Rest and Give the Offering That Saves the Age (Numbers 15:1-16)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Rest and Give the Offering That Saves the Age (Numbers 15:1-16)

The LORD said to Moses, “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: ‘After you enter the land I am giving you as a home and you present to the LORD food offerings from the herd or the flock, as an aroma pleasing to the LORD—whether burnt offerings or sacrifices, for special vows or freewill offerings or festival offerings— then the person who brings an offering shall present to the LORD a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of olive oil. With each lamb for the burnt offering or the sacrifice, prepare a quarter of a hin of wine as a drink offering. “ ‘With a ram prepare a grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a third of a hin of olive oil, and a third of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Offer it as an aroma pleasing to the LORD. “ ‘When you prepare a young bull as a burnt offering or sacrifice, for a special vow or a fellowship offering to the LORD, bring with the bull a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with half a hin of olive oil, and also bring half a hin of wine as a drink offering. This will be a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. Each bull or ram, each lamb or young goat, is to be prepared in this manner. Do this for each one, for as many as you prepare. “ ‘Everyone who is native-born must do these things in this way when they present a food offering as an aroma pleasing to the LORD. For the generations to come, whenever a foreigner or anyone else living among you presents a food offering as an aroma pleasing to the LORD, they must do exactly as you do. The community is to have the same rules for you and for the foreigner residing among you; this is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. You and the foreigner shall be the same before the LORD: The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the foreigner residing among you. ”

Reference verses: Hebrews 3:8-19

Do not harden your heart, as you did in the rebellion, during the time of testing in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested and tried me, though for forty years they saw what I did. That is why I was angry with that generation; I said, ‘Their hearts are always going astray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’ ” See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said: “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt? And with whom was he angry for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies perished in the wilderness? And to whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not to those who disobeyed? So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief.

Let us share the grace of God today with Numbers 15. The book of Numbers has the content of organizing all of the 12 tribes looking forward to conquering Cannan that is ahead of them and centering on the Lord.  They sent the 12 spies into the land and confirmed that they were not ready. Because most of the people were not United with God in faith, and because of that God delayed their time schedule for 40 years. 

The first generation passed away and God prepared the second generation. Whether the first generation had faith or disbelief, it was God’s plan for the second generation to go in. Numbers 13 and  14 are very bad chapters in the Israelites’ perspective. Numbers 13, 14 tells the reason why the conquest that should have taken 11 days was extended for 40 years. 

And that is actually recorded very well in the New Testament in Hebrews 13. Let us look together at Hebrews 3:8-19. In verse 8 it says, “do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion during the time of testing in the wilderness.” This heartening of their hearts caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, hardening of your heart means that you’re rejecting God’s words. And in verse 10, “That is why I was angry with that generation, their hearts are going astray and they have not known my ways.” God’s path was already given to us by his word. However they were always going astray from that word. 

Satan, Spiritual

Now as well as in the past, Satan is always making us escape from God’s word. Revelation 12:9 says the work of Satan is to take all of mankind astray from God’s word. No one can be separated from the astrayness. We can never overcome that unless it is by the word of God. And in verse 11, “So  I declared on earth in my anger, they should never enter my rest.” God is expressing the land of Cannan as rest. 

How can we gain rest? We may only find rest if we remain within God’s Word. And as a result of escaping from God’s word, we have to live a life of heavy burdens for 40 years. So Satan is always making us go astray from God’s word. And because of that we may not gain true rest and because of that, we have spiritual and mental problems. And even our physical life falls into suffering. And it also makes our future generations fall into suffering and wandering. We must remain within the rest of the words of Jesus Christ. 

Matthew 11:28, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened I will give you rest.” We can only gain true rest from your heavy burdens if you go into Jesus Christ. Hebrews 3:13, “Encourage one another daily as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” it says sin’s deceitfulness, what is sin? It is disobedience to God. In other words, not following the words of God and going elsewhere is sin. Throughout the week, Satan continues to tempt you with idols so that you do not follow God’s word. And as a result, you fall into complete suffering. 

People must receive strength in order to hear God’s Word, but they are completely losing their strength. It’s not because anyone did anything to us but because we have fallen into disobedience due to the temptation of sin.  Then, Hebrews 3:15, “Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” This means you must remain within God’s Word.  Those who are within God’s Word throughout the week, without a doubt, have been victorious.  It doesn’t matter what anyone says: if you’re outside of the Word of God, then your heart becomes hardened and you’re seized by Satan.  

Hebrews 3:18 says, “To whom did God swear that they would never enter his rest if not those who disobeyed.” They were disobedient. Hebrews 3:19 says, “So we see that they were not able to enter because of their unbelief,” so another word for “disobedience” is unbelief.  Then, what is the real problem?  Instead of following the Word God gave us, we are going down another path, why is that? Because of our unbelief.  Even now, the devil is working 24 hours a day through the unbelievers.

1 Peter 5:8

Whom does Satan work upon?  Those who do not believe in the words of God. Numbers 15 is saying that everyone in the first generation other than Joshua and Caleb must remain and stay in the wilderness. What’s important is not that the first generation stayed, but is that anyone who had disbelief had to remain.  This doesn’t mean that they won’t go to heaven, but it means they cannot enjoy rest on earth.  God gave us the promise of world evangelization, and if you go outside of that, you cannot enjoy rest.  

Now, Numbers 15 is what the Lord is saying through Moses to the next generations who will go into the land of Canaan.  After they go into the land of Canaan, God is telling them about the many sacrifices


Sacrifice means you go before God. Worship and our offering is the way for people, who have been lost in the disobedience of sin, the temptation of Satan, and being separated from God to be reunited with God again.  Today, He is talking about the various types of worship.  In other words, He is telling us about the sacrifices, because of the many different aspects we are disobedient to God. so worship.

Worship is not optional, we have no choice but to be separated from God, we have no choice but to leave God’s Word and to go into the world, and that’s why God made sacrifice and worship.  If we talk about these sacrifices, it will make your head hurt and you won’t be able to understand what it means.  

I’m using this chalkboard so we can organize this message about sacrifices, but we heard about this in Leviticus, too.

Five Sacrifices

1. Burnt Offering

The first is the Burnt Offering.  This means you are completely burning everything up, just like Jesus Christ completely burnt up for us.  Therefore, every time we give the burnt offering, it refers to the worship where we completely let ourselves go and fill ourselves with Christ.  This burns everything, completely burnt up, completely giving everything, you’re completely giving yourself up to theLord.  But the Lord already gave Himself, but the absolute condition is that you die on the cross with Him.

If the Lord died on the cross, then you also died on the cross.  If the Lord is dying but you remain alive, that’s not worship. Because the Lord died on the cross, I can live by myself?  That’s not right.  Genesis 3, the “me” lived based on myself and sin, this has been crucified.  Every time we worship we must give the burnt offering.

2. Grain Offering

The grain offering is always given with all the other animal offerings.  May you have victory in worship.  During times of worship, you must be able to concentrate spiritually through prayer.  Closing your eyes is not concentration. How would you concentrate while working if that’s the case?  

3. Fellowship Offering

There are three types of fellowship offering, the first is Thanksgiving offering.  

1) Thanksgiving offering

You are voluntarily giving it out of Thanksgiving to the Lord

2) Vow offering 

It’s a vow offering. 

3) Freewill Offering

The third is the freewill offering you are giving out of your own free will.  So in other words this fellowship offering is to regain this fellowship between you and God and between you and other people.  The burnt offering and grain offering was given every single day in the morning and at night, meaning that every single day, you must hold onto Jesus Christ.  Fellowship offering is regaining fellowship between you and God, and a fellowship with you and people.  Because things in our lives will separate us from God and from other people, we have this fellowship offering.

4. Atonement Offering

This atonement is not for Original Sin, but it is for our active sins.  All the sins we’ve committed are a result of the Original Sin.  Because we’re always having acts of sins in our lives, we have to go back to God with these sacrifices.

5.  Guilt offering 

The fifth type of offering is where you’re repaying the things you have taken or broken in the temple.  For example, people who don’t give their tithe must add a fifth on top of their tithe.  Another example is if you borrow money from someone and don’t repay them, or harm someone else, you have to pay them back with an additional one-fifth on top.  So, this is a material offering you give if you go beyond the Word of God.

The atonement offering is for the acts of my sin, the fellowship offering is a worship you give when there’s a disconnect between your relationship with God or people, and the burnt offering and grain offering must be given every morning and night, meaning we need Jesus Christ all day, every single day.

Then, we might think today, “If we give worship in the name of Jesus Christ then we don’t have to give offering,” because these five offerings represent Jesus Christ, so if we worship in the name of Jesus Christ, we don’t have to give offerings, right? All these five sacrifices include offering, for example, in the grain offering, it contains the grain with which the temple workers can eat and survive off of, and if it weren’t for this offering, the temple workers would starve to death.  The fellowship offering is shared and eaten with the members of the community.  It’s the same for the atonement sin and the material offering where you are giving materials.  These are all aspects where we separate from God’s Word in our lives.  

The reason we have, for example, financial curses is because God gave His Word regarding material things, but we’ve become separated from that Word.  There are these five categories of offerings, but there is also the method with which we give these offerings.


1. Shaken (wave)

The first is a shaken offering

2. Lifting

The second is a lifted offering

3. Pouring

The third is pouring, like wine.  Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4 that he is giving himself as a wine offering, he completely pours himself out as a wine offering.  The reason he wrote this to Timothy is because he realized his life was coming to an end and he was going to pour out everything within him for the Lord. Philippians 1:17 says, “Even if I give my life as a wine offering,” in other words, “even if I pour out my entire life, I give my life.”

4. Burning

The fourth method is to burn it.  The five types of offerings are because these are the ways that we can be disconnected from God because of Siena and Satan and we are giving this offering as worship to the Lord, and we offer these offerings through these four methods.  For example, if you’re attending church here, is it rightful for you to give an offering to another church?  That’s not right. It is right for me to give my offering in the place I am giving worship.  If you want to help another church in need, it is right for you to go through your church to give an offering to the other church, because only when it is through the church will there be continuation. 

If there is a church, God’s will is determined.  Whatever the church determines is God’s will, so you shouldn’t just follow your emotions and ideology but you have to follow the decisions of the church, and that’s how we can fulfill the mission God has given to our church.  For the other churches, they fulfill the mission God has given to them.  But if you don’t understand that you would say, “Why is it a big deal if I give to the churches I want?” You won’t go to jail for it but may lose a lot of blessings.

If you give all the offering you want to give to the church and also to another church, there’s nothing wrong with that.  Worship includes offering.  Through the Old Testament, we’re able to see why we must give worship. 

(Spirit, Truth)

We give worship in spirit and in truth, we give worship with the word of God and the Holy Spirit, and that’s why we receive spiritual strength and the grace of God’s Word, and the way for us to be restored back into the Word of God in these five aspects through which we’re separated from God, is through worship.  When we go into the land of Canaan, we have to fight a war, and the method is to remain within God’s word. 

But people have learned from the world, so they try to do their work with the words of the world.  They’re trying to follow everything they’ve seen and heard in the world, but that is a lie, and even when they come to church, they try to follow that, but that’s incorrect.  People who are barely able to make a living try to follow those words, and they follow after the words of a successful person even though that successful person’s life and family are crumbling.

If you’re destroying worship to study, that’s not a study that’s aligned with God.  If you’re losing hold of worship but you’re working, that’s not a work that is centered on God.  God is giving us the word of the work and studies that come from God within worship.  Even if you’ve received salvation, you’re still living with the ways of a nonbeliever so something is not aligned, and if you become like this, your children will follow suit, and if you don’t have this in your heart, then of course your children won’t have this, either.  So, without a doubt, your studies  and work must come from within worship for you to have true success.

“When you go into the land of Canaan, you must do this.” He didn’t say anything else because it all takes place within worship. If you’re not able to do this, you’ll lose in the war against Canaan.  Ultimately they face suffering because they did not follow God’s Word.  God said to kill them and drive them out, and when you fight a war against them, do not bring back their belongings, but the reason the Israelites failed and suffered is because they didn’t follow God’s Word. You must follow the word God has given this week, this is not talking about some kind of method. People put themselves above the word of God and misunderstand it as a method.  It’s not a method you’re following God’s Word, and within that, your ministries, your work, your studies, your life itself takes place.  

However, the imprint, root, and nature within us is from the world.  Inside of us, this kingdom of “myself” and “physical things” is rooted very deeply. Don’t you think that’s normal, to some extent?  All people have been separated from God. There’s never been a single person who has believed properly from the   beginning, so don’t you think it’s normal for us to wander for 40 years? Because they’ve lived in Egypt for so long, it became their root and nature.  Their one hope is that, even despite their failures, the next generations arose.

Even if we receive God’s Word and fall over, my future generations will stand, so it’s not necessarily our faith, but God promises to lead us along by His grace.  So, whether you guys make it or not, the next generations are bound to arise because God is giving us His Word today as well.  Who goes into the land of Canaan? It is Joshua, Caleb, and anyone who was under the age of 20, and the one method is worship.

Simply put, every single thing, including our failings of which we are unaware, are restored during worship. You go into the work of God through the word of God, in your field as well. You hold onto this as your covenant.  You sitting here is not because of your good faith.  It’s rightful, why do you say you have good faith?  Not coming here to worship is an abnormality, because simply put, it’s evidence they are living outside the Word of God.

“Pastor, that’s not true,” but what’s the evidence that you say its not true?  All you have to do is come here and worship. Why are you not able to do that?  You are doing something else, you are someplace else, you’re stuck somewhere else.  Why are you somewhere else, doing something else? It’s because you don’t have the faith that this is everything, then what’s going to happen?  Where is your rest? You will always be in suffering and it’s rightful.

Some people are worshiping online as well, during worship, at that location, at this time, the Holy Spirit works here.  Even for the people worshiping online, the Holy Spirit works at this time.  But the important principle of worship is that you are giving it to God in Spirit and in Truth. Even for people worshiping online, may you give your offering, and many things are included within it.  It belongs to God, isn’t that right?

Is your business your own?  You think it’s your job, and that’s why you think you’re wasting it, and you get all these different thoughts, and that’s why your head is hurting because you think that your business is your own.  Your brain isn’t even that great, it’s not even 150 IQ, and you’re trying to calculate everything in your brain and it’s not working. Your brain’s not that great, and with not even 150 IQ, you’re trying to study so nothing is taking place, God is the owner, you hold onto God’s Word and live according to God’s goal, then God has no choice but to work, then you will do your work within rest.

It’s the same for your ministries.  You’re sitting in the true seat of blessing but you don’t even recognize it and you’re giving up your blessings. It becomes a burden,the reason it’s a burden to you is because you’re outside of the Word of God but you’re delivering the word of God, so that’s why you’re relaying it with your brain and mouth and it’s so difficult.  If you talk badly about someone else, that’s so easy, and you love talking about other people, but delivering the word of God is so difficult. You automatically criticize other people, but when asked to deliver the word of God, it’s so hard.

What takes place automatically for you? Does the Word of God get automatically relayed through you, or is something else relayed automatically?  Whatever comes out of you automatically is whatever that is in your center.  People who always speak words of resentment have words of resentment within them. Everyone who has complaints and grumblings blaming other people, it’s inside of them, then everything in their life is about grumbling and complaining, why? Because it’s inside of them, and these are the things that take place in their lives, too.If someone is always pessimistic, negative things will happen to them.  But if you have the word of God within you, then the blessings of meeting will take place to fulfill God’s Word.  

Therefore, worship is important.  Worship is the place where God’s grace and work comes upon you, so that’s why you stake your life on worship.  That’s how you’re not going to stand in line for useless things of the world.  If you think little of worship, that’s why you suffer, following after the money and words of the world.  So there’s no need to be so complicated about it, God is giving his word that these are the works and sacrifices we must give.

We need to take special care to look into Numbers 15 starting from Numbers 15:24.  He is telling the whole community of Israel, whenever they commit a sin unintentionally, to give an offering.  It is saying, “If just one person commits a sin unintentionally, this person must bring an offering.”  Whenever He says things like this, He is not only speaking to the Israelites but also to all the foreigners among them, such as those from Egypt and Midian.  

But Numbers 15:30 says, if anyone who sins defiantly or knowingly must be cut off from the people of Israel. People who are aware of their sins and yet commit their sins are blaspheming against the LORD, so if they are cut off from the people, it means they are put to death. In the Old Testament, if you sinned without knowing it, you’re forgiven, but if you’re aware and conscious of the sin you’re committing, you cannot be forgiven.

Numbers 15:31 says, “Because they have despised the words of the word and broken His commands.”  They broke His commands, and they must surely be cut off; their guilt remains on them.  To give an example in Numbers 15:32, it is a man who gathers wood on the Sabbath, and later on, the LORD says, the man must die.  The Old Testament surely says, “Anyone who is not worshiping the LORD on the Sabbath must be put to death.”

Numbers 15:37 onward, “The LORD says to put tassels on their garments as a symbol for not doing idolatry.”  This is talking about idolatry as well as spiritual lust, because when they go into the land of Canaan, there were all these idols.  They are so unaware of the idolatry in Canaan that God is telling them to put four tassels on their clothing, so whenever they look at it, they think of God’s Word.  

Numbers 15:44, then you will temper to obey all my commands and will be consecrated to Your God.  “I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt to be Your God; I am the LORD your God.”  Why did He save us? So He may be our God and we may be His people.  What is the evidence that God is my God and I am His person?  We follow His Word.  We call that holy as well as obedient.  

If you go to the church without the Word of God, that’s not holiness; that’s attending a church without believing.  If God gives you the Word and you live apart from that Word throughout the week? That’s not faith.  If you only hold onto the word you received when you first accepted Jesus Christ as if God is dead, God is still alive and he continuously giving his word so why are you not holding onto that Word? It’s because you’re holding onto the Word that you want.

More so than holding onto God’s Word, you’re holding onto your thoughts, and when you talk, you don’t have any word you received you’re always talking about the same word when you first accepted Jesus Christ like you haven’t digested it.  You’re always recalling the things that happened so long ago.  You have to talk about how God is with you, how God has worked upon you with his word this week.  

A lot of Korean people, when getting older, instead of holding onto the Word, they try to go out and play.  That’s honestly a demonic culture but Koreans love playing.  That’s why BTS is number one on the charts. Even when you go to a Tae Kwon Do competition, the Koreans do it like they’re dancing, like they’re playing, because they put a rhythm to Tae Kwon Do, it’s more like an art.  They have this nature of playing. If you look at the historical pictures of Korea, it’s all about partying, drinking, and women; it’s a country that completely serves demons.  

They’re only just now barely surviving because the gospel went in, but before that, it was a mess of a country, but the thing the next generation learned by seeing that is that they should always try to play.  Even if you play, you should worship while you play, but when you get older, you keep trying to go out.  What happens if you’re separated from God?  There is no rest.  What is playing? You have to play after having received God’s grace, you have to play within rest.  Then, you are not playing; you are saving lives.

We have to change the culture.  Some kids think if they just endure their studies, everything will be good, so they just endure their studies up until some point, then what are you going to do? They’re trying to play after they study, and everything is about playing.  When we do outdoor worship, people who never come to worship regularly, they would come, it’s because they don’t want to come into a stuffy building, they want to go worship outside, they like playing. 

When they say let’s go on missions and evangelism, they don’t want to go but when they say “Let’s go to the beach,” all of them like to go, it’s the remnants of the demonic culture, but we are the ones who receive the strength and grace from God, then playing isn’t playing. If you’re playing, you will save others who are playing, because the Grace of the word is inside of you        always being relayed.  You hold onto the Word and work so the Word Fulfillment is happening in your field.  

Therefore, from the word of God, we must hold onto the mystery of Cannan, because we have no choice but to fail, but we receive God’s victory through worship.  This is very important.  This must be deeply embedded inside of you.  Legalistic worship or worship for physical blessings is not worship, that’s idolatry. Whether you go and beg at a temple or if you go to church to beg for whatever you want, centered on legalism, mysticism, or prosperity, it’s all the same; that’s not worshiping God; you’re holding onto your own idol and begging to that. How is that worship?

The way you’ve worshiped in the past is incorrect. It’s the covenant, Christ.  Exactly like this, Christ, the grain offering, the fellowship offering, the atonement offering, the burnt offering. And may these blessings take place every single worship, then even when you go home to pray, if you’re centered on worship, that’s the mission home.  When you go into your field centered on worship. If you’re centered on God, why would your business fail?  Your business only fails because it’s centred on you and you have no strength, don’t you think it’s simple?  May you have this blessing.


God, we thank You.  May we have the worship that is able to save the church and the multiethnic people and the 237 nations through all five offerings.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

Let us take a moment to pray for the World Remnant Conference.  For missions, there are missions to which you go directly, and ones you support with prayer, and ones you support with offering.  The World Remnant Conference was about raising up the missionaries of the future including multiethnic people.  It is a conference that raises up the church officers of the future. 

Everything is contained within the remnants and we are participating in that in prayer. It is for two days next week, from Tuesday, and it’s illegal to distribute recordings.  I have a recording so I was going to play it for you guys today, but I thought about what the headquarters said, so if they said not to do it, I’m not going to do it.  If anything, I thought it would be more proper to relay to you what I received from it, so I relayed one aspect of it: Worship.

Let us pray together for the World Remnant Conference.  For all the remnants around the world, among them is the multiethnic people, the future pastors, elders, missionaries, all of them. Even big businessmen will come from there. Let us pray together.  

Let us pray together for the region.  Our ministry is not about our words but it is with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the church is the house of prayer.  A church that doesn’t pray is unnecessary.  A church is a gathering of the members.  A church that doesn’t pray does not need to gather.  The work of God that happens through prayer is the working of the Holy Spirit and your ministry as well.  So let us pray for the region together.  “God, break down the forces of darkness working in the region as well as the idolatry.  God, may Your word movement take place here, and may God’s Kingdom be established in the region.  May the word movement take place in the empty places of the 50 states.”

More So than praying alone, if you gather together to pray together, it’s not like shooting a gun; it’s like shooting a missile, and that’s the church, otherwise why would we gather in the church?  Everyone could just scatter in their homes and watch whatever YouTube message they want, but if you know the spiritual things, you will know what you must do.  

I was listening about the ministries  from one of the assistant pastor, and I was so happy.  Dr. Aena Han’s son came last Sunday, so he was someone who used to not be able to even go to school and was abnormal, but now he’s normal and is graduating from school.  Her own mother was supposed to pass away in the hospital but she’s also alive and well, so the characteristic of doctors is that they don’t believe or understand spiritual problems at all.  Even as her mother was on the cusp of death, whenever we go there and praise and share the word of God, she comes to life, so Dr. Aena is saying, “Maybe there’s something to this.” She didn’t believe in the spiritual things at all, so of course she didn’t believe, but when she sees that she has no choice but to believe, because a very famous hospital gave a hopeless diagnosis, but whenever she prays, her mother comes to life, and that’s why we need the church.  If we didn’t need the church, then a Harvard doctor could fix this, but there are things in humans that Harvard doctors can solve, but some problems cannot be solved. For spiritual doctors, it’s you guys.You must be Christ’s ambassadors, and you have no idea how important that is. You are just reading off a prayer list, but God is fulfilling everything in his time schedule.  

It’s so joyful, Esther was doing Darakbang with someone from the Long Beach courthouse, and it got cut off, but now she’s saying she needs worship, to survive and she started coming to church and it’s all from these prayers.  There was a young adult in Seattle who was seeing demons and he received healing.  There was another young adult in Seattle who was a drug addict for 15 years, but he was healed, and the work of God happened through Kakao talk yesterday.  They were exchanging Kakao talk messages, and the demon possessing this young adult fled last night.  

There are people who experience the fulfillment of the pulpit message because God fulfills the word through those who believe, but most people do not believe and that is why God remains still, because their just holding onto it for themselves, they’re not relaying it, then even if they live their walk of faith for their entire life, they ask, “Am I healed or not?” They’re always in the same spot.  But corner by corner, God is fulfilling the prayer topics He has given us, so I laugh to myself because it’s not just an empty prayer.

Today, I was counseling with a young woman from Korea, and she was supposed to come today but she couldn’t.  It was the daughter of a friend of Christine Hong, and she was afflicted by depression, panic attack, and she came to America, so she moved from hotel to hotel, and I met with her today and she asked me to diagnose her.  I hope you will believe God gives His Word and fulfills His Word.  You already have salvation, but even if you just strike a pose to relay that Word, God will relay that Word through you.  

Let us pray together for our missions field.  We’re going to start giving missions offering to a young adult in Nigeria named Charles.  We’re going to continue to participate through prayer and offering in the ways God is showing us.  Once the missionary in Utah is able to secure a church building, we will help pay for their rent. Let us pray together for the missions field.

God we thank You. Allow us to find all answers within worship according to the word you gave us today, and allow us to lay down our conclusion in only Jesus Christ, only the Word of God, and only the Holy Spirit.  We pray that this rest we have will be relayed to the 237 nations, and the 5000 unreached people groups. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, the indwelling, guidance, communion, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God who desire to enjoy and really your word be with us now until forevermore always, amen.

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