[ Messages ]

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Path of the 70 Tribes and Those Who Will Remain (Acts 2:9-11)

Speaker: Pastor Kwang Su Ryu Interpreter:  Missionary Esther Chang This is the stream of the Bible. Those Who Remained – Those Who Remain – Those Who Will Remain – Those Who Will Leave Behind The Bible says that you who have the gospel are those who remained.  These people become those who remain and also…
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Those Who Remain to Save 70 Regions (Luke 10:17-20)

Speaker: Pastor Kwang Su Ryu Interpreter:  Esther Chang When we’re traveling down a road, there are some roads that we don’t really need to remember, but there are some roads where we have to think of the guide signs and remember them. This message is like that, so remember with your hearts and look carefully…
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The Way of Salvation with the One Who Receives Blessings from Faith

Hello, my name is Senior Deaconess Lee.  I’m receiving training every week through the regional church through the pulpit message and the Way of Salvation.  The assistant pastor said it would be good if I could share it today, and though I am so lacking, I am standing before you.  I will give the Word…
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Wait and Enjoy in Faith (Matt. 28:16-20)

I’m going to tell you about how the Word has been flowing for me, and by hearing this, may you know the Word of God is living and powerful. The Word of God is not something we receive every week, but it is building because God is guiding us through our lives.  Speaking of spiritual…
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Jabez’s Prayer (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

Hallelujah, let’s look to the left and right and greet each other.  This week, our head pastor, Pastor Joshua Park, is in Korea for the World Missionary Conference, so I’m standing here in his place.  I hope that you will pray for him a lot so that he may come back with a great mission…
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My Gospel Ministry Relayed to the Karen Refugees (Romans 16:25-27)

Hello, I’m not here to give you the word but I’m here to give you the reports and the prayer topics for our mission trips to Karen, one of the three missions trips we’ll be going on this year.  We received the word about “My Gospel,” and when I think about my gospel, it is…
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El Salvador Field Ministry (Psalms 14:1)

I’m standing here before you because Pastor Park requested to talk about the El Salvador missions and the prayer topics in preparation for the mission trip in July. And before I begin my report on El Salvador, I want to tell you about an answer I received 25 years ago when I was living in…
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