Prayer to Receive and Enjoy the Word and Work God Desires for You (John 15:7)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prayer to Receive and Enjoy the Word and Work God Desires for You (John 15:7)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Tonight we will give the Word regarding John 15:7.  When we accurately understand the gospel and the meaning comes deeply into my heart, then my prayers are naturally answered.  Then this person will become the evangelist who accurately relays this gospel. However, many people know about this gospel but are unable to relay it, and God will not attach people to them. Even if He does, these are people who are bound to run away.

If someone doesn’t know this gospel and they pray, it is absolutely labor and evangelism is difficult because they have not understood the gospel.  If somebody is inside the church and doesn’t understand the gospel, it means they are legalistic.  An unbeliever is someone who draws up their own plan for their life and try to accomplish it with their own plan and actions.  

Inside the church there are unbelievers, people who have never received the gospel inside of them, but they go to church. There are people who have received salvation by God’s grace, but the gospel didn’t go into them so they try to live their lives with their strength, and there are many people like that.  These people have heard about prayer and evangelism, but they’re talking about the prayer and evangelism from their own level.  

As long as the gospel has not properly gone into somebody, they cannot have the correct prayer or evangelism, and when they reach a limitation, they cannot do anything, and if they cannot do that one thing, everything is hard, including their business.  Nothing takes place.  If somebody has a few abilities, they can at least make a living. If someone studies diligently, then as hard as they study, they are able to make a living.  

However, if someone doesn’t know the gospel, prayer, and evangelism, they are not unbelievers but they live their lives as if they are, but if the gospel properly goes into someone, then prayer is easy, meaning your relationship with God is easy, if prayer is difficult, then it means your relationship with God is difficult. Why do you think it’s hard? It’s difficult because you think you have to do something.  

There was the son who ran away from his father with all the inheritance, but his older brother was living a difficult life.  The brother of the prodigal son was living a difficult life under his father’s care, and he cannot believe that the prodigal son returned.  That son is talking about the Jeiwsh people.  That first son said, “I’ve lived following all of your laws, but why don’t you treat me with a feast as you did for the second son?” that’s not understanding the gospel. That first child looks like they’re nice and obedient, but they are unable to speak their true mind and they are oppressed.  Then, when they saw the prodigal son return, whatever was inside of them came out explosively. That is not how we should live our walk of faith.  

The proper Gospel God gives us must go into us, and we’re not just talking about the words, “prophet, priest, and king.”  Only Christ can overcome Satan, curses, disasters, and hell, and even now, I must only have that name. How does this come into us? First it comes into us as knowledge when we get salvation, and then from that point on, they live with their own diligence and walk of faith.  Even though they do have Christ, it is just knowledge.  Even though right now inside of covenant and life, the three disasters are being broken down, but it’s a far-away theory from salvation. They don’t know what it means to always hold onto Christ. They feel like the Exodus was a long time ago, it’s not a present reality, but it is the present reality. The garden of Eden is not just a situation where I’ve received salvation; it is my location right now.  Right now, Satan is currently working so we go into curses and disasters. The forces of darkness are working at this very moment. 

Therefore, hold onto the covenant of Christ that is able to give you life.  If you know this, it’s not a matter of being told to pray or not; you do it and the people are blind to this. If they don’t know this truth, they live a religious life.  They lose hold of the word of God and live their lives during the week seized by Satan and other things. 

Hold onto Him always, there’s a reason why we must, but if you don’t know that reason and you’re just told to hold to the covenant, they’re difficult and inpossible. If the gospel doesn’t really hit my heart, then I don’t receive God’s Word and even prayer is difficult, and even unbelievers only pray when they have problems.  Especially religious people who come from other generic churches will come here whenever they face a problem, they only care about solving the problem, and then when they face a problem, they’ll look for you, but when the problem is resolved, they pretend to not know you.  

There are people like this in the church.  Because they received salvation by God’s grace, it was not by their effort, the gospel didn’t go into them as they were more set in the ways of legalism and religion and evangelism is so distant from your life.  Because they’re so busy taking care of their own lives, evangelism seems very far away. Evangelism is God’s interest, and that must be interest and that must be my interest. But  because they don’t know the gospel, they are so interested in their benefit and losses, and taking care of themselves. And even when they pray they only pray to solve their problems, they’ve never prayed the prayer God desires. Once in awhile, God gives them grace and then they pray, but today, what does John 15:7 say?

“If you remain in me,” what does it mean for us to remain in Jesus? It means we are in Christ, meaning we’ve concluded it in Christ.  That Christ is the fundamental solution to everything. Christ is everything.  This must not remain as knowledge but it will hit my heart one day. Not by using your brain, it head me in the heart, and that’s why Christ is everything.  This is why I needed only Christ alone, that’s must come into you. If that’s doesn’t come into you, then you won’t remain in Christ, toy will always wander outside. 

Because the fact that Christ is everything hasn’t come into your heart yet, you think that just one of many aspects, you’re struggling to get other things.  “If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you”  this is the organization of prayer. If someone says, “okay God gave us this word then let’s listen to the Sunday message and let’s try our best,” they cannot go long and it’s impossible for them to continue.  Christ is not everything to them, they can never remain in the words of God. If Christ isn’t everything to them, they are only manipulating and using God’s words.  As we read the same verse, many people will see it in different ways. 

Some people try to use words, they’re centered on themselves and success, “This is what I have to do to get there.”  They tried to use the Word of God as a method or a tool, but that’s not what this verse means, but that’s how they acknowledged it, why is that?  It’s because the gospel has never really hit them.  Because the gospel is everything but that has not really hit them, they have no choice but to see the gospel this way, then this person doesn’t want to pray because it’s obvious, especially intercessory prayer,  it’s worse for them, because they don’t even want to pray for themselves, praying for evangelism, they’ll never do that, why? They only want to pray for things that benefit them, praying for the El Salvador missions? They’ll never do that, why? The person isn’t incorrect, it’s because the gospel God gave us never properly gone into them. The Bible itself is trying to tell us that Jesus is the Christ, so the Bible never comes into us, but because they talk about Christ so much, they think that they have it.  

However, the result that follows is that they don’t like prayer and evangelism, and these bring them further from Christ. So if you remain in Christ, that is everything.  One day, when this goes into our remnants by the grace of God, they will begin to change. Before that point, you are just in his guidance. 

If you’re not within God’s guidance, what else would you do? Something else?  “If you remain in me,” I have died on the cross with Christ, and that Christ lives within me, this is everything and has finished everything. Only when you have that will the darkness flee and curses flee.  Only when you have this will the forces of hell flee. If you only have Christ as a throw, Satan will never leave you alone. He will immediately go into your thoughts, heart, and emotions, and will completely seize you and drag you around. He will drag you around to the repetitive things that have held you in your past, and when you move into your region, Satan will drag you in a way that’s the same with all regions.  These are the things that happen if you think you understand Christ but you don’t, Satan deceives you even more. There’s a difference between knowing Christ with your brain and really Christ coming into our life and entrusting our life to him. 

Do you think people didn’t know about Apostle Paul? But apostle Paul knew about the messiah and yet knelt before him at Damascus.  The words prophet, priest, and king have tremendous meaning inside of them, but just by knowing the words is not enough.  This is something you can know even in elementary school, then it’s different, the words really come to my life.  Life must come into my life. There’s a difference between that and going into my brain, fury’s it starts either brain but it must go into my  life.  

Once this gospel really hits my heart, then the word God desires will come into me, and that’s God’s kingdom. Until this point, God’s Kingdom will not be established because you’re relentlessly holding onto your own calculations and worrying about your own life because Christ isn’t everything to you.  Then, that’s not the Kingdom of God. 

Even when you listen to the word of God, you only listen to the word you like, and when you read the entire Bible, you read it incorrectly.  Your life has no choice but to be this way if the gospel hasn’t gone into you properly.  But if the gospel really goes into you, then everything is an evangelism field, even the people who go to church are oppressed.  But if you only understand the “prophet, priest, and king” as knowledge, and you share it with somebody else, then they will also understand it by knowledge and eventually stop following you because they already know. You have to entrust your life to Christ in order for this person’s life to change. From that point, you can receive the word that God desires.  

If the gospel doesn’t hit you, then you only hold onto the word you understand and what you want. Sometimes the word doesn’t go into you at all because there’s nothing that aligns with you, and that’s why your walk of faith isn’t working out.  But you know Christ by knowledge, because you’ve heard about Him so much, but you face a conflict. In your brain, you think you know and understand everything, but it’s not really taking place.  When we talk about prayer, it seems frightening to you because you only pray in the midst of problems.  

When the Word God desires comes into me, that itself is prayer.  When the Word of God comes into me, it is fulfilled in me exactly, and that’s the answer.  The committed workers and evangelists never  lose hold of worship because they have to follow the word God has given to them.  But if the gospel doesn’t really come into them, then they receive a little bit of God’s word and grace, then they live their lives however they want. Why is that?  It’s because the gospel hasn’t properly gone into them and they live a life that has no choice but to work out that way.  Because you live by your own standards, you’re bound to be busy with all the work in the world.  But if you experience the gospel just once in your life, you’ll realize you can’t do anything and you have no choice but to follow the Word of God.  

My words remain in you; ask whatever you wish and it shall be given to you. This is not talking about some sort of calculations omr methods, it is rightful.  That is why, every time you worship, you should ask , “What is the word God desires to give to me? Not the word I want. And the pastor must always pray for what the word Hod desires for the church. It’s not just about reading and analyzing the text. Yes, of course we have to read the word, but for the people who lived their walk of faith for 10-15 years already know it. That’s how they have knowledge.  

Through the logos word, we are delivering the Word God desires for our church.  For you guys, it is not the word you want or know, but you receive the Word God desires for you now.  Then you have no choice but to follow God’s Word because God is guiding you with his word. And because the word God desires goes into you, you have no choice but to receive answers to prayers, and there’s no other answer than evangelism.  

But if you don’t begin with the gospel, the most difficult thing is prayer and evangelism. Evangelism must be easy for God to be easy.  Prayer should be easy for you. If prayer is difficult, you have no relationship with God because you’re taking the Word God gives to you and you receive the answers.  God gave you the Word that, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power to be a witness. Pray with that and then works take place, and when you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, the evidence comes. 

We said in the previous message that God’s entire goal is evangelism.  The reason why Jesus Christ came to this earth is to evangelize.  Jesus did not come to earth just to share famous words with the disciples. He did not come to wash their feet; He did not come to teach them how to fish. Jesus Christ came to die on the cross and resurrect, saving all those in the world, but if the goal of evangelism and the gospel don’t go into you, your goal will be somewhere else and not evangelism. 

I’m talking about myself right now, I’m saying that I was like this.  I’m saying this is the process through which God has led me throughout the years.  I’m telling you that you must not hold onto incorrect standards and think that you’re right. If you say, “I  think I’m correct,” that’s not it. The more you exert yourself, the more you’ll be embarrassed, there’s no reason to assert yourself.  Assert yourself in your profession, but this is talking about God’s word, I’m talking about the answer God gives to you. The word God is continuing to give to us, the Galatians, is the difference between the law and the gospel. 

And for the people who have properly held onto the word until now, they understand what kind of person they are.  They all understand, “I was trying so hard in my walk of faith but why is it not working out and it’s not that I didn’t read my Bible or pray, and it’s not that I didn’t work hard to evangelize.  We went through Hebrews to learn about Christ.  And now we are going through Galatians to know the difference between the law and gospel and if you’ve been following the pulpit message well, you’ll understand, this is what God wants of you.  The jewish people worked hard, they memorized the Word and did everything as they were told. But it still didn’t work out. That’s the mystery, and it’s possible we may be the same.  That’s why we must have the correct beginning with the correct gospel.

If you keep going without the correct beginning, it will not work out.  This works for some people during Remnant Day, “Christ truly is everything.”  When we say “Christ is everything,” we mean that Satan, death, and disasters are always present and the only way to overcome that is the name of Jesus Christ.  Even if you succeed without knowing this, it’s an absolute failure.  Now no matter how much we do, if we don’t know this, it’s a fail.  That must come into you.  Once that really hits your heart, then prayer becomes easy, because you’re always enjoying that fact.  Because Christ  is with you 24 hours, and 24 hours, Satan is deceiving.  

It’s not because of Satan, but only Christ overcame Satan, only Christ overcame Satan when he resurrected.  Anything else that you hold onto cannot overcome Satan, if you’re not able to hold onto this, you go into curses and disasters. “I thought Satan and disasters were finished?” That’s why you have to hold onto the thing that finished it. You have to hold onto the One who finished it, but you say it is finished and hold onto something else. The name of Christ is eternal, his life is eternal. And once that happens, you will continuously receive God’s word and it will be fulfilled. Then the best and easiest thing in the world is evangelism. Because God’s goal is testifying the name of Jesus Christ. 

It is God’s will to testify the name of Christ upon all living things, then your business will become easy, because he said evangelism takes place. He said “go and make disciples of all nations” The Bible never says your business will take off, the Bible never promised that you’ll have success. But you keep on holding to the wrong things. “Go and make disciples of all nations,” then my studies and business must go into the covenant of making disciples of all nations. It is only possible with the power of the Holy Spirit. Once you understand the gospel and it comes into you , then this becomes really easy, otherwise, it will be very hard because you think you have v to do something on your own. Then, your walk of faith is revealed through your life in the church and in the world. Our walk of faith is exactly our life. 

When we receive the church announcements, we see this is how God is working, so it’s easy to pray for it. But if someone is not rooted in the gospel and is set in the law instead, they will ask, “Why is the church asking for such difficult and burdensome things?” And most believers are like this and the longer they live without the gospel, the heavier burden it becomes. How will you change this into goseplization?  You can only change this when you yourself are changed.  You yourselves are so heavy burdened, and you pretend you didn’t hear God’s word. 

That’s not just limited to their walk of faith; their lives in the world are like this as well, so it becomes their whole life.  If your walk of faith works out properly, then your life in the world becomes easy. Because God promised to work according to his promise. He said go and give the gospel to all nations, and you just simply hold onto it and enjoy it through prayer. But it’s incredibly difficult to enjoy that through prayer, if anything,  it’s easy to pray for my own problems. It’s easier to pray for my own problems. But it’s so hard for me to pray over God’s Word.  In fact, I don’t want to, why is that? Because the gospel hasn’t come into me.  

It’s because the fact that the gospel finished everything never really went into your heart and your life, but if that does go in, it becomes the easiest, there’s no reason to think your own thought, the Lord is our Lord, we are living by the life of the Holy Spirit, no need to assert my own thoughts. The easiest thing is to hold onto God’s word, because you don’t have your own thoughts. But because you have your own thoughts, the hardest thing is holding onto God’s word, and because you work and study with your own thoughts, it’s going to be hard. 

This doesn’t mean your studies and meetings with people will become easy. I’m saying, it may seem difficult still, but because you see the answer of God being with you, you follow those answers. That’s what it means that it’s easy. It’s easy because God is with you and working upon you. But God isn’t working upon your business at all because you don’t have the covenant. And your business and studies are hard because there’s no covenant of God. The people that are a little bit more diligent will live with their hard work. If somebody is lazy, they will just collapse, then you’re living the same life as unbelievers in the world; you must not live like that.  

God has given you this incredible blessing of conquering Canaan, world evangelism, 237 nations. But you can only start when you believe in the gospel.  The one thing for you must be cautious of, is thinking you know this already then you  will be easily deceived. When you think you know this, it’s only with your brain, you don’t know it with your life. Knowing it with your life means you finished everything with Christ. You need to really be hit with the fact that there’s nothing more you can do with your life, and that’s how you will be entrusted to Christ.  That is how you will have victory in worship to hold onto the Word God desires for you.  

That’s why you must worship in spirit and in truth.  You rely and pray on the Holy Spirit, asking Him to give you the word he desires for you. Because you have none of your own standards and assertions, you receive the word God gives you and when you pray about that the answers are bound to come.  But some people say, you keep saying there will be evidence, but there’s none in my life. Most people are like that, and Hid is giving you this word for those people, God is not a liar, so what is wrong you need to have the correct beginning with the gospel God is telling you from the Bible. 

But from the moment you attach something else in addition to the gospel, like the church of Galatia, you will have the wrong beginning.  Then, not only will your personal walk of faith won’t take place, your life won’t take place. Then the most difficult things in your life will be prayer and evangelism. God died on the cross and resurrected just for us, but if you just skip over that, then your entire life will be skipped over. And there’s  something else you are relying on and believing in. And God will stop that from happening. God will purposely stop that from happening so that you’ll understand and hold onto the gospel properly. But if you’re a correct disciple, God will take away all the other things you’re holding onto.  God will have to do that if you’re truly someone to do world evangelization and save the 5000 unreached tribes.  

But if you’re not a true disciple and you’re just an everyday believer who won’t do any of that, then he will make it so that you barely survive. All those people already left the church, isn’t that right?  Because this is the church that will save the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups, if somebody is holding onto something else, God will touch them so they cannot stay.  Because if they continued to hold onto the wrong things and stayed in the church, they would prevent the church from saving the 237 nations and 5000 tribes. So yes, Christ will stop them from coming.  

For people who are legalistic, God will continue to hit them so that they will realize this. Because with legalism, you only kill people you cannot save anybody. You can only save people with the gospel. The moment you add something else in addition to the gospel the life will not come to life.  Because God continues to hit your nature of legalism, I hope you surrender to God quickly. You just have to conclude everything in the gospel, but instead of doing that, you form alliances with people who agree with you to point out people that are wrong, that’ll be hard, that’s the group of Satan, become one within the gospel. It’s not about what you said or what they said. For us we are always lacking and wrong, but if you keep looking at wrong things and lacking, and you think it’s the standard of their faith,  it means you don’t know the gospel. This is the reason God forgives us and saves us.  That’s the reason we need the gospel which is like even today so we won’t be deceived, then there’s no one who did right or wrong because we must hold onto the gospel before the cross. 

At that point, the darkness in your family will break, and the darkness in the region must break for the life movement and evangelism movement to take place.  But if the gospel doesn’t come into you correctly, then evangelism is impossible. We only love our life once so it shouldn’t be irrelevant to evangelism. You shouldn’t just use evangelism as an easy excuse or an escape code in life. That blessing has rightfully been prepared for us and we have to enjoy that to relay that to the next generations.  

The covenant God gave us for this week is the difference between the law and the gospel, just like He did in the churches of Galatia, he wants us to go Into the gospel.  It is not only just for the pastor, but everyone, everyone will not work out if it isn’t the gospel of Christ. Without a doubt, anything that’s not the gospel is bound to fall as time passes. So if you just leave them alone and pray for them, God will take care of them. That is how only God will receive the glory. It doesn’t matter who the successful and powerful people in the world are because they will all die in time. But only one who declares only the name of Jesus Christ will shine like stars,” God will move the region centered on such people.  May this be a time of blessing where we restore this blessing once again if we’ve lost hold of it.


Let us pray holding onto the Word God gave us today.  Has the gospel ever really hit me properly?  If it has not, I hope you will pray for the correct gospel to really come into your life.  People who do receive the gospel into their lives, I hope you will pray that the Word comes into your lives.  

Our second prayer topic, if we never pray for evangelism, may this be the night. Christ is the name that breaks down the curses of Satan and darkness.  You don’t even need to pray for what you need; He already knows.  We must pray for the one life, that one disciple God prepared in the field.  Only through our prayers will the darkness in the region be broken down, and from that point on, the life movement will take place.  Let us now pray for our region and our family lines. 

The third prayer we will pray together, for the El Salvador missions camps we will be going to.  It may be impossible to our eyes, but the most important thing God desires for us to pray for is the life movement arising there.  Without a doubt, the churches do not go into El Salvador which means the light hasn’t gone into there, and that’s the reason we go.  God is saying, “Pray for it and I will show you the work I will do.”  Let us pray for the missions camps in El Salvador and the Karen people.

We have missions in Africa that will continue in the future, led by Tim, and the Navajo being led by Tiffany and Karen led by Esther. Pray for that. In El Salvador, Senior Deaconess Song is continuously giving them the message every day. The 5000 unreached tribes will take place in the exact same way God prepared. Then the first generations who are limited in language, team up with a remnant and support them with prayers and your business.

I told this to Stephanie and she loved it.  I told her, “Just as you went to Navajo as well, may you do the Word movement and disciple movement to train them, because God promised to work according to His promise, that’s why we have our businesses. This is the economy of light.”  The infant room is something Nomin took to improve on her own, and Esther in the future will need an infant room.  The real issue now is, where will we have Spanish and Mongolian interpretation? That’s why we need Temple Construction.  We don’t need a church building for our own, it must be a building that can do the life-saving movement systematically. In headquarters, they have translation booths for 30 languages, and we have to prepare for this, to make translation booths next to Deacon Elliott.  Stop working so hard in your business, we have to have a place to translate.  

We need two translators, one for Spanish and another for Mongolian.  We need the media as well, and there are many other languages, so these are things God has prepared.  You need to know this well to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so do not lose hold of the announcements. I told you this during the Early Morning prayer.  God moves the church and uses your talents for this so you need to receive the guidance well.  When we say “worship and translation team,” you need to have an image of what that looks like, otherwise it will flow past you.  People who aren’t able to follow the flow of the Word, the church isn’t a place where we persuade people to follow, but they receive the word and simply follow.  Those who studied this as their major, think about how to translate without disrupting the message. God gave them this talent.  

The pastor can only imagine things like this, the actual work is what you must do; I’m just giving you the direction.  That’s why God gives you each your talents and money to do this. But it doesn’t matter how much you try elsewhere in different time schedules, but I hope you will look at the remnants very well. They’re all here, that’s the golden treasure in the field, no reason to dig anywhere else. Don’t you think that’s true? Your eyes must be opened to see this in the field so you must pray. 

The World Remnant Conference is at the end of July and the beginning of August, then we also have retreats for the youth, the college students, and young adults.  Especially, we must pray for translation and the nursery room that will be prepared. Let us pray together.

Let us pray for the evangelism schools that will happen tomorrow. The evangelism schools are possible because the remnant leaders are arising.  If we tried to do this, it would not take place, so we raise up the remnant leaders.  We have the evangelism schools for children, youth, and young adults, and we also have the business meetings in the church and God is giving us the message. Let’s pray for the will of God to be fulfilled in the Sunday Message.  

One heart is so important, then the darkness in the region is broken.  But Satan will prevent this from happening.  He will divide what is right or wrong, your words versus my words.  The only thing correct are the words of the gospel, the words that save lives.  Everything else seems correct but is wrong before God.  When the remnants and church officers who are able to have one heart in the church and the Word is strong, the darkness is broken.  Wherever someone goes, there is reconciliation. May you all receive the Word and enjoy. All you have to enjoy.  “May I reconcile everywhere I go,” that is true strength. 

One more announcement.  I announced this during the Early Morning prayer, but from July 18 for two weeks, there are two remnants and a pastor visiting this church for a vision trip. They will stay a total of four weeks in America, two weeks with us, one week in Boston, and one week in New Jersey.  There is a female pastor and a female student and one male student. They say the trip is very expensive and the flights are very expensive, too.  I think more people were planning to come, but because it was so expensive, only two people could come.  They’re not staying at any hotels, they are finding places to stay because they are students.  

They will be staying for us with two weeks, this is someone who comes from my previous church. No saying no for the gospel; this is accepting them for the Lord.  No one can house them, so they will stay in the church and they said they would, it will be great. I hope you will help them out with showering.  I think we have to create a plan so they will be able to eat in the church when they need to and go out when they need to.  It will be hard if every individual in the church invited them to their homes, so I said let’s make it so they can prepare food at church, especially now during corona, it’s hard.  

Those who serve a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward.  The Lord has sent them to our church, and yes, the pastor is important, but the remnants seeing the field of America and the evangelism movement is a great blessing. It would be great to just give them money, but I want the pastor to give a message a few times.  If you’re able to give money to compensate, it would be good.  I told you this before, if someone comes from abroad to give a message, we have to give a payment, that is our church’s blessing.  

Before this, I didn’t have this thought, but now, this is also biblical, no matter what you do, I hope you will always have the heart of giving and serving others. Nothing is for free.  I hope you will get rid of your heart of wanting to get things for free.  Even if you go to someone else’s house, don’t go empty handed. These are biblical words, have a giving heart that gives to the Lord.  They come to our church, I’m sure everyone has their own thoughts but this is what the Bible says.  

At first, when they said they were coming for two weeks, I felt burdened because I knew they would rely on the church, but I realized we need a pastor to speak while I’m in Portland, so we can compensate the pastor for that. I’m telling you this in advance because as soon as I get back from El Salvador, it is Sunday.  I hope you will be able to pray for the remnants so they can see the true field while they’re here.  They’ll be here for 2 weeks, for those who can drive or provide transportation, may you show them the field.  Those are my thoughts, I hope you will receive guidance.  We will conclude everything with the benediction. Pray for remnants out of state.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to hold onto the Word of God of John 15:7 and to become a witness of this, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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