Raise the Bartizan of Life within Me and the Field (Rom. 6:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Raise the Bartizan of Life within Me and the Field (Rom. 6:1-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today is Easter Sunday.  That is the incident where Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected in three days.  That means that, even now, Christ is alive.  It also means that, even now, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, as evidence that He is living, He will answer.  

1. Me

  1) Baptism – Death

    (1) Baptized into Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:3)

    (2) Baptized into his death (Rom. 6:3)

Today we will share the Word of God with Romans 6. Rom. 6:3 says, “We who were baptized into Christ Jesus,” this means that I received baptism by being united with Christ in His death.  What is the reason why Christ had to die, and why must we be united in His death?  

    (3) Died to sin (Rom. 6:2)

Rom. 6:2 says we died to sin.  Simply put, Jesus Christ was paying the price for my sin on my behalf, then what is my sin, exactly?  There is a sin that comes even before the actions in our lives that we call, “sin.”  What is the sin that the Bible and God talk about? 

  2) Our old self (Rom. 6:8), Past (Eph. 2:1)

    (1) Me – Become like God (Gen. 3:5)

That sin is talking about the state spoken of in Gen. 3:5 where I think I can decide what is good and what is evil.  We are not sinners because we commit acts of sin, but because we are in this state, we are sinners.  In other words, I become the main figure who determines what is good and what is bad, that is what you call Original Sin. This is the sin that is invisible.  That is where all suffering and the works of Satan begin.  

    (2) Me – Choose what I like (Gen. 6:2)

The reason you guys are suffering right now is because you’re in this state, “I like this,” or “I don’t like that,” that is you being the main figure.  “I feel good,” or, “I feel bad,” I am the main figure there. “But Pastor, I’m alive, of course I’m going to be the main figure; what do you mean?” That “me” has died on the cross with Christ, I’m no longer the standard; then Who is the standard?

Christ Who has resurrected and is with me now is the standard. You have to understand this in order to understand what the cross is.  If you don’t understand this, no matter how much you talk about the cross, it has no power.  When you acknowledge this, you’ll be able to enjoy the blessing and the life of the resurrection.  Whatever you’re thinking right now is not from the  Word of God; it is from your own thoughts.  “I don’t like that person,” that is you being your own god, and that state is dead on the cross.

The way that this kind of sinner progresses in life is shown in Gen. 6:2, it says, “The sons of God married whatever woman they desired,” every person decides or chooses what they want.  What’s wrong about that? God says that is evil, God said that every thought and inclination of their heart was evil. It shouldn’t be about what I think is good; it should be about what God wants, and at this point, there must be some people who say, “I don’t want to believe, then,” and I’m sure that there are some people who think, “If I have to live like that, then I don’t want to believe in Jesus.”

There are many people in America who say, “I want to believe in a God who helps me get what I want; I don’t want to believe in a God who makes me not do that,” that is a state that is seized by sin; in other words, it is a state that is seized by Satan. We do not see Satan and we do not see sin with our eyes.  The extent of our judgment can be, if we see someone who is demon-possessed, then we can say, “Oh, that person is seized by Satan,” or if someone commits a crime and goes to jail, we say, “That person is a sinner,” but that’s it.

Whatever is beneficial to me is not necessarily good, but even right now, I’m calculating for my own benefit. “Is meeting this person a benefit to me? Then I will meet with them,” that is what we call “sin,” then what is it that God wants? It’s not about what I want or what is beneficial to me; what is beneficial to God?  It may be a loss to me because it takes money and time, and if we have to invest our time and money, but we don’t see the end result, we don’t want to do that.  That is what we call “sin,” but this individual says, “They have committed no sin,” that is Satan completely seizing their thoughts.  It’s not about what I want or what I like, it’s about God’s plan–what does God want? Then you will receive answers.

Because the Lord is living, you will, without a doubt, receive answers.  Ask God right now, “Why am I sitting here?” As evidence that God is alive, you will receive the answer immediately.  But if you don’t ask God why, and you just think, “I’m sitting here today,” there are no answers for you.  “I’m sitting here because at least once a year, on Easter, I have to go to church,” I’m glad you’re here, but you’re not going to receive answers by thinking like that. At least once a year, ask God, “Why am I sitting here today, God?” 

Because God has resurrected and He is alive, He will answer you immediately. But even as people go to church, they say, “I have no answers,” then, that means that the Lord is dead. It means that this person is lying.  Satan is the one who is deceiving their thoughts with lies.  The Lord is alive even now, and when you make Him your Lord and you ask Him a question, you will receive answers immediately. 

    (3) Our strength – Against God (Gen. 11:3)

In Gen. 11, these sinful people progress even further to say, “Let us gather all of our strength to build a tower so that we can exalt our own name,” and then they say, “God is trying to scatter us, so let us try to oppose God by building this tower.”  God says we need only God to live; but instead, these people say, “No, that’s nonsense; we can gather our own strength and live by ourselves,” that is their state and that problem is continuing in America, exactly in the same way.  “I’m living in America and I can do whatever I want in this land of America.  If I can work diligently, I can do whatever I want and I can be happy without God,” that is what we call “sin,” and that has died on the cross with Christ.  

  3) Resurrection

Then how do I live now?  I’m the same “me,” but the “me” that was the master of my own life has been crucified.  Now, the resurrected life is a life lived by faith in Jesus Christ Who has resurrected and is living in me as my Master.  What does it mean that everything is finished on the cross? It means that I died on the cross, but if you misunderstand this, you’re going to try very hard to kill yourself. That’s Buddhism. They try to empty themselves.  They try to empty all of themselves and all of their desires, so they live outside of the world and society, in an empty room. But then after they leave their journey, they go back and they’re exactly the same as they were before.

    (1) Resurrection of Christ (Rom. 6:4)

If we could kill ourselves, then the Lord would not have to die on the cross for us.  The Lord died on the cross and said, “I will consider this as your death,” by faith. But I’m still here, and I remember my past just the same. I have exactly the same scars from my family and past, and all the failures of my past continue to move me.  Then, what exactly are you saying?  Those people have not yet received grace. We must be able to believe this by God’s grace.  This is not something you can know with your rationality and thought; you have to believe it.  

    (2) New life (Rom. 6:4)

We have never seen Jesus Christ die on the cross and resurrect, but by God’s grace, we must believe it.  Even right now, that Christ is alive, He is seated at the throne of Heaven and He is with me, and now, I no longer live, but it is that Christ living in me, it is a life of faith.  That needs to take place in order for the drug problem in America to diminish; that needs to take place for the shootings to diminish; that needs to take place in order for the number of mental patients to reduce. 

Why do people suffer from mental illnesses? It is because the scars of their past aren’t going away. Even if they go to church, it is not going away, it is because they don’t understand that we are dead on the cross, and that’s why even though we drink alcohol and do drugs to forget the scars of our past, as soon as we are sober, they come back to us. We need to live in the future, but we’re afraid of the future, so we’re living in fear.  The gospel has not yet come into you. 

    (3) Life with Christ (Rom. 6:4,8)

The churches in America starting from our church, must receive this pure and accurate gospel in order for you to begin a life that is with Christ. Everything in your past is rubbish, if you’re still holding onto all of your success in the past, it is not finished for you yet.  If you’re still crying every time you hear a song that reminds you of the scars of your past, it is not finished for you yet. Even people who always pick out hymns that are always depressing, it is not finished for you yet, because through those depressing songs, they want to remove their scars.  It must be finished, Jesus Christ is victorious. He has finished everything, Jesus Christ does world evangelization and we change by faith.  It doesn’t matter how many times you go to church; if you don’t receive this faith, you will always live the same way. 

2. Living within life

  1) Christ (Jn. 19:30)

    (1) Gen. 1:27 Life

What does it mean to live within life? Christ is life.  From the very beginning, we were created in the image of God. The image of God is not an animal. For animals, all they have to do is eat and rest and increase their population, but humans are not made to live like that, why? Because we’re created in the image of God, but right now, people are living worse off than animals.  You have to worry about living, you have to worry about people, you have to worry about eating, and we’re sick so we have to worry about the hospital, and we have to worry about avoiding people we don’t like.  We always avoid it because we don’t like it.  How much stress is that?  It’s because we still don’t know what the image of God is.

The Image of God are the people who live by the Word of God, these are people who live by the power of God. Animals can just stay still, that’s how God made them, that’s why even the flowers of the field don’t have to work hard to be beautiful; they can just exist and disappear, but humans cannot live like that.  We have to receive God’s life and God’s Word, we need to receive the power that comes from God.  That is how a person can live correctly as a human being.  

If we’re not able to do that, we receive mental problems, and we’re not able to do that, so we’re addicted, and we’re constantly afflicted with division of the mind.  We cannot control our anger, so we even shoot and kill other people, why is that?  We must correctly restore the image of God.  There’s one characteristic of people who have mental problems or go to a mental hospital, they cannot escape from this thing called, “me.” “That person said this to me!” They hold onto that as their covenant and they never escape from that thought. “That person did this to me!” That’s their characteristic.  Whatever that person did to them is not the real issue, it’s that they cannot escape from their state of being their own god, and in that state, they go to church, and it’s not that big of a difference to them. And even if they go somewhere else, it doesn’t do anything for them, and if they don’t go to church, it doesn’t do anything for them, either, because if you go to church, you have to correctly know and believe.  I am finished on the cross. 

    (2) Gen. 2:7 Spirit

In Gen. 2:7, humans are the only thing God created out of dirt. Animals were created by the Word of God, so God made human beings specially, and only into the human being did God breathe into their nostrils the breath of life.  

    (3) Gen. 2:18 Field

When we’re living with the life and the power of the Holy Spirit, we receive the blessing of Gen. 2:18, the blessing within our families and our field.  When they’re working in the Garden of Eden, it was easy for them to name all the animals, it was easy because God was actually ruling over the Garden of Eden through Adam and Eve with His power.  The moment they were separated from the life and the power of God, the earth became cursed, so working became laborious and having a child was painful.  When you receive the gospel, then you escape from the suffering of having to work and having children, because you’re living with the answers God gives you. 

If you’re not careful, you’re going to come into church but treat it just like any other religion, just with a changed name, and that’s why even Christians fall into transcendental meditation because it’s the same; there’s no difference. They say, “The church talks about the cross and Buddhism talks about something else,” but for them, it’s the same.  What is not taking place for them? It’s because they don’t know what it means that I’ve died on the cross with Christ and now Christ lives within me. It’s very simple. Why was I born here? It’s because God allowed me to be born here, that is my immediate answer.  “God, why is this person saying these words to me that are so hurtful and they hurt my pride?” It’s because God allowed you to hear them, and that’s your immediate answer.  

Standing before God is enjoying the life of the resurrection. “God, what do I have to study?” Just pray.  Your parents always say, “Be a doctor, be a lawyer, be a professor,” there are only three options for Korean parents.  But because the lawyer becomes a lawyer even though they should never have become a lawyer, they’re doing something else in the home. Somebody who should never have become a doctor, becomes a doctor? That’s why they’re always tormenting their patients. They are not able to resolve the problems inside of them, so they torment other people with their words and actions. One of my friends is a Christian, but he sets an income that he will make each month, then he assigns his patients, and if they need to come in two weeks, he says, “Come in one week,” just to match his income.  We need to do it according to the talent God gives us.

Let’s say somebody became a pastor just so they could have that title, so now they have to do it. That’s what I’m talking about right now. We should enjoy this, we need to enjoy the things God has given to us.  It’s not that you like just because you like it, but because this is something God has given to you, it’s aligned with your body, it’s aligned with everything.  I hope you will enjoy the life and the power of this resurrected life within you, how?  You enjoy it by faith.  He is already inside of you, all you have to do is pray for the power of the Lord to completely control your thoughts, your heart, your spirit, and your body. 

Instead of praying incorrect prayers, “Give me this, give me that,” I hope you will have the fundamental answers that say, “Lord, reign over me.”  I hope you will just entrust all responsibility of life to the Lord, but you keep holding onto it instead of giving it to Him, then you keep saying, “I believe in the cross and resurrection,” but you really don’t. I hope that from today on, you will have the works of believing, and for the people who do believe, I hope that you will continue to enjoy that faith. Believing in Jesus Christ should be joyful because He has taken all of your heavy burdens, but why do you keep bearing them? It’s because you don’t find it believable, and because you don’t believe, you worry. 

  2) Blessing of the Throne of Heaven

    (1) Power of the Throne – Within me

    (2) Power of the Throne – Field

    (3) Answer

“May the power of the Lord be upon my business, my studies, and everything that I do,” then the Lord will work upon it. What happens when the Lord works? The things according to God’s will take place, and the best thing is for God’s will to take place, but there are some people who are afraid of that. They are afraid because, “If God’s will takes place, then my will will not take place.”  That is sin. Instead of giving it over to the Lord, you try to hold onto it yourself and do what you want; that is sin, that is Satan holding onto you.  I hope you will quickly entrust it to God. May you entrust your entire life to the Lord.  Until that point, it doesn’t matter how much you go to church; it’s not going to work because the form will not take place.  

You will not be able to overcome your thoughts and your level because you’re trying to manipulate your own thoughts and heart and mind with your own level, and no matter how much you try to succeed, you are bound to go into the flow of your family line.  You might study well and you might have a good job, so on the outside you may change a little bit, but on the inside, you’re just the same as your family line, because with your efforts, you can only change your exterior form.  By your faith you need to change the inside engine or your software,  but that is not changing. So the more time passes, the more you face your limitations.  I hope you will change your engine to the engine of God. Then, it doesn’t matter what the exterior form looks like, if the engine has changed, that is a good car.  On the other hand, it doesn’t matter how shiny and new the outside is, if the engine is bad, that’s a bad car.  

  3) Me who saves

    (1) My past – Springboard

If God reigns over me like this, I will receive answers and my past, present, and future will come to life.  In my life, I have my past, present, and future, that’s what I call “Me,” and all of that will come to life, why? Because Christ is holding onto me. Christ is moving my life, so the things that were destroyed will be restored.  The things of the future I couldn’t see before, now I can see, and the things of my present reality, because the Lord is my Lord, He answers me, that is how you live a resurrected life.  

In America, they keep the tradition of Easter Day, whether they know what it is or not. For the people who are here today, I hope that at the very least, you know the true meaning, then every problem is finished. It is not a problem to me at all, why should it be a problem to me? The Lord is my Lord; why is it a problem to me? It’s not a problem at all.  May you quickly turn away from being the master of your own life, that is the beginning of suffering that has no reason.

    (2) My present – Guidance of the Holy Spirit

There actually is a reason, it is because you are firmly centered on yourself, and because you’re firmly centered on yourself, Satan enters. Religion is about trying to get rid of your self-centeredness but if you empty yourself, even greater demons will come in. You need to fill yourself with life. “I must die and fill myself with life,” then you will continuously see the works of God.  Living this resurrected life and then relaying it to hooters is the church, and today, the moment you believe, you change, then all of your life, past, present, and future, it’s finished. 

Even if you face a problem, it’s not a problem, it looks like a problem but it’s not.   But if I’m the master of my own life, then it is a problem.  But if the one whose life is my Lord, it looks like a problem but to him, it is an answer and it is my opportunity. Whatever suffering you’re going through, I hope you will stop trying to get rid of your suffering, but instead, make Christ your life.  That fundamental thing must be restored. That is what we call the death and resurrection on the cross, and how joyful are we? And you enjoy that life all your life, and then you gather here.  If there’s someone who doesn’t know this and they’re going to church saying, “I’m going to live this walk of faith,” then relay this to them. 

If someone says, “I tried going to church when I was younger, and it didn’t do anything for me,” I hope you will teach them correctly. “The reason you’re struggling with problems, the reason why they have no choice but to come, it’s inside of you and you need to change that.”  That’s the reason why you need to explain to them the death and resurrection of the Lord on the cross.  The Lord is alive from eternity past to eternity ahead.  

    (3) My future – Life of saving lives 

God has no time, God is the One Who created time, so from our perspective, we are limited in time to see past, present, and future, but for God, every moment is one day.  Physicists cannot even study time and space to understand it, they’re just creating some standard to work on, so the more they study these physics, the more they say , “I don’t know.” The more people study philosophy, the more they say, “I don’t know,” because everything started from nothing.  All of them need to believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.  The Lord is the standard, and that is where your life must begin. When you begin to see everything through the standard of Christ, then you will see.  

3. Raise the bartizan of life

  1) Region – Bartizan of prayer

    (1) Golden fishing ground

    (2) School

    (3) Business 

Now you need to raise up in your field the bartizan that is able to save people like this, in your business field and your school field.  “God, allow me to meet the people who need to hear this Word,” and amazingly, God will set up an incident. And one day, they will be collapsed when they come to you, and they will scratch their heads as they ask you a question, and you can give them the answer. Why are they like that? “It’s not because you’re wrong, it’s because you either don’t know or you don’t believe in the death and resurrection of Christ on the cross.”  Don’t tell them to change their actions; tell them to change their inside. It doesn’t matter how much they change on the outside, if the inside is the same, it will always repeat.  When you relay this news to these people, they’ll begin to be healed.  Because the incorrect things are inside of them, when you give them the correct things, the demons inside of them will flee.  

  2) Bartizan of life

    (1) Meeting (Ac. 16:14)

    (2) Home (Ac. 16:15)

    (3) Bartizan of life

  3) Healing bartizan

    (1) Demon possessed one (Ac. 16:16)

    (2) Drive out demons (Ac. 16:18)

    (3) Prison – Jailer’s family (Ac. 16:22,33-34)

The reason why we study and work is so we can always enjoy this by ourselves and then in the field, we can give this to somebody else so they can enjoy it. While you’re just doing this, God begins to work on your studies and your job. That is the most important thing. May you enjoy this for the rest of the week. 


1. Filled with life

2. Filling of life

3. Bartizan that saves the field

Message Prayer

Let us pray for a moment with the Word we have received.  If Christ is not my Master, then God, make Christ my Lord.  If you do enjoy Him as your Lord, may you be the one to relay Him.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  We thank You for giving us the grace for allowing us to live a new life within power within Your resurrected new life. We pray the materials You have given us will be used to save lives, and may You bless each person with both hands. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

God, we Thank You. We pray that these newcomers will be able to believe in the new life and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We pray that You will bless their businesses, studies, and whatever they do, until the day of Jesus’ second coming. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross for all of us sinners and in three days resurrected, and the unlimited love of our Father God, Who have saved us as the eternal people of God, and the moving, filling, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who is guiding us every day, be upon the heads of all the people of God who have come here on this resurrection Sunday in 2023 and desire to live the rest of their lives in the resurrected bodies in the eternal Kingdom of God, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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