Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Necessary

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Necessary

Works only arise to the extent to which things are in your heart, isn’t that true?  Even the scars in your hearts yield a certain result. But if you have the gospel instead of legalism, the works of life take place, so we share the Word.

Where do our life’s problems come from? We talk about this all the time but this must come into your heart. I’ve told you before, there’s a difference between knowing and having something in your heart.  You cannot fool your heart.  The reason we keep having this time is, by the grace of God, it must come into our heart, and it’s only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit for this to come into our heart. Nothing else can make this happen.

Sin, Satan, and Separation are the fundamental problems of life.  But we If we solve these problems, we would say it’s Christ, but we see another problem, so we give another answer.  The evangelism movement takes place when it becomes the nature of our heart and life.   Paul and Barnabas were doing the gospel movement for a year, and at that point, they were called Christians.  The reason is because they saw Christ in everything.  I’m not saying you have to talk about Christ when you evangelize, but you naturally see everything that way.

If someone’s not rooted, they’ll have to say this all the time, and it’s hard in a Muslim nation, and they may die, but if you see this, you have no choice but to give the answer of Christ, it means your eyes are opened when this is in your heart. It’s the characteristic of a specialist. Even among thieves, there’s a difference between a pickpocket and a mastermind thief.  Even gamblers, there are specialist gamblers. The specialist can recognize people and everything. That’s a specialist. Amateurs cannot recognize it, but the specialist means they create this opportunity and steal so well.  That’s the specialist, that’s the only thing the preson sees and is thankful for.

This is 24.  If you’re Christian, it means 24 in this.  In every problem, Christ. In every situation, Christ. Because this is in your heart, this comes out.  Before this fills your heart, you have to hold onto it and force yourself, but in order for it to take place naturally, you see everything this way.  The problem of life isn’t physical, it’s spiritual. If you see it, it’s easy, but without seeing it, you give a different answer. We keep talking about something else, we have no choice. 

Why do people talk about something else in church? We see the problem incorrectly.  They see the problem differently.  Thieves gather with thieves.  They hang out with their kind.  Christians will gather with others who talk about Christ.

Why is it Christ?  It’s impossible to solvewith our strength, but the deth and resurrection on the cross solved this problem.  Americans talk about washing away sin, they don’t talk about anything else.  With just that, it’s hard, that’s’ why they don’t have the answer of Christ.  My problem of sin is already solved, so there’s no need for Jesus.  However, Satan existed even before humans were created, this is very important. 

God was seated at the Throne of Heaven and the angels worsihped him, but one angel became corrupt and that was Satan.  Even before we talk about sin, if we don’t talk about the one who created sin, Satan, then we will fall into sin even now. Satan takes us into a situation where we have no choice but to sin.  So they’re separated from God, and that’s why we need the gospel, Genesis 3:15, the offspring of thewoman who crushes the devil.  By being struck on the heel, he takes away our sin. There’s no answer other than Christ.

From Genesis 3 to Revelation, it talks continuously about the problems of man.  Age by age, the words may be different, but God still gives us the answers.  We cannot have only Christ if we become weakin what the problem of mankind is.  If my sin problem is finished and I’ve met with God, then that’s it.  But Satan is still alive, until when? Until the Lord’s second coming. He continuously works so that we’re separated from God.

But if you know this, you’ll know why it must be only Christ.  But if we don’t know Satan, we just receive salvation and think it’s all over. They think they can just barely live a walk of faith, but if they do know Satan, they have to be ready to fight all the time, 24 hours.  Just because you talk about 24 doesn’t mean 24 will take place; you have to see the problem to have 24. If you don’t know the problem, you can’t do 24, but you do something else.

That’s why we talk about this, and because of this, all problems come; if this problem was finished, what would we do, then?  We’ve received the answer regarding “only Christ,” in John 19:30.  He has solved all problems.  Tell all  unbelievers this.  If you say something similar, they won’t come to life; I have to keep listening to this surely, it will.  How?  The six states of the unbeliever, Satan deceives us. 

The law leads to sin and curses, then to death.  This is the thing that kills, it is the channel of Satan.  Jesus Christ finished this on the cross, and we’re no longer bound by the law; we’re not longer enslaved, and they talk about Jesus Christ, “We still need the law, the standards humans created.” So they don’t have spiritual freedom, so unbelievers will die. They cannot come to life no matter how much they try.

If you’re liberated from the unbeliever state, it’s legalism in the church. They’ll block you from having only the gospel.  Human words sound correct but the devil laughs at it, then the spirit will not come to life or have freedom. What will happen if you face a problem? You become legalistic, you’re right or wrong.  That’s the channel of Satan. 

But Christ lives in me, and you should look for God’s plan in the problem instead of saying what’s right or wrong, but Satan destroyed the gospel very subtly with the law.  Only Christ is not a simple thing, We say it’s finished, but the law we hold onto isn’t finished, so we keep holding onto it.  When I first started going to church, I didn’t realize how much of a legalistic nature I had.  In the beginning, I just liked being liberated from the six states of the unbeliever.  But as I kept going to church, my unbeliever legalism kept coming out of me.  When I met with people, I should have enjoyed Immanuel and God’s plan. 

But Satan destroys you personally and destroys other people.  But the churches are filled with legalism because they don’t have the eyes to discern this. But if you do discern this, it’s not enough to go to church. They must talk about the pure and complete gospel.  At first, I didn’t realize how much this was my nature.  People try to live a correct life as an unbeliever have legalism, they use this to grab and kill others.  Personally, they do it with good intentions but they raise their kids and kill them. 

Every parent kills their kids with good intentions, but they don’t know this is a channel for Satan, they oppress their kids so much that they die.  Change this into the gospel.  I realize why God gave my daughter so late to me, if I had a kid when I was younger, I would have destroyed her. I would have raised her like a Spartan soldier.  God knew that well and made me wait, “If you have two kids, you’d kill them, so you only have one kid.” 

I’m someone who didn’t know Christ, I completely flipped, but I didn’t understand what legalism meant. I just understood this as something people talked about at church. But later on, I realized as I went to church a long time that I had even more of this within me.  First, we oppress ourselves, and when we face a situation, we’re oppressed by the situation.  We need to go through that situation, looking for God’s plan to save, but we’re oppressed. People say the correct words and are oppressed because these are correct words.

You discipline with correct words, but they oppress people.  The kids’ spirits are oppressed.  The parents think, “I raised you well,” but the kids hate their parents, and the parents don’t understand.  They had correct words to help their kids to not be like them, but they didn’t work.  Nicer kids explode later on.  Then, what do you think will happen later on? They’ll get married and have kids and do the same thing. What happens if this is what you’re relaying from generation to generation?

You have to see Christ.  There are three blessings. You cannot raise your kids with the law; you have to tell them the gospel. 

Rock, Church

The law can change people temporarily but it is not lasting.  We spoke to the disciple in El Salvador.  She says people get murdered regularly. “I’ll get you at the airport. If we have different skin tones, it’s hard.  People only with the gospel can go.”  Only the appropriate people should go.  Demons work every day. A woman gave a demon-possessed child to a pastor.  You have to know this to do ministry.

What about in America?  Everyday people aren’t anything to look at, but there are people doing transcendental meditation.  People really get possessed. If you don’t know this, you can’t do ministry, but this is why the gates of Hades will never overcome you.  You have the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Christ is everything, you’re rooted down in this to enjoy and to talk about it. That’s why we talk about this.

God’s Kingdom

If you have only Christ, the kingdom of God is established.  God reigns within me, my thoughts and heart aren’t moved by me, but by God.


Once you have Christ, you’re bound to know what you must do, this is the stream in which the disciples are made.  People moving with manmade missions, it’s all about themselves.  All such things will collapse.  World evangelization, right now the mission is 70 regions and 70 disciple . We can’t hold onto something.  Enjoy the prayer transcending time and space.  God answers.  You can do 237 while sitting down, you don’t have to wander. 

Only Holy Spirit

It is only possible by only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  You can’t do this with anything else, with any skill.  Impossible things are happening.  You and your legalism can’t save people.

Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

Isaiah 6:13

The background is that the people are being taken captive to Babylon. Why is it Isaiah 6:13? Anything that isn’t the gospel has no choice but for people to be taken captive.  However, the stump growing from the root of Christ will go into captivity and change everything, that’s our gospel movement.  For us, it may be hard if we do this or that, however, as a result of that, the next generations are starting with a basic foundation of the gospel.

Let’s say they’re rooted in Christ.  Then, when the tree is cut down, if there are roots, it will grow again.  Let’s say we have the answer of the gospel, and I may seem to be cut down, but new life will sprout.  There’s a stump and branches, it gets transformed to a very strong tree.  No reason to be disappointed about the next generation, I have a role and they have a role. Look at this, it’s rightful for things to be destroyed. If you hold onto something other than the gospel, it’s rightful.

You cannot block curses and disasters. If spiritual problem comes, everyone will fall.  Those with the answer in Christ will mature, but they’re taken as captives.  But Daniel and his three friends, Esther, they held onto the covenant of Isaiah 6:13 and Isaiah 7:14, that it doesn’t matter for those with the covenant of Christ, because ultimately the remnants will arise and fulfill world evangelization.  You must look at them in the context of the future. Don’t do a lot of things; start correctly.

Genesis 45:5

Joseph confessed to his brothers that it wasn’t them who sold him into slavery. He found God’s absolute plan.  Joseph received the covenant rightfully, and God created the necessary situation. His mother passing away, his brothers selling him into slavery, this was necessary for him to leave his house.  Otherwise his mother wouldn’t let him leave.  His older brother trying to kill him was God’s method for him to go to Egypt, but once there, he finds God’s plan, that the reason God sent him there. 

Why did God send you to America?  Maybe it’s education, but they will face a necessary situation.  You cannot block the works of Satan with the law. You may have structure, but spiritual problems come.  Why are you a Christian doing the gospel movement?  It comes disguised as problems and crises, like the martyrdom of Stephen.  However, if you debate about whether something is right or wrong, that’s a headache.

Exodus 4:24

God was about to kill Moses.  What’s God’s plan here?  You need to find that. Moses said, “I can’t go, I don’t have the lips to speak,” so God wanted to kill Moses.  This means your life is within God’s hands.  No need to hold onto anything else.  Coronavirus is a worldwide threat. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a mask and not wash your hands because you believe in Jesus.  God has a plan.  The coronavirus came as we’re doing the evangelism movement.  Then what? 

There’s a 2-year journey for us to raise disciples.  They’re planning to build something on the parking lot, a 20-story high building.  Why do such things happen in our gospel movement? God is telling us to move somewhere else.  We just have to find the place God prepared.  You shouldn’t debate whether it’s good or bad, whether you like it or not.  Don’t live at your level, “We’ll rent for the rest of our lives.” Find God’s plan and the next generation. 

1 Samuel 3:19

The LORD let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground.  God anointed Samuel who became a prophet.  He heard God while sleeping next to the Ark.  Stop saying unnecessary things. Only say the words God gave to you.  The church is a place that hears and relays God’s Word, so that Word has no choice but to be fulfilled.  They never fall to the ground.  If your words are fulfilled in your job, even your owner has to follow you. That’s how politicians work.  They give money to fortune tellers.

If the words at your company are always fulfilled, even the owner has to follow you.  We do not live our professional life by speaking well, that’s useless. You need to say the words God wants to say, and that’s Joseph. He was able to relay God’s Word and no one could budge against that authority. We don’t raise authority to have it. “Do you know who I am? How dare you speak to me like that.” You must have your words fulfilled to the point where people give you authority.

1 Samuel 16:13

Samuel chose David because God told Samuel that God chose David.  Everything decided aligns with God’s will.  You can’t just do whatever you want with God’s will, the word God gives you through the pulpit that is bound to be fulfilled. If it’s not given to us by God, it won’t be fulfilled; however, God gives me that Word and fulfills that Word because it’s God’s word. 

Why did God give us this stream of the word today?  What does it mean to do the word of the pulpit message in your regional church?  Every time, we worship to relay the word we received.  No need to summarize it, but take the words we’ve received and be witnesses of that.  You’re not simply relaying the Word of God, but you witness the Word being fulfilled.  When the pastor gives you the Word, there’s a point from which he is delivering it.  You need to pray, “Why is God giving this message, even though it’s the same Bible verse, this week through the pastor?” It’s because there’s a time schedule and plan here.  If you don’t pray for that, you’ll find the Bible verses you already know and understand a certain way and go against the pulpit. The logos words are always the same but our circumstances change, so God gives us the unchanging Word in a different perspective in the field, then it will be fulfilled in that field.

This is very important, for one who does the ministry well.  God works according to the stream.  This isn’t something we do by studying.  But if this is truly a person of God and God relays things through this person, that’s a different story.  I must receive the Word through the pastor who is a witness of that, then I will share the grace that God gave me as a witness.  I’ll stand as a witness of the Word fulfilled in my life last week.

There’s grace we received.  Then you must stand as a witness of the grace of the Word you received.  As you live throughout the week, you have regional churches and see how God fulfills the Word.  Then, you can stand in the regional church with the Word being fulfilled.  This is how you call the “life movement.”  Whatever you hold onto in your brain isn’t right.  But people aren’t coming to life, this is what this is talking about.

2 Kings 2:9-11

He’s asking for a double portion of spirit.  Elijah is going to die and there were other disciples, but why didn’t the other disciples follow?  “I like Jericho so I will stay here instead of going with the evangelist.”  The pastors don’t follow.  The gospel movement is God’s inspiration, but people are satisfied with other things.  “Give me a double portion of spirit, the filling of the Holy Spirit.”  You must find this, otherwise you cannot be a witness and do the gospel movement to the ends of the earth.  Only by the Holy Spirit do you receive evidence to be a witness to the ends of the earth.  God promised to give you the power to overcome the powers that block you from proclaiming the gospel.  God will work but if you don’t know this, you’re at your level.  God works to the extent that you deliver the gospel, that’s the filling of the Holy Spirit.

It’s not just praying. Why do we come early in the morning? To do this, we pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit.  We do intercessory prayer transcending time and space.  That’s your ministry, the ministry of prayer.  The fruits will come in time. You must know this. 

2 Timothy 2:1-7

Entrust to reliable men.  You have received grace, entrust to them, that’s God’s absolute plan.  Entrust this to someone other than myself who will do the evangelism movement.  That’s God’s absolute plan.  Relay the absolute plan.  Those who proclaim the gospel will live by the gospel, not by anything else, not getting entangled. Those who compete must compete by the rules. Do things according to the Word, not how you want; follow the Word, the stream God gives you.  You can do whatever you want, that’s just you.  The hardworking farmer first tastes the grace of God.

70 isn’t a random number, it’s been given by God, and God fulfills that Word. God promises to give us that Word, and Word fulfillment takes place.  For us, it’s 70 regions.  For everybody, the 70 regions will be different.  You can look at a city or a neighborhood as a region, but there are 70 disciples. Pray for that, it’s God’s absolute plan that God will fulfill. 

Gather the disciples and set a time. You can do this at your workplace, even inside your job.  Why?  Even the administrative staff can do the evangelism movement.   These people can use their roles to spread the Word being fulfilled.  One person can be one region, that’s God’s plan.  Everything else sounds correct.  Saving people and finding disciples is God’s unchanging Word.  You can succeed in other things but fall again. It doesn’t mean anything at all.  God does it because of the work of saving lives and finding disciples.

We shouldn’t live a useless life, the more time passes, the more things should be fulfilled. God said He would do the 70 regions, and the people who receive this message will hold to the covenant.  Don’t hold onto unnecessary things.

Acts 19:21

Paul did the evangelism movement for 2 years, and the works arose. But in Acts 19:21, he found God’s absolute plan.  He had to go to Jerusalem and Rome, he was holding onto God’s absolute plan.  But what happens in Jerusalem?  There are thugs and gangs trying to kill Paul.  There were two daughters of a prophet who gave this prophecy, “You’ll be captured if you go to Jerusalem,” and this was correct. However, God needed Paul to be imprisoned. It was rightful, that’s how he would have an expedited path to Rome.  But the daughters of the prophet told him not to go.

Even if we walk the same walk of faith, there’s a difference between an evangelist and someone who just does their walk of faith.  One time, there was a skinny young adult, Jihye’s cousin, and she wondered if she should go back to Korea or stay.  No one gave her an answer, but you have to see something to say something.  “Are you good at English?”  “I’m good at English and Korean.”  “Don’t you think God wants you to do America evangelism?” But now she’s doing something else.  Something else went in, so she does something else; God’s plan is absolutely fulfilled.

Why can I say those words so boldly? I know God’s plan.  “Don’t go, you’ll die.”  He already received God’s absolute plan to go to Rome. That’s the difference between an evangelist and a normal believer.

Acts 27:24

What is God’s plan? You must stand trial before Caesar.  The shipmaster, the experienced sailors and merchants were wrong.  But God gave the absolute plan that will be fulfilled.  Why do you live in America? You have your own reason that isn’t fulfilled; what’s God’s reason? For America evangelism.  You raise your kids for this unchanging thing, and God is bound to work according to this. This is the reason you immigrated. The actual reason isn’t important, whether you moved here or were born here.  God’s absolute plan is to do world evangelization through the superpower nations like America. Tell the kids what will take place.

Romans 16:25-27

Proclamation of the gospel is a plan God had hidden from long ages past, even before creation. Why this plan? Because Satan existed and we will, without a doubt, be taken in by Satan, because Satan makes us leave God.  We do the evangelism movement, which is God’s absolute plan.  The transcendental meditation and qi movements will fail. Legalism, prosperity-based faith, those will all fail. Only the gospel movement will give glory to God forever and ever.

That’s why we evangelize, there’s true freedom in the gospel. But we keep attaching other things and burden them with a heavy yoke that cannot save. Though they go to church, many haven’t heard the gospel.  That’s why you need to give them the gospel so they can enjoy true freedom, especially 5000 tribes, completely seized by demons. I hope you will just look at the field.  Do not just listen to it, but confirm it. 


God, we thank You.  We thank You for guiding us at this time with the evangelist’s lifestyles as our life.  Please allow us to fulfill God’s absolute plan to find the 70 disciples in the 70 regions to save the 70 tribes.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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