Limited Concentration of the 237 Healing Summit [Lec 1 – Age of Elijah] [Lec 2 – Age of Elisha] (2 Kings 2:9-1)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Limited Concentration of the 237 Healing Summit [Lec 1 – Age of Elijah] [Lec 2 – Age of Elisha] (2 Kings 2:9-1)

I’m sure that many of you’ve heard that young adults are important, and you’ve also heard that you’ve got many things you need to do. In your hearts, you probably have worries regarding your future and your occupation, and also worries about your marriage.  Those who are married, I’m sure you have many concerns including your family and children, and also finances.  Yes, all these are necessary, but those kinds of things won’t be a problem for you, and they’re also not the answer, because that’s something that even unbelievers can do.  Even though you don’t believe in God, you can do those things.

Limited Concentration of the 237 Healing Summit

That is why the theme for the theme for this retreat is the Limited Concentration of the 237, Healing, and Summit. These words are very important. Why do we call this limited concentration? We’re saying that many things aren’t important, but you must quickly do what is limited, what is needed. That’s the young adult.  There are urgent things, isn’t that so?  There are things God urgently needs, and that’s what you need to do.

Right now, we’re living in a contactless world, but the way I see it, this contactless situation is God’s absolute plan, and COVID-19 is God’s absolute plan, do you know why?  Because if we faced the 4th industrial revolution without this pandemic, great confusion would come.  I think this way and I think the brains that are moving the world are thinking this way, and I agree with them. A digital age is coming.

In one sense, you can say that all the universities are going to close their doors. I didn’t look at it that way, but the professionals were saying that within 10 years, half the universities will close, and we see that virtual currency will arise. An age is coming where we don’t have to use cash or even credit cards, and that age has already come, and it will come completely in the future.

So, in one sense, it’s not even going to be one central place that says, “Do this or do that,” but we’ve got to all do things together, so perhaps you might have a virtual, central government, and in one sense, we have to prepare for that because everything will fall to ruin and new industries will arise. Young adults, this is urgent.

We’re facing a situation where the work you’re doing is not really necessary anymore. We all thought this was going to be some sort of fantasy, but it’s becoming reality, so this contactless situation in this pandemic is a tremendous message. We’re not able to meet right now, but in the future, if we can’t have summit meetings in contactless ways, then regardless of what kinds of meetings we have, the young adults cannot move the world.

They say that even factories will disappear, and that’s the kind of age that is coming, then what’s going to happen?  Right now we’re worried about the highways, but people are talking about traveling in space. It’s not a dream; it immediately faces us, then another problem will come.  Everyone who is poor will continue to be poor, but those who are well off will continue to get richer, and it has no choice but to be this way. Behind the scenes, in the contactless world, people are moving things, and they will move all the money.  But the average people, unprepared for this, will even lose their livelihood.

You wonder, will this happen? Not at all, because the Bible gives the answer regarding those kinds of ages, so remember that. So right now, we have to prepare the very important thing that fits the age. What must we prepare for?  In one sense, we’re facing this age of obsession, so if you don’t completely concentrate and became fixated on this, it’s not going to work. That’s why we use the word, “limited concentration.” Where should we have this limited concentration?

Lecture 1- Age of Elijah

Introduction – Uncover the Summit

Young adults, you must uncover this. What’s the first? Uncover the summit.

Lecture 2 – Age of Elisha

Introduction – Summit Concentration

This may seem like an old story, but not at all. As we face the 4th industrial revolution, the answer is completely in the Bible.  They uncovered this in the Age of Elijah and concentrated on this in the Age of Elisha, so don’t just look at this. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to survive, but this answer is in the Bible, it’s amazing, isn’t it?  In one sense, the conclusion is that your age is coming.  So, if you’re staring there blankly and not preparing for it, it’s not going to work, so that’s why from the beginning, the Bible tells us this.  What is it?

Lecture 1- Age of Elijah

Introduction – Uncover the Summit

[ 1. Throne – Prayer ]

It says that from the beginning, the Bible tells us a tremendous message, there is a prayer that connects with the Throne of Heaven.

[ 2. 237 – Answer]

Only then will you have the answer that connects to the 237 nations.

[ 3. Transcend Time and Space – Word ]

Only then will you come to know the Word that will transcend time and space.  What’s going to happen in the future?  Machines are going to be used for everything, so what does man have to do? Right now, a serious age is upon us, and we see machines these days that will tell you what you will look like at the age of 70.  The other day, an article came out on MBC that a dead wife was brought back to life virtually. They brought the image back, and they can’t talk about the future, but they can come as they were in the past.  Once that happens, it may seem as great advancement and development, but humankind completely perishes, and that’s why the Bible gives us a tremendous answer.

While you’re young adults, you have to really hold onto this and concentrate on the answers in the Bible. Don’t just hold onto this or that, but really concentrate properly, and that’s why we use the word, “limited concentration.” There was one tremendous young adult between these two.

[ Obadiah ]

That was Obadiah. In this age, why did I pick this scripture passage? Because it’s  the same situation today.  One young adult named Obadiah came out and saw two things. What did he see? He saw the Age of Elijah, and it’s amazing, isn’t it? Does it sound fantastical? The Bible isn’t like that at all; it’s so accurate.  And, he saw the Age of Elisha, so he saw today and the future.  We can’t even talk about all the answers he left behind.

What do you think? Our young adults throughout the nation and the world, we have a need to refine our thinking. If you just thought of this as a pipe dream but it becomes reality, what are you going to do? You have no spiritual power.  But I have assurance that your time will come, so what are we going to do to make a living? That’s not an issue. Getting married isn’t the issue either, and in one sense, what’s the point of getting married? That’s what people are saying, so spiritual problems are crashing in. Equipping ourselves with the power to confront that is the young adult.

We can’t say that the adults can’t do it, but generally speaking, they don’t understand.  If you don’t even understand, how could the adults understand? They’re all trapped in something, so if we don’t quickly return to God’s Word, we’ll all be in trouble.  This is everything.

Realistically uncover the blessing of the throne, this is it.  I chose this as my occupation but it connects with God and that’s how it becomes the answer to save the 237 nations.  The more time passes, what is your occupation? Make it like this, [Uncover the Summit], make it transcend time and space.

Many people are stealing our messages, so I gave a very urgent request, legally register all of our messages, and please don’t misunderstand, but register all our music.  Those people are quicker than us, they know the age of the 237 nations, so they’re just taking it and using it, so what is my point?  The message you have and have uncovered in the Bible is exactly this in the introduction, it’s the answer for this age.  If you truly realize, you can have assurance.  In one sense, we’re using these words.

They’re even saying in the history books that they’ll talk about pre-corona and post-corona.  When you look at it from this perspective, then this Young Adult retreat is very important, it’s a sign. Right now we’re in a contactless situation and this age is coming, and regardless of COVID-19, people are realizing late, and others are realizing early on.  Now, more and more are coming to the conclusion that, “More than spending so much money on my commute and office, I can just stay home and work,” so do you know what people are doing?  More and more people are saying, “Is there a need for us to invest so much money to have a building in downtown Seoul? The reason for investing thousands of dollars into building buildings downtown no longer exists.” 

There’s only one thing left. The destruction of humankind and spiritual problems, and you have to understand what God has prepared at this time. I’m surprised every single day.  As I prepare the message, not being able to meet with you face to face, I’m surprised every single day. As I confirm the news, I’m surprised every single day that things are rapidly changing.  We have no choice, because of the pandemic, we can’t meet with people, so we must find other ways, and that’s when we finally realized.

Now, what’s the reason why this is not taking place? We must confirm that first.

1. Reason Why It Doesn’t Work

Rightfully, it won’t work for unbelievers, but what’s the reason why it doesn’t work for believers?  

1) Rightful (Genesis 3, 6, 11)

Even now, the reason why it’s rightfully not taking place is because they’re caught up in this, Genesis 3, 6, and 11. They’re still trapped in Genesis 3, 6, and 11, so rightfully, it’s not going to work.  Rather than seeing God’s world, they’re trapped in their own world. What’s even more amazing? Unbelievers go ahead of them. Unbelievers are seized by Satan because of Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  Simply put, they’ve got the power of the Nephilim.  You have to have this power [of the Uncovered Summit], but you take that lightly and that’s why you follow after the people who have the power of the Nephilim, and that’s why God rains down disasters. In age by age, when God brought down change through the Word, He rained down disasters.

It’s going to take a long time, it’s going to last quite some time. It’s going to take a long time, and we’re praying that this virus doesn’t mutate and generate new strains, but it will last a long time.  There are reasons why this had no choice but to come, and already, we saw spiritual problems that have destroyed so many lives until now.  Having destroyed so many things in the name of advancement and development, rightfully problems come, but we took that lightly.

2) Inevitable (Acts 13, 16, 19)

Inevitably, we lose to this, Acts 13, 16, and 19. Isn’t that so? We may think that we know this, but we’re losing to this right now. We’re losing to shamans. Honestly, we’re not losing to them, but that’s the kind of phenomenon that we’re seeing. When you meet a mental patient, you don’t know what to do, but shamans have a ritual they can perform.  Even though that leads to utter destruction, the phenomenon you see right in front of your eyes makes it seem that they’re succeeding.

3) Absolute (6 Hellish Backgrounds)

That’s why you find your absolute reason for holding to the covenant. In that way, they completely live within the six states of the unbeliever and the background of hell. I’m saying that we, too, must not be that way. No, knowing that, we now must concentrate.  Starting now, concentrate on uncovering the summit. There’s no other reason.  Marriage and family aren’t reasons, now is not a time to think about that. This is the kind of age that’s coming. “What should I do about my friend in the future?” Now’s not the time to think about that. It’s not the time to be squabbling and nitpicking over the petty problems at church.  What we’re saying is, don’t do anything else but quickly go into limited concentration.

Many young adults are worried about marriage, and they do, but I don’t think that’s very meaningful.  You don’t have to get married, it’s not all that important, but this is the kind of tremendous age we’re facing. People talking about the end of the world think it’s the end of the world to the point where there is some ring of truth to what they’re saying.  It’s not working for unbelievers because they’re lost in these three things, but for us, we’re unaware of this, so it’s not working.  This is a tremendous answer.

2. Satan

The reason is because this is Satan’s strategy.  All the powerful nations had become enslaved to this.  During Obadiah’s time, King Ahab was the ruler, and 850 false prophets were doing everything.

3. Errands

What they were actually doing was running Satan’s errands, and it’s this kind of situation. So, young adults, really change your thinking.  

Main – Correct Covenant

So, what were the empty places during the Age of Elijah, and how can we head towards that?  It lies in the simple things, it’s because they’re holding onto the incorrect covenant. We have to hold to the correct covenant, and the moment you hold to the correct covenant, the works will arise.  Try it.  How do you hold to the correct covenant? 

1. Empty Places – 1 Kings 19:1-7. God’s New Plan

Where were the empty places in the Age of Elijah? Let’s come to the answer first. It was a time when Elijah was completely worn out. Even though Elijah overcame the 850 false prophets, the king tried to kill him, so Elijah fled and fell underneath a broom tree.  That’s this field.  At this time, God gives Elijah something tremendous, God gives the Word to Elijah, “Go to Horeb.”  God sent an angel to touch him and strengthen him, and after eating what was given to him, he walked for 40 days and 40 nights. Think about it, God strengthened him so he could walk 40 days and 40 nights. God gave His phenomenal Word to Him, so remember.  With the Word, God gave His new plan.

1) Drought

There was a time Elijah proclaimed a drought.

2) 850 False Prophets

There was a time where he overcame 850 false prophets.

3) Discouragement

After winning this, the king was filled with wrath, and there, Elijah became discouraged. What we’re saying is that all these things are unnecessary. No matter how much you display power, darkness does not fear it.  That won’t solve the problem.  You can have a drought or stop the drought, and Elijah thought that would have people follow God, but they did not.  After breaking the 850 false prophets, he thought he would bring the king to his knees, but he did not. Here, briefly, Elijah became discouraged, but it’s at this time that God gave His Word, and it wasn’t just any Word, but God showed His plan, “Go to Mount Horeb.” You have to hold onto the correct covenant.  So, start now.  The blessing of the throne, the answer of the 237 nations, and God’s Word that transcends time and space.  Perhaps it might sound a bit absurd, but that’s a misconception.  If all the people of the world do not come to this answer, they cannot avert the coming age of disaster, so you must remember.

2. Deserted Places – Hidden Disciple

The abandoned places were the places Obadiah saw. What does that mean?  What is it that God really wants?  Together with new covenant, he spoke about the hidden disciple. 

1) 1 Kings 18:13

The hidden disciples understood this word. Here, Obadiah hid 100 prophets.

2) 1 Kings 19:18

Here is a tremendous message, “I have left behind 7000 disciples,” and it doesn’t just end with that.  There are these important messages that nobody else knows about. It’s not just 7000 disciples.

3) Dothan Movement

Really leave behind the Dothan Movement to fight the spiritual battle.  You have to hold to the correct covenant.  Try it.  After these spiritual things are formed, the answers come.  You fight day and night at home, then one day, you will break apart. Even though it’s hard, you continue to hold to the covenant and pray, then answers will follow.  What is it that Obadiah saw?

3. Dying Places

He saw the dying places.  Simply put, he saw three places: the empty places, the abandoned places, and the dying places.  Then if you do that, God will give you the answer of heaven.  I don’t know if it was an unbeliever or a believer, but someone wrote about the things that will take place in the coming age.  After doing all that, they came to the proper conclusion. The way I see it, I think they might be a believer, but I don’t know if they really understood the gospel. The conclusion is that in the future, we really have to strengthen our hearts and minds. It’s not a Christian publication, it is a science publication, so I thought, “Wow, this person knows something,” and if they properly research their stuff, they will come to this conclusion.

In the future, if you don’t have this answer [of the uncovered Summit], you won’t survive. Even just speaking from worldly terms, even if you have no skill whatsoever, if you have this answer, anywhere you go, things will come to life.  Even though you meet a very strange family member, if you have this answer, you won’t be influenced by them.  So, what are these dying places?

1) 1 Kings 19:15

What does God say in 1 Kings 19:15? “In the future, I will change the king of Aram.”  God said it, it’s not by our method, but God said He would raise King Hazael.  

2) 1 Kings 19:16

Not only Jezebel, but King Ahab will also be changed.

2) 1 Kings 19:16

Something very important here is to raise up Elisha. This is the covenant God gives. I’m sure as you listen to this, you may be taken aback, that means you’ve already held onto the incorrect covenant.  “That’s right, the real answers lie within God’s Word,” and when you think that, these works begin to take place.

So, people search for religion, and if we didn’t have religion in this world, the world would quickly change into hell, but the problem is they don’t have the gospel, so these people are deceived. So what is the important and accurate covenant you must hold onto today? So, young adults, all you have to do is properly hold to the covenant. It’s not about miracles.


[ 1. God’s Word ]

No matter how much you display miracles, it’s all in vain. You have to overcome the enemy and fight with them? No, not at all.

[ 2. Restore the Gospel ]

Leaving behind great achievements won’t block disasters.

[ 3. Restore the Word ]

We have to block disasters, so restore the Word.  Speaking in extremes, it’s okay even if you don’t have a specialty. Everywhere you go, spiritual answers come and people are revived, isn’t that so? Then there’s no way things won’t work out for you.  It’s the same thing.  Even for churches, there are some churches that do well and some that do not.  In churches that do well, people are revived, then that’s a church that is taking place.  No matter how much you have unbelief, no matter what people say, with God’s accurate Word, people will be revived.

So young adults, God will make your occupations like this in the introduction, the blessing of the throne of heaven. Ultimately it has to be the will of heaven.  Why were you born in Korea? It’s not up to you; that’s the blessing of the throne of heaven.  How did you become a child of God? That’s the blessing of the throne. What about your occupation? It has to match with the 237 nations. 

Right now our Darakbang message matches with the 237 nations, so it won’t and can’t be blocked. The covenant you’re holding onto will transcend time and space, then rightfully, what must you do? You must concentrate on the summit now that you’ve uncovered this, then what kind of concentration must you do? That’s why we use the word, “limited concentration.” Young adults, remember this before you leave. What do I mean?  What do we mean by the blessing of the throne? 

Lecture 2- Age of Elisha

Introduction – Summit Concentration

[ 1. Trinity Identity, Authority]

The power of the Triune God comes to you, unseen to your eyes. What you can see is fake, isn’t that so?  It is by God’s Word, Christ through salvation, and the Holy Spirit through power. That’s how it comes to us, and this is our status and authority, so we have to concentrate on that.  Ultimately?

[ 2. 10 Mysteries ]

Concentrate on these 10 mysteries. What are they? Being able to survive where you are. You can survive with just prayer, then what can you see? Nobody else knows it, but you can see the spiritual facts. What else? There is a separate answer God has prepared, and that’s what you’re heading towards. So young adults, everywhere you go, things come to life.  It’s from this point on that the answer comes. You go to your workplace, the workplace comes to life. “Oh, but I’ve got many problems,” it’s not a problem, think of it that way.

I remember saying this before, and this actually happened. This person can’t use their legs, so they walk around with braces, but the mother always told him, “There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s just that your legs are uncomfortable. You’re normal, it’s just that your legs are uncomfortable.”  If the mother said, “You’re an invalid,” he probably would have died a long time ago.  “Your legs are a little uncomfortable, but there’s nothing wrong with you.”  Those words may seem very simple, but spiritually, it’s tremendous.  

So, the bullies kept pestering him, and one time, the bullies chased him and he was trying to run, but he couldn’t, but he remembers his mother saying, “There’s nothing wrong with you,” then one female was defending him and told him to run.  As he starts running, he breaks out of his braces, and he’s able to actually run.  From that point on, he began to run, and it’s based on a true story. He went into the military and became an athlete as well.  

If you’re able to realize the spiritual facts in the many areas you face, you will be able to overcome, and from that point on, the crises become greater opportunities, isn’t that so?  There isn’t anyone you need to fight against. Think about it, you choose the crises, so there will be no competitors.  Then what is the science no one else knows about? It is about the work of re-creation that God gives to you.  It’s because they haven’t studied science enough, but if they really studied science, they would see the spiritual science, and the moment you’re filled with the Word, your spiritual DNA will change, so, you stand as the summit.

Then everywhere you go, the wilderness and deserts will turn into lifesprings, so you have to really concentrate on this mystery.  We worry about our occupations. Even if you’re just a manager, if you have this answer, you will overcome. Joseph was a slave in charge of cleaning, but because he had this answer, his master saw him and said, “No longer be a slave,” in other words, he was promoted, and it wasn’t just a promotion, it was the work of re-creation.

[ 3. 10 Foundations ]

You always have the sure foundations of faith. Why am I here, why am I Korean, why am I living now, and why must I go there?  That’s God’s absolute sovereignty, and you realize that.  Now, what’s the answer that follows?  God’s method which is Christ.  God’s power which is the Holy Spirit, and God’s guarantee which is the Bible. God’s absolute plan is me because I’ve received salvation, and every field I’m in is my missions field, and God guides my every step, isn’t that so?  Once we’re going to leave this earth, we’ve got a background and afterlife.  If that is so, then the most important thing is for me to hold to the covenant and proclaim the Word. We’re talking about the 10 foundations of faith.  You don’t have to memorize it, it’s all in order: God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Word.  From this point on, what comes?

[ 4. Assurance ]

What is assurance? Those who know Christ have received salvation, John 21:15-18.  If it’s not by the Holy Spirit, you cannot confess Christ as Lord. You find Christ believable? You have received salvation. You find the rest of the Bible believable but you don’t find that believable? You have not received salvation because you cannot resolve Satan, sin, and hell; you cannot solve original sin.  “Oh, Christ? I know what that means,” you have received salvation, then if that is so, what must you do? Have assurance. Be assured about what?  In John 14:16 it says, whatever you pray for in Jesus name, He will answer. It’s the assurance of answered prayer.  What’s the third? All curses and iniquities you should face have been nailed on the cross. Not just forgiveness, but the assurance of forgiveness, then what? No matter what kind of hardship you face, you will overcome. It’s the assurance of victory. What’s the last?  Unseen to our eyes, God is with us, and that’s the assurance of guidance. Then what else? From this point on, it’s very important.  

[ 5. Stream ]

You can change the stream, and that’s what happens. You concentrate on this and you can even change the stream of your company. Even if we don’t fight with the Korean churches at all, we can change the stream and it is changing.  They are taking our messages and using them, but I said to not criticize them but let them use them, we’re changing the stream.  Once we change the stream, how do we do that? Through information, the height, width, and depth. But that’s not all we see. Above, below, and beside.  The people beside you are the people in this situation. What’s below?  The many people in the many fields, but we’re not just looking at that, we’re looking above, and what else?  Past, present, and future. Simultaneously seeing these nine things.  You see simultaneously when you drive. “I don’t look at the rearview mirror at all,” that’s not it, you look at them simultaneously.

At this time, you see one thing. Wherever you go, you’re just running an errand, but you can change the stream. Not having much capability, you go to the lowest place, but there, you change the stream. Don’t worry.  Young adults, don’t worry about anything; change the stream, do you understand?  See the Age of Elisha.  This young adult Obadiah saw the Age of Elisha.

Main – Correct Future (2 Kings 2:9-11)

Holding to the correct covenant, he saw the correct future. He really was something, and that’s why we hold to this in our scripture passage today, 2 Kings 2:9-11. As you well know, it’s the correct future that changes the stream.  Look at what Elijah did at this time, Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho. He said he didn’t need them. Not that they were worthless, but that he didn’t need them.  What else?  “Give me a double portion of spirit.”  Worldly speaking, it makes no sense.  Scientists would think that makes no sense, however, they only know half of the science.  If you really know science, you must know the spiritual science, so what do we see? 

1. Things to Discard (Obsession)

He knew what he needed to discard.  Those who know the future know what they need to discard.  What did he discard?  Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho.  He knew the reason for discarding those things.  I’m not saying that Bethel, Gilgal, and Jericho are wrong or worthless, but they’re not it right now.  Elisha followed until the very end.  What do you think of the Gilgal and Jericho you’re thinking of right now? In one sense, that’s your obsession, so get rid of that.  It’s the answer that comes from that point on. What else?

2. Summit Answer

What kind of summit do you become?

1) 2 Kings 2:9-11

He became the spiritual summit. Even if you have nothing right now, you can become the spiritual summit. I always pray this way, “There are many people who make my life difficult, but no, it’s not that they’re making my life difficult, isn’t that so? It won’t be hard if God knows, so it’s not hard.” There may seem that at times, hardships come, but that’s not hard. It’s okay even if they do come, isn’t that so? We have to have the correct covenant and see the correct future. It’s okay even if they do come. Seeing God’s plan and looking towards God’s future, then if a problem comes right now, it really doesn’t matter.  

We need young adults like these to arise. Go to your churches, there are many people who say the proper words from their thinking, but it doesn’t matter if you have throngs of those kinds of church officers.  Young adults, really come to your senses.  There are those who are right in their own minds, but even if you have a million of those kinds of people, it really doesn’t matter. If you have one young adult holding onto God’s correct covenant and seeing God’s correct future, then these works will arise.  All this took place because of one person, Obadiah.  Of course, God did it, and of course Elijah and Elisha did it, but there were hidden disciples, and that was Obadiah.  

Think about it, you’re holding onto incorrect things, but you discard them? Then the summit answer comes, and it goes beyond that.

2) 2 Kings 6:16.  It was the summit answer that people couldn’t understand at all.  The heavenly armies were protecting Elisha.  People whose eyes were spiritually dim, how could they understand this?  Although you may be weak, you hold onto the correct covenant and correct future, then the heavenly host will be mobilized to your side.

3) 2 Kings 6:17-23

He just overcame the army of Aram.  We’re talking about this blessing.

3. Obadiah’s God

Now, all you young adults aren’t merely just holding to the covenant like Obadiah, but what must you hold to? Obadiah’s God. Hold to that covenant.  What is that?  

1) 100 Prophets

It was the disciple movement of hiding 100 prophets. God made him do that.

2) 7000 Disciples

Ultimately, it took place because of Obadiah’s hidden efforts

3) Dothan Movement

Do you understand? I’m sure you’re already holding onto the covenant, then in our conclusion, what kind of message do we need for the future?

Conclusion – Future Message

1. Young Adult Forum (Summit Forum)

Doing contactless young adult forum. The contactless age reveals many things to us.  We’re not sharing a lot of messages, but for our young adult forum, we’re sharing this summit forum, and what else?  

2. 237 Business Forum

The business forum that will move the 237 nations and the world, then what?  The very important thing left ahead of you.

3. Future Church

Do the forum on the future churches that will save the world. That’s what you’ve got ahead of you. After finishing with this tremendous conference, begin and head out with this, and there will be great answers that come from that. The very first thing God promised to Abraham was what? The covenantal blessing, there’s a separate covenantal blessing.  The principle source of blessings. Why are you needed? Representative blessings. What will happen later on? Commemorative blessings. Who can steal that away? Irresistible blessings.  Do you understand? 

This is the start, and what is the final conclusion? Being able to see in advance. Now you see in advance, then what can you do? You can possess in advance, and what you can do is enjoy in advance; that is prayer. Then what? Conquer in advance, and what is that? That’s God’s absolute plan, then from that point on, it’s fulfilled in advance, and what is that? Works according to God’s Word, this belongs to the young adult.

Even though this is a contactless meeting, I don’t think of it that way.  I believe that God is giving you this greatest time of the historic message to save the world.  Young adults, you must come to your senses.  Not that the adults are wrong, but it’s not going to work with their thinking. It’s not going to work at all, that’s why you are essential.  It’s okay even if you don’t have anything. Adults think they have to have something; that’s wrong, do you understand? Hold to the proper covenant.  Many successful people think you have to have something. They’re right, but they’re wrong. What must you do? Have the correct future, and God will give the answers. Let us pray.


May grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the King of Kings, and the great love of God, and the working of the Holy Spirit, upon all the young adults who are going to save the world, be both now and always forever, amen.

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