Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 62 “Mission” (Isaiah 6:13, 43:12; Luke 24:47-48, Acts 1:8, 2:32, 3:15; Heb. 12:1-3, 1 Pet. 5:1)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Lifestyle of the Evangelist – 62 “Mission” (Isaiah 6:13, 43:12; Luke 24:47-48, Acts 1:8, 2:32, 3:15; Heb. 12:1-3, 1 Pet. 5:1)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Joyce Jo

Only Christ

In Bible study, you understand terms with your head but that’s it.  Realistically, Satan is working.

Satan, Sin – Curse, Separation – Authority of Hell

We can say “3 S Problem,” but nothing will happen from this. Through this we have “only Christ,” so don’t just do Bible study. We need to have this only answer to the realistic problems of the field. 


People are under sin and suffer from curses as you reveal the law, they have no recollection or insight about Satan.  They only have this idea that they’re a child of God; how could they have “only Christ”? It doesn’t matter for anyone, it doesn’t matter what state the other person is in.  You need to be able to diagnose this.  You need to do this yourself in the field.  You can’t just do this with the knowledge you have; you’ll only relay knowledge in the field a couple of times.

“My parents are Christian,” but it doesn’t matter. People think if they’re Christian, that’s it, but that’s not so.  They’re still under the law so they cannot come out from the law just because they’re Christian.  There was one girl who said her parents are Christian, but I said, “Does it matter? I’m not saying to look down on them, but does that fact save you? No, it is Christ Who saves you. Your family problems are solved through only Christ, they aren’t solved just by going to church.”

As I heard their words, they talked about the law.  When you think of the law, you think of Christians, but that’s not it.  Even the Jewish people and Pharisees had the law, but they didn’t believe in Christ.  The curse of the law came upon the children and this led to a child committing murder, and that’s no ordinary thing.  “You are committing a life of sin, you’re not listening,” so the child ends up full of anger and wrath.  The result was murder.  Even though they taught about Christ and God, it led to murder.

They only know Christ in their head, but only Christ is the realistic answer to all their problems.  There’s no other answer than this. In Sedona, the pastor was doing ministry well, but after this incident with Moses, why did they entrust it with us? Because the problems of the family aren’t clear.  What happens then? The person with this answer must share the answer. It’s not that we’re doing something better. I’ve never been able to meet them. Laura told me the situation of the family and I caught on.

Both parents were Christians, and when you relay the word, they say they understand because they’re Christian, so you cannot save them with just Bible study.  What is the problem your husband or child has?  You have the way to solve it.  They went to church and knew the Bible, but you must ask, “Do you know the answer with the word regarding the problems in my family?” 

You can say the Bible verses without them being answers.  You need to give them the answer in the Bible verse to the problem that Moses and his family face.  By giving the Bible verse, the kid will just think it’s nagging.  Then that’s over.  Christ, then it’s the Kingdom of God.  Through the Word, answered prayer, and the work of salvation, God will bring this about.  Then only the Holy Spirit. Through only Christ, there is no problem.  He is fulfilling all things for His greater good.  Although your is in prison, there is a greater blessing that God changes this into.  This is hope for the parents because the parents were in great despair.  If you face a great problem and fall into it, how can you say you’re a Christian? Hold onto Christ.  We’re going there, it’s not because we have some certain knowledge or experience, but God gave us the grace so we go. Do not misunderstand, we’re not doing something great, but no one knows about this. you know this as knowledge and can recite it and everything, but you must have the fundamental basis  of knowledge. If you don’t know then how can you do this? 

Legalism is completely seizing your family; how can you give the answer without knowing the problem?  Don’t try to do something but look at it and examine it carefully.  When you do this, you’ll understand why this problem had no choice but to come, and you can give the answer.  Why do I keep repeating this? People think they know, just because they know the words. If knowing the words is everything, we can end this with Bible study.  But why must we go into the field? So we’re able to know the real problem and see how Christ is the real answer to that. 

If you just know the theory of swimming without ever going into the water, they won’t be able to actually swim because they only have knowledge. They know it in their head, their stroke and what to do, so they’re a genius in that sense, but if they can only swim in a lake, they can’t swim in the ocean, so if they’re there, they say, “I can’t do this.”

Some people don’t believe because they believe in science, but we have spiritual science.  Christ is continually this answer, the spiritual science.  There is a physical science and a spiritual science as well. It’s the same Christ, but in various fields and circumstances, Christ is still the answer. What must you do to acknowledge? You need God’s power and strength.  “Pastor, I’m ill,” but God gave you that illness for you to know Christ.  It’s not that you did anything wrong but God is trying to reveal blessings to you, so you need to understand Christ correctly.  As you continue to go out  into the field, God will continue to give you the answer regarding the field but you need to first know the person well.  You need to really get to know the other person. You can’t just meet them on the street but get to know them on a personal level.  Of course, if it’s God’s time schedule for salvation, you happen to pass by them, you may receive it, but we must be able to understand fully. That’s how you give the answer to them. 

I was in a taxi and relayed all the answers so the taxi driver could hear, and she said her husband has the same problem.  She said all sorts of things, she wanted to divorce many times, and many things happened, so I told her, the real problem is that she must pray in the name of Jesus Christ so the evil spirits don’t seize her and her husband, and this resonated.  Apparently this husband’s dad made idols and the brother also has an inferiority complex and had scars, so Satan seized the family completely.  She said she went to church for 17 years but wasn’t trained to see her husband’s problem correctly.  So, she does taxi driving and tell other people to go to the church but she doesn’t have the answer to relay the answer.

Does evangelism take place or not? It is a situation where evangelism has no choice but to take place.  Evangelism isn’t something you can do by planning a strategy or method, You’ll be heading out to camp, so don’t just go out into camp but you need to be able to assess and really understand and get to know the person. Make it so that the children are able to see the field. Have the children seen anything? No, they haven’t seen how Christ is the answer and is working. They know Christ theoretically but it’s not Christ Who is the answer in the field.  They live in the field but they need to be able to experience Christ realistically in their lives.  Try to get to know the other person well. Start with your own testimony. Just like the taxi driver in Sedona.  When we go out, don’t just go amongst the remnants, but attach yourself to a church officer because they know a lot about the field.  Train the kids to try sharing the message.  They need to do it for it to work, that is how they’ll experience Christ that works in the field, not just the Christ they hear about, but the Christ who works in the field.  Raise them to be able to share the message and to stand behind them.

If you go in pairs, one will share and the other prays in the background.  So we’re going out into the field to realistically see how Christ is dying in the field, we do this to have a taste of this, don’t think this is everything that evangelism encompasses, but this is the role we have taken on as a church in this region, but if you think of this as everything, you won’t be able to save. 

We’re going out in a time that is right for us, within the vicinity entrusted to us with the Word. According to our center, God has prepared people in the field.  If you’re going out to play, you’ll only bring people who want to play and have nothing to do with the gospel.  Because according to our center, God will take away people in the field or attach them to you. That’s science. Depending on your center, the results will differ, and that’s science. 


God, we thank You.  May the life of the evangelist of only Christ become our answer, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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