One with the Things in Advance (Acts 1:1-8, 14; Acts 13:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

One with the Things in Advance (Acts 1:1-8, 14; Acts 13:1-4)

What must we teach the next generation for the next month?

We are the ones who possess in advance.  We’re not saying we will have something in advance, but we have something in advance, and we go.  We have the covenant of Acts 1:1, 3, 8, the prayer of Acts 1:14, and the field of Acts 13:1-4, so we must forum about this with the remnants this month. You have the covenant and put it into prayer and go into missions. To do this, you must know the spiritual facts. 


1. Healing – 100 Years

In order to do this, we need healing, and when we say the “100 Year Answer,” it is the blessing we can enjoy for the rest of our lives

1) Word

The Word of God must be coordinated with my heart.  If you study the Bible and have a lot of knowledge, it just ends with your brain.  But this must come into me and change my words, being coordinated with me, then that Word becomes imprinted.

2) Prayer

Later on, it turns into prayer, then you will coordinate your prayer topics.  We talked about this in the EM worship, first seek God’s Kingdom and righteousness, then this becomes my prayer, when? When this righteousness becomes my own.  Up until that point, I think I have to seek God’s Kingdom, but as this becomes more and more my own, this changes, then my realistic prayer becomes different.

Today, we even talked about the first priority and goal of our lives.  The righteousness of Christ must become our priority, and the Kingdom of God must become the priority, the goal of my life.  The more this Word of God becomes my own, the more I’m established in this, then it turns into my prayer.

3) Occupation

Then you find your talent, the work of God you must do in your job. For remnants, it’s your talents; for adults, it is your job, and as you discover this, you heal.

2. Summit

1) Thoughts, Heart

Your thoughts and heart are diseased, always about fighting and winning. You may not hold a gun or sword, but you’re killing people.  You have to crawl over someone to rise to the top, so you kill them and then there’s division.  Summit, save your school, save people through your studies. That is the way for you to escape from that. The way for you escape from Egyptian captivity is to proclaim, “I’m not a slave; I’m here to save you.” Before being taken captive to Babylon, they were already captive.  They imitated Babylon and tried to take on their religions; they were already slaves.  You must become the summit, the missionary to go to Babylon and save Babylon.

If the church says, “We have the blessing of God,” that’s a slave, that’s an upright nonbeliever, or a Buddhist. Even nonbelievers wake up early in the morning, get whatever they can by working hard, but what does it mean to believe in God?  Save them.  You cannot save people with their studies or with money.  You have to have this in your thoughts and heart for God to work upon this person. We must be at the posture of the summit to save the world, the 237 nations, the future generations, and world evangelization.  Joseph was a slave, but he wasn’t a slave because he came to Egypt to save it. 

2) Brain

These thoughts in our hearts are imprinted into our brain, and it changes your brain. The reason why people do drugs is because that’s already in their thoughts and heart, and you think all you have to change is this, but it’s already imprinted in your brain. You have the heart and thoughts to stop drugs but you can’t, why? Because it’s already in your brain. If we could cut out our brain, we would die, so there’s no other method. You go to prison for 10-15 years, and you have the intent to not do the crimes anymore, but your heart doesn’t change.

Criminals who go into prison will come out with ankle bracelets and have set in their heart that they won’t commit crimes anymore, but it’s already imprinted in their soul. Do you know what’s the most important aspect of a person? It’s not their thoughts; it’s their spirit. Unless their spirit is changed, it doesn’t matter how much you try to change your habits. Unless that change comes to your spirit and soul, you cannot change. If you want to change a habit, you have to work at it for 10,000 hours, it means you have to work on it with your brain. 

3) Spirit – Throne.

This is connected to the throne and this is everything about how you will meet with people.

3. In Advance

You must have the covenant in advance.  Just by saying “CVDIP,” this won’t take place. What must you look at to reach this conclusion?  It must be the gospel. I’m sure you’ve experienced what happens to the church without the gospel; they fall into mysticism and legalism.  Those who have lost hold of the gospel will be enslaved by Egypt, and the only time you can escape is when people see they can only escape from the gospel. Then what will happen in the future? Losing hold of the gospel, they become enslaved again.  These are the words of the gospel.

Covenant – (Family) See

Look at your family, you must see how pitifully they’ve fallen without the gospel. “I don’t actually think my family is that bleak; why do you keep pushing my family that way?” Your thoughts have no choice but to be like that because it’s spiritual, but if you realize spiritually, you will see what happens to a family when they don’t have the covenant of only Jesus Christ.  Then, what will happen in the future without the covenant? What will happen to your kids? You must see this in advance.

Vision – Family

Not just my family, but society needs the gospel. This is vision.  Will you have that if you look at the world?  What’s the most important?  Your family, spreading out your family, so that’s society and government.  I though tit was just my family, but the society is all like this, so you have to have the vision of world evangelization in advance. When the gospel goes in, it is God’s plan to save the entire world. 

Dream – Enjoy

What is the dream I must have to save the 237 nations and 5000 tribes?  You’re not saving the 237 nations by yourself, but what is your dream for the church?  Enjoy this in advance.  You enjoy the dream taking place in the future in advance, because it’s a dream that hasn’t come to fruition yet.  Reality is just reality, but you dream of what will happen in the future and enjoy it.  The people who have this dream will not fail. 

It doesn’t matter if the coronavirus takes place or whatever because the dream doesn’t change.  What happens if you don’t have a dream? You may be alive but you’re dead, that’s the one without a dream.  What dream? It is my dream that comes from the covenant and vision.  Even nonbelievers can dream, but that doesn’t come from the gospel; it comes from themselves.  They have their own vision and dream, too, “I’m going to have a software for everyone’s desktop. I’ll make the coronavirus vaccine.” They look at the world and see what it needs.  This is the dream, even nonbelievers have dreams and win Nobel Prizes, but that’s not what we’re talking about. It is talking about my dream that comes from the vision and covenant of God.  Enjoy this in advance.

Image – Conquer in Advance

God already gave the Word to Joshua, you have to enjoy what’s conquered in advance. If you have to conquer something, then it’s hard, you wake up in the morning and fight, then imagine how tired Joshua must have been? It wasn’t like that; everything has been given to you. Even though it hasn’t been conquered yet, enjoy it in advance as it’s given to you.

“How can we do world evangelization and America evangelization?” If you think like that, don’t do it; we won’t give you a laborious burden, but it’s possible for those who conquer in advance. God has already done it, go having conquered.  They will say things like, “I can’t even go to church, but every church talks about world evangelization so I can’t even pretend here. When I go to regular churches, they talk about missions and I feel oppressed; other churches talk about missions through offering, so there’s no way for me to escape. You have to just conquer in advance. American evangelization is already conquered, and you live your day-to-day by that.

Practice – Fulfillment

Your life must leave a masterpiece to reach out to the multiethnic people. You live diligently with nothing to show.  You look at a summary of your entire life and you’ll die, but there’s nothing to it.  They lived diligently, ate food, and died, and that’s it. The only thing is these kids have enemies among them.  You have to leave behind a masterpiece.

People may ask, “Pastor, what did I do wrong that I must suffer like this? Even when I was divorced, I was giving money to my parents and sons,” so from her perspective, she thought she didn’t do anything wrong, but I wondered, “Did the gospel not go into her?” because the gospel isn’t about praying the acceptance prayer, but it is knowing the Original Sin.  You hold onto the gospel because you know the fate of a sinner.

I couldn’t meet with her because of COVID. She received so much grace and sent forum, so I said, “If God gives you the grace, let us do world evangelization together,” so every now and again, we would talk about the message and I only shared the gospel with her, but COVID made things difficult.  On May 31, I got a text, “Pastor, I think it’s time for me to go.  Please pray for me that I can go to God.”  So, now she’s used to the idea of God.  I called her and gave her assurance about the gospel message.  “It’s not my prayers that send you to heaven, but if you pray in your heart and are filled with the Holy Spirit, even if I say you can’t go to heaven, you will go to heaven.” 

I called her a few times and she answered, but she got to the point where she was only 90 pounds and couldn’t speak, so I had a one-sided conversation with her about Jesus Christ and the assurance of salvation.  I just relayed the gospel through texting and calling.  But I received a text from her friend that she went to heaven, so I gave the message to her friend because this message doesn’t stop there.  I told her, “The blessing of evangelism, bringing one soul to heaven, will absolve you of all your sins. You thought you just let someone hear the message, but this person is saved for eternity. You think you just bring your close friends, but if they end up receiving the salvation of their souls, then that’s it.”

I shared these details of her life to her friend, “Many people in the rotary club may seem successful on the outside, but they are disintegrating from within and can’t say anything about it.  If you see someone from the inside, you will see how they really are.  On the outside, they seem so successful, but internally they are in pain and suffering. You should pray for these people first. Even as you do your real estate business, pray for these people first, then God will do His work through you.”

“You should also pray for your children, but stand firm in the gospel and relay it to your children.”  How will you stand before God in such a circumstance?  Even since long ago, I said that we must pray for their sons. One goes to church and the other doesn’t, so please relay the fact, “Your mother went to heaven, but if you want to see your mother again in heaven, come to church, and this is your mother’s wish.” It was a 25-minute conversation such that their sons would be connected to the gospel.

Everywhere, around you, all the doors of evangelism are already there, but you can’t see beyond it. Your entire life, every incident is a door of evangelism.  Even if you don’t relay it through the pulpit message, you can relay the gospel through the incidences.  “Pastor, I listen to the message online, and I’ll see you sooner or later.”  She has a mixture of three bloods, French, Vietnam, and Korean, and her face even looks like that.  This means God has a plan for her with her three nationalities.  If you don’t show her this plan of God within the gospel, she’ll just live and eat in America. Whether you came to America to study abroad or to run your business, you must discover God’s plan for you being here.

For four weeks, talk about only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  This is the God of the covenant who existed from eternity to eternity, and we want God’s Kingdom to be established in this age. We pray like this for 24 hours, always pray for missions and evangelism; no need to do anything else, because everything, including the world, moves for this.

The Jewish people lost hold of missions; they only were concerned with their own salvation, so they crumbled.  Why do people crumble? Because their lives don’t go into evangelism meaning they haven’t gone into the covenant of the Triune God and their lives aren’t praying towards that.  If you’re going to do missions to save the field, you must know the spiritual field because religious people are serving idols and Satan; then, how could you save them without knowing the spiritual background?

If you don’t know someone’s seized by Satan, how can you set them free?  In Acts 13, there’s a sorcerer named Elmyas who controls the government; how can you save the leader?  In Acts 16, there’s a female slave who could tell the future, and people gave their lives to know their future.  Unless this is broken, the darkness in the field cannot be broken.  In Acts 19, there is idolatry causing demon-possession and disease.  You must know this to do missions. Forum about this.  Don’t just talk in a one-directional way with them, but talk to the kids about this.

In conclusion, the things of God and concentrating towards God’s things.  Meditation is when God’s things become my things, so make it so that they can do this. If you can’t meditate, all your kids will run away and you’ll live with your own thoughts, then you’ll be obsessed with something else because you can’t concentrate on God.  You’ll be obsessed with other things like money, success, and people.  If this becomes more severe, it becomes addiction.

Meditate to make God’s things into your things.  The power of the sun’s rays are there, but to burn something up, you have to focus them with a magnifying glass.  The energy of the sun is there, but to make this energy “mine,” you have solar panels. Without solar panels to convert the energy into something you can use, it’s just energy, then anyone can just look around with the sun, that’s so general.  In order for you to make money and convert it into energy you can use, you need solar panels. 

Holy Meditation is to change the incredible power of God into my own. Now is that time, but you don’t realize it, and you’re not listening, but this is the time to concentrate on God.  I’m saying it’s also good to do it while you’re alone.  In church, you only come a few times a week, and it’s great if you come to Early Morning prayer, but this has all been prepared for you.  The moment you concentrate on God and make these things your own, the power to do missions and evangelism will be your own.


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