See the Great Works of God (Jn. 1:43-51)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

See the Great Works of God (Jn. 1:43-51)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Happy Mother’s Day!” Today’s worship is given on happy Mother’s Day, and God will concentrate His Word for the mothers.  How can we be and have happy mothers?  We need to continuously receive answers from heaven.  In order to receive answers from heaven, we need to know what God is doing now.  If you are only interested in the work you are doing, you won’t be able to see the work that God is doing.  However, if you’re interested in the work that God is doing, then God will carry out His work through your work.

God is invisible to our eyes, we cannot touch Him and we cannot feel Him. Then, how can we know how God is working now?  Even right now, God is giving us His Word, and God is carrying out His Word.  Even now, God is carrying out the work of salvation, and right now, God is answering our important prayers.  That is the work of the Triune God, and that is where we must concentrate.  However, Satan makes it so that I don’t concentrate on the work of the Triune God, I only concentrate on my own work.  Then, the result will be living a life that is heavy-burdened with no answers.  If we truly believe in Jesus Christ and see the work that the Triune God is doing today, the more we will have and become happy mothers.  

Then, I must ask myself, “Am I receiving answers now?” and what is the standard for these answers? It is the Word of God, the work of salvation, and the power of answered prayers.  Even right now, God is doing that work.  The title of today’s message is, “See the Great Works of God.”  Without a doubt, this is Jesus’ Word and it is His promise. And the one who is able to see those works is the one who is able to receive answers.  How can we become like that?

1. John and disciples shifting the focus to Jesus

  1) John – With two of his disciples (Jn. 1:35)

    (1) Jesus the Lamb of God (Jn. 1:36)

There are two disciples of John the Baptist who are walking with John the Baptist, and they meet Jesus.  And it is not just Jesus, but it is Jesus, the Lamb of God.  This is the Jesus Who God Himself has sent to earth as a sacrifice to save mankind. 

    (2) The two disciples followed Jesus (Jn. 1:37)

These two disciples followed after Jesus.  Out of everything in our lives, the greatest work is to concentrate everything on Jesus Christ.  If you want to have a happy Mother’s Day, you must help your children concentrate on Christ.  Mt. 11:28 says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened,” you must allow your children to go to Christ.  And then He says, “I will give you rest.”  We must have the rest that comes from God.  This only happens when we go to Jesus.  In order to go to Jesus, you must let go of your own things.  You might want to hold onto your things, but you must give them to the Lord. You must lay down your entire life to the Lord Who is inside of you.  If you don’t let go of the things of your past, then your past will seize you by the ankles.  If you don’t let go of the work you’re doing in the present, you’re going to worry about it, and because you don’t give your future to the Lord and you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, you’re afraid of it.  

So the only thing you can do is work hard, and as you continue to live your life working so hard, you’re so oppressed and burdened.  Your thoughts, heart, and mind are so oppressed that it turns into panic attacks and depression.  If I have the strength to overcome these things, then they would go away, but in order to do that, we must go to Jesus.  For the parents, you must help your children focus on Jesus.  Working and studying? That’s just the introduction.  If you think those are the main things and you make your children concentrate on their work and studies, then their lives will fail.  That’s the way that people are living in the world today.  The reason we study is to testify of Jesus, then God will begin to work, and then when they receive answers, they are filled with joy, and that is relayed to your children.  That is how a mother will become happy; how else?

Just like John the Baptist says, “Not my disciples, but the disciples of Jesus.”  Your children are not your children; they are the children of Jesus, then God will take care of them.  But if you are holding onto your own children, then your children will only go to your level, and they cannot go beyond “my level.”  But if you entrust your children to the Lord, then the Lord will allow them to do great works. 

    (3) Jesus – What do you want? (Jn. 1:38)

Among these disciples, there is one who saw Jesus approaching, and Jesus asked, “What do you want?”  There is something God or Jesus is curious about you–what do you want, why are you coming to worship? 

  2) Disciples’ question – Jesus’s answer

    (1) Come and you will see (Jn. 1:39)

    (2) Spent that day with him (Jn. 1:39)

Then Jesus says, “Come and you will see.”  Jesus wants you to come follow Him and see, and then He stays with them. Yes, we listen to messages, we study the Bible, we study theology, but the goal of all of this is for Jesus to be with us.  Being with the Lord is the goal for which He has called us.  Mark 3:13-15 says Jesus called out to those He wanted to be with them, to send them out to preach and to give them authority to cast out demons.  Right now, Jesus Christ is not in front of us physically; we simply accept Him, then the Lord is with us forever.  That finishes everything.  No matter where you are, no matter what you do, no matter what happens, the almighty, powerful God is with you.  As evidence that He is with you, every time you face a problem, the Lord gives you an answer.  

If somebody just studies the Bible, then they only have a lot of knowledge, so they’re not able to see how the Lord is with them right now.  The fact that God is with you means that He is now unified with you, living with you, and you must finish everything with that.  For a child, if they are with their parents, everything is finished. Do you have any problems? There is no reason to worry because the God Who is with you gives you the answer.  Do you have any conflicts with people?  The Lord wants you to change yourself, because with your narrow-sided mind, you cannot do great things, so the Lord wants you to change yourself.  Are you facing a crisis?  Then, God is actually giving us an opportunity to see how He is with us, but there are some people who keep on saying, “This is a problem,” it’s because they only study the Bible.  By studying the Bible, they must discover how God is with them, but they haven’t been able to discover that.  The fact that God is with us means that in our everyday life circumstances, the Lord is with us, guiding us and giving us answers.  

    (3) Andrew told Simon that we have found the Messiah and evangelized (Jn. 1:41-42)

Now, one of these two disciples named Andrew meets Jesus Christ and he evangelizes to his brother, Simon, saying, “I have met the Messiah.”  So the blessed meetings of our lives are the ones that testify of Jesus Christ.  Through us, the name of Jesus Christ is being testified, that is the great work of God.  If there are any of you who are not receiving answers, it is because you continue to try to reveal yourself, it is because you continuously try to fulfill your own plans.  And if you try to fight against God, God will always win.  The goal of our life is that, through our lives, the name of Jesus Christ is revealed.  Your studies, working, and making money, that is only the introduction. The goal for which we do everything is to reveal Jesus Christ, then you will see how God is working.  

But there are people who live their walk of faith in order to fulfill their own will, and if they don’t get what they want, they fall into tests, they fall into their own wicked ways, and the Lord knows all of this.  It says in Phil. 4:19, that the Lord will supply all your needs.  If the Lord doesn’t know your needs, He is not your Lord.  The Lord already knows what you need, but you say that you’re afflicted.  You are falling into your own wickedness, that’s not something you should be afflicted by.  You need to come out of that and you need to wonder, “What is it that the Lord desires?” Then you will always receive answers, and when you receive answers, you are joyful.  If somebody accomplishes something they want to accomplish, they feel a moment of joy and satisfaction, but if you continuously receive answers from God, it’s even more joyful.  

  3) The two disciples came to Jesus (Jn. 1:42)

    (1) Simon met Jesus (Jn. 1:42)

    (2) Jesus looked at Simon (Jn. 1:42)

    (3) Simon – You will be called Cephas (Peter) (Jn. 1:42)

Andrew evangelizes to his brother, Simon, and Jesus says, “Now you will be known as Cephas, or Peter.”  The greatest work that a person can do is to bring another person to Jesus Christ.  The thing that the Lord is most interested in is finding people. The Lord did not die on the cross so that He could raise up more schools, hospitals, businesses, or buildings; He died on the cross to save people.  Why am I a doctor, a nurse, or a businessperson, or a teacher? It is to save people.  The reason Jesus died on the cross is not to raise up more hospitals, it’s not to raise up schools.  Jesus did not die on the cross to make your business stronger.

Does that mean we don’t need those things?  No, those things are used to reveal the Lord, and everyone who believes in this receives answers without exception, but the people who are trying to use the name of the Lord to raise up a hospital have no answers because they can just do that work with their own strength.  Even nonbelievers who don’t believe in Jesus can raise up hospitals. The Lord does not give you power for unnecessary things; the Lord works upon God’s work.   So, I’m not saying that volunteering in society is not important; I’m saying, that’s the introduction.  If you’ve received God’s grace, then you will come to realize that whatever work you’re doing physically is just the introduction and not of great value.  The work of God is for the name of Jesus Christ to be revealed for all the world, the nations, the peoples.  

2. Jesus calls his disciples

  1) Decided to leave for Galilee (Jn. 1:43)

    (1) Met Philip (Jn. 1:43)

The next day, the Lord is on the way to Galilee and meets Philip.  The Lord was not going to Galilee and then met Philip; the Lord was going to Galilee to meet Philip.  Galilee is a region of fishermen, and Jesus is going to find the fishermen young adults of Galilee, and on the way, He meets Philip.  As you are going to work on Monday, the reason why you go to work is to testify the name of Jesus Christ, and on your way, you have this precious blessing of meeting.  On the way to the location of prayer, Peter and John met the crippled beggar. While the Apostle Paul was looking for a place to pray, he met the disciple Lydia. As you are moving for Jesus Christ, God has prepared these important blessings of meeting, and when the Lord is doing His work, the first thing He does is raise His people.  God does not raise the building first; He raises the people first.  Even if somebody is trying to take over the world with communism, they will raise up their people first because they will spread communism through those people.  Even if you are running a business, you must meet the people whom God has prepared.  The work the parent must do is to raise their children as the ones who will do the work of God.  Then all the education and everything you go through in that process will be God’s work.  

    (2) Follow me (Jn. 1:43)

After Jesus met Philip, He said, “Follow me.”  In order to follow Jesus, you must let go of your own thoughts.  If you meet someone on the street and they just say, “Follow me,” they’re crazy, isn’t that right?  Last night, I was walking around the park as exercise, and some crazy lady pretended she knew me.  She said, “What am I going to do with my bags?” I said, “Why are you asking me that?”  What she’s saying is, she needs a place to put down her bags.  She’s a crazy person, that’s her way to lure in men.  I know the world a bit.  Men who are also out of their mind will be caught in her hook.  I was listening to the message so I didn’t really hear what she was saying, but she said, “You look familiar,” and I thought she meant that she’d met me at church, so I said, “What did you say?”  She said, “We went to go have fun and you were my driver,” and I said, “No, you’re crazy,” and I sent her away.  Her clothes and her makeup did not match at all; there was no balance in her outfit, that means her mental state is not very secure, and because her mental state is back and forth, her clothes are also back and forth.  If your mental state is sound, then even the way you do your makeup will be very sound.  If your mental state is very calm, then your makeup will be calm.  This is my experience having been in ministry for a long time. When I do ministry with women for a long time, their makeup becomes very normal, that means that internally, they are becoming more calm.  

Jesus says, “Follow Me,” but we cannot just follow anyone, we can only follow someone if we know them. These are able-bodied young adults, they’re not going to follow anybody who tells them to follow.  He didn’t even say, “I’m going to teach you how to catch more fish.”  Jesus didn’t even say, “I’ll teach you how to run a better business.” He says, “Just follow Me.”  In order to follow the Lord, you must let go of your things.  Do you go to church or do you follow Jesus?  Going to church has no meaning.  When you come to church, what’s important is that you’re following Jesus; you come to church to follow Jesus.

    (3) Philip – From the town of Bethsaida (House of the fisherman)

Philip was a person who was living in Bethsaida which was a region of fishermen.  

  2) Philip’s evangelism (Jn. 1:45-46)

    (1) Met the Messiah about whom the prophets recorded and Moses wrote about in the Law

After Philip met Jesus Christ, he went to evangelize to his friend Nathanael, who was always meditating on the scriptures under a fig tree, and he says, “We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth.” 

    (2) Jesus the Nazareth – Can anything good come from there?

Then Nathanael responded, “Nazareth?  Can anything good come from Nazareth?” It was a place full of poor and uneducated people.  That is always God’s method.  Jesus did not come to a fantastical, grand palace.  Jesus was born to this couple that no one was really sure if they were married or not, and they were not even married but the virgin gave birth to a son, and even that birth was in a manger.   And from the standards of the world, He grew up in a very low-class region.  

    (3) Come and see (Jn. 1:46)

Then when Nathanael asks that, Philip says, “Come and see.”  This means, “Just accept Jesus Christ, try it.”  Once you open the doors of your heart and receive Jesus Christ, you will come to realize. 

  3) Jesus and Nathanael 

    (1) Nathanael saw Jesus approaching (Jn. 1:47)

    (2) True Israelite – In whom there is no deceit (Jn. 1:47)

Then, when Jesus saw Nathanael approaching Him, He said of Nathanael, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”  What does it mean there is no deceit in him?  It means there are no lies, no falsehood, but for most Jewish people, Jesus said, their inner self and outer selves are different, and that’s why Jesus called them whitewashed tombs, because their inside and outside are very different.  

    (3) How do you know me (Jn. 1:48)

Then Nathanael asked, “How do you know me?”  The Lord knows all of you, the Lord knows your situation, the Lord knows everything in your past, knows your present, and knows everything in your future.  The reason you don’t have to worry is because you can simply entrust it to the One Who knows everything, then the One Who knows everything will answer you.  

    (4) I saw you while you were still under the fig tree (Jn. 1:48)

Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree, before Philip called you.”  Israel has weather that is similar to LA, it’s very hot but under the shade, it can be cool, and the fig tree has broad leaves, so many people would go underneath fig trees to meditate and pray.  So, Nathanael was sitting under the fig tree using the scriptures of the Old Testament, to meditate on the Messiah, and the Lord knew that.  Jesus is God, He knows.

    (5) Son of God, King of Israel (Jn 1:49)

Then, Nathanael confesses, “You are the Son of God, You are the King of Israel,” because he was meditating on the content of the Messiah.

    (6) You will see greater things than that (Jn 1:50)

Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree; you will see greater things than that,” so starting from now is the main point.  

3. The Great Work of God (Jn. 6:29, Phil. 2:13)

Then, what exactly is the great work that God does?  My work must go into God’s great work, isn’t that right?  Even in the world, your business must be used in the great projects of the government or the nation to be great work.  What is the great work of God? It says in Jn. 6:29, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”  So what is the work that God is doing even now?  It is the work to have people believe in Jesus Christ.  Phil. 2:13 says, “It is God Who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”  Back in the biblical times, they met the Lord Jesus in physical form, but now, He lives inside of us, allowing us to will and to act according to His good purpose.  That means that when you are aligned with God’s good purpose, you will be filled with joy.  The person who is always filled with joy is because they are always aligned with God’s purpose.  Somebody who is never filled with joy is because their work is not aligned with God’s work. 

  1) Heaven opens – Throne (Jn. 1:51)

    (1) You will see the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man (Jn. 1:51)

Then in Jn. 1:51, Jesus added, “You will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man,” this means that you are on earth, but God will open the gates of the throne of heaven and send His angels to do His work upon you.  Nonbelievers just live with their hard work, and their goal is to live for themselves.  First, they live to figure out their physical needs.  Second, they work so hard to gain some more physical and financial power.  Their third goal is they live so diligently to reveal their name and their glory to the world.  But if you want to follow Jesus, you have to overcome those three tests.  

In Mt. 4, Jesus Christ Himself overcame those three tests from Satan to do God’s work.  The reason you’re not able to do the work of God is because your ankles are seized by those three tests.  You’re not able to escape from your own thoughts and your own plans, and because of that, you’re not able to escape from your scars, and because of that, you’re not able to escape from your depression or mental illness. When there’s a financial problem, you’re not able to escape, why?  It is because you are not able to go into the work the Lord is doing.  God is not seized by anything.  Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, anybody who is with God will not be bound by that valley.  Jesus told us to pray for God’s Kingdom to be established on earth, and Jesus told us to work for the work of the Kingdom of God. 

    (2) Jacob – A stairway between heaven and earth (Gen. 28:12)

The place where this verse is described perfectly is Genesis 28:12. After Jacob was running away from his older brother who was trying to kill him, he was sleeping, and he had a vision of angels floating from heaven to earth, back and forth.  Jacob was so full of humanism, that he knew that the covenant was supposed to be given to him because of God’s Word, but he stole it anyway, and that’s the reason his older brother was out to kill him.  At that time, Jacob was all by himself. In his dream, he dreamt of those angels ascending and descending, and then God told him, “I am the God of your ancestors.  I will be with you and protect you until the moment you satisfy your whole mission.”  That mission is to go to live in the land of Canaan, because that is how Jesus Christ will be born there.  

    (3) All nations on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring

    (4) God of the covenant – With, Protect, With us until we complete the mission (Gen. 28:15)

Then God gave Him the great work that all nations on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring; that is the great work. God has this tremendous project.  After time passes, Jacob goes back to the land of Canaan, has descendants, Jesus Christ was born on earth, and now the gospel is being spread to the ends of the earth.  That’s how Jesus Christ was born. He came as the descendant of Jacob, and on the cross, He has destroyed all the background of our problems. Our background is what’s important because depending on your background, the result will be different.  Unless our background of the curses of our sin, the background of Satan, and the background of hell is broken down, we will never solve our problems.  That is what Jesus Christ has finished by dying on the cross and resurrecting.  For nonbelievers, their background has not changed to the background of God, and because they have the background of sin, they’re constantly filled with curses.  Their background is from the authority of the devil, so they will always be enslaved by Satan.  Even right now, they are living with the suffering of eternal hell on earth and once they die.  

  2) Jesus Christ

    (1) It is finished (Jn. 19:30), God’s kingdom – Mission (Ac. 1:3), Only Holy Spirit – Authority – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

On the cross, Jesus has finished that background of our lives.  Then, He tells us about the Kingdom of God. The reason you live on earth is to establish the Kingdom of God.  You are not living on this earth for the work of this world.  That’s what nonbelievers do.  For us, it seems like we’re doing the work of the world, but we’re actually doing the work of God.  For the work of God’s Kingdom, God will do it personally.  God is with you and working with His Holy Spirit and the power of the throne of heaven.  Are you understanding this right now?  If you don’t understand this right now, then you’re going to try to grin and bear and endure it, and in the end, you’ll surrender with both hands up, so right now, while you are worshiping, you need to listen while you pray, “Lord, help me to understand and realize Your Word.”  This is the language of heaven, so you cannot understand with your own IQ.  Only when the Holy Spirit of God works can you understand the language of heaven.  

Just because the Bible is a book does not mean it is like any other book.  This is a book that was written by the work of the Holy Spirit.  God created the universe with His Word, God is His Word.  Heb. 4:12 says the Word of God is living and active, it pierces, even penetrating through joints and marrow, and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of our heart.  So, if you understand God’s Word, it means that God is working upon you. Our thoughts will disappear but God’s Word is eternal. The Word is God, and that Word must be established inside of you.  That person will be led by God, no matter what.  But if you’re just trying to keep the Word of God as a reference like some other elite individual’s, your life will not work and that is because that means you’re only acknowledging God as some kind of teacher; that’s why your life is destroyed.  I hope your life will not be destroyed, but I hope you will receive the Word of God as God.  

    (2) Prayer – Holy Spirit evangelizes, Doors of missions (Ac. 2:9-11)

If you’re just sitting here like a school lecture, you will not understand.  That is why you must worship in spirit and in truth.  You cannot understand a worship that does not have the work of the Holy Spirit.  You cannot understand the words of truth. At this time, as you’re listening to the Word, may you concentrate on the Lord God inside of you. When you concentrate on that God, without you even realizing it, healing takes place.  If you don’t understand what this means, try always worrying about something and see what happens. You will be met with cancer like a magnet, and your mental state will be destroyed, but see what happens when you concentrate on God. You will face the result of nothing being a problem.  Even the cancer that you currently have will go away.  Why? Because the Word of God even penetrates through our joints and marrow.  

The person who realizes, “Oh, this is the Word God is giving me today,” they have had victory in worship.  I’m not talking about being able to summarize this message with your brain, but the Holy Spirit hitting your heart with an answer and moving you. Whatever you’re able to summarize with your brain, that’s something that people can do.  Your heart is diseased and your heart must be moved, and that can only take place if the Word of God goes into your heart.  Then that Word in your heart will guide your whole life.  That is worship, that is why you must stake your life on worship.  Do not give your life to your business but give your life here.  Then God will take care of your business because you know this, you’re able to come to worship, staking your life.  People who don’t know this say, “Oh, I can go to worship or I don’t really have to; it’s optional,” that person just thinks of God as some sort of teacher, and they will continue to face difficulties.  The fact that they are facing difficulties means, those things should not affect them, but it affects them greatly.  The world is so hard, but it shouldn’t matter to you, and that grace must come upon you during this time of worship.  

    (3) First seek his kingdom and righteousness (Mt. 6:33)

When these people pray for the Kingdom of God, God begins to work.  Then God opens the doors of missions and evangelism to testify of the name of Jesus Christ. Try praying for the work of the Kingdom of God at your job.  Jesus taught us how to pray, “First seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be given to you as well.”  A long time ago, I used to think like this, “Oh, Jesus Christ said that all these things will follow me as well; that means, in order to get all of these things, then I need to seek God’s Kingdom first.”  The Lord wanted me to seek God’s Kingdom first, but I only wanted to seek God’s Kingdom first so that I can get everything that comes after.  And no matter how much I waited, it didn’t come, I just barely had enough to live, but one day, my priority changed.  

“Oh, of course, seeking God’s Kingdom and righteousness first is rightful, and then whatever I need to do for that work, God will just give it to me.”  That is how my mind changed, and when I pray, it is only for God’s Kingdom and His Word.  Everything else, I don’t even care about, because God is going to take care of it. How are you guys living your walk of faith?  Are you potentially focused on getting all the things that follow like I used to, or focused on His Kingdom?  According to the Word of God, you will change your priorities, and that’s not because of our desire or will, but when the Holy Spirit works inside of us, we will naturally change to prioritize God’s Kingdom. As you listen to God’s Word like this, your priority will change. God changes our incorrect priorities in order to bless us.  

  3) What happens when you pray

    (1) Prayer of the apostle – Angel of the Lord is the throne (Rev. 8:3)

When you pray, what are the things that happen? Rev. 8:3 says there are angels in heaven that are taking our prayers on plates to God as incense in censers.

    (2) An angel of the Lord, Holy Spirit told Philip (Ac. 8:26,29)

It also says in Acts 8:26, 29 that when Philip was praying, the Lord spoke to him with an angel.  The Lord took him to Samaria. That’s what should happen to your business.  God, the Holy Spirit, the angels, must give you His Word and open the doors of your business. The reason God opens the doors of your business is for God’s work.  So, for the people who are working for God’s Kingdom, you’ll understand what I mean.  But if you keep working so hard for your own work, then it’s not going to take you anywhere.  

    (3) An angel of the Lord broke Peter’s chains (Ac. 12:5-7)

    (4) An angel of the Lord struck Herod (Ac. 12:23)

Peter was doing God’s work and then he was imprisoned for it, then all the disciples began to pray for Peter, and an angel of the Lord came and broke the chains in the prison.  So, Peter was imprisoned for doing the work of God, which was to save people through testifying of the name of Jesus Christ, but he could not be locked up, so the angel of the Lord spared him from prison.  When the early Church was doing the work of God, King Herod continued to block them, so God actually sent an angel of the Lord to give King Herod a virus or a bug to kill him, so God takes care of evangelism.  


1. Me, Family, Business, Church – 3 Courtyards (Courtyard of the Gentiles, Prayer, Children)

In conclusion, me, my family, my business, and my church, it must all be for the work of God. If you’re holding onto the work of the Kingdom of God, then God will fulfill all your needs.  God does not fill your greed.  God fills your need.  But if you embrace the work that God is doing, God will work to make that happen.  What is that work of God? Your business must be used to declare the gospel to Gentiles who don’t know God. If you don’t have that, you’re just working for yourself.  

2. Inside 24 prayer, 25 answer

The courtyard of prayer.  My business must be used to heal people through prayer.  When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ for the people in your life, God will begin to heal them. Your business must be for the next generation.  Whenever these three courtyards were missing from the temple, Jesus got rid of that temple.  And after Jesus Christ resurrected from death, He gave these three requests, to make disciples of all nations, to heal people by giving them the gospel, and to and to “Feed my lambs, or my children.” For the mothers who hold onto this mission from God, they are bound to be happy, and the business people who are holding onto this work will continuously receive answers, and your children will receive this as well, and you continue to pray for this.  Then, without a doubt, you will receive answers, and when you receive answers, people will come to life.  

3. Eternal – Souls with Christ

After you die, what’s left? All of the lives that were saved through you will remain with you in heaven forever, that is the work of God.  That is the reason you study, that’s the reason you live and work on this earth.  May you see the great works of God.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word we have received. Let us pray to see God’s great works and go into God’s work. 

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We thank You because the Lord God Who is the Word has revealed Your Word to us through the Holy Spirit.  Allow us to become the absolute, true disciples of God Who do the work of God through our work.  Lord, we pray that You will restore and change all of the incorrect priorities inside of us. We believe You will give the blessing of the economy of light to save the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes, upon the hands, the businesses, and the academics that have given the offering to the church in temple construction, Sunday worship, thanksgiving worship offering as well as the missions offering for missions and the future generation offering for the future generations. We pray You will give the blessing of restoration and healing upon those who are sick.  We believe You will give strength upon those who are mentally suffering and unable to concentrate.  You know our weaknesses, and we pray right now that You will bless our future generations.  We pray that you will give this blessing first upon the parents so we may have a happy Mother’s Day.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Native American Navajo camp is on 6/23(Mon.)-27(Thurs.)

3. Florida camp (Anticipating end of July, beginning of August)

4. Regional Summer camp (Children’s) in May, June, July.

5. Children’s Spirituality Camp – 5/26-5/27.

6. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, filling, and working, and guidance of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to go into and testify and see the great works of the Kingdom of God, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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