My Cornerstone, Jesus Christ (Mt. 21:33-46)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My Cornerstone, Jesus Christ (Mt. 21:33-46)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  May the unprecedented blessing be upon you today.  The time of worship is the important time that determines everything in your life.  Your spiritual state determines the rest of your week.  A spiritual state that is able to concentrate upon God’s Word during the time of worship is able to overcome different paths, but a spiritual state that is not able to concentrate on the Word of God is not able to do anything else because it means you are not able to concentrate on what God is doing.  Then, because you have to live your life without God, you reach your limitations.  So, I hope that this will be a blessed time where you do not concentrate on the worries of your life, but you concentrate on the Triune God Who is the solution to all your problems. 

The title of today’s message is, “My Cornerstone, Jesus Christ.”  Jesus Christ gives us a parable, and then after that parable, talks about the cornerstone.  The reason Jesus Christ speaks in parables is so that those who understand will understand, and those who cannot will not.  There are times when you are talking to somebody else, and they don’t understand what you are saying, but instead of telling them directly, you tell them in a roundabout way, so that if they understand, they’ll get it, and if they don’t understand, they won’t get it.  God has prepared all of our blessings and is guiding us with His Word, but those who don’t understand will not be able to follow, but for the ones who do understand, that is evidence that the Holy Spirit is working.

1. The destruction of the wicked (Mt. 21:44)

  1) Landowner of a vineyard (Mt. 21:33)

    (1) Planted a vineyard to bear fruit (Mt. 21:33)

    (2) Rented the vineyard to some farmers (Mt. 21:33)

    (3) Moved to another place (Mt. 21:33)

So, in today’s parable, there is a landowner who planted a vineyard and he put a wall around it to protect it from robbers, dug a winepress in it, built a watchtower, and rented the vineyard to some farmers, and then he moved somewhere else.   

  2) Harvest time (Mt. 21:34)

    (1) Sent his servants (Mt. 21:34)

    (2) The tenants killed and beat the servants (Mt. 21:35)

    (3) The other servants sent were also killed (Mt. 21:36)

Then, on the contracted day, he sent his servants to collect the fruits as payment. So, the landowner sends over his servants, but instead of paying their rent, these farmers actually kill and beat up the servants. Then the landowner realizes the servants aren’t coming back, so he sends other servants, but the same thing happens where the servants are beaten and killed, and they do not return back to the landowner. 

  3) The vineyard’s owner final expectation

    (1) Sent his son (Mt. 21:37)

    (2) The farmers were greedy for the son’s inheritance (Mt. 21:38)

    (3) Killed the son (Mt. 21:39)

Later on, he even sends his son.  The farmers saw that, “If we kill his son, then we will be able to receive all of the inheritance,” so they killed him as well. 

    (4) Bring the farmers to a wretched end; rent to other farmers (Mt. 21:41)

Jesus Christ told this parable to the Pharisees, and they thought, “Who is so wretched as this? They will reach their wretched end, and they will give the farm to another tenant,” but the parable is actually talking about the Jews before Jesus now.  Until this point, they didn’t realize He was talking about them. How is it that these people were so well-versed and learned with the scriptures? They memorized it but they don’t understand Jesus.  It’s like the people who understand the things of the world so well, but it’s almost like they’re dumb when it comes to understanding the words of Jesus, but that is a losing game.  

They have a problem but they don’t know why the problem is there.  Because the Word of God is not going into them, they do not know the cause of their problem. This problem is continuing and repeatedly happening, but they do not know why, but with everything else, they realize very quickly. They are in the same state of corruption of Adam and Eve where they are physically bright but spiritually very dim, and they have no choice but to be suffering. 

2. God’s kingdom 

  1) Rented to farmers

    (1) Law, temple, sacrifice of the Jewish people

The parable means that God has rented His Kingdom to the Jews.  God gave them the laws, God gave them the temple and the sacrifices and also the authority as the nation of priests to save all other nations, and God is continuously sending prophets to the Israelites so they may fruit, but they keep killing the prophets by hanging them or chopping off their heads.  When Jesus is telling this parable, He is telling the Jews what they have done.  God has sent thousands of prophets, but they are not able to understand God’s Word, and they keep on killing people.  

    (2) Jesus – Rejected stone (Mt. 21:42)

In the very end, God sends His Son Jesus, and they end up killing Him as well. Why would they kill people? They kill the people who say things they don’t want to hear.  Jesus is saying, “You are like a painted tombstone and you are sinners,” and they felt bad about that.  They were saying, “How dare you call us sinners? We follow the Law, the Word of God, so well.”  

Then, Jesus Christ talks about the builders and the cornerstone.  Let’s say these builders are building a house. During the Roman Empire, they were not building houses the way we do, but they stacked stones to make these houses, but from the Jewish people’s perspective, this stone of Jesus Christ was unnecessary. They were building their own house, and to them, Jesus Christ was a nuisance.  

From the perspective of the Jewish people, Jesus Christ is breaking all of the laws, He is breaking the Sabbath, and they are trying to build their own home, with their own actions of keeping the Word of God, and Jesus Christ is an obstacle.  Because He is an obstacle, they are trying to kill Him, but He is actually the cornerstone for the builders.  

If you think about what a cornerstone is, if there is a square room, then for each of the four pillars, there must be a cornerstone at each corner, the right angle. Each of the walls are built at a right angle based on that cornerstone, and then the pillars are also raised up based on that cornerstone as well.  You must not think of houses the way they are built today because back then, they didn’t even have cement.  So, when they’re building a house without the cornerstone, it is impossible to build. 

    (3) Kingdom of God will be taken away (Mt. 21:43)

So, God has entrusted the Jewish people to build the Kingdom of God, but they are rejecting the cornerstone of Jesus Christ whom they need to build that kingdom. And that is why the mission of the Kingdom of God was taken away from the Jewish people and given to the Gentiles.  We were also given the mission from God, and we might have it taken away, and if that mission is taken away, it is given somewhere else.  When God called us, He gave us everything including our talents for the Kingdom of God, but if you keep on leaving that alone, it will be given to somebody else.  So, while you have it, you must use it well for the Kingdom of God.

  2) Become the cornerstone (Mt. 21:42)

    (1) Jesus said to them (Mt. 21:42)

Today, we will share the Word of God centered on this cornerstone. It says in Mt. 21:42 that regarding this cornerstone, “The Lord has done this.” Jesus is the cornerstone, or the capstone, of God’s Kingdom. In our lives, Jesus is the main.  “Isn’t everybody just believing in Jesus?”  No, if there are any of you who are not receiving answers, I hope you will listen carefully; you need to quickly change the Lord of your life. As long as you are the lord of your own life, you will keep knocking up against Jesus.   

Imagine, do you think your life will work out if you are the tenant, but you live, pretending to be the landowner?  Nonbelievers live without even knowing Who Jesus is. They’ve heard of Jesus, but they don’t know who He is, so without them even realizing, they are suffering. They were just born, but they were born in the same spiritual state that flowed down from Adam.  The foundation of the spiritual state of Adam meant that they were separated from God and they want to be their own god, and the characteristic of these people is that they try to bear all of the heavy burdens of life themselves because they are their own lord. 

When God created us, He did not create us to be the god of our own lives, but He created us to be the image of God. This means that, God created us so that He may come into us and reveal Himself through us. In order to reveal Himself through us, He must become our Lord. Specifically speaking, it means, the Word of God must become my “main.”  The Word of God must become my foundation, the Word of God must become my criteria for decisions, and the plan of my life must come from God’s Word. Living like that means living as the image of God.  

But Satan comes in and says, “You don’t have to live as the image of God, you can be God yourself; you can live like God yourself, deciding what is good and what is evil.” That is the beginning of all problems.  Inside of you, if that problem doesn’t change, if that state doesn’t change, you will face endless suffering.  People might think that if they believe in Jesus, their problems will be solved, but they may not be; these are the words of religions that do not have the life.  We have a physical body, how could we not have any problems? We will become diseased when we get older. If our IQ was in the billions, we wouldn’t have many problems in life, but our IQ is limited to 100. There are some people who don’t even have that.  Of course, we have no choice but to have problems because our IQ is limited, so people will naturally face problems, they will become afflicted, they will fall, but that is what Satan uses.

What can we do? We need to make God move our lives. God needs to come into my life and become my Lord.  Then, the house of my life will become complete.  Before that point, I’m sorry to tell you, but no matter how earnestly you pray, it will not work. You need to pray correctly, “Lord, become the Master of my life and do what You will.” That almost seems like a prayer without any content, but do you know what is contained within that prayer? It means, “You are my Lord.”  It’s not just giving up, “I can’t do something, so do whatever you want,” but in that, it means, “I cannot do anything, You are my Lord.” 

You must not live a religious life.  Nonbelievers don’t know this, but if you go to church and you don’t know this, then you will still have a repetition of the problems in your family line. This is not because somebody has a bad personality; even if you don’t lie and live a nice life, it will not work. If Jesus Christ is your cornerstone, it means that He must become the core, the center, and the foundation of your life.  “Pastor, we all believe in Jesus,” but that’s not faith. 

What does it mean to believe? It means you believe that “He is the Master of my life.”  People shake in fear when they get sick because they are the masters of their own lives.  There are some people who get really offended when their pride is hurt by the words other people say, and they hold onto that grudge for decades, but they grew up inside the church for many generations?  That’s not really believing, then.  If somebody says something that hurts your pride, what does it mean to believe? It means you believe that Jesus is the Lord in this relationship, too.  But you are your own Lord, so you say, “I’m the Lord of my life and I want to avoid this person,” it means you don’t really believe.  What about financial problems?  People pray to God to fix this financial problem, but that’s exactly like the buddhists.  You have to confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord of this financial problem. If you don’t make that confession, then that problem will always repeat. The Lord is the Master of all creation and He does not want to lose that position.  

But Satan tells you that this money belongs to you, even though it doesn’t. My life doesn’t belong to me; it was entrusted to me by God. When this fundamental faith is restored, it will no longer be a problem.  Why would money be a problem?  God gives us the Word that He even saves and feeds the animals and the flowers in the field. That means, God will take care of what we eat and need to live, but the reason why we worry is because we don’t believe.

“First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness.”  The offering you give saves people’s lives; that doesn’t belong to you, you’ll realize money doesn’t belong to you when you lose it all. You hold onto it until the very end, but when you lose it all, you realize it was never yours to begin with. So by God’s grace, you need to know that in the beginning.  We are born with empty hands, and we die with empty hands. While we are living on this earth, God has simply entrusted this to us for God’s Kingdom.  

    (2) Kingdom of God given to people who will produce fruit (Mt. 21:43)

If God has entrusted to us His Kingdom, then without a doubt, we must have fruits.  The method to bear fruits is easy; a vine can only bear fruit if a branch remains attached to a vine.  That principle is so simple but we think, “If I think beautiful thoughts, will I have beautiful fruits?” No. In fact, if anything, you will only bear the fruits of mental illness, depression, and anxiety. Then, will those things change just because you change the environment? This person’s spirit is not centered on Christ, it will not change just by changing the method.  

    (3) Those who have Jesus Christ as the rock, master (Mt. 16:18)

In order for you and I to bear fruits today, Christ must become our main, in other words, Christ must become my Rock.  “Lord, You are the Christ the son of the living God,” “Blessed are you, Simon Peter, on this rock, I will build my church.”  The rock does not shake; even if a problem comes, the rock does not shake. It’s not that problems will not come, it’s that, even if problems do come, they will not shake.  The fundamental problem is that I don’t have that rock inside of me now.  If Christ is the rock inside my life, then God will raise up the church on that rock, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. The repeated problem that is coming to you through your parents cannot be solved without Christ becoming your rock. 

  3) Stone that causes people to stumble, fall (1 Pt. 2:8)

In 1 Peter 2:8, when the builders throw away that cornerstone, it actually becomes a stone that causes people to stumble and fall.  “I thought that I could live if I throw away Christ and live however I want,” but actually, I stumble and fall.  Without Jesus Christ, whatever values and good things you live for are actually what makes you stumble and fall.  So, yes, we do need money, but instead of receiving that money from God, and that money becomes your main priority, then that money causes you to stumble.  Somebody says, “That person is so nice, they can live even without laws,” but that person will fall because of it. 

   (1) Broken to pieces, crushed (Mt. 21:44)

    (2) Spread out (Mt. 21:44)

    (3) Disobey the message (1 Pt. 2:8)

There is nothing in this world with greater value than Christ. He is the Creator God, He is sustaining and moving all of creation with His Word even now. But the reason these people stumble and fall is because they are disobedient to the message.  If someone disobeys God’s message, it means they are living with their own thoughts, but they think that those are correct, that’s why they follow them. Nobody makes a decision to fail on purpose; they think that decision is correct, but then it leads to failure.  Only the Word of God is the Truth; only the Word of God is the solution to all problems.  If you hate listening to the Word of God and your cells come to life when you listen to something else, but your cells die when you listen to the Word, that is a failed person.  That means that the cells in your body are reacting in a way that destroys you.  Right now, your brain is going in the direction, not of God’s Word, but something else. Then, it’s not going to work, no matter how hard you try. 

All of our diseases come from our brain, our brain is the organ that makes all our decisions and controls our body. Depression, it comes from the brain.  Mental problems, it all comes from the brain.  So, what is inside of your brain that leaves you bound for depression?  All of the data you’ve lived in your life has been inputted into your brain.  The brain is controlling your body and making decisions based on that data.  

Why are you not solving your alcohol addiction?  Even if you stop drinking alcohol, you will always be addicted to it, because you still have that data inputted into your brain of the joy and euphoria you felt while drunk. No matter how much you try to drink alcohol, that fantasy and feeling of getting drunk is still in your brain, and as soon as that person faces a problem, they go straight back to alcohol. That’s how weak we are. When we face a problem, we need to pray to God and receive the answer, but instead of doing that, we go back and escape using alcohol. Even if it feels like we might have a problem, our brain reacts by thinking of alcohol. That person is just running away from that problem. Same thing for drugs, it’s imprinted into your brain. 

And it’s impossible to try to change our brain.  It’s connected to all of our thoughts and our heart.  You can only change it with the Word. It’s not just the Word of God that you memorized with your brain, but you really feel that this Word is greater than the feeling of being drunk. This gospel really is everything, you need to taste something stronger than drugs.  I’ll tell you again, whatever you are stuck on right now, that you cannot quit, it is because you haven’t tasted the fantasy of the gospel in a stronger way.  You’ve never faced the nirvana or euphoria of the Word to the point where it overcomes your depression. You have data in your brain that leaves you bound to go to depression. There’s no way to fix that outside of God’s Word. 

So this moment right now, when you are concentrating on the Word of God is the time to change your life and receive healing.  Without even realizing it, when you concentrate on God’s Word, God is healing you.  But there are people who are not able to concentrate on God’s Word, just wait and you will face a tidal wave of problems, because you are living your life with the data in your brain. 

3. People who will produce the fruits of the Kingdom of God (Mt. 21:43)

We change that during worship, and when we wake up in the morning, we have deep meditation time to change that.  When God entrusted to us the Kingdom of God, it was to bear fruit. As you live your life, you need to bear fruit. What is fruit? Fruit is not something that will go away after you; it will not go away. If you die right now, what remains? Your spirit will remain. But through your business, your money, the people you’ve met, and your marriage, has anyone else received eternal life? That is the fruit. If you don’t have that, there is no fruit. So what did you live for? You lived only to maintain your physical body. That’s not a fruit, you’re just barely existing and surviving, and then dying.

  1) Only Jesus

    (1) Freed from the authority of sin, death, Satan

Then, in order to bear the fruits, Jesus Christ must come in as our “Only,” as our cornerstone. Why is it that we know Jesus Christ, but we’re not receiving answers? Because He doesn’t come into us as our “Only.” If you think there are many ways, there’s Buddha and all these other ways, and I just chose Jesus, that’s not right. You must know Jesus as “Only.” That means that Only Jesus Christ is the way to solve the problems of sin, Satan, death, and hell. If this sounds vague to you, you cannot solve it. If this sounds very abstract to you, you do not understand. Even right now, Satan continues implanting into you that you are your own god. From that point on, you will have all the worries and fears in your life.

    (2) It is finished (Jn. 19:30), New creation (2 Cor. 5:17), Master of life (Gal. 2:20)

That is the fundamental problem that the Lord finished on the cross. That is what that means, He says, “Everything is finished.” It means, nothing is a problem.  We have been changed into a new creation.  I am no longer the old creation who lived as myself, as my own god, without Christ. I am now a new creation where Christ is living in me as my Lord. Now it is no longer me, but it is faith with the Lord inside of me, then what happens? When you face a problem, why is it a problem?  It might be a problem to me, but it’s not a problem for the Lord in my life.  How could this be a problem to the Creator Lord Who allowed this problem, and I have been unified with Him as my Lord. He is not divided from me; He is united with me, then how could this be a problem? Then, I will find God’s answer and plan, then I will become a witness. But if you’re not able to do this, then you’re not able to live your walk of faith. 

It doesn’t matter how much you memorize the Bible and how much discipleship training you receive. It doesn’t matter how elevated your thoughts are; it must be Christ, otherwise, the forces of darkness will not fall. Satan will continue to attack you with the thought that you are the main figure or the god of your own life, and that’s why you shake in fear when you have a disease. You shake because the Lord of your body is you.  When we have another pandemic, you’ll shake because the Lord of your life is you, so you make all these strategies.  You look on the internet for all these methods that people have developed, and you use up all your time, money, and energy on that. That’s how you live your whole life.  It’s not a problem at all.  When you begin to experience this, one by one by faith, you’ll realize that He is alive.  

    (3) Royal priesthood, Proclaim the word (1 Pt. 2:9)

Now, He has made us as 1 Pt. 2:9, as a royal priesthood to declare the light of Christ, the king who breaks down the authority of Satan, that’s who I am called to be.  The priest who has solved all of the problems and curses, and the prophet who will proclaim the Word of God; that is the kind of person I have been changed into. If I’m not a king, but I’ve been adopted as a prince in the king’s household, I should enjoy that status. If I’m now a child of God, then I should think at the level of a child of God, but I still hold onto my thoughts of being a child of the devil.  Your father the devil is a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and he continues to deceive you, and you keep thinking with your own thoughts. We need to think about God’s Word, but you keep thinking about your thoughts.  

If your IQ is in the billions, you could have your own thoughts, but your IQ is less than 200, then it’s foolish in the eyes of God Who has infinite IQ, and it’s something that’s so easy for Satan to play with.  People with IQ over 200 will believe in themselves even more.  If someone is a little bit intelligent, they will rely on themselves more. But that’s why, the more high class somebody is, the more they have spiritual problems.  If anything, if anyone is a little bit dull like me, then they’ll have spiritual problems later because they don’t believe in anything. But if somebody is the master of their own life, they’ll think so deeply. When they meet people, they’ll think thoughts they don’t have to think.  They look at the changing of the leaves and they think thoughts that they don’t have to think, unnecessary thoughts. They don’t have to think unnecessary thoughts, so their life becomes unnecessary. 

As you look at all creation, you should think of God. In Africa right now, there are so many people who are dying because of the flood.  On the other side, there are so many people who are dying because of a war.  We just look at that as the news, but we don’t see God there.  If my child was there, then we would throw a fit. If one of my relatives were living there, then I would be on fire for that, but God called us to love our neighbors as you love yourself.  As you look at the news, think of them as your family. As you look at that, you should think of God, you should pray for them, you should send over missionaries to relay the Word of God to them and raise your own children as missionaries.  

  2) Kingdom of God

    (1) Chase out demons with the power of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:28)

God has entrusted to us the Kingdom of God, but how is that Kingdom raised up?  Mt. 12:28 says, “If I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” Satan is holding onto this world with his kingdom and authority. America is the kingdom of the world that we can see with our eyes, but there is a kingdom that is invisible.  That is the kingdom of Satan that Satan is holding onto, and he is holding onto it using the authority of the world. And the kingdom of God must be established there for the kingdom of Satan to be broken, and that kingdom of God has been entrusted to us.  In order for the kingdom of God to be established on us, then the Holy Spirit of Christ must work, then you must entrust Him with all of the authority to work.

This is not just in your individual self, but in your family, you must give absolute sovereignty to the Lord, so that the Kingdom of God and the Spirit of God works, then demons and Satan are broken down. “We’re saved; why do you talk about Satan and demons?” We are saved, but our thoughts and emotions are still controlled by Satan. Our spirit cannot be touched by Satan because Christ lives there, but our thoughts, our mind, our heart, and emotions, are being activated by the things Satan has planted in us.  The data that Satan and the world have imprinted into our brain in the past are moving us. Inside of our spirit, the spirit of Christ dwells, but our mind and our body is moved by the devil.  That’s why you need to pray for the Kingdom of God to be established by the Holy Spirit of Christ.  That’s how demons can be cast out. Until that demon is cast out, nothing can happen.

    (2) Seek first the Holy Spirit in my church, field (Mt. 6:33)

Therefore, first seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. What is the first thing we must do? Pray for the Spirit of Christ to work upon me, for the Spirit of Christ to work upon my family, for the Christ to work on my business and job first. You must do that first.  But your life will not work out if you do something else first, instead.  After you’ve done everything you can, you’ll be seized by the devil.  

If America is so developed, people should be happy, right?  We have great money, education, and skills; why are there so many problems?  Is it because of the wrong president? It’s because the Kingdom of God has not been established. The devil holds onto the world with the authorities of the world, but you need to have Christ, the Spirit of the Holy Spirit, to move you. Even in church, have Christ be the main. The Church is the place where people pray and the Holy Spirit works. Jesus says, “My house will be a house of prayer for all nations.”  When we pray for the 237 nations of the world, the Holy Spirit works, transcending time and space.  When the Holy Spirit works, the kingdom of Satan will be broken down and we will receive answers, and everything we need will follow after.  

    (3) All these things will be given to you (Mt. 6:33)

First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things, meaning, all the things you’re interested in, will follow. So whatever you’re interested in will follow.  The Kingdom of God must be established at your job, the Kingdom of God must be established in your family, the Kingdom of God must be established in you. Then, demons will be cast out and the things you need physically will follow as answers. 

  3) Mark’s Upper Room

    (1) Concentration, Power, Answer (Ac. 1:8,14)

The people who held onto this covenant gathered and concentrated in prayer for 10 days in Mark’s upper room, and the Holy Spirit began to work. If the Holy Spirit works, God opens the doors.  

    (2) Work that comes to life (Ac. 2:1-47)

For 10 days, they concentrated in the place and time that God desired, and He worked. Even for the people falling asleep, you need to hear this. I’m sure you have a reason for falling asleep, but you really must listen to this.  What are you so interested in, more than the Word of God, that you are looking at the internet even now? What is so important, more than the Word of God, that you’re thinking other thoughts? Your time, right now, today, determines your whole week.  If you fail today, you cannot solve the problems of your life, then the only result will be mental suffering, and when that continues, it will come to you as a disease.  

Today, at this time, you concentrating on God’s Word, that is the blessing.  May all things go well just as your spirit goes well.  The spirit that makes you must go well first, but if you completely neglect your spirit and you follow the physical things going well, it’s all backwards.  Especially for people who like to show good outward appearance, it would be fine if their house was clean too, but most of the time, their house is not. It would be fine if you were good on the outside and on the inside, but in most cases, it’s not.  Your inner self must receive the power of God, then the outside things will naturally happen.  The external things shouldn’t just be what people want to see, it must come from the good things inside of you, that is what gives true influence.

    (3) Temple, Home, and Field – System (Ac. 2:46-47)

If God works like this, then it’s no longer about my abilities, but God’s hidden powers will be revealed. That must become the system in your family. May your family be the family that raises up your children as the missionaries to save America.  If you raise your kids just to make a living, to eat and survive, they are going to be enslaved to America, they’ll be captives to the depression of America, they’ll be captives to just making a living in America. They’ll be captives to the anxiety of America.  Your house should be a mission home that raises up the missionaries to actually save America, but instead, you’re just focusing on surviving, then you’re making them captives.  

    (4) Courtyard of the Gentiles, Children, Healing (Prayer)

Whatever they’re studying should be used as a tool to save the field, America, and the world, but instead, you’re using it as a tool to make a living, so instead, they’re all dying. They have mental illnesses and become very strange when they grow up, why is that? The parents are already destroyed because they don’t know this, and because they don’t know, they can’t relay it. If all of you are able to know this and enjoy it, then you can relay it. This is not a theory, it is reality. Your children will turn into fruits then they get older. Your life is the present reality. We’re not studying the Bible right now, I’m telling you about the actual, current address of your life. The Word of God must go into you and the spiritual power must be revealed.

There are some people who are falling asleep so I had to raise my voice.  I can’t continue anymore, so let’s conclude.


1. My, Church, and Field’s cornerstone

My cornerstone is Christ, and the cornerstone of my family is Christ. The cornerstone of my field is Christ, how? So that the spirit of Christ works. That’s what we call, “Prayer,” then without a doubt, when God works, you will receive evidence.

2. Work of the Holy Spirit 

3. Witness who saves

May you stand as a witness throughout the week. Our second service was quite fantastical; first service was more so. 

Message Prayer

Let us pray holding onto the Word God has given us.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We have returned Your materials as offering. We pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering, for the tithe that saves the church, for the missions, the future generations, and temple construction. We thank You for giving us the economy of light for the offering that saves. We pray that You will work with the answer of the economy of light to save the 237 nations and the 5000 tribes.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

God, we thank You.  We pray that Jesus Christ will be the cornerstone to these individuals’ lives, and they may bear the fruits of testifying Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. 10/14 (Sat.) LA Young Adult Retreat.

3. 10/16-19 Lecture for Mexico evangelism disciple class: Invited Elvia (El Salvador) for training.

4. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch

5. Ministry of Education Meeting 2:30 pm


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to live for Your Kingdom with Christ as their cornerstone, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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