World where Satan Became the Master After Losing the Gospel (John 16:14-24, 2 Corinthians 4:4-5, John 8:44)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

World where Satan Became the Master After Losing the Gospel (John 16:14-24, 2 Corinthians 4:4-5, John 8:44)

I’m very pleased to meet you.  There are many cases where we receive reports from people, and when I listen to those reports, there are some people who explain very calmly from the beginning, and it’s very lengthy. Those who give good reports aren’t like that, they begin with the main point, and as time permits, they explain it.  Isn’t that so?

Let’s say there’s a fire that breaks out in your home, what would you do?  How many doors are in your house, should you go out the west door or east door? You can’t plan it that way, there’s a fire “Where’s the emergency exit?” And if needed you explain further. I’m saying this because you have to head out into society and they say that people who give more than a one minute report are going to be cut from the company. They say the heads of the conglomerates can’t speak very well because they themselves don’t give reports, but they’re always listening to reports.

Why am I saying this?  As you look in the Bible, as soon as you open it, there’s something that comes out.  It says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  In one sense, you might think it should explain who God is, and that this God created the heavens and the earth, but it doesn’t begin that way; it starts with the conclusion, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” and as you read through the rest of it, you can understand.  Understanding who God is and explaining that is impossible. As you read through the bible, you realize the working of the holy spirit, and that’s why I enter into this lecture by beginning with the conclusion.

Acts 17:1, 18:4, 19:8

Why did God raise up this historic figure named Paul who went into this, that’s the first point, the synagogue? The next place he went to was healing and the last place was  Rome, there’s only 3 things Paul did, Healing in three different places, and Rome. It may seem like a small thing but all the journeys are within that. When he met an important individual, why did he take them into the colleges, the synagogues?  And after concluding his third missions voyage, before going to Rome, again he went to the synagogue, so quickly understood what this meant.  

Lost Things (Empty Places) – Restoration

If that is so, what have the world colleges have lost hold of? It’s the empty place and we have to restore this. Many people know they need to change the world but it doesn’t happen very easily, and the reason is because it must go into them while they’re in college. It’s not that you won’t be able to do it if you come to that answer later on in life, but it must go into you while you’re in college in order for you to change the world. It must go into you while you’re a college student so that even if you grow successful in the long run, you will not become arrogant.  Otherwise, you won’t be able to handle what comes next, so you’ll quit after a few years. It has to go into you while you’re in college in order for you to move everything.  

I caught onto the college evangelism movement while I was in college.  Is it too late once you become a pastor? No, but it might be difficult to really move the world.  

-Lost hold of the Gospel, Satan’s Master (John 16:14-24, 2 Corinthians 4:4-5, John 8:44)

So what kind of situation do we face? After having completely lost hold of the Gospel, Satan becomes the master, and if you want to understand these words, look at what jesus said in John 16:14-24, that Satan is the prince of the world and the god of the age in 2 Corinthians 4:4-5 and in John 8:44, “your father the devil” was a deceiver from the beginning, he deceives, and Jesus directly said this.  Satan deceives with his own things, and so it might be that Satan’s deceived himself.  

When you go to a fortune teller, some can really figure out everything, but at the most critical moment, they themselves are deceived on their own.  That’s Satan, and those are evil spirits, but right now, he is acting as the master. It’s this kind of situation.  This is what you need to look at, and if you’re not careful, you may be taken aback and deceived while in college because you think you have to work very hard. Some people say you must end it during your college years and those words may be right, but if you truly know this, you won’t see it that way; you’ll truly have leisure.

In some ways, you’re strapped for cash because you’re trying to run your business without finances, and think about it, you don’t have money but you have to rent a building and you’ve got to run your business, can you imagine how difficult it must be and on top of that you’ve taken a loan from the bank and pay off the interest as well as the principle?  Think about it, you’ve got money you’ve borrowed from other people as well, then you’ll truly be strapped. Not that you lack the ability, but you can’t think straight. But when someone with a lot of money starts a business, they’re different from the beginning. From the start, they find the meaning and reason for this, and they’ve got leisure.

If you know this, then honestly you will gain tremendous leisure, then what is the very first thing you must know today? People are lost in this situation. College students, what’s the very first answer you must receive? You have to hold onto the talent that God has given to you from above.

[ Talent- 0%= 7 Remnants ]

Of course, everyone has their own talent, but while you’re a college student, there is a talent given from above.  You must be able to take that into the top 10% for it to truly be your talent.  But if you take that into the top 1%, you will move the world.  For example, people like Bill Gates. He’s moving the world.  But we go way beyond that.  The talent given from the heavens goes beyond 1%, it’s 0%, and those were the seven remnants.  This is what you must hold to.  

But why are college students, if you’re hasty and have no leisure, rushing around, it becomes very difficult. Yet, regardless of all that, if you work hard, you might succeed and there are advantages that come from that, you have a sense of achievement, but that’s why you leave. However, there will be an equal amount of disadvantages because you don’t know God.  You are different, you must be different from people who do things without knowing God. 

[ Throne – Background (Herald, Angel, Army of the Heavenly Host)]

Let’s come to the conclusion first, what is it that you must know?  It’s what the seven remnants knew and what you must know. For you, it’s not merely the blessings, but you’re enjoying the blessing of the Throne.  You need to know how to enjoy the blessings given from the throne in order to enjoy the talent given from above.  The blessing of the Throne has a tremendous background, but not knowing this, we’re the same as unbelievers.  This background is tremendous.  At times, it says, “A Herald of the Lord,” At times, “An angel of the Lord.”  At times, it says “The Heavenly Hosts.”  So, the background of the throne is tremendous. 

Somehow, when God’s Word is being relayed to us, unwittingly there are angels at work.  When something important happens and someone is there to help me, no one could know who that is, but that is an angel sent by God. usually when we fight a great spiritual battle, it talks about the army of the great heavenly hosts, or the armies of heaven.


But if you do know this there’s no reason to pray. Even by just closing your eyes, you can see the great spiritual works.  The amazing mystery that stems from here is prayer, but many people take prayer lightly. You have to know all this in order to know the value of prayer, and knowing the worth of prayer, you find your talent there.  This talent comes from the background of the throne, absolutely, so you have to form a system to enjoy this first.  But people don’t do this during their college years.

 Think about it, people change even as they watch television. If you properly read one book, you change but you don’t know how you change.  You change if you listen to a song repeatedly, but people don’t know how they’ve changed. This is the very first covenant we must hold to while we’re in college.  Why is that?

Introduction – Blessing of the throne= Reason

What’s the reason we must enjoy the blessing of the throne? We need to know the reason first.  What’s the first reason?  Right now, Satan is completely ruling the world.

1.World- Satan ( Ephesians 6:12)

Right now, Satan is controlling the world, so unbelievers rightfully don’t know about this, and that’s why we see important words in Ephesians 6:12.  It says, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but if you look at 99.9% of the church members, they fight over flesh and blood, so rightfully, they will not triumph.  When we say our battle isn’t against flesh and blood, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need flesh and blood, but what is Satan doing? He moves the rulers, that’s tremendous; he’s moving the kings and rulers, then what are we going to do about that?

Satan is doing all of this, making the left and right wings, making dictators and moving them, but it’s revealed only in the Bible. We can’t find this exposed anywhere else, and if we’re not careful, we will be troubled, not receiving answers, heading in the same direction.  It says rulers and authorities, what are authorities? It means those who are in authority, and Satan is moving them.  That’s why we’re praying for Kim Jung Un in North Korea because if Satan moves his heart, there’s no telling what he would do.  Think about it, when someone’s crazy and they’re seized by Satan, they might even jump off a 50-story building.  Think about it, when you look down from a high cliff, it should be scary; that’s normal it’s not normal for you to want to jump off that cliff, but this is how Satan is moving them, and what else?  It is the cosmic powers over the present darkness. What is that? It’s talking about religion. What is darkness?  All kinds of hi mule activities, murder, drugs, he’s moving all of taht.

Can you not understand why you must receive the blessing of the throne?  We must know the reason why we must pray, and on top of that, it’s during our college years. How important is this?  


But he’s not just simply ruling over the world, but he’s also moving the culture.  


He makes these shrines and moves the world.  Think about how great Satan’s works are, he takes hundreds of centuries to build one shrine, and what does that mean? It means they were able to build that shrine down the generations, leaving it as a legacy for the next generation.  And church members they’re not even interested in building one church in their lifetime. Think about it, it just takes a few years, and they can’t even handle that we’re realistically losing to Satan. Over centuries, they’re making shrines and ruling the world with that. It’s really exhausting. People don’t even know why they have to build their sanctuaries and temples, they don’t know the spiritual things at all, but those who know this reason they would give everything they have to serve. But not knowing the reason, people think, “I don’t have any money; how could I give?” and that’s why answers have no way of coming, but he’s not just making shrines. 


He makes idols in the midst of that and tempts people. He deludes people. Think about it, the scholars of this world are all rushing in to studying these idols, so it’s become a culture where all the people of the world flock to go see it.  This is Satan’s intricate strategy. I’m not saying that all masterpieces and all the culture is bad, 

3. Master of lies

But ultimately we see that Satan is the master of lies, and the lie belongs to him.  That’s why Jesus directly said, there is no truth in him.  Everything he has is falsehood, and that’s why he lies and deceives others and deceives himself.




He deceives by making traps, and within those traps he binds them within his frames, and on top of that he binds them with his snares, this is what’s happening.  These are Satan’s twelve strategies, and we know this, but what are we ignorant about? We’re weak in these points, but if we study with this power, absolutely it will be different.  So in the future, for our remnants, things will be different and yourselves will be surprised.  All you did was realize the Gospel a little bit but these are the great works that came from it,  you yourselves will be surprised.  They just put a little bit of blood on their doorframes, but that became the eternal answers that moved Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Main – Lifelong message

You start your studies in college, but the message of the Throne of Heaven is a lifelong message, and you can hold onto it this way.  Starting now, what must you do as you study?  Now, we know the reason from the introduction, and if we know the reason, we must know the content now, and what is the first content?

1.Imprint, Root, Nature

During your college years, all the things you’ve learned until now become imprinted, and starting now, you begin to be rooted in that, and for the future, you are living for this nature.  What do you think?  Now, what must you do at this point? 

1)Gospel Imprint

The most important thing is to have the Gospel imprint, and how accurately you have this imprint will determine everything.  In my case, I directly saw the forces of darkness for 10 years in the field.  So, now it’s not merely Christ, but coming to the complete conclusion of only Christ to the point where nothing else is worth it. There’s no reason for me to be greedy for anything else because everything else will come.  The fact that you want something means that you lack something.  Just the fact that you’re vying for some kind of position means you don’t have your own position.  Just the fact that you’re worried about the future means you’re not holding onto God’s sure plan for your today.

So, during your college years, you don’t need much time, but be imprinted with the Gospel. Why do people become strange later on? Because of what’s imprinted in them. No matter how much they struggle, it’s not going to work because it’s imprinted in their brains, that’s why they can’t stop.  There might be some bodily responses, but if you lock someone in prison, that bodily response will go away, but what’s inside their brain will not go away.  

Simply put, one day, God all of a sudden said to sacrifice Isaac, can you imagine how hard it was for Isaac to follow along? But he did, and he asks his father, “Why is there no lamb this time?” Abraham didn’t say anything, and he couldn’t say anything at that time, so he kind of talked in circles, “God will provide it.”  But when they arrived at the mountainside, he said, “The LORD wants me to sacrifice you.”  If you look at the traditions they had in Israel, you couldn’t go against what your father said, but in that incident, God prepared the ram. 

What do you think? That was completely imprinted in Isaac, “oh, that’s what that is,” and that’s why when he farmed the land, he received 100-fold crops in one year.  Think about it, the results of a harvest aren’t up to you. If you had many wells, you would be considered wealthy, but he had nothing, and he wasn’t even looking for that, but what’s the reason? Only then is world evangelization possible.  There was a lot of envy and jealousy and the world is like that. They only know about material wealth and that’s what they go after, but he received the blessing of Rehoboth to the point where he could yield everything because he had to do world evangelization, it’s important.  

While you’re college students, have the sure imprint of the Gospel, why? Because that’s the only thing Satan surrenders to.  He does not fear the king of Egypt.  Satan doesn’t fear the tremendous palaces of Egypt.  But one day, an individual named Moses arose and spoke about the blood of the lamb and made him tremble. That is what was imprinted in the seven remnants.

2)Word Root

Then for this Gospel absolutely there’s this Word that follows, and now you’re being rooted in that word, that’s everything.  From this point on, what happens?  Once you know, your enjoyment becomes different, isn’t that so?  What a college student enjoys and what an elementary student enjoys is different.  Think about it, an incoming freshman will enjoy different things from a senior. You enjoy it as much as you know.

3)Prayer Nature

From here you form your prayer nature. What’s going to happen if you pray a lot without having the Gospel imprinted in you? This is your first lifelong message, and what comes from here? The talent from heaven that’s given by God.  Truly, it’s talking about your talent, your skill.  Who gives that? God gives it to you from above, and from this point on? What kind of content?

2. Status and Authority 

[Heralds, angels, heavenly host]

You find your status and authority.  According to your status and authority, as I spoke about before, God’s heralds, angels, and heavenly hosts time and again will help you according to yours status and authority, but people don’t believe this. I was invited to the Presidential Inauguration, and they were doing it in the courtyard of the Blue House, and before I went to that location, I had a hotel in Yeouido. It was a situation where I knew the time I needed to meet, and an elder would pick me up, but an hour before that time, someone knocked on my door, and when I opened the door, the person bowed down and apologized, I asked, “What’s going on?” He said, “I have a request. Can you please close your window? That’s the window that faces the Blue House, so could you please close your window?” I understood what he was talking about, so I said, “Okay.”  I looked out and saw on the rooftops of all the buildings were soldiers.  In every location that someone might target the Blue House, they had these people, to the point where they came to my room and asked me to close the window.

At that time, I realized that these kinds of works arise wherever God’s people go.  But if we don’t focus on that and we’re only focused on the physical things, what we eat and wear, what’s going to happen?  We’re the same as unbelievers, when we think about money and the things of this world without knowing the spiritual things at all.  You have to be sure about this during your college years.  There is an answer that comes at this time.

1)Accurate Word, Covenant 

   Heavenly mandate

At this time, you can hold onto the accurate Word, the accurate covenant, isn’t that so?  

2) Accurate Journey 


You have to hold to the accurate covenant in order to take an accurate journey. 

3)Accurate Goal


What that means is that you have an accurate goal. 

Holding to the accurate covenant is what we call the heavenly mandate.  For our journey, it’s talking about the journey we have each moment, so that’s our calling because God calls us when He needs us.  Because we surely know the goal, we call that our mission.  This is the tremendous blessing you must hold onto during your college years, and from this point on, what happens?  What’s more important is that answers come from here.

3. Spiritual Background

What’s more important than answers is your spiritual background and state. You have to prepare this now, and it’s with this power that you study, and go out into the world with this power.  You are the people of God who receive the blessing of the throne, so what was the common trait of the seven remnants?  God gave them the most appropriate talent to change the world, it wasn’t even 1%, it was the top 0%, and no one could steal it away because it was given from above, and what comes from this point on?  From this point on, you have your tremendous background.  


This background is the throne, how amazing is that? It’s not just any throne


Triune God, we are talking the blessing of the throne of heaven of God being with you and no matter how much I think about it, this is right, we can’t see it at all, if you could see it, that would be fake. If you could see it, the bad people would take it away and con artists would try to take it, isn’t that so? So unseen to our eyes, God completely works by His Word and Christ works salvation that breaks down the three curses, and the Holy Spirit works by His power then who would try blocking this? The more I think about it, the more scientific it is, but it doesn’t just end there.  What else do we see?


Within this background, I see the “me” God made as I said before, and my God-given things and my God-given field.  We call this the 0% talent, and this is when four answers come. What comes?


We can see this now, we see “only”. We see it and also this will come.


This comes, and what else?


This comes.


What’s the fourth thing that comes? This is set as our system, then who can block this?  Then you’re bound to have leisure. Even though problems come, you’ll have leisure because you know this. And even though answers come, you’re not overly excited. When a big problem comes, you can take care of it on a large scale because this is your status and authority, this belongs to you, so be sure of that first and enjoy it. “I am a child of God who enjoys the blessing of the Throne.  So with the 0% talent that God gives from above, I will change and save the world.” It’s amazing, so what conclusion do we come to? We come to an important conclusion

Conclusion – 

1.Prayer that enjoys the Gospel

It isn’t just prayer, but it’s a prayer that enjoys the Gospel. Wherever you are, you have the prayer of enjoying the Gospel, and important things happen through this prayer. For us, what we see, what we read, and what we hear is everything, isn’t that so?  Starting now, you will see many things, you will hear many words, and also will read many books.  You put all that together and it’s audio-visual, and you’ll be exposed to a lot of that, but what happens as you do that?

2. Thoughts, Heart, Brain, Soul- Eternity

It comes into your thoughts, and the many things you see will enter into your hearts.  So with the blessing that comes from the prayer of enjoying the Gospel with the blessing of the throne of heaven comes into your thoughts, heart, and brain.  Once it gets put into your brain, two things happen. It plows into your soul, and it gets connected to eternity, either heaven or hell.  What do you think? Undoubtedly so.  So to say that you know prayer is very important.  To enjoy the blessing of the Throne of heaven is a very important thing.  

3. Mystery of Concentration 

From this point on, wherever you are, you can enjoy the blessing of concentration, not just merely concentration, but the mystery of concentration, and you can enjoy this mystery wherever you are. 

] With

No matter where you are, you can enjoy “with.” No matter where you are, God is with you, so be cautious here.  “Why are things not working out for me?” Not at all. “Why are things working out so well for me?” It’s not that either.  It isn’t over yet.  At your age, you haven’t even begun yet, but why are you saying it’s not working out?  That’s why you’re deceived, and honestly it’s okay if you’re deceived. Your status won’t fail because you’re deceived. It’s okay even if you’re deceived, but you will suffer a lot before you receive your answers.  Starting now, wherever you are and whatever you do, study inside of this and prepare.  Ultimately, you will go to your churches.  “With” is when you’re by yourself, it doesn’t matter where you are.  Ultimately, you’ll go to your church, and when you go to church, if you’re not careful, things become very complicated.

] Immanuel

It’s thes same “with,” but now it’s Immanuel,that God is with us.  Then what?  You’re going to go out into the world and see various things

] Oneness

But all that is within God’s hands.  That’s what we call the blessing of oneness, what do you think?   Now when you put all this together, what do you have?

] Spiritual Summit

Even though you’re young in age, you stand as the spiritual summit.  That’s the conclusion in the end, you haven’t yet gone out into the world, but spiritually, you are the summit. In one sense, this may be the only thing you can do.  You can’t immediately go out and start a business or become president, that’s something you’ll do later on, not now. But what you must do starting now is to become the spiritual summit.  Do you understand?  Although he was young, he was different from his brothers, and that was Joseph. Putting this all together is what we call the Spiritual Summit, because even though you’re young in age, you’re enjoying the blessing of the throne of heaven, this is the spiritual mystery.  At first, his brothers ridiculed him, “You don’t know what the world is like,” and perhaps that may be true, “You’re so small,” and that might be true, but Joseph already was the spiritual summit.  

Even though he was in such a great position, he didn’t enjoy the blessing of the spiritual summit. That was Moses. He finally realized Mount Horeb and that’s when he was 80 years old.  From that point on, finally, Moses became the spiritual summit.  If you just do this, think about it, servants of the Lord may think of their work as just an occupation, and the way I see it, 99% of them think of it as just a job, but there are some who don’t, and that was Samuel. He was a spiritual summit ever since he was young. The world is like that, isn’t it?  “You need your position and material wealth and that’s everything,” you might think that way, and that’s what was imprinted in King Saul, and that’s why he suffered his whole life. Think about it, wherever he went, he faced hardships. worrying on his way in, worrying on his way out, “He’s doing so well; what’s going to happen to me?” worrying like that. 

If he was the spiritual summit, he would think, “That’s so wonderful, God has prepared someone in advance, that’s what he would think because he was going to die anyway, “And on top of that, he’s my son in law, so how wonderful is that?” He would be thankful for that, but right now, King Saul was going to die because of David, and that’s how fearsome your imprint is.  It won’t leave and knowing that, evil spirits target that. Evil spirits came and seized King Saul. It’s bound to be that way, but this is what David knew, and that’s why David had pity on King Saul, so that’s why when King Saul died, he lamented for so many days and wept, and the messenger who came and relayed the good news that King Saul had died, David executed him.  Think about it, the messenger came not knowing what David’s heart was like, and he relayed that news as if it was the greatest news.  That’s the level of people because that’s what’s imprinted in them. So, look at this.

There were countless followers in the company of men, but they didn’t have the summit imprinted in them.  They probably thought he was foolish, “Jericho is our chance! You don’t have to go far, Bethel! It’s our chance!” That’s what they thought, but Elisha was the spiritual summit, “I don’t need all that. Give me power. Give me a double portion of your spirit.” He had the nerve to ask his teacher for a double portion, but that’s not it.  Originally in the Bible when you say “double portion,” that was the allotment for the firstborn.  “Give me the portion for the firstborn, you don’t have to give me any physical things, but spiritually give me the firstborn inheritance,” and that’s how he was able to overturn the world.

What do you think?  In one sense, you might think, “Is there nothing for us to do then?” In one sense, you may be right because real prayer doesn’t have any prayer topics. “God is with me doing this,” and that’s your prayer topic.  He lost all his wealth, “Let me not resent God because of such things,” that was Job’s prayer and that’s the kind of prayer we need.  Think about it, we don’t need any prayer topics, but Job prayed properly.  “Naked I came,” and that’s right. He didn’t come into the world with a lot of possessions, he came empty handed. “When the LORD takes my  life, I will go to nothing.” That’s right.  “The LORD gives and the LORD takes away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” In all this, Job did not want to charge God, so he put on the clothes of repentance, and what that means is that at first, he was shocked by such things, and I’m sure it was like that, but that’s when he repented before God.

He was different, even when he was sick, his prayer was different.  “When I meet with the LORD, I don’t want to meet Him in this flesh.  When I meet my Redeemer, I won’t meet Him in this flesh,” and that’s why Satan completely surrendered to Job, and what’s the last thing he said? “Right now, He is refining me so I may be like pure gold.” What did he say? “He does not change His will but He knows the way I will take.” There are many such confessions that Job made, and that is what made Satan completely surrender.

If we’re not careful, these today may be the opposite of what you’ve learned until now. Until now, you’ve learned you have to work hard. Does that mean I am telling you not to work hard? No, I’m telling you where you need to work hard. If you are working hard on a pirate ship, you really are the worst person. Think about it, you have to be on the ship that saves lives, not the ship of pirates.  Let us say a person on the pirate ship is very industrious, then he’s a very terrible person, why? Because he’s going to steal even more fervently. Think about it, if a person on a pirate ship is very upright, he’s worse, then. And rather, being a lazy liar on the pirate ship is better. Where you are running hard is important.  Perhaps, you may stumble and fall, if you’re falling on the ship, just get up again.

College students truly become the spiritual summit.  This is the very first thing that the world’s colleges have lost hold of in this world.  They’re not holding onto the blessing that comes from the throne of heaven and haven’t realized their heavenly mandate, calling, and mission and talent that comes from it.  If you hold onto that, that’s it.

Pastors, if you hold onto this, you can give a sermon for the next three years with just Acts 1:8.  The Early Church didn’t hear a lot of messages; the Early Church only heard one, Acts 1:8, and they prayed for years with just that, but the world was evangelized.  The people living in Corinth didn’t listen to all the messages, they just held onto 1 Corinthians 1:18 and that was it.  Even though you give the same sermon, it’s not the same.  The answers are different, and in that way, if the remnants have this, then that’s it. The many problems that come mean that you have many answers to receive, and that’s why I selected the seven remnants as representative cases of this. Why did I select this? Because there were seven different ages of disasters, and it’s not a difficult thing, but it’s a story in the Bible.  May the important start begin today in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the solution to all things and the great love of God and the working of the Holy Spirit upon all the remnants who will enjoy the blessing of the throne in this age, especially the college remnants who will find the talent that comes from above, be both now and always forever, amen.


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