My 24 Hours, the Church 24 Hours, and the Field 24 Hours (Acts 1:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My 24 Hours, the Church 24 Hours, and the Field 24 Hours (Acts 1:1-14)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We will share the word of the New Year’s message through Acts 1.  “My 24 hours, the church 24, and the field 24” is in other words, a way to save myself.  It means that God is right now doing the work of saving me, my church, and my field, 24 hours a day already.  Why do we use the word “save”?  Because people are separated from God, trapped under Satan and unbelief, people are dying. That’s what it means for life to not work out.

In order to save ourselves, we must let go of ourselves.  We understand the word, “letting go of  myself,” but in reality we cannot. We have to let go with faith.  I have died on the cross with Christ and now Christ lives inside of me. We hold onto that with faith. It’s not enough to simply know this.  Knowledge alone cannot move my heart. We have to believe.  By God’s grace, we must believe the gospel.  It’s only possible to believe in the gospel through God’s grace and God’s time schedule.

A gathering of people like this is the church. How can I save myself?  First, I must enjoy this gospel.  In other words,this gospel that has finished everything must be mine, that is the way to save myself.  The great words of people cannot save anybody, however, the field we’re living in is setting us and imprinting us very strongly with the culture of “me-centeredness,” and whenever we meet with other people, we keep talking about our own thoughts and our own methods.  When we go to our schools, we keep listening to the knowledge of humans.  When we listen to music, it’s all music centered on me, me, me.  Same thing with books and movies, the culture of the entire field is centered on people.  

“I did this and I succeeded,” we keep hearing stories like that, and before we even talk about whether that’s right or wrong it cannot save me, because these words are not aligned with God. In order to save yourself, in order to be aligned with God, you have to be aligned with the gospel. The one who has seen Jesus has seen God.  Jesus’ words are the words of God. That gospel has to be fitting with me in order for me to fit with God. This has to be aligned in order for me to be saved, then finally, I have to let go of my life.  That’s the gospel.

This gospel has to come upon me so I can enjoy it, right?  In other words, through this gospel, the Word of God has to be aligned with me, and prayer must be aligned with God, too, but we keep praying prayers that are not aligned with God. We keep praying for things that are centered on ourselves.  We pray for the things of Genesis 6, just like unbelievers who pray.  Unbelievers also pray, they just pray to the heavens without knowing the target of their prayer, or they keep on manifesting it within themselves.  They realize they cannot do things by themselves, so they pray for something.  

Everyone prays, people like that come into the church thinking it’s prayer, so they attach Jesus’ name to their prayers, and that’s the prayer they imagine themselves. We have to pray the prayer God desires, we have to listen to the words of the gospel that God desires.  The reason our walk of faith isn’ tworking out is because our lives are not aligned with what God wants.  The gospel and I aren’t aligned. 

When we pray, the answer should come immediately, but I’m not aligned with the gospel, and the plan or goal of my life is not aligned with God.  The plan of my life is world evangelization but that’s not aligned with my life.  That’s why all my businesses and studies are all going to fail, and is that the way to save myself? No, that’s the way to kill me.  “My 24” talks about the way to save myself.  The Triune God seated at the throne of heaven is within me, and that’s how I save myself. You have to go into the prayer that actually saves yourself.

You enjoy this gospel constantly through prayer, and you enjoy the mystery of prayer by praying for the filling and the working of the Holy Spirit that fulfills His plan for world evangelization, then your business will follow you and your finances will follow you. Even if you don’t research or spin your head, the people you need will follow you. Even if you’re not intelligent, you receive enough wisdom to do world evangelization.  Everything is supposed to follow you, but because you lose the meaning of prayer, you pray to chase after those things. That’s how we’re not aligned with God.

But the early Church was aligned with God. It may seem as if the people are lacking and weak, but they’re the people connected with God.  Because they’re aligned with God, they keep coming to life, and the church comes to life because the people for whom things weren’t working out came in, and people that was working out would save them, people with spiritual problems come in and people who are working out of this will save them. That’s how the church comes to life.  Of course, the next generation isn’t going to be able to work out in this way, so the people who do have this will save them, and rightfully this person will save the field they go to.

It’s normal for our business to come to life. If people don’t understand, they’re not going to understand.  They’re constantly stuck in their old ideology, “I have to do something for God to bless my business.” If my business in the field is aligned with God, God is bound to work upon it.  If the reason I’m running my business is really to save lives and to find God’s disciples, God is bound to work upon it, but the reason God is delaying that is because we’re not aligned with God.  But if that does take place, God will work without us having to say anything .

Even right now, God is doing world evangelization and God is currently working upon people whose time schedule has come.  If someone is saying, “This isn’t working out,” it’s because that person is not aligned with God.  If someone is saying, “My business isn’t working out,” it’s because that person and their business is not aligned with God. I have to align myself with God, if I ask God to align himself to me, that’s me being God. 

There’s only one entity who does that.  There’s only one entity who tried to crawl up to the position of God himself. It’s not the person himself; that person is seized by Satan. That individual doesn’t know they’re seized by Satan, they think they’re not seized by Satan because they go to church. They’re under the misconception they’re not seized because they’re hearing the gospel. They have to realistically change to not be seized; it has to become their own. This has to be within me and I have to enjoy this through prayer.

If you’ve heard this for a long time, that’s simply the order of knowledge or experiences.  There are pastors who were part of this evangelism movement from the very beginning, but they fell away. What are you going to say about them? Why did it not work out for them? There’s only one reason, There’s no reason to mix reasons together, whether they’re a pastor or a young child, if they’re aligned with God, God is bound to work upon them. So, let go of all those other thoughts and stand before GOd’s Word.

Today I got a call from a pastor, he says he has to do his pastoral ministry in America.  He contacted me last year and again in the new year. He says, “We surrender with both hands.” I said, “If there’s anything you need, give me a call.” He called me today and we talked for about 54 minutes, and I told him all the things I endured while starting the church without knowing what I was getting myself into. 

First and foremost, the pastor is the message, so you must receive the message from God, “Why must I begin this church?”  You’re not running the pastoral ministry because you are a pastor,  God has to give you the reason why you must begin this ministry. That’s God’s message, and that’s the message He gives every week through the Bible.  Then, the people aligned with that message will come to that church.  

God will send these people in order to fulfill God’s Word.  You do not gather people by creating a bunch of programs to do, but you follow God’s plan and God aligns his people to fulfill his plan. If you are not certain about this, then do not begin. Shall o turn this to your terms? 

God gave His covenant to Abraham very clearly, and God gave the pastors a very clear covenant, and God guides you with that covenant. God drags you forward with His covenant.  But if you don’t have that covenant and you think you should just go into pastoral  ministry because you’re a pastor, it’s not going to work. 

Same thing with you guys,  “Isn’t it enough for me to go to church?” that person is not going to work out that the church is a place that God raised. The fact that God raised the church means there’s work that God is doing. Why would God raise many churches? To proclaim the gospel in many regions, and that’s why there’s a different covenant God gives to each church.  If that church is not aligned with that covenant, then it will be used momentarily and it will disappear.  God will bring the people who are aligned to the covenant to your church.  You aren’t supposed to drag people to church. This is the church that God makes, and only those who’ve experienced this will know.

A female was recently raised up as a pastor and she says she wants to serve a church in Arizona. I called her, “Why are you going to Arizona? Are you going there because of your kid? Are you going to a quieter place to heal your child’s mental problem? Why are you going there? Because if you begin, then you should not fall, but we keep thinking with the standards of people.”  She said, “I’ll try it and if it doesn’t work in 2 years, we’ll go back to Korea.”  

I said, “Don’t even start. You may be older than me, but you just became a pastor, so listen to my words. God is the One Who sends you into a region. Are you aligned with this?” She didn’t have certainty in this, so she said,  “We’ll try it for two years and then we’ll leave.” and in my heart i was thinking “’s not going to work for you even in Korea, no matter where you go, because you’re not holding onto the thing that’s aligned with God.” It’s the same thing if a person is running their pastoral ministry like that, versus a regular churchgoer running their lives.  

The person whose things naturally work out is because they’re certain in God’s promise.  It doesn’t matter, this or that, because they have this certain promise, and that’s why curses, disasters, and darkness have no choice but to break, and Satan will flee at the name of Jesus Christ, but if you don’t have the covenant, they’ll come back. If you don’t have the covenant, the devil will crawl into your business, but people don’t know this and they wonder, will God bless my business today ? 

Are you a Buddhist? If I take some roles in the church and work diligently, don’t you think God will work upon my business? Are you some sort of fortune teller?  Your business needs God’s covenant, that is how the darkness will flee from your  business, but you don’t have this, so darkness continuously comes upon you. Unbelievers are children of the devil so the devil will leave them alone because they’re dead anyways and they’re going to go to hell so Satan just moves them however they want, but that’s not how Satan treats the children of God.

Don’t misunderstand, things not working out is a blessing because there’s something that really should work out, so take that as an opportunity to find the true thing.  That’s why the headquarters message has the business industry message. It’s not that he ever was in business, he was never in the medical field or legal field, then how could he so confidently bring together professionals and give them messages for their field?  All the professionals gather thinking, “If we gather, God will bless us,” it’s all prosperity-based. “The pastor doesn’t have any experience, then,” it’s not aligned with the Word.

What does this all mean? We’re saying to align the Word of God to our business.  The evangelist is saying to align our business to the word of God, but instead you’re thinking oh now that we are gathering don’t you think God will bless us? Don’t think like that.  It’s the same thing as the pastor thinking, without the covenant for their church, “If we do this, if we go here don’t you think it’ll work out ?” like a shaman, and if you live your walk of faith that way, it’s a big problem. Without a doubt God’s certain covenant must come upon me, and I need a wait until it comes. Before that point, God will never give you the filling of the Holy Spirit like in Mark’s Upper Room. 

First and foremost, Jesus Christ and I must be aligned. My life must be finished with Christ.  Me and my life are now irrelevant because my life is the Lord’s. Enjoying that is the way  to save myself, but instead of enjoying this, we go deeper into our own thoughts, and the more you do that the more you are seized by Genesis 3.  

You can try thinking all you want, it all starts from your self-centeredness anyway, but if you pray,  God’s power is revealed. Either way, you align yourself with God, then this person will not be affected by any person, incident, or situation; they’ll be a witness, but if you don’t understand these words, then you’ll always look for different  methods.  The person who is established in this does evangelism because God does evangelism.  But if it is not taking place for them, they keep looking for methods.  

“If I do this or say that, then people will listen more comfortably.”  Even if you make it  more comfortable for them, they’re not going to listen. God has to work, and in order for God to work, you must be aligned with God. In order for you to be aligned with God, the Triune God must be aligned with you, in other words, the gospel and I must be aligned.  God’s plan for world evangelization and I must be aligned. We must become people upon whom God’s power comes. 

People are the method. The method is not the method,  the person is the method.  The person who has the Triune God, the throne of heaven, is the method. That’s what you call a disciple.  You have to become a disciple.  There are people who will become disciples, but you become a disciple. There are disciples out there, so that’s why God is telling you to find them, and if you see someone who enjoys this, you can tell.  For someone who is fake, you can see their fakeness.  Just like with brand name bags, they are thousands of dollars even though they all look the same, but people who really know the designer handbags, they can tell the fakes. There’s something different about it.  People who know the real things can find the real things.

If you’re really enjoying the blessings of the throne of heaven, you can see the people who are faking it.  Because the business people are not interested in that, the message is saying to do this in your business. If you’re asking, “should i not do business, should I only do that?” It’s someone who doesn’t understand. It’s the same as asking, “Oh you are telling me to enjoy the blessing of the throne of heaven, so should I only do that and  stop studying and working?” This isn’t something that takes your time. It’s a spiritual thing so you can enjoy it even now, you enjoy it through faith and prayer.  But you don’t understand or believe this, so you ask incorrect questions, “How do I do this when I study?” 

You enjoy the blessings of the Triune God and the throne of heaven through faith so it doesn’t take time or disturb whatever you’re doing.  That is how you begin to see what the Bible is talking about, what Joseph enjoyed in slavery while he was a slave.  Before you understand prayer, you cannot understand, when would we have time to pray? That’s someone who doesn’t understand prayer. But if someone does understand prayer, they read the same Bible and understand, “Oh, that’s why it says in Genesis 41:38, he’s someone filled with the Spirit of God.”

Daniel was so busy with so many things to do every day, yet he still prayed facing the temple of Jerusalem three times a day,  meaning in everyday life, he was in constant prayer.  Three times a day, he enjoyed the blessings of the throne of heaven, then that means while he was a governor, while he was working, he enjoyed that continuously. That’s what it means to go all into God’s plan and mission, and that’s why God fulfilled his plan through Daneil.  He saved the kings.  Through Daniel, God raised His evidence of God’s existence to all of Babylon. While Daniel was doing this, God poured all His wisdom upon him. 

You have to understand this to understand Acts.  But if someone doesn’t understand this, they’re going to be wondering, “How can I receive God’s wisdom?” But it’s backwards.  “Oh, the way to get more wisdom is evangelism so I have to evangelize?” I’m sorry but that’s not it. If you’re trying to use God’s goal of evangelism as your own tool to accomplish your own benefit, that’s not evangelism; that person will fall. 

“Oh, this is the blessing of the throne of heaven,” you must be bold in this, I am inside of that. And when you go into church I  feel so bad to look at people for whom it’s working out. There are people who are constantly spiritually seized so even if they listen to the word of God, it doesn’t go into them because they are seized by  something else, so just hearing it doesn’t mean you’re actually hearing it.  They’re seized by something else. 

Understand people like that because they have no other choice. They’ve served idols for so long so it’s rightful. And if people are so centered on me and humanism, they’re saying words and they shout it.  People who think they’re everything in life, they think they’re the best and have that subtly inside of them. They never say words out loud but they say things like, “How dare you criticize me?” That’s someone who is demon-possessed.

Fortune-tellers are not the only ones who are demon-possessed, but Satan seizes people’s thoughts this way.  These are spiritual things so do you think you can fight and persuade against them? You have to pray for them. That darkness has to be broken down in order for them to be freed from their ego, and you can only see that if you’re realistically enjoying the blessing of the Triune God, the throne of heaven.  Then that is not something you should try to persuade, but it’s a spiritual thing, so you pray for them, and wait. That’s how you raise up the next generations.  

There were two times I went to church in the town I grew up in, once in the summer and once in the winter when they invited me. I went to church because they simply told me to go, and there are so many people in America who do that.  They say, “Hey, we don’t have time to go out on other days, so why don’t you come to church on sunday and we’ll have lunch together,” so they use church as just an organization or a meeting club, and it’s so great because you can eat and drink coffee for free.

If you come only for food, you feel bad so you listen to the message, and if they ask you say, “I’m Christian.” There are so many people like that.  They say, “Oh, I’m Christian, don’t preach to me.” you shouldn’t be deceived by that if you want to see if they’re a christian you have to see their inside. Is this person understanding the gospel? You have to ask that, but if you talk to them, they are always centered on  themselves.  They don’t have the Word of God; they only talk about their own ideologies and thoughts.  Their thoughts are always on the left or the right, whatever they want.  They don’t have any plan for world evangelization of God, they only ask if you’re conservative or liberal, they just talk about the world, and that’s why the churches fight, too. “I think this is right but you think that’s right, so we fight.” That’s not the Word of God.

America is so fascinating.  They have so much knowledge and there’s so many conspiracy theories. There are so many fascinating things.  They say, “There are organizations creating artificial rain to kill millions of people,” and I say, how do you know that? Have you seen that?. They do not listen to the words of God, but they will hold onto these conspiracy theories as a covenant so firmly and they’ll avoid the rain. That’s what it means to be seized.  There may be a conspiracy theory on the outside, but if you go deeper, they’re seized.

There are even some pastors who leave America because they say they’re seized with 666, the mark of the beast, or a barcode.  There are just a lot of different people, but you shouldn’t understand the Bible that way.  If there’s 666, there’s also 777, what should we do about it?  “Oh, this person sees demons,” so what?  If they want to come to the church, tell them to come. If the devil wants to come to church, why would you stop them? Tell them to come.

Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? Do you have the answer so that other things are irrelevant? If you don’t have that, then you’re going to use conspiracy theories to push people in a very strange way to breed fear. It’s the same thing today, people don’t know if they should get the vaccine or not. I don’t know, but I got it.  Whether they’re right or not is not the issue; what matters is, do I have the covenant that makes all of those things irrelevant to me?

There’s no need to make an issue over whether someone wants to get a vaccine or not. If they want it, they get it; if they don’t, they don’t, but you’re staking your life on that. America is about freedom? Then let them get it if they want, but even if you get the vaccine, if you don’t have the covenant, it’s still a problem of your mental state. Before we had the vaccine, we didn’t even have this debate. What am I saying? It means, are you enjoying the covenant of God that enables you to be okay?

That’s how no problem will matter to you.  Later on, in Revelation it talks about the end times, none of that matters.  Revelation simply tells us about the signs that will come at the end times, but they look at those signs and they’re pissing themselves, but those aren’t the reasons God gave us those words.  There are some people who only focus on the book of Revelation and use it to threaten people with no basis.  Not even John Calvin would touch Revelation; who do you think you are, trying to interpret the prophecies of Revelation with the things that are happening today and uploading them to Facebook or YouTube? They don’t even talk about Christ at all, they just threaten you and warn you with fear, saying “You’ll die if you do this.”

Revelation is just telling us, even if the end times come, the covenant will still be relayed, so keep doing that, but these people are still focused on Revelation.  God says, the end of all days will come once the gospel has been proclaimed to all nations, so it doesn’t matter what kind of wars take place; keep proclaiming the gospel and don’t follow the opinions of many other people, just keep on following God’s covenant.  That’s what God has been talking to us about, from Genesis to Revelation, but you lose hold of the covenant and hold onto unnecessary things.  You don’t really see the works of Satan and you just see things like that and blow them out of proportion.  But if you saw the real things, you’d come to the conclusion that you really need nothing but the covenant.

This covenant must be sent out into the field centered on you individually and centered on the church. In the field, there are so many people who talk about conspiracy theories.  You have to be able to turn that into the words covenant.  If you run into believers or pastors who are so focused on Revelation, you have to change that into the gospel of them.  If there’s someone who says, “I prayed to God and they blessed my business,” you have to change them. Do you think that, if God doesn’t bless your business, is Jesus no longer the Christ? You have to change such people.  

Regardless of that, God has given you the covenant, so you have to change them. If that person keeps thinking this way, they’re going to fall when their business is not blessed. But if I’m not able to enjoy this myself, I’m not able to see those things.  So, if each of you are able to enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven, you’ll realize there are people you must relay this to.

Today I went to meet a few Deacons at Olympic Noodle and the owner of that place has a pretty big scale.  His son is in Korea receiving training for two years and he’ll come back to America to receive the vaccine.  They said they went on a cruise vacation for two weeks and then came back.  I went there to pray and I was praying for them. It’s the same thing as a funeral, I have to know their background in order to give them the message, so I was talking with the owner, “Why did your son go to Korea?” I have to know that to diagnose and help them.

He said, “He received the message and thought it was so good, so he went into training and 40 days of prayer, and his son went to Korea for 2 years. I listened to that message through Elder Yoo,” so we had a conversation to find out what kind of person he was.  He talked about himself, “My entire family line is one that has a lot of self-assurance and enjoys the blessing of the throne of heaven and their secretaries are high leaders. He said He did the exorcism ministry for 7 years.  So, I saw he was in the exorcism ministry and his sibling is a high position secretary in Catholicism so I could diagnose their family with this answer.  That’s why I said, “Rev. Ryu’s message is fitting with this person because they’re spiritual.”

I asked, “Do you think there are no churches fitting with you?” Because he’s always someone who is second in command to the leader, he’s never satisfied with anyone other than the leader themselves because their entire family was always the second in command to a great leader. That means he’s not satisfied with a pastor like me, he has to go to the number one. His vessel is big that way.  So I said, “You have to listen to God’s Word.” He said, “Yes, you’re right.”  We had such a short conversation but I could already diagnose his entire family line.

“Once your son comes back, I’ll help him,” I said.  There’s no reason for him to be in Korea for two years, so I asked, “Why did he go to Korea for two years?” His son is an oriental medicine doctor, so at first, he went there for missions.  But instead, he went there and didn’t meet anyone, but he listened to the messages in his room, and they turned that into a training.  

I couldn’t go too deeply into the Word because I could tell he wasn’t very strong in the Word. But I told him, “It’s not enough to receive the headquarters messages. I’ve received training for 10 years, so once your son comes back, I’ll help him out.  There’s invisible training beyond just the words being given from headquarters.” I’m sorry to say, if someone says, “I’ve gone to Immanuel Seoul for X number of years,” that’s just how long they’ve gone. They’ve just listened to the things that are invisible, on the outer shell. They haven’t seen the true things.  

You have to be able to see the real things hidden underneath to say that you’ve really received training.  I told him, “once your son comes back, I can help him with the Word.” His intention is great, he went to Korea to receive training for two years, but it’s not enough.  “I’ll help him with the aspects in which he’s lacking when he comes back.” 

There are people like this, and you have to be able to listen to the words of these people and diagnose them within a minute, and you have to be able to give the words that these people need, right?  You have to be able to give them the word about what their child is lacking as well.  We are similar to fortune tellers in that we listen to their words and we say, “It’s like this,” and they’re shocked at how accurate we are.  And if you look at their present reality, you can see their future as well. “This is a family with a good moral center.”

The reason I asked why he went to Korea is to know if he went to Korea to receive healing for his spiritual problem, but that wasn’t it, then this means that this family has very good intentions; their vessel is beyond the normal vessel. Most people spend a lot of time trying to adjust their vessel, but these people’s vessels are already set.  Then we help them fill their empty parts with the Word of God.  

In the field of America, there are tremendous types of people. There are elites, if you talk to them for a minute, you should be able to give them the answer to the problems they have.  This person is a pastor, they keep talking about evangelism, but they don’t know what they’re talking about, so you have to tell them about what real evangelism is.  There was a gathering of pastors recently, and they kept talking about camp, so it frustrated me.  “What kind of camp are you talking about?”  I asked them, “Are you talking about the camp where we just gather people together and rally for the day?” They just use the words they understand.

I said, “Even right now, I’m doing camp at church.  But some people think, “Camp means the church has to gather and then you have to go somewhere else; they don’t understand what real camp is. That’s how the only way I can communicate with them is to ask, “What do you mean by ‘camp’?”  Similarly, in order to communicate with someone, you have to be aligned on the same page.  Then when you meet the pastor, you have to help them open their eyes, 

“What you’re talking about is camp, but there’s also this kind of camp, just like how our spiritual eyes are continuously opened through the evangelist and the headquarter’s messages.  Right now, this is the camp to raise up the 70 workers and disciples, so we’re currently doing camp. Even right now, we’re doing camp. Even right now, I’m doing the camp to raise up the 70 workers in the field.  So, is it a sermon or is it camp? 

For the people who have camp in their hearts, the sermon is camp.  If someone doesn’t have camp in their hearts, they think they have to gather and move somewhere to do camp, but it’s the camp that moves this field and saves the people.  A camp that helps people who aren’t aligned with the Word of God become aligned with the pulpit. If this person doesn’t match with the gospel, do the camp that helps them align with the gospel. If they don’t know the blessings of the throne of heaven, your camp is to help them know it, and all of this is the evangelism camp. 

But if you don’t understand that, these people go crazy because they think they have to go out into the field but they’re not able to move. That’s what you call a spiritual problem; they can’t stay still. They have a spiritual problem when they only feel at ease when they’re running around, doing something. that person will never be able to do camp like Joseph. Everywhere you go is camp because everywhere you go, you’re connected to God. If you enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven, your movement is camp. 

I cannot go into the fields, this is my evangelism.  Your thinking of evangelism is different. The evangelism field of the pastor is the message, and my greatest evangelism camp is to help you with the Word of God and prayer so that you can do this movement in your fields.  You guys do this so this takes place in your fields, but if we don’t know the work God is doing, we’re going to feel so frustrated. There’s also the camp that determines one region and goes in with oneness.  But right now, we’re not doing that because of COVID.  So you have to know the time schedule of the church. If you don’t know this, you won’t be aligned.  

Everyone has their time schedule. Once the church goes beyond 1000 people, if you don’t utilize assistant pastors, it’s not right. The people of God need to know the stream of the Word and align themselves with this direction.  In your business field, you should enjoy the camp that establishes the throne of heaven there.  But if you don’t establish the blessings of the throne of heaven for your business but you do it for “me,” physical things and success, you’ll go crazy. That’s when Satan seizes your business and it becomes the economy of darkness. 

Quickly escape from that, do that camp, then even if you ask God not to bring people to you, He will intercede on His own. That’s a person who is followed around by God’s blessings. In order for God to save the field, He must fill you with the Holy Spirit, and when the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, the five powers come. Financial power comes, wisdom comes into your business, people are so scared because they don’t have manpower but people will follow.  but if you lose hold of these blessings, you have to persuade people and fall into situations and that’s how we’re seized by the devil.  

This year, let us not do any of that, but enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven, 24 hours, in our fields.  If someone is not able to do this, then simply wait while enjoying this. That’s the individual, centered on the church, centered on worship.  As you keep doing this, one day you’ll realize that you’ve been changed. I’m not someone who relays the Word I heard from headquarters exactly to you. I’ve heard that, experienced it myself, and I testify to you through God’s Word. 

I’m telling you as a witness that the words of headquarters are correct, and everyone has their time schedule to experience this.  As much as your Genesis 3, 6, and 11 have been changed in Acts 1:1, 3, and 8, you’ll be able to see.  If you have Genesis 3, 6, and 11 in your pastoral ministry, it will drive you crazy. I was like that.  Because I was holding onto the physical things I saw in my goals for the church, I was driving myself crazy.  

There’s no one like me, who could understand me? No one could, but the more you hold onto that thought, the more you will make yourself suffer.  The gospel has to become actualized to transcend yourself, you have to be able to see the spiritual things to transcend the physical things you see; otherwise you’ll keep judging and criticizing people, “You wore sneakers today? You’re an interpreter, why are you dressed like this?” 

Then she’ll hold it in, “What about you, pastor? What about the way you dress?”  Then if you criticize someone who crosses their legs in the sermon and then one day you’ll fight, “Why are you crossing your legs?” That’s how you look at things because you have the center of Genesis 6.  You have to see them spiritually, why does this person have no choice but to do that? Then instead of fighting with them, you have to pray and fight the spiritual battle. The success of the world is not the mission; it’s world evangelization.  

Why do I say this?  I may not be running a business, but inside of my pastoral ministry, I stand as a witness of Genesis 3, 6, and 11 changing into Acts 1:1, 3, 8.  Once this takes place, the easiest thing is your walk of faith. It’s even easier for people who are lazy like me. There’s nothing to do because everything is done spiritually.  Once you go there, you see the answers that take place according to God’s time schedule.

Even Rev. Ryu is lazy.  He says when he began, he was doing Darakbangs everywhere and didn’t have time to go home, but when you listen to him personally, he says he’s always at home.  God raised him as an evangelist, but his son says, “Dad, you’re always home, always resting.”  It’s not by the abilities of people, but because they’re seized by the power of God, things take place easily.  Everything is possible for us.

Therefore, easily enjoy the blessings of the throne of heaven, in other words, the Triune God, as your own.  May you enjoy the blessings of the prayer that transcends time and space to transmit this outward so that me, my church, and my field can be correctly connected with God.  Then, automatically the economy of light will follow you, healing will automatically follow you. The remnants will arise. May you and I enjoy this blessing.

We’ve shared the word of the new year’s message with you. I’m not sure if it was full, may you have the direction and faith in this covenant, because the more faith you have, the more works you will receive.


Let us pray holding onto this message to save ourselves, our church, and the field.  Let us pray together.

Second prayer topic, when you pray, the Holy Spirit is actually working, unseen to your eyes, spiritually, and more so than 100,000 words, if the Holy Spirit moves once, it will move the hearts of people. So we need to pray for the remnants in the church and the next generations.  There are some people who just have the form of prayer, but I hope you will believe in the spiritual fact that truly, the spiritual works are occurring, transcending time and space. 

There are remnants who come even though their family or parents don’t believe.  Or, there are remnants who come to church with their parents even if their parents are not even able to pray.  Then, what is the church 24? It’s the prayer that saves those people. Save the people of all nations.  There are people who come to church without any spiritual or prayer background at all, and because they don’t have a spiritual background, they have to fight alone. If you have the church 24 hours, you are the ones to save them, saving them through the blessing of the throne of heaven.  

Let us pray for the pulpit message. When you pray for the pulpit message, it’s for your benefit.  May the grace of God come so you’re aligned with the Word of God.  It doesn’t matter who they are, if they’re not aligned with the Word of God, they will fall in darkness, so that’s why you must pray for the pulpit message for yourself. “God, give me the Word I need.”  The pastor was raised up but they shouldn’t just say nonsense, so that’s why you pray for the pastor. Let’s pray for the pulpit message. 

The third lecture is about saving the field, so I hope you will stop praying for God to bless your business, but start praying for the throne of heaven to be upon your business. Praying is the way to enjoy the throne of heaven. When you pray in your field, the organizations of Satan are broken down. There are forces of darkness that are stopping the work in your field. Pray for the darkness to break because you have to use this for world evangelization. Of course you have to pray, let us pray to become the 70 workers, the church officers who do the work in the field.  

Let us lastly pray for our missions field.  God told us to do world evangelization, and I believe God will work within the Holy Spirit within that Word.  Our church cannot do world evangelization alone, so God has given a mission to each church.  So let us pray at this time for the missions field God has given to us at this time for the Holy Spirit to work, otherwise that missionary or that disciple has to fight on their own, so we’re shooting missiles towards them.  Let’s pray for our missions fields.  


May you be the witnesses who enjoy the filling of the Holy Spirit. Now may the grace of our lord jesus christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the holy spirit, be upon all the heads of all the people of God who desire to enjoy and testify of the blessings of the throne of heaven, be upon their families, work, and their field, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.

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