Me, Church, Field that Fulfills the Word (Mt. 21:1-11)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Me, Church, Field that Fulfills the Word (Mt. 21:1-11)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Let us bless and greet one another, “Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.” The title of today’s Word is “the Word of God that is fulfilled in my life, my church, and my field.” Everybody knows the word, “God.” People who know my name may know my name, but they don’t really know who I am. The people who know me the most are my parents and my wife, so just by saying the word, “God,” doesn’t mean you really know God.  

However, if you really know the inner meaning of the word, “God,” and Who He is, then you can conquer the world. The reason is because God is His Word.  I believe in the God Who is revealed through His Word. However, if you use the word, “God,” without receiving it from the Word of God, then you are just imagining your own god.  The god of your imagination is not really God; that is an idol.  

So, we need to know and believe in the Word, the God Who is revealed through His Word.  In Gen. 1:3, when God created the universe, He said, with His Word, “Let there be light!” and there was light. In John 1:1, it says that the Word was God.  Isaiah 40:8 says that the Word of God is eternal.  The words of people and the words of this world are not the truth, so they are always changing, but the Word of God does not change and it is eternal.  

The only way for you to live a life that is very secure and does not shake, does not come from inside of you; it comes from the Word of God.  Heb. 4:12 says that the Word of God actively heals our spirit, mind, and body.  So, the only answer that remains in your walk of faith is the answer that was given to you by God’s Word, and that’s the Word of God being fulfilled.   The only thing that will remain in the rest of your life is the Word of God that is given to you and is fulfilled. 

However, we try to live our life following the words of successful people. Those words may be correct temporarily, but they cannot remain correct forever. That will change based on the situation.  However, the Word of God will always be correct, regardless of the situation or the age.  So, if you’re always thinking about the Word of God, then your thoughts have strength. If the Word of God goes into your hearts, your thoughts, and your spirit, then all of your things will be healed and strengthened.  

However, if you live your walk of faith incorrectly, then you might fall into unhealthy mysticism, trying to see the invisible God with your eyes. Even demons and evil spirits can work in mystical ways.  Everybody believes they are holding onto the Word of God, but the way for you to determine if you are holding onto it correctly is if the Word of God is used to save you and others, or to kill you and others.  

The Jewish people in the Bible held onto the Word of God and failed.  They dug deep into the scriptures so diligently, but it wasn’t used to save others; it was used to kill others.  Then, you are able to diagnose yourself: “Is the Word of God I have received and believed in until now, one that is saving myself and others, or is it one that is killing myself and others?”  I’m sure without a doubt that you’ve only received the Word that you needed and discarded the things that you didn’t want.  

However, if your body is sick, then you need to take the medicine, even if it tastes bitter, in order for you to be healthy.  The Word of God–it doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, but if it is fulfilled, you need to hold onto it; that is the person who has potential in their life.  If we don’t follow the stream of God’s Word, then we are bound to follow the stream of the words that people say.  Then, everything I’ve experienced, the things I’ve heard people say, the things I’ve read in books, that will become my standard, and my life will flow in that direction.  The Bible tells us of the people who lived in that stream, and they all fell and were destroyed.  

Today, I hope you and I will be able to examine ourselves: “Am I within the stream of God’s accurate Word, or are the things that I’ve read in books remaining in me?”  Let’s say, I watched a good movie or a good drama; are the words of those people stuck in me? That is you.  Your education, your job, those are just your external characteristics, but whatever is inside of you, that is the real “you.”

1. Jerusalem (Mt. 21:1)

In today’s scripture, Jesus Christ is going into the city of Jerusalem. He is going into Jerusalem as the king, and He needs to go in, riding on an animal.  Usually, whenever a king enters into a city, they will be riding a large, white horse, with all of their foot soldiers next to them, and there will be a trumpet blaring and announcing their entrance.  But when Jesus Christ goes into Jerusalem, He is not riding a large horse; He is riding a small, baby donkey.  That was actually to fulfill the prophecy in the Bible, that the King will come gently, riding on a donkey.  

Usually the people who don’t really have substance try to show off externally. God is God; there’s no reason for Him to show off externally. Even in the world, if somebody is truly confident, no matter what anybody says to them, they will be confident.  Even if you look at dogs, the smallest dogs are the ones that bark the most.  On the outside, it looks like the dog is barking because they are so ferocious and ready to fight, but it is because the dog is scared. There are some people who always advertise and boast of themselves when they meet with others, and you can realize they have no inner substance. If somebody truly has a lot inside, other people can recognize it, even if they’re still.  Some people have business cards that have their entire career on it, but if somebody is truly confident in themselves, their business card just has their name because, “You’re going to find out about me eventually.” 

  1) Bethphage on the Mount of Olives (Mt. 21:1)

    (1) Sent two disciples (Mt. 21:1)

Right now, Jesus Christ is riding on the colt of a donkey as the King of all Kings.  In order to do that, He needs donkeys, and so He sends His disciples to the next village and tells them to bring two donkeys.  Jesus Christ is telling the disciples to do this, but the disciples might be thinking, “Just because Jesus tells me to do it, will the owner of the donkey just let me take their donkey?” If you think that way, it means you really don’t know who Jesus is, yet.  But, if Jesus Christ tells you and me to bring something to Him, the ones who say, “Of course I need to do that,” are the ones who know who Jesus is. 

Who is Jesus?  “Oh, I prayed and I really experienced Jesus,” that’s just your experience, and nobody knows if your experience is really Jesus or an evil spirit, nobody can tell whether that was just a dream. But what does the Bible say about Jesus?  

    (2) A tied donkey and her colt (Mt. 21:2)

    (3) Untie them and bring them to me (Mt. 21:2)

  2) Jesus Christ

    (1) If anyone says anything to you (Mt. 21:3)

    (2) Say that the Lord needs them (Mt. 21:3)

    (3) And he will send them right away (Mt. 21:3)

  3) Jesus Christ

    (1) Heir of all things (Heb. 1:2)

    (2) He made the universe (Heb. 1:2)

Heb. 1:1-3 says that Jesus Christ has created all of the universe, and that Jesus is appointed as Heir of all things.  That Jesus Christ told the two disciples to, “Untie two donkeys and bring them to Me,” and the disciples might’ve asked Jesus, “If I just go to those people and take their donkeys, and tell them, ‘the Lord needs them,’ will they just give me their donkeys?”  The Lord tells them, “Simply tell them that the Lord needs them.”  Can you and I understand these words? We must be able to understand it because as much as you understand these words is the level of your faith. 

The owner of all of creation is Jesus Christ, the owner of the donkey who bought those donkeys and is feeding them and taking care of them, God just entrusted those to him.  Everything we have, it might be ours, but it’s not really; God has simply entrusted it to us, momentarily. Even this body, it might seem like mine, but it is something God has simply entrusted to me to use momentarily on earth.  God created us so that while we are on this earth, we use everything for the Lord, then it returns to dust and we live on for eternity.  

    (3) Sustaining all things by his powerful Word (Heb. 1:3) 

Heb. 1:3 says that all creation is being sustained by His powerful Word. All things happening on earth including the storms in San Diego and Mexico and Florida, these are all things that are moving according to God’s Word. Even your own life, the reason it is not working out the way you desire, is because your Lord is somebody else.  If things worked out the way that you want, then you would be the Lord of your life, but things work out according to the Lord and His Word.  

2. Today’s incident

Jesus Christ riding on these donkeys, going to Jerusalem, did not happen out of nowhere. 

  1) Fulfillment of the prophesied word (Zech. 9:9)

This is something that was prophesied, centuries before Jesus’ birth in Zech. 9:9.  

    (1) Your king comes to you (Mt. 21:5)

It says, “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! See, your king comes to you, the King of all Kings! Righteous and having salvation, He is gentle, riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”  The words of Jesus Christ were prophesied centuries ago, and centuries later, Jesus is fulfilling those words.  

    (2) Gentle (Mt. 21:5)

While Jesus Christ is riding those donkeys to Jerusalem, everyone on earth is just living their lives.  In that time, everybody was living their lives, the emperor of Rome was taking care of politics, and the Israelites were serving the Church.  All of those things they were doing are simply allowed by God to maintain the physical world.  However, all of God’s interest is in the work of Jesus Christ, taking these two donkeys and bringing them to Jesus.  

Meanwhile, everybody else is simply living their lives, there were successful people and religious people back then as well, but God is not interested in that.  God is just allowing them to live their life to maintain the physical world.  All of God’s interest is in Jesus Christ, going towards the cross, and fulfilling all the prophesied Word.  

    (3) Riding on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a donkey (Mt. 21:5)

So, the disciples brought the two donkeys, and especially for the colt, the younger of the donkeys, the disciples laid out their cloaks for Jesus to ride on.  The disciples left behind all of their possessions and all of their homes, so the only things they had left was the clothes on their backs, and the cloak was extra important, because in the Middle East, they would use it as a blanket at night, and it would cover them from head to toe; it was their everything.  

The other civilians would lay down their cloaks on the road and break off palm branches and cover the road with it, similar to the red carpet laid out for VIPs today.  But the reason all of this is happening is because it was already planned and prophesied by God long ago.  If you are truly a saved child of God, then there is a plan that God has already prepared for you.  Based on the things God has planned, these situations will arise.  But God gives you the Word in advance, and the situations arise to fulfill that Word.  

For the past few years, we’ve had the COVID pandemic, and many people did end up meeting their fate, and that is within God’s plan as well.  However, through the pandemic, God has spread the Word of God very quickly.  God blocked the entire world through the pandemic and allowed the Word to be moved online.  The online tools existed before the pandemic, but people did not think that way.  But now that we have all gone through the pandemic together, God has allowed the Word of God to flow from LA, right here, all the way to Africa, the Middle East, and all 50 states of America.  

In Revelation, it says the future will hold many disasters; that is already determined by God’s Word. However, the words of Jesus Christ will relentlessly be relayed to all nations.  How will you hold onto God’s Word? Do not hold onto God’s Word so you are shaking in fear, thinking, “Oh, there will be disasters in the future,” but instead hold onto the Word, that the Word of Jesus Christ will be relayed to all nations through these disasters.  

  2) King of kings

    (1) Jesus riding on a donkey (Mt. 21:7)

    (2) Hosanna – Save us (Mt. 21:9)

    (3) Son of David – Messiah (Mt. 21:9)

So, Jesus Christ is riding to Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, as the King of all Kings and the Messiah, and people are shouting, “Hosanna, Son of David.” “Hosanna” means, “Save us.”  “Son of David” means, “He is the Messiah; He is the Christ.”  Through the scriptures, they knew that this Jesus is the Messiah, so they were asking Him to save them.  These people knew the scripture and the Word of God, but they didn’t know it accurately.  

  3) Incorrect knowledge of the Word

    (1) Jesus the prophet (Mt. 21:11)

They knew that Jesus is the Messiah, but the way they imagined a Messiah was somebody who was going to save them from all of their physical suffering, against their colonization of Rome in their present reality.  Then, is Jesus somebody Who ignores our present reality?  Before there is a problem in your present reality, there is a hidden problem.  He is the Messiah Who came to solve that problem.  

    (2) Realistic problem – Jesus the Savior

I’m sure people live their walk of faith, and they have many problems, like financial problems, family problems, health problems, and business problems. And I’m sure you want to use the name of Jesus Christ to escape those problems, but that is not where Jesus moves.  You need to know when Jesus moves.  Jesus is the Christ Who came to solve the eternal, fundamental, spiritual problem that humans can never solve on their own. In other words, let’s say you have a health problem right now. Becoming healthy is not the issue.  You no longer being poor is not the point.  The Word and the plan that God has given to you must come to you as an answer.  

The people praising Jesus saying, “Hosanna, Son of David,” wanted Jesus to solve their present reality problems, but it was actually the wrong praise; that kind of praise will not cast out demons and evil spirits.  You need to have a faith that is able to praise God even in the midst of disease.  The true praise is when you’re able to praise God even in the midst of your problems.  When do we praise?  “God Who has allowed this problem, God Who has a plan in this problem, I praise that God.”  At that time, Satan flees. At that time, all the curses and disasters plowing through your life are broken down, and the Word of God will be revealed. That is the true blessing. 

    (3) Kingdom of God – Misunderstand 

We are not religious people, “If I don’t have money, oh, God is going to fix my financial problems,” everything belongs to God. “I’m having such a hard time at work, help me!” That’s not at His level.  The true people of faith who are able to look for God’s reason and plan within the midst of those problems are the ones who will praise God in the field.  There are so many people who are praising Jesus Christ at this moment, but as He was dying on the cross, all of them were gone.

During the pandemic, everybody runs away, because, “He’s no longer helping me.”  As soon as people get sick, they begin to resent God, saying, “How could you do this to me? I’ve done so much for the Church and so much with my faith, why me?”  If that is the case, God has allowed this problem for you to examine your own faith.  God has allowed this problem in my life to correct my faith, and that’s when we say, “Hallelujah.”  God is the One Who can give problems and resolve problems, but He has given me this problem with a plan.  

Then, God begins to work. Whatever you see is not even the real problem; there’s another real problem, but God has allowed this to be in front of you momentarily, for you to realize the true thing, but there are some people to whom God gives the same problem, again and again.  As soon as this problem is resolved, they go back to their old ways, so God will give them that problem again and again.  God gave this person a disease and then they got better, but then they still haven’t discovered God’s plan, so they go back to their old ways; then it’s a repetitive cycle.  

God is the One Who can give you sickness, give you health, give you life and death; you need to discover His plan. So I look at this person and realize, “He’s going to go through the same thing again, they just don’t know it. The problems repeat because we don’t know.  The only thing I can do for them is pray for God to work on them so that they can realize. The only way we realize is, God keeps on giving us His Word.  So, we must become a believer with a mature faith, not a faith that is childish.  

3. Fulfillment of the correct Word

  1) Jesus the Savior

Jesus Christ died on the day of the Passover. Why was it the Passover?  The day the Israelites had Exodus from Egypt was the day when they put the blood of the Passover Lamb on their doorposts. The Passover was actually prophesying of the incident of Jesus Christ dying on the cross, that a sinless Lamb of God will come and die to solve all of the problems of mankind. That’s the reason Jesus came.  If you know the true meaning of that, you’ll be liberated from whatever problems you have, you’ll be liberated from the scars of your past, liberated from fears of the future.  But people go to church and still don’t realize this, so they shake in fear in the face of their problems.  

Getting whatever I want is not the real answer, but instead of what I want, finding God’s desire and plan in my situation is the true answer within His Word.  I was born in a nonbeliever family so I don’t have any coaches or mentors of faith, so the way I mentor the youth spiritually may come off a little strong, and I have no choice but to be like that, because I never received help from others.  God is the One Who mentored me through worship and prayer, but I didn’t receive spiritual mentorship from other people.  

When I first believed in Jesus, I didn’t know His plan, and I still had my own values that I lived with as a nonbeliever, and my plans, so I had thanksgiving for salvation, but my way was blocked.  I was always running into these dead ends and it hurt so much, so I said, “Okay, this is not the way,” so I changed my path. I was getting beat up left and right until my walk of faith began to take place.  Because, even after I received salvation, I was not following the accurateWord of God; I was still following the standards and the values that I had as a nonbeliever, and God was beating me up to correct my path.

29 years ago, 30 years ago, I accepted Jesus Christ and received salvation for the first time in the Philippines, and the young adults I knew then happened to be at an American church here, and three of those young adults became pastors’ families, and there’s also another family that is here, just as a churchgoer, and I met them after 30 years, but everything is the exact same; we just look older. But the same thing everybody says is, “It’s the same, it’s the same,” but there is something that has changed–my inner person has changed.  Because God is working upon my inner person with His Word and with His Holy Spirit, the old standards and the ideologies that I had are changing; I am a new person.  That is how you are able to see the life somebody has lived by looking at them today.  

That was a time for me to confirm that, 30 years ago, there was a gathering of young adults worshiping and praying together, and that was for a reason: God was preparing those people for today.  I offered to pay the bill for the meal, I said, “I don’t want any kind of conflict or discomfort,” so I said, “I will pay.”  It’s not because the other people lacked money, but it is because I wanted to buy it for them. I did that because I was so full of joy and happiness. That’s what I learned, and that’s what I’ll do.  I know that my God is a God Who can support this and more.  If I am serving the pastors and the evangelists, then I am actually doing that for the Lord.  

    (1) Solved the eternal problem (Jn. 19:30)

Jesus Christ finished all of our problems on the cross, so it’s not a problem. Why is it not a problem?  

    (2) Lord of life within me (Gal. 2:20)

It’s not a problem because He is the Lord inside of me now, and through faith, I accept the fact that the old “me” who lived as my old Lord has been crucified with Christ. The resurrected Lord is not something you just know through religious doctrines but He is actually living with you in your day-to-day life; you experience that through faith.  

    (3) Solution to all humankind’s problems

The cross did not just finish my problems, but it has finished all the eternal problems for all mankind forever.  Nothing is a problem.  You need to know, accept, and believe in that Word of God as the Word of God, for the works to take place. 

  2) Jesus’ Word that will be fulfilled

Jesus Christ resurrected and there is a Word of promise He has given to us.  After Jesus Christ resurrected, He didn’t just say whatever He thought; He said the Word that was actually fulfilling the words given a long time ago to Abraham.  When God called Abraham, He said, “Through your seed, all nations on earth will be blessed.” Heb. 3 reveals that that “seed” is not referring to many people; it is only referring to Jesus Christ. The Word that was prophesied by God 6000 years ago is now being fulfilled through Jesus Christ.  

    (1) All nations – Disciples (Mt. 28:19)

Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. Back then, the disciples were walking around, they didn’t even have cars; how could they go to all nations?  But the way to receive answers is not looking at my environment or my situation, I simply align to the Word of God. Before you do your action, you act through prayer.  God gave me His Word and I’m not able to fulfill it in my life immediately, but I can through prayer.  So, prayer is actually trying to accomplish the Word of promise God has given to me in my life.

    (2) Proclaim the Gospel to all people – Healing (Mk. 16:15-18)

Then, we put it into practice.  Your job must be aligned with making disciples of all nations.  Your studies must be aligned with that.  Then, exactly according to God’s Word, your business and your studies will reveal the reserved and prepared power of God. Everything else will be blocked. 

In today’s scripture, everything other than bringing these two donkeys to Jesus Christ is just things of the world, eating and surviving. However, a life that receives God’s Word and fulfills God’s Word, that is a main character. That was Joseph.  He went in as a slave, but if you see him as a slave, that’s a big mistake.  That was the situation that was fulfilling a vision and mission God gave to Joseph in Gen. 37, through a dream. Joseph went into prison and then became the Prime Minister, but that is not the issue; all of that is rubbish. Those things are momentarily there, but then they go away. Your success, your education, your money, it is there now, and it will go away. That’s why Paul called that, “rubbish.”

What is “rubbish”? It’s not always rubbish to start with. We have to eat it, and when we eat it, we get the nutrition out of it, and then excrete it. It is needed moment by moment, but it is not eternal. Being a slave is not what’s important; what’s important is the Word that God has given. Will Joseph always be a slave?  What’s so important about him being a Prime Minister, on the other hand? These are things that temporarily happen to fulfill God’s eternal Word. 

But the issue is, what is the perspective with which we look at things? What makes us cry, what makes us laugh? If you cry when you’re a slave but you smile when you’re a Prime Minister, that’s not right.  The reason why God gave us our emotions is so that we can rejoice and be delighted when we see the Word of God being fulfilled, and we can cry more when it is not being fulfilled; but we use this incorrectly, and that’s why we get depression.  

You and I cry and smile, and when we become slaves, we become angry. Instead of being angry at what we should really be angry about, we use it incorrectly.  Children of the devil are running the world right now, but instead of being angry at that, you’re getting angry because your life is in prison.  That is a person in whom the image of God is broken.  The reason we were created in the image of God is so that God can reveal Himself through us.  God has given us our emotions to be used for that as well, but our thoughts and our emotions are going in the opposite direction, and that’s why we’re diseased.  

Instead of smiling when we should smile, and instead of crying when we should cry, we use our emotions in the opposite way, so that’s why our emotions are so sick. It doesn’t matter whether you go to church or not; if this doesn’t go into you, you have no choice but to get these problems. You need to have true praise welling up inside of you.  “I praise the Lord Who has brought me as a slave.”  That is how the demons will be cast out. Jesus Christ came to earth and was so heartbroken to see all of these sheep wandering without a shepherd. God gave us emotions so that we could relay to His heartbroken sadness, but you’re using your emotions in the wrong place, that’s why it’s diseased.  

We cannot become perfect, but this isn’t something we should simply pass over; throughout the week, really meditate deeply on this: are my thoughts or emotions reacting to the Word of God, or in the opposite way?  Jesus Christ also told the disciples to proclaim the gospel to all nations, heal those who are sick, and cast out demons. He said, “The signs of those who believe in the gospel will follow–demons will be cast out, and those who are diseased will be healed.” It’s not just saying, “I believe in the gospel,” you must be firmly rooted in faith.  It’s not just, “I know the meaning of Christ;” you must be rooted in that faith. You need to have these deep roots so you do not shake.  If you are shaking, it means you do believe but the roots are not deep yet.  Only faith in this gospel can cast out demons and heal diseases.

What’s the point of laying hands on somebody and casting out diseases if they come back?  What’s important is that, if you help this person root down in their faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, the demons will go out on their own.  The disease itself being healed is not the issue, but God’s plan is that this person will be rooted down in the faith of Jesus Christ, the gospel.  If you are given a really tremendous shock, then the things imprinted within you will leave.  There are people who go serve in the military and they come back with mental disorders, or they come back and their mental disorders are gone.  The reason is because, either through the extreme and intense discipline and experiences they received, they are healed of their incorrect things, or they receive shock and come back with trauma.  The incorrect things inside of us are rooted in very deeply. That’s our idols. All of that must be uprooted by the roots of the faith in the gospel.  

But if those things are not uprooted and you’re focused on, “My problem is fixed,” or, “My business is going well,” that’s not the issue. If you have a mental illness, that didn’t come from out of nowhere. Inside of you, there was something that left you no choice but to have a mental illness. As people get older, they become weaker, so they are bound to get diseased.  But I’m not talking about that; I’m saying, if you’re sick or diseased, there’s something inside of you that leaves you no choice but to be [that way].  The issue is not trying to do whatever you can to fix this problem; God wants to heal the fundamental problem that makes this problem repeat.  

Inside of the gospel is contained the promise of all healing.  Before Jesus Christ died on the cross, He received all of our suffering; He received the mockery for mental suffering, flogging for the physical suffering that we should receive.  Jesus took that for you, so now, go out into your business and heal. Because that is God’s promised Word, and things will work out exactly according to God’s Word.

    (3) Lamb – Future generation (Jn. 21:15-18)

Jesus says, “Go and feed My lambs.” There are a lot of interpretations of that, but it means, “Save the next generations.” Jesus Christ says, “Do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.” Back then, they didn’t even think of children as people. That’s why Jesus says, “Take care of the young lambs,” that’s where your life must be staked.  Then, your life will work out exactly according to the Word God has given you.  

    (4) Power of only the Holy Spirit – Witness (Ac. 1:8)

We cannot do any of this on our own, so Jesus promises to give you the power of only the Holy Spirit to do this. What God has given to us is perfect. Why would you live such a diligent life for a life that doesn’t have God’s plan? Why would you live a useless life like that?  You should pray for the Holy Spirit of God to work upon you in power so you’re able to live a life that is guaranteed by God’s promised Word.  The Church is God’s Kingdom, Christ is the head and we are the body, we are under His control, and that is the Kingdom of God, His Church.  You live for this.  If any of you are running a business and it is not for the Church, it is not aligned with God.  

Jesus Christ asked Saul, “Why are you persecuting Me?” which means, “Why are you persecuting the Church?  Why are you persecuting the members of the Church?” of which Christ is the head?  For students, your number one priority in your studies should be the kingdom of God, which is the Church, that is for Jesus. “First, seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.” It says in the Bible that the righteousness of God is only in the gospel, so the first thing we must prioritize is His Kingdom, the Church, and His righteousness, the gospel, then all these things will be given to you as well. That is the Church.  The people who have received that answer are already receiving the answers that “Everything I do is for the Church.”  But for the people who don’t realize this and are still living for the world, even if they are beaten up, they will not receive answers.

  3) Church

In the Old Testament, there was the age of the Tabernacle, then the Temple, and now we are in the age of the Church.  In the Old Testament, there was only one location, but in the New Testament, we are raising churches in every region, every nation. That’s the reason God gave you your job, that’s the reason God gave you your talent. If somebody is not able to do that, then things are not working out well for them, because God is preventing things from working for them, and it doesn’t matter how much you beg for things to work out, because God will fulfill His Word.  I have to align myself to His Word, then the answers of God’s Word being fulfilled will come to my business and studies, that is how your spirit, mind, thoughts, and emotions will be corrected.  

    (1) Platform, watchtower, antenna

The Church is a place that must create a platform for anybody to be able to come. If the Church is only big enough for 150 people to come, then that’s the max capacity. That is why we must prepare a large area for many people to gather, but just because they come to the church doesn’t mean that they will really stay. We need to have the system to be able to receive them.  Your life must play a role in creating that system for the Church.  The future generations are lacking teachers now? Then you have to realize, “I need to go in as a teacher,” that is a person who receives answers, then God knows and will work on that person. 

New believers are coming and we need to have a system that is able to take care of them, and that is a system we must raise.  People of all nations and nationalities are coming? Then I must become a system to welcome and take care of these people. We have a choir, we’re able to bring people into that, that’s what we call a platform.   If we want to get on a plane, we just have to take our bodies there, because inside of the airport, all of the systems are already created: the employees, the terminals, the airplanes.  When you go to a hospital, no matter what you suffer with, there are systems in the hospital set to treat you.  But if you just have a church building with one teacher, it means they don’t want any more children to come.  

The hospital must be a platform that has all the different disciples of medicine, like internal medicine, neurology and surgery. Only the people who understand these words will know.  But these people don’t just come to church from out of nowhere; you have to be in your field, shining the light to bring them here. That is why you must raise up the watchtower that is able to look out into your field. They don’t just come to the church; in that field, you need to nurture them with the Word of God and guide them here. That’s what your business should be used for.

Then, when they come here, you need to be the antenna that connects these people to God.  You need to help this person so that they’re aligned with the Word of God, prayer, and God’s mission for them. That is how this person will go out and save others.  What area of this will you play a role in?  God promised to be with you with power.  God promised to be with you with your business. God promised to be with your studies and needs. That is the Church.  The people who know this as they live their walk of faith, will receive answers with every step they take. For people who are not receiving answers, I hope you will change yourself quickly.  People go to church for such a long time but they hold onto their stubbornness? That is not what we need; you need to lay yourself down quickly.   

    (2) Courtyard of Gentiles, courtyard of children, courtyard of prayer

    (3) Church construction

The reason why we are doing the Temple or Church construction is so we can have locations for people of all nations to gather, for children to gather, and for people to pray. Let’s say, for example, the church only has a main sanctuary, and there’s nowhere for the kids to be? That’s pretty much saying you want the kids to die. There must be a place for people of all nations to gather. That’s what God desires, and that’s what it means to give your business to Temple construction. Even if your heart is just aligned with God, God will begin to answer you. 


1. The correct Word of the Lord

In conclusion, the correct Word of God is bound to save me and others; whatever does not save is not God’s correct Word. 

2. The prayer that saves me

3. All in to the work that saves

The person who is running a correct business, it means that that business will be used to save people, and you go all into that. For us, if it is right, we stake our lives there because everybody is going to die, no matter what. If you die very weakly, you’ll still die, but if you stake your life, you can die doing that. I hope you will be the one in whom the Word of God is fulfilled.  

Message Prayer

Let us pray individually with the Word God has given to each of us.

Offering Prayer and Newcomer Blessing

God, we thank You. We give our praise to the Triune God Who has come here to finish all of our problems and give us the Word that will surely be fulfilled. We give our praise to the God Who will fulfill His Word through us. We pray that all of our thoughts, our spirit, our emotions, and our body will be aligned with the Word of God.

We have returned Your materials as offering.  We pray that You will fulfill the Temple Construction to save the 237 nations, do the Healing and Summit movement, and we pray that You will bless the hands that have given the offering to save the Church, through the missions and the future generations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. 

Lord, we thank You.  We pray that the Word of Christ will be upon Joel, and his life will be used to fulfill God’s Word. And we pray that You will bless him with the filling of the Holy Spirit and use him as the main figure to spread the gospel to all nations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


1. Online zoom early morning prayer (Mon.-Fri. 5:30, Sat. 6AM) – Raise the bartizan of prayer.

2. 9/5-6  North America Business conference, college retreat

3. 9/30 (Sat.) LA Young Adult Retreat

4. 10/16-19 Lecture for Mexico evangelism disciple class.

5. Offering can be given to the church venmo: @antiochmissionchurch


Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unending love of God, and the indwelling, working, guidance, and fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be upon all the heads of the people of God, the people of all nations, and the remnants who desire to go all in, to live their lives only for the Word’s fulfillment, be with them from now until forevermore always, amen. 

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