Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Only

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Christ finished it all. If everything is not finished we Christ, we have to find something else.  The fact that all problems are finished on the cross must come into me, but the members of the church who are unable to do this will suffer. You must see the end.  We need to see the end of world evangelization. 

Prayer of the Pilgrim.  Teach what prayer is.  If they’re asked to do the representative prayer, they barely pray.  That’s why they cannot overcome their circumstances, they get tired and fall.  All of that must not be an obstacle for me, that doesn’t make sense. But in reality when you can pray, you will overcome.  If you’re able to pray, it means you’re able to overcome with God being with you.

The conqueror conquers Satan, not people. This is world evangelization, evangelism, gospel, missions.  These are the ones who remained.  There are 70 workers, if I become the 70 workers, I find the 70 disciples.  The 70 workers do this.  Your human relationships are finished, it’s too late if you try to do it on your own. This is the gospel.  If I don’t have the gospel, everyone knows Jesus washed away our sins, but it must be finished. Without concluding, it’s a headache, because you keep trying to finish something, but you cannot. You cannot finish things with the actions of the law.  Those who conclude in this will see the end.

You must know the gospel to know prayer. If you don’t know the gospel, you pray to finish it even though it’s already finished.  Now, everything that happens, every circumstance and incident is not a problem.  Everyone else says the circumstances and incidences are hard, but not so for you.  This time, we had all the missionaries from the local church have a festival.  There were a dozen missionaries, lots from Vietnam and other places couldn’t come from the Far East. 

They called the remnants over to speak.  All the kids I taught in church before became pastors.  When I was afflicted, I gave afflicted messages, so they grew up in the gospel.  At that time and place, the word was proclaimed and they changed.  Right now, at this time, at this place, the Word of God being relayed is the future.  Look at the pastors in the church, they were all my college ministry students.  This is the future. The work God is doing is astounding.

“It doesn’t matter whether I’m in Korea or America.  God is the same.”  It’s just their spiritual state.  God is the same, but what’s important is summit time that looks towards God.  That’s something I never lose hold of, and I cannot exchange it for anything else.  If the priority changes, that’s different.  Your physical state may change but your spiritual state must always be the same.  Everyone says America is difficult,

Only, Finished / Problem, Start

Acts 13, 16, 19 are the same as the churches today.  God has raised up the prepared people to proclaim the gospel, and we must go.  Acts 13 is the pre-camp.  If you have this established, it’s easy. Going into evangelism without this is hard.  The direction of evangelism may be correct but God will wait until this is done. It’s the same thing today.  It starts with one person, the work God called me for, in the region I live.  Find the disciple God called.

You go into your region or job as a tool to find disciples, why? To do the work of God, but as we go to church, we learn the opposite things, and it will take time before what is imprinted in us will change.  We learn we must do physical things for blessings, and that’s why evangelism is impossible and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is impossible.  Relay this to the next generation, God has prepared this, and you must be the 70 workers.

Understand this well. Find disciples; your secondary priority is your job.  That’s Matthew 6:33, otherwise it’s hard.  If you use physical things to get spiritual things, it’s prosperity-based faith or legalism.  What you received while you were young is very important.  It will be revealed inasmuch as it is imprinted.  “If you don’t listen to God, God will beat you up; if you listen, God will bless you,” so all the blessings were physical.  Now I listen to the message and he has received God’s grace. 

You must find disciples, how?  Give them the gospel.  The gospel finished everything.  Prepare them until they have finished everything in the gospel. If you haven’t concluded, bring them to church and have someone explain it to them.

The region and disciple must always be on your mind.  In this region, who are God’s hidden disciples? This is what happened in the Bible, and you pray to find that. You use your job to find disciples, then you become a missionary.  Of the 10 Foundations, the field where you are is the missions field. This is way better. Everything else that has gone into you makes it hard; I’m not a pastor, I’m a missionary with a mission because the pastor can do things for physical or worldly desires or ambition.  If the church is bigger, people will look at him differently.  But they can’t save the field because they’re dying.

Find disciples by giving them the gospel. You don’t know if they will accept or not, or it might just end there, either way, we find disciples.  If you think it’s something else, then other things are imprinted in you.  The person isn’t wrong; there are many things that have entered.  As you do your business, look for disciples, being guided by the Holy Spirit.  These are the remnants and businesspeople we need, we do the work of finding disciples.  “Go and make disciples of all nations,” It is only possible with the authority of all heaven and earth.  These words hit my heart.  “I am with you always until the very end of the age.” 

Do your work or business with all authority in heaven and on earth.  Your imprint, root, and nature must be with these words before you do anything.  On Saturday, we give the gospel to the kids, and after a few years, they’re bound to change. The teachers help on the side, and they think thoughts of the Spirit.  Wherever the president goes, the Secret Service follows.  If one teacher receives the gospel, all the assistant pastors must follow.  We’re doing missions trips to El Salvador, Navajo, and Karen, and if you just look at that, whether your body or prayers or materials go there, God’s work will take place.  Of course, the Bible never says we accomplish anything with our actions, but the thoughts of the flesh are death, no matter how hard you work.  You think about me from the past.  I used to think working hard and studying were the path to success, but it’s futile. It’s just hard.  It’s a loss. 

Going into the White House or holding great parties may be great, but it’s nothing. Jesus was born in a manger, not a palace, but wherever Jesus is, that’s the best. That is the seat of blessing.  We already talked about these Bible verses today.  It’s real, really have this time.  On Sundays, it’s hard to sit still, so do deep breathing. You won’t do this at home, so do this at church.  Are you tired?  You’re sleepy and yawning, this is God’s special opportunity to do deep breathing.

The covenant is relayed as soon as conception. I’m not saying words, but I’ve seen many things over the past few decades.  I’m not a fortune-teller, but whenever a pastor says something, it’s because they already know.  But for kids who aren’t at the time schedule to understand, they need more time.  I experienced all of that.  Either way, finish it with “only.”

If something other than “only” comes into your brain, ask God to finish it in the gospel


God we thank You. Allow us to have our imprint, root, and nature in the evangelist’s lifestyle, and allow us to find 70 disciples in our regions.  Through our remnants, allow us to find the 70 tribes and 70 nations. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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