Remnant Who Sees, Possesses, and Enjoys in Advance

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remnant Who Sees, Possesses, and Enjoys in Advance

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

If one thing doesn’t work out, their entire life fails. As people go to church, they can’t discover this one thing, so their lives crumble. What is this “one thing”? The Bible describes this.  

Remnant Who Sees, Possesses, and Enjoys in Advance

You may say you believe in Jesus Christ and live a kind life, and you can uphold this Word, but what path are we heading towards?  We have to be protected, but how can we protect ourselves? We have to have one thing.

Lifelong Thing

We have to make it so we receive God’s promise for our entire lives.

1) Summit Time

It’s like being the president or king, and I prepare for that. Why do we have this time?  Because we’re going to be leaders of the future, so we have this, and this happens at a deep time. It’s not a short time, because the spirit has to go in deeply.  We have this deep time. Holding onto incorrect things, we cannot overtake the people of the world.  Why is it the early morning time? It’s because the elites of America wake up at 4am, 5am, or 6am in the morning, so you have to do this in the early time.

2) Summit Instrument – Brain < Thoughts, Heart, Spirit

They don’t have this, so they can’t concentrate because they don’t have oxygen.  But what happens if this continues?  Then their brain continues to lack oxygen, so the reason depression and other problems come in is because they lack oxygen and the brain doesn’t have the power to overcome.  Then mental illnesses come.

Mental illnesses never come to those who dilly-dally, but the more elite you are, the more power you give towards your brain, and that’s why the deep breathing and oxygen will empower your brain.  But if you just do deep breathing, you’re the same as someone who does transcendental meditation. 

3) Summit Content – Trinity

What is the content of the summit?   God moves and works as the Trinity God, so we have to enjoy and have the word of Christ because we’ve already received Christ.  Through Christ, we break down sin, curses, Satan, and disasters, then we evangelize with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.  We enjoy the content of summit time through the Triune God.  As my spirit, thoughts, and mind receive strength, my brain receives strength.

So it’s possible that if you have this set time, you can’t always do this, but have deep meditation time with the Word, then your brain will receive power.  In New York, there’s actually programs and studies on how they can help students concentrate.  Why? Because as you do this, you receive strength, and that’s why people fall into transcendental meditation.  Realistically, our brain receives strength through oxygen, but as we’re doing this, we have to enjoy the content of the Triune God, why? Because there’s a Word that God gives; there’s the covenant of evangelism, we have to enjoy this every day.

Christ, missions and evangelism, filling of the Holy Spirit.  That’s what you enjoy.  Then you breathe, lifelong, this one thing.  Within this, your studies, work, and everything will follow. We make our judgments according to our thoughts and live however we feel like, and if we think we don’t need something, we get rid of it, and our lives are determined by our thoughts. But if we have this strength, everything else will follow.

“I have to invest in this,” I decide according to my thoughts.  Before you carry out an action, you make a decision, isn’t that correct? Because that’s what makes up our lives.  So, before you make a decision, it’s already been decided. If you receive this one blessing, everything else that happens will occur naturally.  The remnants must do this for their whole life long.

So, it’s possible that there are remnants who are good at studying, or if they have mental illnesses, you must teach them first.  They just need to breathe, but not just breathing, but we put strength into our lower body and draw a deep breath and we hold it.  As we release the stress in our lower body, we let the air out, then what will happen to our body? The oxygen will be delivered to the rest of our body in an amount that hasn’t been seen before.

When I breathe out, all the carbon dioxide will come out.  But because this isn’t working out, what’s happening? All the toxins go into my body. You get mad once and even more oxygen gets depleted. If you’re quick-tempered or impatient, even more oxygen will be used up.  You don’t understand. If you drive and slam on the brakes, you use more gas. When you accelerate too suddenly, it uses more gas.

Let’s say you get angry, then you use more oxygen. Let’s say you’re impatient and the more someone is like this, they have to gain strength from this to see the people in the field. How could kids know the Triune God? You can do it how it fits, you can tell them to breathe or read the word with them, but regardless, use the method that best fits that child.  They can’t just write it, you have to teach the meaning of it, then as they write, the meaning goes into them.

You’re children of God, don’t just tell them this, but give them the Bible verse, John 1:12, and continuously imprint this into them. Their parents’ problems are irrelevant.  They get caught up with the problems of their parents, or by things happening at work, and people bring in national problems and make them their own problems.  Then some people hold onto historical things, “Why were my ancestors like this?” Some people do fortune telling and hold onto an uncertain future. All problems are finished, He is with me eternally. You can’t tell them these words but you have to meditate and pray about it. 

In regards to missions and evangelism, these words aren’t in their minds, but it’s our covenant. Make disciples of all nations, but the kids won’t understand, so God’s covenant is to save their school through them.   Pray for God to give spiritual strength, but they can’t breathe and pray. For urgent kids, teach them to breathe deeply first. 

A few years ago, my wife wouldn’t do this because of some problem. You have to do this. If you do it incorrectly, it could be bad, but your breaths are shallow.  People who are close to dying will always breathe through their mouths because they have a hard time breathing through their nose, as they are near the end of their lives.  Draw in the air through your nose and breathe out.  For me, I do it at Early Morning service, and I listen to praise and messages, or sometimes I listen to radio broadcasts because that’s my studies. 

Lately, I don’t even need interpretation because I understand. Before, kids would talk to me and I needed interpretation, so I told God, “This takes too much time,” so I started to listen to English radio.  Everyone has lunchtime during their work, right? But the majority of people gather together and eat lunch and talk to people. But we do that because unbelievers think they have to do this, but you just have to do this one thing.

There are many good places, but hold onto this covenant and think about it, and in that moment, that spot, do deep breathing. If you’re embarrassed, walk around and do it, but we need to have this strength to be okay in the work field.  But instead, people are on their phones all night and are unable to do this. Do this lifelong, every day.  Does this cost money? Are we telling you to do this to go to Harvard?  You think and breathe anyway, and you worry and think useless thoughts. I’m saying, don’t do that. Do the things you should do, for your lifelong.  You must be able to do this and relay it. 


1) Gospel

2) Evangelism

Let’s say your home has air conditioning, but if you don’t set up the system, it’s useless.  Everyone knows it’s good and keeps you cool, but you can only enjoy the air conditioning if you actually set it.  Even if it’s there, what will happen if you can’t enjoy it? The gospel must be set within you for you to enjoy it. It’s not enough to know the gospel, but the gospel has to become set into my spirit, thought, and heart.  Only then will all problems become irrelevant to me.

Evangelism is my setting, but it’s not set in my thoughts, heart, and spirit.  So, you relay this to the remnants, you just have to cut out the useless things and convey this.  “You have to live kindly” you don’t have to say words like that. If the gospel and evangelism are set in the remnants, God will move them in that way.

3) Talent

Kids are worried.  Even the junior high and middle school students are worried about what to eat, and they read about the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions in books, and adults are worried about how they can survive and raise the kids.  We have to set these for the kids.  It’s not something to know, it’s something that must come inside you. Only then are the kids not going to be afraid or be shaken about what to eat or how to survive.

There’s absolutely a God-given talent as an instrument do to the work of saving lives. If you find your talent, your specialty will come naturally.  You go towards the place that will develop your talent, and you go to the field that uses your specialty. Without being set in this, you’ll be worried, the parents will be worried, no adults know this. So the kids continuously worry and be shaken about how to survive, so make this setting for them.

If the kids are confident in their talent, they won’t be shaken even if they haven’t discovered it.  But adults do this and that because they haven’t discovered their talent, so they keep going back and forth. This is actually a problem of how we live and survive.  God has given me something to rise above others, but without this, we have to compete with others.

How do you discover your talent? If you know the goal for your talent, you can discover it as this is given for missions and evangelism. It is already here, but God will reveal it for you. Then through your circumstances and events, God will move all the professors and teachers so you can save your field through missions and evangelism. How? Continuously.

The reason God gave us the 66 books of the Bible is so we can see the Bible talks about the same thing. In the Early Church, on the Mount Calvary, Mount of Olives, and Mark’s Upper Room, they knew it was only going to be fulfilled by God’s power and strength.  To someone who can do this every day, eventually the field will hit you and you will overcome.  All of a sudden, if Goliath came and David wasn’t doing this, would David have been able to meet Goliath head-on?  Especially for David who praised.

When we talk about praise, we are putting a melody to our God-given covenant.  Praise is not just music, it is because we receive God’s grace, it comes out as song.  So, how good was the oxygen for David? He had to sing, so he had to breathe.  During that time, he deeply went into this gospel.  While he was doing his job as the shepherd, he enjoyed it, and so whenever an incident came up in the field, it wasn’t a crisis or a problem, but it was an opportunity for blessings. 

There’s a problem that nobody in America can solve, but one person can, and something good will come out of this covenant.  Like Daniel who had this one thing, he wasn’t working as this and that as an advisor, but he did it with his God-given wisdom.  Enemies tried to kill him but God blocked it for him.  All he did was praise God three times a day but God blocked all the problems. Without knowing this, you pray and realize God is everything, then according to God’s Word and covenant, everything will e fulfilled, so that means success has no choice but to follow, because it says God is the One Who raises and the One Who demotes.

What is there to fail about? Everything is in God’s hands.  If you do not relay this to the remnants, then they come to church and wonder, “What will I do in the future? What will my occupation be?” This problem will repeat, and they’ve heard the answer but it’s not their answer. They say “only Jesus Christ,” but Jesus Christ is not yet the solution to all their problems, so they wander in church just the same. Even as they evangelize, there is no answer.  By God’s grace, they may be saved, but Christ isn’t their answer, so they have an incorrect beginning.

For them, evangelism begins where it’s impossible for them, and they have no choice but to continue a religious lifestyle, but God’s plan that God desires require that you correctly lead ad guide the remnants, and that’s what the seven remnants of the Bible talks about. God will amass resources to the church that does this work.

Why? Because the church must be able to do this. What’s the point if they just come and sing? Everything is finished in Christ, but because they don’t know this, they make their children flounder. The Temple God desires, how pleased would God be?  It’s not about being happy but it’s about the heart of giving everything.  The economy of light comes to you as an answer, a tremendous blessing.

So, we ourselves have to do this first, because the older we get, we get dementia, because without our spiritual state, we die.  She’s almost 100 years old, my mom said, “Your grandma is too healthy, her eyes are so bright she can pick up the dust,” why?  Because she’s thinking, “I can live like that as well.” My mom said, “Your grandma is a demon who lives so long,” but she’s thinking about missions and evangelism, may you have victory.

Father God, we thank You.  For this upcoming month, may these teachers be raised with this one thing as our mission. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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