Mission and Challenge (Acts 3:1)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Mission and Challenge (Acts 3:1)

Speaker Pastor Ryu Kwang Su | Interpreter Esther Chang

We must head out to save Egypt, God even split the Red Sea. can that answer possibly be in my life?  He split the Jordan and broke down Jericho. How do you consider that, and how in the world do such things happen? With just a few members of the Israelites, God brought liberation from Babylon and He even conquered Rome. How in the world do those kinds of answers arise?  

Mission and Challenge (Acts 3:1)

Having revived grace in Mark’s upper room, they began to pray at the ninth hour of prayer, Acts 3:1, and that’s where God’s works began to take place.  Our Presider was emphasizing how we must seek out uniqueness, so you have to place this in your hearts.  There are a few things we need to know about why God used those people.


1. Bible

It’s only recorded in the Bible about why problems come. It doesn’t exist in any other book, only the Bible tells us.  People continue to grow wealthier and science advances, but more and more mental patients arise.  Only the Bible tells us why.  That is why you must receive this answer, and with that answer, head out into the world.  Amazingly, there are a lot of good books out there, but the answer lies only in the Bible.

Revelation 12:1-9 (Ancient Serpent)

Since we don’t have much time, I’ll only write one Bible verse. A very, very long time ago, before the Earth was created, a tremendous event arises. It says, “ancient serpent,” that’s Satan.  Satan raised up a great event in heaven even before you were born, and that’s why immediately God prepared the gospel and that’s why it’s called, “The gospel hidden from long ages past.” You have to understand the words.

Genesis 3:4-5 (Family) – Genesis 3:15

Satan plowed into the family, and in this way he broke down Adam and Eve. That’s why immediately God gave us GEnesis 3:15, the gospel. The offspring of the woman would come to crush the head of the serpent.

Genesis 6:4-5 (Nephilim)

Unbeknownst to anyone, he plowed into finances. And he turned almost everyone into the Nephilim. What’s the Nephliim? Being seized by demons. You can tell with some people, but not with others.  Only the Bible records this, and in this way, he brings complete destruction to mankind.  That’s why God promised to send the Christ.

Genesis 6:14 

If you enter into the Ark, you will live. So even if you don’t know a lot about the bible, you must begin here. “We’re all doing well, why are you saying that? There are wealthy people among the unbelievers, and there are so many renowned politicians out there.”

Genesis 11:1-8 (Tower of Babel)

That’s their Tower of Babel. Needlessly, problems continue to come to mankind, so that’s why God told Abraham to leave Ur of Chaldea, and the Bible continues to prophesy this until the church and “Theophilus, in my former book”

Acts 1:1, 3, 8

Christ. God promised to send the Christ to resolve these problems, and He came, and starting now, to those who grab hold of this covenant, God’s Kingdom will come upon them. God will give real power to those who hold to the covenant.  What kind of answers? Only, the answer of uniqueness. This will come.  You must not lose hold of this.  

What most of you are saying are talking about things not working out. They’re lost in that. Let’s look at the t who really received answers, let’s look carefully at the Bible and the people who really received answers among the remnants.

2. Remnant

The people who really received answers.

1) Genesis 39:1-6

Joseph.  Because the LORD was with Joseph, once again let’s look at this.

2) Psalm 23:1

David says, “Because the LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”  It’s at this time that Satan is broken, isn’t that so? It’s at this time that Satan is broken. “That’s right, Christ ended it.” When you really find that believable, Satan flees. If that’s really imprinted in you, then your family line will changed. You must remember. 

David faced so many hardships but what did he say?  The LORD is my Shepherd; I shall not want.   What he means is, “I don’t need anything more.”  And everywhere David went, the forces of darkness were broken.  Crosby, who overtook the world, said this, “There’s no reason for me to receive any more answers since Christ is with me.” Being blind, in the past she prayed God would open her eyes, but now she prays so God won’t open her eyes. We gave her that faith.“I will not grow tired in a dry and weary land.”  This evening, really think about this.  

When you go back to your churches, having gotten a taste of this, when you look at the problems you will be able to see answers so it will no longer be a problem.   But the strange thing is that most church members listen to the sermon but don’t hold to the cvn.t  When I meet with people, i say this a lot.  People who are sick, I tell them, “Go to the Oceanside every morning and pray there for an hour. They say the greatest air between heaven and earth is in the ocean, so stay there for an hour and pray and do deep breathing, and all your diseases will get well,” but they don’t believe that. It’s really strange, isn’t it?

In the past, an athlete said one thing to me, “If you want to guard your health, you have to breathe properly.” Listening to that one thing he said, I bought all these books on breathing and I’ve been doing this for 20 years.  But when I found out Jesus is the Christ? Only the gospel? I must evangelize? From that day until now, without exception, I’ve thought about evangelism, so there’s no need to think about anything else because everything is inside of Christ.  Really grab hold of this covenant.

David said, “Because the LORD is my Shepherd, I don’t need anything else. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for God is with me, Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Do you know why you must give this confession today? Do you know why you must hold onto this covenant today? Because when you grab hold of this covenant, this Satan whom you cannot see with your eyes at all will completely be broken.

Acts 1:1, 3, 8

Satan knows, whether Rev. Ryu Kwang Su believes in this fact or not.  Satan knows.  Satan knows the fact that Jesus is the Christ better than you, and he really knows whether you believe it or not, so really believe it today.  All my problems are finished, I don’t need anything else, and it’s at this time that this Satan completely crumbles

Satan X

All you have ahead of you are the blessings that are to come, so may you enjoy this answer. Do you know what will happen?

(1) Imprint (Answer)

You will only receive answers according to what’s imprinted in you.  No matter how much you struggle you will only receive answers to what’s imprinted in you. No matter how much you may go around laughing, if sadness is imprinted in you, you’ll get sick. 

(2) Root (Life)

Your life exist only for what is rooted in you, but if these bad things are rooted inside of you, things will not work out in your life.

(3) Nature (Lifestyle)

You live as much as your nature allows. If you have this and God’s work takes place, amazing works will arise. This evening, really think about this.  Nobody may know this but invisible to the eyes Satan is plowing into your church and families.  Someone once said to me, “Pastor Ryu, why do you talk about Satan?” I always have to talk about Satan because he attacks us 24 hours a day.  

One time I was giving a lecture and Pastor Lee Byung Ho was presiding. Do you know what he said? I was dying of laughter, because he said he doesn’t even doesn’t even keel over and go to sleep.  He knows he’ll be in trouble if your church does well, so that’s why he attacks you. America is a tremendous nation, so that’s why he’ll attack it.  He’ll attack your children, so in one sense, it’s embarrassing to not have anyone to tell this to. He will attack the pastors; he’ll attack the remnants. No two words about the underdeveloped nations, America is important so he will attack it. It is unseen to our eyes, so that’s why people say he doesn’t exist.

So the very first thing God said to us is that the offspring of the woman would come to crush the head of the serpent, and from here, we see the three offices of Christ, isn’t that so?

1 John 3:8

The reason the son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

Mark 10:45

He came to get rid of all our curses and disasters.

John 14:6

He opened up the way to meet God.  We can’t even meet God, there’s no way for us to even believe in God, so that’s why God sent the Christ. Just grab hold of His name.  Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. You may remember this so starting today, stop worrying.  You worry if you don’t have any money. Starting today, stop worrying about that. You worry about church reveal and growth.  Starting today stop worrying about that, just do this. Amazing things will happen.

I Know About Her

Satan knows.  In English, we say, “I know,” and it’s if you know something. I’m sorry to talk about English in America, but “I know” is different.  “I know about Esther,” then what do you say?  “I’ve heard about her, so ‘I know about her.’” But if we’ve met a couple of times, the preposition becomes different.

I Know Of Her

But if I live with her and know everything about her?

I Know Her

This is what I learned in school. So knowing the great difference between these words. I know President Park Gyun Hye, she’s the president of our country, but she doesn’t know me.  We did have a chance to meet but we weren’t able to. We were introduced to each other and we’re going to meet but the time didn’t match, so we weren’t able to.  But she doesn’t know me so that’s not really knowing each other.  Something happened and she calls me for advice or I call her up? That is what it means to know each other but when we really know this fact, amazing things will happen.

3. Mission

From this point on, you find your mission.  “I want to receive answers; what do I do to receive answers?” You’ve heard about the 8 missions this time. What mission must you hold to for the works to arise? You know about Martin Luther. 500 years ago, he said the gospel had completely disappeared, to what extent? They were saying that if you do a lot of good works you will receive salvation. That’s what the church was teaching, “and if you give a lot of offering, you can go to heaven.” Is that right? If they continued that way they would have gone even further. Later on, what did they say?  “Even though you commit a sin, if you pay some money for indulgences we can absolve your sin.” When the gospel disappeared, that’s how crazy things have become.  They were completely crazy and Martin Luther looked at this and thought we’re in trouble if we head this way.”

That’s why he stepped forward with Romans 1:16-17.  You can only receive salvation through the gospel, and so I am not ashamed of that gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.  But the righteous shall life by faith.  He really said those words and he overturned the world.  

Satan was completely broken.  Do you understand what I’m saying?  Starting today, stop asking, “How shall I evangelize?”  When you really realize, God will work.  Starting today, stop worrying about how to make the church grow.  Starting today, really step forward as the main figures to save LA and America . Then once you go there, the answers will already be there.  What do we call this? We call this the first mission.

1) Stream of the Gospel (Acts 1:1)

To what extent do you know this? To what extent are you in the gospel? Acts 1:1. If it’s to this extent, then that’s it.  Doctor Luke was a very successful person, but he thought, “I must relay this gospel to Theophilus. The tremendous individual who will become a governor? I must relay this gospel. I must do this. I need to write in a letter to him,” Then that is it and it really did end that way because even now, the works are arising.  May you begin to receive real answers starting now.  The stream of the gospel.  What is the second mission?  How is God’s Word flowing? You’re grabbing hold of this.

2) Stream of the Word (Acts 1:3) – Kingdom

The reason you don’t have to worry is if you grab hold of the covenant that Christ is the solution to all problems, then God’s Kingdom will come. You don’t have to worry. “How should I evangelize to my relatives?” Yes, you should always be praying about it, you shouldn’t be worried about it, because one day, they will face this, and at that time, give them this answer.  Always watch carefully as you pray, and when a serious problem comes, that’s when you can give them this answer.  God’s Kingdom, this is the second mission.

3) Prayer Topic (Acts 1:8) – Holy Spirit

Then, what is our prayer topic? There’s only two. That it is only the filling of the Holy Spirit receiving that power and standing as a witness. Isn’t that so?This is what you must do.  You have to stand as a witness and find your filling of the holy spirit.  “Do we have to believe in God?” You don’t have to, but that’s why spiritual problems come, and that’s when you can relay this to them.

When I got married, my wife’s side of the family weren’t believers, my wife was the only believer, no one else was a believer, so I went there, it’s an unbelieving home, so you can pretty much figure out what it’s like. The first question my father-in-law asked me, “What do you do for a living?” “I’m an assistant pastor.” “What’s an assistant pastor?” “It’s an assistant pastor.” “How much do you get paid?” “Just a little.” I couldn’t communicate with them.  Intentionally, I never said to them, “Father-in-law, mother-in-law, believe in Jesus,” why? Because I wanted to show them. That evangelism is going to speak to them but there’s an evangelism that you show to them.  

People misunderstand evangelism, but there’s two types: one where you speak of it, and one where they see it through you, Joseph. Joseph didn’t go and tell them, they saw it through him, they had nothing to say about that; they asked, so he answered.  In one sense, that might be real evangelism.  “What I have, I give to you,” that happens in Acts 3. “Silver and gold I do not have, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” He didn’t mean he didn’t have any coins, he meant, “What you need is not coins, what you need is to get up, but getting up isn’t even the goal. Many people walk around. Get up and walk in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” He overturned his fate.  Your eyes must open to see that.

This is your mission, seek this out.  It’s not difficult at all because you yourself know how much you’re enjoying this blessing.  Pastors, if you’re doing this immediately, your church will begin to mumble among themselves. “Something is different about your pastor, he’s really God’s child. I listened to his sermons and received answers from them,” that’s what will happen. In this way, everything is coming to life.  The greatest enemy, the forces of darkness, Satan, will be bound in America. May these works arise in your families. What comes from this point on?

4) 3 Todays (Acts 1:14)

The three today’s. The Word, Prayer, and Evangelism, given to me today. Acts 1:14, You have to quickly seek out these four things.  It’s easy, it doesn’t take much time, you just find it. You might think none of these match with you, and that means you don’t match with the Truth.  One remnant came up to me and said, “Pastor, I really was looking for a husband, but I met this guy and he’s a complete unbeliever, should I marry him or not?” I very clearly responded, “If you’re really in the midst of prayer, the gospel, and the three today’s and you met that man? Then God’s will is there. But if you were running around like your head was cut off, and then you met him, is that what happened?” Think about it, if any of you think this doesn’t match with you at all, you have nothing to do with God, you’re matching with Satan even though you’ve received salvation.  That’s where the problem comes from.

In one way, you can evangelize, but what is my evangelism for today is coming here to give much of this lecture and grabbing hold of this Word. I hold onto the word mulch more than anyone else, I have to give a lot of lectures, and answers to prayer, I receive it all day long. I pray the forces of darkness will be bound in America.  To what extent do I pray? To the point where eI gain strength and do not grow tired at all. My standard of prayer is where I can run to my heart’s content and not grow weary. You need to seek this out.  Once you do these things then the next four things follow. What’s the fifth? The absolute door opens.

5) Absolute Door (Acts 2:9-11)

The door God prepared that no one can close will open for you. Acts 2:9-11 Doors to 15 nations opened and at this time we saw everything else opened as well. At this time, all the doors of finances opened as well.  In connection with that, 3000 disciples arose.  Now, we’re really in trouble.  Think about it, what would happen if 3,000 disciples came here? There would be no room to sit, we would really be in trouble, but I really believe this.  After beginning my walk of faith, I only had one worry that there would not be enough seats in the church.  Even now there isn’t so we covered up the courtyard, and we put 500 seats there, but that too got filled quickly. Now we have to build a church and that’s the only worry I have. 

Someone once said, “Pastor, I think you give sermons well, so you entice people very well to come to your church.” Not at all.  Ask the people who know me very well. Before my heart was set aflame with passion for evangelism, I couldn’t even speak in front of people.  As an assistant pastor, I want to be able to go to another church and be their speaker but my friend Pastor Cho did that very well. He was a revival evangelist and that’s how well he gave a sermon. I was never invited to one of those meetings, because they knew I wasn’t a good speaker so they never invited me. But Pastor Cho would go around a lot, even though he gave a good sermon, he  would lobby himself very well. 

But one day, after gaining this answer, I realized there are no reasons. Everything is inside of this.  Health, politics, finances, culture, everything is inside of Christ.  But not gaining this answer, problems continue to come. Do you know what kind of problems come? Unimaginable problems come.  Goliath invaded, how in the world could that happen?  This giant, Goliath, came in and he was over 3 meters tall, and he wasn’t just asking to go to battle he said, “Is there anyone who believes in God? Let’s do one-on-one combat. If I lose, then Philistia will surrender to you, but if you lose, you will surrender to Philistia,” because he was a giant. He had the confidence to win. He mocked God for 40 days, but as you well know, David was running an errand when he overheard that. That day was a day of answers.

David set his heart to fight against him.  His brothers who did not have this answer, how did they respond? “You’re so wicked and arrogant,” they said that because David was saying he wanted to fight against Goliath. The centurion who did not have this answer, what did he say? “You think you can do it? Let me first report this to the king,” so he reported to the king, and King Saul who didn’t have this answer said this, “He is a warrior but you’re just a young boy. Can you fight against him?” 

At this point, David answers, “The LORD rescued me from the lion and the bear, and I believe He will save me from the one who is mocking God.” “But still, put on my armor.” There was no armor that fit him, think about it, he is still a young boy, so this adult armor isn’t going to fit him.  He had to put on armor to fight.  But David did not need armor, why?  Because the world was filled with powerless soldiers who were wearing armor, isn’t that so? They were all wearing armor. They are lot of people out there like that but David said he didn’t need any armor. “I will go in the name of the LORD God almighty.” Before Goliath who didn’t have the gospel at all, what did he say? 

“You come before with the sword, the separ, and the javelin, but I come before you in  the name of the LORD God almighty, whose name you have defied. That’s what he said. I will testify to all of the earth that our Lord God is our true God. And I will verify that our lives do not lie in the sword. Today, the Lord has placed your life in my hands,” and he ended it right there, why? Think about it, he can even hit the head of a lion, it was such an easy thing for him. The head of Goliath was such an easy thing for them.  It was a piece of cake, isn’t that so?  

If David were to go up against Goliath again, what would happen? David would win once again. 100 times, Goliath would lose 100 times.  The absolute door will open. It follows.  What happens?  

6) Regional Church

Lydia, Jason, Priscilla whom God had preserved? The absolute regional church forms.  This is the important thing God will give. 

7) Absolute System

Amazingly, you will meet the people God has prepared. The Absolute system. Today, I was able to meet with Laura and Dick Snyder as well as their team members. You don’t have to worry about anything because God will continue to attach disciples to you. That’s the promise in the Bible. When disciples don’t come to you, that’s when you should start worrying, “Why isn’t God attaching disciples to me?” That’s the worry you should have, but he is bound to because disciples aren’t made; they are born. He has prepared them everywhere.  

8)  Absolute Disciple (Romans 16)

Absolute disciples will arise, Romans 16.  As you well know, Communism says, “God is dead,” but they’ve completely perished.  The guy who said, “God is dead,” went crazy and died, isn’t that so?  God is in control of our lives, I don’t know if there’s any unbelievers here, but it’s a simple thing. God has set the day of your birth and the day of your funeral. This is the introduction you must remember, then the main theme is simple.  Starting now, prepare three things because the answers will come.  Starting now, prepare three things, prepare to block the age of disasters

Main – Three Things

1. Age of Disasters

1) Genesis 3, 6, 11

Why is that?  Right now, many people’s lives are being broken because of Genesis 3, 6, and 11. Their lives are going to crumble because of these things. 

2) Three Organizations

These three organizations will bring great spiritual confusion. Be prepared to block that wait and see what will happen in America. The new age movement and freemason will continue to create spiritual problems.

3) Religion – Church

In the future, religious organizations and churches that do not have the gospel are going to cause great problems. Prepare to block that. Starting now, prepare.

2. Prepare to Save the Next Generation

1) 8th Remnant

The next generation is crumbling.  Prepare our next generation as the eighth remnant so they can receive the blessing that the 7 remnants received. You must surely prepare for this.  

2) Uniqueness

Remnants, begin to find Uniqueness within prayer even in the littlest things.  Remnants, do not just go to sleep tonight, but gain the answer of Uniqueness before you go to sleep, “How can you gain that?” Give your confession of faith to your friend.  Your friend will say, “What in the world happened to you today?” Make your own uniqueness. Then automatically you will reach the summit.  THen you must reach the summit to become the evangelism disciple. Remnants, remember this.  

3) Prepare Church Officers

Remnants begin to become the church officers that will save the churches in the future. When I look at all these young kids, I see all of them as church officers later on. Even today I see our deacon and think we have to quickly make him into an elder. Because we have to raise up these kinds of young remnants to be leaders to save the world.  They have to earn money to the point where they can give all they want to give offerings to the church and still have some left over. 

Look at Priscilla and Aquila, they served the evangelists their entire lives and still have leftovers. Look at Gaius, he was able to save all the evangelists and still have left over. I don’t like people who earn a little bit of money and then are misers about it.  Earn lots of money and spend lots of money helping others, that’s how you should live and die. No one is saying amen, if you want to earn a little bit and spend a little bit. Earning $1000 a year and barely being able to make a living? How can you do missions with that? Prepare for this. If you have this covenant, you’ll begin to see it.

One thing I’m thankful for is, when I come to America, there are so many gifted and talented kids among our next generation. Unless we protect the kids, there is hope for them.  In the past, I didn’t know, I used to criticize the first generations,  but looking at their next generation, I thought oh no that’s not it. The first generation is the platform, and now the next generation is arising and they’re going to full-scale run with this.  Prepare for that.  The third preparation?

3. Age of Ecumenism

Pastors, we’re going to meet an age of ecumenism, and that is going to be the last days. Prepare to block this.  Pastors, stake your lives and look carefully at the seven disasters.

1) 7 Disasters

After Rome conquered Israel, there was something they did. What was that? It was Ecumenism.  After Japan swallowed up Korea, there was something the did. They made a unified religion and making us bow down to every shrine. That was Satan’s final goal.  Egypt spread their idols all over the world, and Babylon made a shrine of evil and scattered it all over the world and made the people in the world bow down to it.  Pastors, you need to block this.  

2) War, Terrorism

Pastors enjoying this blessing, you have to block the wars and terrorism, but what’s more important or fearsome than these two.

3) Mental Illness

It’s an age of mental illness, we need to block that.  Here in America, make a counseling center for the youth. Making it a high case manner not even for the church do it together with the parents, it really is an uproar right now, because we need to block the age of mental illness.  As proof that the world doesn’t believe in God, the world is turning into a mental institution.  People live their walk of faith so diligently, but not knowing the true gospel, they’re taken in by Satan and fall into mental illness.  Accurately speaking, those who are lost in gambling or drug addiction, the fundamental reason is a mental problem.

People who are mentally sound may be approached with drugs and they can stop, but those who are mentally ill will get lost in that.  Think about it, I’m sure everyone has gambled once in their life, you know, pulling down the lever.  I’m sure all of you have tried it once, and I’ve seen pastors try it once. I’ve tried it once, too.  I went to Las Vegas and did that once and didn’t even know what I was doing but so much came out. I tried it again but it was no fun. A lot did come out, so I said, “Pastor, you take it all.” Pastor Lee used it and lost it all.  

People can try that, they don’t get lost until you go crazy. You’re pulling on a lever? That’s a mental illness. Right now, mental illnesses are running all over the world, it’s an uproar. I saw someone who drinks 38 bottles of cola a day. I went to a restaurant, they were having a meal and the TV was on and it was about a guy drinking 38 bottles of cola a day.  It was a person sitting next to me, and I asked how old he was. He was three years younger than I was, but he looked so much older than I was.  

I told him to drink cola and he immediately drank 25 bottles. The restaurant owner said “Will you please stop drinking?” He drank 7 more, and he stopped. That’s a mental illness.  How could he drink all those bottles of cola?  He says he can drink 38 bottles of cola in one seating. We don’t say he looking at him and say he is crazy. We need to block it. It undoubtedly will come, we don’t have to worry about evangelism as long as you know the answer and are ready to give it. Let’s come to the conclusion.

Conclusion – Always

What you must always enjoy.  “Pastor, how do you pray?”

1. Psalm 5:3, Psalm 23:1, Psalm 17:3

Get up early in the morning and mediate. Do it without thinking about receiving any answers, throughout the day, confirm, and Psalm 17:3, at night, find your answer, and as this stacks up, it becomes tremendous prayer.  

2. Successful People? – Specialization

What are the characteristics of successful people? The characteristics of the successful are the people they succeed with one thing. They have a sense of expertise, but we go beyond that.  

3. Gospel – All Things

You need to be able to find all things inside the gospel to begin to succeed. Everything is in the gospel.  Everything is in Christ.  Once you find that, because of that one thing, you’ll find all your answers, then the works will continue to arise. Please remember that.  From that point on, life I’ll really be worth living, the church will continue to arise because of you. You go to the field and just evangelize, and the field continues to come to life. You must remember this.  

Regarding evangelism, what really hits my heart is when I went into the military, I wasn’t part of the special forces, I was actually part of the reserves. I think Americans don’t know this but in Korea, there’s a group called the reserves, but I happened to be part of the reserves to be part of the reserve that was training with the men doing active service. The soldiers doing active duty completely looked down on the reservse. So if it was just us reserves, it will be alright, but we were mixing with the soldiers who were on active duty.

So, I was able to go up to the administration office.  I was called to work in the administration office, and all the other soldiers were active service men. The most ridiculous thing is that the privates with only one stripe were trying to lord it over me.  So I began to pray, little by little, I began to pray. You don’t have to go around making a lot of noise, trying to evangelize, but little by little, you plow in.

The commander accepted Jesus Christ, and so every chance he gets, the commander calls me to his office, because he wanted to do bible study with me. It’s amazing, isn’t it, to do bible study?  So the commander, every chance he gets, he asks me to come to do Bible study with him. There’s no one else who goes back and forth to the commanders office except me, so my nickname on the base was, “Star.” “Oh, look there goes the Star.”  

Little by little, one by one. There was one person who really hated believers.  Every chance he got, he would try to curse or hit me, “Are you an assistant pastor?” he would hit me, and not even with his hand, he would hit me with his hat.  What am I going to do about that?  But one time, after coming back from break, he called me, “Does God exist?” I said, “Yes He does.” “Where is he? Does He have a mind?” Everyone has a mind, of course. Of course, I told him where it is? You can’t see it but it exists. “God is Spirit, and He is absolutely with us,” then what did I say? “He is in control of our lives.” That’s what I said to him.

He had gone on break, but over that break, his daughter died.  He had gone down to the countryside with his family, and his daughter fell into a hot cauldron and died, and he was shocked by that and that’s why he came back and asked that question, he said, “Can we do Bible study?” So we went back to his private office and we’re doing Bible study together and he started crying, and I asked, “Do you want to do the prayer to accept Jesus Christ?” He said “No I don’t, I want to do a little more Bible study before I accept.” I said, “fine” 

A long time later, I went to the Campus Crusade for Christ to give a lecture, but he was there, and it said “Deacon” on his nameplate.  He confessed, “I’ve never forgotten you.” All I did was give the gospel and on his own time, and he has been holding onto that in his heart, and in accordance with God’s time schedule, he joined the church. This was inside the military, but the works of evangelism took place beyond that.  

Another time, the. Government gave an order “The soldiers need mental training,” so every Wednesday, they would gather all the soldiers together and have mental training. The officer in charge stood and said,”Does anyone have anything to say?”  Pastor Kim Young happened to be sitting next to me and they kept prodding me, telling me to go up, but the officer saw us doing that. “Hey come here,” so I had to go up there. “Say something to the soldiers.”

I didn’t know what I needed to say.  But thankfully in the military, those who were tall sat in the front.  You can estimate where I was sitting, so it took a long time for me to reach the front. As I was walking towards the front, I thought and began lecturing. I spoke about the Pacific War, and how this war happened, all of them became like church mice, it was the day where they all listened to me so I could get through to them.  It ended right on time and all the people were so shocked, they began clapping for me.  “It’s such a waste he’s part of the reserves,” then every Wednesday, they would ask for me to come to the front.  Think about it, it was a large congregation, every Wednesday I would go and little by little, I began to talk to them. That’s how God opened the doors.

So if you enjoy the blessing of evangelism, everything is inside of it. I bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that this may be the day where you begin to enjoy the new blessings of God.


Father God, we thank you.  May our lives truly stand before you as a worthwhile life. Let us do what You desire the most.  Not what we desire, but let us do what You desire. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

Let’s take one more time to pray about the word we received, so that we can keep on challenging towards the mission God has given to us.  Let us pray. 

Let us pray for the remnants and young adults.  Right now, there are many remnants and young adults that are scattered and worshiping together. If you look at the projector, let us pray for them now.  Let us also pray for the Youth Evangelism Institute that will be tomorrow, as well as for the first North America Young Adult Evangelism School that will be tomorrow. 

Next, let us pray for our missions fields.  John in Burundi, Charles in Nigeria, Jonas in Ethiopia, and Kevin in Mongolia. And let us also pray for the works of God in Ukraine that is war-torn at the moment. Let us pray for God’s works to arise.  We are also praying for our missions field in South and Central America, as well as Navajo, Karen, and our missionary in Utah.

Before we sing our praise and close, let us pray for Pastor Park and the message we will receive on Sunday, so that Pastor Park may be restored in health quickly and the Word God desires may be relayed.  Let us pray.

One last announcement, tomorrow’s businessperson’s missions message is canceled. 

Let us pray the Lord’s prayer and end.  Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen.


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