Pray with the Promises of the Word (Jeremiah 33:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Pray with the Promises of the Word (Jeremiah 33:1-9)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Today’s title is Pray with the promises of the word. Last week we received the word about the Prayer of power that receive answers. The way to communicate with God is with his word. Because God is the word. Without that you’re just going blindly. Even so God may listen, but today we are talking about prayer with the promise of God’s word. The Old Testament was the promise before Jesus came. And the New Testament is the promise after Jesus came. And about 7000 promises in the word of God has been fulfilled. Before the Lord fulfilled the promise of resurrection, he told us about the work of healing. And he told us that he gave us the power and authority for this. He has poured upon us the power of healing where we may heal those who are sick and cast our demons. All we have to do is believe this and go out. Because either way this is not something I can do with my own ability but God’s power. 

And we have to know the prayer that receives answers to relay this. The first important thing is God’s promise. What promises do we have? The first is the promise of salvation. Salvation is an incident that takes place because God promised this. John 3:16 says, “all who have beloved in Jesus Christ see the glory of God.” It’s only possible when we have faith. And it’s impossible if we don’t have faith. John 1:12 says, “those who receive him, those who believe in his name.” We cause we have a promise we can believe. And before we beloved we received the grace of salvation. This salvation is a promise. So if you believe, you receive the work of salvation.

John 5:24 says, “whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, will not be condemned, he has crossed over from death to life. This is our promise. We who were spiritually dead have gained spiritual life through Jesus Christ. We have been liberated from eternal fear. Mark 16:18 says, “those who have been destined to revive salvation will believe.” Only when they revive this gospel and believe it, can they receive salvation and healing. That is why we were told to proclaim the gospel to all nations. Only when the gospel is proclaimed, people will receive salvation and see the works of healing. There is no way to save people other than the gospel. Healing only takes place with the words of this gospel. When we relay those words the Holy Spirit works. This is not something I do. If you’re saying, “what if I deliver this and they don’t get healed?” That’s not up to you. The only thing that we do is proclaim because we were told too. And what’s important is that we have the faith that whatever we do we have the faith that without a doubt inside this gospel is the work of healing. 

There was a time where the disciples were not able to cast out the demons to heal. He said, “You who have little faith.” All you have to do is believe. If you simply believe you can fix people who are diseased and demon possessed. 

Romans 10:13, says, “anyone who calls the name of the Lord will be saved.” This is how we have been given the promises of salvation. 

The second is, the spiritual promises. 1 John 3:8 says, “the reason the son of God appeared is to destroy the devil’s work.” The reason Jesus Christ came to earth is to destroy the devil’s work. What is the devil doing? All our lives he makes us not enjoy life, instead fall into fear. 

That’s in Hebrews 2:14×16. People have fear. It seems fine on the outside but they have fear deep in their belly. And the fear doesn’t just stay there, Satan uses that. He controls you with fear. He continues to drag you to be centered on yourself and physical things because of your fear. And then because of your fear he drags you so you’re bound to be addicted to drugs, and alcohol. And nothing can ever fix this. It’s only possible when the life of Christ comes into you. Only life can cast out fear and destroy the work of the devil. 

The second promise is in Ephesians 1:45. It says he chose us before the creation of the world. To make us holy and blameless in his sight in love. Verse 5 says, “him love he pro destined to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ in accordance to his will.” We have been saved by God’s pleasure and will. God’s pleasing Will is to save me and save all those to receive salvation. 

Philippians 4:13 says, “all things are restored within Christ.” Everything through him who gives me strength. That means I can do everything through Christ. In other words we can restore all things. If you can’t believe this you can’t enjoy this. If you do believe it, then you can enjoy it. Within him who gives me strength. Within God’s will. Within God’s plan. He fulfills everything through me. So what’s important is I remain within the one with strength. Within the promise of world evangelism. And the Lord will work in the lacking aspects. So the most important thing is to have a prayer that receives answers to remain within God’s promised words. It’s possible that the prayer that doesn’t have God’s promises is just your vain efforts. But if there is a promise in your prayers you can enjoy it. Because you believe he’ll work according to this promise. Why do we keep on praying? Until we revive the answer. That’s why we pray. Those who do not know prayer only lives by their mental strength. 

Isaiah 41:10 says, “do not fear for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God.” Imagine how much people are afraid. Even if the environment becomes a little difficult, people have so much fear. There is no other choice, because you make judgements based on your thoughts. So you have no choice for your thoughts and emotions to be filled with fear. But do not be afraid, I’ll be with you, do not be dismayed, I am your God, I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 

There will be things that’ll make you fear. But when you’re with Jesus Christ who is the truth life, your fear will disappear. And you must enjoy that always. If you don’t enjoy this, then you’re working so diligently according to your thoughts and emotions. And one day when you face something to be afraid of, you’ll fall into fear. The most severe mental disorder is fear. The beginning of depression and all of the other ones is fear. Yes, the circumstance may be different by the underline of everything is fear. Because of fear we look for other methods. But that’s not solvable. And because of that we have no choice but to keep falling into depression. 

In Genesis 3 the first thing we fall into when we are separated from God is fear. But if you’re in a state that does not have fear, that is peace. How am I able to be peaceful even when circumstances become very complicated or urgent. Without a doubt things to be afraid of are before me. But because I am enjoying life, reality doesn’t affect me. The environment may be difficult, but my state is okay. What is a religious life? It is continuing to pray and doing all these different things to get rid of your difficulties. You ask God to take away your difficulties because those difficulties bring you fear. All religions are like that. But that’s not the gospel. It doesn’t matter if the difficulties are there. It doesn’t matter if the state of my spirit is changed into peace. 

This is very important. So very first, you must always enjoy this life. Your life is not first. Because you’re going to get scared as you work. You face fear because there are things you cannot do. Then it’s obvious what will happen, people that are religious will pray, and people who don’t believe in that they’re going to go to humanism. We are going to keep living a repetitive life. If you have a little bit of fight, you live a religious life, asking for God to take away your difficulties and protect your children from them too. You’re not able to enjoy life. If you do enjoy life, then the fear disappears. It’s not that your environment changes but your fear will disappear. 

That’s what it means, that the Kingdom of God is wherever you are.  It’s important that you enjoy this yourself and relay this correct, accurate word to new believers.  The Word of God is the Word of God, but you say incorrect things, and that’s why even when you do ministry, it’s all in vain.  We keep relaying God’s Word but that person is still filled with fear, and you yourselves are also in fear.  So, the only thing left for you to do is to try to get rid of that fear and to do other things to cover it up.  I believe you will only overcome it with faith in Jesus Christ, Who is the Life.  

You’ll be in circumstances where you’re surrounded by the Valley of the Shadow of Death, and it doesn’t disappear; it’s still there, but the reason I do not fear evil is because the LORD is with me, and in today’s scripture, Jesus Christ is with me as life and spirit. 

If you do not enjoy the gospel, you cannot receive healing.  Let’s say you received healing fremo someplace, but if the Word of God doesn’t accurately go into you, your state will revert one day. This is very important.  If you don’t understand this, you yourseles will not be healed; you have to keep trying very hard, religiously. You have to try diligently like a Buddhist.  Then if you think about working diligently, you’re drawn to that because that’s the way of the world; you keep looking for a method other than this.

In the world, we don’t have the answer, so we keep looking for methods, but that’s why Christ is the answer and we have to enjoy this.  You say the words, “He’s the answer,” but you don’t enjoy that He’s the answer.  The answer to all problems is Christ, you say these words but you don’t enjoy it, you understand it with your brain but you don’t enjoy you’re always trembling and skating, you’re always afraid, you’re afraid of how you’re going to live today, although you go to church diligently and attend so many trainings and memorize so many Bible verses.  Although you pray so much, it’s a prayer to try and get rid of your fear. 

Life, you must enjoy the gospel with faith, and that’s the very first thing.  Then these problems or those problems? It doesn’t matter, from that point on, people become normal. From that point on, we cannot become normal. If someone says a small thing, we’re so afraid of failure.  You’re afraid every time there’s a new coronavirus variant.  Your heart is always so afflicted about whether your children will fail or not, and that’s why you have heart problems, then your kids get married and they have kids and you’re afraid for them again.  When you raise kids, your kids will have kids and then you’ll be worried about them again, “What are they going to do when I die?” Do you know why this happens? It means the fundamental fear hasn’t gone away. Only when the fundamental fear inside of you goes away, you will have thoughts of peace and you can follow God’s Word and guidance correctly.

3. Promise of Guidance

God promised to guide us.  You are not doing anything about your own life, but God is guiding it.

1) 1 Corinthians 10:13

God gives you a way out whenever you’re tested.  It means God guides you.  It doesn’t matter what temptation comes your way, God gives you a way out, so don’t be afraid of it. If a problem comes, just let it come, but you have to not be afraid. You’re going against it within the covenant, because God’s guidance is within that problem, but if you shake and tremble because of when problems may come, you’re seized by Satan. God is with you in that problem, God gave you that problem and guides you through it, so don’t be afraid of the problems.  

2) Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. You’re afraid because you’re leaning on yourself.  You don’t have the ability, you’re afraid because you keep trying to accomplish something based on your experiences.  Are your experiences on the level of God?  Can you cover all problems with your experiences? Therefore, do not lean upon yourself. People who keep asserting their opinions keep leaning on themselves or rely on other  people. There’s no need to lean on other people as well.  

In all your ways, in everything, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Acknowledge the fact that God is with you in all things, then first and foremost, your fear disappears then you can see how God is guiding you. There’s no need for you to worry about problems, if someone is sick, God’s plan is there, because there’s an opportunity in all things, an opportunity to give salvation, or if they’re already saved, to build faith.  An opportunity to restore God’s mission, and God is doing this because God has a plan.  If it’s their time to go, they just go. If it’s time for someone to go and they refuse to go, that’s a foul, so don’t have any fear in your ministry. All you have to do is to relay the accurate Word with faith in the covenant, that’s it.  

If the accurate Word is not relayed, then it’s incorrect.  “What happens if I deliver this word to this person and they’re not healed?” That’s not up to you. “God has brought this mentally ill person to me, but what if I give them the word and they’re not healed?” That’s not up to you; that’s up to God.  You’re trying to do something with your own strength so if you meet with them a few times and if nothing happens, you’re going to fall over; go to the end, that’s the method.

Why don’t you go until the end?  Because you think by yourself, “If I’ve gone this far and they’re still not healed, then there is no hope,” you’ve become the master of your own ministry.  You don’t know what God’s plan may be, He may want to save the entire family through this person. The only method is to go with faith in the accurate faith in the covenant of the gospel until the very end, but the devil will give you disbelief so that you cannot continue and you stop.  Then you’ll say to yourself, “I can’t do this,” it’s completely the devil’s play. 

The devil deceives you into thinking you’re able to do something to begin with, then Satan blocks your ministries.  When the word is established then the Holy Spirit of God is there, and He has given you the authority to heal diseases and cast out demons.  Don’t be afraid of anything; just continue, and one day, the devil will break down and one day, according to God’s time schedule, the Holy Spirit works.  Let’s say you go to your ministry but the person you’re ministering to speaks so much, even more than the minister, then you can’t say anything, then I hope you’ll pray.  Imagine how much they don’t pray such that they just talk about everything.  Pray for them so that GOd may close their mouths so that you can give them the accurate Word of God.  imagine how much they don’t pray such that they just release everything with their words.

If you can’t do ministry with holy people, can you do ministry with diseased people?  It doesn’t matter if they talk a lot or not, just listen to them and when you get a chance, give them the accurate Word, but the minister is dragged around the person who is being ministered to.  You have to pray a lot.  Pray for God to close their mouths so you can put God’s Word into them. The reason the person is praying so much is so that the minister will restore the power of prayer.  Imagine how much the minister doesn’t pray such that they relay their own words.  You have to go there to do God’s ministry, but if they do all the talking you cannot relay God’s power.  The minister must restore their faith.  Pray that God may close the mouth of those being ministered to.

Imagine how much this person is rolling around in their own thoughts to the point where they cannot communicate with anyone else and they need someone to vent to, and it may be possible that they’re venting all their drama to you because they have no one else to talk to.  First and foremost, they need someone to listen to them, and you create a space where they can listen to God’s word. It’s possible that venting and getting everything off their chest is healing to them, but what’s important is that when the accurate Word of God goes in, then He works and He heals.  

Power and authority is God carrying out His role through us.  He gives us the authority to trample over snakes and scorpions.  The Israelite people went through the wilderness and died as they were bitten by venomous snakes, and God protects us from that.  That’s the only way it’s possible to enter Canaan.  When we save people, there will absolutely be snakes and scorpions, and just as God showed the Israelites, God says He will give this authority to the evangelists, why? Because we have to save people, to enter into Canaan and do world evangelization, and it’s impossible to do it without God’s authority. It’s important to have that faith.

3) Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.  God will teach us and God absolutely guides us.  Why are you so worried about your future? God will guide your future. Why are you so worried about today? God will guide you today and will show you the path, and even in the desert, God will make a way and bring living water. If you’re facing an ocean, God will make a path through the ocean. Believe in that God.

When this is relayed into someone, that person will be healed of their fear.  The characteristic of mental illness is that they have so much fear, and that’s what it means to be so oppressed. What else do you think would oppress people? They’re so seized by fear and they’re only libberated when they receive God’s word.

We will never fail because we’re children of God, and God’s Word that He will always be with us, guiding us through all circumstances, must go into us in order for you to be liberated from your fear; otherwise you’ll try diligently to get rid of it ourselves. That’s not us, we don’t live like that.

4. Promises of Material Riches

God doesn’t just promise us spiritual things but also physical things as well.

1) Philippians 4:19

God will meet all our needs, and there’s an incredible blessing within this, there’s the blessing of a blank check. There’s no price limit here.  You have no idea how much this entails that He will meet all our needs.  But if you don’t know this blessing and you cling desperately to your job, that’s a fool.  Everyone works diligently anyway, but without a doubt, God says He will meet our needs abundantly, according to His riches, not in a stingy way, because God is rich. Don’t you think that’s true?

If God was a poor God, He would be stingy with His answers, but God is rich. What’s important is whether someone needs it, then God fills their need.  There’s no promise that God will fulfill your ambition, if anything, you’ll be tested as you go with your greed because God is not someone who fills your greed and ambition, but He fills your need.  

When you talk about material things, you must deeply meditate on this because you’re so seized by material things. Do I really need it? Then God will fill it.  Do we really need this? Then God will work. That’s what it means for faith to be first.  Is Temple Construction truly necessary? Then God will fill it, isn’t that right?  Just as God fills your needs, you must be someone who is needed in the church. If you come to church and no one needs you, you cannot receive this physical blessing.

“I have to be someone who’s needed in the church, doing necessary work,” then God will fill you.  God will fill that need, so don’t just randomly work hard, but discern what God truly needs.  If you just pray this prayer, God will do it.  People who are not living their walk of faith well will have so much greed and try to do things in a worldly way, but God fulfills all our needs and you must tell this to the new believers so they may be liberated from their material greed; otherwise, they will be seized by Satan their entire lives.

God fills our needs, it’s not an excesse. God will fill my needs for world evangelization.  God will fill the needs of the evangelist for world evangelization through those who believe.  If this is not relayed to the next generation, they will always be slaves to money. It doesn’t matter what school they graduate from, God never promised to fill your needs if you graduate from a good school, then you’ll be so enslaved by money that you can’t even worship. You’ll be so busy, of course you have to work to make money, but you have to do what is necessary. But people have greed so they do unnecessary things in life. 

The characteristic of the way that God works upon those who have money is that they have the accurate faith in the Word of the covenant, and that’s for the church. You have faith, but you must know why you have this.  God does all the work through the church, but if you don’t know the church, it doesn’t matter.  If that person is not needed by the church, God will only fill their need to eat three times a day.  That’s a person who only needs to eat three meals a day to maintain their health until God calls them to heaven.  

The accurate word of God being relayed to new believers and those enslaved to material possessions will result in healing. If the Word isn’t relayed to them, they will learn the same ways of the world inside the church. You look and ask, “What does the church need? What aspects does the church need me in?”  You don’t do that because someone asks you to do it, you pray about it and God shows it to you, then you do it. 

If this church really does world evangelization, don’t you think God would do that?  If this church wasn’t doing world evangelization, we’re just doing idol worship like a temple, then God would block it, but God empowers us.

2) Psalm 84:1

It says the LORD God is a sun and shield.  The LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless, which means God will not withhold anything that is materially good.  Even when we’re running a business, we have to have good products, right?  But God knows the good things and He does it, and He will not withhold it from us, from whom? God will do this for those who pray within God’s covenant.  “Those whose walk is blameless” is not talking about worldly blamelessness, but those who walk according to the Word.  God won’t withhold anything from such people.

3) 3 John 1:2

As your soul is getting along well, I pray you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you.  Your soul gets along well within God’s Word, if you don’t have God’s word, how can your soul be well? God is the Word, have you ever seen someone do well without God’s word?  People who have the legalistic Word will have legalistic answers, but those with the gospel in their soul will have the gospel as their answer.  Depending on your spiritual state, everything can go well, then what’s the standard of things going well?  It may also mean that you’re doing well compared to other people, but what it really means is that God will fulfill the covenant through you.

I pray you may enjoy good health. A person must be healthy.

5. Promise of Prayer

1) Jeremiah 33:1

That’s in today’s verse we read in Jeremiah 33:1-9, God says they will be taken captives to Babylon.  Even though God gave the Israelites the Word, they didn’t take it seriously, so God is telling them through the prophet Jeremiah, “You will be taken captives to Babylon,” so the people received the Word as, “We have to go attack Babylon, this prophet is threatening us,” that’s what happens when you don’t understand God’s word.

You receive God’s Word based on your humanism, cunning, and manipulative in this word. Then you cannot receive God’s word as it is. Because your spiritual state is constantly manipulating things, you’re not in a state where you can receive God’s word.  These were the Israelite people who are separated from God’s Word to that extent.  At that time, the Word of the LORD came upon Jeremiah a second time, so the Word comes first, what did it say?  To pray, don’t be afraid but pray.  Instead of being so afraid and lamenting because you’ve been unfairly imprisoned, just pray. That’s the Word God gave. “I will take you into captivity but later on, I will heal you and restore you.”

2) 1 John 5:14

If you ask anything according to God’s will, He hears us, but what’s important is that we ask according to His will. What’s His will? It is to save lives, what other will might there be? What’s the reason Jesus came to earth? To save us, why did He fulfill the resurrection? So He could come upon each of us as the Holy Spirit, and what is He doing there? To save everyone through world evangelization.  Ask anything according to God’s will and He hears us.

3) 1 John 3:22

Receive from Him anything we ask because we obey His commands and do what pleases Him. And what pleases him is to save, love and forgive others. Isn’t that right? Jesus told us to first make amends with people who are fighting, and then go to him. Loving other people may manifest in many different ways, but the first step is to forgive your enemies.  That’s the Ten Commandments, to love God and love people. God talks about these commandments and Jesus Christ fulfilled all of it.  Those who love God and receive His grace will love and forgive other people, and they can ask for anything and God will answer, because God’s goal is to save all people and He has put everything into this.

People misunderstand evangelism because they think, centered on themselves. Love is the core of God’s Bible.  Evangelizing to other people is an act of love, then is that all we have to do? It’s also the same to love someone in the church by forgiving them and raising them up.  That’s why we need to be able to forgive and love others.  The characteristic of people who have spiritual problems is that they’ll always fight with other people because they’re always so uncomfortable, and their discomfort spills over to other people, “Even though I pray, I don’t receive answers.”

Those who obey His commands and keep them, but you’re breaking them as Jesus told you to love others but you keep fighting, then even if you pray, God won’t answer because God says to first obey and come.  If you don’t forgive others before coming to worship, God won’t receive that worship, so then the answer isn’t that we shouldn’t fight, but when we fight, our spiritual state is unable to worship, then we die. What’s it mean that we can’t worship? It means God’s grace can’t come upon us, and that in itself is death.  

Then this isn’t saying whether you should fight or not, but your spiritual state has no choice but to fight because you don’t receive God’s grace and love.  

4) John 15:7

If you remain in Me and My Word remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you. This means God’s Word comes into me and you pray with that Word, how do you pray? You pray when God’s Word comes into you. Last week, we asked, “What if someone asks, ‘How do I pray?’” Just pray about whatever you think about, and as you pray, the contents will change, and later on, you’ll be at a level where you pray holding onto the covenant.  New believers can’t pray with the covenant because they don’t even know the covenant. Just pray towards God, and as prayers start and they receive answers, prayer is developed.

5) John 14:14, 24

Ask for anything and Jesus will do it. Ask for anything in Jesus’ name, you have to have that faith.  When you pray with faith with God’s promised Word, God receives your faith.  


There is a promise of God in this age, right? Age by age, there’s a promise God fulfills, and in this age, God is fulfilling world evangelization to the 237 nations. Your family and family line have problems, and that’s the work God will do. Your individual person, and your incidents, whenever you face an incident, God is with you there, so you must find God’s Word in that incident. Look at Jeremiah today, he never prayed to be freed, but God’s Word came upon him in that incident.  Always in all things, God controls all the situations and problems with His Word, so find His Word.

There’s yet another war in Afghanistan and many people are leaving.  There’s a young adult who doesn’t know the gospel and doesn’t go to church often, but he asked, “if God has power, why does he allow people to die?” The way unbelievers think is, “If God is all powerful, He can do anything,” and that’s how they think about God because they only think about God when they can’t do anything by themselves.  It’s not wrong, but do you think all the incidents and problems of the world exist because God doesn’t have the ability to solve them?  People ask me this.

First and foremost, this person does not believe in God. This is a young adult who only still believes in themselves and uses the Word of God to do whatever they want, but for we who believe, we know that even in war, God is fulfilling a promise.  Because of this war, many people flee to Europe, Asia, and many other places.  Some of these refugees are going to a missionary in Italy who studies music, and if they come in, they deliver the gospel, and I heard that. 

When all these people were stuck in Afghanistan, it was difficult to proclaim the gospel, but because of this war, God is scattering them.  If we forget about that, then we talk about the same things the world talks about like, whether America is powerful or not, but we look at the incidents and facts on the news and we look for God’s Word in every incident that takes place.  You must always look for God’s word because God is within that incident.

All people.  Without a doubt, I hope you will find God’s Word, otherwise you will live according to your thoughts, it’s the level of Genesis 3, whether you like them or not and whether you’d like to help them or not.  You must absolutely teach the next generation about offering.  


There’s usually four types of offering: tithe, missions, next generation, and temple construction. You shouldn’t just give money, but the Word of God must be here. If you just give money blindly, that’s a donation, you’re just giving it to them.  Tithe.  Missions.  Next Generation.  Temple Construction. We do this because God’s Word is there, and we give this offering in faith with God’s Word.  What it means for you to prepare your offering on Saturday before you come to church means, yes you prepare your money as well, but you prepare your spiritual state to receive God’s Word regarding these four things.

Through my tithe, may God save the church, and through missions offering, may we save the world and the next generation.  Without this, your church will be weak. Inside of the next generation offering, it includes things like RUTC and RU and everything that revives the next generation.  Through the Temple Construction, may one person in the next generation save the church. This must be your prayer.

Your future generations shouldn’t be so powerless and unable to do temple construction. If your children can’t do temple construction, it means they are living in poverty, so every time you give this offering, pray so that this offering may be given to the next generations.  It would be great if it went to you, but even if it did not, it should go to the next generation so they can do it, so it’s important to relay the faith so the next generation can do this, but if you don’t have this, then the next generation can’t do this either, then they will live in poverty.

All other religions are building temples to completely conquer the region, but what about God?  Does God prevent us from doing this? It’s our faith that’s important, that’s why every time you give this offering, you put your faith into it, so you pray for the next generation.  Offering isn’t just offering, but it’s given through prayer in faith, and that prayer is received by God.  

Rockefeller’s mother’s prayer came as an answer to Rockefeller. If God gives you the faith, then it’s the faith that God relays to the next generations, it means that even if she had little, she did this for her child. If it was just her, she couldn’t put her faith into that, but she was able to request this of her son because she was doing this work in the church, and God received that faith.

Honestly speaking, faith is everything. Before your actions, faith in God is everything because your actions follow your faith.  God’s answers follow according to faith.  That has to go into the next generations so they can receive the material blessings; they shouldn’t remain in poverty. It’s not that we’re saying the flesh is all bad and the spirit is good, otherwise you’d just have to live in the mountains and raise your own spirituality by yourself, but instead, we have to do world evangelization, so this is why God gave us this blessing.

Your faith is important.  Starting this week, may you have this faith to relay the faith to the next generation.


Father God, we thank You. We pray You will work so we may pray holding onto the prayer topics that receive answers and give healing and salvation to the next generation.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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