[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Life of the Evangelist – God’s Kingdom

7 Bartizan “Conflicts” Everyone faces conflicts, even Abraham and Lot, and Abraham comes to a resolution. What does that mean? It means you are choosing the covenant in faith.  If you have conflicts, it means you are not restoring the covenant.  When he conflicted with Lot, he continued to fight, but the conflict ends when…
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The True Answer Isaac Received (Gen. 26:12-26)

There was a famine in Israel and so they moved to Gerar, and many things happened at that time. Intro Gerar They shouldn’t be in Gerar.  Beersheba Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob began from Beersheba, they built an altar there and worshiped there. God appeared to them there and gave them a promise.  But then, when…
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God’s Work that Saves Lives (Mt. 26:31-46)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you have the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today.  We were going through the book of Matthew for a few months, then we took a month and a half break to go through other verses, and now we’re…
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Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 21 Life Points

Intro 1. Bartizan à Gen. 3 – Me; 6 – My Things – Physical; 11 – My Success Living for myself and my things and my success, how can I break this down?  Only God can break it down. That’s why God’s bartizan must be placed inside of me.  The very first thing is, Jesus…
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Abraham’s Test(Gen. 22:1-17)

When things go well, it’s easy to follow God; however, God gave Abraham some tests that made it seem that Abraham would be at a loss or disadvantage. When you receive the gospel, it’s joyful, why? Intro Finished All problems are finished.  We don’t teach this in school.  You need to finish all problems, but…
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Spiritual Summit – The Answer that Saves the World (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.”  May you have the unprecedented and never-repeated answers today.  The title of today’s message is, “Spiritual Summit – The Answer that Saves the World.”  If you have spiritual strength, then you will not follow the world; you will…
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The 7, 7, 7 Prayer – The 7 Journeys

We’re continuously giving and receiving the Word about the 7, 7, 7 prayer.  The meaning of Jesus Christ is that He has solved all the problems we cannot solve. Sin, Satan, Separation Without Christ, we cannot solve it at all.  We believe this, meaning these three problems have been broken down. God – With Daniel…
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Abraham’s Resolution (Gen. 13:18)

Intro 1. Daniel Idol – Food Back then, it was a big deal to not eat food offered to idols.  Why would drugs and alcohol be a problem?  If you try doing it once, you’ll keep getting sucked into it.  It’s not neutral  like breathing air; it actually medicates and numbs our minds and heart. …
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