Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Nature

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – Nature

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

If you see a nice kid, they don’t have to go to church?  If someone has a better personality, will you need to talk to them about Jesus Christ?  They have a better personality?  You can’t see they’re stuck in the three problems from God’s Word.  God’s Word tells us about these things, you have to receive God’s Word as the Word, but instead you receive the words of the world.

Your ethics, your niceness cannot solve these things.  It’s finished, but your problems are still there, so you pray to escape your problems.  Then, the answer of the life of an evangelist is prepared but it doesn’t come.  If anything, this person must be evangelized to, but they fall into heresies.  If you raise your kids this way, they will marry whomever they like.  They will bring someone home, “Mom and Dad, they’re so nice and hardworking, they’re so ethical they don’t even need the law.”  They will think that’s nice because that’s what the parents put into the kids, “You’re set. Find a hardworking spouse.”  Even pastors and elders say this.  They don’t talk about Jesus but it’s all about earnestness, so the state of the parent gets relayed to the child.  For such people, Socrates and Buddhism are answers, not Christ. 

You have to understand what “only Christ” means to give the answer to a world stuck in this state.  You follow God’s word. If you keep comparing or arguing, you will follow things for your benefit. If God gives you His Word, you follow that Word.  But the Word of God is true regardless of me, but it’s according to the Word God gave me.

When you hold onto that Word, what happens? God fulfills it and it naturally takes place. “Your beginning is the weakest but your end will be the mightiest,” like Buddhism.  Such people go to church and say they believe but I don’t think they believe.  The main character is still themselves. “If I don’t understand this word, it’s not right,” but how many words can they understand?  Do you understand anything beyond morals and ethics? 

“Honor your father and mother,” but I don’t want to.  I can’t love my children so I’ll turn away from that.  “I will bless you.” That’s all you hold onto.  It’s because you haven’t reached the answer of Christ.  If this becomes an answer to you, the Holy Spirit will fulfill God’s Word for you.

Remnants who have this dream will keep drawing out their dream through an image. It’s like manifesting what they want to be in the future, and you say, “I’ll get a gold medal” and keep training your mind.  That’s not what I’m talking about. It must be Christ.  When I look at the whole world, that’s the vision I see. This isn’t about manifestation but it is the image training with God’s Word and prayer, then you’re bound to have a masterpiece.

This is the order of all successful people, it’s the same with church officers.  If you have this, these are the answers in your region.  So, your mission. I told you about this. If you don’t have this, you’re nothing, so you live so diligently but everything ends with you just eating and sleeping.  The reason you work so hard is so you can change your clothes. The reason you keep working so hard to live is so you can eat different things. The only reason you work so diligently is to pay for your transportation fees. That’s nothing but in your CVDIP, you have your masterpiece.

Even when animals die, what is left? Their hide. What happens when a human dies? Nothing remains, only their name, and even their names are forgettable, so they’re worse off than animals.  There was a female who was so scarred by her father that she hated saying, “Father God.”  My wife will never call me “Dear.”  When she gives a term of endearment, she says, “You sir, there.” When she talks about me to others, she uses terms of endearment, but she’ll never say it to my face.

Nothing remains.  If you think about this, you should be joyful, and where does this joy come from?  The people who win Nobel Prizes hold onto that for their lives regardless of what people say, and later on, it’s fulfilled, but for us, we have the covenant of God, Christ.  How do we discover Christ?  You look at the history of the Bible, and whenever there was no Christ, people were destroyed.  Then there was a situation where Christ was restored. What will happen in the future without Christ?  They saw that, and that’s how you hold onto the past, present, and future, holding onto Christ.   

People in the field are crumbling without Christ, then you have your vision. As soon as you have your vision, you’ll know as your eyes are opened.  In 2022, we’ll go on a mission to Latin America and the Navajo nation because as much as you see it, your eyes will open. My dreams come from the covenant and vision.  The Germans committed genocide against the Jews, but the Jews said, “You can take away all my possessions but you cannot take away my identity.”  The Koreans were the same when colonized by Japan.  “You can take the land but you cannot take my ideology.” Christians are the same, “You cannot take what’s inside of me.”

That was Joseph, he went in as a slave, but no one could take away this dream from him.  People who don’t have this will sway in the face of their circumstances, but for those who have the dream, even if it’s stolen away, it’s not actually stolen.  We don’t win with unnecessary things, but we move forward with the dream God has promised. People who have this dream will be different, their blood flows differently, their health is different.  Of course, there’s a big difference between the dream that is bound to be fulfilled compared to a person who doesn’t have one.

Why do I stand here? Because I’m a pastor?  If anything, I try to minimize my hours. If possible, I’d say, we’ve already listened to two messages, why give a third? Just listen online. But I have a dream, a dream of disciples arising and multiethnics arising. God has given me that dream.  This morning, Alexandria said she loves our church and the wife said, “Your daughter loves the sermons.”  Esther and Tiffany connect the first and second generations, but people of other ethnicities are different.

The reason all these multiethnics can come is because the first generation prays for the multiethnics.  Why would African Americans come? They’re pulled here and that’s the covenant. It’s not from out of nowhere, but this is what God brings about within the CVDIP.  People say a lot of unnecessary words, but we pretend to listen.  I let them talk about their life.  But God will fulfill this.  That’s how world evangelization takes place and that’s why I stand here.

Do you think I do this to make a living? I’d make more money out in the world and I wouldn’t lose my salvation, but I have a God-given dream. If you have a God-given dream, that’s it. Your age cannot steal your dream away;  COVID-19 cannot steal my dream away, but as evidence that I don’t have a dream? You say words that fit with the environment but it’s because you don’t have a dream.  For someone who has a dream, they just pass by.  The reason the members of the Early Church endured and overcame was because of their dream.  Even in prison, they would pray.  This is relayed to the next generation and wouldn’t be stolen away.

But you’re holding onto unnecessary things but you wonder if this is Christianity or not. If you’re transmitting unnecessary things, everything will be stolen by the devils of America.  You cannot block the devils with morals or ethics, but by planting something else, something else will come out. This is very important.  You’re bound to reap what you sow.  If you’re facing a problem now, it means you’re already imprinted in something that had no choice but for this problem to come. The fruit is now a problem that’s revealed to my eyes. 

But you’re scarred because of what happens to you, and Satan holds onto that and you’re afflicted. What’s God’s absolute plan?  The gospel must go into you to that extent. It’s not about going to church for a long time.  You have to quickly go into the complete Christ.  Just by saying “complete Christ” won’t do it, just by saying, “only Jesus Christ” doesn’t mean you’ll go into that.  You have to go into “only Jesus Christ,” not just repeatedly chanting. 

The devil won’t leave you alone if you have this kind of Christ, but the devil will tremble if you have the Christ, knowing the three fundamental problems.  You can only answer questions on the test if you know the question, not just the answer.  Sometimes they only memorize the answer but if the questions change, they cannot answer it.  You have to read the question to know the answer, but you can’t accurately read the question so you misread it.  “It’s because I lack diligence,” then the answer they find is, “More diligence,” and that’s their entire family line.

They will say, “This problem happened because they didn’t work hard enough,” so they work harder. “We aren’t nice enough, we should be nicer.”  There are some people who say the problems of mankind is that we need better personalities, but they still talk about Jesus.  But Jesus is not this person’s answer.  They may have received Christ as the answer, but it’s not the answer to life. You need to see the answer to life through the Word the Bible tells you. You have to see the world through the Word of God and give the answer from the Word of God.  But what happens if you only see Jesus Christ and not Satan, sin, and hell?  “I thought Christ was the answer but it wasn’t.” You’re just looking for different methods. But it’s these three things so that’s why it’s only Jesus Christ.  It’s rightful if you see that, then Christ is the obvious answer and the Kingdom of God will come upon you.

24 hours. Right now.  Not later, but right now, God is with you.  I’ve never seen a single smart person wait to do something tomorrow.  When that person goes to the next day, their “tomorrow” again will be “tomorrow.”  Right now because God is with you right now, you pray and enjoy this time.  Pastor Chung Eun Joo said he loves you so much because Rev. Ryu is losing meals and sleep, but Pastor Chung comfortably sits and concentrates on God, not tomorrow, but today and right now.  But if you’re sitting here with a blank mind, what will happen to you tomorrow? 

If your 24 hours are useless? You’re spending 24 hours on something else. You have to spend 24 hours with God, otherwise you cannot succeed. Rev. Ryu says, “If you have multiple tasks, minimize it to 1. Otherwise you cannot have 25 hours or eternity , either.”  There was something entrusted to someone overseas and they gave it to some other pastor, “He’s already doing too much.”  It’s the same for your job, 24.  You can’t just clock in your hours, that’s not a masterpiece. Just do 24 hours at work while you’re with God.

If you’re in the female ministry, do it 24 hours, otherwise it will be hard.  If you have a role and you’re not 24 hours, it will be hard, and you won’t have the ability so you’ll collapse.  God is with me and I must do my role, 24 hours, then I will have the answer.  This is eternal and that’s the mystery.

Young adults, listen carefully. They’re young so they do things with their strength.  But if they cannot do 24 hours, they have nothing. It’s the same with the work in the world. You must constantly remember.  I’m a 24-hour pastor.  That’s why when they asked me to give a message at RU, I said no. I have to concentrate on that.  I have to do this 24 hours. If I do both things haphazardly, nothing will work out.  24 hours. Because inside of this one thing, everything is relayed.  It seems like you’re doing this or that, but it’s all connected to one thing.

Imprint. The Word is nailed into us, and you can hook answers onto it.  We don’t receive answers according to our diligence, but if the Word is imprinted, we can overcome. But what we don’t understand is, before receiving the gospel, something is imprinted in us already, and that imprint has taken root and is the nature of my life.  One day, if a child feels, “I like stealing things,” that will be imprinted. “I like this,” so they go in that direction and becomes the nature that determines their life.

One day, someone is imprinted, “I like drugs,” and people are bound to go in the direction they like, and their nature will be in addiction. If you come to the conclusion that the Word of God is correct, that’s a tremendous blessing and the word of God is everything, “That’s true,” and answers will come depending on what’s nailed into you. If this is imprinted in you once, it has to go deeper for roots to bear later. If the roots are weak, the tree will live without bearing fruit, and when the storm blows, the tree will get knocked over.  You must have time to bear fruits.

The roots must be planted deep for the changing seasons. I keep telling the young adults to stop understanding, but become rooted. Just knowing it, you’re moving according to something else. The Word must be imprinted, and once it’s rooted down, the other things are healed.  Without a doubt, if you’re rooted down, then the fruits will naturally bear, just as a branch is connected to a vine, but our imprint, root, and nature is in our own diligence. That’s why moreso than rooting down in God’s Word, we have our ideologies, and we’re distant from God, lost in our limitations.   

Morning, daytime, and night. We’ll talk in the teacher’s departmental meeting.  It means to change yourself towards God. But you can’t do that with just the messages you’ve heard; you have to do this for 24 hours, how? Through prayer.  How can you be reading the Bible while you drive? You have to think about the Word you received through prayer, and that’s how you root down.  But the gospel is not satisfying to you, so instead of deeply holding onto this, you hold onto mysticism, legalism, and prosperity.  Imagine how hard it is to evangelize.  The Word of God must come into me to the point where it’s excreted out.

Matthew 24:14

This gospel has to be relayed to all nations for the end to come, but what’s imprinted in you is the Christ that came upon you.  But the Word of God tells you to proclaim this outwardly.  That’s when you go out into the world, you’re deceived, and it’s not aligned with God’s Word, so it’s hard when you go out into the world. When this Word is your imprint, root, and nature, you’ll see how God moves everything for this purpose.   Everything is moved for the proclamation of the gospel. But if you don’t have this, you force yourself and it’s hard, but it’s just part of the process of you becoming mature. These are the answers you will receive. That’s when you see everything.  If you go somewhere, you see with the standards of proclaiming the gospel. But you see something else, first? You’re not rooted so that’s why it’s so hard. 

Acts 1:8

Surely, God promised this, by the working and filling of the Holy Spirit, you will be a witness. Your diligence isn’t mentioned here. “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” your imprint, root, and nature must be within this Word.  Then these people are bound to pray because prayer isn’t just mumbling under your breath. Just holding onto this verse is prayer. If you’re holding onto God’s Word in your heart, you don’t have to open your mouth, but some people think they have to mutter something aloud to pray.

Prayer is a state where we hold onto the Word of God.  If you acknowledge God’s word and make it your own, that’s prayer.  But people don’t know what prayer is, so they think it’s about, “Give me this and that.”  When the Word of God becomes my imprint, root, and nature through prayer, I’ll be a witness of Jesus Christ.  Praying for the filling of the Holy Spirit to be a witness until the ends of the earth, I pray for the working of the Holy Spirit upon my field. That becomes my nature.  Then according to the word, God will give me the evidence and raise me as a witness.

“It’s working out,” or, “It’s not working out,” you’re an amateur, speaking out of your own experiences and not the Bible. “Evangelism is so hard,” but you’re saying the nature of the word of God is hard.  You have to say evangelism is good for everything to be restored. But you have to know everything flows in the direction of salvation. For those who have received that, God never told us to do anything. The Bible never told you to do anything, but everything moves centered on the proclamation of the gospel.

“You will be witnesses,” God says, “I will give you the evidence when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” and when the Word of God comes upon you, it becomes very easy.  All you do is prayer, and Rev. Ryu says prayer is everything. People who don’t understand the Word of God and evangelism won’t understand what that means.  If you don’t understand, then people will ask, “If we’re always praying, when do we evangelize?” You pray for the evangelism field, and that’s everything.

If you have the gospel but no prayer, then you have nothing. Prayer is to fulfill the word in me. “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” and it comes upon some people, not others.  Those who hold onto the promise will receive it, but it’s invisible, so people don’t believe it.  “You can pray about it,” they’re skeptical about prayer even though the Holy Spirit works.  Do you think the Holy Spirit stays still?  If you really believed in the fact that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you’ll receive power and be witnesses, what would you do?

People don’t pray so it means they don’t believe so you work a little according to your skill. That’s why when the accurate Word of God comes into you, you have the work of faith, and when you believe this, you’re bound to pray. It’s not that you’re not praying, but your state is such that you can’t pray.  Is the world hard?  Even if it is, God gives you the evidence.  The gospel was proclaimed in the Roman empire. 

We won’t take any breaks, but you must be rooted.  “What if I die?” You’re rooted in other things, not the Word of God.  If you’re really rooted down, you pray and the working of the Holy Spirit takes place, and then the forces of darkness are broken.  Do you really believe? Then you’re bound to pray in the field. Do you really believe?  “I do believe, but it’s just not my nature yet,” so the nature is important. Don’t say whether it’s taking place or not; God will work according to His Word.

Zechariah 4:6

It’s not by our might or power.  Doing it by our might is nonsense.  Apostle Paul failed in evangelism in a particular region of Athens, because he thought he could hit the philosophers with knowledge, they would be impressed.  But the Holy Spirit needs to work.  Temple Construction is just money? You just have to raise up the money?  Are we just a Chinese buying group that pools their money? This is the work God is doing, we cannot do this with our strength.  The best thing we can do is pray with our strength.

You can struggle as much as you want, but it doesn’t matter. Only by the power of God, in other words, it’s only possible when God works upon your business.  If you’re thinking, “Oh, God is working so I can just stay still,” that doesn’t make sense. Do everything with faith in God’s Word. Do offering in faith. Just giving offering, you’re just an ATM and no one is making any deposits. 

You put your faith regarding God’s will in your offering, why? Because God promised this to me and I give this as a sign of faith. That’s the answer of the economy of light.  Because I put my offering in the covenant, God will give me the economy of light.  It’s not about gathering might, money, or dogs. It’s not about numbering the people. God never told us to meet like that, or to make a conglomerate.  God says, “I am doing this and the sign of your faith is your offering,” then God does the work.

Psalm 23

If you have the LORD as your shepherd, nothing is a problem to you. Everyone has been to church and has heard this verse, but it’s not imprinted in you. When you hear about this, you face a circumstance, and this is your nature? Then it doesn’t matter what you face; the LORD is still your shepherd.  It doesn’t matter. But someone who is not rooted in this, the diseases of their heart will come out as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, just like the Scientology director who’s full of rage.

Life itself is anger, I woke up mad one time, and my mom asked, “Why do you sleep with such an angry expression?” I was mad without a reason to be mad; that’s a spiritual problem.  My daughter gets mad a lot. When I realized this, I realized the spiritual things are so accurate.  She always gets in trouble because of her attitude when she’s frustrated.  I told her, “Be careful, this is how the devil works in our family line.”  If you have this anger or wrath, even if you’re staying still, it comes out. Most people get offended when someone curses at them, but you stay still and are angry? You’re seized. You can’t get out of this with education.  If the weather is bad, you’re mad; that’s just how your life flows.

At that time, I’ll wake up in the morning and my spiritual state isn’t able to meditate? But I go out into the mountains and I like it so much. Even now, every day I wake up in the morning and it’s not because I’m a pastor, but I tasted this every day. Some pastors complain about Early Morning prayer but that’s how I receive strength and healing.  Even now, when I go to Korea, many assistant pastors say the kids aren’t praying nowadays.  I said, “Well, when I learned under you, I prayed so much and received so much grace.” But nowadays, assistant pastors in Korea say the kids don’t pray because they’re always on the internet. You have to taste this because otherwise they’ll go in this direction.

Nowadays my wife is telling me to speak more softly. I speak normally but she tells me to lower my voice because I have a fiery temper.  That’s how I lived my whole life.  Am I like that right now? Am I aggressive?  My wife just says, “Speak a little more softly,” and I am. That’s just my nature. 


God, we thank You.  May the evangelist’s lifestyle become our imprint, root, and nature.  Let us walk the seven great journeys within God. 


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