[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Church and the Me that God Desires (Mt. 20:20-28)

In order for us to become an individual and the church God desires, we must go into 3 Only’s, Only Jesus Christ. I’m not saying “only” to mean we don’t need money or success. I’m saying everything needs to be constrained within this “Only.”  Let us bless one another, Happy Father’s Day.  I hope the…
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Hold onto the Specific God-given Word to Lead the People to Follow the Trumpet Sound (Numbers 10:1-10)

Today, I will be sharing God’s grace from Numbers 10.  Numbers is a book that was written so that the Israelites would be able to conquer Canaan, so there are different kinds of strategies that the world even uses, so this is talking about the group and organization that God has called.  The order that…
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The Work of God is to Believe that Everyone Needs Christ (John 6:29)

“They need me to pray for them in the name of Jesus Christ,” then that person will change and you will see them differently. This is the work of God. The one who can adapt to all circumstances … is truly powerful, bur if you hold onto your own standards, it will be difficult. Where…
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