October Teacher’s Training Message

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

October Teacher’s Training Message

This is the teacher’s meeting we do every month after Remnant Day, and we go together with the stream of the Word.  The Word continuously relayed is, “Jesus Christ of long ages past.”  Jesus Christ before Creation, so we pray in the name of Jesus Christ and through the name of Jesus Christ, Satan is broken down.


Even before Satan tempted people, Christ was already promised.  Once you understand this, you will realize God already knew what would happen in my past, and that’s why He allowed my past to happen.  Christ existed before creation, so He worked starting from then, and the one who has allowed me to be born into this family is Christ.

Past – Me – Others, Scar

God has allowed all the things in my past in order for me to believe in Christ.  But the important thing is that Satan planted incorrect things in us.  The incorrect things planted within Adam are planted within my family and myself, so I said this before, that people have no choice but to make enemies and hate one another.  But it’s not like that for God, because in Gen. 3, He curses Satan. He didn’t do anything to Adam, but after cursing Satan, He gave a way in order to save Adam and Eve from the sins that they were caught in. 

If we don’t know about spiritual things, we have no choice but to hate and resent other people.  So, the only way for us is to overcome these past scars. It’s the same for any hurtful scars you have in the past. Those things become a platform.  Why did God allow it?  Because you can only come out of it by knowing Christ correctly. Knowing Christ isn’t just about knowing Christ, because the name “Christ” is the One Who can solve our problems of Satan, sin, curses, and hell. The gospel must go within this person in order for them to come to life.

It’s the same for you and me.  All of us have the scars of Genesis 3, and we just package ourselves and don’t talk about it.  Then what happens? In Heb. 2:14-15 is that we live in fear of death as slaves of Satan, but when we believe in Jesus Christ, we become more bold and don’t have this fear anymore. Even in your families, you may encounter someone who is afraid of death.  How does this fear come? Satan uses one person to attack.  If one person has COVID, Satan creeps into that and makes all people afraid.  If someone is hurt by another, Satan uses that to fight back.  You must differentiate between the person and what Satan placed within them.  Battle against what Satan put in them, and fight it quietly. You do this spiritual battle as you are good and nice to that person.

At first, Satan will be shocked. You must make enemies for division to break the church and the family, but Satan is taken aback as that isn’t happening. Then Satan will attack people who don’t have the gospel, why? Because that person has come for the first time.  They also fear the sincerity of the other person.  That’s how you save the other person. Change Satan and sin with the gospel, and that’s why God has placed us within our field and the workplace. What does Satan do?  Satan blocks our eyes so we live to only survive in the world, then what happens?  Because you’re seized by Satan, the works of being seized by Satan arise, and then God will continuously make incidents happen so you come back towards the gospel.

It doesn’t matter how many books you read or the college you went to.  Until you experience the gospel and understand others with the gospel, this won’t take place. It’s the same in your family. You can’t discern the problems of your spouse or children.  When you understand the inner things of the other person, the other person will also acknowledge and understand.  You cannot do it with morals and ethics and etiquette with which you package yourself, because that is fake and other people will criticize that.  The other person knows it’s just the culture and you’re just approaching with a fake smile.

What does Christ mean? What does it mean to have accepted the gospel? What does it mean for Christ to have died because He loved me so much? What does it mean to love our neighbors as we love ourselves?  You must experience this and practice this in your life.  Then, your scars will no longer be scars.  Through this, you realize why you need the gospel. Because you have scars, you’ll realize why you need the gospel.  Patients know they need a doctor when they’re patients.

Incarnate Christ (Holy Spirit)

Resurrected – Christ (Holy Spirit)

The Holy Spirit comes upon every individual, and they evangelized to unbelievers in this way. “I won’t believe in God until God reveals Himself to me,” so people like me are easy to evangelize to. We know the before and after, but how do you evangelize to someone who doesn’t know themselves?  Tell them about the Holy Spirit who works.  If you have this, then it’s easy.  That’s why you must have a story.  You must have the life story of how you lived in the past, and then one day, through one incident, I was changed.  You can’t talk about the name of Christ because they have their own image and knowledge of Jesus. 

They ask, “How did you change?” “I met one person.”  Make them anticipate.  Satan has planted incorrect things about Jesus and incorrect things in people, so they want to talk about anything other than that. You must have a realistic story. Even nursing homes have “before” and “after” pictures.  It’s the same for you, you need a “before” and “after.”  “For me, I went to church ever since I was young,” but you need a “before” and “after” as you transformed from a religious life. That’s the realistic answer God gave to me.

I lived within my scars for the longest time, but I met someone and my life was completely changed. Who was that person? That person was Christ.  Who is the Christ?  It is Jesus you know about, He is the Christ.  Then, instead of receiving the Jesus they know about, they receive the witness of the Jesus Who transformed your “before” into “after.”  Before I received the gospel, I thought the church was the place people who didn’t want to study would go to play volleyball and eat frogs.  But once I received the gospel, I thought about my neighborhood church and the people who went there.  The perspective of the church prior to understanding the gospel is of no use.

If there’s no “before” and “after,” then there’s no difference and Christians are just lowly.  That’s the conception unbelievers have.  But through my life story, the correct Christ must be relayed to them. It doesn’t matter if they accept or not; that’s up to God.  Even if this person doesn’t believe, they may tell their friends or children, “This person changed because he met Christ,” so you must have a message.  It’s not just some message you memorized on your own, but it’s a message from before and after meeting Christ. 

All successful people have this message, look at the presidents, they have their own message.  Why did they become the president? God gave them a message.  There’s a chairperson who asked me to become chair, but I declined it because I didn’t have the message.  You must have the God-given message to fulfill this role.  But people say, “It’s your turn to do it now,” but no, God must give you the practice and the real message for you to fulfill that role.  If you don’t have this message and you’re in that role, nothing will happen.  All the world’s leaders and government officials have a message God has given to them, so you must have a message, what God has given.  You must have that for God to attach people to you.

Through the name of Christ, Satan is broken down along with the authority of the gates of Hades, and it’s working even now.  The Holy Spirit is working through Christ realistically, and God has approved of that and is working.  He will come again.

Second Coming – Christ [237] Healing Summit

Within your boundaries and field, God’s goal and motive is for everyone around you to receive the gospel at least once. Through this, God gives you the answer in your businesses and position.  God doesn’t work without nothing.  God gave Noah the power so that through Noah, all people could hear the gospel. He isn’t just Noah, but through Noah, all people must receive the gospel.  God gave him the grace and power to do so; even though he had no tools, God provided for him.

The church temple must be used for 237 and that’s how God will answer.  When my business saves the 237, that’s when God will give me the answer.  Then, we must heal the diseased and raise the remnants to the summit. Jesus Christ resurrected the first time 2000 years ago, and when He comes again, all those who are sleeping will come to life again in the physical body.  The Jehovah’s Witnesses say God will continually do His work on this earth, but the earth will go away.  Jehovah’s Witnesses say there is no heaven or hell, but this is heaven; however, God has prepared a new earth and new heaven, and Christ prepared this from before Creation, so we must live for Christ.  Why? Because God moves all things for Christ.  Father God has entrusted everything to Christ, for His glory, and that’s why we must live in this way.

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