Receive and Know the Value of the Gospel of Only Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 5:1-21)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Receive and Know the Value of the Gospel of Only Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 5:1-21)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God’s Word with Deut. 5 regarding the Ten Commandments.  The reason God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites was to tell them what they should or should not do once they entered into the land of Canaan.  God is giving them the Word because He knows the land of Canaan.  For us, God knows the field of the Word and gives us the Word every week and every morning. 

From our thoughts, the Word of God may be incorrect, however, when God gives us His Word, He is always giving us His Word, keeping the field in mind.  If you’re losing hold of the Word, it’s the same as saying that you are struggling in your field lost in your problems.  Along the same logic, the only way they could have victory in the land of Canaan was to follow the Word God gave them.

The God Who made us knows us so well, the One Who knows me better than I know myself is God, and that God is giving us His Word.  God is the One Who created the world, so He is giving us the Word regarding the world.

In Deut. 5:1, Moses summoned all of Israel, meaning the future generations that are still alive, and is repeating the same commandments the first generation have heard in Exodus 19.  Moses said, “Hear O Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them.”  Back in the Biblical times, they did not have the written text yet, so God gave the Word orally to Moses. Moses relayed the message to the Israelites, so he said, “Listen and hear.”

Romans 10:9-10 says that we receive faith by hearing, and as we hear God’s accurate Word accurately, we receive faith.  It says, “Hear the laws and decrees I declare and learn them.”  Even if we hear something, we may not understand.  The reason we don’t understand is because there’s a basis upon which we live our lives.  If we try to receive God’s Word with the foundation of our experiences, we cannot understand.  That’s why He says, “Learn them,” then that means there is someone Who teaches.  Of course, the Holy Spirit inside of us teaches us, however, God teaches us through Moses, through prophets, through pastors and leaders.

“Learn them and be sure to follow them.”  If we have heard and learned them, then now you must apply them into your life, and follow them.  This is the goal with which God gave them the Ten Commandments.  First, we may listen. Even if we listen, we must hear it accurately.  If you hear God’s Word accurately, then His Word will be stuck in your heart, and then we begin to pray with that Word.  

Even before we pray about it, we forum with one another to make sure the Word we hold onto is accurate, because it’s possible we may hear God’s Word however we want.  There’s some people who interpret the Word of God however is convenient or beneficial to them, regardless of how God intended it, almost like a shaman. That’s why we must absolutely forum, and that’s why we must forum with people who know the background of the Word of God and are able to guide our forum.

If there’s a group of people who forum together but they’re all at the same level, they won’t know who’s right or wrong.  That’s why everybody, but especially new believers, need to receive the word relayed to them through the leaders of the church who are receiving guidance from God’s Word accurately.  Then, instead of actually being sure to follow God’s word, the answer comes where we naturally follow.  

But there are some people who misuse that, “I heard we don’t have to follow them,” so they do whatever they want and misuse and utilize this.  That’s why we forum together.  Especially, forum to see how your children and future generations are receiving God’s Word.  The Israelites listened to, memorized, and followed the Word of God for so long, but they weren’t aligned with God.

The point of the Word God is trying to tell us is Jesus Christ. If we listen to and keep and learn the Word of God, taking out Jesus Christ, we cannot overcome Satan.  But this is invisible, so at first, we think there’s no problem.  But when time passes, we’ll realize we’ve been seized.  The way we live is invisible at first, but then it becomes visible.  Only when something becomes visible, we go before God to receive His grace and then we become children of God. The history of the Israelites was a repetition of this cycle.

Today, at this time, your future is determined. What basis do I have to say something like that so easily?  Your future is determined depending on your reaction to God. If your reaction to the Word of God is weak, then right now, you’re shaken, and your future is shaken as well.  If you don’t have any kind of reaction to the Word of God, then you don’t have any answers and you’re going to live the present and the future in the exact same way.

As evidence that God is alive right now, He gives us His Word through worship.  For the people who receive God’s Word, that becomes their future because God takes care of our future.  He doesn’t do so in a vague way, but accurately, He guides us through His Word. Our covenant isn’t abstract or vague like, “I’m sure something will happen,” but we are being accurately led.  That’s why if the Word you receive throughout the week is accurate, you will receive accurate answers. But if you forget the Word God gave you for the week, then in a very confused or lost way, you’ll be seized by Satan in the field.

That’s why what Moses said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy is so important.  In Deut. 5:2, “The LORD our God made a covenant with us at Horeb.”  God doesn’t fulfill things according to what I desire, but the people who don’t know God will think that way.  God made a covenant or a promise with us, God is a God Who works according to the promise He made, not according to the promise he made, not according to what I want. Then, you will receive the correct answer on how to receive answers to prayer.

If you do not have answers, it’s the same as saying you do not have the covenant, and if you don’t have answers, then it first means you don’t pray.  But if you’re praying and you don’t receive answers, then you’re praying the incorrect prayer.  Does that mean there’s a correct prayer vs. an incorrect prayer? I only use those terms to say whether it’s aligned with God’s covenant or not.  

How can we know how God works, then?  “Oh, He’s my Dad so He’ll give me whatever I want,” the Bible never worked like that.  Your physical dad may be like that, but that’s not how God is like.  God is someone Who answers us in a way that is much greater and at a much higher level then what we can want. That is the covenant in the Word of God.  If you’re in pain, do you think that the pain going away is an answer or not?  We have made our own decision that the pain going away is our answer, but that’s simply your thought.  If the pain not going away is the answer, then the pain not going away is the answer.  From my thinking, the pain going away would be an answer, but God thinks it’s more beneficial for the pain to stay.  If God says that poverty is an answer for you, then that poverty persisting is your answer.

What is the standard at which God maintains this?  That standard doesn’t depend, person to person, but God is putting you into a circumstance that allows you to enjoy and relay this covenant.  If this person can do that work with a disease, then God gives them a disease.  But if this person can do that work without a disease, then God will allow them to do that work without giving them a disease.  If this is someone who can do the covenant of God with a lot of money, then of course, God would give them a lot of money. If God gives you a lot of money, and you can’t fulfill his covenant then He will not give it to you.  You need to know God’s standard well.  Much like in the same way as a parent controlling what they give to their child based on what reaction the child will give to that, God does the same thing.  

Deut. 5:3 says that this is a covenant He made with us.  Deut. 5:5, Moses said, “At that time, I stood between the Lord and you to declare to you the word of the LORD, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain,” they were sinners, so they would’ve died if they had, what does this mean? It means Moses was playing the role of a prophet, Moses was also the one who played the role of leader in other words the king.  What this means is that he played the role of the prophet who received the Word of God and relayed it to the people.  Even though Israel was not an official nation, and Moses was not an official king, he was playing the role of the king  because he was leading them.  

However, the role of the priest was relayed through Moses’ brother Aaron and his family line.  Age by age, the role God desires of people consists of three roles.  In other words, the work God carries out is through the three roles.  That is talking about the prophet, priest, and king, representing Christ.  Do not try to memorize that fact, but you have to understand the reason why God raised these roles for you to understand the Old Testament.  The thing that people absolutely need is to be in a relationship with God, and that is through the three things. That means that Christ wasn’t born on earth yet, but throughout all of this time, the Israelites also needed Christ.

God did this work through the ones who were anointed with oil.  Moses was anointed, and his brother Aaron was anointed, and through these three roles, Moses and Aaron allowed the Israelites to be in communion with God.  However, these individuals are flawed, they get sick and die, so they cannot live for eternity.  So, these roles are not able to continue repeatedly.  After the priests are corrupted, they get beaten to death by God, and this is repeated. Though these three roles, the people were not perfect. The roles that people need is absolutely these three. The people do not need money, they need to be with God.  Because without these three roles, we’re always separated from God and we’re bound to live in curses, disasters, and darkness.

Deut. 5:6, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”  Before God tells them the Ten Commandments, he is reminding them who it is that’s giving them these commandments.  God has now given them the reason why they have no choice but to obey the Ten Commandments. But if we don’t see these words very clearly at all, but the first commandment seems big to us, then that person is strong in legalism. Because that’s how they recognize God, their life is very hard.  Because they try to do something themselves because God told us to follow and obey, we have to do that. What do we not see, though? We do not see Christ.  We don’t see the Christ who saved us from slavery in Egypt, However, if you see these words as very big, then the next words are very easy. 

Once you’re able to see and believe that the Lord God Jesus Christ who saved me from slavery and Egypt, you’re able to see and let go of everything else.  In other words, how are we able to escape from Egypt?  In other words, how are you able to escape from Satan, Sin, and the world? It’s impossible with your strength, it’s impossible to escape with any actions.  By the grace of God, you applied the blood of the covenant of Christ and escaped with faith, so remember that.  Because you lose hold of this, you fall back into legalism.

Because we keep forgetting who we are and what we’re saved from and how we’re saved, from God’s perspective, we are so rude because we think we saved ourselves.  Paul was someone who was trapped in his own lie that he is blameless in regards to the law.  He did not even know the meaning of the law, but he was a leader who taught the law, so people were deceived by his lies.  Humans cannot do this, if God had not saved us, he wouldn’t have given us the law. The God that has saved you, the God that has guided you is giving you these words. 

“You shall have no other gods before me,” don’t you think that’s rightful? But if someone is so conflicted and everything is so difficult, what do you think is wrong?  “Oh, but I really want to worship another god,” what does that mean? It means you don’t know who your savior.  Because you don’t know or believe this, your eyes are bound to be diverted elsewhere. From a physical perspective, if there is a man and woman married, they must look at each other, but if their eyes are looking elsewhere, it means they are not satisfied.  

Spiritually speaking, Jesus Christ is the groom and we are the bride, but if we‘re not completely satisfied in Christ alone, our eyes will look elsewhere, toward demons and other evil spirits. Why do you think our eyes look that way? It’s because we don’t know the value of Jesus Christ who is our groom. If you don’t know the value of your groom, people tell you not to look elsewhere. Do you think you will really stop looking elsewhere? You would pretend not to look but your heart is already elsewhere.   What’s the point if your spouse is beating you up with a stick, seeing you look at other people but instead our hearts are already elsewhere.  

That’s why when we come to church, we pretend our heart is here, but it’s somewhere else. What do you think is the problem?  It’s because we haven’t realized the reason for Jesus Christ who has saved us yet. But if that’s restored, our eyes wouldn’t divert elsewhere.  Even for a husband and wife, if they love one another, there’s no reason for them to look elsewhere.  If Jesus Christ and the church are a groom and bride, they must only look toward each other. But if we’re not satisfied, we’ll look elsewhere. Why does God give us these words? God has to give us the standard so we realize, “oh, I crossed this threshold,” so ultimately God gave it to us for our own benefit.  

I’ve seen evidence of this myself. What happens in an intersection where the light is no longer functioning? It’s chaos.  If there’s a camera before, people would stop at the yellow light.  But now that California doesn’t have enough money to maintain the cameras, people run through yellow and red lights.  Sometimes, I will even run a red light when I’m late dropping off my daughter to school, that’s what happens when she wakes up late and we’re late.  

But let’s say for example, the person on the other side of me also went because they realized they had the green light but I didn’t stop at my red light; this is how accidents happen. So who’s benefit are those lights for? The cameras and lights are not for the CA government, but for the drivers. But there are so many people who curse at the light, “Why is it here and making our life harder?” Just like how people are complaining about the law, saying they are confused and burdened. They don’t have any standards.  It is absolutely the standard with which Satan works, but we don’t see Satan.  Right now, God is showing us the channel in which Satan works.  God is telling us right now the channels through which Satan works, for example, worshiping another God above God. 

Satan has been working and tempting from Gen.3 until today, by making us get caught in these things. There are a lot of believers and non believers asking, “why did God make the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, to test us? For God, the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil is not a problem. Because the fruit is there, is God not God?  He made that tree for us, why?  He wanted us to look at that tree and realize we’re not the creator, we’re the created.  Another reason God gave us that tree is because Satan and sin existed before humans did, and He wanted us to know that this is the standard by which Satan would work. He wanted us to know the attacks. But I think they were not deeply rooted in this covenant, and in their weakness, Satan overtook them. That’s why we must listen and follow God’s Word carefully.  Our life is not destroyed for any reason other than the word of God becoming weak within us.  If we don’t follow God’s Word, is it that we make more money and succeed?  No, it’s that your life is being destroyed.  

Deut 5:8, “You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything to serve.  The first keyhole is, “you shall have no other gods before me,” And the second verse says, you shall not make for yourself an idol and bow down and worship them.” The age of Canaan is different then the age we live in currently because back then they were an idolatry age, so every nation had an idol. When they went into the land of Canaan, it was an age of idols, so every nation had idols. So every nation had their own idols. But what is the content in which they serve and worship these gods?These people are worshiping the other gods, trying to attain the prophet God gave to them in Genesis 1:27 worshiping God to obtain fruitfulness, abundance, and conquering.  Gen. 1:28.  

These are things that follow us naturally if we’re with and follow God, but losing hold of these things, they have to worship other gods to get it.  While they are worshiping these idols, the center of their heart is still filled with their own greed and that’s why Colossians 3:5 says greed is idolatry. Ephesians 2:2-3 says “we followed the ways of the kingdom of the world and the ruler of the air by following the cravings of our sinful nature and that’s why we’re, by nature, objects of God’s wrath,” and it’s possible that we can even worship idols today.  

If the value of Christ is not truly everything to me, then I’m bound to make my own image of what I want in life whether it’s money or success, but as I realized that, I realized it also makes me look like objects of wrath.  Today, as we listen to Your Word, let us really ask ourselves the question,  “What kind of image do we have?” Have we restored the image of God through Jesus Christ or did we make an image for yourself?  God told us not to make that image, why do you make that image unnecessarily, why do you make something for yourself  even though God has already done everything?  We are made in God’s image; God’s life is inside of us, and already, world evangelization, the conquest of Canaan  is guaranteed.  

Why do we make it? Because we don’t believe that.  So, we have to make our own life for ourselves.  That’s why we have to worship something somewhere. We have to live a religious life. We have to serve the church through grace, but we’re trying to fill our own image of life. Do not do that.  Serve and work through the grace of God. Do it out of your thanksgiving.  Don’t do anything so you can gain something from yourself, because all of that’s idolatry. 

Even offering is given out of grace. Don’t try to get something out of it. You should get rid of all of that, but we don’t know that this is our idol.  Then, Satan continues to attack us through this, and we have no choice but to be fundamentally attacked, but it turns out, this is an idol that has been flowing down the family line, and it turns out their parents also served the same idol, and their parents above that served that idol as well, in other words, the channel through which the demons are working are the same. If only Jesus Christ is not relayed to the next generation, then that idol will be relayed to them again.

That’s why people become strange even as they go to church, they think they just have the work. They think they have to go to church on time. They think they just have to memorize parts of the Bible.  Those are all good things, I’m not criticizing that, some people think I’m always being critical. I’m just saying you have to do what is important first, you shouldn’t put the cart before the horse. That’s just the way I express things, I express what you shouldn’t do first then the answer, not the other way around.  It’s the same thing for people who write; there’s some who write the conclusion in the introduction, and some who write it confusingly without a clear theme. What does not work, and what’s preventing things from working? How does it work?  So instead of keep doing things that will not work and losing strength, just do things that will work and receive strength.   If we really are filled with the fact that the value of Jesus Christ is everything we need,  then there’s no reason for us to grab onto our greed.

But because the value of the gospel of Jesus Christ has not truly come into us, we keep waffling back and forth regarding our actions.  The Only way to prevent someone from doing this, is to continue to give to them the value of Christ. Then they will automatically stop what they are doing. But instead if you always say, “Jssus Christ is the one who saved you from Egypt, you shouldn’t be doing this, you shouldn’t be worshiping idols”  everybody knows that, but they’ll keep doing it. As long as they’re sitting still, they’re thinking of and going towards their idols; what are they supposed to do? 

That’s their state, and that’s why you have to remind them who brought them out of Egypt; Who is Jesus Christ Who saved you?”  That’s the true God and that’s everything in my life, that’s the only deciding factor, nothing else.  Then, even if someone tells you to have an idol, you won’t; even if someone tells you to follow money, you would not.  That is alreadya different life are you a slave or a conqueror? So, the gospel is so high level, but if you lower it to the level of the earth, then you cannot overcome the world.

Deut. 5:9 says, “You shall not bow down to them or worship them;” what does that mean? It doesn’t mean literally bowing down, but whatever you are constantly thinking about, wanting, and seeking in your heart, that is what you are worshiping, and if you do that God will curse you for three to four generations.  If you’re legalistic, you’ll say, “Hey, we have to go to church a lot so that our three and four generations aren’t cursed,” what a headache.  Instead, you need to have the true value come in where you only worship Jesus Christ and the gospel, then you will naturally not worship any other idols.  

However, if there’s another image or idol we’re seeking with our hearts, then that’s the same as leaving God. What’s important is restoring a state where I love God and God loves me, and God says, “I will absolutely punish them for the sins of leaving me.” Why is that? Because God doesn’t forgive sin, is that right?  Is that not right?  Do you not know?  Answer this question in your heart, God is a God of righteousness, if He sees unrighteousness, he cannot stand it. If there’s sin, God wipes it all away with curses, why? Because God is without sin.  

Even if someone is really passionate about justice, they cannot stand still in front of injustice, and it’s the same thing with God.  He cannot stand seeing sin. I was like that as a non-believer, I couldn’t stand injustice, and I could’ve just stayed still, but instead, I couldn’t endure it, so I caused a lot of unnecessary suffering for myself.  My personality is that I cannot stay alone, I would argue with professors, and get marked down. I’m arguing with police officers about my own idea of justice.  

In the military, they used to give us mental training on Sunday so we wouldn’t riot or protest, but I didn’t agree with that, so I didn’t go. That’s my style.  It’s to a point where, when I first went into the military, there were very high ranking majors who were talking rudely to me.  They’re at such a high rank where normally I wouldn’t be able to look at their eyes, but my style is, if I didn’t do anything wrong, I can’t stand that. I don’t care what kind of rank they are; I don’t see that.  One day, I just fought back against that Major.  Because I couldn’t fight him with my fists, I had to fight him with my laser-beam eyes.  He lowered his glance because I was so angry, and he could feel in my gaze that I really wanted to kill him.

I’m not talking about myself now, I’m talking about how when God sees unrighteousness, He can’t handle it, that’s why I’m going to this extent of explaining. Then He should kill all of us.  But that’s why God is a God of love.  There’s no love with righteousness because you need love to forgive sin and you need sins for forgiveness. You need to have sin to be forgiven; if there is no sin, there’s no need for forgiveness.  God is a God of righteousness and love.  If you only know God of only love and not of love and righteousness, then it’s a headache.  That’s not knowing God well.

Because God is a God of righteousness, He went through the process legitimately of dying on the cross for us, if he was jot, he would just sign it off. He followed it by the law and died on our behalf because He is righteous, He is fair and by the law, and that’s why He died for us. He didn’t have to, but He has to do what His Word says. That is God. That’s why He Himself sent His Son to die on the cross.  God’s love and righteousness are both revealed on the cross at the same time, and that’s why you must know Him well. 

He will punish you for your sins, there’s no forgiveness. How can you be forgiven? If you hold onto the blood, then you are forgiven.  That’s why when we hold onto Christ, it’s finished because God’s promise is that when you hold onto the blood of Christ, all problems of your past, present, and future are finished. So when you hold onto that, God says, “Okay,” and it’s finished.  But if you do not hold onto that and you pass over it, then God is going to continue to use Satan to attack you.  

The reason God allows Satan to exist is for Satan to play this role. Satan reported Job to God, “Why did God let Satan stay?” Because somebody has to play the evil role. That’s what Satan does, so if we have an answer to Satan, it’s no big deal for us, but if we do not have the answer, it is a big deal.  The answer to Satan is Christ. It doesn’t matter how much you talk about Satan. If you don’t talk about the solution, Christ, then there is no answer to that Satan. A messenger who talks about Satan without the solution of Christ, is a messenger used by Satan, because instead of telling them about the solution of Christ, they keep on talking about Satan, so the kids are seized by Satan. That’s the messenger sent by Satan, and you need to quickly drag them out. Because they’re being used by Satan to spread the fear of Satan to the world.

The blood of Christ finishes all problems.  In any kind of wicked disaster, Christ has finished everything. That’s what this means. You need to know the standard. We can get swept over by the idols of our heart and then come back to Christ.  That’s why He poured the Holy Spirit into us so we can do this all the time, 24 hours.  If they kept it written on stone tablets, we would have to go to the Tabernacle and only the High Priest can enter the Holy of Holies.  Because that didn’t cut it, God gives us the filling of the Holy Spirit so we can remember God’s law and know it in our hearts and it’s portable, going with us everywhere. 

But these people are being used as a channel for Satan for three to four generations, and that’s why you must become “only Christ.”  If you do not have only Christ and you’re living your walk of faith normally, then you’ll pass this on to the generations.  That’s why we need to go outside of the camp to Him; we need to throw away everything that is inside the camp.  What shall we do when we go to Him? He is God, He is with me with the Holy Spirit even now, and the One Who says “Go and make disciples of all nations” is with me. You can’t go between problem and Christ, problem and Christ. Then your walk of faith will go back and forth from problem and Christ. You need to quickly go within Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God towards world evangelization and the Holy Spirit.  But if someone is always seized in their problems, then they will go back and forth between  Problem, Christ, Problem, Christ.  

But there’s a time schedule of “only Christ,” then the Kingdom of God, and the filling of the Holy Spirit to do world evangelization. When are you going to go there?  What is prayer about for you?  You enjoy through prayer being liberated from all problems through Christ.  You shouldn’t just say you’ve been liberated from Egypt, you have to go conquer Canaan now, and that’s why you have to pray for only the Holy Spirit, which means you need to go into the stream of prayer that brings the blessings and the power of the throne of the Triune God into me and then goes into my fields.  Then, the unprecedented, never-repeated answer of me, my field, and church, being aligned with God will happen.  That’s the way it will all flow, and that’s why we keep using the word stream or flow.  

New believers have to keep going back and forth, problem, Christ, problem Christ until they are rooted down, and we need that as well. He has finished all problems, we need to start from there, that’s what it means; we finish and start anew.  Then, how do you have to start? You need to go into the stream of the time schedule of the Mount of Calvary, Mount of Olives, and Mark’s Upper Room towards world evangelization.  That’s the flow of prayer, the gospel, and evangelism.  The stream means the time schedule, may you enjoy this blessing.


Shall we pray together?  Psalm 103:20-22 says that when you hold onto the Word you’ve received as the covenant, God is working at this time to mobilize the heavenly angels and host to fulfill his word in your field transcending time and space, with the Word and blessing of the throne of heaven. When you hold onto that Word and pray, then the angels are mobilized to your fields, and when you go there, the light of the 237 nations will be shining.  Let us pray.

The second prayer topic, the region in which you live is your land of blessing, and the disciples are hidden.  In the region where you are living, the disciples are hidden. In the field where you are working, the disciples are hidden.  As you keep on praying for that, God will raise up an incident.  Your business, studies, and evangelism go together the same.  Because God creates a problem in your business in order to give you the answer, evangelism and business go together.  Just according to last week’s Wednesday message, God works according to your faith. So if you have the covenant to save one region, then that’s your covenant  so that’s the way to bring God’s Kingdom on this earth.

Let us pray next for the new believers.  We have to start putting more of our efforts into the newcomers who come as the newcomers department.  That class is not only for new believers, but this is the message you will give to new believers as training.  Because this happens right after the second service, we have strained it to 10 minute message, and I want to continue to give the Way of Salvation through Healing Evangelism messages, and I am planning to continue to do that during English Ministry for remnants, and I’m planning on doing that during the Business Industry Missions message on Saturdays until you’re able to get this.  You must be able to give this Way of Salvation message for one minute, one hour, or over 5 days.  And you need to be able to do that depending on the audience.  You must be prepared in that, just as a soldier must be prepared to combat any enemy they face. 

Last week, the Pastor’s Wife and Senior Deaconess Bae did it, and in the future, Elder Kim and Elder Na will go through this class.  I think God is fortifying this because the newcomers are so important.  I hope everyone will have the influence where they can attend this training themselves.  I’m also doing the Way of Salvation through a regional church because I’ve realized that, beyond what I was aware of, the members of the church did not know this,  and I was honestly incredibly shocked.  I realized this was a very big mistake on my part, and not just for assistant pastors, everybody.  The reason I’m coming at this is because it wasn’t possible at this level.  Whichever form or way fits you, just do it.  

During the English Ministry, I’m going to call the teachers and have them do it one by one, so when they’re going through it, listen very carefully and concentrate. That’s’ rightful, obviously, and that’s how you will teach the remnants.  So, we’re going to concentrate on the more basic things we’re going to concentrate on because we believe in Christ and are rooted in it, but we can’t express it, so I want you to express it in a very organized and succinct way.  So let us pray for it. 

Starting from next week at 1pm, we’ll do the Way of Salvation and nurturing, then at 2:30pm, we’ll have the Church Officers which is another training. This is how the system in our church is taking place.  But what you must be aware of is, if there’s a new believer for whom something isn’t taking place very well, then you need to go with them and train with them.  Let us pray for the trainings within the church. 

Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the church officers, the remnants, and the multiethnic people who desire to enjoy the answer of the uniqueness of Christ, the kingdom of God, and the filling of the Holy Spirit, for world evangelization, upon their businesses and studies from now until forevermore, amen.

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