Prayer For the Ones Who Will Receive Salvation Through Me (John 17:20-26)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prayer For the Ones Who Will Receive Salvation Through Me (John 17:20-26)

1. One in the world  

1) Me (Gen. 3:5)   

 (1) Thoughts  

  (2) Value  

 (3) Ideology, religion  

2) My things (Gen. 6:2)    

(1) Material profit  

  (2) People who benefit me   

 (3) Future that benefits me 

 3) My work (Gen. 11:4)   

 (1) My success   

 (2) Honor of the community    

(3) Strength of the community

2. One in disciples  

1) The Triune God is one (Jn. 17:22)   

 (1) The Father in the Son (Jn. 17:21)  

  (2) The Son in the Father (21) 

   (3) One through the Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19) 

 2) One in disciples   

 (1) Jesus in the disciples, Father God in the Holy Spirit (Jn. 17:23)

    (2) One in disciples (23)  

  (3) Individual-With (1Cor. 3:16), Church-Immanuel (Mt. 1:23), Work-Oneness (Rom. 8:28)  

3) For the world to know   

 (1) True me (Gal. 2:20)  

  (2) God’s things (Mt. 10:40-42)   

 (3) God’s work (Ac. 2:1-47, 11:19-30)

3. Strength that changes the spiritual state of the world 

 1) Enjoy identity, authority  

  (1) Connected with the throne of heaven    

(2) My work – Connected with 237 nations (All nations)    

(3) Word – Transcend space and time 

 2) Assurance  

  (1) Salvation (Jn. 1:12) 

   (2) Answers to prayer (Jn. 16:24)   

 (3) Victory (1 Cor. 10:13) 

   (4) Forgiveness of sins (Mk. 10:45)  

  (5) Guide (Mt. 28:20) 

 3) Change the flow of the world   

 (1) Information (Height, width, depth)    

(2) Relationship with people (Above, below, beside)  

  (3) Past, present, future (People, work, culture)


1. Within the Triune God

2. Through the union of the church members

3. Prayer of saving the world

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