Mystery of Saving the Superpower Nations of 237 is in Christ (Hebrews 2:7-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Mystery of Saving the Superpower Nations of 237 is in Christ (Hebrews 2:7-9)

Speaker Pastor Suglan Ko | Interpreter Gospel Oh

Thank you. It only feels like yesterday since I came but it has already been two weeks. I prayed before I came here and I do college ministry. I held onto the message of Pastor Ryu of gaining a disciple within the 5000 college field and I confirmed that word when I came here. I believe it’s not me that’s doing it but God has prepared the disciples within the college fields. Because I’m a women I have a set kind of focusing on the colleges instead of the big picture, whether they are believed or non believers, I view all the college students as precious. And God will definitely do world evangelism through the super power nations and I believe God will carry out this work of evangelism through you.

I met pastor park doing college ministry. And we spent time together and we ate and slept on the same building that was the Seul specialization schools and it was the fifth and sixth floors. And we were all college students at that time, and I was also acquainted with pastors wife. And as we were all international students we had no money. And I don’t know about others, but because I had no money I would ride the subway through the back doors. And I had no money and at that time I attended Goryu university and I would fill myself up for the day with 50 cent coffee. And so God set aside this time period where I just ate ramen or other food that has been given by God. 

And so the people who resided in the Seul University Specialization School, they ended up becoming minters, pastors or missionaries. And I would drink coffee for a meal for the whole day and people told me it would be bad for my health but I’m ok now. And we have a senior pastor at our church called Pastor Kim and he knew my life style very well. Pastor Kim is telling me to not just drink coffee and eat some food, because I really love coffee. 

And I came from Anyang to another region. And I continued to do college ministry and I continue to do it right now. I’m comfortable with college student remnants but I’m awkward with older adults. The greatest answer that God has given to me is the ministry of  remnants. There’s nothing much I can do, no special talents. I think my talent is to get closer to people. 

And for example there was a remnant who coincidentally came to our church and she rode the elevator, and I saw her for the first time and I said “you’re trying to go to a church?” And I just took her to my church and I found out later on that she’s a remnants and a pastors daughter. Sometime has past now and she’s in Vietnam as a remnant. And the remnant told  me if I hadn’t talked to her at that time, she would’ve gone to a different church. I always go out and reach out to college students wherever they may be. And I always relay the gospel to them, whether they listen or not. I really love the college students. And before creation God has called me as a remnant minister, and I’ll continue to enjoy these blessings. 

Pastor Park has called me to do Wednesday message two times, and I’m so thankful he has given me this responsibility. And in prayer I thought about what to relay today, and I came to the conclusion that we have to talk about only Christ. And so I want to relay only Christ because although our fields may be different it is a field that is within Satan’s darkness and only Christ can overcome that. So the Christ that everyone has heard about has to become my Christ. 

When the remnants hear the word Christ they understand it very well and give good forums about it, but they know it but don’t believe it. Only when they believe in Christ they can enjoy the blessings that come with it, but because they only know it they cannot evangelize. Certainly there’s Gods time schedule but when they certainly believe in Christ they can relay the true gospel to others. 

So I’ve went around many fields, and in assistant pastor Kim’s mission home I was able to hear forums, it was so cute. There were words about breaking down the forces of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ and I had that faith that Satan’s authority was broken down. I thought only remnants were cute, but I found that older remnants are cute too.  It’s so cute when they relay the name of Jesus Christ. So God has certainly called us as the ones who remain but it’s  so easily deceived. So don’t be deceived, the answer is already inside of you, you just have to enjoy it. 

I have a really small church and I’m doing college ministry and also Mongolian ministry. Prior to COVID I was doing Mongolian ministry and coming to this church I found out they also have Mongolian ministry so I was happy. Because we are able to communicate well. And so for me pastor park is someone like a mentor. Because I received the gospel from pastor park, I am not tested by his word. And when I came to this church I found out pastor park is doing 237 evangelism. Because pastor park doesn’t know anything about 237 world evangelism, but because I was able to confirm this with my eyes I was overjoyed. When I go back to Korea I think about relaying the gospel to the multiethnic near me. There’s so many international students near me, and so we used to do ministries but stopped because of COVID, and once I go back to Korea I realized I should focus on the multiethnic that is in the region of Incheon. 

And once I came here pastor park told me he was doing missions in Karen, and so I told the pastor I would go as well, but because of accommodations he told me I wasn’t able to go and I just agreed. So this church is called Antioch Mission church, it was a precious time for me to confirm that Antioch mission church is doing the missions of the Antioch church. 

And so the Mystery of Saving  the superpower nations of 237 is in Christ because when you hold onto other things you’ll receive different answers. Holding onto the covenant of Christ, Christ will do everything. 

Romans 3:4 says only God so true and everything else is false. God is true and humans are false but there are many times when we are influenced by others, so we must hold onto the covenant that only God is true, when we hold onto the covenant the covenant will absolutely be fulfilled. 

Romans 4:22-25 states we are the source of blessings. And God stated it is not only to Abraham but those who believe. And God calls those who believe as righteous and promises to give us the world to save it. 

Hebrews 11:1-3 for those who believe they will stand as witnesses. Holding onto false things we go into destination but holding onto the truth we will have victory. However it says the real things are things that are invisible. 

Hebrews 1:10-12 says God created this world with His hands. It says it’s a creative world but will fall into destruction and it will change like we change clothes. And so I hope you will not place your worth and value inside the risk that will change like clothes but inside the unsearchable things provided by God. You just have to have faith. It’s not something you apply or go for but it’s something that’s given by you by grace and faith. And when we have faith God has called us as descendants of Abraham, the source of blessings. So do not go after the false words of people but follow after God that’s truth. So everything is contained in who I am. I’m a source of blessings, I am a child of God. Then my father is God, my father is the creator there’s nothing he cannot do, he knows everything I do. So everything is contained in who I am. 

Then you need to know what I’m supposed to do. I am the source of blessings and the work God will do is world evangelism. Do not place your worth in the world that is falling to destruction but in God’s kingdom. And Christ for a little while was lower than the angels. God is Christ but the reason he was little lower than angels was because he came as a form of flesh. So Christ came in a form that was lower than angels in rider to solve the fundamental problems of man through death. The world cannot escape the system of Egypt. All mankind was suffering under the sin of genesis 3 in which Adam disobeyed God. 

And Hebrews 2:14 says it is mankind who is holding onto death. And Satan is holding onto us so we cannot escape the system of death and failure. Satan made us leave God in genesis 3:1-6, and Romans 3:23 we are under sin and John 8:44 we are under Satan’s captivity. And it was through that one person Adam all people had fallen into sin and was under destruction. And Satan is controlling the world through the ten evils spirits and we are holding onto the ten leaders of the world. 

This was the system of Egypt, and Israelites was slaves under the system. And through this one man Adam Satan was able to grab ahold of all people and now the world is underneath Satan. And that’s why in Genesis 6:4, God killed Abel, and God put Abel as a martyr in order to explain the blood sacrifice. 

And genesis 13:18, God allowed Abraham to experience the meaning of blood sacrifice. The fact that I believe in Jesus means it is only through the blood of the lamb that the sin and the curses will be broken down. This word system is something we are trapped in, and we cannot escape from it, and we cannot overcome disasters nor curses. Only when Jesus Christ was put on the cross and bled for our sins was when all of the fundamental problems of mankind was broken  down. 

Exodus 3:18 states that you will only escape through the blood sacrifice. Only through the blood sacrifice can satan be broken down and you can escape from  darkness. The blood of the young lamb signifies Jesus Christ. 

Exodus 12:1-14 states all Israelites were able to experience the blood sacrifice. You must apply blood on the doorpost and go inside, then the curses will pass over you. And Satan’s authority will be broken down and this world is having that exodus from Egypt. And all the Israelites when the paint the blood of the lamb in their doorpost, then they will be able to come out of the world system of Egypt and come out of disasters. 

John 19:30 states when you believe in Jesus Christ all your problems will be solved. And John 1:12 states you’ll become a child of God when you believe in Jesus Christ and the method through which the children of God lives is worship. When you give worship God will grant you all blessings. 

Hebrews 2:12 states that only through God’s son can you come to know God. Hebrews 2:14 states that the son of God has overcome Satan and the gates of Hades. Hebrews 2:17 states that Jesus has broken down all sins. The son of God is the way to meet God, he came as a true king who has broken down Satan’s authority and he has come as a true priest who died on the cross for our sins. So Jesus Christ came as the true king, priest, and prophet, and he has broken down Satan and all our sins and is with us right now. Jesus Christ only momentarily  was lower than angels in order to come down on earth and die for our sins. Jesus Christ was in the right hand of God, but momentarily he came down onto earth in order to solve our sins, and right now he is resigning next to the heavenly throne in heaven. He was originally resigning on the right hand of God in heaven but momentarily he came down to earth lower than angels to solve our sins. And after solving all problems, he went back to the right hand of God, and he is doing the work of Christ on the right hand of God. And that is the three works he is doing. He has done the three works of the prophet priest and king. He came to earth as the true king and he is doing the work of the king in heaven. And likewise as the true prophet and priest. But when is he doing these works? Because we have received salvation these problems have  already been finished. And Christ right now is doing the work of Christ in the right hand of God. 

Hebrews 1:3 states the beautiful name of Jesus Christ is residing in the right hand of God, verse 6 states all angels worship him. Verse 7 says his power is like the power of wind but fire. And Hebrews 12:22 states there are thousands of angels, and Hebrews 1:8 says on his hand he holds a scepter. A scepter is something only kings  can have. And with that scepter he is ruling over all creation. And Hebrews 2:7 states that in his hand there’s a crown. Why is God doing the work of the true king through Christ? Hebrews 1:13 states there’s an enemy. We cannot overcome Satan who is our enemy with forces of darkness. 

Hebrews 1:14 states that God will send his heavenly army, the angels, in order to overcome satan. And all angels are sent to break down the forces of darkness. Hebrews 2:7-9 states that through Christ all creation will bow down before them and will set the right order of the world. 

We know very well of the evil spirits, and sometimes when we mention angels we will think kind of differently. But Hebrews 1:14 states God works through his angels, and Christ is continuing to do the work right now at the right hand of God. And when we focus on Christ, wherever we are God will send his heavenly angels, and when we work God is with us, and when Gods heavenly army works, the work is perfect. Because Christ is working through his angels. 

Hebrews 3:1 states think deeply of Christ who is the true prophet, we have to meditate on Jesus Christ. And God will reveal to us what will happen in the future. So the prophet is talking about the one who delivers God’s word. And so when we meditate deeply on Jesus Christ, that is when God reveals to us our future.  And not when we are in the complicated world of Egypt but when we are in the wilderness having a one on one communication  with God, God will reveal to us. We are able to nurture and develop our spiritual state in the wilderness. We are able to see what we are within, if we don’t have this time of mediation we aren’t able to know what we are really within. Quietly within the wilderness, when we focus on only Jesus Christ that’s when we can see our spiritual states and what we are lusting after. We can see that we are tempting by something that is of no value. So what God really desires is to meditate fully on Jesus Christ at quiet times. 

Hebrews 4:2 states believing in Jesus Christ by faith and the first answer that will come is true peace. And true rest and peace doesn’t reside in the world but it is only given to you by God. This is everything. And not only that in Hebrews 4:12 God will heal you by his word. Not by anything else but by fundamental healing will result from the words of Jesus Christ. And so at this time when we focus on Jesus Christ who’s in heaven the angels will come to break down the forces of darkness, and through the work of Jesus Christ as the true prophet, God will not only give us rest but will lead us by his word. And now we can go forward boldly infront of God and have prayer. 

And there are three conditions to go boldly infront of the throne of God. Only the true priest can go before God, that is the true tent and the most holy place. So only these three things can stand before God. And God has set Jesus Christ as the true priest the true tent of meeting and the holy place to stand before him. And at that time God will pour upon his grace that is according to his time schedule. And we are beings that cannot live without receiving grace. That’s why we must go boldly to the throne of heaven in order to receive grace according to God’s will. And Christ who is seated in the right hand of the throne of God is carrying on the works of the true king, priest and prophet. Then there’s works that are about to happen. 

Christ is God, and all creation is created by God and all creation is made to come before God. So through Christ the works that will arise is the work of victory that has already been prepared.

Exodus 3:8 states only the covenant has overcome Egypt. God said “I will tell you the works I will carry out” so what has allowed Egypt to bow is not Moses, or Joshua, but God and the words of Jesus Christ. Moses and the Israelites only followed after the covenant. So what made Egypt submit was only Jesus Christ. It’s just like when the Passover, the forces of darkness was overcome by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

The exodus wasn’t done by people but only Jesus Christ. And when we believe and hold onto the covenant of Jesus Christ is when all people will submit before him. And Numbers 1:30-32 is talking about the submission of the wilderness, in the wilderness the Israelites followed after the tent of meeting, and God moved the tent of meeting with fire and cloud, and the Israelites followed after the tent of meeting. It is not the Israelites or the priest but the ark and the tent of meeting. And so the ark of covenant within the tabernacle made Egypt as well as the wilderness submit. 

And Joshua 3:11 states that it was into the covenant that made Canaan submit. Moses, Caleb and Joshua all followed after the covenant. It’s not by efforts or standards but by following only Christ. And Jesus Christ who is the covenant has carried out all works. Jesus Christ was only momentarily lower than angels and finished all problems of mankind on the cross. And he is within us if we accept him as master of our lives. And so the greatest blessing we can experience and enjoy is worship. When we give worship, we are able to enjoy the blessing of focusing on Jesus Christ who is dated at the right hand of God. We are able to enjoy the blessing of the true king prophet and priest.  And when we are enjoying the blessing of prophet priest and king, God is giving us the blessing of being able to make Egypt and the wilderness submit to us. 

Matthew 18:16-20 states make all disciples of all nations. In the Old Testament it was about making Egypt, wilderness, and Canaan submit but now we have the blessing of going to all nations. God states to go to all nations and give healing. John 21:15-20 states we have to go to the future generations and give healing upon them. God promised to give us the filling of the Holy Spirit and the power to stand as witnesses to all people. It is through only Jesus Christ that this work will be carried out. God is letting us confirm that all creation has been submitted before Christ. 

Not only is Jesus Christ the answer to everything, but Jesus Christ is our everything. For people who don’t have problems can say that Christ isn’t much, but the reason we are born is to accept Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ becomes our masters our life will work out. When we are between genesis 1:27, verse 28 will be carried out. It’s not with our diligence or effort, but when we hold onto the covenant, the covenant will carry us out. And God mobilizes his angels to all fields we are going to and is working there right now. And God is mobilizing his heavenly army onto the field pastor park is doing his mission right now. And God does this also for worship, he send his angels and will receive the worship. If it’s not Christ you can just trash everything. The things that aren’t Christ have no worth. Only Christ has the greatest value. Through Christ we can experience that blessing of being a witness. If it’s not the Holy Spirit, it’s the evil spirit, there’s no in between. God has given us the promise that through the filling of the Holy Spirit, we will stand as witness. If we have success we can face limitations, but we just have the believe in the covenant of Jesus Christ that God has promised to us. There’s no similar thing than this. It’s not something I do, but by God’s grace I have faith. 

So we just have to become people who give worship, we will be able to see what God does. So during this week, may we be able to experience and enjoy the mystery of worship but also pray for pastor park who’s doing the missions because we will also be able to share the blessings of the mission. Let us pray. 


Dear God, thank you for the great covenant you gave to us, thank you for giving us the grace to once again understand that the mystery of saving the 237 and the future generation is only in Jesus Christ. We believe that you will bless the Karen missionary team and also send the heavenly angels there. Break down the forces of darkness and we believe you have already sent and raised up a disciple there. We are worshiping here right now, but you have the power to transcend time and space to carry out your work right now. We give you all glory and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

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