Prayer for Spiritual Healing (Mt. 22:34-40)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prayer for Spiritual Healing (Mt. 22:34-40)

How did you understand today’s pulpit message?  The Word is God, and you can only understand the Word by the Holy Spirit. If it’s not by the Holy Spirit, then the word you received from God is not the Word God desires for you to receive.

Worship – Holy Spirit, Truth

Through the working of the Holy Spirit, you must focus on God.

Concentration – Mind / Think

If you focus your mind on Him, the working of the Holy Spirit will take place, and the words of Truth will come upon you as well.  If the words of Truth enter into your heart, then the words of Truth are bound to take place.  The Lord comes into your heart.


If you pray without words coming into your heart, that’s not true prayer; that’s ritualistic babbling from a religion.  Everything is about what God has given you to receive from the Word through the Holy Spirit.  That’s why when you give forum, you share what you’ve received from the Word today.  If that remnant focuses wholeheartedly with one heart and one mind into worship, then God will work.  You’re sitting here but Satan makes you focus on something else.  So, you share forum with what you’ve received in a shallow way, it’s just head knowledge; it’s not true forum.

It is according to what you’ve received in God’s Word into your heart, that you will be able to overcome temptations.

Hebrews 1:3 Word – All Creation

Everything you will experience this week is through the fulfillment of God’s Word; otherwise you’ll be like Cain, filled with wrath, and that’s your original state.  Without God’s grace, you revert back to your original state of wrath and murder, so that’s why worship is so very important.  Worship is your everything because Jesus is everything.  Through Jesus Christ’s spirit, the Word of God is given to you, and that’s everything. 

God, on the Throne of Heaven, is working according to His Word.  Satan makes you come out of worship, and that’s why Christians fail because they don’t hold onto accurate worship, but they hold onto similar-sounding words.

Old Testament, New Testament = Jesus Christ

Without Christ, we won’t be liberated from Satan’s temptations. Satan controls your hearts and mind, and you live according to your thoughts.  Then, your life and future are determined by whether God’s thoughts are controlling your thoughts and mind.  If you listen to your parents’ words without listening to God’s Word, you’ll end up going down the same family problems.  Parents’ words are like, parents going outside of God’s Word, and you’ll end up following the same family background.

Jesus Christ -> Death

Who has died, exactly?  The “me” that used to live as the master of my life has died through only Christ. This is only possible by grace; it does not come if you’re good at studying but you believe freely according to God’s grace. 

Life, Lord God (Faith)

Satan tries to block your faith. If you don’t have faith, you’ll go back to the state of death where you used to be the master of your own life.  That is why, every day, it’s life.  There’s a chemistry student who needed tutoring, so I assigned Joyce to her, since she recently graduated from college.  She told me, “I probably don’t remember anything,” but I gave her an important tip.  “The Bible makes you realize everything, not only chemistry, but everything about God’s Word.”  So, if she goes forward with the mindset of saving that person, she’ll be able to save them even with chemistry.  I told her, “Pray about it because it’s an important opportunity to realize this.”  She knew what I was talking about, so she said, “I’ll do it.”

But if she didn’t have faith, she’d just say, “I forgot everything, and I don’t know if Saturday works out for me,” but she’ll live continuously in that state.  What is that spiritual state?  It is the spiritual state in which she is the master of her own life.  What happens if she works at the hospital?  When she’s the master of her own life, things won’t work out.  So, she just has to go forward with the mindset of saving the new believer through this tutoring session, then the Holy Spirit will work upon her.

You must realistically experience this to know how to apply this in the outside field, e.g., the hospital field, and she is going forward, but not only that, she will go forward to save these children, and the Holy Spirit will lead them forward.  Even the things you didn’t learn about, God will give it to you accordingly, and that’s what I’m telling you to experience.

That’s like Joseph. It’s not enough with what you’ve learned, that’s just the basics.  God created all creation and is reigning and ruling and using everything.  The method is through the Holy Spirit.  So, I’m standing here today, and it’s only by the Holy Spirit that I’m able to relay God’s Word. How can I stand here if I’m not able to experience this?  It is by faith that I stand here as a witness of what God desires.

The reason why remnants are not afraid of the world is not because of the preparation they made beforehand, but in faith, they go forward, already having overcome.  That is the training they receive at the church. 


We read the scripture today, and the most important commandment in the Old Testament, it is to love God and love people, and summarized in one point, it is to love one another.  Love is needed by everyone, but love between people is temporary, but the love towards people will save everyone.  This is what you must hold onto as you go into the field. 

To hold onto this love, you have to experience the love Christ has for you when He died on the cross.  In other words, you must realize and understand what God, without sin, had to do for us, that we were born with a tremendous problem that human efforts could not solve at all.  What Christ did for us out of His love for us is to give us a love that overcomes anything.

When I was an unbeliever, I definitely didn’t know about this. I hated the people I really hated, and I really liked the people I liked, because I was my own god.  I liked the people who benefitted me, and I hated the people who didn’t benefit me.  Then, I love those who can solve my problems.  I was an enemy to God, but God, out of His love for us, died for us and gave us salvation.

For me to be good at interpersonal relationships, I read a lot of books. When I was in the military, I wanted to control my subordinates effectively, I researched many books written in the past about authority.  The core of all of that was love; it wasn’t God’s love, but human love. 


With love, there is always sacrifice. Someone must make a sacrifice for there to be love.  It was a common characteristic even among unbeliever narratives that said sacrifice is necessary for love.  But is this possible? It is not, because people don’t accept it. “I can’t love this other person; I have to cut them off. I have to isolate those who don’t listen to me.” That’s why you cannot become a great leader.

I found out that, once I came to believe in Jesus Christ, the love I have for one another and the hatred that disappears is to the extent that I believe and experience Jesus Christ.  If you look at the problems of the world, problems regarding the workplace can be seen as hating superiors with many assignments, so leaders who are doing counseling in the churches are guiding people towards the problems in the workplace.  The problem is not about love or hatred; what are you supposed to do?  You have to receive the answer that Christ died for you out of His love for you while we were still sinners, and that’s what you have to hold onto.

There are many strange people in this world.  But if you see this love, then you’ll be able to see people not as they are, but you’ll see sin and Satan behind them, so you’ll hate Satan and their sin, and I’m not sure if you can really understand these words. If you can’t understand these words, you’ll hate people.  It’s not a problem about becoming a lawyer, but you don’t like people who were mean to you.  You became the president, but you hate those who dissented against you, so you’ll exude this aura of hatred, you’ll give a sense of favoring those you like.  That’s not a great leader.

But like Joseph, to experience this love and receive God’s grace, you’ll get rid of this hatred you have for people.  So, God, while we were still enemies against Him, showed us His love and took responsibility for our sins.  Out of His love for us, He gave us salvation, and that’s how eventually the things you perceive as scars will become healed and you’ll be able to save many people. Only those who have experienced the gospel can do this.

Why is it that your parents married out of love, but they eventually separate out of hatred?  That’s because they hate people, they hate people who say things to them.  So you have to hate the incorrect things that have been imprinted in this person’s heart, but instead, they hate the person.  So, the evidence of love is shown in the fact that you see the person, not as they are, but incorrect things. Support them by praying and devoting to them, or else you’ll continue to sow division and become enemies to one another, and that’s Satan.

When you go into your school fields, it’s similar. You form relationships with your friends, so you cut off others to make new relationships.  I experienced this after having much suffering. No matter what I did, no one could solve this.  No matter how positive of an attitude you have, you can’t solve this, but fundamentally, you can receive God’s grace, then the works of saving people wherever you go will take place and that’s when God will assign people to you.

But if you come out of this, they’ll just tell people you dislike them, and it’s the same in this world.  It will be just according to the world where people cut off people they don’t like, even though they received the gospel. This is how a Christian must raise the family.  Love is waiting for one another and just devoting themselves and supporting one another in prayer and God’s Word.  The things that may arise at church or within the family is the process God shows and makes you experience this love. 

Who are the people you hate the most?  Some people dislike their work because of their coworkers, and they don’t like those who are close to that person, either. They hate the person’s interests as well, so they oppose the person’s hobbies or interests, but that’s just you living as a slave to Satan.  Being liberated from everything means you go inside of this.  Then, you’ll be able to do anything, you’ll be able to encompass the person because they’re not the problem, but something within the person is the problem, so you’re supporting, devoting yourself to this person, and supporting them in prayer and God’s Word to forgive this person. 

Spiritual healing must arise first, do you understand?  The person went for physical healing, but you recognize the spiritual cancer and you pray to break and save that.  God works all things in the hospital for that reason. That was Joseph, that was David, that was Daniel.  That’s what the Bible is saying right now.  That is the age of the Eighth Remnant, that you experience God in the field. 

I didn’t know this at first, but after a long period of suffering, I understood this. It’s not just it with being thankful, but you have to relay this to the next person, and that’s how it’s all relayed.  Not my ideology, but standing as a witness of experiencing God’s Word and relaying that.  This is not solved with the money you make over your lifetime.  It cannot be solved with you being dead and resurrected.  But only through worship by God’s grace will you come to realize this, and that’s when the relationships become healed and peaceful.

The most difficult thing for me was interpersonal relationships.  I had this thought from a very young age, but God gave me the answer many decades later.  It’s something called, “Han,” it’s like this deep passionate emotion.  It’s a Korean cultural concept with resentment and grief.  I’m digressing a bit, but there’s also a pentatonic scale.  I had this emotion for decades, but it was only undone by God’s grace. 

So, when I heard this long ago, I used to be so mad over it because I didn’t understand above love.  So, the key to all problems is inside of this.  The key to success is also in this.  When I used to go to work, I was part of the planning department, and the situation I saw in my workplace was the same.  Wherever people gathered to do work, I was able to recognize some similarities, and the superiors would take some people to do some specific work, and they would organize according to skill.

They were looking at sacrifice, whether the person is able to sacrifice for the department, and they pull people according to that, meaning they won’t speak about their own opinions, but they follow according to orders and be able to sacrifice. But the people enter the workforce and cannot endure it, it turns out they cannot sacrifice. 

LG, Samsung, Hyundai

It’s not about the work, it’s about people.  It’s the distinct cultures according to each company.  It is only when you have this sacrifice that you’re able to align.  It’s not that you’re just working, but the goals and pursuits each head has is different for each company.  Just keep this in mind because it’s something that will happen to you in the future, and that’s when superiors will pick you, they choose unbelievers who are active because the company can only rise up based on people’s sacrifice.

No matter how good your skill may be, if it’s according to Korean workplace standards, if you’re not able to sacrifice, you’ll be kicked out.  If one person gets a building, another gets jealous. People who get jealous won’t be able to sacrifice themselves; they get fired.  We were talking about this because Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross in order to save us.  It’s only by God’s grace that we see others with the eyes of sacrifice, what kind of sacrifice? It is the sacrifice to save with the gospel.

That’s the work you do in your church and workplaces.  God has given you all things to do this.  If you want to do some tremendous work or be a tremendous person, and even if God deems it necessary, God will put this, and our work is inside of this, so we must receive God’s grace and power.


Every time you wake up in the morning, have a time of meditation, holding onto God’s Word, since it’s not possible with only me. When I listened to Tiffany’s life, I had assurance that people were at least attempting prayer It is only by meditation that people do not require help from other people.  If this does not take place, then people will seek out help from other people.  If this takes place, then all of OGd’s power and wisdom will be on that person, and they can go forward to save other people.  I’ve been talking about meditation for a long time, so it was on Friday where I was able to realize for the first time that God is really using the remnants.

In the past, when I listened to their forums, I realized they couldn’t pray.  They could listen and follow along the message. But if you’re able to pray, then it’s okay wherever you go, even without any experience, because you submit everything through Him.

I gave the example of teaching chemistry, perhaps to unbelievers, but we’re not simply teaching them; during this time, you’re doing camp.  This student is an unbeliever, so how will you relay the gospel in this short period of study? You must experience this.  Have the time of prayer


David’s words are my words as well, and encompassing the church, God sent everyone to save.  Even though there are church members, God will use them too.  

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