Search Results for “gospel”

Egypt – World (The Devil John 8:44)

We live in the world, but there were ten plagues in Egypt. If you’re not careful, you’ll hear lies from the world that say, “You won’t face disasters if you don’t do anything wrong.”  Satan moves the world with his authority and his lies, John 8:44.  10 gods – idols for yourselves Why were there…
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The Passover Lamb – Jesus Christ (John 19:1-16)

The Passover means that disasters have passed over you. But why do these disasters happen in the first place? I haven’t done anything wrong, so why are there disasters? What is the solution? Let us bless one another. Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God. May this be the time of God’s…
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In Problems, Hold onto only Christ Like Daniel and Give Thanks To God (Daniel 6:10)

Today we are hearing the word of God about Daniel. Daniel was taken as captive to Babylon at a young age. It was honestly because of the wrongdoings of the adults. And it can be a condition where many of your aspects may crumble. It’s because the nation had also crumbled.  The nation was destroyed…
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Jesus Reigns over His Church (Hebrews 10:23-25)

The title of today’s message is, “Jesus Reigns over His Church.”  What is the role of In Problems, Hold onto only Christ Like Daniel and Give Thanks To God  church?  Why do we need the church?  Why don’t we just give people salvation individually and then send them to heaven?  Why do we need the…
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The Law of Sin and Death, and the Law of the Spirit Who Gives Life (Romans 8:1-11)

We do not follow the law; we follow the Spirit.  I do not rely on myself, but I rely on the Word of God, then the righteousness of the law is fulfilled, and the Word is fulfilled exactly. You must be able to find God’s answer within the Word because God moves everything in the…
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Witnesses of the Resurrection (Luke 24:36-53)

All other religions talk about living good and diligent lives; however, the central ideology of Christianity is resurrection after death. When we become witnesses of that, it is the greatest thing. Let us bless one another, Happy Easter. Let the blessing of the resurrection be upon the individuals and families worshipping in the church, in…
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The Filling of the Holy Spirit to be Centered on Only God (1 Samuel 16:13)

The passage that we read today, 1 Samuel 16:13, is when the Prophet Samuel anointed King David with oil.  “And the spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David.”  In the Old Testament, the only people who were anointed with oil played one of three roles of Jesus Christ:  prophets, priests, and kings.  When David…
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Don’t Be Anxious – Let the Spirit Control Your Thoughts (Philippians 4:6-7)

Why are your thoughts and hearts diseased? Because you don’t give it to the Lord, so your hearts are diseased and depressed.  You can’t be victorious in life that way. You need to give your heart and thoughts to the Lord.  Rejoicing in God always is a command, finding the answer within the problem. But…
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