Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Kingdom of God

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God comes through the Word. If you have your old thoughts, then God’s Kingdom hasn’t come upon you. God uses worship to reign over you as the one seated on the Throne of Heaven to reign over you with His Word. Think about it, let’s say you go to America in the White House and the President says this or that, but the Cabinet members have to take the word and execute the orders, and the President is sure to supply you with what you need.

That’s why America is being controlled by the words of President Biden. It’s the same with the Kingdom of God, will you go before the Throne of Heaven? Worship is the same thing, this worship is the Holy of Holies and the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle, that’s today’s church and the starting point for the Kingdom of God, it is the place God comes upon us with His Word, and taking and fulfilling that Word in our lives is what we must do.

Your thoughts must not go into God’s Word, God’s Word must come upon my thoughts and the deepest places of my heart because we act based on what’s in our hearts.   But God is the ruler, and the ruler is the standard.  Those who hold onto the Word are establishing God’s Kingdom.  That’s why Jesus said, if it’s by the power of the Holy Spirit that the demons are cast out, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you. It doesn’t come from the ideologies of God but when the Word of God comes upon our hearts, the Kingdom of God is established.

What is your talent?  God has given you a physical talent for you to establish a physical kingdom of God on this earth, and this talent becomes your specialty.  That’s what allows you to make money, that’s what’s given to you by God.  Most people don’t take notes on the messages, but whenever you’re taking notes, that’s “coordination.” You’re not being imprinted, but your brain is spinning, and that’s not coordination.  Everyone has a copy, there’s nothing in school you’re creating on your own, but you’re copying people’s educational material, and things become yours. That’s what it means to be coordinated and imprinted.

That’s why kids do things like write summaries.  If you’re just sitting still and receiving it with your head, it’s not getting imprinted. If you’re just doing everything with your head, why would we need the written text?   If the Bible wasn’t written down, we’d have to relay it from brain to brain. Humans don’t work like that so God told us to write it down. It’s the same with our brain. As you take notes, something becomes yours and you can discover your talent. When that talent goes deeper, it becomes your specialization.  Talents don’t fall out from the sky, but God made it so that you can discover your talent as you coordinate God’s Word.

Galatians 2:20

When you take Christ into the field, you have to change what has been imprinted and rooted there with the Word of God for the Kingdom of God to be established there. You’re not just proclaiming the gospel. At first, you give them the gospel, but then you have to share the Word of God so that all the demonic ideology they have in the world will be changed into God’s Word.

Matthew 28:18-20

God has given all authority in heaven and on earth to Jesus Christ, therefore go and make disciples of all nations.  Your studies must be making disciples, your business needs to be making disciples, that’s how all the authority in heaven and on earth will be revealed. Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, so you have to establish them in the church.  The church is a place where we’re unified with Christ as the head and the members of the church as the body.

Let’s say I’m a finger and I have talents, but what’s the finger going to do on its own?  This one finger is only effective when connected with the rest of the body.  From the brain which is Jesus Christ, it influences the rest of the body with the Word of God, then everything else comes to life. You can’t do anything alone, you have to be attached. The head alone can do nothing, but it has to be attached to the body.  That means the Word of Christ has to be used to move the parts of the body together.  A finger alone can do nothing, so we establish people in the church and send them out so they can make more disciples.

In order to do this work, Jesus Christ is with me for all eternity with all authority meaning God is with me so He can do these things through you.  How does God make you do these things? God gives you the power and abilities to do this.  God has to move you so you can do these works.

Mark 3:13-15

Jesus called those He wanted, why? To be with them, and to send them to preach and to cast out demons. You must enjoy these fully.  Go and make disciples of all nations and proclaim this, this is God’s direction for you.  God must be with me and to have the authority to break down the demons that disrupt this work.  Whenever you pray, you have to use this authority in the name of Jesus Christ to break down all the forces of darkness seizing my family line and my region. 

This works, unseen to your eyes. Whenever you go to school, you pray in the name of Jesus Christ that all the forces of darkness seizing the field may be broken down and cast out. Unless that darkness is broken down, the work you’re doing cannot be used by God, so God has given you this authority, so all your studies and missions are used for evangelism. That’s the direction God leads you.

Acts 1:8

This is the reason we pray, for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  If you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, it means you’re filled with God and God knows everything and God can pull together everything you need.  Let’s say the president of the United States headed down Wilshire today, then do you know what happens?  From long ago, they would be researching and inspecting all the buildings on Wilshire and there would be snipers all along the buildings.  They would prepare everything just so there’s no shootings or accidents as the president goes through. They even control the traffic lights so nothing disturbs the president going through, so no other car can pass this way.  When God is with me and I’m moving to fulfill God’s Word, God moves everything because He has the ability.

If the President is coming through, they’ll change everything to allow the President to pass. This is the right we’ve been given, the right of the evangelist. If you’re not an evangelist but you’re just a Christian, you don’t have any rights, but He will block your path. You go on a yellow light and get a ticket, even though you’ve done nothing wrong.  But if you go in God’s will then even if you do something wrong, God will change everything to match you because He’s moving everything with His throne.

It’s God’s part, not up to people. God moves according to His will, God decides whether you go or stop. It’s centered on whom? Centered on the evangelist.  You have to have the pride of the evangelist.  Without this, you’ll be proud of stupid things. You have unnecessary pride, don’t you?  You have this unnecessary pride, “This is my education and family background.”  Joseph didn’t need any of that because He who had authority over heaven and earth was with him, so even if he went to prison, it was the way because there was the covenant Joseph held onto, that’s world evangelization and Egypt evangelization. That’s God’s business, and if I hold onto that, I can even help Pharaoh.  Interpreting the dream was up to God, but God worked through Joseph.

It was also up to God to destroy Babylon and to raise up Persia, why did He do that? For world evangelization and today, upon whom does God move?  God moves centered on the evangelists.  Unless you believe this, you’ll be enslaved by America, and it doesn’t matter how much you succeed, you will never be satisfied.

Satan controls people with their greed and no matter how long they go, they won’t be satisfied. You have to be satisfied with God, you have to find your answer in life in missions and evangelism.  Then, wherever this person goes, that’s God’s way, it’s a new way. I’m making a new way.  God makes a way in the desert, He makes buildings and life.  That’s the standard of the evangelist, that’s the blessing God has given to us.

But you live like a beggar, worried about what people think and about others’ abilities, why? Because you don’t know who you are. If you knew who you were, then you wouldn’t do that, because even now, God is moving for world evangelization according to His time schedule.  God moves for Temple Construction. God blesses the one who has the covenant to do His work, it’s His prerogative.  God blesses the remnants to do His work.  That’s the blessing of the evangelist.

Matthew 12:28-29

I hope you will remember that, before the Kingdom of God is established, the land is overrun by Satan, and something else controls the land.  That’s why, wherever the ones holding onto the Word of God go, the forces of darkness are broken.  I’m talking about spiritual things right now.  It doesn’t matter how much you study in school, they can never teach you this.  It doesn’t matter how much you go to church, some churches don’t see this because they can’t see spiritual things with their eyes.

You have to confirm spiritual things yourself, and I confirmed it but it took a long time. I went to a mental hospital for two years, and I visited shamans for 6-8 years. I went to colleges to see how the demons are working on college campuses. You can’t see it but they’re working with something else.  People go to shaman houses and see the work of demons but they go to colleges and people can’t see it. Satan works through ideologies and subtly in colleges, elevating people to high places and uses those ideologies. 

Satan is seizing the elites with these incredible strategies and works in a variety of ways, and unless Satan is broken down, nothing will work, so first, tie down the strong man. If these fundamental things aren’t taking place, you’ll be taken down by Satan in one blow and you’re deceived. When you think you’ve made it, that’s when Satan brings you down. You must know this before you go in. You have to know the reason why the elites of the world are being broken down in one fell swoop. You must know this to give the answer and to save people.

Luke 11:20

It’s one of the two, you can’t stay still. It’s not enough to be passive, if you’re just sitting there with a blank mind, that’s not good. There’s only two options, the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Satan.  Before you do your work, your studies, or your business, you must resolve this. That’s why you need prayer, to establish the Kingdom of God to break down the Kingdom of Satan.  Without doing this, your studies and work will tail off, but one day, you’re under attack by Satan, then one day he flips you over.

You work well because you just have to do it, but as evidence that Satan hasn’t been broken down, he’ll burrow into the middle and overturn everything.  Why do these things keep happening? It’s the same in your family, why do you always fight? It’s because Satan hasn’t been bound.  Satan’s ideology has burrowed into you and you think you’re correct.  It’s the same in the church, the Kingdom of God must be established in the church.  Before you even come to worship, pray in the name of Jesus Christ to break down the forces of darkness disrupting 1st service, 2nd service, EM, and the life of the evangelist training to be broken.  But people come to church imprinted with some other ideology.  The darkness must be broken. 

Many people worship with their own thoughts, they listen but the Word of God doesn’t go into them because they’re stuck by their realities.  When we praise, the demons flee.  Demons don’t flee when you sing, but when you praise.  Sometimes we are just singing, and that’s just doing it for yourself because they like how it makes them feel, so it’s no longer for God’s glory but it’s your emotions, then Satan works.  What happens when you keep doing that?  That person will collapse more and more.  But praising for God’s glory then without a doubt, Satan is broken down.

So, the ones who don’t have the mystery of praising a lot will break first.  The ones who sing without praising will fall because they receive their own glory instead of God’s glory. Instead of breaking down demons, the demons are attracted to them, so that’s why praise and the choir are so important.  If you know the spiritual mystery and praise, then no matter where you are, Satan flees. This is the spiritual mystery.

1 Corinthians 4:20

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. Power has to be established for Satan to be broken.  Satan doesn’t break with anything else; God has to work with His Holy Spirit and you have to utilize your prayer of power and authority. You don’t need words, you need authority. When you go to your school or workplace, you must control everything in prayer.  Even if you’re at a low position, you’re at the highest spiritual position as you pray, because that’s when God works.

Romans 14:17

The Kingdom of God isn’t about eating and drinking.  Of course you have to eat and drink, but that’s something you can do in Satan’s kingdom, too. That’s not the Kingdom of God, but joy, peace, and righteousness with the Holy Spirit.  Righteousness, peace, and joy only come when the Holy Spirit works.  It’s impossible to have these things unless you have victory in the spiritual battle.

When will drug abuse, suicides, and crimes end in America?  When the church wins the spiritual battle, then within the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the filling of the Holy Spirit, there will be righteousness, peace, and joy.  So we’re the watchmen, spiritual doctors.


Father God, we thank You.  Allow us to be imprinted, rooted, and natured with the 21 lifestyles of the evangelists and to see in advance.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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