Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

I hope you will think about concentration, it changes you without you even realizing it. Same with your studies, you only get better as you concentrate.  So, if you’re within this quiet time, if you just listen to the voice god is telling you and concentrate on that, it won’t be difficult.

Satan, Sin, Hell, Suffering ) Christ

These things happening spiritually at this moment are the problem, that is why Christ has resurrected and all the time it’s Christ, every day, Christ.  Then, why is it that people who go to church commit suicide and murder, just like the cases in Sedona and El Salvador? They believe in Jesus Christ and have faith, but they don’t know the three problems so they don’t know why they need Christ right now. 

Jesus – Faith

They don’t know the problems as these three problems, so their reason for Christ becomes weak and vague. 


It sounds like a mantra for them, they don’t know what this means.  Right now, the problems of America are sin, Satan, and hell.  We call these three problems the spiritual state because I’m in a state like this, and even though I have salvation, my state reverts to this, then what do you think are the results that manifest?  Because of the invisible things, we keep having visible things in our lives and we try to solve these problems that are visible.  How do we solve them?  We have to change our state, you just have to change your spiritual state.  That’s the reason we say, “Only Christ.”  If you don’t change your spiritual state with only Christ, these problems will continuously repeat. 

We tell this to other people we meet.  You enjoy this your whole life long, then God will give you the meetings to relay this to people, but if you don’t know this problem, you cannot tell them about it.  Even if you do tell them about it, you’re just going to repeat the theory you’ve heard, not the answer you’ve received, because you’ve only received this as logical, you’ll explain it logically even though the problem they have right now is Satan, sin, and hell. That’s why you need Christ, that’s the answer.  You must explain this to them using their problems. 

But if this isn’t taking place, you have no choice but to explain their problems with religion.  The person who explains these problems through religion are also seized by this spiritual state.  If I’m able to give them the correct answer, it means I’m always enjoying this—Christ. It’s easy if I explain it to you, right? But you don’t acknowledge this, that’s the problem, that’s the problem of disbelief.  That’s the real problem.  It’s not about not knowing, but you don’t believe it. That’s a state where you’re seized at this moment by Satan. You think that because you go to church, this doesn’t apply to you. But you’re still being deceived by Satan all the time. If you’re being deceived, you keep going onto the side that opposes God.

We have two options: are we blessed or cursed? We keep going in the direction of the suffering of hell.  You need to know the rightfulness if you want to evangelize to America, why we must believe in Jesus Christ and what happens when we don’t.  Everyone knows about Jesus Christ and everyone has their own idea of Jesus and God. If someone says they just believe and know Jesus Christ, they don’t know this.  If you just tell them about these three things, they won’t understand.


Life (Me)

This may be revealed in your life as a physical disease, or suicide, mental disorder, generational problems, the problem may reveal itself differently but it’s the same spiritual state.  You need to be able to take the things that have happened and explain invisible things. The answer to the invisible problem is the Christ, that is Christ.  For unbelievers, you need to explain this with the facts they know and have.  This spiritual state is inside of this person, then they have a problem that has been revealed, maybe they’re too young and it hasn’t been revealed yet.  Their older parents have already had their problems revealed, and the people above that have it revealed, it will happen to you, too, why? Because of Satan, sin, and hell.

Explain this very rationally because America is rational. It’s hard to sway them with other ways, but first, if your words are not rational, they will cut you off and not listen to you. Explain scientifically, then you need to research this person and pray for them. You can’t just say, “Christ,” but you evangelize through evangelism camps.  Wandering the neighborhood is not the analysis. If you go out without training, you’ll be influenced instead. 

We’re focused on doing things, but the person who knows the spiritual mystery will cause Satan to flee.  Then it’s not about wandering around, but what’s more effective?  Even if you don’t step around so much, God will guide you.  Senior Deaconess Oh goes to a hospital and the demon at that hospital knows.  The demon knows she goes to Antioch Mission Church and she’s a senior deaconess. He knows she is a nurse and her spiritual state, and the devil attacks her, but if this person does acknowledge the spiritual state, the devil knows that she knows and will avoid her. 

This whole time, the devil has been controlling and oppressing the region, and she knows when the devil leaves, she’s a blessing.  The people who are severely oppressed will then feel better when she comes, and people will see that.  Or let’s say there’s someone so seized by Satan, they keep making mistake after mistake, then the demon flees.  Doctors have a lot of mental and spiritual problems because they always think themselves to be the best, but when the demon flees, they will change.

The devil knows whether you know this on paper and in theory or if you really know and believe this.  When you go somewhere, the devil runs away from you.  Don’t be a target for Satan. We call this, “authority.”  Knowing this itself is authority.  Everywhere you go, curses and disasters break down.  Because the devil runs away, God will deliver people to you who will receive life and salvation.  Because you know this, you give the answer. They will tell you your problems and you say, “This is your real problem.” Evangelism is easy.

But let’s say evangelism is not taking place? It’s not because you lack training but you don’t acknowledge the spiritual state, so it means Christ is very weak to you.  All of creation exists for Christ, but if Christ is weak to you, can that person live well?  Everything in the Old Testament until the end of the age exists for Christ, going in the direction of Christ, but if your knowledge of Christ is weak, you’ll go askew and your life will not have clear answers.

That’s why it’s Christ. Paul knew this and said Christ was the greatest knowledge.  Schools don’t teach you this. Paul studied until Gamaliel, the greatest teacher, but Christ taught Paul directly.  It’s God’s grace. People don’t realize because you teach them, you do have to teach them, but God’s grace reveals it to them.  I was talking to Senior Deaconess Park earlier, “This person has this problem, but they have the gospel,” but they can only be certain of the gospel when they know the three problems. With Satan out of the equation, it’s a half-baked gospel.  Satan went into Adam and Adam sinned.  Adam did not sin because he made a mistake in his mind. Satan attacked him and that’s why he sinned. Satan is always working.  If you don’t have faith regarding God’s covenant, you have to go into sin, then you go into the suffering of hell. That’s why it’s Christ.  If Christ is vague to you, you’ll be taken in by it.

There’s not a single exception, that’s why we keep talking about Christ.  Even if you don’t understand very well, the darkness will still be broken down, but Christ is proclaimed so things get better.  But people change Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays to get rid of Christ, and people may not know the significance, but the culture of darkness is there.  But the people who do know the meaning of Christ will say Merry Christmas to bless everyone.  People think you’re crazy if you say Christ on a random day, but it’s understandable on Christmas, but Satan makes it so you can’t. 

In Acts 4:12, “There is no other name given to men by which we must be saved.” The environment back then is the same as today.  You’re just not certain about the spiritual state.

God’s Kingdom

Christ is the king, but if you have your own thoughts, that’s not God’s Kingdom; your kingdom is the kingdom of Satan, and that’s only suffering and disasters.  That is why, if you have only Christ, you receive His ruling and that’s His kingdom.

Holy Spirit, Power

Actually pray for the Holy Spirit to be upon you as you pray 3, 9, 3. You know about the Holy Spirit, but if the power of the Holy Spirit doesn’t come upon you, you’re not having the filling of the Holy Spirit.  God doesn’t give you power and the filling of the Holy Spirit so you can study well and make money.  Nuclear weapons are not created so we can fish for whales.  But if you’re focused on catching whales and making money, why would God give you the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit doesn’t work on things like that.

The specific actual way for the Kingdom of God to be established is for the Holy Spirit to be upon me.  In other words, the blessing and the power of the Throne of Heaven is within me, then you pray for that to be established in the fields of your life.  The Kingdom of God has to be established for the demons to be cast out.  If you don’t know this, you don’t know anything.  If you’re not able to enjoy this through prayer, then even after receiving salvation, you’ll go to other people and say regrettable things.

The Triune God is with me and has to work upon me with power, through prayer, and in your field. What happens when the works take place? You receive answers, that’s the answer of 25 hours. The answers come only when God works. If God is not working, how can you receive answers?  Whatever you earn by working hard is not an answer; those are things even unbelievers get.  Only when God works, there’s the answer of 25 hours and re-creation saves everybody.  If there’s a problem in the church, if one person receives an answer, then even if 100 people talk about the problem, it doesn’t matter; everyone shuts their mouth in front of the answer. That person will save the church.

If you receive the answer, that’s correct.  Temple Construction is not a problem if you receive the answer.  But because you’re not receiving the answer, you say, “If I had it, I would give,” and of course, anyone would give it if they had it, but it’s because you don’t have the answer, has this gone into you as the covenant, 24 hours?  God would work, wouldn’t he? Then nothing is a problem.  You go to your job, everyone says the same problems, but we don’t need those words.  If you receive that answer from God at your job, everyone has to follow you.  But because everyone is trying to work with their similar minds without answers from God, it’s so hard.  The reason why God has no choice but to give you the answer and work upon you is because of the covenant to save people, then because of you, one person, everyone will live.

That was Joseph, David. Goliath was a problem for every person, but David received the answer and the problems of the entire nation were finished. That’s what this means. You have these blessings but you’re always worried.  You can enjoy this prayer of 3, 9, 3, right now, and you can enjoy it 24 hours, but you’re still not able to enjoy it.  If you simply enjoy this, you receive the power and answers to save the three ages, the pastor, church officer, and the remnant, which is the church, the field, and the future generations. That’s what this means, that this is everything.

Inside the 3, 9, 3, everything is contained, all this meaning is contained. 

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission

If you’re weak about the spiritual state, you’ll wonder if you have to talk about this, then you’ll be overtaken by the cool things of America.  Accurately speaking, see that America is great, but they’re seized by spiritual problems.  You only need one thing. 

Rightful, necessary, and absolute

One heart, whole heart, continuation

A lot of pastors have smart brains and do things well in the beginning, they do things according to what God has given them, but they think they use their own brain so they’re cut down.  On the other hand, the works are not taking place so they wonder why not, and then God works in God’s time schedule.  It’s the same for us, when we look at the remnants.  It might not seem to be working now, but one day, God changes them.  But the problem is, are the teachers controlling the kids having this? 

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation

Because it is coming from only Christ, God’s Kingdom, and the Holy Spirit, uniqueness comes to me as the answer of 25 hours.  When you look at every individual in the church, everyone is unique.  God gives you the heart for that.  Some people see something and cannot register it.  But to someone else, this really gets caught in my heart, then that is the answer of uniqueness.  Through one thing, you receive the answer, then it’s not a problem.  This is what you see when you remain within “only.”  It is today’s “only,” and you’ll receive the answer of uniqueness.

Nothing else is “only,” only God is only.  The work you do in that covenant is the answer of uniqueness, and that’s why the fourth industrial revolution without a remnant’s answer of uniqueness will be a headache.  How much do you understand right now? If you don’t, you can’t teach your kids.  I said this earlier but in Japan, civilians were ruled by the samurai.  Under the highest ruler, there were three levels of samurai, and they would receive wages from the emperor and give it to their family. It was one organization.  The Japanese culture is that people will give their lives for their boss; if you don’t know that, you don’t know Japan.

When I talk to Pastor Matsuda, he says I don’t know Japan.  This means I don’t know the core center, the ideologies that Japanese people have.  If a Japanese person does something, they do it to the end, why? Because that’s the stream of Japan.  When did that age end?  That age where the samurai and swordsmen reigned, it’s the same in today’s language where the military controls the nation. Why did the age of the samurai break down?  Because all the guns and artillery from America and Great Britain came in.  They fought a war against America, and the ideologies of America came in, “Let’s set up a king and these systems,” but when they fought their war, their swords were no match against guns.  The greatest swordsman can go out to fight against someone who has no idea how to wield a sword, and they can kill the swordsman with one gunshot.

Why am I telling you this?  The age is changing, but if you’re not able to ride the age of that wave, no matter how much you study or work, you’ll be of no use.  These people honed their skills of swordsmanship their whole life.  But gunmen only practice shotting a few times, and that’s it.  They couldn’t read the age.  If the kids aren’t able to read the age of AI coming in the future, they will be useless no matter how great they are. 

You need to see the age of the gunmen is quickly, but if you hold onto your sword, you’ll be destroyed because of the sword.  A long time ago in Korea, before they had teachers, one person in their town or village would teach a tutoring center.  They don’t need to learn about the history of Korea or the Korean alphabet, they need to go into school to learn math and language and to go with the age.  It doesn’t matter how much they memorize and use calligraphy, they don’t use those characters anymore and you can’t get a job with that. Change your frame quickly.

This is the age the future generation lives in. If you don’t change your frame, you will be unnecessary.  You have no idea how much this bioengineering has advanced in Korea.  Korea discovered a way to reverse the aging process in the cells, and the cells become younger through a genetic switch. We live in such an age.  But you just talk about this and that doctor; back then we had no doctor and had no choice but we have to quickly read the age.  You need to quickly see the age and you have to be able to see the problems of the age which are the same for all eternity: Satan, sin, and hell, then God will guide you.

Acts 3:1-12

Peter and John saw the beggar. You can only see the beggar truly when you are within Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  You can only start seeing people who need to receive the Gospel when you are within only Christ, only the covenant of relaying the gospel, then you proclaim.  Then, the answer of the crippled beggar standing up will take place.  Run your business like that, too.  It is the uniqueness that comes when you have “only,” and you’re looking at things from God’s perspective. In other words, the answer of your business that happen for evangelism.  That’s what you call the answers of “only” and “uniqueness.”  But if that’s not taking place, it becomes optional, then you cannot win in competition.  

Acts 8:4-8

Philip went to Samaria, holding onto the covenant of the Triune God, to do ministry here.  With the ideologies the Israelites had, they couldn’t go into Samaria at all; however, Philip had the covenant of the Triune God, so God opened the doors.  You have to have your business like that, too. You go to do your business in the way God guides you.  What I want, what is beneficial to me? That is not “only.”  If you have only the Triune God, then go to the place nobody else goes, because they don’t live for the covenant, they live for themselves, so go there. Nobody was going to Samaria, but Philip was guided.  Most people want to try to gather in Jerusalem and try something there. Philip received this answer of uniqueness.

Acts 8:26-40

God opened the doors to Ethiopia through the Ethiopian eunuch.  You need to receive the answer of uniqueness that comes from within only the Triune God. It’s the same for remnants.  When you study from within only the Triune God, God will give you the answer of uniqueness.  Elder Hong studied in Korea and studied abroad to Columbia.  He met a professor at Columbia who was the only person who taught this subject.  Now, everyone has to gather to him, and that’s the reason why when he went to college, he studied and evangelized centered on this.  I knew him when he was a young adult but he’s an elder now.  Now, he’s a professor at Seoul National University. This isn’t something just anyone can do. This was his blessed meeting. It’s not enough to study abroad in Columbia; God must give you the unique meeting for the answer of uniqueness, and this is what the remnants must do.  The messenger must go into the remnants for them to pray about it. Even if they don’t understand right now, one day, they will; we must have continuation. The Triune God is not mine; God is God. The answer of God comes into my life as uniqueness.  The business I’m doing must receive the answer from God so that it is unprecedented, never repeated.

Acts 16:16-18

After being troubled, Paul evangelized to the demon-possessed slave girl.  If Paul was a businessperson, then all the answers of uniqueness would follow the business.

Acts 17:1

Thessalonica, he was led to the synagogues and golden fishing grounds.  Everywhere he went, he went where nobody else goes, and it was full of people and the future generations to receive the gospel.

Acts 18:4, 19:8

Acts 19:21

As you camp, you’re led in prayer, and that’s camp.  David Abrams does evangelism camp on Saturdays. Why did we move to Saturday?  God gave him a full time job, so he can’t do evangelism camp on Mondays through Fridays, so they do it on Saturday. But he’s been full-time since the beginning.  Why did God give you that full-time job? So you can keep doing this and to do this in your job as well.  Do you understand what I’m saying?  God knows you’re a lawyer because God made you a lawyer.  God gave you this mission, “I need to evangelize to the lawyers of this law school,” then everyone must follow you.  At first, I thought he would be reluctant but he does it and goes until the end.  Most people say, “Pastor, I’m too busy, I’m working, I can’t,” but he moved it to Saturday so it means he’s really doing it, and God knows.  Then, even if he doesn’t pray, as he goes into full-time work, he does what he was doing even more strongly and fervently. 

It turns out Saturday is better because the security officers don’t bother us and the students are more relaxed.  On Tuesday, the students are so busy studying and the security guards are on guard, but on Saturdays, there are no classes so there’s more time and he can proclaim the gospel for 30 minutes.  The location, the time, that is how God guides you to the uniqueness only you can do. We didn’t know about Saturdays, and that’s what I’m saying.  God has prepared everything; if we hold onto the covenant of “only,” God guides us.  If you’re a professional, then in your business; if you’re in a study?  Without “only,” the person cannot receive the answer of uniqueness. They work so hard and there’s so much competition.

Acts 27:24

These three “only’s” are not irrelevant to church officers and remnants, but it’s the life of the evangelist, it’s our actual life.  If you don’t know this, your whole life won’t work out, you have to compete and stab each other in the back so you can climb up.  May you go into the answer of uniqueness.

God we thank you.  May the 62 life points of the evangelist become the actual answers in our life.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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