Nature (Rev. 1:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Nature (Rev. 1:1-3)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Imprint, Root

You can know the content of the Bible, but it has nothing to do with you. The Word must be planted into your heart. Because we grew up in a Christian church, you say you know the doctrines and what the Bible says, but you cannot be liberated from your past.  Even though we don’t know when, once it becomes imprinted, it becomes our root and that becomes our nature. What’s our nature?  When there’s a problem, our nature makes it so we turn to God right away, asking what His plan is.  But because we don’t have this nature, it still takes some time for us to get there.  That’s why this is important.

The message of the resurrection of the Lord must become our imprint and rooted through prayer.  We encounter many situations and through prayer, we must change that.  That must become our nature, to stand as a witness before others. That’s what we’re talking about.  It’s knowledge and religion if it has nothing to do with you. People know they are suffering as they’re centered on themselves, and they may evangelize at first, but as time passes, their faces darken.  Satan attacks their conscience, “You can’t do better, so you should fix yourself first,” and that’s the state of the next generation remnants. They say, “I already heard it,” but they see other people and they see no change even though they hear this message.

Don’t live this religious life.  The people who went to another church and came here, they ask me, “How many people are able to live in that way?” I say, “If you can’t live that way, why does that number matter?”  These people listen to the gospel as legalism and the law, so they try to fit it into their own mind, but they say, “No one can live in this manner.”  Try talking to people who talk about the law.  Ask them, “Are you able to follow the law every second of your life?”  Even if you’re able to follow the law exactly for 99 years, even if you make a mistake or sin for one second, it means you go to hell, so that means, no one can follow the law.  You may think, “I can follow the law once a year,” but you have to follow it every second of your life. 

The Jews say, “I keep the festivals so I’m not a sinner, I think I’m righteous.”  They think, “We have kept the law, so why is the Lord interacting with the diseased and sinners who weren’t able to follow the law?”  They declared Jesus was a sinner, not the Messiah.  “He is calling us, the righteous people, as sinners, so He is actually the sinner and must be killed.”  It says they said, “Let His blood be on our heads and on the heads of our children,” so they’re saying, because Jesus sinned, He deserved to die on the cross, and if we’re wrong, let that curse be on us and our children.

What is the law? It is that, “I have followed the law and therefore, I am righteous.  You didn’t follow it?” Before God, they determine what is right or wrong, and that is sin. If they really knew the law, they would admit they are a sinner.  If you did not have a hateful thought for 99 years of your life, but you forgot for one second, then you’re a sinner.

If you don’t understand the law, you think you’re doing  well, and that’s actually going against the cross, the gospel.  So, I’m trying to share something very important.  It doesn’t matter what you do, if you’re the main thing of your life, there’s nothing you can do.  When you accept the gospel and the resurrected life, your life will work out.  If that’s not imprinted in you, you may say you know and remember it, but once you go out into the field, you’ll lose it and forget it and suffer. One day, you’ll realize and understand this gospel, that Jesus is the Christ.  But your insides haven’t changed. You say you know it but you haven’t been changed inside.  Because your insides haven’t changed, you have no choice but to have these diseases for you to change.  You can’t even move because of this. 

This person composed lyrics to this song while in the military, and he was in a state of powerlessness where he couldn’t even move.  Then someone told him to go all in as a missionary, and as he went to China and ran around, he started to recover slowly, and that’s the greatest grace he received in his college years. He didn’t realize it later like me, but during his college years, so his illness wasn’t in vain.

“One day, it came to me,” this has become our root and nature. If not, it’s just knowledge to you.  It has not become an imprint, so you cannot be rooted in it. You think this is right, but it must be your root and it will become your nature.  You must have the nature of relaying the gospel, and you can enjoy this in your evangelism field.  Enjoy this individually, you must have the individual bartizan, and that’s what it means to have this root.  You have heard the gospel, and even though you face problems, you have this  root so you can raise your individual bartizan.

Once it becomes your nature, you stand as a bartizan in your field. Even though they say not to do it, you do it. In your field.  Acts 16, you can find someone like Lydia, it’s easy for people who have this nature.  People have the nature of playing, so they’re quick to go towards that, but it’s difficult to enjoy or proclaim the gospel. That’s what happens. 

Let us confirm Rev. 1:1-3.

Christ – Complete 

People think America is complete so they face a problem and don’t know what to do. Children think their diploma is everything they need, but one day, they face a problem their diplomas can’t solve.  Christ is complete, so you can listen to the Word that is complete. You’re sitting here but you don’t listen. You listen, but your heart is somewhere else.  Then, what happens? During the week, you face things you cannot do anything about because you’re not able to discern.

Within Christ are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  God moves through the name of Christ, and once you have this complete nature, you’re able to see.  The reason why you wander in the field is because you don’t have the nature.  If you have this nature, then it’s the end, it’s not far away, but it’s in you. He has prepared your life and is guiding you.  Then, the greatest answer and prayer topic is for Him to become your answer.

Acts 1:8

What is the Holy Spirit? Who is the Holy Spirit?  You must know. It’s not just any spirit, but what does He do?  “I don’t know, the pastor just talks about the Holy Spirit, so I just say it, too.”  If you bought a new car, you must use the air conditioning and play music and use the car, but imagine you bought a new car without knowing how to use it. Because you don’t know how to use it, you just have to walk.  Even if you hear it, you ask, “What is the Holy Spirit?” You think, speaking in tongues or focusing on the word; because you don’t know the Holy Spirit, you cannot enjoy it.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ, and it is also the spirit of God the Father.  When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, it means the Triune God is with you in Oneness. What does He do? He reminds you and teaches you of the Word, and He gives you the power.  He says, “I will give you power,” and you must enjoy this.  I must enjoy this blessing of the Holy Spirit coming upon my thoughts, heart, and spirit, and receive power and strength from that. But even though the Holy Spirit is with me, He’s doing nothing? When I say the Holy Spirit is playing, I’m not saying He’s staying still, but He doesn’t work. But that’s when my thoughts change to the word.  Some people have anger issues or are controlled by their emotions. That’s a spiritual problem.  They cannot endure so they just blow off their steam as soon as you meet them. I’m talking about myself, not about you.  I’m talking about my daughter.  I’m not talking about you.  I start talking about others, they get mad, but it’s all of us, connected as one body. It is so.

What is that? You cannot endure because of spiritual problems.  People who blow off anger in this way also have depression. Why are they seized by depression? They cannot control it.  Why are they seized by their panic disorders? They cannot control it.  Even though God said He would give you the power of the Holy Spirit, it has nothing to do with me.  I think David Abrams understands this because he’s always so joyful, but many people don’t understand. They think it’s just the filling of the Holy Spirit, so it becomes hard.  The power of the Throne of Heaven must be upon me, but you don’t understand. “Maybe the power will come upon me somehow,” but you cannot overcome your depression or loneliness.  Why?  Some people enjoy loneliness because that can be a time to go to God.  But some people cannot overcome or enjoy at all, so they are on their phones, meeting people all the time.

God said He would give you the filling of the Holy Spirit but they cannot understand.  God places them in extreme situations so they can understand. That’s what Pastor Ryu talked about.  After a baptism ceremony, someone got into an accident.  We use grape juice but churches in Korea use real wine.  It was a waste to throw it away, so they drink it all, and filled with the wine, and as he drove, someone hit him and the police came, and the police said, “Let’s check your blood alcohol level,” so he had too much alcohol and went to jail. How embarrassing is that, for a pastor to go to jail because of alcohol? 

The neighboring church was ready to criticize, “How could this happen?” It was the same for Paul, half of them supported Paul while in prison, but the other half applauded.  But regardless, this was a situation where he had no control; it had already been determined, but at that time, he bowed down before God and God worked. He showed the plan of the evangelism movement. The Holy Spirit will come upon you so you can see the future, and that incident becomes the incident of blessings. 

Without understanding, God will place you into Babylon so you cannot understand what this means. Because you’re physically well-off, you think you don’t need this, but what work do you have left to do? Some things you cannot do on your own but this is what God has promised. The Holy Spirit must completely reign over me in order to do this work.

Eph.5:18 Drunk X

If this hasn’t become “only” for you, there will be a time when this becomes your “only.” God will make this situation where you’re no longer able to rely on yourself.  Is this a threat? This is God’s path of blessings.  There’s one method for Esther to change.  If we say, “My child’s DNA has changed,” she will change, too.  If we say the input of your heart and brain has changed, she will change.  The mother’s health affects the baby’s health as well, but even if you think about the percentage of this, you’re bound to go into this [power].  She’s the representative case.

Is it hard at the hospital? There’s a way for it to not be hard.  God is cornering you so you can understand this, then you’ll no longer be able to say this is hard.  You can go within this.  If you don’t stand before God, you’ll have so many complaints and this is the life I’ve lived until now, but that was a blessing.  I was trying to hold onto myself so I wouldn’t be dragged.  There was a couple of professors in America, they didn’t lack anything, but there was one way for God to change them. They went to church and had faith, but they didn’t go into “only.” They had a child, but the child’s foot was backwards. Would the parents say this is okay? They started bowing before God.

They’re doing well in the evangelism movement now, and there was a pastor who had a child who was mentally handicapped, all the other children were doing well and successful, but the youngest was ill.  Because of this child, the pastor kneeled and he’s now in the evangelism movement.  A couple months ago, this child went to heaven.  They had to take care of this child, 24/7. Either the pastor or pastor’s wife would take care of the child.   They had the nature of humanism where they had no choice but to stand before people, so God made it so that he had no choice but to stand before God.

I met them in Hawaii and said, “You worked so hard for your child, but now he is in heaven.  If your child is sick that way, you have to take care of them, and you won’t understand the suffering you go through.  If you don’t pray, there’s nothing you can do but God made it so you have no choice but to go into that situation to get rid of your humanism.”  Now they are in the evangelism movement very well and God’s time schedule is accurate.  It’s a bit dark and sounds like a threat.

Even for the young adults who haven’t married yet, you have to marry and have children, but how will you know how your child will come out?  Do you get worried?  You must go within this.  That’s what I’m trying to explain.  There are so many years left of your life.  You think you won’t marry a strange person, but you do, you didn’t realize this because they package themselves so well but they have weird things.  You say, “I didn’t think of them in that way,” and it seems like you’ve been deceived, but it doesn’t matter what anyone says, just go and that’s what God has allowed.  God gave you the choice and decision and allowed that thing to happen.  Don’t try to change others but instead, go within this and change yourself within God. 

Let us look at Zechariah 4:6

You studied, you succeeded, and you’ve done everything, but the Lord says, “You cannot build up your temple by might or power.” If the temple isn’t raised, if blood sacrifices aren’t given, curses and disasters come, but instead, you think, “I accomplished so much with my might and power; what can I not do?” If the Holy Spirit hasn’t come upon you, you cannot live your life. You can still study and live because that’s what nonbelievers do, too, but your spiritual state and others’ spiritual states cannot be changed except by God.

Your inner state, your inner software, because this is broken, life is sad.  Why do people face problems? Because their insides are broken. Without changing this, you cannot change society.  You know, Psalm 23:1-6. This being your nature means this comes out regardless. Those who live a religious life will fail.  People who sit at a desk and memorize these words will fail, but through meditation, have this become your nature.  How do you make it?  We tell this to the future generation at a young age so we have this at a young age.  If this becomes their nature, we cannot stop them. That’s Joseph. He went in as a slave but it didn’t matter. 

Gen. 39:35, it says, “I have never seen anyone who is more filled with the spirit of God than him.” In your workplace, because you can’t do this, you constantly say your workplace is hard and there are so many difficult things for you to do, so you cannot change your field. If you’re able to do this, others would know, and that is the key to succeed.  All the people were afraid of Goliath and ran, it was a problem, but the Lord is my shepherd, and you go.  It is that one split second, success and failure is determined by split seconds.  Success must follow after this, let’s look at Joseph, David, Daniel, it’s the same God must give success as an answer. Of course, we do need our efforts, and that’s what nonbelievers do, too. But the success that God gives, where does it come from? The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for the LORD is with me.

When you go into your workplace, pray, holding onto this so that the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit will completely seize and reign over me.  There’s nothing you can do with your emotions; you’re bound to divide people into groups. You need to share this gospel to the people you don’t like, but you’re not able to. Can you share it to the people you like? You cannot.  But instead you divide people saying you like certain people and not others, but you’re being your own god.   

One minute every day, before you go to class.  One minute might be long, so 30 seconds, so do this, because it’s within you.  At CSUN, we have evangelism camp when we go out, but you can do it in class, too. Enjoy this because you go into your class and you see others with spiritual problems. You may see professors who have that.  Even though they might be physical summits, they are physically down so you must pray for them.  Then, as you continue to pray, if you find strange professors, tell me so I can meet them.

You can be Rahab and the evangelist, you can be both. Rahab knew all the incidences and circumstances just like you know your classmates’ situations. You can do camp together.  All the kids seemed kind of confused and heard this for the first time, “We have to go out to evangelize, no?” They hadn’t understood what “camp” means.  Go out and shine the light in me. It’s the golden fishing ground where 70 people have gathered together, go out into the field and listen to the same thing and assign a day and camp.  Among them, there are people who want to be saved, spiritually.  God allowed you to take that class for this reason. Whomever you pray for, those spirits will surely listen to the gospel whether it’s through you or someone else.  You are sent as a missionary and bartizan within your class.  You need to be trained in this, and then go to your workplace, then these people will do this camp in their work.

Are you not working?  This is the training to make this your nature. I explained Judo. Lower level Judo players try to overcome the opponent with their own strength, but experienced and advanced people do not do it with their own strength, but they manipulate the strength of their opponent against them.  What does this mean?  When you share the gospel, some people try to push the gospel and they go astray but they’re knocked over, but what do advanced people do? They don’t need to do that. When others talk about their problems, you give them the answers to give them strength.  But instead, beginners, without listening to the problems, they attack. 

The kids asked, “What about you, pastor? Are you beginning or advanced?”  I said, “I don’t know what level I am, but I’ve done this since I was in college. I used to be a beginner, too, I tried to force this gospel with my own strength and knowledge, but as timed passed, I realized I could share this gospel. Many people try to give the answer without listening to the problem, so it doesn’t align. It means they try to enforce a formula they learned, “I don’t know why; it’s in the model so you need Christ, isn’t that simple.  But if you don’t know this, you have to start from the beginning.  They are ready to close their ears to you. Then you think you have to explain the entire way of salvation, but I told my daughter, “Everything you’ve heard is from demons,” and she gets frustrated, so I say, “As you get angrier, you have outbursts and depression, but the center of all this is yourself, and you cannot control yourself, so that’s what the ships realize, so you have to pray.  You need the way of salvation.  Do you understand?   You must enjoy this in the field, and that is when you will have this hint and you can relay this answer.

They called me about Moses, so I absolutely understood his spiritual state. I didn’t even listen to the person but to someone else.  The pastor’s wife said, “I don’t really get it, but I understand what you’re trying to say,” they talked about the spiritual problem regarding the father, so he’s able to see.  But in the beginning, you can kind of tell so it has to become your nature. It doesn’t change right away, but as time goes on you have this nature and you’re able to save the field.

All people have this same problems, either it’s the problem with your daughter or with Moses? Those are the same problems of and that’s why no matter what kind of form these problems come in, you’re able and you think you have to change the form and do something differently but the answer is within this, and that’s why the spirit of Christ must completely reign over me, and you have to pray so that this becomes your nature.

Pray even now. What else can you do right now? You can pray.  Pray for all the things you’re going through even now, and even during your week.  If you pray, then you believe, but because you don’t believe, you don’t pray, it’s because, “I don’t believe.” So you cannot come out of it.  That’s why you live centered on yourself.

Nature.  In order to develop this nature, three remnants are here to receive training.  It’s the same for RU, listen to all six subjects.  No mercy, it’s not something I’m saying; it’s RU. This is training for you.  I hope you are within this blessing.


Lord, we thank You.  May the lifestyle of the evangelist become our nature.  Wherever we are, may we enjoy the blessing of the throne to have this nature in our fields.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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