Overcome Death and Believe that the Life of Jesus Christ is in You (Matt. 16:13-20)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Overcome Death and Believe that the Life of Jesus Christ is in You (Matt. 16:13-20)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Last week, we shared the Word from Matthew 13, we shared the Word about the kingdom of God.  Simply put, we shared the Word of God regarding heaven.  Matthew 6 told us what we must do at the very first. First, seek God’s Kingdom. This is the content of the Word with which Jesus trained His disciples, and the disciples are bound to follow His Word. They followed the Word exactly as the Lord gave to them.  He also said, “Do not look at the speck in the other person’s eye, but the plank in your own eye,” He was telling us what to do first.

In Matthew 5, what is a true blessing?  This means even though we follow Jesus Christ, we used to think the things of the world were blessings, and He taught us correctly regarding blessings.  If we do not reorganize our idea of blessings, then we are going to  follow the things we’ve heard of and learned in the world. In Matthew 4, Jesus said, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” 

We have come to Matthew 16 today.  The most central of everything we’ve heard until now is in Matthew 16. In order to follow Jesus, you have to know Who Christ is.  What is the blessing? Jesus Christ is the blessing and the Kingdom of God is the blessing.  What must we seek first? It is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Christ. If you criticize somebody else, they’re a sinner and you’re a sinner, so look at yourself first.

The most important thing of Matthew is  life and disciples.  Someone’s personality may be the same, but you must align your direction with what the Lord said. You received life.  Someone who receives life just lives, and if someone is irrelevant to their life, they live their lives meeting many people  irrelevant to life. There’s no need to put your life very deep into that.  You need to put your time, interest, and effort into the things God is interested in. There are disciples who will do the Life movement.  If someone will not do the life movement, they just receive the gospel and it’s done.  With that person, you can just have a basic relationship, but your whole interest must be placed on someone who will make disciples of all nations.

This isn’t about discriminating , it’s about where God’s interest is, because this disciples will do the life movement with others, and you’ll see this very soon as we do multi ethic missions, multi ethic people have a different  culture than we do, and it’s not that the region is close, it’s far away, and it’s not that we can take a plane there every day so unless somebody is an absolute disciple, you’re wasting your time. Your diligence does not break through, you must be interested iwhere Jesus is, the life movement and disciples, that’s God’s Word.  I need to follow God’s Word.  

We work so hard and live so hard, but if you’re not related to God’s interest,then it’s irrelevant. This is God’s word.  The most important thing that came before and afterward is,  “Who do you say that I am?” They are all following Christ right now, they pray in the name of Jesus Christ and say they are  Christians who believe in Jesus, but He asks them, “Who do you say that I am?” it means Jesus has to know them as well, if I know Jesus correctly,  Jesus knows me. If I do not know Jesus correctly, that’s the incorrect Jesus, and that means Jesus doesn’t know me.

Later on, He will say to many that He does not know them.  “I went to church and devoted so much!” That’s just your own devotion. “I gave so much offering, and I did so much for the evangelism movement,” that’s just your own diligence. “I don’t know you.”  Do you know Who Jesus is? You don’t, and if you don’t know Jesus, how does Jesus know you?  He says He doesn’t know you.

Who is Jesus, exactly? Some people look at Jesus and say He’s like Elijah, and it’s the same thing today. They think that believing in Jesus is believing in a mystical person like Elijah. What’s mysticism?  Jesus is mystical but they think they have to experience the mystical part of Jesus to be a Christian. Specifically they think they need to feel something physically with their body.  That might happen but if that’s the way you understand Jesus Christ entirely, you don’t know Jesus.  

Some people say Jesus is like John the Baptist.  Because Jesus Christ came to earth and talked about the Kingdom of God, they said He looked like John the Baptist. You have to see Jesus as the Christ; you must not see Him as John the Baptist.  John the Baptist was wandering around saying the Kingdom of heaven was near, and he was earring honey and wearing something made with goat hair criticizing King Herod as king,” and he was executed, Jesus christ came on earth and did things  that John the Baptist did, and He also did mystical works like Elijah did, but instead of seeing the main things of Jesus, they only saw the side things.  That’s why they believed in Jesus Christ thinking this was the essence of faith, but that’s not true.

If you’re always criticizing others, that’s not Jesus.  Yes, Jesus Christ did criticize the Pharisees, but was he always like that? No.  Some people say Jesus is like Jeremiah.  He’s a humanitarian person, always having the heart of tears for those who are unfortunate or poor.  Someone like Mother Theresa who could live with children in the mountains, she received so many awards. Jesus Christ came to earth and also lived with the poor and diseased. If we believe in Jesus Christ, we help those who are less fortunate and diseased, but that’s not the main essence.

However, some people think that is the sense of Jesus and think this is the standard of faith. Some people really hate seeing rich people. That’s how people do their social movements, too. They want to steal from the rich and give to the poor, thinking this is what Jesus did.  Or “one of the prophets,” the prophets are the ones who gave God’s Word.  Many prophets gave God’s word, so the fact that he’s always giving God’s word means he seems like a prophet. 

All religions have a Word, so they just think Jesus is starting one of these religions.  There are people back in the Bible as well as right now who go to church and call them Christians but  see Jesus in one of these ways, then Jesus says, “Who do you say that I am?”  If this is how people in the world see Jesus and follow Him, how do you see Jesus?

“Lord, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  When he said that, Jesus reacted, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah.” Jesus recognizes those who make the confession of Christ. You can only know Jesus Christ if you know Jesus and Jesus knows you. If you know Jesus on your own and He doesn’t know you, you don’t actually know Him.  If I know Jesus Christ in one of the four former mentioned ways, he doesn’t know me, then I should be blessed but I will not be.  

“For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.” This is not something you learn by being taught by humans, this isn’t something you learn  through education or Bible study, but through worship and Bible study, God reveals this to you. The spiritual things cannot be understood by the human brain. Even if you interpret, if you don’t pray, you can’t interpret. You can’t give a message by speaking well. God has to move you.  That’s why you have to pray.  This is not something I do consciously, moment by moment, I do it with the wisdom and the work of the  Holy Spirit.

“I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church.”  This rock doesn’t shake.  If our life is like a house built on sand, then it will fall when the winds blow and the sand moves.  But the one who is built on the rock of Jesus Christ has spiritual strength so they will not move.  Otherwise you’ll be moved more by your emotions, things like depression and bipolar disorder, because I cannot control my emotions.  The spiritual things have to be firmly filled with Jesus Christ, but if I cannot, I can’t control my emotions. 

“On this rock I will build My church.”  Who built this church? God raises the church but through whom? He raises the church through the ones who know and believe in Who Jesus Christ is.  Just because thousands of people in the world gather doesn’t mean the  church will be raised. Just because tens of thousands of very talented people gather doesn’t mean the church will be raised.  God raises the church though the one who knows and believes in who Jesus Christ is. 

The church isn’t built by skills, the church isn’t run by the talents in the world.  Then, does that mean everyone has to be uneducated and unskilled?  No, the standard is the one who knows and believes in Jesus Christ because raising the church means the body of Jesus Christ is being raised.  The way Paul did his evangelism movement and the life-saving movement was by connecting people to the church.  This church contains missions, evangelism, and everything.  

The gates of Hades will not overcome it, only at this point does the darkness flee. You have darkness in your family line, right?  The darkness inside of you and your family now, or the darkness within you but you’re unaware of it. Everyone else can see it inside of you but you’re not aware of it. When will that darkness flee?  When you believe and confess who Jesus Christ is.  Before that point, it will never leave.

Even when it flees, it will come back because family line problems repeat in a cycle.  There is an entanglement of two problems in your family line and problems in your region.  So the children of yours born in America will be entangled by the problems of America and this region’s culture because region by region, there are the gates of Hades. Every family line has the gates of Hades. These two things combine and follow each individual.  Success comes later.

You Have to first allow them to know and believe who Jesus Christ is. This is not something you can know by theory; you must confess this by the working of the holy spirit.  Only at that point will you be given the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  The keys to the kingdom of heaven means you enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven. You conquer this world with the things of heaven; you cannot conquer this world with the things of the world.

How will you do America evangelization? You do it with the things of heaven, through whom? Through the ones who know and believe in Who Christ is.  The one-time confession may shake once in a while, but as long as you make it surely, it will go forever but if you never really make this confession and know it from your brain then you’ll face a big problem.

When can you see?  We can see the signs of this when the darkness moves.  But the more people who know and enjoy the spiritual blessings, or the darkness works upon them, the more it is a benefit to them because everyone else falls but this individual does not. In fact, if anything, they enjoy the blessings of the throne with the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  

So, within Matthew 16, we realize that knowing, believing, and confessing Who Jesus Christ is, that’s the most important thing.  He made this confession in Matthew 16, but he shakes again in Matthew 17.  He doesn’t believe in only Christ; He believes he needs Moses and Elijah as well which is evidence he hasn’t come to the answer yet and thinks they need the law of Moses even though Christ has fulfilled the law.  Because he keeps dragging the law of the Old Testament and adding it to Christ, the demons don’t flee.  He thinks we have to receive the separate power of Elijah. Being filled and satisfied  with the Holy Spirit is the power.  Then you will receive power to do world evangelization.  The most important thing is, Who do you confess that Jesus is?  God will find  the one who makes the correct confession until the very end.

And then Jesus warns his disciples not to tell anyone he is the Christ because with the spiritual state they are in,  they should not relay this.  They haven’t even experienced Jesus Christ dying on the cross and resurrecting, so they should not relay this.  You have to be a witness that has experienced the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The witness who believes that Jesus Christ has finished all my problems on the cross delivers God’s Word.  The death on the cross is the death of “me” in Genesis 3.  Jesus’ resurrection is my resurrection.  He lives within me and I within Him.  He is my Master.  

In Matthew 17, Jesus Christ was not yet their Master. When does that happen? After the resurrection, so don’t tell anyone this yet.  Keep your mouth closed, don’t wander around blabbing because the devil will simply play with you, so don’t talk about this.  But the ones who make this confession must experience Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

We do make this confession by God’s grace, but look at this.  All the disciples run away when Jesus Christ is crucified because they’re afraid of death, and in that kind of state, you cannot relay the gospel.  Satan is threatening us with the authority of death, then how can you evangelize? You cannot.  If Satan says, “If you do this, your business will fail,” then you’ll be too afraid to move. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you will be at a loss, then how can you evangelize? You have to let go of your life.

What does it mean to let go of your life? I am dead on the cross, don’t just know this, but experience it.  “I have no hope in me.  This Is irrelevant to me”. That person will not shake when problems come because they’re dead, and only Jesus Christ lives within me. Someone must become like this in order to do the life movement in the right time schedule.  Try it a little bit, and if something is unfair to you, then the demon of unfairness will come into you, or if your pride is hurt the demon will fall into you. It’s not going to work because you’re alive.  I am dead, inside of me, only Christ lives.  He is the Master of my life.  In everything, I’m looking for His plan.

Is something unfair? What is God’s plan? Are you at a loss?  Am I at a loss?  Are you sad?  What is God’s plan?  That’s what I’m saying.  Not me, but Christ within me.  Otherwise the devil knows you so well. Satan knows so well where to touch you so that you’ll get offended and leave.  The demon of unfairness and jealousy will come into you so that you cannot follow Jesus. So, wait for now until you experience Jesus’ death and resurrection.

What happens to such people?  From that point on the power goes into them, because I am dead and Christ lives within me, the power of Christ comes upon me, filling me, why? Because I must testify of the gospel until the ends of the earth.  Jesus called the ones who have experienced Jesus’ resurrection He call separately to the Mount of Olives. He gives them the mission of the kingdom of God and the method is only by the Holy Spirit. You cannot do this with your own strength, but only when the power of the holy spirit comes upon you. If you don’t know prayer, you don’t know anything. If you don’t know the mission of the Kingdom Of God, you don’t know prayer. In order for you to know the mission of the kingdom of God you need to experience death and resurrection of Christ, otherwise you’ll run away when something is a disadvantage to you.

Look at Peter, even after all the disciples ran away, he waited until the very end when Jesus christ received the sentence, he ran away because he thought he would get the same sentence, why?  Hebrews 2:14 says, the one who has power over death is the devil. Only Christ overcomes the devil and only when Christ is my master do I overcome the fear of death in me. Everybody had a fear of death and the devil knows this well. The devil will give the threat of death so you cannot do the evangelism movement.

He gives you this through COVID.  No one wants to die, so that’s why he’s saying, Don’t evangelize.  Either way, the one who overcomes this. You must experience this, this is what it means to die on the cross. It’s not that Jesus died for my sins, I died, too. There’s no gospel that says, “Only the sin died, I’m still alive,” that is an incorrect understanding of jesus. When Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, I was crucified with him. The me that was separated from God in sin is dead, and not only did Christresurrect but I was unified in his resurrection. 

As evidence, Jesus Christ lives within me. The One Who has resurrected is united with  me, and now Christ lives within me.  Now, we live by faith.  This faith.  We receive faith by hearing God’s Word, and that’s why we keep listening to the Word. The correct Word.  Not the Word the devil gives you, The stream of Jesus Christ is accurate, and even the way the disciples are raised is by following this stream.

If you don’t have only Christ, then wait until you make the proper confession. You can only confess by God’s grace.  That’s still not enough because in Matthew 17, He is still not your Master. You have to experience death on the cross; you have to say, “It’s okay if I die,” because the One Who holds life and death is my Master, Jesus Christ. We have transcended death.  So when death comes near us, we’re not trembling in fear, but we praise, “Hallelujah,” because we’re the ones who transcend death. 

But there are some people who tremble in fear when they get a disease because they don’t wanna die. They haven’t experienced Christ yet. You do healing ministry to help them experience this Christ. Until then we will always be interested in our disease. Why are we interested in this problem when Christ has already finished it?

We’ve already transcended death. Even if we die, it’s not death.  When you look at the people who die, they actually look better than in their everyday life. They’re praising and the angels come to them, but the people who are destined for hell are dragged by the devil,and because they know this spiritually they’re freaking out.  The spirit knows, tnad the devil drags them into hell. We’re the ones who transcend death.  

There are many times we face death in this world, then we grow afraid but we have overcome death.  Life is within me.  Life means we overcome death.  We keep saying, “life, life,” and we don’t know what that means, but life is irrelevant to death.  Why are you afraid of getting falsely accused or, because you’re afraid of death, you’re afraid of what’s going to happen to your life because of that problem. It’s because you haven’t experienced the cross yet.

There’s a difference between knowing the cross and experiencing the cross. Only once you’ve experienced the cross can you confess Christ.  Until that point, no matter how much you try to talk about Christ, your lips will not part, because you’re too afraid to die. During the two years of COVID, God raised up the disciples and did the evangelism movement. Because whenever we face an environment or threat of death, the more the disciples reveal the works of Christ, otherwise they’re afraid of death and will run away. 

Later on, maybe God will bring them back but for now they run away. They’re too afraid to die, they’re too afraid that their business will fail.  They’re always concerned about whether their kid will fail or not.  I hope you will experience this, the resurrection and life.  Only then will the mission of God’s Kingdom come to me in God’s time schedule.  

What is God’s Kingdom? It is where Christ Is established, where Christ reigns.  That’s Matthew 12:28, “But if it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you,” the holy spirit upon you means that the spirit of Christ is upon you,  then all the demons of this world will flee. That’s why the Kingdom of God is established, and it is established in me, only by the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ completely seizing and controlling me.  

He should not only reign over 50% of me, He needs to seize and control. It cannot be 50% me and 50% Jesus Christ; the holy spirit must seize me completely, but there are people who are too afraid of that.  They’re too afraid something will go wrong.  When we say, “You must be filled with the spirit of Christ every single day,” there are some people who don’t like that, that is the greatest blessing but they don’t want that blessing.  Asking the spirit of Christ to control my thoughts, emotions, mind and body that is the filling of the holy spirit.  

When is that possible?  The one who experiences the cross.  That person can do this.  That is why it took ten days of the Holy Spirit to come to Mark’s Upper Room.  The way for the kingdom of God to be established is only by the spirit of Christ.  The one who is seated at the throne of God, being established in my life.  Being actually present in my thoughts, spirit, mind, and body. That’s what it means for the Kingdom of God to be established and for demons to flee. 

What is another way the Kingdom of God is established for the working of the holy spirit to be upon all the people related to me, then what happens? The demons flee and the Kingdom of God is established, then the angels of God will work ahead of you because this is the territory of God’s kingdom, of course His heavenly military will be stationed. The demons are holding onto this region, but whenever you pray, God’s Kingdom works there.  That is the prayer transcending time and space.  

You have to know this prayer for world evangelization to be possible.  The Three Organizations are doing the Qi movement.  I was listening to the ministry in South America, and a pastor’s child was entrusted to someone, and this child’s mother put a demon into her own child, because  this mother was also a shaman or witchdoctor. Because the child was demon possessed, the pastor took care of the child.  This is not talking about some far off land, this is something happening in our lives, realistically.

Do you think things like this don’t happen in America? The demons hold onto us in a different way, so that’s why everyone is being deceived. Do you think the deons only exist in Latin America and not in NorthNorth AmericaAmerica? He’s blinding your eyes and seizing people in different ways. What’s the evidence of this?  Mental illnesses are on the rise.  Even a few days ago there was a shooting where dozens of people died in Sacramento. There was a shooting and about 14 people died. And there was another one in Dallas, Texas. 

Do you think there’s a difference between that and the Latin American mother that put a demon into her child? People don’t murder for not reason, you have to be demon possessed to kill somebody like that. I couldn’t even shoot an animal. When I was in the military I tried to kill a deer to eat the meat but when I shot it ran away. Right when I was going to shoot it, it made eye contact with me. I couldn’t shoot it.

But you kill another person? You kill dozens of people?  South and North America are the same.  Do you think that we are just playing at a higher class level? If they’re afflicted and seized by the demons, it’s the same.  Do you think mental illnesses are arising for no reason? It is the work of demons. Is there a difference between North and South America?  It’s simply that he works in a slightly different image , but the works are the same. 

Here, it’s more scientific, and medical,  it’s become academic and the hospitals are using this to heal people. Satan makes it seem beneficial to people to seize them, that’s America, and that’s how they make money. They steal all their money.  Music, movies, art, writings, it’s all the same.  No matter how hard people try, our IQ cannot be over 200.  Human wisdom has a limit.  In order for someone to transcend the creativity and inspiration of normal people, they have to receive spiritual help.  The one who receives spiritual power controls the world, they control it with the money made by their business, but people think they just made a lot of money.

When they look at demon possessed people in South America, they say it is demons but when they come to North America they don’t realize that these, too, are demons. Of course Satan wouldn’t make it easy to distinguish, it’s simply that our spiritual eyes open because God reveals it to us through His Word. You must experience Christ.  If your pride is hurt, you haven’t experienced him yet.  If you feel offended, it’s possible you might, but you haven’t experienced Christ yet.  Maybe you’ll be fine within the church, but when you are on the outside you’ll be a mouse, when you go out into the world, you’ll be a mouse, hunted by cats.  In the church, people take it easy on you, but in the world, Satan doesn’t take it easy on you, he’ll kill you with your  pride.

I’m dead on the cross with Christ and Christ lives within me. I no longer exist; only Christ remains. Make it so that you can experience this.  Then the mission of God’s Kingdom, only by the Holy Spirit. From that point on you can pray.  Before that point, even when Jesus told His disciples to pray, they kept falling asleep and it doesn’t matter how much people tell you to come to Early Morning prayer we cannot go and cannot pray, it’s impossible for us to pray.  Maybe we can just pray in thanksgiving before we eat because we haven’t experienced the cross.

How can we pray if we have not received the mission that will really give us answers to prayer? There’s’ only one prayer topic, “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” why must the Holy Spirit come upon us? That’s how the Kingdom of God is established. When you’ve received the mission of God’s Kingdom, you pray for that, only Gods’ Kingdom for world evangelization.  The church is the kingdom of God, and we’re spreading the Kingdom of God.

If you know this then your prayers become simple. The Holy Spirit filling me, and only the work of the Holy Spirit.  Then the working of the Holy Spirit will take place in the kingdom of the world, kingdom of Satan.  That’s how the demons flee. When the demons flee, the life movement takes place. This is the blessing and mission God gave us.  The church must only do this. If the church does anything else, that’s not a church, the members of the church must  only do this. Then does that mean we should quit our job, no it means you run your job for this purpose. 

If you have the correct main thing, the side things will follow.  If you don’t have the correct main thing yet, you suffer.  Because you haven’t yet experienced the cross, your heart shakes as your business fails. There are business people who say, “if I fail, I fail; I will follow Christ,” because every problem is an opportunity for an answer, because I’m not alive, but Christ lives within me.  That’s how our walk of faith changes with the time schedule.

Where are you and I?  The standard isn’t how long you’ve believed but where you are in the time schedule.  Once you’ve confirmed your current time schedule, I hope you will enjoy your next time schedule through prayer in faith. Just because someone is a pastor doesn’t mean they can expedite the time schedule, but they will go according to God’s works. From the beginning until the end, God has already laid it out for us, that’s how you can look at someone and be able to help them because you see their beginning until the end.

If you don’t see them from the beginning to the end, you won’t know how to help them.  God is not a vague God, we are bound to follow according to the accurate flow of God’s Word.  Once time passes, those eyes will open.  So I hope you’ll know your time schedule and know what time schedule is coming next. That’s what it means to be in the flow of this time schedule.  There are some people who cannot even confess Christ.  It’s possible that some people believe in jesus like John the Baptist that their faith is criticizing others, but we have the blessing of teaching and correcting those people to be in Christ.

Some people are still their own master when they face problems. We need to help those people change their master.  Then we help them experience the cross. As far as you’ve gone, you’re bound to see, then you’ll see the other person. According to where you are in the time schedule is how much you can help others.  This is how God is guiding our disciple movement and the evangelism movement.  

I believe God has prepared this for us as well and is guiding us.  “I received this grace and that grace,” yes that’s important but that’s not the point of God’s word; that’s still your standard, that’s your standard of what you like to hear.  Are you within and do you know the stream of God’s Word?  That’s the true grace, but if you don’t know the stream of the Word and say you have grace, we really have to question your idea of grace. You say God gave you an answer to your problem,and that’s grace? What if He doesn’t give you an answer?  Do you think that God is giving you an answer to your specific problem, that’s grace? The real grace is the problem not being a problem at all.

When everyone says the word “Grace,” they use it so differently.  “Today was so moving, I received so much grace,” but they don’t know the stream of God’ sWord at all, and when they go out into the world, their emotions and the grace they felt disappears.  The true grace is knowing and being within the stream of God’s Word. It’s impossible for you to  know that without God’s grace, and that’s why you should forum. 

After you receive the Word of God, you may be under a misconception, understanding things like John the Baptist. You have to forum with others to realize you’re incorrect.  If you do not forum, then it’s possible you understand Jesus as Elijah but you don’t realize that in yourself, and that’s’ why the church is so important.  If some people are embarrassed to forum, they’re afraid to expose themselves, but of course you should expose yourself, we only understand to the extent God has given us grace, that’s why we protect one another to grow. 

Worship is important but the gathering of people after worship is also important.  When two or more people gather in my name, God says “I will be with them.”  So, do not end the grace with just worship but after worship when you are having your meal, gather 2-3 people and forum naturally.  There are some people who forum and say unnecessary things like politics and war and other things.  There’s no need to wait; first and foremost, you just grab your food and talk about the  grace you have received.  Speaking of this first is the way to break down Satan, because when I talk about God’s grace and someone else brings up politics, they’re the weird one. If I talk about God’s grace first, we’ll talk about God’s grace, then the people around us will gather  too.  

Those are the people who will save and raise the environment in the church. It doesn’t take any money, these are the ones who save the church . It doesn’t take  any effort at home. I do it in the car.  Now My daughter has gotten into the habit of posting her forum on our family Kakao group because she doesn’t want to say it out loud.  Because I always make us go in a rotation  “first, your mom, then you and then I then we pray,” she just sends it first in the kakaotalk group chat so she doesn’t have to say it in person.  In the past, when she didn’t listen to me, I made her do push ups, but I don’t think that’s good, either. Now I want her to restore worship.  I say, “Is that the case? Okay, then let’s do family worship , and we gather together,” she starts pouting and if I tell her a message through God’s Word instead.  In the past, I used to make her do pushups and I thought it was right for her  spiritual health to worship.

If we just nag, it scars the kids, but if we worship, we’re standing before God. Either way, take the word you’ve received from the church and share it with others, and as you proclaim the Word, the Holy Spirit works.  Even when you go to your job, when you proclaim the word the Holy Spirit works. If they don’t wanna hear it, don’t proclaim it through your prayers.  Then the Holy Spirit works then, too, or if the person is facing a problem, you can say your own testimony to proclaim the name of Christ. That’s how you conquer the environment in your family and  job.  There’s no other way to change the stream of darkness other than through the words of Jesus Christ and prayer.

I’ve said it to you this much so I hope you will try it at home. May you have this blessing.  Today we received the Word, you can see I am at this time schedule, hold onto the next time schedule, and if you hold onto that prayer topic, you will receive answers, so if you know the Word of God, you are bound to receive  answers.


Let us pray with the Word God gave.

Second prayer topic, let’s pray for the children’s evangelism school tomorrow.  In order to save the remnants, we need to have a team that is able to teach and pray.  So, we hope you will make the time to come and pray and join together. As much as you do this, the children who grow up after you will do the same.  But if you say, “I’m sure somebody else will do it,” your kids will do the same as well.  All you have to know is that the path you walk is exactly the path the next generation will walk.  

If you say, “I’m sure someone other than myself will do it,” that’s the life of a side character. If Christ is with me, then I’m the standard, and if I take the correct step, then the next generation is bound to follow. That is the person who will receive answers first.  Let us pray for tomorrow’s evangelism schools, let us pray for the Sunday message.

Our third prayer topic, let us pray especially for the young adults because once they get married, they’ll have a family and by that point, it’s too late.  Once you have a child and you’re raising that child, you’re bound to spiritually decline. Until that point, you must prepare spiritually.  So, especially the ones who are within the church and the ones who are outside the church and those out of state, they need concentrated prayer and if they are far away from the church, no matter how strong they are, they’re bound to lose grace. There may be some who are not, but most people don’t.  That’s why the church is so important because when I’m feeling low, then someone else can help me up but if you’re way out there by yourself, no one can raise you up. It turns out there are some remnants who are thriving well outside in other states, but even still we must pray for them.  Let us pray for the young adults and those out of state.

Our final prayer topic will be for the missions fields.  Especially for our mission trip on July 11-16, we have decided to go to El Salvador because their hearts are prepared and the way to go there is clear. We’ve just been communicating through the phone on zoom, there are a few people gathered there looking through this tiny phone.  Of course, Elvia, the disciple, receives the Word of God every day and relays the Word to the people there.  

This is a region where the proper gospel has never gone in, and it’s a land where shamanism and the works of the devil have seized, and it’s a land that is completely seized by Catholicism; it’s completely the works of the devil.  If someone is spiritually weak and they go to a region like that, it will be spiritually hard because they’ll be influenced by it. So I’m giving you a heads up right now, so that only the selected people can go. It shouldn’t be everybody going there at once but the ones who are to set the system, they must go.  I think the main focus is to set up a worship system so they can continue.

Our interpreter Senior Deaconess Song is going too, and I have to go, and I’ll keep on listening to their state there, and decide whether they need to do evangelism camp or not, and if so, gather the people for that and then we also have to decipher the situation for the children and set the proper people for that.  When we get to the airport, it’s a 3-hour car ride to get to them, and there’s another hour after that.  So there’s a lot of different factors, so we must adjust ourselves properly through prayer.  

I told her, “Don’t only have the region where you live in your heart, but the entire nation of El Salvador, or all of South America. You may live in a small village but God has big plans,” so it will change depending on what you put into them.  It has great meaning because this door was opened through the church. This year’s missions’ trip will not be Mexico, it is decided to be El Salvador. Let us pray now for the mission’s fields.

I announced this during the early morning prayer, but there’s a plan to build a building in the church parking lot, and i realized I used to be concerned when I heard news like this, but now God is giving me the faith to realize God has prepared something for our church and now I’m excited for it.  Then, we have no choice but to pray about how God will guide us in His plan.  Then, those who are within the covenant will make the covenantal devotions. Even that is God’s work, and we have no choice but to look after the church God will raise. Let us pray to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  This is a very great blessing for the economy of light to be established. It’s not about squeezing our own money; this is the work of the Lord.  

The Lord is the One Who gives and takes away.  I hope you will know this and let go of your material things.  The more you hold onto the material things, shaking and trembling, the more you will suffer. This is not telling you to give a lot; you just have to follow God’s grace because according to God’s grace you give and God will do that, and God will give you all these things as well.  God has already prepared the economy of light for world evangelism and will guide us accordingly. So right now, I have a lot of excitement and hope.  It’s fascinating because the situation may be the same, but depending on how deeply we are rooted in the Word, the person’s reactions change in the Word. Let us pray for Temple Construction.


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God, who desire to do the correct evangelism movement, following the stream of God’s Word, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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