Search Results for “gospel”

The Authority of the Son of Man (Dan. 7:13-14)

Who is the Son of Man? He has authority. Someone may not have physical power but they have authority.  But this power comes from authority.  The Son of Man has authority, He is the One Who has the tremendous background of being God, and with that authority, He has come to earth as a human.…
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The Path Following the Lord, the Path to Save Lives (Mt. 8:18-27)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  Throughout the week, God has given us His Word, the healing that takes place with the Lord.  The fact that the Lord is with us means that the Lord is the Lord of every aspect of our life, and the…
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Know and Set My Priority on the Spiritual Christ (Acts 2:46-47)

I hope the word of Acts 2:46-47 will  open your eyes to this important field.  The Early Church was in a very unfortunate situation according to the eyes of people.  But with these eyes, you cannot do the work the people of the world talk about. If you want to do works in the world,…
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Jesus’s Vision (Heb. 11:1-2)

Today’s scripture is Hebrews 11:1-2.  The title of today’s message is “Jesus’s Vision.”  Introduction – Dream This vision is different from a dream. If you listen to unbelievers, they say, “You need to have big dreams,” but the Lord didn’t give us a dream; He gave us a vision.  People who have dreams can fulfill…
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God’s Blessings within the Covenant (Deut. 28:1-14)

Today, we will share God’s grace with Deut. 28.  The content of Deut. 28 is divided between blessings and curses.  God talks to us about the blessings from Deut. 28:1-14.  Blessings are good things, and we can only live if we are blessed. But the issue is we need to correctly receive the Word of…
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The Lord and Christ to Heal Those Who Suffer (Heb. 1:2-3)

Those who say they have no diseases are those who are diseased because those people don’t believe in America, and they rely on themselves.  They think they are so great, to the point they have a mental illness.  Such people continuously think they don’t need the gospel. That is mental illness.  Before they accept the…
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Only Christ to Heal Diseases (Acts 4:12)

Have forum together, and if the Word properly enters you, you will change. You yourself cannot make yourself change, so it is only when the Word of God enters into you that your life will change.  That’s why we take away your phones so you can concentrate on the Word.  Afterwards, we’re going to have…
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Healing with the Lord (Matt. 8:1-17)

Let us bless one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  I hope that the work of healing where God is with us will take place today as well.  There are things that people can do, and there are things that people cannot do.  However, the beginning of all problems is…
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