See the Hidden Spiritual things in Christ in all Circumstances (Colossians 3:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

See the Hidden Spiritual things in Christ in all Circumstances (Colossians 3:1-4)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Now we’re going to share God’s Word from Colossians.  If you look at Colossians 1:13, it says, “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves,” and Col. 1:14 says, “In Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins,” and then he explains about Jesus Christ.

What does salvation mean? We do not receive salvation because of our good works, efforts, or diligence, before we receive salvation, we are under the authority of darkness, and we also exist as sinners. 

What is sin?  What is original sin?  Original sin is talking about the very first sin from the beginning.  Instead of always putting the standard on yourself, look from God’s perspective, it is the first sin of all mankind.  Adam sinned, in other words, he left God’s Word, then why is it that this sin is now cast on the rest of us?

When God made a contract with Adam, it wasn’t just with one person, but it was the contract with all mankind, and that’s why the spiritual problem of the parent will go to the next generation even though it’s no fault of the children. It’s impossible to understand because you’re living in a democratic nation that is centered on the individual person. This is God’s contract, that means that all of mankind was counted because of the sin one man, in other words, unbelief has entered into all humans.

As a result, all of humankind lives under the authority of darkness and Satan.  The problem of sin and the authority of Satan cannot be overcome with any efforts of mankind.  That’s why God, Who has no sin, had to come on this earth as a form of a human and take all our sins on our behalf.  We can only be forgiven of our sins when all the curses and disasters are given to Jesus Christ instead of us. He can only be Jesus Christ if He overcomes the power of death and Satan.  That’s how we can become eternal beings who return to living with God for eternity.

Colossians 2:3 says that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ.  The condition is “in Christ,” in other words, it’s only through Christ, and there’s nothing else.  Any treasure that is not within Christ is not treasure at all, and that wisdom and knowledge isn’t knowledge at all. We study knowledge in the world, but that cannot be the knowledge that saves me or the world.  What is true knowledge?  It is the knowledge to save myself and other people.

What is the true treasure?  The treasure is hidden within Christ.  Paul didn’t know this, so he worked diligently to gain knowledge and treasures outside of Christ, and he thought he was great in his wisdom, but he didn’t have knowledge or wisdom because he was outside of Christ.  Because this is hidden, it’s impossible for people to see, and it’s even more hidden for people who have their own ambitions.  The more someone wants to succeed, the more they will refuse to believe that Jesus Christ has to be born in a manger.  That’s why God hid Jesus, so that people who have a lot of motives and ambition cannot see Jesus with their eyes.

The blessings are already before us, but they are hidden before those who have their own motives, but God made it so that they can only see through faith, and that’s what it means that all things have been hidden in Christ.  There are only disasters outside of Christ. Anyone who was outside of Noah’s Ark may be marrying and working diligently but it’s all disasters.  You have to play within the Ark, that’s how you can have life, regardless of disasters. It’s irrelevant to the principle of the world, you’re following the principle of the word, that was Noah.

It wasn’t about this or that for him, it was “only” for him. The Bible never talks about people who do this and that. Only give me the double portion of spirit that comes upon you. There’s nothing else. There’s no time in the Bible where people did this or that. 

Jesus has to be our goal; happiness shouldn’t be our goal. If happiness becomes your goal, you will be caught by Satan.  Jesus is our goal, and that’s how only within Jesus will we find rest and joy.

Colossians 3:1, “Then, if you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on the things above.”  What are the things above and what are the things below?  The things above are the things of heaven, in other words, the things of God, and that’s what we must see. For that is where Christ is seated at the right hand of God in other words look at the blessing of the throne. What is the blessing of the throne? Is it here or there? It doesn’t matter because everything is in Christ. You shouldn’t compare the things of heaven to the things of earth. If you keep trying to believe in Jesus Christ to gain the things of the earth, then you cannot find him. In order to believe in Jesus Christ you need to seek the things of heaven.

The things of heaven are constantly given grace by God through His Word.  

Even now, God is working through His Word, even now, God is working with power upon our prayers.  Even now, Christ is carrying out His ministry of salvation.  Even now, God is mobilizing His heavenly angels and hosts, transcending time and space. You have to hold onto that. If you keep seeking the things of this earth instead of the things of heaven, why do you keep seeking the things of the earth?  It’s because you don’t know the things of heaven, then no matter how much you look for the things of earth, you will not find God’s Word. God gave you these words regarding heaven. This is not the principle of the world. These are the things that are hidden that is only revealed by God’s grace, you have to seek that. 

Your everything must be in the direction of seeking this.

In verse 2 it says, set your mind on the things of above. Then what are the things of above and what are the things of the earth?  Think of God’s Word, think of the gospel, think of God’s will. These are the only things you should think of. Stop thinking about the things on this earth.  As you set your mind on the things above, God will give you the things of the world, we study and work, but we do those things for the things above, and that’s why we must set our hearts on the things above. You’re always thinking about yourself, you’re always thinking about material things, and success, and because of that, even if God pours you all these things from above, you’re the only one who can’t see it.

Without a doubt, God told everyone in Noah’s age to built the ark through Noah, but they said, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Don’t you think Noah would have answered all the people in the village, “Why are you building a boat on top of a mountain?” They called him crazy, in order to build a boat you should have a body of water and they didn’t just stop after a weekend, he did it for years, every day, he was building the ark, then when did he make a living or eat? The Bible never talks about that because it’s very introductory.  

God provides and creates all the things of the earth to do the things above, and even though God told everybody, when the disasters came, everyone says, “When did you tell me?” It means the word never gone into you. It’s because everybody was so interested in getting married, I’m not saying it’s not important. Yes we do that but we do it for the real things, it’s not that miah didn’t get married, his sons got married also. But the people who are always thinking the things of the earth they can’t hear it even thought God gives them the word. But instead, they’re really good at listening to the words of the earth because that’s what they’re always thinking about. It means their thought are diseased, so always think about God’s word and the spiritual things. 

Colossians 3:3.  For you have died.  Why are we told to not think of the earthly things?  Because the things of the earth are the things from Genesis 3 that are under the authority of sin and darkness.  In other words, it’s the thoughts you’ve had while you were still the center of your life.  That’s what it means when you die, there is no need to think of these things again, because that “you” has died on the cross. You’ve already died so don’t revive yourself, because the more you bring yourself back to life, the more useless your life will be. That’s the reason our lives were destroyed to begin with.  

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Now you are living with life, with Christ who is life. Life means he is living that means you must be dead if you are alive you cannot enjoy life. The reason it doesn’t work out is because I am alive. It actually isn’t working out because of yourself. You are already useless and you are crucified on the cross but you aren’t able to participate and that’s why every time you face a problem your thoughts keep coming up instead of thinking of the things above you think of the earth.

If someone says something to you, you should think about the things of heaven.  But instead, you think of the things of earth, “Why did that person say that to me?” Of course we have to communicate and say things, but instead, you ask, “Why did that person say this to me?” They were simply just greeting you, but you wonder, “Why did they say that to me?” It means you’re too deeply embedded in the things of the earth and your scars for too long.

Don’t you think it means that the other person is praying for you?  If they weren’t praying for you, they wouldn’t be interested in you at all.  You have to interpret the church people well.  There’s no reason you should say, “Why is this person interfering with my life?” They are only asking these questions because they’re praying for you.  If they had no interest in you, they wouldn’t ask to begin with, they wouldn’t communicate at all, for example, but it’s a mental disease.

People think, “Why is this person asking this of me?” They think so strangely, and if that person smiles, you think, “Why is this person laughing at me?  Why are you looking down on me?”  Then should we always be frowning? This is how diseased people are. This is the church and this is why we have to pray, because we’re always thinking of the things of the earth, interpreting based on the things of the earth.

And then when you go back to the world you’re going to work with that. So you’re going out to the world embracing all of your problems. You’re going out to the world already preparing these problems prepared for yourself. And because everything is finished, think about the things of above. Whenever you face a problem, think of God. All of the scars you received, the older you become the, more it will become a headache. When you become older, you have children, and stays, and you have your grandchildren, so if you have scars, you’ll pass on your scars as a cluster of headache, 

Let’s say, for example, one of your superiors at work has a scar, then you drive yourself crazy because you can’t leave and you can’t work there. Work isn’t hard, but people drive you crazy.  Because people have spiritual problems, it’s relayed to other people, and that’s why we must seek the things above. We must hold onto the covenant, and that’s how you can save yourself.

I, who am so worthless, will change into someone who has worth.  I, who was dead and useless from Genesis 3, will change into something useful when we hold onto the covenant.  Then, we must be able to stand as witnesses before many people and heal them. 

If I have some kind of value, then this peace must be relayed to others.  But instead of transmitting peace, if people want to avoid you or get away from you, it’s hard for you to evangelize.  What happens if you don’t change overnight?  I’ll show you one mystery for such people.  If someone is like this, you shouldn’t meet them for a long time, just say one thing to them and then turn around, because the longer you meet with that person, the gospel you’ve given to that person will degenerate.  That’s why there are works in evangelism camps.  You shout the gospel once and come back out so you’re not revealed. But if you keep talking with these people, you’ll expose yourself to them, they won’t like you, and they’ll run away.

So, even the fact that I’m able to relay the gospel to someone once, that’s great.  But in order for you to evangelize the people in your workplace, first of all, you can’t even speak of the gospel easily, but also if you’re oppressed because of your problems and you collapse, you can’t relay the peace to anyone else.  People have to look at you and realize, “This person has the things of heaven, there’s nothing of earth within them no matter how much I look,” and this must be relayed to others.

The things of heaven are only within Jesus Christ, and that’s something not even the president can have, and that must be what’s relayed through you. Because it’s spiritual, it’s relayed through you.  

You have to work inside of this and meet with people inside of this too in order for people around you to come alive. And remnant, if you have boyfriends or girlfriends, this is how you date them. If you’re in darkness you’ll remember other people that are in darkness too. If you’re thinking of the things of the earth, then you’re going to meet other people just like you. If you want to use this person to gains something for yourself, that person will do the same. What does it mean to change? It means to break that. 

Whenever you go into your company, stop trying to accomplish something or to gain something for yourself, but with whatever you have, save your company because you have the things of heaven, and that’s God’s will so you must pray with that.  But instead, everyone says that work is so hard and it’s all talk regarding earthly things.  Imagine how hard it was for Joseph to be in Egypt to be a slave in Egypt, a place completely unfamiliar to him with everyone a. different skin color.  Imagine how difficult it was for him?  A slave at that time was treated the same as animals, but he changed the field. He’s a slave, he couldn’t even speak, but there’s something faster than words, there’s the things of heaven, the spiritual things being relayed.

If someone asks you a question, simply answer. Someone asked Joseph a question and he answered. It doesn’t mean that, “Oh I don’t have a opportunity to speak so I can relay this to them.” The spiritual things can be relayed without words. Prayer is shining the light transcending time and space. We have all these incredible things of heaven but we lost hold of all of that, so instead we live our walk of with trying to gain things from the earth. So the churches are not churches but are slaves to Babylon and Egypt. Everything Is already given to us within Christ, these are the things of heaven we see. Enjoy the things of heaven. The reason we live on this earth is to save other people. 

Then, imagine how simple life is? It’s only complicated because we can’t see this, we have so much knowledge but it’s so complicated, and we say so many words but people don’t receive peace because it’s so complicated. It’s so simple, though, if someone asks you a question, if they don’t ask then live in peace, relay peace as you enjoy it through prayer, and that’s how you break down the darkness in your family as well.  In order for us to enjoy that peace, we seek the things of heaven.

That’s how God shows us the kingdom of God in heaven for a moment on this earth through the church.  So yes, we live on this earth, but we’ve been set apart from unbelievers on this earth. Physically speaking, everyone is the same, only the spiritual things are different we have become children of God. The fact that we believe in Jesus Christ the fact we can pray everything else is the same if anything physically speaking we are better or worse but it’s the same.

 The remnants are under misconception, they try to get rid of the things of heaven and only compare the physical things of earth. How can you ever compare God to the people of the earth? God is the creator and everything on earth is the creation. God‘s power of creation comes upon us, this is different than anyone else. The blessing of the throne of heaven is on earth. That’s why it’s okay if you’re a slave, well educated, or poorly educated because the things of heaven are the same. 

If you remain in this way, all the things God has prepared for you will be revealed to you as answers in God’s time schedule, for example, your talent.  It’d be ideal if someone is trained well while they’re young and discover their talent while young, but most people are not like that.  If the message hasn’t been organized for you yet, it means it’s still complicated because you’ve still not prioritized the things of heaven above the things of earth, then the Word of God still has value for you, but it’s complicated.

We’re still in this process regarding the adults, so just understand that this is rightful, only the people who are impatient will be at a loss because we have to align ourselves to God’s time schedule. If you struggle by yourself thinking it’s not working, that’s just your loss. You shouldn’t put the incorrect things in the next generation, because then the more time passes, the more complicated it will get.  

The accurate and correct things must go into them. That’s why later on everything will be correct. If you’re so hasty that you put something else into your kids, then later in the masterpiece will be strange, you guys experienced this with your own kids. Even if I told you not to do something, you still do it. Because the value of the physical things have gone into you so darkly, even though you receive the pastor’s word you can’t do it. 

“Pastor, you say words that are so extreme, for example, you told my daughter to not go to Berkeley even though everyone wants to go there.  It’s hard to understand isn’t it? There’s another missionary who told them to send her to Berkeley. Even as a missionary they have their own motives to say go. And there’s some students who should go to Berkeley and those who should not. What I’m telling you is, the words of the heaven must go into the student. And if this is an opportunity to do that, we should be able to go anywhere. But if you send this person away and they’re not able to receive the things of heaven, then of course we need to prioritize the things of heaven. That’s how they’re guided. So if I look at myself, yes I’ve done some strange things, butGod guided me according to his time schedule. 

There are few people who don’t always agree with me but they simply follow and pray because the pastor and the messages emphasize something.  These people are not listening to the pastor’s words, but they understand that God is speaking about the things of heaven through the words given through the pastor, then for the people who obey that, even if it doesn’t fit with them, they receive the answers.  I’m sure right now, you confirm by yourself that even if you didn’t do that, you see the results of God’s Word as answers or not.

I tell my child, “After Early Morning prayer, we eat breakfast and I’ll give you a ride to school.”  That time of driving in the car with my daughter is so precious.  I didn’t become a father to just drive her like a chauffeur, and if that’s all I did, I would be the same as an unbeliever.  At this time, what must I put in my child? That’s what’s different.  Otherwise, you’d just be like a nonbeliever parent, just giving rides.

Now that she’s gone back to school, she stays up until 2am doing homework, and her mom tells her not to study like that, but she has my personality, so if there’s something due, she can’t stop until she’s done with that, so she’s pretty much heading down a path of suffering. Because my daughter wouldn’t listen to my wife, my wife called her and said, “When I studied, I used to study like this, and yes it’s true you have to do all your homework and have to worship and after the worship you transcribe everything into English, but the way you’re doing it is wrong. God knows you don’t have time and you don’t have the abilities, so you have to pray first. ‘God, I have so little time and I’m lacking sleep as well, but work upon me so I can do it at this time” Do you think my daughter will listen just because my wife said this once, she did it again? Then when I wake up in the morning, we can’t just go, so I tell her to pray for the filling of the holy spirit, then when she comes back in the afternoon, I ask, “Did you pray?” She said, “I prayed once while going to school“ and I asked her,” What did you pray for?” She said ,”For the filling of the holy spirit.”  “Just once?” “Just once.”  

There’s a difference between aging something and not. So she only slept 5 hours, and from my perspective I don’t think she can do it. But that’s the work of the world. The more elite that become, the more time you lose, and the more busy you become. Thats the reason people go crazy. It’s not only when you’re a student, things will get busier. And let’s say you go all of the trainings and stuff but you don’t know the things of heaven. And whenever someone ask you a question you can answer from God’s word, but in reality you’re being dragged around. They have to be able to learn seeking the things of heaven while studying in order for them to conquer the earth. 

But we’ve been living our walk of faith without that taking place.  Then of course, if we get busy, we have a reason to stop coming to church because we live in the world and we have to turn in our homework. So I told my daughter, “Don’t listen to anything about studying from me, but listen to your mom, because everything you’re doing is what I did as a nonbeliever, and later on, you’ll face your limitations. The more diligently you work, the more limitations you’ll face and you’ll get a spiritual problem.”  

These are the things we talk about in our everyday life, because the kids listen to the Word of God but we have to actively put our lives into this.  When she came back from school today, I asked, “Did you pray?” She said, “Yes,” and my expression was so happy and bright, I asked, “How many times?” “Once.”  Honestly, that’s great, too, and I said, “If you pray twice or more, I’ll give you something.” “Not food, I want clothes and shoes.”  I said, “I won’t tell you what I’ll give you, but I’ll give you something.”  Only then did her face become so bright.

That’s just what happens at the 7th grade level, so we have to do things appropriate to her level. When she becomes a high schooler and I tell her I’m going to give her something, that’s not going to work at all, so I have to match her level.  The idea she gets is, “Praying makes my dad happy and something may come out of it, so that’s the beginning of what I can do,” then without a doubt, by Monday, she’ll pray 2-3 times a day.

It seems like nothing, right?  But the Holy Spirit does fill us and work.  This doesn’t take place just once overnight, but you do it step by step, one day she will have the experience and she will do it without me having to say anything.

She’s already a child of God and she’ll forum about the Word she received today on the ride home. She receives God’s Word every Friday and Saturday constantly, but prayer.  Pray.  One day when this gets rooted in her, then I can take my hands off.  

But why do I speak in such detail about my household life?  We enjoy the things of heaven by holding onto the Word of God and praying.  The reason we pray for the filling of the holy spirit is because Jesus already promised to give it to us, so we hold onto the Word and pray in faith. There’s no reason for me to pray holding onto Acts 1:8, I just tell her to pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit and the working of the Holy Spirit to be upon all her work and the people she meets at school. That’s the role I play, applying God’s Word for her.

Honestly I’m gonna go crazy giving my daughter rides in the mornings and afternoons. I realized if I had multiple kids, I would spend my entire life giving them rides and then die. I can understand pastor Jung, he has 4 or 5 kids and if you have that many kids you spend your entire life driving them around in two different cars. If that’s life in America then there is God‘s plan inside of that. 

When God is allowing me to spend all this time in the morning and afternoon, driving my daughter, there’s God’s plan there.  If I just try to preach the Word of God to her, she’ll just push it away, so I tell her to pray for her school, and that’s how I pray as well when we go, “May the work of the Holy Spirit take place at the school.”  Then as we drive to her school, we pass by a bunch of big houses and I pray that God will raise up disciples here.  If I didn’t do that, then why would I do something so crazy as my daughter’s chauffeur?  

At first, the future looked so bleak when I thought I’d had to do that for multiple years, “In America, you spend your entire life driving your kids around.”  When my daughter was in elementary school, my wife walked her to school every day, so I thought, “Your entire life is over after raising a few kids.”

These are the rightful things we have to do, but they lose hold of the things of heaven, and over time, these kids are becoming more deeply rooted in diligence or giving up or being scarred by their studies.  We tell them to pray, it seems so simple, but we tell them to pray in the field and to have that nature until it naturally takes place and it’s rooted down. That’s the value I provide as a chauffeur, because otherwise, it would be better for me to call her an Uber.

Seek the things of heaven. You’re connected to the throne of heaven through prayer, because the spirit within us is a spirit that transcends time and space, and once our spirit escapes from our body, we will go to the throne of heaven.  Because we’re trapped in our bodies, we’re bound to focus and concentrate on the physical things we see, but that’s not our spirit.  If our physical bodies disappear, then our spirits transcend time and space. Even now, we can pray to the throne of heaven that transcends time and space.  

You take these things of heaven to conquer the world because you’re conquering the kingdom of Satan in the world, and this is how we heal people. If you’re not able to enjoy the things of heaven, you’re worse off than an unbeliever, than someone who does transcendental meditation.  May you realistically enjoy this through faith and change everything realistically through this.

Change the flow of everything spiritually, invisibly, transcending time and space, wherever you are. That continuous prayer is impossible unless you have faith, but because you have faith, continuation takes place, and without a doubt, the spiritual things are invisible, but one day, you’ll have the answer of 25 hours where you can see the answer with your eyes.  Then, we are bound to have the masterpiece of saving souls for the eternal things.

You must never be deceived by physical things again. I told you about my daughter, just because you go to church it doesn’t go away. It’s not a matter of going to church. Even if we go to church diligently and listen to the word diligently we’re not going to know, we have to teach this. I was about to experience this easily because I was struggling so much as a non-believe, I know it’s not a right path, but for people who go to church for a long time, it might be hard to know this. If you do know this, then you can enjoy it and relay it. But if you don’t know this you think something else is a blessing so you really something else . But the only things that are left are the physical things and your diligence. Then you’re going to do things the same as the world. 

Then, this is not going to get relayed to the next generations.  That’s why my life is going to be the same as the next generation’s lives, and it will continuously repeat. There’s no need to be like that.  Starting now, inside of Christ, the things of heaven, because everything is in Christ, and Christ moves all things within the universe, and that’s where my future is controlled, too. He is the One controlling the future of the church as well.

We head in that direction, aligning ourselves with that path.  That’s why a person’s spiritual senses aren’t stolen away by the things of the earth, but people study and work for heavenly things. Then let’s say they face a problem or incident?  People who constantly fix their eyes on the things of heaven will see the answers immediately and won’t shake if they can’t, because they look for God’s plan and will, and that’s why this is relayed in one region, in one job.  

Even though we’re all the same people, with the same circumstances of the world, one person is shaken and the other overcomes.  That’s like King Saul and Daniel.  There were so many problems in the nation, but Daniel was never shaken. That’s not something you can take care of with intelligence, because everyone was so smart. All the officials were an assembly of Harvard graduates, it’s not enough to be smart. There are continuous problems arising in the country. They have to make political policies and strategies. 

It is visible to everybody, imagine there’s a big crisis. Most people will say they’re facing a big problem and there’s no way out of it. Other people provide a strategy that’s not even good but Daniel was never shaken. He was always praying to God so he could give a policy. He would give a policy as a suggestion and the king would ask, “Where he would get this from?”and Daniel would never say it was his idea.

I’m sure Daniel would say in his everyday life, “I was praying to serve my God and the nation I live in, and this is the policy God gave me.”  Then imagine how much the people, the henchmen around Daniel, were full of hatred and jealousy towards him, because he was in line to become the next king.  That’s the reason they passed the law, “Anyone who bows down to anyone other than the king will be executed,” and that’s why the king responded, “Did the God whom you constantly serve save you?”  

Of course, because even in the land of Babylon God is working from above, and only Daniel was the one who can connect to that Thorne. Then even the things of earth will reveal God’s work through the answer of 25 hours. For example, someone like Daniel went to church for a long time, they had faith and the skill to go into the government official. He has skills and he’s intelligent. And let’s say they went into the White House. And there’s so many problems in the world and you have to give political suggestion, and there someone who gives answers that’s given to them by God. 

Because God is the One Who moves everything in the world and God has the answer, that’s what we call prayer.  We say to pray, but it almost seems laughable to the children, doesn’t it? But because you look down on prayer, you live your lives seized by the things of earth. But the people who pray are able to demonstrate this skill in the field. It’s not something that comes through your intelligence.  

“The God Whom you constantly serve,” people will know.  And God has given us this blessing so we can enjoy and confirm it in the field.  I hope you will confirm this blessing here today and enjoy it tonight, enjoy it in the morning in your field, and constantly enjoy this answer in your life.  I’m sorry I talked about my family today but I wanted to give an example and that’s the only people I know.


Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received.  God’s will is for us to seek and enjoy the things of heaven and to relay it on this earth.  Let us pray so we can do our work with the strength and wisdom of heaven to save the people of earth.

At this time, let us pray together for your fields.  You have fields connected to you, your family, your family line, and your regions.  When you pray at this time, I believe God will work with His Light.  The work of the Holy Spirit is light, and that’s how the darkness is broken.  Let us pray all together.  

Tomorrow, we have the Youth Evangelism School, the Young Adult Evangelism School, and the 11am Prayer Summit School.  Even if you just remain within the stream of these systems, changes will arise with time. Let us pray for the Sunday message.

Starting from Wednesday to Friday, we’ll be having RU classes from 1-5pm and I told the RU staff to use our facilities freely whenever they want for the Lord.  Those who participate online will pay $100 but if you attend in person, it will also be $100, but I received a communication that the members of our church can participate for free.  When Pastor Ahn first told us that, I said we shouldn’t participate like that, we should serve to pay for the training.  So I said we wouldn’t take that offer.

Pastor Kim approached me again and said anyone from AMC can participate for free.  If anything, when they ask me to do anything for free, I reject that and say we should pay, so I hope you will be well led.  So, there’s going to be two pastors, Pastor Kim and Pastor Heo Il, sequentially.  You guys should definitely try to participate in person, because at least other church members would have to pay, but it’s free for us, and it helps the messenger, especially if they travel from Korea, it will strengthen them to have a lot of people here saying amen, and we should also help clean up as well. Let us pray for RU and our missions fields.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of the church, the multiethnic people, and the remnants who desire to be a witness to the ends of the earth, seeking first the things hidden in Christ, be upon all their businesses, academics, and ministries, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen


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