Power when I am One with the Triune God (Oneness) (Jn. 5:19-29)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Power when I am One with the Triune God (Oneness) (Jn. 5:19-29)

At this time, let us bless all of the members of the church who are worshiping together in this location, as well as the Yakima and Seattle Regional Church, and in Tecate, Mexico, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  The title of today’s message is, “Power when I am One with the Triune God (Oneness).”  Just like inside of the choir, rather than having one person, there is a louder or greater noise when everyone can sing together, with their different voices and harmonies.  Also, it is easy for us to break a single branch or stick, but if we have multiple sticks in a bundle, it is hard for us to break.  

1. Father and Son

  1) Meaning: One, Oneness

What is God’s principle?  He is a God of Oneness.  The people who can create oneness within a group very well will be used by God.  What is the work that the devil does?  He divides.  The devil prevents us from ever becoming united as one.  It doesn’t matter what anyone says, or what you say, if it is preventing oneness, that’s the work of the devil.  With your “correct words,” Satan takes away all strength. 

If there is power in your family, it means you are one.  If there is power in a nation, it means they are united as one.  Even when we are playing sports like soccer, we win when we have oneness with the group of eleven people.  This means that everyone knows their role, plays their part, and we are one.  This is the same thing inside of society as well as in the army.  Everyone has their role, and if your role can create harmony within the group, then it turns into power.  

That explains well the relationship between God the Father and Jesus Christ.  The scripture we just read today was a result of Jesus Christ Who healed someone on the Sabbath, and the Pharisee leaders questioned Jesus, “Why are you working on the Sabbath?”  What should you always be thinking about in your mind?  “Am I being one with God?” and, “Am I connecting others to be one with God?” That is the one who receives answers.  But there are people who do the opposite. If possible, they try to not become one with God.  For those people, first off, they have no answers.  If we are not one with the source of Life, that is, God, then we are bound to die.  

    (1) Whatever the Father does (Jn. 5:19)

    (2) The Son also does (Jn. 5:19)

In Jn. 5:19, Jesus gives them this answer, “Very truly, the Son can do nothing by Himself.”  He can only do what He sees His Father doing; what is the relationship between the Father and the Son in this scripture?  You may have a child to whom you’d like to give everything.  Your child is a passing-down of your genetics, and you give them your family name, and you also give them your inheritance or will; that means, they are your representative.  The human sense of parent-child is that the parent is above and the child is below.  But the Father and the Son the Bible talks about, they are One.  In the Bible, it does not mean that there needs to be a father and a mother in order to have a son; the relationship is that the Father and the Son are One; that’s why the Bible uses the term, “Father” and “Son.”

But Satan has twisted this in a very tricky way, saying, “Oh, we need God the Mother.”  Or Satan also says, “Oh, because Jesus is the Son, He must be weaker than God the Father,” those are the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and there are also strange groups of Catholics who believe, “It’s faster if we pray to the mother,” but all of these thoughts and religions are actually heresy because they don’t understand the relationship between the biblical Father and Son.  This means they will not receive the correct answers of God.  

    (3) Love – Shows his Son all he does (Jn. 5:20)

    (4) Show him even greater works (Jn. 5:20)

In today’s scripture, Jesus says that “The Son cannot do anything that He does not see His Father doing,” meaning, they do the same thing; they are One. It says, “Yes, He will show Him greater works than these,” this is talking about Jesus on the cross.  

  2) Oneness

    (1) The Father raises the dead (Jn. 5:21)

    (2) The Son gives life to whom he is pleased to give it (Jn. 5:21)

In Jn. 5:21, it says, “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, the Son gives life.”  The Jewish people that Jesus is talking to in this scripture, believed in God the Father, but they don’t acknowledge Jesus, and Jesus is telling them that, “That means you do not acknowledge God correctly.  Believing in Jesus is believing in God,” that’s what He’s saying. 

    (3) Entrusted all judgment to the Son (Jn. 5:22)

Jn. 5:22 says, “The Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son.” In the Old Testament, God judged and now God has entrusted that judgment to Jesus.  The Jewish people are criticizing Jesus without understanding who He is.  If you don’t understand who Jesus is, the problems of your past cannot be resolved, and if you don’t know Jesus Christ, then you cannot know your future.  If you do not know Jesus, then you cannot escape from the fear of your future. But, if you do know who Jesus is, you will receive freedom.  Businesspeople who know Jesus can see the future, but people who try to run their business without knowing Jesus, just from their own brain, cannot see the future.  Then, when they run into a problem, they fall into the problem.  This is the difference between humans and God.  We cannot become God, but if Jesus Christ lives within us, then Jesus can give us His Word regarding the Word He will fulfill.  

    (4) Honor the Son (Jn. 5:23)

Jn. 23, Jesus says, “That all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.  Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father,” what does this mean? The fact that the Jewish people are not honoring Jesus Christ in this scripture, means they are not honoring God the Father, then who exactly is this, “Father,” that the Jewish people were following?  Is He really God?  The Bible tells us in John 8:44, “You belong to your father, the devil.”  Even though they try to worship God so diligently, their father is actually the devil.  So, God’s Kingdom cannot be established there.  You need to know Christ well for the studies you are doing right now to be used well.  If you don’t know who Jesus is, then all the work you are doing right now has nothing to do with God. 

  3) Oneness

    (1) Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me (Jn. 5:24)

    (2) Eternal life, Judgment ×, Death → Life (Jn. 5:24)

Jn. 5:24, Jesus says, “Whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged, but has crossed over from death to life.”  Then, where must we listen well?  We must listen to the words of Jesus well, and the ones who have sent Jesus is God the Father.  Those who believe in this have eternal life.  

    (3) Granted the Son life, Gave authority to judge (Jn. 5:26-27)

Jn. 5:25, Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God (Jesus) and the ones who hear the voice of Jesus will live,” why is that? Because the Father has life in Himself and He has also placed life within the Son.  “Life” means coming to life.  If Jesus comes into us, then we are coming to life.  People who are suffering mentally will come to life.  If people are suffering from the scars and traumas of the past, when they receive Jesus, they come to life.  You cannot come to life with morals and ethics; no matter how correct or positive your thoughts are, you will not come to life.  No matter how much money you make and save up, no matter how much you glorify yourself, your life cannot be revived.  Forget about the problems of your past; you can’t even solve the problems of your present. You cannot buy freedom from the fear in your heart with money. 

People are trying to gain happiness through drugs, or they try to gain happiness with alcohol, or they try to gain happiness by having fun and traveling.  But for those who believe in Jesus, they will receive the happiness of Christ.  That is something that comes only to those who believe. Do you have true joy and peace? In order to have true joy and peace, you must become one with Jesus.  If I am not aligned with Jesus and I’m separated from Jesus, that is suffering. Because only Jesus can be my life.  For the people who receive that Jesus into them, people who are dead will come to life, and those who are diseased will be healed, why? Because Jesus is life.  When the words of Jesus come into us, we will come to life.  I’m a witness of that.  I lived as a nonbeliever, I accepted Jesus Christ and I believed in Him, and then I came to life. My entire life is a testimony as a witness, and everyone who knew me back then says one thing, because if we didn’t have this evidence, people would not believe.  

Instead of believing in Jesus Christ, we keep trying to fulfill our own desires.  Prayer is not praying to get whatever you want, Jesus told us to not pray for such things because the Lord will already take care of those things so just pray for the Lord’s will.  When you face a problem, don’t pray for the problem to be solved; pray for God’s Will.  If you are sick or diseased, don’t pray for the disease to be healed, but pray for God’s will to be done.  Who cares if the disease is healed, we’ll just get another one.  What’s important is that we seek God’s will.  God can change a problem into blessings if you simply discover God’s will in the midst of your problems.  In other words, when Jesus and I become one, that is power.  Jesus has overcome the world, and when I become one with Jesus, I too overcome the world. The world is so difficult, isn’t it?  Of course it is, we cannot overcome the world.  Only Jesus has overcome the world.  It’s so simple, so how can we overcome the world?  We must become one with Him.  So stop thinking so deeply; instead, think deeply about the words of Jesus, then that’s the way for me to become one with Jesus’ Word.  Instead of worrying so much, have a unified relationship with God, through the Word of Jesus Christ. 

In Jn. 5:27, “He has given him authority to judge because He is the Son of Man,” we pass.  I’m sure this would never happen and it shouldn’t happen, but imagine if you committed a crime, and you stand in front of the judge, and the judge is your father, and he just says, “Not guilty,” that shouldn’t happen but that’s what it’s like.  That’s what you call “Grace.” Because I believe in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is the Judge, He says we pass, not because of the work that we do; believing in Jesus Christ is the work. Even though you work so hard to build up your business and your life, why does it crumble?  Because of lack of faith in Jesus.  That means you don’t believe in the work that Jesus is trying to do through your job.  We all need to do the work of Jesus, but we don’t believe that, so we keep on trying to do our own work instead.  Then you will always discover your limitation. This means, God will force you to understand that you cannot live without Jesus.  

Why is it that I live my walk of faith but I’m always so poor and financially struggling? God can just give me all the money.  Why is it that He doesn’t give me money but He doesn’t not give me money either.  It’s so that you can understand Jesus correctly.  There is nothing else because you need to understand who Jesus is correctly, otherwise you’ll go down the wrong path, so He touches the point you think is most important.  So why does God always use your children ?  So that you can understand Jesus’ words regarding your children correctly, and give it to them. But instead, you keep giving your children your own will and your own plans.  Only when you give your children the Word of God and the will of God will they become powerful. 

    (4) Do what is good – Rise to live, Do what is evil – Rise to be condemned (Jn. 5:29)

In Jn. 5:29, Jesus says, “Those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.”  I hope you will stop just philosophizing by yourself and think deeply about Jesus’ Word instead.  The more you just sit and ponder by yourself, you’ll become depressed. One day, you’ll realize your heart is so empty, and the void cannot be filled, even with success.  Don’t start changing yourself tomorrow; start today. For those who believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is with you.  Instead of casting the Holy Spirit aside, I hope you’ll communicate with the Holy Spirit.  That is power.  When I become one with the Holy Spirit through prayer and communication, that becomes my power.  What do you think the devil will do? The devil will prevent you from becoming one. The devil will continue to give you all these unnecessary thoughts to prevent you from becoming one with God.  Even while you are sitting here, Satan makes you think about work, studies, or something else, so your heart cannot Because that person is lacking strength, they will suffer because they are tired or weak, so worship is actually a tremendous blessing, because this is the moment where God’s invisible power of life comes upon us.  

2. Jesus Christ

  1) Those who believe (Jn. 14:12)

    (1) Will do the work Jesus has been doing (Jn. 14:12)

If that is the relationship between Jesus and God, then what is our relationship with God?  Jn. 14;12 tells us the relationship between us and Jesus.  Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing; He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”  If you believe in Jesus, you will also do the works that Jesus did.  But you are interested in, “How can I work well?  How can I study well?”  But that is divided from God, and people like that will always face their limitations.  They are always bound to live bearing the heavy burdens of their stress. But if you believe in Jesus Christ, you will be interested in the work that Jesus does.  

    (2) Do even greater things than these (Jn. 14:12)

And, you will do even greater works than these, why? Because Jesus goes back to the Father God, to the throne, and when Jesus Christ goes to the throne of heaven, He will send us the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, that is how we will do even greater works. Jesus Christ was only able to discover the 12 apostles and the 500 laypeople, but wit the work of the Holy Spirit, it will be even greater.

    (3) Holy Spirit is with (Jn. 14:16-17)

  2) God’s spirit

    (1) Those who are led – God’s Son (Rom. 8:14)

Romans 8:14 says that those who are led by the Holy Spirit are the sons of God.  Just as Jesus Christ called the Father God “Father,” when we believe in Jesus Christ, we can also call God “Father.”

    (2) Spirit of sonship, cry Father (Rom. 8:15)

Because Romans 8:15 says, “We have received the spirit of adoption, as sons, by whom we cry out ‘Abba,’ Father.”  Jesus Christ is snot the adopted son; He is the direct Son; but we are not the direct sons, we are the adopted sons.  So the Bible tells us that Jesus is God’s first son.  Even though we are creations of God, we are able to call God, “Father.”  Inside of the word, “Father,” is the meaning that they will take care of everything you need, and that they will protect you from all things. Do you believe that?  If you believe He is your Father, why are you so worried about money? Why are you so worried about if the things you are doing are working or not?  Instead of worrying about those things, I hope you will concentrate on the works of Jesus instead.  Why? Because the Lord has promised that He will do these things through me.  I hope you will worry and think about the work of the Kingdom of God.  People keep asking me questions, “Should I move here or not? Should I take this job or that job? What should I do in the future?”  Jesus told us, don’t worry about things like that.  Instead, worry about whether you are aligned with God or not.  That is true wisdom.  Just as Jesus did the work of our Father, God, we, too, who believe in Jesus, can do the works of Jesus. I hope you will change what you are worried about. It doesn’t matter how much you worry about your kids because you’re not God; you will always worry. Instead, I hope you will worry and think about, “Am I aligned with God, am I one with God?”  

    (3) Spirit testifies that we are God’s children (Rom. 8:16)

Then, in Rom. 8:16, it says, “The Spirit bears witness that we are children of God.” 

    (4) Child – God’s heirs (Rom. 8:17)

Romans 8:17 says, “If children, then heirs,” we receive the inheritance of God’s Kingdom. When I say “Inheritance,” a lot of people think about money, but you will not receive answers until you stop thinking like that. Why do you keep on thinking about the things of earth?  God did not come to give you the things of earth; He came to give you the things of heaven. The things of the earth are something that nonbelievers should worry about.  But for you, “First seek His Kingdom and His righteousness,” for God’s Kingdom to be established in me.  That Kingdom has been established, so now worry about how to testify of His Kingdom. 

What is the work that I’m doing and how is it connected to the work of God’s Kingdom? That’s what we call, “Prayer.”  People pray so diligently, but it’s not aligned with God; then, that’s not really prayer, that’s just your greed.  But if you are really aligned with God, you will receive His power and wisdom.  Stop twisting God’s arm and trying to take it from God; instead, just follow God’s will.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived your walk of faith; if you understand Jesus incorrectly, it completely becomes a religion.

  3) Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:17)

    (1) Jesus in the Father (Jn. 14:20)

    (2) I am in Jesus (Jn. 14:20)

    (3) Jesus in me (Jn. 14:20)

In Jn. 14:20, Jesus says, “On that day, you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you,” we have this connection with the Triune God.  God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and I, we are one. When I become one with the Triune God, I receive power. It’s not that I earn or gain that power, I receive it.  Religion is about trying to earn with your actions, some kind of power or wisdom, but what is the gospel of life?  When you become one with the Lord, power is naturally revealed.  Throughout this week, rather than thinking about your worries, we should be wondering, “Am I aligned with God right now?”  When you face a problem, you must align yourself with God, isn’t that right? Because the fundamental things must take place; solving this problem or not is not the issue.  “Sin” is fundamentally not being aligned with the Triune God.  If you are not aligned with God, but the things you are doing are very clean, morally and ethically working out well, that is a curse because you’re separated from the fundamental blessing. 

3. Oneness with the Triune God 

Then now, how can I become one with the Triune God?  Even social leaders are leaders because they can create oneness within their group.  For the church, Christ is our head and we are parts of the body, and the one who is able to make this body become one will be used by God.  In order to do that, you need to know the work that Jesus did on the cross well. 

  1) Cross – It is finished (Jn. 19:30)

    (1) I remain in Jesus (Jn. 19:30)

He has finished everything on the cross for me.  You used to live as a slave to Satan, serving yourself as your own God, which is sin; that “you” is now gone.  Now, the Lord lives within me and my life is in a completely different flow.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to change your appearance or change your heart, you cannot change.  It doesn’t matter how much you try to redecorate your house; you cannot change. It doesn’t matter how many vacations you take, no matter how many days you rest, you cannot change.  What needs to change? My foundation and fundamental things must change.  

Everything is finished on the cross.  What exactly did He finish?  “I still have so many problems; why does the church keep telling me everything is finished?”  The ones who understand what this means are the ones who understand and believe the gospel.  But if you don’t understand what it means that everything is finished, I’m sorry to say, but even though you come to church, either you haven’t received salvation or even if you have received salvation, you don’t understand the gospel yet. If you become a child of God, you’re completely different now.  If my fundamental identity and status have changed, then everything should be different.  ”Why does this church keep telling me that everything is finished, when I still have so many problems?”  When you truly understand, that’s when your problems will truly be finished, but if you still don’t understand what this means, it means you are still your own lord. 

Have you ever seen a toddler worry?  No, even my daughter, she never worries.  Maybe she does worry about one thing, her future, because her father cannot take care of her future for her, but your future will only be resolved when you believe in Jesus Christ correctly.  If you truly believe in God, will your problem really be a problem?  If God is your Lord, and even though God is guiding your life, and if I lack strength, then God gives me strength and guides me forward?  Then, what exactly is the problem? The real problem is that I am not aligned with that God, and aligning yourself with that God is what we call, “Inheritance.”  If you don’t believe in that God fundamentally, but you try to repent about your actions, that’s just like nonbelievers who try to act better. Fundamentally, you have to realize, “I’m not aligned with God:”

    (2) If Jesus’ word remains in me (Jn. 15:7, Ps. 1:2)

    (3) Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you (Jn. 15:7)

In Jn. 15:7, Jesus says, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  You must remain in “Me,” Jesus.  Jesus has finished every problem on the cross and now He lives within me as my Lord.  You must remain within that. If you are your own Lord, you are not remaining in Jesus, you are remaining outside.  I don’t know if that person received salvation or not, it’s possible that even after receiving salvation, we live as our own lord with our own assertions.  But on the other hand, it’s possible that they haven’t received salvation either.  They are living as their own Lord because they don’t really believe in Jesus, then they have to do all of their worrying and thinking by themselves, and even though all of their words are correct, they are mentally collapsing.  “And if my words, Jesus’ words, remain in you,” when the words remain within our hearts.  If instead of the Word of Jesus, our heart is filled with our greed, then we go towards failure.  Instead of the Word of Jesus being in my heart, if my desires are in my heart, I will always be dragged by Satan.  Inside of Jesus’ will, success should naturally follow along, but if I’m always seeking success, then that is not Jesus’ words being in my heart.  

What does it mean for the Word of Jesus to be in my heart?  Psalm 1:1-2 says we meditate on the Word of God, day and night.  The Word of God you’re receiving with your brain, you meditate on it so that it goes down and remains in your heart. 

    (4) Fruits – Become a disciple (Jn. 15:8, Ps. 1:3, Gal. 5:22-23)

Then the ones who do this, Jn. 15:8 says, “They will bear much fruit and prove to be the disciples of Jesus.”  Psalm 1:3 also says that they will bear fruit in season and everything they do will prosper.  Prosperity in the Bible does not mean, “I get whatever I want.”  It means God’s Word is fulfilled, that’s true prosperity.  Why do we listen to messages and read the words of the bible, but it’s not really right.  It’s because you keep holding on to your own standards, “what I want, what I need,” you keep living your walk of faith and reading the Bible like that, so of course, the Word will not be aligned with you. 

Jesus is the Alpha and Omega; Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”  I hope you will stop worrying about your studies or what you will need to do in the future, but worry instead, “Am I one with Jesus?”  Stop worrying about how you are going to live in the future, but instead, start worrying and thinking about the Word of God.  Galatians 5:22-23 says that if we do this, then we will receive the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.  “Fix this, fix that, do this,” yes, we should listen to those words, but we will naturally have these fruits of the Spirit, why? Because the words of Jesus reside within us, and we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  I’m a witness of that.  Everyone who’s ever known me says the same thing, “Wow, God is alive,” and that’s what I think a normal Christian is.  If someone looks at you and thinks, “Wow, I don’t think God is alive,” then that’s an abnormal Christian.  

Even though I don’t have money, I have freedom regarding money.  I’m sure that even the president of Samsung cannot make that same claim.  Even the president cannot say the same thing.  And if I’ve received that line of blessings, that’s enough, because I believe, if I need something, God will work. There is no need for me to be a slave to money.  Why should I be a slave to my circumstances? Why should I be a slave to my diseases?  I must be a servant to Jesus.  If I’m a servant to Jesus, then I can do the work that Jesus does.  If we are a servant to Jesus, it actually results in really good works, like freedom, peace, and one day, you will no longer see problems.  You only see these things as problems because your spiritual state is somewhere else, and until you change that state, you will always have more problems to worry about.  Then, you’re going to think like this, “I’ve gone to church before; why is my life not changing?” Because fundamentally, you’re not aligned with God.  

  2) Word of resurrection (Mt. 28:18-20)

There are words Jesus gave to us after He died and resurrected.  When those words of Jesus remain in us, then we will bear fruit.  Those were the words of Jesus and I must become one.” What is prayer? Adjusting myself to be one with that Word.  What is the will of God?  You align yourself to that by asking Him questions.  “God, give me this, or do that,” what if that’s not aligned with God? Then, after you receive what you want, you’re still going to fall.  But people are forcing themselves to do 40 day fasts, demanding God to give them what they want, and God gives it to them, so they don’t die, and then they fall.  Do you really want to live your entire walk of faith like that and then give your children a faith that will cause them to collapse as well? You can just pray so simply, “God, what is Your plan?” and even today, as you’re listening to the message, don’t listen with your brain, but ask God, “What is the Word you are giving me?”  And I do the same thing, I don’t just talk about the scripture; I ask in prayer to God, “What is the Word you want to relay to me?”  Anyone can look up a passage and give a message about it.  

What’s important is asking God, “In this time schedule, in this field and situation, what is the Word God desires to give?”  And the time schedule of our church is that God desires for us to be one with the Triune God.  For people who are not able to be one with the Triune God, even if things work out well, it’s a bad thing because that’s just according to their thoughts.  When time passes like that, they will not be aligned with God, so that turns into the Tower of Babel.  That’s America today.  They keep talking about individualism, human rights, and freedom, but they make people lose hold of the freedom in Christ; instead, people are falling more and more into slavery, to money, and drugs.  Isn’t that what’s happening right now?  As people keep living like this, they are slaves to depression.  That is why if you are aligned with Christ, then you are bound to overcome.  Stop trying to fix, instead, ask if you are one with Christ.  Because if you are one with Christ, then you are bound to receive His wisdom and power.  That is why the Bible says, “All treasures of knowledge and wisdom are hidden within Jesus Christ.”  So I hope you will stop aligning yourself with your own thoughts; if you align yourself with Christ, all those things will be revealed.  

    (1) All nations – Disciplification

What does my work have to do with making disciples of all nations?  Jesus told us to baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, to establish them in the church. What does my job have to do with that?  What do all the people whom you know in your life have to do with this mission given from Jesus? It must be related.  When everything becomes one is when power is revealed. Who is the good businessperson?  If someone is aligned with God and God’s power is revealed through that person’s business, that is a good businessperson.  Who is a good student? If you are aligned with God, then you will receive the wisdom and power. the world does not have.  I hope you will stop trying to do your things well but instead be better at aligning yourself with God. 

    (2) Baptism – Churchification

    (3) Everything I have commanded you – Teach, obey – Reproduction 

Then Jesus said to establish those disciples in the church and “To teach and to obey everything I have commanded you,” They received the teachings of the apostles, meaning they received the teachings of Jesus Christ, then those people place those words inside of their heart and live their entire week with those words.  And as you do this work, Jesus promised, “I am with you with all authority in heaven and on earth.”  

Is He really the Christ?  If this is right with Christ, there is no need for you to worry about it.  God will make it happen.  There is so much culture of meditation and yoga, and all of that is actually becoming aligned with the devil and demon-possession.  You empty yourself and then you meet with this demonic spirit, and in Buddhism, they call that nirvana.  There is so much transcendental meditation in America; it’s essentially about emptying yourself.  I’m not talking about just a yoga studio, but I’m talking about yogis who practice.  People also meditate by saying they’re channeling the energy of the universe into “me.” That’s not the power of the universe, that’s evil spirits. When they are filled with evil spirits, of course they are filled with power.  

    (4) Authority over heaven and earth – Eternally with

For us, we do not empty ourselves, we need to let ourselves down; we need to put ourselves down because “I acknowledge that my things are nothing much,” and we fill ourselves with the Triune God. Filled with only the Holy Spirit who teaches us the words of Jesus and guides us.  “Should I do this or should I do that?” There’s no need to worry because the Holy Spirit teaches you.  But there’s only one condition–you need to let go of your own thoughts.  If all of you guys are listening to the Word of God, holding onto your own thoughts, then you’re only keeping the Word of God as a reference, but your thoughts are the remaining standard.  And you keep holding onto your own thoughts because you don’t know who it is you are believing.  What happens if your children become like that? If you keep holding onto your own thoughts, you have no choice but to be beaten up, because if you’re a parent and you see your child going down the wrong path, you need to beat them or discipline them to correct their path of destruction.  

  3) Only Holy Spirit

    (1) Power, Ends of the earth, Witness (Ac. 1:8)

May God, Who is my Father, may the Holy Spirit, Who is the Spirit of Christ, completely reign over me.  Then, you will receive power.  When I become one with the Holy Spirit, then power is revealed.  What does that mean? Does that mean I’m going to speak in tongues or something crazy? That might happen naturally, but what’s more important is that you are one with the Spirit of Christ.  In order to do that, they devoted themselves to prayer. Do you know what we do on Sundays? We pray, holding onto the Word we have received during the Sunday message, so that this Word can become our guide for the entire rest of the week.  

    (2) Only prayer (Ac. 1:14, 2:42)

    (3) 2-3 people gather in Jesus’s name – With (Mt. 18:19-20)

So, how can you run your business well?  Stop listening to the ways of the world, because even if you succeed like that, you will still be destroyed.  Instead, ask, “Am I the one who is working, aligned with God?”  Then, the power is bound to be revealed, and the fruits are bound to be raised.  And then we gather with two or three people who are aligned with God.  

I hope you will stop abusing the people who report to you, but instead, help them to be aligned with God. That is the work of God.  Stop groveling to the people who report to you, trying to get them to like you or giving them gifts; instead, make them aligned with God.  When two or three people gather in My name, there I will be with them. The people who understand this mystery must run their business, the people who understand this mystery must live in society.  If we don’t know this, then even though we receive grace and strength in the world, when we go out into the world, we ask, “Why is it so hard?”  If the work is so difficult, it’s because you lack the strength, but if you align yourself to God, you are bound to receive power.  The ones who know this are the ones who will lead the world, and may all of you become like that. May all of your children become like that.  

Why should we be slaves to money?  Why should we be slaves to the world? When our Father is God.  If I’m aligned with that God, we will overcome the world, and we will receive God’s wisdom.  So the Triune God is still with us with His Word, salvation, and power.  When His power completely fills me, and we are one, then all my problems with my past, present, and future will be resolved.  Then, my business or job will be used to heal or save the people of all nations of the world.  Just wait and see, the works that will save all nations of the world will keep taking place, and the professionals who align themselves to that work of God will keep receiving answers.  The students who align their academics to that will always come to life. 


1 Triune God – With us through the word, salvation, power

2. Filling of Holy Spirit – Life witness of my past, present, future

3. All nations, Healing, Future Generations Summit (Temple construction)

Message Prayer

Let us pray together holding onto the Word we have received.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You.  We have returned Your material as offering, aligned with you.  We pray that You will use this offering to save the church, the entire world, and the future generations.  We believe You will answer the hands that have given this offering aligned with you, with the blessing of the economy of light. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You. We pray You will bless Jonathan and allow his life to be aligned with the Triune God, according to Your Word. May You give him the wisdom and the power to save America and the entire world according to Your Word. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer

2. Florida camp (7/28-8/2)

3. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @Antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, filling, and working, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to become one with the Triune God to save the world, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen.

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