Remember that God Gave Me the Law to Hold Onto Christ (Ps. 1:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Remember that God Gave Me the Law to Hold Onto Christ (Ps. 1:1-6)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the blessing of meditation through Psalm 1.  Meditation is the mystery through which we can enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven.  Human beings were originally created to meditate upon God, this means that we were created to concentrate on God.  Then, exactly as today’s Word, you will receive the answers that naturally take place.  For people who do not meditate on the Lord, they are bound to choose the way of the wicked.  

We heard it in the Word. What is wicked in God’s eyes? Whoever is separated from Christ.  Who is the blessed one? It’s the one who holds onto Christ through the law. It doesn’t matter what you are able to do or not do, we are all sinners who have no hope, so we must hold onto Christ.  Believing in Jesus Christ is the work of God. Anything you say without believing in Christ, God says, “I don’t know you.” It must be the work that comes from your faith in Christ in order for you to be recognized by God.

God is giving us today what it means to be the blessed one.  He specifically says, “The one who does not walk in the way of the wicked.”  It means you do not follow the words of people or the words of the world or the ways of the world.  The sinner is anyone who is outside of God’s Word, so it means you do not follow the ways of the people who are outside of God’s Word.  Those people are bound to sit in the seat of mockers.  

If you’re separated from God, then wherever you are, that is the seat of mockers.  From a human perspective, that  may not seem true, but from God’s perspective, it is. There are some people who act humble and don’t have God’s Word, but they are actually arrogant.  From a human perspective, people may think, “This person is so humble, they have such a good personality, they have such good manners and ethics, and has good etiquette, but from God’s perspective, they are arrogant and mockers.

“But blessed is the one who delights in the law of the LORD.”  The Word we received on Sunday is, “Jesus Christ Fulfilled the Law,” but if you don’t know the background of this word, it may be hard, especially for the remnants, to understand. But if something is hard for you just because it’s hard for you to hear, then it’s going to be a hard life for you.  That’s why the remnants need to have a time when you ask the Holy Spirit inside of you, “Lord, why did you allow me to hear this Word today?” Because, just because you understand it with your brain does not mean you understand God’s Word.  

Because the Word of God was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, you can only understand it by the Holy Spirit. There’s a lot of Word that you received for the week that you really cannot understand. There’s so much of even the world which is the basic, elementary knowledge we do not understand, then of course, there’s so much of God’s Word we do not understand, so that’s why we meditate, we seek wisdom from God because the Holy Spirit allows you to understand and teaches you with the Holy Spirit of God.  

But what happens if you do not have this time of meditation?  Whatever you understand with your brain, you get it, but whatever you don’t understand with your brain, you don’t get it, but your walk of faith stays at the state of your brian, then what happens to this person’s heart? Their spirit and life becomes empty, but here, it says they delight in the law of the LORD.  The Bible says the words of God are sweet and gentle because this Word is an answer to everything in my whole life.  

Whoever has a heart that delights in the law of the LORD, that person, without a doubt, will succeed. It’s okay even if that person cannot study because God says, “I will use them.” If God says, “I will use this person,” he can bring you another smart person. Do you know why the Jewish people were samat? There is a good reason, they have memorized the entire Bible.  If you want to memorize the entire BIble, then God has to give you wisdom.  So, they have a memory in their mind that is incomparable to other nations.  

There are some books like Psalms that are incredibly long, and they have to memorize the entire book starting with each character of each line, so God has no choice but to give them wisdom, and because they are living in this world what that kind of brian, they have on choice but to go ahead of other nations, and if you go to a bar mitzvah, they have to memorize it without missing a single word, so it’s possible to memorize, then God is bound to give them wisdom and power. They use that brain and apply it to science or whatever they’re working on, then they are bound to lead the way. For them, whether they like it or not, they have to do that.  So they are always reading and memorizing the Bible.

You can tell whether a remnant will be successful in their future or not based on whether they delight in the Word of God or if they dislike the Word of God. If they dislike the Word of God, they like something else, and that other thing is whatever brings them physical pleasure. Our spirit and body is only restored through the Word of the LORD; without that, we will become empty.  So, they’re going to play a lot, they’re going to have so much joy and pleasure physically but because their heart is empty, they will fall deeper and deeper into that.

But the one who delights in the law of  the Lord and meditates on it day and night, those are the people who receive the five powers of God.  There is no wisdom outside of God’s Word. It doesn’t matter how many times you read, “The mysteries to success,” because you are not that person. You are not Steve Jobs, so why do you have to read Steve Jobs’ book and say you will be like him? You’re not him.

“This person was a really successful salesperson,” but you’re not that person. It doesn’t matter how much you try to imitate that person; you will never be them.  But we are the ones who live with the five powers, the wisdom that comes from meditating on the Word of the Lord, day and night. Why? Because the Word is God and the Word came to earth as a human, that is, Jesus Christ.  As you meditate on that Word day and night, you receive the wisdom, the idea, and the thoughts from that. If you’re not able to do that, you won’t be able to evangelize because you’re going to say the same thing. 

“Persona evangelized like this, why isn’t it working for me?” but I’m going to say the same thing, “You’re not Steve Jobs. If you were Steve Jobs, you would be able to do the same thing, but you’re not him. You have your own uniqueness and the way you discover this is by meditating on the Word of God and God will reveal this to you.”  But if you get rid of this and you just try to imitate what the people of the world say, it’s going to be hard.  

There are a lot of pastors and evangelists who try to copy what other people do, but that’s not you. I’ve seen that so many times. When I went to a large church, there would be pastors from all these other churches who would come to learn and copy and they would come wearing sunglasses in the early morning because they were too embarrassed to reveal themselves.  Because they’ve received training for decades but it’s not working for them and they’re embarrassed, they would put on their trench coats and sunglasses and try to learn in secret instead of trying to learn from God. They’re listening to the words of people who say they’ve made it and try to copy them. Yes, you can look at them, but that person is not you. There’s something God is doing through that person, that’s what we call “only” and “uniqueness.”  

I have a kakaotalk chatroom with some of my friends.  He said, “I am dark skinned, I’m short, and I’m going crazy, I’m balding, I have no money,” but his other friends are saying, “oh but you have this going for you and you are better than me” trying to comfort him in the way of an unbeliever.  Whenever  this happens, I put up a word to give the influence of the gospel.  But you have to give them influence without revealing that you’re talking about Christ in order for the influence to be accepted by unbelievers.  

I just said, “The reason you were born on earth is to live as yourself.” I gave him all these historical figures who were short in stature, they just lived and went. I told him, “Of the billions of people on earth, you are one and unique.”  He said, “All of us are…”  Every time an issue like this comes up, they are facing their limitation and I can’t say, “Here is the Christ,” otherwise I’d get kicked out of the chatroom for pushing my religion, so I give them the gospel this way, and I make it so that the doors of their heart open and they wonder, “Does the Church tell me this as well?”

This is the uniqueness you can do and you must request this of the Holy Spirit inside of you, because the way you’re born is different from other people and your family background is also different. All your school experiences are different from others.  Everything in your body is different from this person, your experiences are, then how can you try to tie yourself and act like someone else?  Already, the fact that you’re trying to be like another person, comparing yourself, it’s not going to work.  There is something inside of me that is guiding me, that’s the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, you’re going  to embrace your inferiority complex, your arrogance, and your scars even as you live your walk of faith.

If you have a scar, you can’t even speak normally, but even then, you don’t bow down before God.  You keep standing firm as the master of your own life, holding onto your scars, and that’s how you are used by Satan.  Quickly, you must break down your own standards. Right now, you do not believe in God in regards to that scar, because you have to quickly escape by looking at God’s Word and God’s plan and restore, but instead, you’re looking at yourself, and you say the fact, “It’s because of my parents, or it’s because I’ve been outcast or bullied by mhy friends, or it’s because I was born stupid and even if I try, it’s not going to work,” but all of these standards are something you’ve craeeted.

“I can’t do this,” then there’s something you can do, but you’re trying to force something that isn’t working so you are going to face problems. How can you escape from that? You have to believe in God, you have to acknowledge God.  “Why did God allow me to be born in this family out of the 7.5 billion people on earth?”  A scar is something you get when you’re centered on yourself and something doesn’t match up to your standards that you would like.  However, if you look for God’s plan within that, it’d actually be an answer for you to overcome but you’re always holding onto it so you’re seized by Satan.  People try to cover up their scars with their education, appearance, clothes, or their spouse or their job and success, but it doesn’t get covered.  Satan will continue to hold onto that scar and move this person.

However, God has allowed this scar in the process for you to meet and to hold onto Jesus Christ, but you’re not able to discover the plan of Christ inside that scar. Why am I sharing this word with you? There are so many scars in America.  First, we receive scars because we’re in another person’s nation, and we’re scarred because of our identity. These kids go to school and they’re scarred because they can’t speak English or they have scars because of human discrimination. Sometimes they get scarred because they don’t know the culture and the laws of the nation.  

People live with all these tremendous scars but they’re packaging themselves, “I’m living in the superpower nation of America,” but inside of them, there are tremendous scars. They may not say it out loud, but they’re just waiting for someone to touch their scar so they can go to war, so they’re always in a fighting mode.  The result of that is all the shootings, it’s the scars inside, exploding.  If they don’t have a gun, they would explode in another way. That wrath, anger, it’s from their scars.  

It doesn’t matter how good of a school you go to, or how many great things you have in the world, if you don’t have Christ, you’re bound to be filled with scars. It doesn’t matter how perfect your environment or circumstances are.  There’s a coutnry called Finland where the environment is so good, peopel commit suicide because they wonder what would happen if they died.  I’m not sure if any of you have been to Finland, but it’s so beautiful, there’s nature scenery, the government pays for you, so people kill themselves curious, “What would happen if I die?”

What does that mean? If you’re not completely satisfied with God, you’ll even killl yousrelf, “What will happen if I die? Will it be even better?” You must not be deceived. If you have scars inside of you, may they be a blessing for you to hold onto Jesus Christ. Use that as your stepping stone.  Otherwise, it’s going to hurt you until you die. That’s the reason why we suffer. 

If you have a scar, it doesn’t matter how great your environment is; if you’re hurting, you see everything from a pained perspective.  If you are carrying a heavy burden, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the greatest environment in the entire world; you’ll see everything as a burden.  The one who meditates upon the Word of the Lord day and night. That is the only way to heal our inner self.  Not only that, but from the Word of God, we see the way we must live in the future.

If we want to meditate, we cannot do so in a noisy environment so we must have a time of quietness.  The remnants who have that will, without a doubt succeed, physically and spiritually.  But if you’re not able to do this, as soon as you wake up in the morning, for example, I was angry, that’s how much I had scars and oppression.  Imagine how many scars and how much I was oppressed in order for me to be automatically angry as soon as I woke up? You need to have healing through God’s Word.

You can see I’m the most broken individual in the church, and because of that, I have a lot of things I can say. God has allowed me to experience all of that for that to come out in the messages. These kids are receiving training now, and I’ve experienced all of that. Experienced decades of scars, I’ve experienced inferiority complex and arrogance for many decades. And in swishing to you as a witness, now. Life is not even living.  It might be different based on someone’s personality, but especially for the remnants, you must overcome your scars before God through the gospel.

If you do not, Satan will ceaselessly attack you and move you with that, and the characteristic of people who have not received healing is that they will cast blame on other people.  This person is holding onto their standards and their scars, and they are being moved by Satan, so they blame the other person, “I cannot live with you anymore,” and if you look carefully, they’re going to meet other people like them. As long as people do not meet within the covenant, they will meet others with the same scar as them. Because they have the same scar, it seems they can comfort each other and understand each other but in the end they break because of that because they touch each other’s scars.  That’s why God gave us the words of the gospel.

It means you must change from your standards to the standards of Christ.  You are holding onto your unnecessary standards and say you have a scar, but you need to change yourself with the standards of Christ.  I said this earlier, but some kids may say about their parents, “My parents don’t even have as much money or they aren’t as nice,” and they get scarred on their own, and these kids are so oppressed, “Don’t come to my school,” because they have their own standards that say, “My friend’s parents are better than you.”

That’s just one example but where’s that standard coming from?  If they really lived at their friend’s house and asked them “do you like your parents?” There’s not a single person who likes their parents the best.  Whatever household you live in, you’ll wish, “I wish I had different parents, parents like my friends,” it’s because you have a different standard you created.  What am I saying? You have to change it into what God has given you.  Why did God allow me to be born to these parents? Then you will find your uniqueness.

What is a scar? It’s actually an opportunity. What is the problem? It allows you to find God’s solution.  This means that until you’ve received the answer within God’s Word, you keep trying to find your answer with the thoughts and experiences you’ve had, then how regrettable is that?  For people who have scars, no words can get into them because they’re so bound by their own thoughts; it doesn’t matter what words you say to them, they won’t listen. They only listen to their thoughts and their words and they only listen to people who agree with them.  It would be fine if the person they related with were able to heal their scars, but instead of that, they can only comfort without healing, so they both go under.

These people were making families.  Then the kids will have unnecessary thoughts, “I wish I had a different family other than mine,” and they’ll look elsewhere, until when? Until they find God’s plan within God’s Word, until then, they will have no answer.  Try going into a palace, Moses who was in a palace was unsatisfied and ran away. Even if you study so much like Apostle Paul, he wasn’t satisfied; he was afflicted and ran away.  

Try being King Saul. It would be better if he didn’t succeed.  People have to be created by God and then raised up, but if you’re not created by God first, it’s better off if you don’t succeed. The law is God’s Word, and what we must see as the law now is the 10 Commandments.  Christ fulfilled everything on the cross.  Now that we believe in Jesus Christ, God regards us as having fulfilled the 10 Commandments without sin.  

But we do not have the ability to keep the 10 Commandments, and thinking that you can is legalism. That’s why you judge other people, “Why can’t you do this?” By believing in Jesus Christ, God just regards you as having done it, but that doesn’t mean you’ve actually done it; that’s why it’s God’s grace.  Then does that mean the law of Jesus fulfilled disappears? Not a single stroke will disappear from God’s Word, but if we don’t have the ability to fulfill God’s 10 Commandments, then what do we have to do? That’s why Christ comes into us as the Holy Spirit and guides us.

Every time we go outside of the law, we need the grace to remember we need Jesus Christ.  If somebody says, “Now that the law is fulfilled, I don’t need the law anymore,” that person says, “I don’t need the Word anymore,” because the word of Hid will not disappear even with one stroke, and God has come into us and guides us in the direction of fulfilling that Word.  That’s why people say, “Now that I have the gospel, I can live however I want,” and they have no direction or standard.  Other people, even though they talk about the gospel, they’ll hold onto their legalism and judge and point out other people’s actions.  Both of these people are not aligned with the goal God gave us.

The person who is judging other people is misunderstanding the law.  They see the word of God says, “Do not murder,” then I haven’t murdered anyone, then I’m clean.  And if they see someone else who murdered, they think, “That person has to die,” but they think that they’re righteous. But what is the commandment God wants?  You cursing someone is murder. If this person understood that that was the real law, would they judge? They would not. Even if you think negatively or poorly of someone else, that’s murder.  

The reason God gave us the law is to show us not a single person other than Jesus Christ could fulfill this law. Because you cannot do this, you have to remain within the grace of Jesus Christ, and that’s why He gave us the Holy Spirit.  I’m telling you this again becaus eI don’ think the remnants understood this week’s message, and if you don’t understand this message, you won’t understand what the gospel is.  You understand the gospel however you think you understand the gospel, but it’s irrelevant to the Bible.  THe more you understand the law of GOd, the more you realize you cannot live without the gospel, and that’s why we meditate on God’s Word, because that will give me the strength for God to guide me to fulfill that Word.

We are not capable of fulfilling the law perfectly, that’s why we need God’s strength, that’s why we need God’s grace.  If that’s the case of rme, then I have to acknowledge that it’s the case for other people as well.  But if you say, “Why aren’t you able to do this?” You do not correctly understand the law, that’s why this person needs the gospel, that’s why God gave us the gospel, and this person needs to receive the grace of going into the gospel to even receive the strength to follow the Word.

Then from this perspective, think about the walk of faith you’ve lived until now and the people around you.  Is there someone you know who is following the gospel in the way God intended? It’s not that this person doesn’t exist, but let’s think about it, and you’ll realize, “I don’t have the gospel yet.  I understand with my brain but the gospel is not being revealed in my everyday life,” why? Because when you look at everything from the gospel and the law, it doesn’t align. You understand the gospel that liberated you from Satan but you don’t understand the gospel that moved you from the law into the gospel. 

So, some people only talk about the gospel that liberated them from Satan, but they don’t understand the connection between the law and the gospel, so they’re stuck on both sides.  If you really understood Satan, you would understand the law and the gospel as well.  Because we have the law, our sin is revealed, and because  we have sin, we have death, and we’re being seized by the one who has authority over death, and we cannot escape.  Then, God gave us the word which is the law.  I am far from the Word, that’s why you realize, “I was wrong,” then what do you have to do? Quickly go into the covenant of Christ.  “I must be guided in this.” That is how you can overcome Satan.

If you keep remaining in the same place, then our evil enemy, Satan, even though his authority has been broken, he’ll always drag us into the guilt trip of legalism separating us further from God’s Word.  You need to know what Satan is actually doing for you to know the gospel. It’s not just the gospel that breaks down demons.  If you don’t know the laws, then you will be seized by demons.  These are the graces God will give us through the book of Matthew.   

Legalistic people will realize, “I’ve been legalistic. I heard about the gospel so I thought I was centered on the gospel, but actually I was centered on the law the whole time,” simply put, you were judging people based on their actions.  Then the state of their heart, you cannot even see it at all.  If you understand the law this way, you won’t be able to see Christ, that’s the reason the Pharisees hated Jesus Christ because they thought they kept the law. 

So if somebody is always talking about their perfectness or how right they are and their assertions, they have no choice but to criticize others. That’s the strategy of Satan.  Satan uses legalism to make you fall further into legalism without the gospel and die that way.  So, the one who meditates on the law, the Word of God, day and night, that is the one who is blessed.  Then everything in you will come to life.

Sometimes, God gives us the blessing of opportunity to do this when we are physically unable.  Most people think, “I’m so busy,” yes of course, you’re busy because you’re living without God’s power.  Of course you are busy because you are living without the wisdom that comes from God.  You’ll never be able to do any great works because there’s no time for you to do that, then God will not give it to you.  Even if God gives you a little bit of tasks, you run around, out of breath, then how could He give you anything big? If He gave you anything big, you’d lose sleep over it, so He won’t.

Look at David, when he was young, God entrusted him with sheeps. That’s not an easy job, because of the lions, wolves, and bears.  The fact that David guarded them so that not a single sheep was lost was not an ordinary feat. That’s where we must begin with our success in the world. It’s impossible by our own strength. It’s only possible when this person receives wisdom and power from God.  If you’re just studying, that’s stupid studying. Yes, you can get more IQ,  but that’s not what God wants. 

God doesn’t want you to be limited by your IQ, but God wants you to study with the wisdom and knowledge God gives you.  So, if somebody says to me, “I’m smart,” and I ask, “How are you so good at studying?” and they don’t know the answer, I say, “You’re not going to succeed in the future. What’s more important is not whether you study well or not but how you are studying?  What’s important is how you are running your business.”  People who do this will receive God’s answers.  That person will become king like David, because they are receiving God’s wisdom and power the way David did. 

If you talk about what you’re accomplishing, that’s just the ways of the world, and you can live like that however much you want.  But if you come to the church and boast about the elementary, basic things of the world, many people will laugh at that.  With your own strength, you wander and struggle in the world, many people will laugh at that, and it will crumble down in the end, starting from within you.  

Look at King Saul, no matter how well he prepared, the internal things weren’t prepared so he fell at the end.  In a worldly way, he was manly, he was powerful and had leadership, and many people voted him to be king, but what’s important are the inside things. His inside things were not prepared, and in that critical moment, instead of following God’s Word, he followed his own thoughts and decisions.  It would have been better off for him to stay as a normal young adult.

We’re talking about meditation and the Law of God.  Especially for the remnants, as soon as you wake up in the morning, have this time first. Once you get the taste of this, you’ll really start liking it.  For the kids who have really experienced it, even if I tell them not to do it, they’ll keep doing it, but if you haven’t  experienced this and you force yourself to do it, maybe you’ll get the experience later on, but what’s important is that you get a taste of it.  

How will you meditate? With the standard of the law.  You have your own thoughts and standards and there’s a difference between that and the word of God. And as you mediate before God before that, He will give you the answer of narrowing the gap between your thoughts and the word of God. That in itself is the process of healing.  That in itself is the process of receiving power because God’s Word is power and your life is going into God’s Word.  

But at the current age, people love themselves, meaning they love their thoughts,and they spend time getting what they want, so they don’t have time to meditate. If you do not meditate, you do not have inner power.  It doesn’t matter what you’re doing if you don’t have that inner strength, you cannot overcome the devil. If anyone can overcome the devil like that, tell them to come. How can you do that when you don’t even see Jesus Christ?  That’s why, meditate on the Word of God day and night.  

First and foremost, without the Word of God, it’s impossible to meditate, so the Word of God must be the standard. As you read the main scriptures from this week’s pulpti message, ask, “what is the meaning of this Word in my life?”  You can also meditate by taking the Word God gave you in that message and apply it to every aspect of your life.  Meditation can also take the form of  taking this Word and thinking about it every day for the rest of the week.  That is how you will move, following the Word of God in every aspect of your life.

Psalm 1:3 says, “This person will be like a tree planted by streams of water whose leaf does not wither,” and whatever he does prospers. The word prosperity here is not talking about the prosperity unbelievers talk about,  but it means God is fulfilling everything He wants to fulfill.  If he is putting me in the position of a king, that is fulfilled. If God gave me the word for temple construction, God fulfills that Word.  If God gave the Word of the 70 regions and the 70 disciples, God will fulfill that Word and that is prosperity, that’s what you call prosperity.

Not so the wicked, and the “wicked” from God’s perspective are those who are not centered on God’s Word.  In their everyday life, they shout loudly with their words and thoughts, but they are like the chaff that the wind blows away and they cannot endure the judgment.  Nor can sinners stand in the assembly of the righteous.  They can never worship, why? They cannot even come and we move centered on the Word of God, so they cannot even fit in, and it doesn’t matter how close they are with you; they can never really fit in.  

What does it mean that the wicked will not stand in the judgment? It means even before the final judgment, they already received their judgment on earth, and once they die, they get their eternal judgment to hell.  But even before they go to hell, they face the suffering of hell on earth in life and think this is just life, not suffering.  Psalm 1:6, “but the LORD watches over the way of the righteous.” From God’s perspective, there are those who are acknowledged and those who are not.  From a human perspective, we may think, “This person is so great,” but are they recognized from God’s perspective?  The ones who meditate on the Word of God day and night, what does meditate mean? 

What if you meditated on your worries all day long? What would happen to a person who meditates on their problems all day long? They would fall into their problems.  What if they meditate on God’s Word? That’s the one God watches over. The core of the word is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  God gave us the Word in the Old Testament to hold onto Christ, and that is the one who is called Righteous.

Believing in Christ is the righteous one, and believing in Jesus Christ is the work of God. How can we do the work of God? It is to believe in Christ,  what else can we do? Believing that Chbrist finished all problems on the cross, that is the good work and the good person, the one who believes in that Word and meditates on it, that is the one who is blessed and the one who testifies of that Christ.

There is nothing good to God other than Christ. The people who hold onto the law will fail just like the Jewish people did.  On the other hand it doesn’t matter how wicked people may think you are, how many husbands you’ve had, or if you’re a prostitute. Ify ou believe in Christ, God calls you good.  “I’ve succeeded in this way,” but God doesn’t care. Are you testifying of Christ in that success?  If your success is irrelevant to Christ, that is wicked before God. That was Babylon.  The Jewish people succeeded a lot with the physical things, but that was wicked in God’s eyes.  So, all the words of the Old Testament are the words of the law, and God gave them to us so we can hold to the covenant of Christ. 

The ones who hold onto this and meditate on it are good and righteous before God and he will fulfill it, and the ones who testify of this are the ones who are doing the good work.  At that time, the curses, disasters, and darkness are bound to flee.  May you have the delight of meditating on the word of the Lord Jesus Christ every day.

I’m telling this especially to the remnants because we must raise them up. If you’re here for the Friday message, don’t just go home afterwards because you’re just going to do something else, but deeply have a time of meditation and concentration on the word Hod have you throughout the week, and I’m looking forward to that. I think it will work if the Holy Spirit works like that.  If it doesn’t take place, it will be hard.  That’s why we call it, “Friday Vigil or Friday Overnight Worship,” we used to stay at church all night until the next morning.

You must utilize this time of worship well, you must use it as your opportunity, because either way, when you go home, it’s obvious, you won’t be able to concentrate, so it’s great here.  I’m requesting this of you knowing it’s not going to work, because I have to at least tell you the words for you to receive the answers one day. You have to become an adult for this to take place, but even the adults leave right away, “now that it’s all over, there’s nothing to pray for,” they’re completely centered on themselves, “There’s no more work I have to do,” but it’s not what you do, you need to pray for what God is doing, so I hope you will escape from yourself.

God told you to pray for regional evangelism and the future generations and the 50 states and the 237 nations. If you think there’s nothing else for you to do, you’re extremely centered on yourself.  May you and I be the ones to escape from that. Let us pray.


Changing yourself starts here.  What it means is there will be the age of the 3-day weekend, it means you have to change the culture to concentrate on God. But if you’re separated from God’s Word and you just stare blankly, you’re in a blank state. If you’re resting separated from God’s Word, that is corruption. No matter where you are, you must hold onto God’s word.  

Why does He tell us to open the age of the 3-Day weekend?  Because right now, Satan is pulling the culture of the next generation into a culture of destruction with the 3-Day weekend, and we must reverse that. God will give strength to that person because without that strength, we cannot change the culture of America.  May we have the beginning.  All you have to do is say, “I will do it, here I am LORD, send me,” then God will say, “Okay” and work upon you. When you receive that answer, everyone will follow. 

Let us pray at this time for the region.  This culture of the region is not one of concentration; it’s one of obsession, only concentrating on God is what you call concentration.  Everything else is obsesion, obsession with people , studies, and money. That’s why people are diseased. God allowed us to open up the age of concentration and allow us to change the culture of the region and allow the future generations to come into this culture.  Let us pray in Jesus’ name.

On Saturday, there’s the culture of the kids receiving the Word of God, and it’s been going on for about 10 years. When I received training in Korea, they say the culture of Saturday is kids receiving the Word, and that’s the evangelism school, and 15 years later, the culture is passed to the remnants on Saturdays.  This didn’t happen all of a sudden, we are creating that culture, and if that culture is not made, the remnants will be dragged off to another culture.  So you must hold onto the culture of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as your message. That is the cultural warfare.  Without a doubt, you cannot overcome inside the worldly culture.  

Let us pray for tomorrow’s youth, children, and young adult evangelism schools.  Especially tomorrow there is the North America Young Adult Evangelism School.  You guys are the ones, the Young Adults who will create and spread this culture.  If you say “I will be the ones to do this,” God will give you the strength. Let us pray together for the Sunday Message as well. 

Let us pray for the missions fields.  When you pray, you will absolutely receive answers.  If you pray for the missions fields, rightfully you will receive answers.  When you pray for the missions fields, the way the answer comes to you is in totality, so in your fields, in your business, and everywhere.  If you say one thing to your parents, they don’t just do that one thing, they think about everything and do it, so let us especially pray for remnants who are out of state.  It’s hard for them to listen to the Word of God, and there’s no choice if they stay out for a long time.  That’s why they need our prayers.  The remnants in the church, it’s impossible to raise them up without prayer.  Even if they receive the Word of God, it’s impossible for them to understand without the working of the holy spirit.  

Let us pray for our missions fields, especially October 18-20. I will be going to the Utah field, so please pray I will be able to see the field.  

The prayer to save people’s lives is the prayer God desires, so as long as you pray that, you will receive answers without a doubt, because God told us to love people, so the prayer to save other people’s spirits is the fulfillment of the law and God will work upon it without a doubt.  Especially around you, there are surely people who must receive this Word.  Let us pray together at this time for the people around you.  May the words of the gospel be upon those people.  Just wait and see, without a doubt, the answers will come.  Let us pray together. 

One last prayer topic, David Abrams had surgery and I think it went well. I don’t pray about things like that, normally if the members of the church are hurting, the pastors should pray for them, but honestly speaking, my prayers don’t go out like that, so I’m sorry you’ve met a pastor like me. I’m not sure what kind of pastor you’d want. I’m praying for him to be able to do the Law School Evangelism Camp, and you must be able to understand what those words mean in order to understand what my messages mean.

God told us to pray the prayer that saves people, then God has to take care of the surgery. God needs to take care of his job.  So, David Abrams said, “My surgery went well,” and I wanted to say, “Let’s do the Evangelism Camp,” but I didn’t because I didn’t want him to be burdened, and I didn’t say it because I didn’t want to test his level of faith. I originally wanted to say, “Okay on Sunday and Monday, why don’t you walk to church?” But I didn’t want him to feel afflicted by that, so I didn’t say that.  But, if he’s someone who is really able to understand those words, that is great progress and growth, so I’m looking forward to that.

God has to give him the strength to come here in order to save lives.  That’s the covenant. Someone who’s only come to the church three weeks ago said, “Of course his surgery went well, God has to make it better so he can do evangelism camp to save lives.” My first thought is, “Wow, you’re better than many people who’ve been here a long time.” First seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness, and if you die, then you just die.  If you proclaim the gospel and you pass away, you’re a martyr. He Cree, do you understand?  Don’t think so deeply; you just have to follow God’s word, you have to hold onto God’s Word and think deeply upon that. 

So let us take a moment to pray for David Abrams as well as the Law school evangelism camp as well as the Rise Kohyang Middle School and High School camps, and Wild Lives ministry which Esther is participating on Thursdays for the middle school students to be able to come to church through that and receive the gospel, let us pray for these camps.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multiethnic people and the remnants who desire to meditate on the Word of the Lord day and night and testify of this, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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