Myself, Church, Job that Saves the World through the Power of the Throne (Acts 2:1-4)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Myself, Church, Job that Saves the World through the Power of the Throne (Acts 2:1-4)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless one another, “Happy New Year!”  I hope that the greatest works of God will take place according to God’s Word in the next year.  That also means, on the other hand, that things do not work according to my thoughts.  I believe everything will happen according to God’s Word.  Because God is so faithful, He is Somebody Who fulfills the Word He gives us. More so than having your plans that you desire to accomplish in the year 2023, may you confirm in God’s Word. 

Every new year, people imagine what will happen in the new year.  There are some people who will accomplish that vision, and those who will not, but there is something that can take place for anybody.  If you imagine the future according to God’s Word, then that vision will be fulfilled, how easy is that?  However, it does mean it requires faith.  That’s what it means that nothing takes place without faith.  May that grace be upon you today.

The answer that we must receive for the rest of the year, starting with the Word, “Myself, Church, Job that Saves the World through the Power of the Throne.”  We must receive the answer for the year 2023 based on the Word that was given to us through the Early Church. Are there any of you who think, “I’ve already listened to the Word my whole life”? I’m sure you have, but the difference is, are you somebody who received that Word as a promise between you and God and held onto it?  If you truly believed and held onto the Word of God as a promise, then either God is dead or you are fake, one of the two.  From that point on, you can say that God does not exist, or that He is fake, or that He has deceived you.  However, as long as that has not happened, you must go into faith.

If you say in your own thoughts, “How could God do this?” That is a failure.  If God is truly alive, there is no other problem.  The evidence is God’s Word, God is the Word, it is different from the words of people.  Your words may not be fulfilled but God’s Words are.  Because God is the Creator, His Word creates something out of nothing.  Because God’s Word is the Light, it is the Word that shines Light in the darkness.  So as you begin the new year, I hope you will draw the image of the next year based on God’s Word.  

1. Myself who saves the world

In the midst of that, know that God has called me as one who saves the world. You need to understand this well, I am the “me” who saves the world, not a “me” who lives my walk of faith well, but a “me” who saves the world. If you live your walk of faith well, you will naturally save the world. 

  1) Only Christ 

In order for that to take place, the words “only Christ,” that “me” must come into me. You need to receive God’s grace to understand that all problems have been finished only in the name of Christ.  Otherwise, you have to struggle to end your own problems.  There is nothing more regrettable than that.  For example, if your parents left you enough wealth in your bank account for you to eat well, but you didn’t believe in that, so you worked so hard all your life to feed yourself, how much would you regret that? There’s only one reason for that, you didn’t believe the words of your parents.

    (1) Solution to all problems (Jn. 19:30)

God gave us the Word that all the problems of our past, present, and future have been finished on the cross, but we do not believe His Word. That Word must come into us.  Jesus Christ’s cross was not in vain.  But the reason why individuals and churches are breaking down is because they’ve received that the cross was in vain.

    (2) Start of problem – Spiritual problem (Sin, Satan, hell)

Then, what is the start of all problems?  You guys all have financial problems, problems with interpersonal relationships, problems of worrying about your future or scars of the past, and these may all be true, but they are not the real problems.  You might have problems with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, sex addiction, or gambling addiction, and those are all true, but there was a problem that came from before that. You may have bipolar disorder, but there is a problem you were facing even before that, and until that first problem is resolved, none of your other problems can be resolved, and that is the problem the Lord finished on the cross, and that problem is a problem of our sin where we were separated from God.  

We did not just sin, but we were seized by the authority of Satan.  We only sinned because we were trapped under the authority of sin.  Satan could say whatever he wants to us, but if we don’t fall over to those words, we would not sin, but because we did sin, we were trapped under the authority of that sin.  That is why we are now trapped under the authority of hell; we live a hellish life of suffering on earth, and then we go to an eternal hell after we die.  

There might be people who ask, “Pastor, we’ve already received salvation, so why do you unnecessarily repeat these words?”  If there is anybody who is wondering that question in their heart, that person is living a life that is constantly deceived by Satan.  If we have the power to overcome those three problems on our own, it wouldn’t be a problem because we could overcome them.  However, we’ve only been set free from those problems by believing in Jesus Christ, and by faith, we’ve become children of God.  

However, what happens if you do not find Jesus Christ to be believable? You may be set free from Satan, but you will still be seized by Satan, and the reason you are seized by Satan is because you don’t have the words of God, so you’re seized by the thoughts Satan gives you.  Then, all the suffering and mental illnesses you go through now are a preview of this hell you will go to.  For the people who have salvation, yes, in the end, you will go to heaven, but you will suffer a hellish life on earth just like an unbeliever. So you must understand what these words mean.  

    (3) Past, scar, experience – Platform

If you do not understand what these words mean, you will be seized by the experiences and the scars of your past, and the older you get, the more this will be revealed.  The pattern this is revealed through is in the pattern of your family line. You will start doing the exact same things you hated in your parents. That is not any other problem, that is the spiritual problem in your family line. 

However, if you receive the grace of God’s Word, even if you get physically older your spirit will get younger and younger, and you’ll converse with other people, and your age is actually younger, but there are some people who are physically young but they are actually like an old person, they’re always so worried about the future and they’re worried about unnecessary problems, so this child is so young but they’re so old, and the standard is because the words of God’s gospel are not within this person, they’re filled with so many other thoughts.  Only that problem is solved by only Christ.  

  2) Triune God

    (1) With (Ac. 1:1)

Once you believe in Jesus Christ, the Triune God is with you, and that becomes my background, and that means you really don’t need anything else because the Kingdom of God is my background.  These are not just words I am saying because I’m a pastor; I’m speaking to you as a witness, and this is my testimony.  If I just talk about the physical necessities, it’s almost embarrassing because even unbelievers talk about those things. All of those are basic.  God is going to work upon you as much as you prepare your vessel.  Just as how you’d only give milk to a baby, there is no parent who would buy their baby a car. There is no parent who would give their whole business to their baby, and if somebody is a spiritual baby, God gives them that level of answers. 

However, if somebody is spiritually mature, in order to save people, save the church, and save the world, God gives them spiritually mature answers.  That’s like a parent.  “If my child is going to college, then I support them. If my child is starting a business, then I’ll support them,“ because that child has the age and the vessel to take care of that, so I hope you will stop asking to receive things, but instead, widen your vessel of faith, then you will be filled, because that is the Kingdom of God.  

    (2) Kingdom of God – Background of throne (Ac. 1:3)

The fact that the Kingdom of God is our background means we receive all of our answers from there, so nobody has to help me. It’s okay if I have nothing. I’m a witness of that, I’ve put this to the test.  I lived a lot of my life as an unbeliever, and I saw in the Bible that God provides manna for us, and I really put that to the test.  If something is written in the Bible, it shouldn’t just be a story to us, and God has to work just as He did back then, so I’m standing in front of you as a witness. The reason I don’t talk about that is because then our church will become so low-level.  Even unbeliever kids don’t worry about things like that, so if I just talk about physical things, then how low-level is that? So I’m just not talking about those things, but God will provide for our physical needs. I can tell you this as a witness, but there’s even more on top.  At first, God will provide for us at the level of “Is God going to give me this or not?” and God works on us at that level.  

    (3) Power of the throne – Myself, job, field (Ac. 1:8)

But once we go beyond that, we begin to pray for the things God desires.  If we do that, even if we don’t pray a lot, answers are poured upon us.  Even if we think a little bit, “I really have to save the lives of people,” then you will receive answers that are both visible and invisible, why? Because God knows. God is already watching each of us, and God is accurate.  There is no reason to doubt Him. The basics are just the basics.  If you have a larger vessel, God will work appropriately, but the reason you may get confused is you’re not getting answers because your vessel is not prepared, and that is accurate.  God knows that if He gives you answers, you will only use it to boast of yourself, so God is not giving them to you for your protection. Both God and the devil know that.  

Only once you’ve prepared your vessel of faith, even if you don’t ask for something, it is bound to be given to you.  If you have the vessel of faith prepared to do Temple Construction and world evangelization, God will give you answers, even if you don’t ask for them.  However, if you say, “Once I believe in God, I’ll put in a little more effort or strength, or puff out my chest,” God is going to take away that pride because God sees that and the devil knows as well.  The devil already knows how to play with you the best.  Because God loves you, He is holding back. We are going forward with all the answers from the background of the throne of heaven.  With that answer and power, we are saving the church, the field, and the future.  The  reason why God gives us answers is to save. 

  3) Answer that saves

    (1) Church

    (2) Field

    (3) Future

God did not give you answers to boast of yourself, but God gave them to you to boast of God, but if you always talk about, “me, me, me,” God will not give you answers. God will say, “You are still spiritually young so I will still give you small answers.  However, even if somebody is physically young, if they are dreaming of the Temple Construction to save the world, God will work on them according to their faith. So that is why we cannot know how God will work on someone while they’re young. This came upon Moses when he was young, it went upon Moses and it went upon David when he was a young shepherd boy, and because this grace was upon them while they were young, their image in the future was fulfilled as such.  I hope that all the students here will receive that blessing.

I lived my life as an unbeliever, I’m somebody who knows what an unbeliever is, and unbelievers cannot receive these blessings.  Even in the year 2022, they are beginning by drinking alcohol, making their own plans,and going into the mountains to gain certainty in themselves. That is the life of an unbeliever, and if things don’t work out, their life will be destroyed again.  Then, when the next new year comes, they’ll go to the mountains and they try to change themselves again.  The older people get like this, the more their heart is bitter and in pain, and there’s no words a parent can say to their child. Because they know life is pain, there’s no words that they can say.  The only words they can say to their kid is, “Study diligently and work hard.”  

Even though people are suffering from mental problems, they don’t know where they are coming from, so they are living in a state of spiritual suffering, and God desires to save those people, but He needs to save those people through somebody, and that’s what we are talking about. Even if you’re just standing still but you’re holding onto the Word, God will pour His answers upon you, but instead, if you hold onto the things God does not desire, His answers will not come to you, and even so, you keep on asking as you live your walk of faith, “What kind of God is this?” even your parents will not do this, so you live your walk of faith incorrectly.  In the year 2023, I hope you will leave that kind of walk of faith behind and have the thoughts that God desires in your heart, then we will become a church that saves lives.  

2. Church that saves the world

What is the church? The church saves the region. The church is the place that saves and gives the answer to the world that doesn’t have the answer, and that is why God gives the blessing of saving during worship.

  1) Worship (Ac. 2:1-4)

If we’re supposed to save other people with our mental strength, that’s suffering, but God pours upon us the grace and the power in order to save. What is worship, then?

    (1) Worship in spirit and truth (Jn. 4:24)

John 4:24 says that worship is given in Spirit and in Truth.  People talk about whether you come to worship early or late, or what is the posture with which you sit, but that’s just the outer shell. There are some people who sit with a very good posture, but they’re still not able to worship because worship is when you truly rely on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God comes upon you.

You’re listening to the words of the sermon through the pastor, but you shouldn’t just listen to that. If you listen to this, it’s going to be a big problem. “Then, what should I listen to?”  Listen to the words that the Holy Spirit inside of you is telling you through the words of the pastor, then there will be no doubt.  Because those words are given to you by God, they will be fulfilled without a doubt.  

However, you come to worship, but there is something blocking you from doing this. The devil knows this and blocks you from doing this, and that’s why even though you give worship, during the week when you go out into the world with no assurance, because during the time of worship, God confirms the Word within you, but you don’t experience that. This is not something you do with your brain.  

    (2) Holy Spirit – Power (Ac. 2:1-4)

How would a 90-year-old woman who never learned how to read, give worship?  How can a grandma who has never learned how to read, and she’s over 90 years old, receive grace in worship? Does that mean that somebody who has their doctorate degree will be able to worship? No, none of this is true. This is the reason why God poured out His Holy Spirit upon each individual, then the Holy Spirit reveals things to you. This is what it means to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Then, because this is the Word God has given to you into your heart, this becomes the light unto your path. That is what it means to have victory in worship, and if you keep succeeding in worship like this, then you will succeed without a doubt, and the success I’m talking about is not the success that unbelievers say.  If we’re sitting here but success is your goal, there’s no reason to be sitting here. You should actually go out and make money right now, and that student should be studying right now if success is your goal. Then, worship would do the greatest harm. 

If you’re living by your own desires, why are you here? Why did God tell us to worship? So we can have true success.  God is going to fulfill His desires through you, and that is true success.  Because people are only aiming for fake success, they are trapped with mental and spiritual problems and they commit suicide.  You might be thinking, “I know unbelievers who are very successful, so you don’t know what you’re talking about,” but I’m sorry, you’ve been deceived.  They’re just enduring right now.  On the outside, they might be so successful but they’re actually suffering on the inside.  Think about it, on the other hand, what happens to you when you do not receive God’s grace? You’ll suffer until your death. You think that’s just that life is and you live like that. 

Because they’ve lived their entire lives in suffering, so they just think that’s how life is. However, if you’ve lived within God’s grace but then you’re separated from God’s grace, you cannot even bear it. That was the case for me.  If I’m not within God’s path, I can get a sense of that.  If the Word of God is not coming into me clearly, then I become so conflicted. When I was an unbeliever, I had no sense of that; I only had conflicts with people, and if they didn’t listen to my words, I felt offended.  But now that I believe in Jesus Christ, I have something else.  When the Word of God goes into you and you receive God’s grace, that is truly everything.  Though your life goes through the valley of the shadow of death, you won’t be able to see, but if God brightens your path, you will be able to follow.  

    (3) Word – Prophesies, visions, dreams (Ac. 2:17-18)

When the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you during worship, then Acts 2:17-18 says you will prophesy, have visions, and dream dreams. What is this prophecy? This is not talking about fortune-telling, “Oh, this is what will happen in 2023,” that is the work of demons, but there are actually a lot of people who do that in the church.  There are even pastors who do that, they go to a demon-possessed fortune teller and ask, “Where should I start my church?” That’s fake, and there are members of the church like that, and there are fortune-tellers inside of churches and they say they give prophecies. What do you think they prophesy? Don’t you think they’re interested in how they will do in their business in 2023? That’s how the demon seizes us. God gives us His prophecy of His unchanging Word. A prophecy is something that is fulfilled in the future. Because God’s Word never changes, it will be fulfilled exactly in the future as well. But the Word you are receiving right now is the Word that will be fulfilled in 2023.  Why? Because the Word of God does not change based on the season, so if we receive God’s Word accurately, you will be able to see your future.  But if you do not have this Word of God, you will always live a walk of faith wondering, “What do I have to do? Where do I have to go?”

The young men will see visions and the old men will dream dreams. The older you get, the more you dream because your dreams will always be fulfilled. This is not talking about the dream you dream when you go to sleep, but the older you get, the younger you become. But if you don’t have that dream, then every day you live will kill you.  The older people get, they’ll just go to McDonalds, they’ll force themselves to play because they don’t have a dream, but for the people who have a dream, that is not the case.  People are so exhausted by time, they have so much time but nothing to do, and that’s because they don’t have a dream.  For students, if the Word of God goes into you and you can see the future, then you know where you must go, and for students like that, they are already spiritually active, they are alive. The people who do not have this Word of God work diligently on their own as if they were unbelievers, and because they’re physically strong, you don’t see their inner face outwardly.  But their spiritual state is already having a problem, so when time passes, you will see the result revealed.

Mental problems do not come from out of nowhere.  The spiritual state was actually flowing through the entire family line and is one day revealed in this way.  Because the spiritual state is not receiving the spiritual words of the gospel, but only receiving the physical words, they’ll just stay where they’ve been. It’s because they’ve received the Word of God only as knowledge. If you’re able to discern the spiritual things, you wouldn’t have to go down this path, you need to examine yourself.  You need to examine whether the crisis you had was truly real. If you only have an idea of Christ organized as theory, it cannot give you strength. If it does not have the spirit, then you cannot go. if your spirit is not aligned, you cannot go.  

  2) Communication (Ac. 2:41-42)

If there’s a cult that says they are god, you cannot follow them unless you’re aligned.  So, for the members of the Early Church, how did they worship? 

    (1) Apostles teachings – Communicate with God

In Acts 2:41 it says they received the apostles’ teachings, that means they received the words of the disciples, and they communicated with God with that Word.  If it is true that God is the One Who is moving the world and you’re not able to communicate with that God, then your life will be very difficult. If you’re not able to communicate with the owner of your business, your life will be difficult, and if you cannot connect with the policies of President Biden, then your life is hard. We must communicate with God through His Word.  Because we are not God ourselves, God only uses the people who communicate with God.  

    (2) Fellowship – Communication with the apostles

It also says in Acts 2:42 that they had fellowship. Why do American churches keep breaking down? It’s because they think that gathering together, and talking is fellowship. This isn’t bad, but it’s because they’re not able to communicate with spiritual words.  They just think that worship is getting dressed up very nicely, going with your family to worship, and in the afternoon, doing something else, and when they communicate with one another, they have no Word of God in them.  They only have the physical things, so their family is being destroyed.  When we come to church, it’s not a place for you to just come to talk about sports.  The church is not a place where you talk about politics, whether you’re left wing or right wing; everyone is just split 50-50. This is a place where you communicate with the Word of God and you take that back to your family. 

If you communicate with the Word of God with your family, God begins to work in your family.  Yes, as we talk about the Word of God, we can also talk about the things of the world, but if you lose the Word of God that person is losing the most important thing. If you emphasize the words of people, you’ll only emphasize yourself. It’s the same thing as asking the other person, “Either you follow my words or you’re opposing me,” and there is nobody who will follow you.  Even my own daughter doesn’t follow my words, and she got in trouble yesterday, so if anything, human beings try not to listen to anybody else, and only if you continue to repeat them do they listen. 

Why would an adult listen to your words? Do you think they were born so they can just follow your words?  I hope you will quickly let go of that thought. There’s nobody who listens to the words of the pastor, why would they? There are people who are way greater than the pastor.  There are people who have a greater personality than the pastor, or more worldly renowned than the pastor, so there’s no reason to listen to my words; only the Words of God, that’s what I’m saying.  Even when you go back to your family, communicate with the words you received during worship, and then you’ll be able to have fellowship as you’ll see how this person is being changed.

    (3) Bread – Communication through the Gospel

Then it says the breaking of bread, which is talking about communion.

    (4) Prayer – Communication through the Spirit 

They devoted themselves to prayer, meaning it is a church and a family that is moving. That is how you won’t say your own words.  Otherwise, your personality is bad but when the Holy Spirit works, it becomes easy. When you look at somebody who is so lacking, you can pray for them and the work of God is much faster.  If you hold onto that person and tell them what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong, you will only become enemies because nobody will change themselves based on what is right or wrong. They don’t even listen to the words of a pastor, why would they? You came here to listen to God’s words, and it’s the same thing for you, you need to communicate with one another with the Word of God, why are you asserting your ways? If someone is a little nicer, they will just endure it, but if somebody just endures it, the other person just asserts themself even more.  That’s what we call a spiritual child.  Even if they are old, they are young, and the other person is just putting up with it. You need to communicate with one another through God’s Word. 

  3) Everyday church (Ac. 2:46-47)

    (1) Temple – Worship

    (2) House – Church 

    (3) Field – Church 

The Early Church gathered together in the temple courts and in their homes. Every day, they worshiped; every day, the Word of God and prayer, every day in the church and in the field, then the evidence will be revealed. This is the church that saves.  

3. Business and academics that save the world 

The third point is your business and academics that saves the world. If there are any of you who think, “I need to make a living and live my life,” then that’s the state with which you’ll live, and even if that person has received salvation and the Holy Spirit, they will live as an unbeliever on this earth, why? Because the Word of God is not with their business. Why did God give you your job?  God did not give you your job just so you could eat and make a living. God will even feed the birds of the sky and the grass of the ground. God will even feed unbelievers and homeless people. However, if there is a believer who thinks they are living just to eat and make a living, those are the thoughts that have left God. 

Because their spiritual state has left God, Satan is able to control that person’s business. Yes, you receive grace when you’re in the church, but when you leave into your business field, things get troubled. When things get a little good for you, Satan is going to send a person to really play with you, and later on, Satan is going to play with you so you worry about money, why? Because the Word of God is not in your business. God gave you your business as a tool so that through this business, you can save the dying people in the field and in the church, so we are not just working at your job.  Why did God give you this job?  If you think that it’s just so you can eat and make a living, that is not God’s Word and that’s just living as an unbeliever. You’re only living that way because God already promised to give you His Word but you don’t believe in God’s Word.

  1) Business 

God even feeds the birds of the sky and the plants of the ground; why would He not provide for you? That is why your business must first seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, then your business will receive the answers that are for God’s Kingdom. May you have that blessing in the year 2023.  That’s why, even before you study or work at your job, your spiritual state must be aligned with God’s Word.  Otherwise, you’ll be stuck at the level of the earth just wondering, “Who’s working the hardest?” Satan is never inspired by how much you work and says, “I”ll leave you alone,” but through the Word of God, you must leave the level of the earth and go to the level of heaven in order for you to see. 

Everyone is only seeing from the level of the earth and everyone is only seeing from their own perspective, for their own benefit, but the people who agree are able to group together.  But if you transcend that so greatly with the Word of God, then you are at the seat of the spiritual summit.

    (1) Spiritual Summit 

You know what a summit is, right? It’s the highest peak, like the president. Even spiritual things have a summit. Even if your physical age is young, if you are the physical summit, everyone must follow you. Joseph went in as a slave, and even though he was a slave, he was the spiritual summit, very high up, and that means everybody had no choice but to follow God’s Word. Even the King of Egypt could not run his country without following the words of Joseph. It was the same thing for Moses and David. The people who were gathered in the Early Church seemed like they had nothing in the world, but they were actually at the spiritual summit. Everybody was persecuting the Early Church as heretics, and they had so many financial problems, but if you worry about that, you cannot be part of that church.  Because they were persecuted when they began the church. They began even knowing that result, they went out knowing the end.  If you go out without knowing the end, you’ll always wonder what’s going to happen. 

    (2) Skill Summit 

    (3) Cultural Summit

If you become that spiritual summit, God will bring you the skills. Everything in the Bible is telling us that, and that is my personal testimony as well. Once you have the spiritual vessel prepared, God will bring the physical things as well.  If your children are prepared spiritually, God will use the talent He gave them to give them their specialization. God is doing all of that in order to save the world.  There’s no reason for God to do that if we’re just trying to make a living, you should just make a living. Even if you don’t pray for that, God will feed you and preserve you because you’re His child. But if you live your walk of faith with that kind of spiritual state, you’ll be worse off than an unbeliever.  

Have you ever seen a dog worry about what he’s going to eat? What about cats? They yawn and they wake up and they eat.  Then the owners will put them on a leash and even exercise them, and if they get sick, you even take them to the hospital.  Even these pets have shoes now, and there are some people who have no insurance when they get sick, but even their dogs get a checkup every 6 months. There are some people who are so poor but some dogs are getting perms.  So, our life will become worse off than even a dog. 

  2) Temple construction 

Think about it.  Am I living a life worse off than a dog?  Do I really have to spend all of 2023 worrying so much? Dogs don’t even worry.  Our life is better than a dog’s, so why would you worry at that level? Your life is so much higher than that.  But you have those thoughts and that blessing, then God will work appropriately.  That’s why we do the Temple Construction. We don’t do that with your hard work. With your hard work, there’s no benefit.  Everything would have been impossible for Abraham in the Old Testament, but God gave him that blessing, and Abraham’s son Isaac had a 100-old blessings, otherwise they would be looked down upon in the land of Canaan. God has to give you the blessing that is 100-fold in order for everyone to see that and surrender. 

Why? Isaac has to conquer in order for his future generations to ultimately lead to Jesus Christ. It is normal that people would look at your business and think,  “In a spiritual sense, God is alive.” I’m not talking about a very moral and ethical life where you’re physically very holy.  A Buddhist would be better at that.  What I’m saying is people will see that and see that God is alive, and if you are receiving God’s answers to the point where unbelievers see this, that is evangelism. Because you can’t speak about this openly in your job or you’ll get fired. If you talk about Jesus Christ everywhere, people will acknowledge it, but God will know that so He will work upon you so it will be revealed both spiritually and physically, and that is how unbelievers will be moved. 

    (1) World – 237

    (2) Healing 

Joseph went in as a slave but Potiphar was moved, because everywhere Joseph went, God worked upon him with blessings, so Potiphar said, “God is surely with you.” You go into a company and once you go in, that whole company is changed, it’s not by our efforts. Yes, we work hard, and it’s not just that. God is working. That is the history of the Bible. In order for that to happen, you just need to prepare your spiritual vessel.  Then God is going to pour down the answer of temple construction because He will do the work through you. Money doesn’t fall from the sky; God works through the person who has this faith through the covenant, and God will make the works take place.  

There are blessings like this that are prepared, but if you’re worried about how you’ll make a living, you’ll live your whole life like that and then go.  A fish is made so they can enjoy all the oceans of the world, but if there’s a fish that has a mental problem and is only going back and forth, back and forth on the California coast, that’s the same thing you’re doing. This may not be scientifically accurate, but you can just wander all the oceans of the earth, but if a fish is so trapped by its own thoughts that it only travels the California waters, then it’s going to be hard.  God works upon us if we think we are the ones who will save missionaries and raise the future generation to save the entire world. I hope the young kids will listen well, because if you don’t listen carefully now, you’re going to regret it in the future.

    (3) Summit- Future Generation 

In the age where the future generations are growing up, you don’t need your studies.  Until now, people just study hard so they can become doctors, nurses, teachers, and professors, but in the future, there will be much fewer jobs. Already in Korea, they’re giving you a kit where you can test what diseases you’ll get in the future and you can predict that even before you have to go to the Hospital, so now, we have AI that is able to surpass any medical worker.  A pharmacist will just prescribe you the strongest medication to make the most money, but AI will give you the most appropriate medicine, so we’re going to lose jobs. So you might be studying so diligently, but it’s all useless. 

There will be lawyers who will be taken over by an AI, they do a better job, so the age that the future generation must live through is different from the age we have lived through thus far; it is the age of the fourth industrial revolution. Do you think God called you without knowing that?  You must discover the talent God is giving you from heaven, and God is saying, “I will use that.”  Before this point, people can live without the heavenly talent, they just force themselves to become a doctor even though they’re not cut out for it.  They say, “Yeah, I don’t really have a talent for science, but I’m just forcing myself to study and go through college,” but all of that is unnecessary now. Because they don’t need somebody like that, they’re able to get better performance from AI and robots.  

  3) Academics

    (1) Throne – Talent 

In the future, even professors and teachers can be better replaced by AI.  Because, think about it, they have all the data in them and they can teach more effectively.  Did we ever predict the age of YouTube? Even 10 years ago, we were predicting that the main broadcast would become non-influential and it would become more about personal broadcasting, and back then, we were wondering if that was going to be the case, but here we are.  

    (2) Throne – Specialty 

Right now, we are giving you the warning through God’s Word that this is what’s going to happen in the future to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, so prepare for that.  Because in the future, your diligence is not going to cut it.  God already knows that future and has given each individual their talent and in order to save that future, God has prepared the people for specialization, and only the people who are going to save that field are the kids who remain.  

    (3) Throne – Save field 

Many things will begin to change, and if you don’t know this age, it’s like the last samurai. We’re in the age of guns, but if you’re holding onto the samurai sword, you’re going to be shot to death.  The last samurai was holding onto the Japanese philosophy and ideologies and holding onto the sword. You have to let go of the sword and hold onto the gun in a gun-age.  If it is an age where America is taking over, you need to learn English. There’s no point in saying, “Only Koreans, I only need to speak the Korean language.  You need to know the age well. You need to be able to read what kind of age the 4th Industrial Revolution will bring in order for people to prepare for that.  That is the Word God is giving for you for the future.

So, if you don’t know God’s word, then working hard becomes a problem, so I hope the future generations will listen very well.  So yes, listen to the words of the adults, but they are only speaking from the experiences they had in the past, so they don’t know the future.  In order to know the future, you must follow the Word of God, then I believe in the year 2023, you will enjoy the blessings and answers God has prepared for you.  


1. Power of the throne that saves the world

2. Myself, church that saves the world

3. Business, academics that saves the world

Message Prayer

It’s okay even if there’s just one word that really hit your heart from today’s message because that one word of God will bear fruits of a hundred times.  If you become greedy to hold onto everything, you’ll lose hold of that one answer, so just hold onto one word, and as you pray for that, holding onto it, I hope you will live this whole year without losing hold of it.  Let us pray.  

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Prayer

God, we thank You.  Thank You for allowing us to begin the first week of 2023 with Your Word.  Allow us to become the me, the church, and the business that saves the world, not by my own strength, but the power of the throne of God.  We pray that You will use the offering that we have given to save the church and the fields.  We believe You will work upon the hands that have given this offering with the blessing of the economy of light to save the world, the future, and the Temple Construction. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the unending love of our Father God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the people of God who desire to save the world through themselves, their business, and their church with the power of the throne, be from now until forevermore always, amen.

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