Pray to Have the Correct Start to Have the Proper Walk of Faith in Christ (Acts 1:1, 3, 8, 14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Pray to Have the Correct Start to Have the Proper Walk of Faith in Christ (Acts 1:1, 3, 8, 14)

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Today we read four verses.  The verses are short, but I hope these verses become edited and imprinted into your life.  What does it mean to be edited in your life? It’s not just to know it with your head, but it’s talking about organizing the message.  Just like the Three Feasts were organized in the Old Testament, we have to organize God’s word in the New Testament.  The Passover, the Ingathering, and the Pentecost.  These Three Feasts are important, and the content we read about today is very important.

There are many words, but what is He trying to say?  If this is not edited into our lives, this word may seem like something, and that word may seem like something, and that means our lives will become complicated because it’s not organized.  Even when you study, when you read a book, if you don’t organize it, it becomes very complicated for the student, because it’s not organized.

You can’t just know it; you have to organize it. Edit.  Where?  Into your life. This isn’t just about taking notes. There are people who don’t even take notes, it’s not like they lack the intellect for it, but they don’t take notes, but if you take notes, it’s going to be imprinted in your heart.

Then, why does Jesus have to be the Christ? It’s not enough to just say “Jesus Christ,” why is it that Jesus has to be the Christ of my life?  Why do I have to finish everything with this? You have to have this.  If you do not have this, then everything will be complicated, because God is telling you about this one thing, but you’re holding onto something else and so your life and faith become complicated.

You do these things diligently but it doesn’t align with God, and you work diligently, but it has to be aligned with God.  This is not a matter of diligence or not; it’s a matter of whether you’re aligned with God. You have to be complete with only Christ, and if it’s not this way, it will be complicated because all answers have to come from this one answer.  That’s what it means to “edit.”

But if you can’t do this, then you’re going to do this and that, you’ll have to do everything else. Why is it that Jesus has to be the Christ of my life? First and foremost you have to believe in order to receive salvation.  Salvation isn’t something that can be gained by mankind’s strength; it can only be from God.  

Where are we exactly such that we have to receive salvation first?  We have to come out of the authority of Satan, but because people can’t see this problem, they think it doesn’t exist, so they think they don’t need Christ.  You have to come out of sin and curses.  People think that sin is only the moral sins or the actions that we see that are sinful, but that’s not sin, because ever since people were born, they were born as sinners.  When they were born, they were supposed to be with God, but they were born in a state separated from God.

A sinner ends up sinning, so the curses follow after that.  You have to acknowledge this for you to need Christ.  You have to acknowledge that you live this hellish lifestyle and you have no way out of it so that you can confess that it has to be Christ.  These are what we call Life Problems.

The problems that we consider problems are something else.  Because we don’t see the most important problems as a problem, but we see everything else as a problem, we don’t need Christ.  Because the grace we’ve received is haphazard and we don’t understand why Jesus must be the Christ, we live such complicated lives.  So, when you start believing in Jesus Christ, how you believe is very important.  

Let’s say, for example, you believe in Jesus because you have cancer. How desperate must that person be, because the hospital is saying things won’t work out, and so they came back, and they said, “Believe in Jesus” and I’m sure they would explain the gospel, but that person’s interest is that Jesus Christ is going to heal their body.  They are saying, “Because God’s grace comes upon me, I will believe,” but the Jesus they believe is the Jesus Who will heal them quickly.

So, there’s a difference between someone who has an illness and says, “Through this illness, God wanted me to know about my fundamental problems and get to know Christ,” and there’s a difference between a person why says, “I am healed because of Christ, and I believe in Christ who healed me.”  There’s nothing bad about that. With time, they just have to receive the correct gospel, but there’s not alot of churches that can do that.  

There’s something each church emphasizes.  There are some churches that emphasize the Word, more than the gospel, they emphasize the Word, so they become more legalistic.  Because they emphasize the Word, they live according to the Word. But if they believe in Jesus Christ because of the healing aspect and then go into a legalistic church, so their walk of faith is not working out.  In places like Korea, there was a lot of poverty a long time ago, so when people came to them, they said “Believe in Jesus Christ and he will give you a lot of blessings,” so Jesus became a way for them to receive blessings.

But Jesus asks in Matthew 16, “Who do you say I am?”  Everyone is following after Jesus and says He is Jesus, but what is the first thing they believe?  He is the Jesus of Healing or He is the Jesus of Power.  Rather than the gospel, because the law was more emphasized, they say, “It is the Jesus Who is like Moses.”  Or people who thought Jesus was God Who would help the poor and meek, “Jesus is Jesus, but He is the Jesus like Elijah,” but that person himself will confess Jesus and believe that Jesus died for his sins.  

Everyone confesses that way, but what is the central focus by which he sees Jesus?  That’s what’s important.  If that’s not aligned with what’s written in the Bible, the more I do my walk of faith, the more I will be misaligned.  If the Jesus Christ that is spoken of in the Bible and the Jesus Christ I am holding onto are the same, then the more I live my walk of faith, the easier it will become.  For people like this, when you talk about God’s Kingdom and world evangelization, they will say, “Of course, yes,” but if they are holding onto a different kind of Jesus when you talk about to them about these things, they don’t like it because they think they have to be doing something else.

Even in prayer, they pray according to however they want.  But: Edit, Plan, Design; Word, Prayer, Evangelism. Everything must be correct. Everything must be aligned, that’s the only way you will be aligned with God, but if you cannot do this, even though you are listening to the Word, unbeknownst to you, some kind of trouble will keep finding you, and no matter how much you struggle, it’s not going to fit with you. Ultimately, if God doesn’t fit with you, what will happen? It means your life won’t work out. It doesn’t mean you don’t have salvation, and that’s what’s going to happen.

Why is Jesus the Christ?  The problem of mankind, my problem, is a problem that cannot be seen with one’s eyes.  People keep talking about money and say they need money, even though they focus on becoming the kind of person to whom God is going to give money.  Jesus Christ has to come upon that person accurately, but if they are focusing on justice and righteousness, they won’t be able to do that, isn’t that right? So they live this life where they have no choice but to keep fighting.

They don’t want to fight but they have to keep fighting, so they do not fit with God.  Why are they not aligned? Because the beginning point is wrong.  The beginning point has to be aligned with God.  If you believe in Jesus Christ, are you aligned with God? Not necessarily.  For example, you have to align your buttons correctly from the beginning to be completely correct.

How can you know Jesus Christ?  You have to know that your problems are the three problems [of sin, Satan, and hell].  You have to acknowledge it. You can think of the haphazardly. You think the main focus is somewhere else, so the reason problems are these problems we’ve talked about, but because their main focus is somewhere else, they’re not aligned with God, and because they’re not aligned with God, nothing else is aligned. You must be aligned from the beginning. 

My life and family problems are within these three problems; you have to realize this through God’s grace, because there’s no way you can solve them.  This problem of addiction is not just about addiction, but it’s the three spiritual problems.  But because you cannot acknowledge this, you keep looking for methods. It doesn’t work this way or that, and that’s why, even after time passes, you’re still in the same spot, until you realize what your real problems are.

My problem is having left God and being seized by Satan. I’m within the problem of living in a hellish background before going to hell, and that’s why I need Jesus Christ. Then after you receive salvation, do you not need Christ, then?  That’s why it’s a problem to you, because you always need Christ, and these words must be connected to you for you to be connected with the Word, and that’s why everything is connected to Jesus Christ.

Romans 8:23 it says God gave His son to us, and wouldn’t He give us so much more? Because everything is in Christ.  But because you cannot discover this, you try to solve your problems in other places. People think they can do it with their efforts outside of Christ, “I can educate my kid to my heart’s content outside of Christ,” and that’s why the masterpiece they see is some other masterpiece, it’s the same masterpiece that has been flowing down the family lines.

Why is it Christ?  All day, every day, Christ has to be aligned with you, because if you’re not aligned with that, you’re not aligned with God, and if you’re not aligned with God, you’re actually aligned with the world and Satan, so we’re talking about something very important. You always have to think about this, even today, is it Christ? Why is it Christ?  Because the only way you can come out of sin, separation, and Satan, is through  Christ.

“But you said I already came out of it! Why do I have to keep doing it?” That’s someone who isn’t enjoying Christ, that person is living in the world according to their diligence. They are trying to satisfy their own lives, and that’s never Christ.  You have to always confirm this for your spiritual state to go back to normal.  

If you do not confirm this, then even though you’ve received salvation, your spiritual state will revert back to the state of Satan.  If this Christ becomes accurately my Christ, then my entire life is over, but the majority of people cannot have this beginning.  Everyone talks about Christ, but their starting point is aligned with something else, something  incorrect.  Just like when Jesus says, “Who do you say I am?” Everyone is looking for Jesus and following after Jesus, but they’re focused on something else.

But, today’s passage is focused on the people who are really centered on the correct things.  Before that they followed after Jesus Christ, they called after him, but they were focused on something else.  In other words, they were focused on the Jesus that would bring success, they were focused on a Jesus Who was going to overturn everything, isn’t that correct?  So, they were fishermen who were oftentimes looked down on by society, so when Jesus came they believed Him as the one who would overturn their status.  But with that kind of beginning, it will never work out.

Why? Because everyone is following Jesus Christ according to their own life experiences and their past, so it won’t work out.  According to the Bible, I must discover the reason for Jesus Christ.  “Oh, this problem of the Roman occupation of Galilee is not any other problem; the problem of the Jews is not any other problem, but it’s actually the fundamental problem of all mankind, which is Genesis 3,” because only then Jesus Christ will accurately and biblically come into me.

After Jesus’ death and resurrection, we’re able to confirm this.  New believers absolutely must begin here. “Where are you standing?” If you do this it will not work out for new believers, if they’re not holding onto this, they are believing unto something else. It’s the same for pastors, he only did theology study by himself, but he’s not aligning himself, and as a result, that person is complicated.  Everything inside of Jesus has to come to us, we have to confirm all of mankind’s problems have been finished by Jesus Christ had to be confirmed by us but they aren’t able to.

After that, it’s God’s Kingdom. We’re talking about God’s Kingdom, but what’s God’s Kingdom? We’re talking about the kingdom where Jesus Christ rules over and controls. If you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that means you’re going to be ruled over by God’s Word. Confirm all things through God’s word, why? Because God is ruling over all things with His Word.  In all problems, do not ask other people, but confirm it with God’s Word. If you ask other people, they will only talk from their own experience, and absolutely, it is possible to talk to the person who have received an answer from God, but still, the central focus should be that you are confirming within God’s Word. This is the kingdom of God we speak of.

We are talking about the missions. Of world evangelism where we can bring people from Satan’s kingdom into God’s Kingdom, isn’t that rightful?  All people are stuck in the same three spiritual problems, so no other answer will do.  When you understand why you need Jesus Christ, then automatically, the reason for why you must establish God’s Kingdom will enter into you.

Then, God’s mission of world evangelization has to come into you as a mission, that this is truly what God desires.  This doesn’t happen just because someone tells you to do it, but it happens automatically when you are editing God’s Word into your life.  I’m not looking down on training, because God is moving even within that, so you do need some kind of time for training, but this is what is recorded in the Word.

What is the one thing that can actually fulfill this? It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that’s why we pray.  That’s why they gathered and prayed, so you must Edit and Plan this, you must edit the Word to plan your life in prayer, and you have to be able to plan your life in prayer for the design of evangelism to take place.

Then you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, what is this talking about? It is talking about the regions. Jerusalem represents the place I am in, and Samaria is a place with a slightly different culture, and further than that, to the ends of the earth.  And that is how I’m able to design the world evangelism into my life, so you need to be able to do these things for you to have the God-given economy of light.  But if you do not know why you need Christ, even if you receive the economist it’s not the economy of light, it is just something you worked hard for, and you’re receiving money like unbelievers.  You’ll never know when such finances will disappear, but we must organize God’s Word in this way.

At first, because people cannot organize the word, they hold onto it in segments.  But when you’re able to organize the Word, that’s when you’ll be able to do ministry. Even if you do not organize the Word, you can do ministry, but this will be a ministry you do without knowing where the words are coming from.  So, you have to be able to plan, edit, and design your life around the Triune God.

What is the starting point for this?  It is when biblically I understand why I need Jesus Christ.  But if this is not working out for you, you have to change this right now.  If  you’re holding onto Jesus Christ for something else, then you’re not going to be able to Edit Plan and Design,  and as time passes, it’s not going to align well.  You’re going to be able to hear God’s Word, but it won’t be aligned with your life. This is very simple.  “My life’s problem is not a problem for anybody else,” all of mankind’s problems are not about whether you have money or not, and this must come to you for you to be healed.

If this doesn’t take place for you, you will hold onto the scars that you have. If you don’t receive healing, then you’re going to hold onto the scars of not being successful, what does it mean? It means you don’t know the problems of your life.  My life problems, my family problems, all those problems are within these three problems, so there was no choice but for those family problems to keep flowing down to me, and that’s why God sent Jesus Christ. 

This must come into you for you to have the correct beginning. Look at the Jerusalem temple, even though all of these people were gathering, nine of them were aligned with God.  There was the priest and high priest, and 90% of the people came here to give worship, but it wasn’t aligned with God.  If you want to be aligned with God, you must be aligned with Jesus Christ, right? Because it’s not just about the word, “Jesus Christ,” because anyone could know the word Jesus Christ and write it down, but we have to acknowledge that the problem God is talking about is my problem, and in order to solve that problem, God sent Jesus Christ.

To say it again, the fact that Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems must come into me, because only through this one key can I unlock everything else.  If you’re not able to organize in terms of this one thing, then the Jesus Christ that you know is the incorrect Christ.  So, it’s not an incorrect Christ, but it’s only a portion of Christ you hold onto.  “He heals me when I’m sick,” yes, that is a portion of who Jesus Christ is, but because you think this is everything, you aren’t aligned with God.  

“It is the Jesus Who cures me,” did He come to cure us?  Curing us is only one portion of what He does, but we’re always so focused on that one thing.  If you know Jesus Christ properly, it’s something that will be naturally restored, but that people is focused on healing, they keep talking about healing without even knowing what Genesis 3 is.

THey live their lives diligently, but they aren’t aligned with God. You have to be aligned with God, and if you’re aligned with Christ, then you’re aligned with God.  I’m not saying that we are complete. I’m saying we have to have this correct faith in regards to God, because you must know what your problems are through faith. Isn’t that correct? It’s not something you can see. You can’t see Satan, you can’t see sin, you can’t see your hellish background, then how do you know? You acknowledge it by believing in God’s Word, and you’re able to confirm that this is the problem we have based on this life we lived thus far.

But if you’re not aligned with that word, then you’re not aligned with God at all, then through God’s grace, you may receive salvation, but the beginning, starting point is incorrect.  All believers must have this correct beginning.  “Oh, but I believed for such a long time,” it doesn’t even matter, because if anything, it might make it harder for you because you believed for so long.  “I received a lot of training,” yes training is good, but that’s not the answer.  “I’m a pastor,” but that’s not the answer.

If you don’t know this, then being a pastor is difficult, why? Because the pastor will look at a problem as something other than the real problem, so Jesus Christ is not the answer, then it’s going to be hard not only for the pastor, but also congregation members, because they are looking at the problem as an incorrect problem, Jesus Christ has to constantly be the answer to my problems, but He’s not, so they are unable to give the answer to other people, so they’re only able to give a portion.  They are only able to give the answer of Jesus Christ when someone else’s problem is aligned with their own problem.  For example, for someone who receives healing from a sickness, they will only evangelize to people who are sick, they won’t evangelize to people who aren’t sick.  

When you edit this into your life, you must do it correctly.  Just because you repeat the same words doesn’t mean you’re following the flow. Prayer is not some kind of chanting that you do.  If you have this, then every beginning has to start from Christ, but if you do not have this, then hold onto it and pray, that’s why we’re saying to hold onto the Word and pray.  If this happens, then automatically, then the mission of world evangelism will enter  into you.  

You will look in the Word for the answer to all things, then that means you will be able to have this design in your evangelism.  But because we don’t have this organized, as evidence we do not have Jesus Christ organized, we’re always focused on something else .  Because Christ is not organized, evangelism isn’t organized, and because evangelism is not organized, prayer is not organized for us.  But if you’re able to organize Jesus Christ, you’re going to be able to understand that everything is within the Word.  

Then you’re going to receive your mission that you must convey this gospel to everybody, and even the reason you live right now is to proclaim this gospel. But if Christ is not your answer, then missions and evangelism will be burdensome to you, why? Because the answer is elsewhere for you, so it’s difficult for you.  But if you’re able to come to the correct answer from the correct problem, there’s nothing easier than that because God told us to give the answer.  So, even when I go to work, it’s not that I’m going to do my work, I am going to work so I can do the work of changing other people towards God, and that’s why I say to pray to God.  

What else is there to ask of God? We just ask for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  Then, to that person, there is no other problem, whether it’s a person or a problem, because the Triune God is everything for them.  The more time passes, God is going to give you the economy of light because he needs you to do this work, then according to His time schedule, He will give you the finances.  But if Jesus Christ is not the answer, then finances is something I have to do through my own diligence, so it becomes a burden for you.  

But if I have this answer, then even as I go into work, my work is not my motive or main purpose, but it is to save lives, then finances are going to follow accordingly, because God says He will make everything else follow, but if you don’t have this organized, how difficult is your life!  You listen to the Word, but something about it doesn’t fit with you.  

If we’re speaking honestly, believing in Jesus Christ is the easiest thing. We’re not saying you have to go to Harvard, because if I say you have to go to Harvard, it would be so difficult, and people like me would have to give up. But even for me, so easy, why? Because God’s grace comes upon us.  But what’s important is, by whom and how and for what purpose did we receive this gospel of Jesus Christ?

Let’s say people have been hearing the gospel for a long time, and that’s just it? You still have to change towards this.  People talk about love, but even if they talk about love, a love that is not an answer is not love.  You call something love because it’s an answer to your life.  When we talk about God’s tremendous love, that He gave His One and only Son for us, we need to understand what the problem is to understand the tremendousness of this.

You might be able to love without knowing the problem and answer, but that’s still an incorrect love, why? Because the starting point is wrong.  If you are holding onto this, then you are going to be led in the direction of world evangelization, missions, and the economy of light. It is not too late for you now.  Even right now, as you’re listening to this Word, you can confess, “I hear these words, but Lord, I do not believe this. Lord, will you give me the grace so I can truly confess that Jesus Christ is the answer to all of my life’s problems.”  You have to be honest like this.  If you’re not honest and you move past it, then you’re just holding onto something else to believe in. Repentance is to turn away from all this. If you don’t repent about this but you only repent about your consequential sins, you will remain in the same state.

Yesterday and today, there were three lectures for the World Businessperson’s Conference, and it talked about how businesspeople have to plan, edit, and design their lives.  I gave you a summary of that from my own words.  I’m telling you, in order for you to understand the messages correctly, your starting point must be correct.  If your starting point is incorrect and keep going this way and think, “One day it’s going to work out,” it’s not going to work out, why? Because this message started 30 years ago, and the person who holds onto this message correctly can follow it.

So, the message from 30 years ago can’t be given today, so that’s why the church is giving it.  30 years ago, there wasn’t any terminology of “remnants” or “plan, edit, and design,” but it was only Christ, and after people understood only Christ, he jumped to God’s Kingdom, then evangelism and prayer.  This is the order we came through, and that’s when the next generation arose, the remnants.

Then, the direction we flowed into was the RUTC, but if the beginning point was incorrect, then everything that followed would be useless. This isn’t something we can do just by moving forward, “Oh, but I’ve gone to church for this long and I have believed for this ,” it’s all useless; it is according to the Bible. Is Jesus Christ my answer? You must confirm this first.  Then, is evangelism the goal of my life? My life must be aligned with that, because prayer connects that, and so am I praying the prayer God desires? I have to confirm that, and that means everything else you’re holding onto will follow. Your job, your money, everything will follow. 

But if you’re not holding onto this, you’re only going to hold onto the gospel in segments, and eventually, it will crumble. This is very important content. Always, Christ.  Begin every day with Christ, then continuously, it will be correct and as time passes, it will be correct, why? Because Christ is the Alpha and Omega, because the one who seen Christ is the one who has seen God, because the words of Christ are the words of God, because the One Who has all power under heaven and earth is with us eternally.  

I hope this blessing of the throne through world evangelization and prayer will be fulfilled.  So, this message took an unexpected turn, but that’s because it was necessary. I was listening to the messages and wondered, “Can the congregation members follow this word?”  I’m speaking in this way because I thought to myself, “Can they really follow after this word if they come to America and receive this haphazard gospel?”  That’s why I’m sharing this Word with you because this gospel is the unprecedented and never repeated answers you will receive.

When you do overnight prayer, don’t pray about anything else, but pray holding onto this answer.  It’s not bad to pray about stuff like that, but rather than praying for those things, because those kinds of prayers are like filling a bucket with a hole in it.


Let us pray holding onto God’s Word. I believe God is going to fulfill the Word through you.  When you hear these words, it seems burdensome, and it’s because you yourselves are too stubborn and strong; but if you realize that this is what God wants, it’s going to work accordingly, and that’s what it means to follow the flow of the Word.

There’s no way we can’t pray for the Sunday pulpit because that’s the Word that will be fulfilled throughout the week.  You can’t have faith in me, because if you have faith in me, then the message you don’t need will be proclaimed; so you have to have faith in God.  It’s fine if you have faith in me, but if you have faith in me, you are not going to be able to pray, that’s why you have to have faith in God, and that’s why you’re going to end up praying for the pastors.  

Because I’m a pastor, I play the role where I cannot proclaim God’s Word unless He gives it to me. You may think, “He’s giving such a good word,” but it’s because God gave it to me, and if you tell me to just do it, I’m not going to be able to “just do it,” so that’s why I want you to pray for me, that the message God desires, that the message God will fulfill will be proclaimed. Let us pray.

Wendy and Jennifer Yoon come to first service.  Recently, Wendy’s father passed away, so send your condolences through Kakao talk.  Also, Paula St. John’s husband Pete is in a coma in the hospital, so please pray for these people. Between first and second service, it seems there are many newcomers who are coming, so it is a time for us to pray. 

This is a time schedule for a lot of prayer topics to be coming in, so we need the intercessory prayers.  Constantly , people are going to keep coming.  It’s not something that can be done by our manners or etiquette, we have to be the church that receives God’s grace.  So, it is a time where we need intercessory prayers.  Constantly, God is sending us people, but I hope we are the church who can handle them.  

Right?  Isn’t it God’s will to save?  How else are we going to save them except by prayer? We are going to save them by the Word from the pulpit. Let’s keep doing our intercessor [prayer and pray for all the missions fields.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God, the multi ethnics and the remnants, who want to edit, plan, and design, God’s word, prayer, and evangelism upon all their works and studies, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen


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