Reason to Bind to Jesus (Heb. 2:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Reason to Bind to Jesus (Heb. 2:1-4)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I believe this is the greatest confession of faith.  I hope the great grace of God will be upon all the individuals and families worshipping in their homes, in the church building, and especially out of state.   

The title of today’s sermon is, the Reason to Bind Firmly to Jesus. Almost all humans are even now trying to look for something that they can live their lives holding firmly to. There are some people who tie their entire heart to money, thinking money can save their life. There are some people who tie themselves firmly to their position or status, thinking that that will sustain their entire life. There are also people who try to bind themselves to the power of the government or nation they’re living in, thinking that will protect them. 

1.What we have heard

But in today’s Bible passage, it says we must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so we may not drift away. Whenever a ship is docked in a bay, they tie the ship down with a very large rope so it doesn’t drift away in the current, because if you do not bind the boat very firmly with rope, it is going to flow with the tides of the water.

If our life is not securely fastened to something, it is going to drift away. Spiritually speaking, without being aware of it, my life is bound to be dragged away in the direction of Satan’s current. So where must we bind ourselves to? Am I going to bind myself to my children, or am I going to bind my life to trusting my own abilities? The Bible passage today tells us to be the most interested in and concentrated on what we have heard.

1) Son of God

(1) God spoke by His son (Heb. 1:2), Heir of all things (Heb. 1:2)

What we have heard is talking about what we read in Heb. 1, regarding God’s Son, Jesus Christ. God is speaking now through Jesus Christ. We must firmly bind ourselves to those words, and that Jesus Christ is the heir of all things. Your possessions do not belong to you because Jesus Christ is the heir and inheritor of all things. If you bind yourself to your possessions, thinking they belong to you, you’re bound to drift off. All creation in the universe has been given to God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

(2) Creator (Heb. 1:2)

And that Jesus is also the creator; all things were created through him. Where am I going to bind my heart? I need to bind it to the One who created me. If you don’t bind your heart to your Creator, you’re going to drift off in another direction.

2) Jesus Christ – Radiance of God’s Glory (Heb. 1:3), Exact representation (Heb. 1:3), Sustain all things by His powerful Word (Heb. 1:3)

Heb. 1:3 says this Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory. And that Jesus is also the exact representation of God. You can think a stamp, you can stamp that multiple times and it’s the exact same image. This is revealed like a stamp, we’re not able to see the Father God, but we can see God through his son, Jesus Christ. And Jesus is sustaining all things through his powerful Word. Where should we be seized? We have to bind ourselves to Jesus’s Word because He is controlling and moving all creation with His Word.

The more you live your walk of faith, the simpler it becomes. The more your walk of faith does not work out, the more complicated it becomes. If your walk of faith is complicated and you try to solve it by researching the Bible, it’s going to get even more complicated. If you think you can look into the Bible with Hebrew and Greek, it’ll get more complicated. Am I saying you shouldn’t read the Bible? No, you must read it with the answer in advance, because the Bible tells us about the answer to our lives.

The answer to all of our lives’ problems is Jesus Christ Who is the Creator of all and moves the universe with His Word. The answer to all our lives’ problems is Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter what the problem is; the answer is Jesus Christ. Our thoughts and our hearts have to be firmly bound to that answer. If you call someone a Christian, it means they have their life’s answer in Christ, it’s because Christ is moving all of creation with His Word, and that’s why He gave the answers through His Word.

(4) Provided purification for sins (Heb. 1:3)

He did the work of purifying our sins. Sin is talking about the original sin of not believing in God, and the consequential sins we commit as a result. It is because of these sins that our life is met with curses and disasters.

3) Throne of heaven

(1) Sat down at the right hand of God (Heb. 1:3)

“And he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” The fact that he is seated at the right hand isn’t talking about the physical right hand, but He is seated at the Throne. Even now, the Triune God is moving and controlling all creation from the Throne. We must bind our thoughts, heart, and spirit firmly to Him.

(2) Last for ever and ever (Heb. 1:8)

It says in Heb 1:8 that he is seated at the right hand of the throne and Jesus’s throne will last for ever and ever. If the president of the US is conquering the country from the White House, that is not eternal; it has a limit. But when Jesus Christ sits on His heavenly throne to control the universe, that is eternal. I am His people and He reigns and controls over me. My spirit is eternal. The kingdom where the Triune God is ruling over His eternal people is eternal. And we must go into this ruling in order for us to stand firmly.

(3) A scepter of justice (Heb. 1:8)

Justice will be the scepter for His kingdom. It means He is fair. There is nothing that is unfair in God’s kingdom. Based on whatever you do for the Lord on Earth, God will give you His reward in Heaven. People who live for the devil on Earth will receive their reward as well. So, what is unfair? If something feels unfair, God is fair. If you think that you are at a loss, there is no such thing because God is fair. You have to bind yourself to this Word so that you do not drift away.

(4) The years of the Lord’s kingdom will never end (Heb. 1:12)

The devil makes you get trapped in the flow of the world so you go astray and drift away from God’s Word. Heb. 1:12 says that the years of the Lord will never end. If there is a superpower nation, they might rule for one or two hundred years, but the rule of Jesus Christ is eternal. We are living for the eternal things. The Lord gives us the temporary things of the Earth so that we may live for the eternal things. God gave you all of the work and studies that you have for eternal things. That Word must be firmly rooted in your heart.

If you don’t bind yourself to that, you’ll live your life backwards, living for the physical, temporary things of the Earth. The people of God’s Kingdom, instead of going into God’s rule, will fall under the control of the devil and the world. The control of the devil results in our hellish suffering, and because you don’t stand firmly on the Word, you keep going into suffering.

We suffer because of depression, and there are people who fight with everyone they meet. It’s okay to get into one or two fights, but your entire life is a fight. It’s because you don’t go into the reign of God’s Kingdom, because you’re trying to rule over your own life and the other person is also trying to rule over their life. We must be bound to God’s Kingdom.

2. Reason to bind

1) Great salvation

Second, what is the reason we must be bound? It says in Heb. 2:3 “How can we escape such a great salvation?” Punishment will follow. What is a great salvation and a small salvation? The small salvation was in the Old Testament, where they didn’t see Jesus Christ but they saw a shadow of what was to come and received salvation that way. They depended on the sacrifice of animals,

(1) Authority of Sin, Satan, Hell – Liberated

But the Great Salvation is when Jesus Christ comes to Earth, destroying the authority of Satan, sin, and Hell, and is with us now.

(2) The Gospel finished everything (Jn. 19:30)

Jn. 19:30, the incident of Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrecting for my sins, finished everything. Everything written in the Old Testament was pointing to this incident of Christ. All of the Old Testament, everything they did (keeping the laws and feasts) was all for Jesus Christ. Now that Jesus has come to the Earth, there is nothing for us to do.

Jesus Christ himself has fulfilled all of the law and He is the actualization of the representation of the three feasts that the Old Testament prophesied would come. Now God no longer raises up prophets, priests, and kings because that was all preparation for Jesus’s coming. Jesus Christ, Who was the true prophet, true priest, and true king, has already come to Earth.

(3) Confirmed to us (Heb. 2:3, 2Tim. 3:14)

So in Heb. 2:3, they tell us to confirm this. 2 Tim. 3:14 says to continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, why? Because if you don’t confirm this and aren’t convinced of it, you will drift away.

In Gen. 3, Adam and Eve should have held firmly to the promise God had made with them, but Satan knew they did not, and he made them drift away. They knew the Word but didn’t put it into their hearts, so when Satan came, they just floated along with Satan’s words. The reason we must continue to be convinced and continue to confirm is so that the words of Jesus Christ may be firmly bound in our hearts.

2) Bind – Satan broken down

As we live our walks of faith, you must set one central focus. There is one way for you to determine whether the words you hear are correct or not. You have to confirm whether the demons or Satan will be broken by these words or not. The devil doesn’t fear you, no matter what you do. The devil does not bat an eye at your success. It doesn’t matter how renowned you are at something, the devil will not flinch. It doesn’t matter what you do or how great you become, the devil is not broken down.

But if you live a walk of faith that does not break down the devil, you will be seized by the devil, so you must be able to discern whether this Word you’ve received is something that will break down the forces of Satan in my personal life, my family, and the nation.

What happens if you live your walk of faith but you’re seized by the devil in the end. What happens if you worship so much and you go to so many Bible studies, but you’re seized by the devil? You must always be aware of this. If you yield and the devil will be bound? Then yield. If someone picks a fight with you, but yielding to this person will prevent Satan from entering that relationship, then give it up.

(1) God is with me (With)

If you don’t bind the forces of Satan, it doesn’t matter how correct your words are, Satan will come in. Where is the only place Satan cannot go? If you are centered on Jesus Christ, then the devil is broken down. Jesus Christ is with me. The fact that Jesus Christ is with me doesn’t mean I’m free to do whatever I want now. If you think that, you’re still centered on yourself. The fact that Jesus Christ is with you means you’re living a walk of faith centered on the words of Jesus and following them. The words of Jesus Christ are in my thoughts, heart, and spirit, but if I keep following my own thoughts, heart, and spirit, I will ultimately drift away and that’s why I’m seized by Satan.

Then as you live your walk of faith, there’s no standard. You say the Word of God is so important so you go towards the Word, but you’re seized again. You continue with diligent prayers but you’re seized again. It’s not about me, it’s about Jesus Christ being my Master, so His Words seizing my thoughts and heart. It’s not about my things, but it’s about the things of God’s heart. You keep getting seized by the Devil because you say “my things” or “my child,” so you’re living a walk of faith seized by the devil. This child does not belong to me, but this is God’s child, and God has given them to me. But you keep on thinking your child is your own, so all your thoughts and heart are centered on protecting your child and you are seized. You keep creating divisions, asking “are you on my side or his side?”

(2) God is with us (Immanuel)

That is why the church needs to enjoy the blessing of Immanuel, God being with us, very well. If you don’t enjoy this, you will keep getting scarred because God is not there. If this person is a saved child of God and I am too, then God is with both of us. If this person is lacking, what do I do? Should I judge this person or should I pray so the power of Jesus Christ will work upon them? What happens if I judge them? That is where Satan accurately enters, penetrating without you even noticing it. But if you see they’re lacking and you pray for them instead of judging them, that is where the Holy Spirit works. So you must always determine whether your walk of faith breaks down Satan or not.

There are always conflicts in your family, why? It’s always, “I’m right,” or “You’re right.” Neither person cares about what God has to say, they always think they’re right. If my wife is lacking, I just need to pray for God to work upon her lacking. It’s not about my thoughts, but our family has to be led towards God’s Word, but our walk of faith isn’t taking place because I am my own standard. The smarter I think I am, the more fights will take place. This is how the Devil enters into families to divide it and change all your blessings of meeting into disasters.

(3) God is with all things (Oneness)

And God is with and has a plan for every incident that takes place and person you meet in the world. There’s no small plan or big plan, but it is God’s plan. If you say “I’m not gonna work for the church because they don’t pay me but I’ll work for the world because they pay me,” you’ll never be able to escape from Satan, no matter how well you live your walk of faith, because God is with all things. God is with the big tasks as well as the small, petty tasks. God is with the tasks that pay money and the ones that don’t in order to fulfill His good purpose.

There are people who won’t meet someone else if they’re not financially beneficial .That’s how Satan enters, because you keep setting the standards with yourself. It doesn’t matter if you like this person or not, God has a plan for every person. The more wicked this person is, the more it is a meeting where you need to pray for them for God’s grace to be upon them, it’s not a meeting you should avoid.

There’s not a single person that can go outside of themselves, their family, their workplace, their church, or this world. We have to live a walk of faith where Jesus Christ is the center of all those things. If that doesn’t take place, Satan enters. Satan makes us fall into suffering and misery and he destroys all our businesses, families, or jobs. We don’t move according to our benefit. That’s how non-believers who don’t have Jesus Christ live, according to their benefit or loss.

But for us, God has a plan for us and for everyone we meet. The work we do is to bless those people. All work has been given to us by God. It doesn’t matter how lowly the task may seem, you do it before God. That is where the answers begin. Until you can do the greatest things. If you can’t do the small things, how can you do the big things? You have to start with the small things in order to reach the big things.

I don’t tell the church officers how to do their job in the church because they get mad. They think “Who are you to tell me how to do this? You make my life miserable.” So they do not communicate with me, but to the young adults, I talk to them directly. “Do it like this by this date” The ones who don’t like that just leave, but those who carry it out are given more. Because that is God’s work.

Who am I to tell them what to do? But this is a work necessary for the church, so someone has to do it. If someone will be tested by it, I don’t even ask them to do it. I don’t tell anyone to do anything unless they personally say they want to do something, “Why is the pastor telling me to do something that doesn’t make money?” I can’t even communicate with someone at that level..

The young adults are in an age where they have to learn, so I tell them. There is nothing that is actually hard when God is with you. What about the job you do in the world? Is that hard or not? It doesn’t matter if it’s hard or not because you have to do it anyway. What about the work you do in the church? It doesn’t matter if it’s hard or not, you have to do it, and the work you do in the world isn’t yours either, but God gave it to you. If you’re not seized by God’s Word in this sense, you’ll be miserable no matter what you do.

“Oh, that person’s like that so I don’t want to meet them.” But you’ll always have to be with your co-workers. God has given you that meeting so you can bless them. If they don’t accept that blessing, the blessing will return to you, so I hope you will be firmly bound to the Word of God.

There is no such thing as a loss in front of God. Do you think that God will ever forget about you or miscalculate so you’re at a disadvantage? There is nothing unfair to God because He knows everything. There is never a time where God forgets about you. He is just and He will do whatever is just. God says He will give you the reward in heaven for whatever work you do on Earth.

Isn’t that right? How can someone who receives salvation and lives the rest of their life for themselves be equal to someone who works for the Lord? Without a doubt, God gives a just reward in heaven for the work you do on earth, so I tell them, “Just do it,” because they understand.

But if someone cannot understand, I don’t tell them anything, because it doesn’t matter what I say, but the Devil will go into them, saying “Why are you saying that to me?” If you’re told to do something in the world, you like it because you can make money, but if you’re given a task in the church, you don’t like it, because you’re being seized and drifted along, do you understand?

So how can I make a decision that will bind Satan? Whatever you are doing, don’t be picky with your job, but do whatever God has given you. Start with the small work that God has given to you. You have to lower your heart. You’re not even that great, but your heart is so elevated that you think, “Someone like me has to do this kind of work?” You’ll suffer your entire life. Then, who would go to the low places? Do this work of serving, and that’s the work that the Lord gave.

If you don’t have faith, all you have is pride, so you think “Why do I have to do such a small task? I’ve learned so much!” You haven’t learned that much, actually. How much do you know of God or His reign? You don’t know it, then you have to be extremely humble and go out in faith. In all works, in all people, God has a plan of blessing.

3) When we do not bind – Drift away (Heb. 2:1)

(1) Thoughts, heart drift away to me center (Gen. 3:5)

If you are not bound firmly to the Word like this, where will you drift away to? You will keep on moving in the direction of “me and my thoughts.” What happens if you keep moving, centered on yourself? Later on, you will be seized by Satan and you won’t be able to escape. My thoughts in themselves are seized, and that’s why people think they are jinxed. The more you go according to your thoughts, the more you will be seized.

If you keep on having sad thoughts, you’ll go into depression. If you keep on looking at the works of Satan, it’s rightful to be sad, and getting trapped in your unnecessary thoughts, you’ll go into depression. So you don’t leave your room and you’ll think the entire world is your enemy, and you’re the only one who is the truth. “Everyone else needs to die, and I am the only truth.”

Do you think this person was like that from the beginning? That’s not how they were. That is the result of someone who did not have God’s Word and only had their thoughts. Spiritually speaking, they’ve been completely seized by Satan and cannot escape from that. “Only I’m correct and everyone else is wrong.” That’s the extent they go to.

(2) Religion, idolatry, transcendental meditation – Drift away

When they go to church, they live a religious life and can’t live a proper walk of faith, but a person’s internal greed is endless, the ambition and greed have no limit; this is the extent that me-centeredness takes you. Then, people go to transcendental meditation, thinking it will help; they are wandering because they don’t have the answer.

Because we don’t bind firmly to the Word of God, we’re drifting away, influenced by people’s words. We live such a life that is pulled away. Of course, our spirit, mind, and emotions are so vulnerable so we have no choice but to hold onto something stronger than us but that’s how we take away. You have no idea how difficult it is to not meet people in the world. The only method is to avoid everyone. That’s why people avoid others and move to isolated locations. They say “people are the problem so I’ll move away from people.”

(3) Suffering of spirit, flesh, future generation (Mt. 27:25)

The problem is in your heart, but you think it’s the people, so you move far away from others. That is relayed directly to your kids. That is why you must stand firmly in God’s Word. That is the only answer, but you keep looking for the answer somewhere else. Jesus Christ is the Creator of the universe, moving and judging the universe, but you keep putting your heart into something else, thinking it has the answer. You rely on other weak people, you read the books of successful people and you try to live like them, but that successful person you’re reading about still didn’t know the answer to their life, and that’s how they’ve existed. Therefore, the beginning of victory is to be imprinted, rooted, and natured with the Words of Jesus Christ in your thoughts, mind, and spirit.

3. Testify – Evangelism, mission (237 nations)

1) God testified the Gospel (Heb. 2:4, Mk. 3:14)

Today’s third point is in v. 4, God also testifies to His Word. There is a time schedule where we receive this Word from somebody, and relay it to someone else. Physically speaking, if I am a child of parents, I will grow up and have a child myself. In the same way, God fulfills the kingdom of God where we receive the Word from someone and God reveals that Word to someone else through us. (1) Through signs, wonders, miracles (Heb. 2:4, Mk. 16:20)

Heb 2:4 says, when God does testify of His Word, He confirms it with signs, wonders, and miracles. The signs, wonders, and miracles in are not the central point, but testifying of God’s Word is. In other words, there is nothing that is lacking, there are no problems when you deliver the Word of God. Because God is going to allow you to deliver the accurate Word of God, even if it means He must give you signs, miracles, and wonders.

(2) Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Talent (Heb. 2:4)

Heb. 2:4 says that you will testify by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. Everyone has been given a gift by God. Prophesying or speaking in tongues are not the only gift. Being a peacemaker and mediation is also a talent. God has given every child of God unique talents so we can testify of His Word.

Why does the military give soldiers weapons? So they can protect the nation and fight the enemy. But what happens if they use these weapons for their own benefit? That’s different from the reason the military gave them .For example, soldiers should not use their weapons to rob banks or threaten and intimidate other people. God has given you your talent to testify of God’s Word.

(3) Distributed according to His will (Heb. 2:4) – Save lives (Jn. 16:40)

God has given whatever He has given to you to fulfill His goal. Therefore, God allocates talents to fulfill His goal. God’s will is saving lives; there is nothing else. Success is not God’s will. You having a lot of money is not God’s will. Even non-believers have money. That all goes away when you die. The only eternal thing is God’s Kingdom and God’s will. These will remain. What is eternal? Our spirit is eternal. God has given each and every one of you talents and gifts in order to save these eternal lives. But because you’re using it for the opposite purpose, you’re being dragged around by Satan.

2) Field of the world

(1) The god of this age blinded the minds (2 Cor. 4:4)

2 Cor. 4:4 says that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the gospel. It’s not that the person is stubborn, it’s that Satan is blocking their minds so they cannot see the light of the gospel. That’s the reason you’ve been given the authority to cast out demons. Instead of saying this person is so hard-headed, I hope you will utilize your authority because either way, the devil will work to block the gospel.

(2) Cannot see the light of the Gospel (2 Cor. 4:4)

If you wanna succeed, the devil doesn’t care. You work so hard, but the devil doesn’t bat an eye. Satan only cares about one thing: that you cannot testify the words of the gospel. That’s why Jesus Christ has given you the authority to overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk. 10:19). If the church does not set their goal on the eternal things, it becomes a playground for the devil. They will set their goal on the material things of the Earth, based on prosperity, and that is the devil’s playground. That’s how Satan is holding onto every church, family, and nation, and that’s the reason why God has given us authority and power.

(3) Control the family, region, nation (Mt. 12:29, Mk. 5:10, Dan. 10:20)

The reason the police are given the authority and power to use guns is because enemies exist. But if you’re not able to see the enemies, you’ll always be deceived shaken. Without a doubt, in Mt. 12:28-29, it says Satan will divide your family, and in Mark 5:10, it says the legion of demons was controlling the area. In Daniel 10:20, it says there is a demon prince controlling Persia and then when the Prince of Persia is taken down, the Prince of Greece would conquer.

3) Power (Authority) – Authority to drive out demons (Mk. 3:15), to heal all diseases and sicknesses (Mt. 10:1), Overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk 10:19), Pray with one heart (Ac 1:14)

America is also being controlled by demons. The president can’t do anything about that. That is why God desires to do His work through His Kingdom, that is the church. The prayer that doesn’t defeat the authority of demons is futile. You’re just telling God, “Give me this and that,” yet that demon is still conquering your family background without any opposition.

Jesus gave you the authority to defeat all illnesses. That authority is given to you through prayer. Jesus has given you authority to fix all your weaknesses, mental problems, and diseases, to fix those, then what will you do with that? You can testify the gospel. If we have received the gospel, if we are healed and rise up, you have already received this authority.

The church is a place that is fighting the spiritual battle for the families and region. God will close the doors of any church that doesn’t do this. Any family that doesn’t do this will shake. Any business that doesn’t do this will be overturned, because God is fulfilling His Kingdom here.


  1. Bind to Jesus Christ
  2. Enjoy the blessings of the kingdom of God
  3. Break down the kingdom of Satan and change to the kingdom of God


May you be victorious over the week.  Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us.

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