Praying with the Seven Bartizans

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Praying with the Seven Bartizans

You need to receive strength for the spiritual things to come to life. If you receive spiritual strength, that will transcend time and space, and if you receive spiritual strength, it will be relayed to your business.  Those who know this will realize how important worship is.  Because they’re receiving God’s grace, wherever they go, the blessing of God is being relayed.  The business, academics, and ministries related to this must take place.

Satan knows this and must be afraid of this time.  “I tried to seize the field but I’m not able to,” it’s very important.  Your time is very important but you also need to believe in God who is in charge of this time.  In this church, they need to be fully steamed and boiled, it’s that kind of church.  In other churches, they can be done in 30 minutes, but for our church, they need to be boiled completely.  Lengthen your endurance. We have a lot of hasty people who are unable to endure, so we’re developing our patience. If you want to study well, or do business well, you have to have patience. How important is that?  If you can’t wait for 30 minutes, your studies and business won’t be good because you can’t concentrate.  It’s kind of like an excuse but anyway we will go to the introduction.

I like to explain tiny things, so it takes longer.  If it’s a general topic, I can just pass over it, but with the scriptures, I need to explain in detail. Someone else may give sermons like this, it has no choice but to be long.  Christmas message wasn’t long because it was a designated topic with no reason to be long, but if you do it with the scriptures, it becomes longer.  I hope all of you are able to receive strength and not say useless things. Once you receive strength, you will come to life.


7 Bartizans

A bartizan is like a tower, you can see faraway places. Why did they raise a tower? To see if the enemy is approaching.  The devil is within me, building this strong foothold. 

Stronghold – 2 Cor. 10:4-5

The bartizan must be within me, to be imprinted in us.  How?  Through prayer.


The 7,7,7 prayer transforms our imprints.  In the church Kakao, can you find the 7,7,7 prayer?  If you don’t know how to do it, I can teach people. This is how detailed I am.  At first, I didn’t know where to find it, and my daughter said, “How could you not know that?” One time I found it accidentally but I couldn’t find it again.  But in the top of the page, there’s a link.

You can listen while you’re on the toilet.  We do this prayer so the Word of God is pegged in our hearts like a firm nail, and as you continue doing this, you will change.  Nail this within you in prayer.  With what content?  It’s these seven things.  To say it simply, “three,” God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Do we need anything else nailed? Christ.  Only the Holy Spirit.  You just need to nail this within your heart as the bartizan, and it will be revealed, how? 237 nations, healing, and remnant. Go in this direction of saving with the bartizan within you and you will understand what it means to pray while studying.

Prayer + Study or Prayer + Work  or Pray

If I study and pray, studies come first and prayer comes last. I’m a slave. Most churches pray like this, they pray diligently but instead of God being first, the physical things are first.  Religion, the acts of idolatry.



Other people do it the opposite way, if their studies don’t work out, they wonder, “Should I pray? When I have a hard time at work, should I go to Early Morning prayer?” It’s not bad but you’re constantly the priority so you have spiritual problems and you fall.  The covenant is 7,7,7, the 7 bartizans.  Why must God work upon my studies?  That must come within me as the bartizan. You pray and you want to receive answers but it’s not taking place because the bartizan isn’t imprinted in you. 

Christ, the Kingdom of God, it is finished and you’re now in the Kingdom of God, so the Triune God must completely take over me, control me.  How?  Through the working of the Holy Spirit, that’s how the Kingdom of God works, and the forces of darkness flee and the Kingdom of God is established.  For what?  God said to heal and that’s why you study. God said to save the remnants, that’s why you study.  Then, answers come.  Then, whatever you do, God’s work and covenant will be revealed no matter what you’re doing. 

The word must be planted in you.  Your imprints are important. If you start off in religion at a young age, you’ll live a hard and difficult life with no strength in the world, trampled by nonbelievers, and they can’t get angry because they’re Christian. They can’t drink a lot, either, because they’re Christian, and they can’t really fight well, either, because they’re Christian. They can’t lie, either. They lie to themselves inside, but they become a very strange person, not being able to do this or that.

The light of Truth must go in them, but something vague comes instead.  They have a standard that is like the law, so they can’t do this or that.  They’re continuously oppressed, and Satan says, “You’re supposed to be Christian, right? How can you do that to others?”  Isn’t it so terrible if our future generations live like this?  When we live like an nonbeliever, we think it’s so terrible. If you’ve received salvation, but you live like an nonbeliever, it’s a difficult life. But you can live a classy life, then because God is classy, you’ll receive classy answers because when you pray, answers come.  What is prayer? Pray holding to the covenant. 

Why does God work with Re-Creation?  I can’t do it with my own strength, my studies help me to survive and my work can only allow me to eat and survive. You can’t do anything with that. God’s power must come upon you for you to be used and in the direction of saving.  When this is imprinted in you, you can always pray.  If you’re going to the New Year’s Pastor’s Retreat, you may pray, “God, be upon this retreat with the 237 nations,” and God will work according to the time schedule.  Answers come.  What answers? The answers of the 237 nations, healing, and summit, and remnants.  It will continue to come, but that must be imprinted into you for you to have this concentration.  If this isn’t imprinted in you, you’ll have Genesis 3, 6, and 11, and you’ll be obsessed and can’t concentrate. 

There’s no other way to come to life, even if you’re great.  It won’t come to life even if you’re a good person. When this takes place, you don’t need the “plus alpha.”  Even in Potiphar’s house, Joseph prayed for God to work to do Egypt evangelism and world evangelization, and gave the answer to Potiphar’s household.  One day he prayed and went to prison, but these were all answers. Later on, he stood before Pharaoh.  He prayed, what kind of prayer?  For Egypt and world evangelization, he held onto the dream he was given, and realized.  Don’t focus on anything, have selective concentration, and then have the oneness concentration to save everybody. This is the beginning, it’s not hard.  But because you have been imprinted with the wrong things, it’s hard.  That’s why from a young age, imprint the correct Christ.  Then, as time goes on, these kids will receive answers. 

God will bless us because the remnants and the field is so important.  We receive blessings because of the children.  How important is this?  I think it’s so important.

Faith + Skill

God is 100%, and within that, you study, and even if you don’t have any time, God will work.  I told the remnant, “You need to come here to give worship.  If you try to save time by worshiping at home, you will fail unless you’re part of the 1%.  Will you be part of the 1%? 99% of people think they’re worthless.”  God’s system is different, why must you study within this system?  God has given this to us for us to save the 1%, and in order to save the 1%, you need to go near the 1%, so you can meet them.  Even Joseph had to be in the vicinity of Pharaoh to save him.  Success will chase after you, you don’t have to chase after success, why?  You do this to save the successful people.  Hold onto the covenant and come to worship. You think it’s a waste of time to drive from here to La Crescenta but you’ve already faced your limitation. 

For some business people, you want to come to weekday worships but you can’t?  It’s the same logic.    You have a difficult time with work, you live with your own strength and this isn’t taking place. How do you live? You work and when you have time, you worship? Then when work doesn’t take place, you pray?  You need to come out of this system.  That’s why for the kids, put them in this stream first.  If this isn’t the answer for you, give them the other answer and you’ll beat them half to death.  Even nonbelievers worship idols and pray to idols and receive answers. You can’t save America and the field like this; you can’t save the 237 nations.  Then, all the success and Joseph and remnants have nothing to do with you. 

The concept of the 7 bartizans must be within me and I must pray with that, and when you talk about only Christ, that’s when the Triune God is with you, and God’s Kingdom.  You are part of God’s Kingdom and this is important, if you don’t understand, you’ll try to make something in the world, you believe in Christ to be able to do something in the world, but as soon as you step into that, you cannot come out of this system.  God’s kingdom is the reason and mission for living in America. Starting then, the method is only the Holy Spirit, because you can’t do this with your own strength so you pray.  This is 1, 3, 8, then we see the unprecedented, never repeated answers because it will come, and once it comes, it will come to life and the three ages will come to life.  Then, the ruler of the kingdom of the air will surely be destroyed. If you don’t do this, you won’t pray. 

There are forces of darkness holding onto your family and LA, and forces of darkness holding onto Utah.  It’s the same like the Early Church.  The Mormons completely hold onto Utah with the cultures and the law, just like the Jewish people did.  Just like the Roman empire, America is being overtaken but there must be one Christian who can relay this in church.  Only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, only the Holy Spirit.  What the Early Church did, follow the scriptures. If you don’t do “only” but you do something else, it won’t take place.

Only. Everything is contained within that, then the five powers will follow. You don’t have to ask for money but it will follow. Don’t need to ask for the blessing of meeting or for wisdom.  God will give you the five powers, and that’s why you don’t need to uselessly ask for this or that, God will give it to you like that. God said to go to all nations, and if God said to go, then you go. Not just with your body. If your heart is focused on “me,” it won’t work. God’s Kingdom and glory is revealed.  If you’re caught within yourself, you’ll be completely seized by your fears, worries, concerns, and doubts.  Because you’ve fallen into those problems, you have something within you to make you fall into those things.

Let’s say there’s a stone that constantly causes you to trip but you put it there.  So you keep falling, day after day.  “Why is my life like this?” They don’t know what has been nailed in them, but you remove the stumbling block and you will be able to save. Even earning money and going to work leads to the answer of saving.  Why is this hard? It’s because there’s something in the way, you only know about yourself, you only know your own pride and you’re stabbing yourself with your own sword. Change yourself with the things that save.

Christ, God’s Kingdom, only the Holy Spirit, that’s when the 327 nations, healing and summit, and the remnants are saved. Even if the pastor doesn’t say anything, this must be planted and nailed in your heart, and wherever you go, this needs to take place. I’m talking about the origin and the reason we need to pray the 7, 7, 7 prayer. No reason to be disappointed, change what’s imprinted in me.

Use the circumstance to change things.  If you don’t have much money and say, “I didn’t study because I had no money,” but others may grit their teeth and study well regardless.  My wife has a cousin who is a professor at Seoul National University.  One time, my wife called her and I greeted her, but she doesn’t believe in Jesus, but her parents passed away while she was young.  She came out of a specialized trade school but wasn’t able to go to college, so in these academies, she was paid to erase the chalk boards, and that’s how she got into Seoul National University.  She got married off and went to Germany to study abroad, and she also went to Japan to study there.  Also, this is a guy, and his eyes would wander even though he was married, but now he’s a nonbeliever professor.  This is a rare person.  Successful people, no matter what situation they’re in, they can make it. It’s the physical things. 

No matter where people with the covenant go, the covenant is fulfilled. Joseph didn’t have a reason, David didn’t have a reason. You need to be thankful, why would you have reason?  Pray, holding onto the covenant that will be fulfilled, then nothing is a problem.  These remnants must go to America.  But if they say, “I can’t go to work anymore, it’s just too hard,” but they’re Christian and everybody knows that, but they continue to block the gospel, but it’s very simple if you go within this.  “Something else has been planted within me,” you need to change that with the prayer to change it, then it changes.  It takes time but you need to relay this sorrow in earnestness. 

First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be added into you.  The spiritual things are first, the physical things are next.  If you walk another path, you’ll continue to live a religious life, passed onto the third and fourth generation, then you’re deceived.  The fundamental things may not have changed but the physical things may have. 

During Early Morning Prayer, we uploaded the 7,7,7 prayer during the intercessory prayer, and during the Early Morning, we can pray with the 7,7,7 prayer.  It’s not just a chant you do, but it contains this power and I’m trying to relay that. 

7 Journeys

You need the seven bartizans, the covenant to be established to have this journey, then you walk the path God desires.  Then the seven guideposts, as you walk along this path.  Enjoy in prayer.  Today, I just went over the outline because of the time, I hope you can read the content of the 7,7,7 prayer, and continuously think about this.  If the standard of your walk of faith is to pray while studying, if this isn’t taking place, you’ll live a difficult life. Why do religious people have a hard life even aftergoingto church for years, theh y don’t know the covenant so they live a hard time.  The more you start, the more you receive strength. It doesn’t matter how old you are, the more you start, the mor eyou receive strength.   


God, we thank You  May you bless the remnants and the church officers.  May the works of saving America, the 237 nations, and the 5000 …

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