[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Let’s Enjoy the Abundant Grace of Christ (Romans 6:1-14)

Our walk of faith is to enjoy the abundant grace of Christ, this word grace is something that God has given to us. By God’s grace we received faith, what happens if we do not have grace? Our life because of the law is pressed by sin and death. God gave us grace by Jesus…
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Title: Throne | Transcend Time and Space | 237 Light – Antenna | Gifted Movement “Second Babylon Movement

20210519 5000 People Groups Missions Conference Lecture 1 Title:  Throne | Transcend Time and Space | 237 Light – Antenna | Gifted Movement | “Second Babylon Movement” Scripture: None Speaker:  Rev. Ryu Kwang Su Interpreter:  Missionary Esther Chang This is the first lecture for the 5000 people groups, but looking at it in succession, it…
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Teachers, Relay the Gospel

Teachers must relay this and confirm this, not as a theory.  Then, you relay this to the kids. Most Optimal < Physical, Spiritual | Best What the remnants must have in advance. They must see it in advance to have it in advance.  The “most optimal thing” means it is aligned with God, aligned with…
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21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – One Heart

Reference Verses Genesis 39:3-5 Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 28:20 Mark 3:13-15

The Gospel: Jesus is the Christ (Romans 8:1-7)

The problem is that, instead of relying on the gospel, I remain at the level of the law and am oppressed by it. That’s why I need the nature of the gospel, because the more I’m someone who tries to live an earnest, sincere, and clean life, the stronger my sense of self will be.…
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God’s Goal is for You to Have Life (John 20:24-31)

We have life but we aren’t able to enjoy it. Why not? If I become my own master I cannot enjoy my own life. Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God. You guys just made a very blessed confession, and once you realize that these words are…
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Peace in the One Who Has Been Commissioned (John 20:19-23)

Good evening everyone. It’s good to see everyone tonight.  So, the title of today’s message is, “Peace in the One Who Has Been Commissioned.”  We have all been commissioned by God, then we are people of God. If we have been commissioned, then as people of God, we have a different purpose in life.  As…
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Christian Life (2 Timothy 2:14-26)

Let us read responsively from 2 Timothy 2:14-26.  Today, we are talking about the Christian life, a life you can see outwardly. Life of Christ (2 Timothy 2:14-26) – Vessel In other words, this is talking about your vessel, and the Bible tells us that everyone has a different vessel.  God uses us according to…
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