Pray for Spiritual Strength to Believe the Word of God and Fulfill God’s Covenant (Deuteronomy 9:1-5)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Pray for Spiritual Strength to Believe the Word of God and Fulfill God’s Covenant (Deuteronomy 9:1-5)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the grace of God today with Deuteronomy 9.  God is working even now with His Word, and the fact that God is working means that God’s Word  is alive.  Eph. 2 says that unbelievers are spiritually dead so they cannot hear God’s Word, and the believers, the children of God, must be able to listen to the correct words of God.  You must listen to God’s accurate and correct spiritual words of the covenant.  You must not listen to the words you desire, but the Word that God desires.  It’s not about whether you like today’s word or if it makes you feel bad or if you’ve received grace or not, but you must receive the accurate and spiritual words of God’s covenant in order for God’s works to begin.

Deuteronomy is the word God is giving to the second generation of Israelites to change their imprint, root, nature.  In Deuteronomy 9:1, it says, “Hear O Israel,” and the reason is because God is the God of the covenant and God is a God of the Word. When God created the universe, He created it with His Word, and the Word of God came onto earth as human and that is Jesus Christ.  Even now, I hope you will listen to the words of the Holy Spirit.  God is speaking, but if we do not listen then it’s irrelevant to us.

Then you must listen well in this walk of faith.  If someone has a scar, they will misinterpret everything they hear.  If you are spiritually diseased, it’s impossible to listen to God’s Word correctly.  Because you’re diseased, you will listen to the Word of God in a physical way, similar to unbelievers.  If you’re spiritually diseased, you will not hear spiritual words.  That is why you must pray for the Holy Spirit to work upon you, to heal you, so that you may listen to God’s accurate Word.

We must listen well.  If you listen incorrectly, the reason Adam and Eve’s lives failed in Genesis 3 was because they listened to God’s Word incorrectly.  All believers listen to the Word of God, thinking it is God’s Word, however, the invisible demon, the devil, also gives us the word.  But you must be able to decipher whether this is the correct word or not.  

Today, God is giving His word to the second generation again, “You are now about to cross the Jordan to go in and dispossess nations greater and stronger than you, with large cities that have walls up to the sky.”  For us, these words may sound irrelevant; it’s possible that our interest is elsewhere, it is possible that we’re only interested in quickly escaping the wilderness.  The first generation of Israelites wanted to go through the wilderness quickly to go back to their life in Egypt.  If the saved people of God are able to listen to God’s Word accurately, that itself is a blessing. 

The first generation of Israelites heard the Word of God but they wanted to go back to Egypt.  Egypt was actually the place of their past suffering, but they missed their physical lives.  They were reminiscing, missing the life of success they used to live.  Even if they did not get along very well or were not successful, they still missed living a physical life.  But the Word God gives to us is a spiritual Word.  

He tells us again without a doubt that we will dispossess the land of Canaan, but these fields of the world are stronger than you. Whatever is before us is, without a doubt, very strong, and we have to cross the Jordan river. Back in those days, the Jordan river was such a large river that people cannot just walk across.  But without a doubt, God says, “You will cross the Jordan river and dispossess the nations,” and “These nations are greater and stronger than you,” and “these large cities have walls that go up to the sky,” they’re very big, He’s talking about the fortress of Jericho. This is the field we are living in currently. There are people who are very strong.

Matthew 12:29 says that you must first bind the strong man.  Only then can you take the possessions, just like in today’s scripture “then you will conquer the nations.” But those cities are large and have high walls, it means that you’re not able to do it at a common level.  Even if you gather all your wisdom and intelligence, it’s impossible.  That’s the covenant God gives to us.  World evangelization, saving the 237 nations, these are impossible.  

First of all, we don’t have enough money. If you want to do all of that, how much money would you need? In order to do all of that, how many people would we need?  Without a doubt, from our perspective, it’s impossible.  Even 1,400 years before Jesus Christ came to earth, He was saying the same thing.  

Deuteronomy 9:2, “The people are strong and tall–Anakites!” These people are giants. In this world, there are people who are physically much better off than you, and you’ve heard of them.  Who can stand up against the Anakites? Who can overcome the successful people of the world and the Three Organizations?  However, God tells us to go into them.

Deuteronomy 9:3, God says, “But be assured today,” in other words, be assured, but assured of what?  “Be assured today that the LORD your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire,” it means the LORD is going ahead of us first. If you believe in this, there’s nothing for you to be afraid of, in other words, God gives us the covenant and God says He will do it. “He will destroy them and you will subdue them before you,” according to the covenant. “Like a devouring fire.”  In other words, God will send his heavenly host ahead of you to fulfill this work.  God doesn’t do this by Himself, but He uses His heavenly angels and hosts to fulfill this work.  

Psalm 103:20-22 says, “You angels who fulfill God’s Word.”  When God proclaims His Word, the LORD’s angels go to fulfill it.  It’s the same thing today, if you simply remain within God’s covenant then God will send His heavenly angels ahead of you to fulfill his promise “You will drive them out and annihilate them quickly,” God sends His heavenly hosts ahead of you to conquer the world quickly. Psalm 103:21 says, “You heavenly hosts.”  

If you really hold onto God’s covenant, these words will go into you, but the people who do not go into God’s covenant do not need these words. They don’t need these words because they hold onto something else. Because they’re holding onto physical things and success, they don’t need words like this. If my goal is success, then why do I need the LORD’s angels?  If my goal is to have physical strength, then “why do I need the Lord’ LORD’s angels?  I can just go and fight by myself,” that’s why these words don’t go into us.  God gives us His Word and fulfills His Word.

Deuteronomy 9:3 says, “You will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the LORD has promised you.”  God works through those who have the covenant, through me, according to the Word God has given to us. If you really hold onto God’s covenant, you will come to see the work God is doing.  May today’s worship be blessed in this way.  I hope you will throw away the word you want to hear and hold onto the covenant of world evangelization.  If you’re stuck in your scars, do not keep holding onto the Word of God that comforts you, but you have to hold onto the covenant God will fulfill in order for your scars to be healed as well.  

Jesus Christ finished all problems on the cross; there’s no need for you to be lost in your problems anymore.  You need to hold to the covenant that has finished all problems in order for things to work out according to the covenant.  If you say, “This is hard for me, that is hard for me,” then it will continue to be difficult.  The LORD promised to be with you, and that’s what you must hold onto “The LORD, Who can give you all things and take away all things, is with me even now.”

Deuteronomy 9:4, “After the LORD your God has” done all this work, it must be interpreted correctly.  If you look at the answers God has done there are some people who interpret it correctly and those who misinterpret it.  Without a doubt, when God’s answers are before you, there’s one of two actions.  The first reaction is that people will think inside their hearts. “”The LORD has brought me here to take possession of this land because of my righteousness.” This means that when God answers before them they think he answered them they had the correct thoughts or they did something right on their own.   

People like this have God’s answers but they cannot be used anymore, so that’s why they talk about themselves a lot.  This is the work God has done, but instead, they keep on revealing and exalting themselves.  In other words, they keep exalting and revealing their own righteousness, “It’s because I did something correctly.”  They keep trying to add to God’s works, “It’s because of my actions and I’ve received a lot of training.”  They keep adding to it, “It’s because I’ve believed for such a long time,” they add to God’s works.  

They say, “It’s because I have a strong prayer background,” or, “It’s because I’m within this kind of family line,” but the Bible doesn’t tell us that.  Whether your parents pray for you a lot or not, you have to believe in your heart God is fulfilling his perfect and complete covenant, otherwise you are bound to fall into your own legalism and be centered on your own actions.  How will you ultimately look at God’s covenant? That’s what’s important.  The answers will come, but how do you interpret that?  But most of us will build our Tower of Babel, “It’s because we did something, we have this power.”  However, God’s Word says that God has done this completely, and He says He does it through you, that’s what’s confusing.  Because these answers are coming into my life, I think I have something, or I’ve prayed a lot.  Whether you pray a lot or you pray  a little, God works according to His covenant.  It’s not about the action of whether you pray a lot, but God will do His work through those who believe in God’s covenant. 

If you always believe in God’s covenant, you’re in prayer 24 hours a day. It’s not talking about the action of prayer, but if you hold to God’s covenant 24 hours, that’s prayer. If you keep thinking of prayer as some kind of action where you are begging for something, that’s a big problem.  Believing in the work that God is doing, that itself is prayer, but if you forget about that then you cannot pray and you live your life with other thoughts.  

If you lose hold of the Word God gave you for the week, then you live your life with other thoughts and then you’re not able to pray.  But when the Word of God is in my thoughts and in my heart, that in itself is prayer.

Deuteronomy 9:5, It is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you are going in to take possession of their land.  It’s not because I’m righteous, and it’s not even because I’m nice.  It means you should never exalt on the side of humans, because that is never the reason God works.  God is working even now with the promise God has given to us, and that is being fulfilled in you.

Last Wednesday, God gave us the Word that, “If you gain a lot of physical possession it wasn’t because of your strength but God has given you the ability to produce wealth.”  There are a lot of successful people on earth, however, most of those people believe that this wealth is 50% “my work” and 50% God’s work.  That’s how much they are ignorant of God.  The more you know about God the more you realize you are 0.  But people who do not believe in God will continue to say things, “If I didn’t spend all of those all nighters I wouldn’t be this successful, if I was lazy,” and they keep on revealing themselves.  If God did not give you the circumstance and strength and the ability to pull all those all-nighters, you wouldn’t have been able to.

What would happen if God gave  you things to worry about? You wouldn’t be able to concentrate.  It’s not because you’re less intelligent, but if you continually have things to worry about, you won’t be able to focus so I hope you will completely believe in God.  It’s only because God has allowed that circumstance to take place that it happened.  If you don’t believe in this, I hope you will read the Psalm 103 of David, he says that even from the light of the sun and from every single human being, everything exists because God has interceded, allowing them to exist.  

Even when the animals like the lion catches its prey, it means God has allowed the lion to eat. That’s how great David’s faith was, but we think the lion eats because it is strong.  David, who was the greatest king, says the lion was able to eat because God gave him something to eat.  Because of that, whenever David went out to war, he wouldn’t go out unless God gave him a complete answer. He received confirmation from God’s Word and then he would go out and that’s why he won 100% of the wars.  It’s not because David was great; God did that through David. God even gave David the skillful hands while he was young, and God gave the answer to David while he was a young shepherd boy.  All of that came from God.  Even becoming king was something God allowed to happen.  

There are many skilled and successful people in the world, but there aren’t many successful people who exalt God’s glory.  A lot of people exalt themselves and don’t think they’re lying, they really do think they worked hard and they think they’re smarter than others, but they don’t acknowledge that God is the one who gave them intelligence.  “If I did not keep working so hard all the time,” that’s the heart they have, but who gave you the strength to keep working hard? It was God.  If God did not give you the strength to be diligent, it would be impossible for you to do so, then what do you think would happen?  If you believe that, then you would believe in God’s Word 100%.

Deuteronomy 9:5 continues, “The LORD your God will drive them out before you, to accomplish what he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”  God fulfills the promise He gave to Abraham exactly so through Abraham’s future generations. That’s why when you think of the family, when you have parents who hold to the covenant, then of course you have spiritual blessings.  If the church has the proper covenant, then it will be relayed as well, and if the parents have the proper covenant, then it will be relayed into their family and their fields.  

Because you don’t really believe in these words, you have to keep putting in words that are enticing to people’s ears.  If God tells you to not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it should finish there but I stead we say words that are enticing to others. We don’t need those enticing words.  If God tells you not to eat it then simply don’t do it.  God says, “You will surely die,” but instead, you say, “But if we speak like that, people will be scared away from the church,” so you try to speak around it.  

As you kind of beat around the bush, it doesn’t really hit people in the heart so people feel more comfortable.  All you have to do is believe that God has given to this age exactly as it is, but if you keep digging deeper, it’s because you don’t believe.  There’s no reason to dig deeper.  Yes, sometimes we can look at the original languages just so we can have a deeper understanding but if you dig in deeper to analyze because we don’t believe, then that’s not right.  

If God says, “It’s not because of your righteousness,” then you simply have to accept that but because you are trying to bring out your knowledge, you look at different languages and different manuscripts to try to confirm what you think. There are a lot of different divisions in theology.  There are many theologians who don’t believe in God.  Many theologians and theological students and pastors who do not believe that Genesis is the Word of God.  

People search and search for messages on YouTube to find a sermon that matches with their heart.  That’s what it means for spirit  to get along with spirit.  When the accurate Word of God is relayed, that’s when it gets connected spiritually.  What is this Word? I hope you will believe in God’s simple Word.  If He says you will conquer Canaan, then simply believe that you will conquer Canaan; there’s nothing more to add. Once you conquer, simply acknowledge that “God has done that work through me.”

Let’s look at Joseph. In Genesis 37, God gave him the vision of the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to him. God gave him the vision of Egypt world evangelism, and then he went as a slave.  “Maybe God is not going to fulfill his vision,” why do we say things like that? We’ve received God’s Word but we look at our circumstances and it’s not the same, that’s why we shake.  Then he went into prison, again, that’s not aligned with God’s Word, then is it right because he becomes the Prime Minister? God’s covenant is the covenant. 

Let’s say someone like this became the Prime Minister, then they are bound to exalt their own righteousness. “When I was in prison, when I was a slave, there’s something I did,” and they mix themselves in with it, “It’s because I thought this way, or it’s because I did this to come this far, otherwise, how would I go before the King?” Their words may have been correct because they didn’t believe in Hods covenant from the beginning, and because they don’t believe in God’s covenant from the beginning, when Joseph became a slave, he would’ve struggled very hard and it’s true that they did struggle and I’m sure when they went to prison they struggled really hard, and let’s say, one day, they bow before the king who has become the Prime Minister, what do you think they would say later on? 

”If I hadn’t tried so hard, no matter how much I believe in the covenant I wouldn’t ended up this way.” I don’t think they’re incorrect, because from the beginning, that person didn’t believe in God’s covenant 100%.  If they had believed in God’s covenant 100%, then when they became a slave, what is there to struggle about? You just do what you can as a slave, while you hold to the covenant, believing God will fulfill it.  It’s the same when you go into prison and when you become the Prime Minister, there’s no reason to go up to the clouds, God is doing that to fulfill his covenant. That is the resulting difference between someone who has a covenantal faith and someone who doesn’t.

Most people I meet don’t have the covenantal faith. Because the law has gone into them, they have a faith that is based on their works.  So, when things don’t work out well, they get discouraged, thinking, “I’m not doing something well, so that’s why God is allowing this.” God is fulfilling this by your faith in the covenant.  The promise that God has given many generations ago through your ancestors is being fulfilled in his time schedule.  

They conquered the land of Canaan ,and Jesus Christ was born there. The covenant has still not been completed.  Through your seed, through Jesus Christ, all nations on earth will be blessed. Jesus Christ has come to earth and now we must make disciples of all nations. The covenant God gave to Abraham is continuously fulfilled. It’s not because we do something well, but God fulfills it according to His covenant.  God works according to the covenant of shining the light to the 237 nations.  It’s not that things aren’t working out because I’m lacking something, but God is allowing it to not work out because of the time schedule.  

Remnants must have the studies that influence the 237 nations. You do that because you believe God will fulfill His Word.  If you do not believe in God’s word, then you can just try your best and that’s it, that’s what unbelievers do. Unbelievers try their hardest and there’s a lot of believers and remnants who live like that as well.  If you actually believe God will actually fulfill His covenant, then you need to pray and receive skills according to the covenant.  The Temple Construction will also be one that fulfills God’s Covenant of 237 nations, that is how it’s fulfilled.  We have no strength, but God says he will fulfill his works. 

Businesspeople need to remain within this covenant so that when God gives you the answer, you will say, ”This is rightful for this to happen,” otherwise you will say, “Yes, God did it, but I also worked hard,” then that person can no longer be used because Satan will focus on attack this person.  On the day you rise up, on a wicked day, Satan attacks you.  Satan attacks you when finally you say, “I’ve done this, “they built a Tower of Babel and  that’s when Satan struck, that’s why it fell.  God uses the wicked angels to fulfill this work.  

We said this last week, too, but the remnants need to hold onto this covenantal faith when they study.  There are a lot of kids who study well. God gives His strength for you to study to the students that are holding onto the covenant to save the 237 nations.  There are so many people who are really good at studying, if you gather too 1% in Africa, America, and all these nations, but God is the one who has all knowledge  and God does this work who believe in his covenant. 

May the work you’re doing go into the covenant  that is able to influence all nations and the world.  “Oh, I just want to work hard and do my best so I can make a living,” that’s an unbeliever, that’s how I lived when I was an unbeliever.  If  a believer thinks that way, then that is greater than covenantal faith.  If you don’t  teach them this correctly they will never know, they just think it’s good if they try their best. Do you think that when they built their tower of Babel, they didn’t try their best and they were just playing? I hope you will hold to God’s covenant, the business and study that influences the 237 nations of the world for world evangelism. God says He will work according to His covenant.  

Mark 16, Jeurss Christ said to, “Proclaim the gospel to all people and heal them,” there are so many church members who are spiritually and mentally diseased in America.  During the coronavirus pandemic, the shootings seemed to get better, but now the pandemic is loosening up, the shootings start again and it breaks my heart to see all these crying for their kids.  From the perspective of the parents, these are simply fourth graders and they did nothing wrong. That is life. It’s not about whether you do good or bad, if you’re not understand original sin, then God cannot protect you and the evil devil will continue to do this work through people without a doubt. They need to quickly receive the gospel that sets them free from Sin and Satan.  If anything, the people who hold to the covenant are able to save that entire school.  Why? Because according to the word God have he will work according to his covenant and the people who hold to the covenant are needed. There are teachers all around the world, It doesn’t matter whether they are great or not, they have to have the covenant that is able to save their school, even the president there’s nothing that he can do. What about us in California? We are given the word of God so much but if we hold onto something else then we cannot block the disasters of the region. When God told Abraham that he will bring disaster to Sodom and Gomorrah he asked, “Are there 10 righteous people there?” There wasn’t even one, even if there was one righteous person, God would’ve  fulfilled his covenant there. 

If you raise your kids as missionaries and you’re not able to give them faith then you are pushing them into the disaster. So, these kids are bound to change depending on who is delivering the message. Do you think God only works on adults and he doesn’t work on the kids? He works on whomever has the covenant.  What would happen if there’s a child who holds onto God’s absolute covenant and they pray every day?  We must teach them how to pray and the disasters will disappear. It’s the same thing i your job, it’s the same thing in your region, the church officer who has this covenant.  

There are a lot of people who think they will just work hard and then buy a house, and no one is telling you not to do that.  But we need a person who is able to block the disasters of this region.  Because God said He would do it through the One who has the covenant, the covenant to save your region, the region where you’re able to find the 70 disciples.

 This must be inside of you as the covenant.  We are working for this reason and we are living in this region for that reason. Then what takes place? The works of God to save the region according to his covenant. Only that is the way to block the disasters of America. It doesn’t matter how many churches there are. 

God said it himself, “Why were the Israelites taken as captives to babylon?  Do you think God was bored and said, “Let’s see how you fare in war,” there’s no way to avoid the diaster without being in the covenant. If you ask God to give to soemthing physically, that’s what religions do, and you cannot save America with that kind of faith; if anything if you fail, that’s an answer. All you have to do is hold onto the covenant and rise up again. If you face death, then simply die, why? Because God is holding onto your life. So what are you so afraid of? It’s because something else has come into you, and you’re holding onto something else, so you’re afraid. They’re afraid of the Hebron people, they were so tremendous in the land of Canaan. 

 The Triune God that is within me will fulfill God’s covenant, and you overcome diseases with this.  The people who are healing diseased people must not have fake healing, then they would die.  Right now, this person’s mental problem, this person’s depression,” is not the issue.  This is a job for psychologists but that’s not how you heal them, that person must be spiritually and fundamentally saved.  That problem comes from the spiritual and fundamental problem.  Yes, psychology is one tool and they have healing in their heart but that’s not enough.  They need to receive fundamental healing, they must gain spiritual strength.  They must fundamentally receive the covenant. If that covenant doesn’t go into you, it seems like you’re receiving healing but something else will happen. 

God told us to go heal all nations, but there’s no condition, go and proclaim the gospel to all peoples, and then heal the sick.  They can only receive healing when the gospel goes into them, after they accept help them become properly rooted in the gospel and the covenant.  That is the fundamental healing. The person who can do this instead of unnecessary words from the side.  In other words, the person who can continue give him the spiritual antidote. That’s how they will heal. Same thing for physical diseases, if you get a physical disease and it’s cured with surgery what should we do then? There’s more people that are physically diseased. The normal people are not normal because they’re still diseased. If anything, being diseased is a blessing because through this you receive spiritual strength. But instead you keep on praying for the disease to go away. Why do you think God allowed it to begin with? You could just go find a shaman or fortune  teller, they can heal your disease. Do you think God let you be sick because he has no power? There’s a reason you have a disease.  It’s  because you have  lived your life completely spiritually separated from God by your own abilities, and God is showing you, “This is a result of your strength.”  

Last Friday, I heard of the ministry that one of our senior deaconesses did at the Good Samaritan hospital.  This patient was about 77 or 78 years old, and even the doctors were saying they had no hope.  In their everyday life, they didn’t want to hear the gospel, but in that critical moment the senior deaconess received a call from this patient and at first they are reluctant to go because they remembered the things they did in the past. The senior deaconess went there and gave the three roles of Jesus Christ and the prayer, and this patient continues to pray that prayer, and that’s why they’re healed.  

The doctors were shocked, “This is impossible, how could this happen?  That patient had a daughter and she says the senior deaconess gave her the prayer about Christ’s three roles, and they told her to read it and the doctors are so perplexed because this shouldn’t have gotten better. Right now, whether she feels better or not is not the issue.  Because Christ went into her she received spiritual strength. Once you receive spiritual strength, whether you get better or not, that’s up to God. 

Why do you think God made her better? It’s not  about whether she gets better, you must find God’s plan. Joseph becoming the prime minister isn’t the answer you must find God’s plan there. Whether God makes you better or not is not the issue because everyone is going to die eventually, anyway. When God raised up the paralyze, there was a miracle of God. That person saw and you need to give them the gospel. There’s a doctor who needs to receive the gospel in that hospital. And God creates this incident that many people will realize this gospel starting from the daughter and the doctors.  Among them, one of the doctors asked, “Who did this?” She asked the daughter to call him.  

Who was the doctor? It was Pastor Chang’s daughter.  I think God had a plan for this daughter, because she really didn’t believe it then she said, “Oh, this is really true.”  She worked so hard to become a doctor, and she tries everything she can physically and it wasn’t enough but God  worked. So what is this saying? Doctors are necesssary but no matter how much they try sometimes they cannot save people, you need to give them what’s fundamental and there’s nothing that can touch their fundamental parts except Jesus Christ.  That grandmother’s time schedule had come  and because it was her time where she was facing death, she really gave all of her strength and heart into this and that’s when the Holy Spirit worked. “If she gets better, does that mean she’ll live forever?” No, she’s going to die eventually. 

Are there any diseased people around you? That’s an opportunity for you to give them the spiritual and fundamental answer. 

Not everything is like this, among the diseased people, there  are people who have been prepared by God to receive this gospel, how great is it to give them the gospel. But if you know this gospel and you’re trying to go into the fields with it, it doesn’t really work. You’re not able to see because your faith is still physical. You need to have the spiritual faith in order to touch their spiritual part. And that is why honestly, making disciples and healing is the same thing, when they receive healing they become disciples naturally. And in John, raise the future generations.  Raise the future generations to the summit so they can receive healing and save the world.

Do you really believe in that covenant?  God will work according to His covenant.  My business and my livelihood must be within this. My life must be within this. If you remain outside of God’s covenant, then the only thing that will happen is that you will be taken captives to Babylon in your Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  But if you remain within God’s covenant, then it will be fulfilled according to the covenant rightfully. And you relay it to the next generations again, and rightfully, God has prepared a temple for us to continue this, why? Because the gospel movement must continue forever, and we need to build up the temple to save all 237 nations.

Right now in Mongolia, Emma is going to start a regional church.  I’m not someone who is very greedy for things that are right in front of me, so I thought there was no missionary in Mongolia, but as it turns out, there’s someone who interprets from Korea and they’re able to do the word movement there, so I said, “Open up a regional church.”  I told her to listen to the headquarters message, but she said she wants to listen to our church’s message, and I said, “Okay, you can do that.”  

Monica goes to our church and speaks Korean but is also very good at Mongolian so she is translating.  So, she translates the pulpit message into Mongolian and sends it to Emma, so they can have believers there that can have the regional church for world evangelism. Just because you’re good at Korean doesn’t mean you can automatically translate; God has to give you that heart.  Same thing for Senior Deaconess Song, when she goes to El Salvador and comes back, we have to connect them so they can continue to get the Sunday message with us in Spanish.

In order to fulfill God’s covenant, if you have spiritual strength, God will supply you with everything else, including the finances, people, and wisdom.  Imagine how many people like this will be necessary.  There are 237 nations and 5000 tribes in the world.  People who don’t believe in this will not believe it; people who do believe in this will see the answers in their faith.

We’ve shown this to you.  When the kids from Karen come, there will be someone who is ready to interpret.  These Karen kids are refugees from Myanmar, and there are many there.  This is just one refugee settlement, and of course, we have to relay God’s gospel to all nations, then God will work according to His covenant, and there are people who are prepared by God to do this.  This is not something you can persuade someone to do; those God has prepared will rise up, and you must go into that covenant.  

The church officers must go into this covenant in order for it to spread throughout the church. You don’t have to hold onto anything else.  Even if you hold onto anything else, it’s nothing you’re going to work your hardest to accomplish things but it’s the Tower of Babel. You’ve worked so hard to gather all your physical possessions but it’s actually the disaster of Genesis 6. You were so strong in your own thoughts but ultimately it’s the curse of Genesis 3.

Today, I hope you and I will become people who give all the glory to God when the answers come according to God’s covenant and our faith. 


Let us pray holding onto the words of the covenant we have received today. That prayer has no choice but to receive answers.  

Next week we are going to go on a mission camp to Navajo. It is a camp where one person can relay that covenant to one church in one region.  All the new students there are important as well, but what’s important is that once we return, there must be one person who can continue the covenant there.  We will pray for that, and so, Joel is incredibly important.  He’s in his 30s and he’s a pastor. He must continue to relay this work for the evangelism movement to take place even after we come back.  

Just like we’re doing the Way of Salvation during EM worship on Sunday, this message must become their own and do it very simply.  We must do it simply because otherwise they will do spiritual analysis and that’s not right.  So, when we go there, we’re just going to go verse by verse so they can get root down in cChrist; no need to make it complicated. It’s the same for you and I, we don’t need very many things; we just think we need many things because we don’t really believe.  Once you do believe, you’ll realize you don’t need manythings, but you are complete with one. If your foundation is knowledge, then you have to keep spreading your knowledge, then you keep doing more research.  However, if this word comes into you by the Holy Spirit, then this word will become deeper and newer every day.  

Let us pray for the missions camps, for the disciples and continuation to arise, and for the life movement to take place among the remnants.  Let us pray for the gospel movement to really take place on the Navajo reservation.  

In July, we will be going to El Salvador, and we have to pray especially for them, a lot.  I said this on Friday as well, but because the gangs are getting really upset at the police officers, the way for them to get back at the police force is to start killing the civilians.  There’s a house prepared there but there’s no bed; it is just water and electricity.  I received a phone call saying it will be dangerous if we stay in the house, so we should stay at the hotel. That’s the kind of region it is.  

I hope you will believe that, rightfully, God has sent His heavenly angels ahead of us to break down the forces of darkness.  If we don’t believe in the Word God has given to us, it’s impossible to go there because we’re so scared.  That’s why when we don’t hold onto the covenant, the Word of God cannot become ours, it is a word we simply hear.  You have to have a reason to fight in order for you to think about the heavenly armies and hosts, otherwise why would you meet in that environment?  So, the six states of the unbeliever and the seven blessings of a child of God aren’t just to be memorized, but they are to be used for world evangelization.  Let us pray for El Salvador and the Karen camps.  

In the Karen region, there are young adults there, and we are calling them to LA, and in order to do this, they must see how the church operates. As they experience and remain within the stream of the church and the worship and the training, that will naturally take palace as they head back.  If we’re not able to see that and we’re looking at the field as a discrete thing, so many people receive training but there’s a tremendous spiritual mystery in that. 

If you want to save the field, you must raise the church, but on the other hand, if you have a field without a church, that’s also a problem. The kids must be raised to see both sides, and that’s why we’re calling them to move to LA, otherwise why would they need to do that? They could participate online, but that’s’ not what it takes, and I hope this is how you will pray for the Karen missions.

During the summer, we also have the World Remnant conference taking place in Korea and here, we also have the children and youth summer retreat. The summer break is really a time to concentrate on raising the remnants.  Even that concentrated time is only 2-3 days.  That is why we dedicate every Saturday as the Remnant Unity Training Center, and we do that together as we go into the retreats.  We do this every single week, and once a month, we gather at Remnant Day. If we don’t do that every single week and then gather together, we can’t have continuation. Just as from Monday through Saturday, you hold onto the Word all the time and then worship on Sunday, so that’s the same thing, every day, every week, that’s the method for 24.  So let us pray together for the remnants, their retreats, and the Saturday evangelism schools.  


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, the multiethnic people, and the remnants, be upon all their studies and their work so they may go into the covenant of the 237 nations, raising them up to the summit and healing, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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