Meditation on the Word of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26-27)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Meditation on the Word of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit (John 14:26-27)

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

John 1:3 it says Jesus Christ is the light to mankind.  He is the light and life of mankind, and when we receive life, that is when our thoughts will come to life.  If the light of Christ does not come upon us, we cannot save, even with our great thoughts. All the things we do are under the law of sin and curses, so everything becomes a curse.  Because we’re under the law of sin and death, we have no choice but to rebel and reject against God’s Word and fall under Satan’s control.

That’s why the Holy Spirit comes upon those who receive Him, in other words, He comes as the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit comes within us and has to work. How does the Holy Spirit work?  All of us have our thoughts we hold onto, but there are thoughts of the Holy Spirit.  What must we do?   The thoughts of the Holy Spirit must completely fill our thoughts and that’s what we call prayer.  We’re not praying to overcome our stubborn thoughts, but we pray to be filled with God’s thoughts instead. 

Not being able to pray or to receive answers to prayer means you’re very stubborn, you’re very foolish, and it’s because you think about other thoughts during worship.  Their bodies listen to worship but their spirit is somewhere else, and that’s why there’s no change within their spirit.  So at this time, don’t think about anything else. Put in the Word God desires to give you.  Pray so that the Holy Spirit will completely rule over your hearts and minds.

This is the blessing you must enjoy while you’re at church the entire day.  Don’t just diligently work and be unable to enjoy these blessings; that is a foolish person, then such people will face their limitation.  That’s why, whenever we give worship, enjoy this blessing. 

That’s what it says in John 14:26-27. He will teach us all things and remind us of all things, so you don’t have to work so hard. Pray so that God’s Word works upon you. This is the greatest thing you can pray.  You don’t have to listen to others’ thoughts or your own thoughts.  Pray so that the Holy Spirit will fill and teach you and remind you of all things, because that is what He has promised.  He is within you to do these things. 

People who disregard this and do things with their own strength will face their limitations one day and fall.  That’s why, set aside a time to listen or read the Word so that the Word fills your consciousness, your thoughts, your mind, and all your diseased areas.  But people say, “That’s so fake, you’re not doing anything,” and people don’t believe it.  People try to obtain something by diligently working.  You can do that in a physical sense, but your thoughts and minds don’t change. Our thoughts and minds must change into God’s thoughts and mind, but that doesn’t take place.

You need to have this time of concentration every day, at least for five minutes, so that God may work upon you.  Even during worship, concentrate and pray, “God, give me the Word You desire for me to receive.”  There’s a difference between doing this and doing nothing, staying still.  If you stay still, nothing will happen. Because my spirit is not aligned with God’s, it is somewhere else, so when I live during the week, I live according to my own thoughts and face a limitation.  Our spiritual state throughout the week is determined on Sunday. If the Word comes into our hearts on Sunday, then we receive answers throughout the week.  But if you come to worship as a religious action, then you won’t have any change in your life. 

That’s why, when you go to your family, have this time of concentration every day.  Don’t pray so that God takes away your problem, but have the time of concentration to align yourself with God. You cannot change the field, you need to change yourself first.  When your thoughts and minds are changed by God, then you can do God’s work.  But for religious and legalistic people who focus on actions, they determine whether something is working or not based on their actions. 

Normally when people come to worship, throughout the day they experience change.  They will see the answers depending on what God has given to them.  Depending on whether you have the time of concentration, every single day, the next day will be different. You’re not doing anything, you just have faith that God will lead you.  All people say this is a problem, but it’s not a problem to this individual because they’re seeing what God will do in the problem.

Joseph went into slavery and most would say that is a problem, especially because he went into slavery without doing anything wrong.  Most people will ask, “Is God even alive?” These people’s spiritual state hasn’t changed.  The Holy Spirit completely seized Joseph, so that’s how Joseph knew that God is sending him into Egypt to save Egypt, and God would answer according to the promise He has given.  Realistically, his brothers tried to kill him, and yet, God changed all things for good.

If you look at Romans 8, it says all the things that happen work for the good of those who love Him. That is a normal Christian. If you don’t understand this, you live a normal life. If you live a religious life, you will fight with others about being right or wrong, and such people will never be able to change the field. Instead, they will constantly fight saying, “You’re right,” or “You’re wrong,” it’s because their thoughts haven’t changed into God’s thoughts.  Realistically, it hasn’t come into them. They need to have a time where they fill their minds with this word, but they don’t have this time, so you can’t do this just by diligently working.  Instead, you need to receive the grace of God, because you realize through the Holy Spirit, and that’s when all your thoughts that have been seized by Satan will be freed.

Matthew 12:28-29, you can bind the forces of darkness when you pray and the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  When the Holy Spirit comes into you, you can have peace. This is how I can heal some people and heal other people.  There are anxious people who constantly have to be doing something, and it’s normal because they drive to live before God. When the Holy Spirit, the Word of God seizes my entire body, that’s when I can change, because the peace of God comes upon me.

Some people may listen to this just as words.  In John 14:27, Jesus says, “my peace I leave with you,” as the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon my mind.  I have my own thoughts, but because the Holy Spirit fills me, He gives me peaceful thoughts, not that I don’t have any thoughts, but we’re constantly moving our bodies according to John 14:27. But when the Holy Spirit works upon me, I have peaceful thoughts instead. 

It says, “My peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives,” but whatever the world emphasizes, those things cannot give you peace; the comforts of the world cannot give you peace, but when the Holy Spirit seizes us, the peace we receive is the peace Jesus Christ gives. When anxious people receive peace from Jesus Christ, that’s when they can calm down.  If you can’t do this every day, do this 2-3 times a week.  Utilize worship times in order to have this time.  Don’t focus on your work but focus on the Word that enables you to have a time of concentration to focus on God. Don’t study diligently but enjoy this blessing in your studies, then while you study, you receive God’s thoughts.  That’s why for such people, their outer appearance may change, but their inner state won’t change.

So, that’s why, pray just 5 minutes a day where you write down the words of God. Pray so that the Holy Spirit fills them.  Then you help people meditate deeply. Those who are anxious cannot focus or concentrate or study, but once the work begins, you can change. It’s best to do it every day like me.  It’s not that I work every single day, but I focus on this verse and receive strength to do my work.

That’s why in the Valley, I met a Russian American whose ancestry is Korean, but during the Japanese occupation, they resisted but retreated to Russia, but ended up in America and became citizens.  This Russian American had been coming to our church but he started working overtime and couldn’t come, but he works in the Valley so they can connect.  When you continuously pray, God gives you the wisdom and ability to do your business.  It’s the same for our missions trips where we will be going this year. 

That’s why you must have this time of concentration where nobody can bother you, either in the early morning, afternoon, or night.  Instead of our diligence, it’s far better to receive the strength and knowledge God gives.  You don’t need to go to Harvard for this, no one tells you to become a doctor or lawyer.  You can only do this if you know Greek, Hebrew, and other languages? Then it would be impossible for anyone, like my grandma couldn’t read, but now, if the Holy Spirit works, anything is possible.

The devil says in Genesis 3:5, you can be like god, and Genesis 3:6, Satan gives them the thought that they can live their own lives however they want. He makes us chase after success as if that would solve our problems, and those thoughts of the flesh.  The thoughts of the Holy Spirit governing us are life and peace.  This has nothing to do with being nice.  People have other thoughts so they’re constantly anxious.  Why are remnants anxious for the future? They lack the assurance that God will take care of it. So it’s better to do this every day.

Do you know worship is a spiritual warfare?  This should be enough, but this is when you can be victorious throughout the week.  You can be victorious every day, if 5 minutes is too long, cut it down, even for one second, “God, fill me with your Holy Spirit; Allow me to do God’s will.  It seems like nothing but unseen to your eyes works arise.  Don’t just let this pass by.

Father God we thank You. Thank You for calling us as remnants, as ones who will save the 70 tribes.  May the thoughts and works of the Holy Spirit come upon our thoughts and mind. May I be used to save others in the field.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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