s why we have this term, “one heart, whole heart, continuation,” but if you have financial problems, you’ll fall deep into that and the devil knows.  If your child has a disease, the demon knows that’s where you’ll have all your attention.  Overcoming that is the time for the darkness to be broken in your family line.  That’s why disciples like this, who will not shake from the Word of God and prayer, must arise from the field.

Even today, I got called into a last minute service to give to South America and Mexico, so I asked, “What do you want me to talk about?” They said, “Tell us about the spiritual battle,” so we talked about it for an hour.  That’s what the church does.  It’s not a place for immigrants to gather to talk about business and networking. The church isn’t a place to just come and greet people after a week of being bored.  “America has churches and America is a rich nation, so if I go to church, I’ll be rich, too!” That’s not the church. You have to know what the church is and what the world is through the Bible, and that’s why we train in God’s Word. “Something’s not right,” and because you don’t know, you’re like a useless bridge, and it doesn’t matter how much you pray in futility; the devil doesn’t care.  

If you know this, then what must you do more, the more the person is resistant to the gospel?  If you don’t know the spiritual things, you’ll give up, but if you do know the spiritual things, then of course you have to bind the forces of darkness and you keep praying for that until it breaks down.  When you fight a war, there’s a fortress and you have to keep hitting it until it breaks.  If you try a few times and give up, you’ve lost the war.  

The name of Jesus Christ can penetrate everything but no one prays until the very end, why? Because they’ve tried it and it didn’t work. They attacked a few times and it didn’t work, so they give up, but that’s not how Genghis Khan fought his battles; he went until the very end because either way, he knows he’s going to win. For us, Jesus Christ has already won the battle for us, but not a single one of us goes until the end.

We try a little bit and say, “Do we really have to go to the hospital, though?” That’s where the works of healing take place, so we talk so much, but if you do this and that, you won’t be able to finish in the end. “It’s time for me to cook right now,” why is it on an everyday basis you’re so good about eating out and getting take-out, but today you have to cook?  The devil knows you so well, because no matter what, if you just do one heart, whole heart, and continuation, the forces of darkness break and the doors of evangelism open, then not only does that open, but everything in your life opens.

But the devil makes you misunderstand this evangelism and puts your goal for evangelism somewhere else.  That’s why I say that evangelism is a total art.  In other words, if you believe God is moving every single thing for evangelism, then you’re right. If you don’t believe these words, I’ll tell you again: the devil moves everything just to block you from evangelizing, and God is guiding everything forward just so you can evangelize.  Then, you can quickly understand and check where your spiritual state is.  From that point on, you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and you will receive it because there’s a spiritual battle, so that’s the reason God has to send His heavenly angels to fight, transcending time and space.

If a person doesn’t have this conclusion, the more they listen to the message, the more confused they get.  Even if they memorize the blessing of the throne of heaven and transcending time and space and the light of the 237 nations, they still don’t get it.  When someone who has finished everything in Jesus Christ prays to save the 237 nations, God mobilizes His heavenly armies to do so.

But instead, you just think of this as some study and put it into your brain like you always do. That’s not going to make a masterpiece.  Sometimes you put 237 in the beginning or the end, what are we talking about?  At first, we talked about watchmen and doctors and ambassadors, but what are we talking about?  The children of God who have accepted Jesus Christ have their status and authority and God takes care of everything, everything is finished. God works with His Word, then we put our final destination on world evangelization to spread this Word, then everything else is a process along the way.

That’s how the message will come to life and move.  But if you don’t hold onto the true final destination, you’re holding onto some middle marker point as the goal of your life, then you’re not aligned with the Word of God, and the more you’re missing, the more confused you get.  Then your field will remain constantly in a fortified stronghold like the fortress of Jericho that will never break.  

God is omnipotent, however, the fortresses in your field are so fortified, they are not going to open.  You have to come to the conclusion, “I have to open these doors and go all-in in order for God to open them.” “Pastor, I have to do this or that, how can I go all into this?” That’s why people like that can’t go all in. You go in with faith.


I hope that tonight will be a night of prayer where you can enjoy this blessing. Let us pray together, it would be nice if you could reflect upon yourself with the Word of God as your base, and you have to relay this evangelism movement as an inheritance to the future generations.  Then, the issue isn’t about whether you get it right now or not, or whether the works are taking place right now or not, but you have to relay this to the future generations. If you don’t relay this, the next generation will fall yet again.  Then, the only result you face is one where you didn’t look into the future, but you only looked at today.

Let us pray for the region together to open the doors of evangelism in the region. God is the One Who broke down the fortress of Jericho.  Seven and a half times they walked around the fortress was to focus everything they had on the covenant, and you do everything for that purpose.  Let us pray together.

Let us pray for the pulpit message. We have to pray for the Sunday message because the Word of God is our sword to break down the works of Satan.  Especially, we must have the correct prayer that relays the accurate gospel to the school fields.  We may have a different culture in Korea, but the fundamental Word is the same.  Then just as you pray for the doors of evangelism to open in your field, when that is your total focus, God will also give you the Word on Sunday to evangelize the 237 nations, the region, and 5000 unreached people groups. 

Those who pray for the pulpit message will receive the Word of God differently because they pray believing in God.  Let us pray for the future generation and the multiethnic people. And there’s especially a lot of vulnerable people in the church who need our prayer, especially the new believers. And especially people who are the only believers in their entire family line. These are the places that need our intercessory prayer. Let us pray together. 

When we were doing the heaven-welcoming worship service, there were a lot of members of Deaconess Kyunja Han’s family who are unbelievers, and because we relayed the Word of God, according to God’s time schedule, there will be people who receive the word of God.  She herself was someone who was from the Catholic religion and pointed at others, but either way, God fulfills His Word.  So please participate in prayer for that, because from our perspective, this is an evangelism camp and it’s a special time of blessing where the darkness in the family line is broken down.  Let us sing one praise, then have the benediction, personal prayer, intercessory prayer, and then return home.

There was a senior deaconess who didn’t speak any English at all, but she did evangelism camp at Rise Kohyang High School and she converted Tracy Ramos who accepted and is now at our church.  She saw that the adults who were in her church were fixated on legalism and religion, and I think that God wants people who didn’t have faith before to come in and receive the gospel anew.  She submitted her application for the Remnant University Evangelism Disciple course.  This isn’t for some kind of degree, but it’s so she can receive training to be an evangelism disciple, so please pray for her.

She’s also applying to colleges, because these are the things she must do at her age.  If she’s unable to, that’s something else, but at that age, if she’s supposed to go to college, she should go.  On top of that, she’s bilingual and multiethnic because her parents can’t speak English but she speaks both. It’s a characteristic of hispanic families to be full of powerlessness, and the reason I’m telling you guys this is because this is how God is working now, so I request your intercessory prayers.

If you open up this one remnant as an evangelism disciple, then the door for evangelism to the hispanics will open, and that’s your missions and evangelism.  That’s the same as participating in all the evangelism movements together.  Intercessory prayer is a prayer for missions and evangelism.  I hope you will all know this, and especially may the church officers know the importance of intercessory prayer.


God, we thank You and we pray that through the Bible, we will see the spiritual facts and be able to do the Biblical evangelism movement.

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the multiethnic people, the remnants and people of the church who want to go all into the kingdom of God and evangelism. Be with us now and till forever more always. Amen. 


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