Search Results for “gospel”

True Healing from Spiritual Diseases (Matt. 8:17)

Those are the newsworthy events we hear every few months.  I went to Portland recently and met a white guy who used to be a pastor. I heard it through another pastor, that there were so many incidences that the police don’t even know about, including sexual assault and drug dealing. The news was confirmed…
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Arise and Shine (Isaiah 60:1-9)

Today we will share the grace of God with Isaiah 60.  Isaiah is the book of prophesy in the old testament. Any time the nation was going through a disaster, God  would send his word through a prophet. Whenever the people of God are in a crisis, God works strongly with His Word.  Isaiah was…
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How to Make Disciples of New Believers? (Romans 16:1-16)

The title of today’s word is how to make disciples of new believers. We can meet new believers according to God’s absolute meetings. But the important thing is am I growing and reviving answers as a nurture new believers? Before I nurture new believers it’s important that I receive answers. Those who do this can…
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Mystery of Saving the Superpower Nations of 237 is in Christ (Hebrews 2:7-9)

Thank you. It only feels like yesterday since I came but it has already been two weeks. I prayed before I came here and I do college ministry. I held onto the message of Pastor Ryu of gaining a disciple within the 5000 college field and I confirmed that word when I came here. I…
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Descendant of Abraham and David, Jesus Christ (Matthew 1:1-17)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented and never-repeated blessings and grace of God be upon all of you today. Starting from today, we’ll be going through the book of Matthew.  Up until last week, for a few months, we were going through the…
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The Incident of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-8)

Let’s confess together Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, the only answer and solution to all of our problems. Amen. We start the word with the title, “The Incident of the Tower of Babel.”  I want you to understand that more important than receiving answers is our spiritual state. Receiving answers…
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Understanding the Background of the Upper Room Field Evangelist (Romans 16:1-16)

Introduction Lifestyle – Field Economy – Business Kingdom – Authority of darkness  Jesus – Christ = All Problems X 1. 7 Blessings – Prayer (Anxious) Prayer is just enjoying the blessings given to you, and that’s God’s kingdom.  In the field, you’ll meet anxious people, meaning they are unable to experience God’s Kingdom. 2. 6…
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Life of the Evangelist – Nature

The life of the evangelist must become an answer. This answer doesn’t come to you just because you’re diligent, but when the word of the life o the evangelist is within you, it becomes an answer, and that’s what it means for evangelism to take place.    People think they have to diligently evangelize instead of…
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