“Only” to Save Myself, the Church, and the Field (Acts 2:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

“Only” to Save Myself, the Church, and the Field (Acts 2:1-4)

This scripture passage is the first lecture of next year’s New Year’s Eve message, and God’s power comes upon us according to His time schedule. This is a Word that applies to everybody. The second message will be from Acts 27, which is, standing before Caesar in Rome, it’s talking about world evangelization.  But we need to receive answers. 

When do these answers come?  God gives us the answers according to God’s time schedule, then what do we call an “answer”?  Whatever God has promised to us, coming to us, is an answer.  Whatever you’re thinking of as an answer is not an answer; that is something unbelievers and religious people talk about.  God gives us His answer according to His promise and His time schedule. That is why we hold onto His promise, pray, and wait. Then, we must wait, holding onto what absolutely must be fulfilled.

If you don’t know whether something will be fulfilled or not, then waiting isn’t the issue. If something will absolutely be fulfilled, it will come eventually.  That was the work of the Holy Spirit that took place on the day of Pentecost in Mark’s upper room.  Because this was the working of the holy spirit, the Word of God came to life, and the sermon that Peter gave was the Word he relayed about the Word being fulfilled. Nobody told all these business people to come but the Spirit of God led them there, so that’s how the culture of the region began to change.

In order to receive these answers, I must change.  You need to know who you are accurately in order to see God’s answers.  Simply put, I can never receive answers.  Isn’t that right?  God has to give them to us, then to whom does God give answers? God gives answers to those who hold onto His promise, then am I someone holding onto God’s promise or not? If not, why not? It’s because there’s something else I’m holding onto inside.

I’m holding onto Gen. 3, 6, 11 exactly.  I’m in the position of God in my heart, so if things don’t go the way I want, I get angry. I live with the physical, visible things. If something is physically beneficial to me, I’ll work for it; otherwise I won’t. If something is of benefit to me, I’ll do it; if it is a disadvantage to me, I won’t do it. If you live like that, you’ll never be able to receive God’s answers; that’s evidence you haven’t held to God’s covenant, because God’s covenant isn’t my thoughts. 

Holding to the covenant means you are not calculating what is to your loss or advantage.  As evidence of that, when people gathered in Mark’s upper room, they were called heretics, and there was no calculation to what is God’s  benefit and the future success.  We are bound to receive these answers for the next year, so who are the ones to receive this answer?  The one who changes the thing called, “Me,” we change this to Christ.  These are not just words, Christ must actually be the greatest knowledge within me.  Not just the words, “the greatest knowledge,” but this must actually become the greatest value within me, then you must be able to explain the reason why to other people. That’s what you call your testimony but that’s also what it means to explain the gospel.

Your success will not heal your spiritual problem.  Success cannot heal the problems of your family line.  But if you think success can solve your problems, it means you’re seized by Gen. 11.  If you think money is everything, you’re seized by Gen. 6. If you think you’re never going to fail, you’re seized by Gen. 3, and that is what we must change. If you want to change it, you need to know the reason why you must change it.

You must realize the problem with mankind is spiritual. What is the spiritual problem? The fact that we have been seized by Satan, sin, and hell, we have been set free by Christ, but because I lose hold of the covenant, I fall in again. And even though I don’t fall into its authority, I’m still being influenced by that background. Knowing that, hold onto only Christ.  If you don’t know the spiritual problem, then you’re just holding onto the words, “only Christ,” which sound great, but you’re just imitating it,  that’s the state that is seized by darkness. And like that you won’t receive the answers of Acts 2.  

We’ve read through Matthew 5-7 and it’s a very important content.  It means that being seized by the law, you cannot receive answers. You cannot hold onto the thing called “you.” It is not this. That is how you will save your family and your family line. If it is not only Christ, you will be seized by the spiritual problem in your family and your family line. That’s what I said in Washington during the retreat. What other words should I say?  

There were about 130 people gathered from 3 different churches, and I heard it was mostly middle schoolers and high schoolers and I thought it was a really big problem. I thought the word was going to be for young adults, and I started to wonder if this kind of message can really go into these kids.  The adults came but they also brought their elementary students.  From the perspective of a messenger, this is a huge burden.  If I can go there and say whatever, it could be whatever, but I really need to relay “only.”  

These leaders gathered together for one month and prayed for this retreat.  The word I heard every pastor, leader, and church officer say is, “Pastor, you gave us the Word we absolutely needed.”  And I told them, “but in the future, call somebody who speaks English.”  This time, I didn’t want to go but I was forced to go, “But I’m not fit for the whole world, so do not call me.  My territory is only the region, so don’t call me. Only send those who like that thing, don’t call me.”  In one sense, it might seem arrogant; if someone calls me, I should go, regardless of whether I think I’m worthy of the world or a region. People may think I was arrogant about picking and choosing what field to go to, but I was speaking from humility.  But I could tell their reaction. The pastors ate together and I could tell what they were thinking.  I realized they were not receiving the spiritual message on a regular basis. Even little children can understand the spiritual message. It’s only difficult because you try to explain it with knowledge, but spiritual things can be understood by little children.  

One thing I experienced is that, for spiritual messages, the level doesn’t matter. There was even a four year old child who understood, do you know how I know? The Holy Spirit worked, he doesn’t understand by knowledge, because the HOly Spirit teaches you and reminds you of the Word of Christ.  The Word of God needs to come to life but how does it do that? It’s all in the Bible.  How do we save the Spirit and Life?  Jesus Christ said, “If you listen to my word,” nothing else can save your spirit.  Only the words of the gospel can revive your spirit and life.  It doesn’t matter if you’ve lived your walk of faith for decades.That’s what I said during the first message.

Even though the kids were dozing off, they became awake and alert with the life of Jesus.  I said, “Because you cannot understand, the Holy Spirit Has to reveal it to you, so at this time, pray,” and that’s easy.  If we have to understand with our brain, it would be hard for stupid kids, but it’s easy because it’s the Holy Spirit, and the kids wondered, “What is worship?” but Jesus told us to worship in Spirit and in Truth, that’s why we concentrate in worship, because when the Holy Spirit works, He reveals to us the Word of Truth.

Second message, save the church.  The third message, save the field. These are the messages I gave.  Either way, I relayed the Word God needed.  The 1.5 generation pastor said, “Pastor, we can’t do this yet.”  What that means is that the spiritual messages are not going out.  They’re mimicking it, but they’re not able to actually do it.  You need to actually know the darkness.  You can pretend like you know and give all the words, but they don’t know darkness, curses, and Satan.  Because they don’t know that, they cannot receive the answer of only Christ. They say the words, “Christ,” but they don’t really say it.  Of course, they say the words, “only Christ” and “kingdom of God,” but everyone can mimic these words. 

Why is it only Christ? Because of the forces of darkness.  If they don’t acknowledge the darkness, they cannot say the answer. They may say “Only Christ” but the devil knows it’s not true. When you come to realize this, then the darkness in your family will never flee, with just your walk of faith, the darkness will never flee. It doesn’t matter how diligently you act, the devil already knows; he is seizing you completely and because this is spiritual,even though you’re seized, you have no awareness of tha, and that seizes even your children.  As evidence that you’re seized, you’ll see evidence with your eyes. That its the commonality in your family line, that is the forces of darkness holding onto your family line for thousands of generations.  Even if you go to church, that doesn’t give anything. Only Christ, only when you understand what those words mean will the darkness flee. Why is it only Christ even today?  When somebody really knows what those words mean, the devil knows and will flee.

Through the 66 books of the Bible, only Christ. That’s why you need to change the things of your past that are preventing you from holding onto only Christ. It’s the same for your scars.  But does everyone do drugs because they’re given drugs? Does everyone drink alcohol because someone hands them alcohol? Does everybody smoke cigarettes because someone gives them cigarettes?  Not everyone gets scared if someone gives them scars. Just because someone says a bad word doesn’t mean everyone follows along, some people avoid that, then why are you scared?  It’s because of “me-centeredness.” you received that scar while being centered on yourself.  “Why does this person say this to me while hurting my pride?” Simply put, you only think about yourself. 

Remnants, listen carefully. If you receive scars from the church, without a doubt, your family will crumble because that same state will be revealed in your family, and when you go to your job, you will crumble.  Yes, you will go, but because of your scar, you cannot overcome it. Yes, you can live in your family, but it will be so difficult.  Why? You already came to church and left without knowing what that meant, so you’ll always be suffering.  Why? Because you only know about yourself.

You’ve never once thought from the other person’s perspective why they said those words, and if you think you can live well in a married life like this? You cannot. Do you think you can live a good professional life with professional relationships? You cannot, right?  Most people receive their scars from their father or mother, so when my father said these words to me he was saying it from his perspective. Even if you think from the other person’s point of view, it will not become a scar to you. You don’t think about the other person at all, you only know about yourself and you only talk about your point of view, then you are the only one scared, and that is when the demon goes into you, and that demon holds onto that person for the rest of their life.  

When you receive a scar, you’re hurt by other people, so you avoid them.  Because I don’t like this person, I have to avoid them to feel better, but the scar is still not resolved. The demon holds onto that and works in every crack. Let’s say this person grows to 60-70 years old, but even as an adult, they still act like a 5, 6, or 7 year old kid whenever the scar is triggered. If you look at an adult and wonder why they act like a kid, it is because of a scar, and that is what we must be liberated from.

When we have a scar, it must be only Christ. Because that scar is so painful, they resolve it with alcohol and fall into alcoholism.  Your life doesn’t have only one scar, as you mature, you’re always scarred because the kids at school will scar you. All the teachers will give you scars because you wonder, “Why are they only saying this to me?” They’re not only saying this to you but that’s how you receive it, then you’ll meet someone else that is scared, because the negativity is relayed, they gave me a scar, so both of them are the same.  That’s how they think they understand each other, “You really get me,” that’s actually not a real connection; it’s spiritual problems and scars being aligned. Because both parties are scared they can understand the other person. But they even misunderstand that as love, but they don’t know they’re going into death.

Let’s say they go live together, and from that point on, they’re enemies because they start saying things like, “Why are you scarring me?”  When somebody else was the common enemy, they became allies but they became enemies to each other when they lived together, that’s the work the devil does. That is what you must change with the gospel.  There’s a reason the other person did that.  And that other person has their spiritual state.  As you see that, “I must hold onto only Christ,” then the family becomes a blessing.  

If you say, “I wish I could run away from my family,” your life will be difficult. God has placed you into your family to see Gen. 3 and the blessing of the gospel. If you act like that, you cannot see the blessing of world evangelization.  If you go into the field to try to see it, you won’t be able to see it.  When you go into the field, you only see homeless people; you won’t be able to see spiritual things. This is everything in the field of your family.

How is Gen. 3 in my family?  If you know this, you won’t fall into it but you’ll be able to surpass it with blessings.  In other words, it must change into thanksgiving–through the problem of this family, I’m able to experience the gospel.  This is not a forceful or legalistic, “Be thankful,” but through this family, I’m able to see the blessing of the gospel, and without realizing this, your family life will be hard.

I grew up with unbeliever parents, so imagine how much I’ve experienced the unbeliever states.  But when I talk to the pastors now, they don’t know unbelievers well.  But for me, I started a church without really knowing what a church is.  But because I’ve experienced the unbeliever field, I know it, so I’m thankful for my parents.  There are so many families and parents God could’ve given me, so why did God give me that one? Through my experiences and problems I had in my family, God showed me the answer of the gospel, and that became a springboard to save other people.  I can understand everything my father did back then.  But the individual themselves cannot see because of the spiritual problems.  Because Satan is holding onto them, they are living their lives in suffering.  Because my mother didn’t know about my father’s problem, she couldn’t change it with their words.  

In the past, my mother didn’t know anything about my father’s spiritual problems, but when I went to Korea recently she said “oh this is a spiritual problem and the enemy is spiritual,” but right before that I thought she was so stubborn, I was about to give up.  I can understand why my father said the words he did about my mother as well.  In the difficult time, my mother said, “I must not shake,” but I saw that as stubbornness.  Her stubbornness is so forceful it made everyone else suffer.  But when I look at the background in which my mother grew up, I understood completely.  

During the Korean war, her grandfather was shot and killed and all of my grandmothers married in their teens.  So, in the Korean war, she grew up without a father, with only her mother.  My mother’s mother is very beautiful and I think my grandfather married her because she was so beautiful, and my father also married my mother because he thought was beautiful and he probably thought his daughter would be beautiful as well but she wasn’t and so she always talked about that.  She had two daughters and then married and had a son, and that’s her stepfather.  

So, my mother grew up with her stepfather and always had to worry about what he thought of her.  Back in those days, the parents neglected daughters; they only cared about sons.  So, my mother grew up experiencing and realizing, if nothing in life worked out, nothing would take place for her.  She got married and her husband, my father, is very careful before he does anything. But my mother speaks first.  She acts first and then she has to make any recovery, but  my father is somebody who is so meticulous, so they’re always at odds.  My mother said, “If you live like your father, you can’t do anything in life.”  From my father’s perspective, he said, “Your mother is so careless and acts so rashly.”  They’re always fighting about that.

My father has his own background.  When I was young, I was so embarrassed of my family, and I wondered why my family was like this, but in reality, every family is like this, but now that I have the gospel, I understand this.  Why did God put me into a Gen. 3 family and allow me to experience these things?  It’s how I understand the gospel.  Otherwise we can’t just receive the gospel and now that I’ve received the gospel, I’m thankful, and that is why I’m thankful for my father and mother, otherwise, what else would I be thankful for?

Now, everything I’ve experienced in the past becomes a footstool to understand other people. Do you think other families are different from yours? They’re always fighting. I asked another person driving me when he met his wife, and they went to the same church in middle school, and they got married and are still fighting.  And it’s strange if he thinks they will be the same. God’s will is for two people who don’t align to still have harmony. If you ask the other person to align with you, that’s not right. God made you to not be the same; you shouldn’t be the same. If one person is a square and asks the circle wife to be a square, that goes against the law of creation.

Being able to have harmony still is what’s right.  In order for you to hold onto the covenant of Acts 2, you must come out of yourself; you need to come out of your scars.  No one is going to acknowledge you; you’ll always be dragged around by the devil.  Because you’re so seized by the devil, you think you’re the only one who’s getting attacked. Always the one being hurt, and because that is being trapped in darkness, come before the light of Christ.  

Why is our experience from the past important?  Whether your past experiences are good or bad, that’s just your standard of what you’ve experienced.  The standard is only Christ.  Even right now, you need the spiritual sense, that is the state of always communicating with God, and the devil knows that.  Satan knows whether you have the true answer of only Christ and whether you’re holding onto Christ or not. These are the members of Mark’s upper room.  These people aren’t like this from the start, there was a process where they were in the law and they came out with only Christ. There was a process where they were in their scars and then they were set free, and then God’s word began to go into them, and they received a mission of God’s kingdom.  

Now, our background is no longer living with the strength of a Galilean fisherman, but now we are living with the background of heaven, everything you studied and with the money you saved up, with the things of the earth, you cannot overcome the earth.  The background of heaven must become your background in order for you to conquer the earth.  You need to receive the answer of your talent with the background of the throne of heaven in order for your business to save the world. You think you’re going to work hard, but with that kind of level, you’re not going to be able to do anything. It must be with the things that come from heaven.  From the throne of heaven. For the people who know this, it’s okay if they have nothing, why? Because their background is heaven and all their answers come from there.  It’s okay even if nobody helps you, why? Because God is helping you. That is God’s Kingdom.

What is Satan’s Kingdom? Satan’s Kingdom tells you you’ll only survive if you hold onto yourself, money, and success. That’s why you always try to be so strong, but that’s why you die. You think you just have to make money, but that’s how you die.  Yes you might be able to make money, but you can’t overcome Satan. It must be the background that comes from heaven.  Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it doesn’t matter, it’s okay if I have nothing because God gives us answers in His time schedule for world evangelization.  You hold onto the greatest plan.  It doesn’t matter how much you succeed in America, you hold onto this and that, it’s futile.  “The plan with which I came to immigrate here, it’s all useless.”

World evangelization, that’s God’s plan. “I’m going to do this with my family,” that’s futile.  World evangelization, all nations, 237, God is working like that even now.  The people who held onto this gathered together to pray and God gave answers in His time schedule. Until this year, it was 24, and what is 24? It is always holding onto God’s covenant.  In 2023, it is the answer of 25 hours, which is, answers will come.  So, do not be lost or stuck down there, but challenge yourself.  Go towards and dream of Acts 27, Rome, and world evangelization.  These are the answers you must receive for 2023.  

You must not relentlessly remain stuck in things that are not only Christ. It may seem it will work out but it won’t.  It may seem that physically things are working out, like Gen. 6 and 11, but it won’t.  They built the Tower of Babel, then how strong are the efforts, studies, and strength of mankind? You must not look at that and say, “It will work,” anything that is not God’s plan will fall.  God uses that momentarily for God’s plan but the individual will be destroyed. 

Only Christ, God’s Kingdom as your background, God’s plan for world evangelization, hold onto that for 24 hours. There’s nothing else because everything else is within this. Within this, everything is used: the scars of your past, your experiences.  For the people who hold onto God’s promises, God will give His answers in His time schedule.  Because I don’t travel to a lot of other churches, a lot of pastors don’t know me and my church, and they have no choice but to not know because I don’t talk to them. They ask, and I answer.  They say, “Your church really is the model.”

What is the model?  Multiethnic, remnants, layperson-focused. Isn’t that the model? I didn’t do this, already knowing, but it just happened like that.  If we had young Assistant Pastors, people like this couldn’t rise up. Because we had no workers, we had no choice but to raise up young people and all these kids are working while they do their DRB movements, and all the pastors were shocked because the remnants don’t do DRB.  I said, “I don’t do DRB with the remnants, the remnants do it all.”  

The reason we had no choice but to do that was because there were no young missionaries.  When I told them about the remnants receiving training at church, they asked, “How did this happen?” I said, “It just happened this way.”  I told them about all the multiethnic choirs and musicals and all these things are not things I planned, they just happened that way.  There was a 1.5 generation pastor who said, “Every single year, we gather together and it’s only Korean people, even though we need to gather people of other nationalities,” and he said he’s jealous of me and I said, “You don’t have to be jealous; it just happens.This just happened, we didn’t plan for it to happens” There are remnant disciples in Africa doing missions and evangelism. Even though I kept saying no to doing a regional church in Mongolia, I just said I would connect them to headquarters, there’s no one to do that, so they’re doing a regional church without any other choice.  I didn’t even tell them about the regional church in Yakima, but these are things that just naturally happened.

I was able to realize from their reaction that this is the way God is leading our church.  But I realized that even from the beginning, God has already given me the image in my heart about the multiethnic remnant movement.  It’s something I had but didn’t talk about.  That’s why we have Jonathan, a homeless man from Nigeria, and I prayed something will happen in Nigeria, and there were a lot of disappointments but we do have a disciple in Nigeria.  

You heard his message and it’s not easy.  The message he gave was not a simple message; it has really melted into him.  When I look at him, he doesn’t have financial problems.  I researched into that for a month or two because I had to really make sure he was a worker.  I confirmed with other missionaries in Africa he truly is a disciple, because if he’s manipulative or cunning in the mind, other people can tell.  There was Missionary Kim Young Chul who was doing RU for a month in Tanzania and he saw this disciple and said, “Oh, he’s a great person,” and it’s possible that young adults like him are better than pastors because he’s the pastor of the future.  

God is the One Who attached these people to us, we cannot make them.  Think about the fruits that will be borne in Africa. All we do is pray for them and give them a little offering, and we also devote and pray for Missionary Kim Young Chul and Ethiopia. Think about this, these are not small works. We have kids from Karen here, and think about them in 10-20 years.  Think about the works that will happen when we are no longer here on earth.  We are planting and rooting seeds right now.

You can look at me. I was just like them, I came to church and trained, I did that when I went to Korea, so I’m telling this to them with all the things I’ve experienced that has melted to me, and this is the uniqueness nobody else can do because this is something God allowed me to experience so that I can do it for them. How will they be in the future? Exactly as God raised me. Why did God send them to this church? Because that’s what I did in the church. You need to see the church in order to raise the church. If you didn’t see and experience the church, then you can’t raise the church, and the reason why pastors are trembling before churches is because they don’t know the church, they have a heart for evangelism but they don’t have a church, then you have to see.  Seeing the church doesn’t mean you’re researching churches, but it must become melted into your nature in life. Starting from early morning prayer, it ist become a second nature.  This isn’t something you can know by theory, “This is what a church is,” it must become your nature, and later on, they’ll do it automatically. 

Last time, when I went to Utah, I told them, “Do the Early Morning Prayer first,” and they’re doing it now, but these people don’t know what these words mean. They keep trying to do missions and to go out and evangelize, but you need to prepare the things that’ll have no choice but to result in evangelism answers, but you must do the things that have no choice but to result in evangelism answers.  

If you want to evangelize, then the remnants inside the church need to have leadership built up; otherwise, they’ll never be able to evangelize. They must become people who communicate well with those above, below, and beside them.  Once they have that, one day, they will receive the answer in God’s time schedule.  They are not able to do this, but they say evangelism is hard.  Because when they go to work, they are so self-centered, they break all the relationships with the people above, below, and beside them.  When somebody has another opportunity, or if you say, “I have good news for you,” they say “take care of yourself,” because they broke all relationships, and you learn all this within the church.

The way you see the church and the way I see it is different.  I’m somebody who lived in suffering as an unbeliever, not knowing the church and then you come into the church, and that’s what I told them when I went on the retreat. “Do you know what a church is? You come up to lead praise, and unbelievers don’t have this opportunity.  You have your own roles and you are teachers but unbelievers don’t have that at all.  The only thing they’ve experienced is their homes.” In the church, you come into conflicts with people above, below, and beside youm, but unbelievers don’t have this opportunity.  These circumstances make you mature as a leader, and these are people who are able to communicate well and have good human relationships in society.

Obadiah had good communication with King Ahab and Elijah as well.  King Ahab knew Obadiah believed in God but he stayed, because he communicated well. These are the people that must be prepared. Yes, you may receive scars, but you must quickly change that into blessings.  If you remain within your scars, your words may be correct from your perspective, but if you think from the other person’s perspective, you’re wrong. Those scars came from your family, from your parents. The very stubborn thing came from your parents, your family, into you. So all these critical people are meeting each other, and because you’re both so critical, you both can get along, and the reason why Ananias and Sapphira both died was because they were both corrupt together. You need to find help inside the church. 

Yes, of course you may face difficulties or hardships, and that’s when you pray, that’s how you receive answers.  You say, “oh, I can’t do this”? Then you have to challenge.  If you say you can’t do this out in the world, they’ll fire you. Everything is within the church. You guys gather together in the evenings, but unbelievers can’t do this; they go somewhere else, so you’re enjoying the mystery of saving the world here. That’s what I mean when I say the church you and I see are different. Without you realizing it, God is raising you as a leader, and that is the vessel God will fill, and these are the people society needs.

I hope you will communicate well, I hope you will communicate well with the pastors and communicate well with the remnants because you can only be healthy when you communicate well with God, but if you say, “The pastor said this to me,” that’s bad communication, and if you have something in your ministry, communicate that in order for God to give the answer and His word. When you go out into your job, the workers must communicate well with the boss in order for them to lift you up. Not only will they guide you up, but God will give you the opportunity to give the gospel to your superiors.

I pray you will love the remnants beneath you well, this must become your nature, then when you go to your job, you’ll be able to take good care of the workers under you, and even physically speaking, this is the way to get all the blessings to you.  We don’t do this to get blessings in the world, but we do it to proclaim the gospel.  So, even if you just have the posture of the gospel, all the physical blessings are bound to follow.  Unbelievers force themselves to network and communicate without the gospel to get physical blessings.  Because they don’t have the gospel, they have to really force themselves to endure that.  

But for us, it’s not that; we already have the gospel.  We must have the DNA to respect the people above us, love the people below us, go together with the people next to us, in order to spread the gospel.  You need to have this prepared and then go into your field to have evangelism to take place. If evangelism is not taking place, then it means a lot of things, and if the remnants are preparing this well, there’s no doubt about it.  Immediately, the people above you will need you and the people under you will like you as well, and the people next to you will not be competing with you; they like you because you’re going together with them. 

But what happens if you try to step on them to elevate yourself? They will all turn their back to you. There are people who are always devoting whenever something happens.  That is somebody who goes together.  But in the church if they say, “If you take care of you, I’ll take care of me,” they’re going to act like that in the world.  If we are omniscient and omnipotent, we can do that, but we are lacking so we need other people’s help, but that person will never get help. When somebody is able to do this well and devote well to the church, their kids will be like that as well, and they’ll be like that out in the world as well, and the people will be attached to them.  The people have to be attached to you for you to do anything, but nobody is coming to you.  

In the church, you can make mistakes and fall down, but it’s okay because they can raise you up and pray for you, but in the world, you cannot fall or make a mistake. The church does this because that is the heart of the Lord, and that is why we raise up people who are lacking to save the world.  

Tomorrow we’ll listen to the first New Year’s Eve message at 6:30pm, and before we listen to that message, I’ve laid the foundation. We’ll listen to the second message right afterwards.  Ino order to prepare to give the retreat message for Washington DC, I listened to the RCA messages dozens of times. The two leaders’ retreat messages and the two main messages, I listened to them dozens of times, why? Because I cannot say my own words.  I need to correctly relay the message God is giving to the leaders who will save the years 2030-2080. Why do I say this?  Because as we live the year 2023, God gives us His word, so I hope you will pray so that from the beginning of the year the Word of God will go into you well.  

This is not something you can just listen to once.  After you keep listening to it, you’ll receive something.  That is why yes, you can listen to the New Year’s Eve message individually on your own, but when we gather together, …


I hope you will enjoy that blessing.  Let us pray briefly with the word God has given us today.  “God, allow me to escape from myself, may we discover the reason why we must hold onto only Christ, so that this time may be the time we hold onto the promise of world evangelization and pray.” Let us pray. 

Tomorrow, I’d like it if we don’t have the young adult evangelism school and business regional meetings and concentrate on the New Year’s Eve message.  We’re skipping that so we can concentrate on New Year’s Eve messages 1 and 2.  The message will begin exactly at 6:30, but before that, we’ll have ramen so come and have fellowship and receive the Word.  Because of your many prayers, even I received the feeling that the Washington DC retreat went well.  Because you can tell the difference between what people say and how they really feel.  It seemed to me that it was the time schedule where they received the Word they truly needed.  I want to thank you for praying.

Tomorrow we’ll have the New year’s Eve messages and on Sunday we’ll have the message as well, and I hope tomorrow when you come to church, you’ll come with prayer topics written.  Only for the people who gather together and give their prayer topics on that day, not the ones who relay the prayer topics through other people, we pray for it for about a month, and the prayers become very long, so please hold onto a prayer topic that comes from the Word and is bound to be fulfilled. Let us pray together for the New Year’s Eve messages and the Sunday message. 


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of people of God, the people of all nations and the remnants who desire to hold onto God’s covenant and receive the answers of 25 hours in God’s time schedule, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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