Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only (Ac. 1:8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only (Ac. 1:8)

20221030 Church Officer Training


Today we talked about what it means to pray, and after Jesus resurrected, He told the disciples to request one thing. You must have this “only,” then all the things you do will be “only.” Do you know “only”? Then you will receive the answer of uniqueness, and that will be the answer of re-creation to save other people.

Only Christ (John 19:30)

If you have only Christ, it’s not a problem. 

Satan, Sin, Separation

For people in the Upper Room movement, they received this answer and continuously relayed this, because the Bible talks about this.  The problems of all governments and nations are these three things, they don’t hold onto only Christ, but instead they hold onto the words Satan gave, so that’s why we receive the answer of only Christ and relay it to others. This means I have an enjoy this answer.  At first, even though you didn’t know about it, you accepted it as an ideology, but once you realistically accept this answer within your life, you can give the answer.

Only Christ is the answer, but because the person doesn’t have this answer, they think you’re just repeating this over and over again. What does that mean?  They don’t like the words, “only Christ,” because they think the methods to solve all these problems is through a different method.  They heard this for so long, so they want a deeper message.  But, the Old Testament is talking about this. 

In Luke 24, it says the Pentateuch, prophets, and psalms talk about Christ, so that’s why we have the law as it points to Christ.  But we haven’t discovered this and we hold onto the law, just like the Jewish people in the Old Testament and we haven’t received the answer of Christ.

Kingdom of God

The answer of God’s Kingdom comes upon me.  We pray for the gospel and the kingdom of God to come upon me. How does God rule over me?

Holy Spirit

He rules over me through the Holy Spirit, so when the Holy Spirit comes upon me and is established, the forces of darkness are broken and flee.  The Bible is talking about Christ, and when you know Christ, you know the Triune God and the power of the throne is established upon me.

Heavenly Mandate

What does it mean for God to give a mandate? It’s mandatory for everyone. God hasn’t given anything else to be mandatory.  We only need Christ, and that’s why He gave it to us as a mandate.  Then, calling and mission.  For the rest of my life, we hold onto this mission of only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit, so that’s relayed through our specialties and talents. Those who have this mission will not change.  Even unbelievers will go in this order.  Even though it’s not only Christ, they have only something else.  They challenge with the dream to relay it to the entire world.  Whether it’s through their mental power or religious power, they receive extra power to fulfill that dream.

Steve Jobs received this mission to spread this throughout the world as a heavenly mandate, and that’s why he dropped out of Harvard because he knew the academics was blocking and hindering his calling.  Yesterday a friend contacted me, “Academics is very important,” he studied theology.  I stopped my studies because they were hindering me.  But if the academics and studies were my calling, I would have accepted it.


You’ve had these thoughts for a long time, but you realize your mission and see why God allowed all those things.  Your past is connected to your mission. For this reason, God led me through my past to do this, so you must know what to do in your future.  You don’t need to go to a fortune teller because you have your mission. God had already given it to us, but we haven’t received it yet.  In 1997, I prayed to God and asked if I should continue my academic studies. I prayed for months but seemed to not receive an answer.  At that time, I had only believed for 2-3 years, so I didn’t know much about the Word of God, and I knew everything except two words that remained in my heart: the Holy Spirit allowed the word of Truth to remain in my heart.

Because there was something I wanted, I didn’t consider it to be my answer.  But later on, that’s when I realized God had already given me the answer at that time.  Even though I was a new believer, the only words that remained were Acts 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 to make disciples of all nations, which means the Holy Spirit allowed these words to touch my heart. For that, I must live my life and God had given me this mission.  For this reason, that’s why I even went to the Philippines for three years, and I thought it was crazy, but there was a reason.

Multiethnic. I didn’t remain with Koreans but I saw multiethnic people. I didn’t know at the time, but now that I look back on it, I see how God had led me up until now. For you, you may think, “What is my mission?” God has already given it to you.  He gave it to you but you don’t want to accept it or receive it.  Once you receive it, it will be good.

Do you know Go?  They have these black and white stones and they try to eat each other up.  If you surround the opponent’s piece, that is taken out, so that’s what the beginners focus on, taking away the opponent’s pieces, but the advanced players look far ahead into the future.  The beginners are concerned about taking the pieces one by one, but the advanced players look at the bigger picture, so the advanced players win in the end.  God has given me the word for the greater future, but I’m concerned about the present.  With my interests and my concern, I cannot do it.  God already gave the Word for my mission and is fulfilling it, but instead, I’m worried about what I will wear, eat, or do.  Later on, that’s when you realize why God placed you in a certain place.

My thoughts and God’s thoughts are different.  I’m a person of the flesh, so I can only think about the flesh.  When God called me, He had already prepared a mission for me, so He prepares the mission continuously.  Joseph held onto this word and moved forward and received answers one by one.  As time passes on, I’m also able to stand as a witness. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing right now; eventually it will work out. 

When I was younger, I hated the words, “God already planned everything.”  I always thought, “My life is in shambles; what does it mean for God to have planned everything out?” In other words, what I was ultimately saying was, “Am I a being who only follows after God’s plan?” Those were words Satan planted in me.  When I went to work, I always thought, “Why do I follow what my superior says?”  I was suffering, and that was the problem.  The problem is not acknowledging God.  Focusing on myself is the message Satan planted and rooted within me.


The three fundamental problems must be solved.  Because I’m within these, all problems follow after; because I’m within Christ, it’s rightful for me to proclaim Christ. Is my spiritual state within a spiritual problem or within Christ?  If your spiritual state is within Satan, sin, and separation, then the problems you see with your eyes will naturally come forward.  We always think that, if our inner things are not revealed outwardly, we’re not okay.  We think we can endure by putting on a mask and packaging ourselves, and it’s similar to playing Go and taking individual pieces from the opponent. 

Satan doesn’t remain still. Do you know when cancer cells become activated?  When the environment is good for them to thrive.  If I’m not centered on Christ, but I’m centered on something else, that’s the perfect way for Satan to control me.  Then, Satan can work through other people and other events in my life.


Through only Christ, as time goes on, the answer of the Kingdom of God is established, then the Holy Spirit will work.


What is God’s absolute plan? Wee must find that. When she told me she got into Children’s Hospital of LA, I was happy.  That’s something even unbelievers can do, but what’s God’s absolute plan? Why did God give this answer?  Do you think God gives answers just for us to be happy? What is God’s plan?  It is to save lives in that field.  She must translate and fold bulletins and play piano so she can’t go somewhere far.  God is the One Who allows this because He is the One who moves all creation, so all the works you do at church is moving for God. 

“I’m close to home so I really like it,” it’s not that. What is God’s plan? “My workplace is far.” Look for God’s plan, right? That’s important.  I went to UC Irvine for many years, and it takes about an hour. I went there for over 10 years, every single Saturday.  I didn’t continue according to my grit, but God gave me grace. It took over two hours to commute back and forth, but why must I go so far?  What is God’s plan?  God sent me somewhere far to save those people.

But why must I waste my time and money to travel on this road for so long? Later, I received the Word that it is not a waste, because it was a time of concentration where I can listen to the Word, for an hour, and God allowed that time to be a time of concentration on Him. That’s when God allowed me to realize the limitations of my thoughts. 

So, if I leave here at 7pm, then I arrive at 8pm because of traffic, so we started the evangelism school at 8:30pm.  Sometimes I had ridiculous thoughts, “I just need additional ministries at my church; why am I going so far?” In actuality, from 7-8pm, that wasn’t a time when I was doing ministry, so if I wasn’t driving to Irvine, I would just remain at home.  What I realized at that time was, time will pass on anyway, but what’s important is what I use my time on.  That was the resolution to my time problem.

The other thing was gas, because you have to pay for that, and I thought, “Why am I driving?” At that time, I would be driving somewhere, if it was a restaurant to meet someone, but why was I driving?  If I don’t have this, then God would surely make these works happen and I would go to restaurants and drive. At first I thought it was a waste, but God changed my mind. It didn’t matter how far it was for me. Ever since I received that answer, it didn’t matter, so depending on God, for what am I going to use my time, waste my money, and use my resources? 

Within this long-term ministry, I was able to find my answer in America and God gave me the answer according to the field, so I was able to relay this answer to similar people in my field who had similar thoughts.  That’s why it’s important for you to receive answers in your field.  We all have the same thoughts of Gen. 3 in the same environments and field, but when you receive the answer, you save your field.

One Heart, Whole Heart

We have one heart, and with that one heart, we go all-in.  In America, especially California, they don’t go all in. They go at a very slow pace.  It would be different if there were snow, ice, and things like that. It seems like winter but it’s actually not, and people are similar in this way. Even if there’s a little bit of rain, people don’t go to church; it means the people are submerged within the culture of the world. They don’t want to go to church when it’s raining because they don’t want to get a little wet.

Korea has typhoons in the summer.  Even if your umbrella flips inside out, you continue on. Even in the cold and icy winter, people still go to church.   Whole Heart


This is the end. The similarity of successful unbelievers is they have one heart, whole heart, and continuation, but they don’t start with the Word of God.  There was a time when Esther used to work in Tulare, she went the whole way to pick up Tiffany and then drive another four hours to Navajo. She drove the entire time, by herself, and I asked, “Did you take turns driving?” Nope, Esther drove all by herself.  She might have just said it to me, but it wasn’t something I just passed over lightheartedly because I realized she’s someone who can continue. If you don’t have the strength to continue, you cannot study for a long period of time.  At this time, I wasn’t sure if I knew about Christ, but I realized in her character, she’s able to continue. Without Christ, she would be oppressed and continue, or she would receive strength or continue; in other words, she’s able to continue.

If you have a spiritual problem, you’ll be trained to continue in that spiritual problem, and even though you become healed, you’ll continue.  People who are depressed have one heart, whole heart, and continuation in depression.  I realize those who are able to study well have continuation. It doesn’t matter how smart you are.

Do you have the strength to continue? Let’s look, among the people who give up, the person who succeeds is not the smart one, but the one who can continue. We must have the continuation that comes from only Christ, Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit.  So, you’re able to determine how well they can continue.  In any kind of path you go to, even in games, you must have one heart, whole heart, continuation to go to the top.


Today, we’re talking about “only.”

Genesis 41:38

1 Samuel 16:13

Even for teachers, they are skilled and great and renowned if they’re able to explain a great and complicated thing in a simple way. If they’re skilled in that manner, they speak in a complicated way that they have this “only.”  The more expensive cars are those that work with a single button, but cheaper cars are confusing and have too many buttons.  Even our walk of faith, we must have this, not legalism, mysticism, and legalism.

2 Kings 2:9-11

Why does Elisha only need a double portion of spirit? With that, he’s able to fulfill God’s mission, so we see God fulfills His mission. He fulfills it through me by filling me with His Spirit.  Today we talked about prayer, but what kind of prayer? It is only this, you only need to do one thing because within this one thing, all things come forth. If you don’t know this, you cannot pray this kind of prayer.  But among all of Elijah’s disciples, Elisha’s eyes were opened to this.

It’s the same for Daniel, only one thing.  It was a complicated government at the time, he had to bow down to idols and eat the food served to idols, or else they would be fired from their governmental positions.  Daniel had complicated problems arising around him.  So, isn’t your question to me and the things you counsel me about, “Should I eat food sacrificed to idols?” They don’t understand “only;” they’re only afraid of being fired.  The things they question about, they already received the answer, but they didn’t receive it as their answer.

So they ask other questions, “There’s a new king, what shall I do now? How can I align myself to that king?” When you have the filling of the Holy Spirit, God works accordingly. Do you know this? Then you will be the one who fulfills this mission.  I’ve done ministry for a long time, and I see so many children, but I was so moved by Tiffany’s message as she was really meaning what she was saying, so you must have this answer of “only.” When this person has “only,” they will come to this answer.

Even though they have this opposite person, they want to ask about a man or work, they already come to their answer of “only.”  They have this problem in their workplace, but instead of asking questions, they’ve come to the answer of “only.” Because they have this answer of “only,” they raise disciples. If you have a question, you can still ask it, it’s according to God’s time schedule, and when I pray, God gives me the strength.

When I first worked, people thought I was very arrogant.  I would drag different kinds of people to give the message, but I didn’t need any of that. Even in Arizona, someone invited me to come, but I said, “I don’t need that.” You must help people have “only,” because it means they don’t have this “only.”  If they’re satisfied with only Christ, God will give them the time, power, and resources, but if they don’t, they’ll have no choice but to ask people for help.  We don’t need that. 

Acts 1:8

I always pray this prayer.  As soon as I wake up in the morning, I pray for Jesus Christ Who solved all my problems, for the Kingdom of God to come upon me, and the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The message is stable, I receive the message and pray during the Early Morning, and what do I pray about? Christ, for the message to fill me, through what? Through faith.  Then the Spirit will completely seize my thoughts, my heart, my mind, my consciousness, my subconscious, and I receive this through faith to receive spiritual power.  For what? To go around and play? To raise disciples in LA, California, America, and the entire world, and to do Temple Construction.  May all the evil spirits hindering this be broken down in the name of Jesus Christ. 

I pray with the five powers so that the spirit of God will completely take hold of me.  “Give me the mental power and the financial power to raise disciples everywhere to do Temple Construction.”  I am unintelligent, so I break down all the evil spirits and the forces of Satan who work upon this unintelligence in the name of Jesus Christ.  This is the 3-9-3 prayer.  It’s not complicated.  We talk about it now, for God to come upon me with the power of the throne.  Then, this unprecedented and never repeated blessing will come upon me in my field, then we receive the answer to save the church, the future, and the field, and we receive spiritual power.  As time passes, God gave me physical power, but at first, he broke down my arrogance regarding physical power with COVID.  I would be boastful about my physical power, it was like people who were dirt poor but came across some money and boasted about it, so God taught me a lesson.  In the family, if no one has graduated from college, but someone graduates from an Ivy League, they will say, “We have someone who went to an Ivy League,” but God will break that down. If a family has a swimmer and they work hard the entire time, they don’t have to brag about it. Because it’s something you didn’t have, but you ended up having it, I was so boastful about it so God allowed me to have that for a little bit, but after that, I have never boasted again.

God gives me physical power for the gospel. It really changed my mind.  For people like me, God has no choice but to beat us up with our environment because there’s no one else to teach us.  When I try to proclaim the gospel, I break down the forces of darkness that try to block this, and I pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit for financial power, to do what? To raise disciples and to do Temple Construction because Satan will surely block this.  The evil spirits and curses of Canaan will surely work, so we break that down in the name of Jesus Christ. 

There is a spirit that causes confusion.  So God and His angels had this meeting, they had to make the humans realize what they were doing wrong, so an angel volunteered to hit them and God allowed that.  So the angel tempted and seduced humans.  This is a result of spiritual confusion.  If the culture of Canaan continues, then the spirit of Canaan is seizing that family.  It doesn’t go away just because we ask for it to go away; we must ask the reason why it must go away. 

Satan will block the financial power from being able to do world evangelization and share the gospel to the entire world, so we break that through only Jesus Christ, and we pray for manpower to do what? To raise disciples and Temple Construction.  There is the work of Satan using my spiritual problems and weaknesses to prevent people from gathering together, so I break that down because Satan will surely hit us.  He hinders us to prevent world evangelization. I just pray about that, for every one of you. I don’t have time, so I just remember your faces.  I just go through the faces of everyone who has come most recently.

There’s a young adult who hasn’t come for two weeks, but you have no interest in that, right? I would have contacted her right away. You must go after that one sheep that has been lost.  Don’t just pray and talk amongst yourselves, but go out and find that lost sheep.  That’s why, among the young adults, there must be one person who is in charge of new believers so this can continue.  Because we’re not used to this, we don’t know about it, but we must develop this system.

Acts 2:1

On the Day of Pentecost, the working of the Holy Spirit came upon the people, and then it leads to the answer of uniqueness.  These answers come according to the working of the Holy Spirit.  These answers don’t come according to what you desire, but according to the working of the Holy Spirit.  That’s why you must have the eyes in order to see this answer, because your eyes are incorrect, because those eyes are centered on myself.  Because God’s eyes are centered on saving the church, the field, and the world, and according to the time schedule, these answers come.  Within this “only,” I hope your work may also be within this “only.”  I hope your work is within only the filling of the Holy Spirit so the work is used to only save other people.


God, we thank You.  May the lifestyle of the evangelist, the 62 points, become our life.  May You work upon us so we live the most blessed life.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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