My Gospel (Romans 1:9-15)
I was able to come here all of a sudden by God’s grace and i didnt know I was going to give Wednesday service. I remember the last few years we received a lot of God’s grace and we met a lot of evangelism and we are here enjoying the belongings of the remaining ones. And we also had a great meeting with God with Pastor Park and Pastor’s wife. And it was such a thankful time for me to receive God’s grace that has been connected through this church.
One of my remnants asked me to keep the Wednesday message short, and I would like to keep it short but I will work according to the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul said “my gospel” and Paul is relaying through the book of Romans what my gospel is. In Romans 1:2-4, Paul is saying God is continuously giving him the gospel through the prophets, and these are the scriptures regarding his sons. And he says the son of God is referring to the one who is born of flesh, as the descendants of Abraham and David.
And spiritually, the son of God is God himself.And he would die and resurrect and be with us. So then through Romans 1:2-4, Paul is telling us that God came himself in flesh as a descendant of Abraham to be with us and this is the gospel that was foretold through the prophets. So the gospel is that God already told us through the prophets that Christ would come to solve the fundamental, spiritual, and our every problem. And what God desires the most is for us to enjoy and testify the gospel, and our spiritual state is most important. How can we confirm that?
1. My Gospel
The gospel will be revealed to me in power if it becomes my gospel, not Rev. Ryu’s gospel, not Pastor Park’s gospel. So, it is important for me to examine my own spiritual state and my spiritual state is everything. I hope you’ll be able to enjoy the blessing to apply and enjoy this gospel of Jesus Christ, whom God has told us about continuously through the prophets.
Gen. 2:17 Rom. 5:1
Creator ————- Man
Romans 1 says, “The creator God has created everything” and Romans 5:1 says “God created man to be united with him” and the only way for us to be reconciled with God is to keep the covenant. So the way to be reconciled with God is to follow the law of God’s word which was given to us in Genesis 2:17 not to eat the fruit of knowledge and good and evil. So the word of God is the way to restore that reconciliation and be with God.
Romans 3:1, 4, 9
Romans 3:1 says that God blessed the Jewish people to relay this covenant. The Jewish people didn’t do anything great to do this, but they were God’s people to preach the gospel to the rest of the world. So what does it mean to proclaim this word? God has told us God is true and everything else is false. We cannot meet God with our conscience or the law, but God is true and everything in man is false.
Romans 3:10, 11, 13
The Word God gives us is Romans 3:10, there is not one who is righteous; we are all sinners. Romans 3:11 says no one seeks God. and Romans 3:13 says in their mouth is poison, and their fate is the tomb, and through their tongues, they spread lies and on their lips, there is poison.
Sinner, Separated, Serpent
And he tells us that all humans are sinners and there’s not one that is righteous, there’s no one that seeks God and everyone has been separated, and they are seized by the serpent. So what God is telling us is that we have the spiritual state of sinners that is seized by Satan and has been separated from God.
Romans 1:18
We despise having God in our hearts. We humans separated from God, despise having God in our hearts and we enjoy having Satan in our hearts.
Romans 1:23-24 Mortal Creation
Romans 1:23-24 says that in the hearts of those who despise having God in their hearts, love mortal creation instead.
Romans 1:21-22 Idol (Evil Spirit)
And because we have a love for the mortal things, in order to obtain them we have to choice but to worship idols. It means the goal in our lives is success and to have a lot of money, and because of that the demon forces us to worship idols, and whenever we worship idols, there is, without a doubt, there’s a spiritual entity, the demons at work. Because we do not like to be with God, because we’re separated from God, we worship idols to gain physical things for ourselves.
Romans 1:26-28 Lust (Homosexuality)
We are worshiping idols to get the physical things and we are seized by Satan and we have no okie but to live for our shameful lust. God is the God of order and Satan pushes us to disorder. This is where homosexuality came about.
Romans 1:28
God’s wrath was upon us.
Romans 2:1-3
And because God’s wrath is upon us, there’s no one who can escape from God’s righteous judgment, then we have no choice but to face mental suffering and we have no choice but to face physical suffering, and we cannot solve the problem of our afterlife, nor our future generation, this is our fate, this is spiritual state from our Gen 3, and all humans are trapped under this.
Because we are born separated from God, we’re born into this destiny. We are born, simply to go to hell. We are born with mental problems. When we’re born, we’re born with all the problems of the next generation and no one can escape from this.
Romans 3:20
People try to escape from this, but Rom. 3:20 says no human can escape with their hard work, because the good work of humans can never be a solution to God. Even with a life of good conscience, we cannot escape this problem of Gen. 3. In order to solve the problem that mankind cannot solve, we must receive God’s righteousness.
God’s Righteousness, Christ (Gen. 3:15) Matt. 16:16
God’s righteousness is the Christ. He promised and prophesied in Gen. 3:15, that the offspring of woman will come to crush the head of the serpent. In Mt. 16:16, this Christ has come to earth as His son as Jesus and has died on the cross to finish all problems of man. As evidence that we believe in this covenant, we must slaughter a young lamb and sprinkle his blood.
Romans 3:25 Sacrifice
Jesus Christ has come to earth as the blood sacrifice, without a doubt, there must be a sacrifice, and with that sacrifice, the blood must be spilled. The death that was promised in Gen. 2:17, “Do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it, you will surely die,” has been revealed through this blood sacrifice, therefore Jesus Christ has come to earth as the sacrifice to restore the reconciliation.
John 19:30
He has finished all problems on the cross and is with us.
John 14:6
He is the prophet that has opened the way to meet God in John 14:6
Romans 8:2
And he has come as the true priest that has allowed us to be freed from the law of sin and death and enjoy the blessings of God in Romans 8:2.
1 John 3:8
And Christ is the son of God who has come to crush the power of Satan in 1 John 3:8. And when we believe in this Christ we become righteous.
Romans 4:1-8 Abraham
Even though we have done nothing right and have accomplished nothing, God calls us as children of Abraham. Abraham enjoyed the representative blessing as a source of blessings and by the faith in Jesus Christ, we are able to enjoy that same blessing. We are regarded as righteous when we believe in Jesus Christ but there are many times when we go by our actions and by the law. But God does not receive our actions, but He receives the faith of Christ that Abraham had as righteousness. That is when God’s righteousness is revealed, His righteousness within Christ.
Rom. 4:13
God has called Abraham as the one who will save the world through his descendants.
Rom 4:23-25
And that is not only for Abraham but all of us who have that faith can enjoy that blessing. Even the fact that we believe in Jesus Christ isn’t by our righteousness but by God’s grace. And that blessing is not only for Abraham but all of us who share the same faith of Abraham can receive that blessing. Even the fact that we believe in Jesus Christ is not by our righteousness but by God’s grace. That blessing is not only for Abraham, but all of us who share the same faith in Abraham can share that blessing. God has sent Jesus who is the Christ so we can share that
Source of Blessings
God has sent Jesus as the Christ so we may share the blessing as well. Therefore we have become the sources of blessing. We do not struggle hard to be the source of blessing but simply by believing in Christ. Therefore every field that I go to is bound to receive blessings, every field that I go to, the angels are bound to be mobilized and the forces of darkness will flee. It’s not that I do something, but my existence itself is a source of blessings.
In Mark 3:13-15, the reason Jesus called them was to be with them, and it also says they called them to give them authority to cast out demons. It is not because we do something, but simply because God is with us, we are a blessing. When we lost hold of God’s Word, the connection with God was broken, but through God’s righteousness, he restored worship and we have received the source of blessings, liberated from death and curses and sin. And now the Holy Spirit of God is with us completely.
Romans 8:2, Liberation Romans 8:14-17 Sonship
Rom. 8:14-17 says that he has given us the blessing of sonship, meaning we are His sons. He has made us His sons so that God can restore everything. He has made us His sons so that we may inherit everything in heaven and on earth, and now we are the descendants of Abrahm, the source of blessings.
Romans 8:38-39 Love
Rom. 8:38-39 says that this is the love of God. God has loved us so much and has called us, to the point of sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us.
Romans 5:8
While we were still sinners God displayed his love for us by calling us like this. He has finished all problems on the cross and is with us. Unbelievers can never escape from these. God has selected us and given us faith to believe in Jesus Christ who died on the cords so that we may become His children, so it is most important to know who I am. If we do not know who we are, we are bound to constantly wander. If we don’t know who we are, we are bound to constantly shake in the states of nonbeliever. We have completely been liberated from this, it is completely irrelevant to us. We have been completely removed from the law of sin and death into the law of the spirit who gives life.
2. My Prayer
Then what must I do now? All we have to do is pray, all the problems of our life are finished. We have been completely liberated from the fate and destiny of our life but Satan continues to deceive us. But if we continue to fall into misconceptions, we will pray for problems like an unbeliever. With the gospel, God is with us, and these problems have completely been finished. The problems are now irrelevant to me, why? Because they’re all finished. Then, through my gospel, I’ve become a child of God through the Christ, and my prayers have changed as well.
1) Romans 4:13
We have been called by God as heirs of this world, as the source of blessings, and through us, all peoples on earth will be saved.
Romans 4:23-25 Heir
2) Field, Work – Plan
Because He has called us His children and heirs of this world, whatever occupation He has given us, God has a plan. God’s plan is the work of saving lives. Before I believed in Christ, I have to pray about the problems I had. But now, because problems have been finished, we are praying for God’s plan. God has a plan in every field I’m in, and that plan is to save lives.
3) Romans 9:1-5
Paul received this gospel, and in Rom. 9:1-5 expresses his desire to spread this gospel to his family. He desired to spread this gospel to all of his relatives in all the nations of the world. To what extent did he desire this? He put in all of his diligence to do this, but the gospel did not spread.
4) Acts 9:15 – Instrument (Vessel)
God’s goal was to relay this gospel to the Gentiles. God has given his word that paul is his chosen vessel to proclaim the gospel to the gentiles. Then if I’m truly enjoying my gospel, then God’s answer and prayer for us is to spread this to the world, to the gentiles. So saving the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached tribes is the greatest and most important prayer topic God gave to us. But while I was here, Pastor Park was telling about the future missions camp in Karen, and I wanted to go so much that I told him we would go with him but he said it was too late, and even though I’ve been here for a short time the work of Hod I’ve been able to see, I’m a representative of that. We sat the word 237 nations and 5000 unreached tribes, so much. But it’s actually difficult to enjoy those blessings in reality. But while I was here pastor park was telling me about the future mission camp of Karen, and he also sent me pictures of his previous answers of missions and evangelism and it became a great grace to me as well as a challenge.
I was talking to Pastor Park and he was relaying God’s great plan through America, this superpower nation, and I was so thankful. As I was sharing forum with the elder and assistant pastor, I confirmed that this is the answer of those who remain. I’m so thankful God has led us here and allowed us to be here. I will continue to be here for about 2 more weeks, and I’m so eager to see the works God will do. Just as Paul wanted so much to relay the gospel to his family and his nation, God has already chosen Him to be an instrument to the Gentiles, God has a plan, and I had seen that God’s same blessing is upon Antioch Mission Church. Especially as I see the answers of multiethnic peoples coming to this church and leaving to go on multiethnic missions, I see the answer God gave to Paul, so I’m so thankful we’re able to enjoy the answers of world evangelization God has given to us together.
3. My Evangelism
It’s my evangelism. Paul says “I really want to relay the gospel to Rome as much as I can.” Paul said in Romans 13:10, “I will give this gospel to whomever will hear. But there must be someone to hear this gospel for him to relay it.
1) Romans 10:13-15 Gospel (Relay) – Accept, Hear, Faith, Commission, Testify (Prepared)
However, we must relay the gospel in order for people to hear it and receive it. So there must be someone who relays the gospel for people to hear. Then God will fulfill his own work in order for us to enjoy this blessing. And when people hear this gospel, God will raise up those he has prepared to believe in this gospel. And there’s also the work of being commissioned out so we may spread and testify of this. Pastor park went down the South America, as well as Sedona, and now he’s going to the Karen people. Without a doubt there are people who must hear this gospel and God will give them the faith according to his time schedule. Therefore when this gospel is proclaimed, God will send out this one who believe it, they are already prepared. Therefore, the footsteps that proclaim the gospel are beautiful. This is not something we do but God is working according to his time schedule he has prophesied from long ages past.
2) Romans 11:1-6 7000 Disciples
God gave that word exactly the same way to Elijah. In Romans 11:1-6, “you must testify for this gospel to 7000 disciples,” it is not about the number 7000 but the fact that these people remain all around the world, there’s those who remain by grace.
Remaining One by Grace
So this is not the work that is accomplished by man, but the grace of all grace from God. Those who receive the grace of saving those who remain, the 5000 unreached tribe. So, what I was able to enjoy and see as I came here was world evangelization and Gentile evangelization Paul was able to enjoy. Before even going into my prayer and my evangelism, my spiritual state is so important. If Christ truly becomes my master, prayer and evangelism naturally take place. It is not about trying hard or working hard, but we will naturally be led by God’s Holy Spirit. So while I’ve been here a short time, I’ve been able to enjoy the working and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Even though it seems like things were failing or not working out, it was all God’s method. So while I was listening to people’s confessions, I was able to confirm these are truly the ones who remain by God.
Things working out is not a blessing. If things that aren’t the gospel are working out well, what will happen? God is working in such a detailed way so that we can enjoy this gospel. I pray and hope we will all continue to pray to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we go on the camp for the Karen people as well as the young adult and college retreats.
I came from my college vision trip from my church in Gangnam. In the region of Gangnam, there are constantly messages about America, that America is the core center of world evangelization because God has continuously been giving us the Word that He will do world evangelization through the superpower nation, and it was a time to confirm that as we have come, so you are truly happy. You are not happy because you’re doing world evangelization, but simply because God is with you. You have no idea how joyous it is that the senior Pastor Park is with God and being led by God. You have received a blessing that the world has no idea about, so I truly congratulate you. Let us pray.
God, we thank You for Your grace. We thank You for opening up the doors to world evangelization in Antioch Mission Church just as You opened the evangelism to Rome through Paul. We thank You for allowing us the blessing of being an heir of God through Jesus Christ, being with us and enjoying him. We believe God will work and be with us in the schedule that is to come. We believe only God will receive all the glory and we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
She is a pastor visiting from Korea, so I asked her to give a message about our individual spiritual state. We are thankful for the Word. Today’s word, “My gospel, my prayer, my evangelism,” must be aligned with God’s direction because the gospel is what God has given to us, and the gospel I have must be connected with God. Whatever I pray for must be connected with God. Whatever I’m evangelizing must be connected with the work God is doing. I hope your business and studies will be with God.
With this, let us sing hymn 335 and enjoy reconciliation with God every day. May this amazing grace be continually relayed because God’s blessings are upon us, and those who enjoy that blessing are blessed. There’s nothing more beautiful than having this blessing. I believe as long as we are living, we will continue to do the good works for people. I believe as we lay down everything before God for the gospel, God will do it.
At this time, what is your prayer topic? I’m sure it is not the prayer topic. I believe the moment you pray for world evangelization, God is currently and will work, transcending time and space, across the world. If it is not the prayer topic, but we continue to pray for it, isn’t that a burden? Then I believe if you pray for the prayer God desires, everything is hidden within it. I’m not speaking as a pastor, but as a witness of the Christ Who is in my life, so may this blessing continuously be relayed.
Let us pray for the Karen mission camp we are going to. Our main goal is to bring a few young adult remnants from there to receive training in LA. It is our blessing to raise them up as pastors to save their churches, and to send them out to save Karen, America, and the world. We’ve been meeting with them over zoom for about a year and now we’re able to go to them. Just like we did for the El Salvador missions, may you pour your heart and your life to go into this. Let us pray together at this time for the Karen Missions Camp next Monday.
Our second prayer topic is for the World Remnant Conference, the young adult, and college retreat, wherever the Word is being relayed, the Holy Spirit will be, and that’s where the forces of darkness are broken. Yes it’s important for us to work and study diligently, but more importantly, the forces of darkness must be broken. That’s what it means when Jesus said, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” until the Kingdom of God is established and the kingdom of Satan is broken down, your job working out well is not actually working out, and without a doubt, the Word will be fulfilled in your life. Let us pray for those retreats.
I was so thankful for the Word, that while we were praising I should be concentrating on the praise, but I kept thinking about my past. I met this pastor while we were young adults, and already, it’s been about 25 or 26 years since we met, and that’s when I first received Jesus Christ. That’s when I met her at the church, and if I had known her then, I couldn’t see anything because I was so flipped over by Jesus. If I had known she had gone to church, I wouldn’t have given her the word but I was giving the word to everyone that I met, and what she had told me is that I was a heretic and that I shouldn’t talk to her. She was trying very hard, frowning and not listening to me. I was giving the gospel to someone passing by, and what she remembered is that her rib cage was hurting but she got better, so God worked upon her in a way that was appropriate to her state. From that point on, we began to do the Word movement together. She received the guidance to go back to Korea, and now she’s been appointed as a pastor and is doing her ministry well. With that kind of background, I listened to her deliver the Word and I was very moved.
So it’s very important to have these coworkers and friends skin the gospel. If we do not relay the gospel, people do not change. And even as you are running your business, if you hold hands with the two people that have the gospel, they will never betray one another for money because they are doing it before God. There is so much betrayal in the world, even between spouses, but if the gospel goes in, then that will never happen because they’re standing for God; there’s no such thing as a benefit or loss; we just go. These disciples are hidden, area by area, just as the 7000 disciples God has prepared. Now, what you must do is to receive the blessing of saving the 237 nations and 5000 unreached tribes, to relay this to the next generation, then go to heaven. Following the needs of the church, God is bound to work upon your business as well.
At this time, let us pray for world missions our church is supporting. We never asked them to do this, but on their own, the people in Mongolia have asked to start a regional church, so we are connecting with them every Saturday, and it’s’ the same thing in Seattle and the same thing in Portland, Oregon, as well as Navajo in the Native American reservation, and Utah, where we will be going. We are currently connected with four nations in Africa, and once the coronavirus loosens up, we will go there as well.
As much as you guys are raised up, God is bound to open up more doors in the future. So the reason we do our training systems in the church, we wouldn’t need to do that if you just need to receive grace and then leave, but you yourselves have to be trained up to raise disciples and to spread this gospel. Let us pray for world missions.
God, we thank You. Allow us to be ones who are completely connected with God through my gospel, my prayer, and my evangelism. In this age where churches do not have the answers to all the shootings, may the Word movement take place. May this be the church that relays only the gospel in a world that is dying of famines, wars, and mental illnesses.
Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to save the entire world by confirming their gospel, their prayer, and their evangelism, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.