Only Christ

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Only Christ

Evangelism isn’t about forcing yourself to go out, but you align yourself with God’s Word and stand as a witness, and evangelism takes place.  But if you live your entire life not aligned with the Word of God, you can go out with the Way of Salvation and have people accept, and even though that’s just a flash of oil in a pan, it still scares the devil, but what happens afterward?

If you think you evangelize just one hour per week or a few years, you’re missing out on the blessings of evangelism.  The evangelist’s life is one aligned with God.  If you look for a method in life that is not in missions or evangelism, but it’s elsewhere, you’ll look for a method elsewhere as well. If evangelism and missions aren’t taking place, it means your life is irrelevant to God’s Word. If you live your life like this, you can’t find a method for evangelism and missions.

Only Christ

The very first thing in the 21 lifestyles is only Christ. We explained this earlier, but why is it only Christ?  If it’s not only, start here.  Why must it be only Christ? You must be able to tell this to others as well. This is actually the beginning of your life.  If you don’t have the reason for why it must be only Christ, you don’t have the same reason. Your walk of faith and life can only begin and everything will go properly when you have the reason for only Christ.

If you’re not able to find this, it doesn’t matter how much you immigrate to other countries. It doesn’t matter if you move from California to Texas to Washington, it’s not something you can fix by moving around. It’s not something you can solve by changing your major in school, it’s not something you can solve by switching companies.  Why must it be only Christ? You have to find the answer to this.

If you don’t’ find the answer to this, you’re not aligned with God.  If you’re not aligned with God, then the way you live is not aligned with God, then I’m sorry to say, you won’t receive answers to prayer. If you believe nonbelievers receive answers to prayer as well, we have nothing to say about that. If you dream something and it happens the next day, even nonbelievers have that. One night I dreamt I picked up money and it happened the next day. I was craving some food, and someone asked if I wanted that, and it seems like an answer, but that’s the devil deceiving you.

So you end up forcing your faith.  A lot of churches filled with immigrants go there to make friends and find dates for meals, but this is not the reason for their life.  Then they won’t stake their lives on the church; instead, they’re staking their lives on their business and get taken in because their lives are staked on people, not the church. They haven’t discovered the reason for only Jesus Christ, so the problems of their family line will never be solved.

It doesn’t matter how many times you come across these words of “only Jesus Christ,” you can solve this problem for many people, but you haven’t solved it for yourself, then the Genesis 3 problem will continue in your family until you discover.  God won’t take it easy on you because you go to church, but He told you from the beginning, “only Christ.”

“What is my problem?” ask yourself, “Is it a problem of money? Is it powerlessness? What is it? Is it the fact that I met the wrong people who stole my money?” What is the problem of your life? No matter how much you think about it, you don’t have the answer, and that’s why God gives us the Bible to show us our problem.

Sin, Satan

All problems began from sin that separated us from God, and the beginning of that sin came from Satan.  Satan has the authority over sin.  Satan has the authority of sin and tempts people into sinning, and that’s why those who sin belong to the devil.  This sin that makes us separate from God’s Word is from the devil, and the reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the work of the devil, that is, sin.  If you don’t have the answer to this problem, then your walk of faith will be difficult.


Even before you go into the eternal fires of hell, you’ll live a hellish life on earth.  Life is hard and a living hell. We were given no other way, that’s why it’s only Christ, then is it true that your personal problem and family problem is sin, Satan, and hell? Remnants, if you haven’t discovered your problems as sin, Satan, and hell, you’ll find another problem.  “The problem is that there’s no justice and my parents are nagging too much,” but Christ isn’t the answer to those problems, so you don’t see the problem.


You must be able to see the problems the Word of God tells us about.  That’s why, until God gives you His Word through the Bible, you cannot discover the problem to life through any other methods. Even if you go to church, it’s hard.  By God’s grace, His Word must go into you. “This sin started from Satan and tempts me.”  That’s why people cannot be happy.  Depression is misery, but it’s just one result from living in a hellish background. Yes, people suffer because of money but it’s because people live in a hellish background.

“Living on life itself is disgusting,” but it’s because of the problem of hell.  That’s why it’s only Christ, that’s how you begin every aspect of your life, with the fundamental answer.  You don’t see Satan and hell through your eyes, but how is this manifest? It is manifest through me.  All my thoughts, heart, and emotions only consider me.

Parents know the children their best, they know what their children do at church.  Kids already know, “Mom, we bought this new thing, should we give it to the church?” They will say, “Why? It’s new, why would we give it to the church?” Parents say this at home. The state of this parent is still self-centered. “It’s mine, why would I give it to the church? It’s mine, I worked sweat and blood and tears because I need it, so I would use it and maybe give it if it’s old, but not new.

For such children, self-centeredness goes into them.  The kids already know what their parents want from them, what do you think that is?  The kids already know the parents want them to succeed.  That’s why only Christ is not going into the kids, you may say it with your words, but in reality, it’s all about me, my things, and my success, and that’s why the darkness in your family doesn’t go down.  You package yourself inside of this, and that’s evidence the gospel hasn’t gone into your family.

You say Christ with your words, but it’s not only, so that’s why the forces of darkness in your family are not broken down. If the kids hear about this in the church, they have to see it through their family, but they see the world just as in their parents, “They live their walk of faith and do the same things, they believe in Jesus Christ but it’s not “only,” so they’re afflicted by demons like their parents were.

We talked about someone contemplating suicide because their parents wanted to commit suicide.  Where did these feelings come from? It’s the spiritual flow of the family line, not their choice, but the stream of their family.  You have to properly see the problems of my life and my family line.


Going to church centered on your own things is religion. If your center hasn’t changed but you’re still in religion, that’s just religious diligence. That’s not what makes the devil change, but this makes the demons laugh, and that’s why the demons jump to you. The devil said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” You must begin properly, all problems start here.

It doesn’t matter how many jobs you land or where you go, you cannot solve the problems of sin, Satan, and hell, so if you know the answer of only Jesus Christ, it means you know the real problem, then what’s going to happen? 


Then exactly according to the promise God made in Matthew 16, you will become a rock and Satan cannot overcome you, the disasters of sin cannot shake you. I may suffer but it doesn’t matter at all, even if I have no money. Do any of you think that believing in Jesus Christ will give you more money? Then that person’s goal is money. … I hope you’ll quickly get out of religion.  Demons won’t leave for multiple generations.  Rock. 


On this rock I will raise my church.  No one can shake a rock, no matter what problems come. It doesn’t matter if you are impoverished with no money because you’ve already escaped from yourself so it has nothing to do from you, nothing you’re expecting.  Proclaiming Christ is your goal, whether you fail or succeed or whatever because Christ is your goal. Paul said, “I have learned to be content when I’m poor,” do you think evangelists will never fail in their business? 

Evangelism, Missions

Do you think that, by receiving raining, your children will succeed? Throw those thoughts away. That’s the thought and ideology that the devil has used to hold your family line for years.  Your work must be used to raise the church and that includes missions and evangelism, and the gates of Hades will not overcome you. 

Finally, the darkness holding onto your family line for thousands of years will flee.  Some friends can’t handle if they have any other friends.  Let’s say she and I are great friends, but one day, if she gets another friend, I go crazy.  You should only be my friend, why are you friends with someone else? I’m the crazy one, it’s a demon and a spiritual problem.

“Why do I have to only be friends with you” But people’s thoughts are so enslaved by Satan, they cannot escape.  That’s a demon, you only think about yourself and the demon burrows into you.  There’s no such thing as a best friend.  There’s no law that says your family is the best.  How will you make disciples of all nations? “I won’t touch anyone else until my family changes,” but that’s not the God-given gospel, that’s my own goal, but we have these personal frames that do not enable us to listen to God’s Word.

Keys to Heaven

I have given you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and God will answer you according to this.  These are the blessings you receive when you have only Christ.  If you go into Matthew 17, it seems that Simon Peter had only Jesus, but it wasn’t.  Peter didn’t accept that the problems of life were sin, separation, and hell.  The fact that he offered tents for Moses and Elijah means he didn’t accept his state yet.

That’s why Jesus said to tell no one He was the Christ, “Don’t tell anyone about Jesus Christ because you’ll talk about him incorrectly, so don’t.”  Why is evangelism not happening?  Or, why don’t I have any disciples? You talk of Jesus Christ with other motives, but you must give the answer to the spiritual problems.

John 14:6 – I am the way the truth and the life, the only way God has given us to solve the problems of our life is Christ.  I, stuck in the state of death because of sin, Satan, and hell, can only gain life through Christ.  All else is a lie; the only Truth is Christ.  The only way to study correctly is the studies aligned with Christ because Christ is the truth and the truth is carried out, unchanging. The work I am doing must be aligned with the work and truth of Christ for it to b etrue.  But if your’e studying without Christ and the Word of God, you’ll … but it is one that is not true, and the one who fails is the individual.  The person who is studying and working wil fall, because they are not in truth.

If you have a motive for your kids, it’s not Christ, so that family will fall because they’re not standing for the truth. You beg in your church for your kids’ life and success, so there’s no Christ there, but you’re seized by the devil and the devil comes around church, putting lies inside of you so you don’t hold onto the truth, Your family never changes.  

 Your goal is somewhere else. Your insides have not changed, then you’re going to be deceived and if a lot of people gathered together, that person doesn’t have the truth in them and will be seized, dragged around.  If you sit here and think of it as an optional lecture, we don’t have to even talk about your family; it is obvious.  “I don’t have to listen to this,” then there’s nothing for you to do about this.

Then, why is Jesus Christ the Way, Truth, and Life?  Jesus Christ is the only way, truth, and life, and that’s the way for me to live. There’s nothing else.  What must I do to study well? You must be in the truth. How can I do my work well? If you’re already debating, then you’re already wrong.

1 John 3:8, the one who came to destroy the devil’s work, and you must read the Bible yourself, but your posture says you’re not ready to look at the Bible.  Half of you consider the Bible is optional, then don’t come and don’t receive training.   The training time is where you look at the words of the Bible.

If you are doing something sinful, it is because you belong to the devil and it doesn’t mean you have no responsibility, you are responsible for your sins, but the reason the sin came around is because you belong to the devil. How does a child of God belong to the devil? Your thoughts could belong to the devil. If your thoughts aren’t filled with the Word of God, they’re filled with the devil, and that’s why we tell people to meditate.

Wake up in the morning to have a quiet time to meditate on God. Nothing else can heal your mental problem, and there’s no way to save yourself other than this, either.  That’s why you must use your early morning hours well because it’s very quiet, have a time of concentration then. … Because the devil exists, he uses sin and temptations, and Adam and Eve were victims.  They should have known and overcome with faith, but the result was curses and disasters in their family line.

Mark 10:45

The reason Jesus Christ came to earth was not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.  Jesus Christ did not just die on the cross, but He died on my behalf.  You have to know that well. The fact He died on my behalf means I should have died, but He died for me. He had no sin, He was just taking all the curses, disasters, and sin I received, and that’s why I’m liberated. Acknowledge that all problems come from sin, otherwise you don’t have only Christ.  Even if you sin you’re sinning under Satan’s authority, and you cannot escape unless it is only Christ.  Satan controls the thoughts.

Let’s take Buddhism for example. Let’s say, not just people who dabbled in Buddhism, but those who believed in the past. You just think they’re Buddhist, but what do I see? They weren’t just Buddhist, but their family background is seized by the demon promoting Buddhism.  They work very diligently and pray very diligently, they do a lot for the monks and gave all their money to build temples.  Even if it wasn’t to this extent, but they went to the temples and wanted to help, their family is still their spiritual background.

They just put Catholicism over their family background but the spiritual background continues to flow down, so they go to church and that background oppresses them.  There are metal illnesses popping up that is, there are the words Jesus Christ is speaking of the Pharisees, “We have the same background.”  What happens if it’s not only Christ?  Even as we go to church, we cannot be free.

Not believing this, you won’t become a witness of Christ, you cannot get true freedom. You must understand your spiritual background. It must be an answer for yourself.  People cut others down if they are not meeting the standard, so they see that people aren’t right no one can be just, no one can be right, and outwardly, they go crazy inside. 

My dad says, “No one can live an upright life,” but even among his brothers, they know he’s not upright, so that’s how our family treated us, and that’s the background of the family lin.  Then, what would I do with that? It just lifts my family, so I became more like my father over time, and that’s the stream of the family background. That’s not something that listens, it doesn’t change.  Because it’s the demons and mental patients.

When the Word goes into you, the stubborn ideologies will break.  There’s a lot of this in the church, without even realizing it, these very sturdy frames are starting to break through the Word, so later on, they will be liberated. The demons keep fleeing so a person becomes more comfortable, and that’s relayed to the next generation.  That’s why, it’s always only Jesus Christ.

Some people ask, “Why keep saying the same thing?” It’s really unfortunate, you’re a senior deaconess going to church 40 years, and you still say this? They still haven’t found their “only,” and even though they listen to the messages.  It’s the same Word, He’s the Truth, meaning the world is full of incomplete truths, so it’s Christ. 

You have to be possessed by a demon to see this. You’re actually demon-possessed but you don’t see it, you think that demon-possession is for other shamans and fortune teller, but you have legalism and start fights, you don’t think that’s demon-possession?  The demon-possession of legalism causes you to fight with people.  If a pastor goes into seminary and doesn’t understand and they’re stuck in their own frame.  It doesn’t matter how long you go to church; you’re still religious.  

Missions and evangelism take place, but you’re so self-centered, you perceive the Word as legalism, so you cut people down with the Word of God and fight. It’s all religion, and for those who are poor, it’s difficult with their abilities sand they try to gain something through Christ, or mysticism, trying to explain something.  But that person has already continued the Word movement Find the problems of sin, Satan, and hell in your own lives.

“What do you mean, my parents are seized by Satan? Isn’t that too extreme?” Satan seizes everyone and doesn’t care if it’s your mom or dad. Satan goes into your thoughts and hearts. Jesus is in your spirit but your thoughts and hearts are still footholds for Satan, then you’re so seized by your thoughts, and you’re always so worried because your thoughts are complicated as the Word of God doesn’t enter your thoughts.

So when I say “only Jesus Christ,” it’s not just about the words, “only Christ,” but the key is that the Word of Jesus Christ must be rooted very firmly in my thoughts, heart, and body.  In every aspect of my  life, the Word of God must be imprinted, rooted, and become my nature.


Father God, we thank You. We pray that each of the 21 lifestyles of the evangelists may be roote din our lives and become the answer.  In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


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